Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 28, 1899, Image 1

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    Btuto Hist Librarian boololjr
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J Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic ColleRO. ' ,
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All rfliids ot work In our lice done
promptly and In first-class order. . Bed
Sbjp on the corner , west of ifao hose
bouse. Give us a trial.
New Grand Central Livery and
Feed Barn ,
New ig ! * and good tcr.mB. Mcec reasonable
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Oinceover Hyorson'sifRrocery. Realy
Gtb house west of Baptist church.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the Burling
ton and Globe Hotels Telephone con
nection. Headquarters of Callnwny
Bingo line , Single and double rigs.
Rstea reasonable.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
The Gold King ,
January 5th 1000.
Cannon City coal ot Dierka
Lumber Co.
WANTED Good nnvy brans ,
Cell on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaccine.
Robt. Birnoy spent Christmas at
Grand Island with his parents.
Chaplain Mailly is in the oity
the guept of members of Co. M.
Carnegie hnfl donated $75,000 to
the city library fund of Lincoln ,
Now is the time to renew your
subscription to tbo REPUBLICAN.
E. M. Coleman , of Merna , waa a
friundly visitor at this office Tues
The REPUBLICAN and both thu
illustrated and Weekly Bee for
* 2 45.
The REPUBLICAN and Inter Ocean
for $1.50. The REPUBLICAN and
State Journal for $1 85.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler of Lincoln
spent Christmas in tbo city , the
guests of E II. Porooll and family.
Foil SALE Twenty aero farm ,
ono milo of Broken Bow ; buildlngp ;
good well. Enquire at this office.
Jan. Coanor and wife went to Co-
aid Thursday on a visit , returning
Tueafday They report a fine time.
J.L Walker of Walworth was a
oity vipitor Tuemlay. The RKPUB-
LICAN acknowledges a welcome call.
Fresh homemade bread for sale
at Fa.mer's Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
Mr. and Mrs. Stemler , of Hum
boldt , spent Christmas in the city ,
the guests-of Mr and Mrs. J. S
Miss Verda Thorpe's school at
Prairie Center gave an entertain
ment Friday night at'tho olose of
the first terra
Mesdames Day , Armour and Par *
uienter will give a novelty aooable
at the residence of Dr. Day Friday
evening Deo. 99. All are invited.
A client offers $300 mortgage ,
duo $100 each year , at 7 per cent ,
secured on 100 acres , Cupter Co ,
for $ a75 cash. 1 WILLIB CADWBLL
Rev. J. S. Hadden will occupy
the pulpit in the Baptist ohuroh
Sunday morning and evening , in
the absence of Rev. Megan , who
will attend tbo Fifth Sunday ranee-
ing with the Second Eudoll church.
Is the only republican newspaper published in Broken Bow
and it up to date with news at the County Seat. It is
the oldest paper in the county , and having the largest cir
culation it is the
published in Caster county. The subscription price is only
IDolletx *
As an inducement to all in arrcare or new subscribers who
pay a year in advance , we w'll furnish the
from the first of January FREE. This is a farm journal
in which all farmers , gardeners and house keepers would
be interested.
with the Inter Ocean , Bee , Journal and other papers. Ad.
dress ,
The Ouster County Republican ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
* *
J. R. Maupin and wife , of Volis-
a , Iowa , are visilino ; in the city
with their parents , Mr and Mrs. T.
. Maupin.
M. E. Sohnoringor , treasurer *
loot , has moved to the oity. lie
will occupy the residence property
f Dr. R. B. Mullina.
Rev. J. II. Woods and wife , of
tlason Oity , are visiting in the oity
bis week , the guests of A. G.
3ookhaokor and Inmily.
G. T. Robinson and wife wont to
3ranc ) Island Saturday to visit the
amily of their brother R , L Rob-
naon. They returned Tuesday
G. L Lang , of Lenox , Ii wa , who
me been visiting his sons , Warren
nd Horace in this county far the
mat five weeks , returned home last
Avalo Vannioe came up from
Grand Island Friday night , where
IB is atlundintj college , to spend thu
loliday vacation at home. Ho is
lighly pleased with the school.
Minnie and Ama Amsberry ,
laughters of ye scribe , who an-
caching at Round Groyo and Dun
uing respectively , are spending
heir vacation at homo this week.
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
3ow is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms arc all going and
) rioes are commencing to advance
apidly. J.G.Brenizor.
Holiday rntua via the Burlington
Route , Deo. 23 , 24 , 36 , 30 , 31
and Jan. 1 , between stations not
more than 200 miles apart. Liberal
return limit. See nearest agent.
The "Week of Prayer" will bo
observed in the Presbyterian church
during the first week of Jan. Meet-
ngs will begin on Monday night.
Lvory person who desires , come.
0. P. Perley is closing out his
entire business and offering great
) argaius in groceries , dry goods ,
clothing , boots and shoes , farm
mplemente , wagons , buggies , etc.
Rev. J. W. Megan will commence
a series of meetings in the King
school house Monday nioht Jan.1st
1000. All who can make it conve
nient are cordially invited to attend.
Ex-Gov. Furnas , of Brownville ,
was married on Christmas day to
Mrs. S E. Jamison. She was fifty
rears old on the date of her mar-
lago. Furnas is in his seventy
ifth year.
Oh say , have you seen any of my
stamp pictures ? If not , call and
see them iu our window , Rumcrn-
) or the place , 2d door south of
3ank of Commerce.
The cbancea for Goebel to unseat
3ov. Taylor in the legislature of
Kentucky are not very flattering , aa
number of the democrats from
whom he had hoped to receive sup
port are not with him.
MAKBTBD At the residence of
the officiating minister , in Berwyn
: ownahip , on Deo. US , 1800 , Mr.
Tom Birtwell and Miss Emma
Winch , both of Ouster county.
The indications are at the pres
ent time that Quay will lack four
of having enough votes of being
seated when his case comes up.
The probabilities are that the re-
quir"d number will bo hard for him
to got.
The date of the Gold King has
been set for Jan. 5th 1000 The
favorite of last year with addition
of now specialties by tbo beat local
talent : not a stale thing in the lot
Remember the date. "Prices 10 , 20 )
and SOots.
Senator-elect Olark , of Montana ,
is yet liable to find that hia seat in
the senate ia not a sure thing. His
attorney , John B. Wellcome , who
waa charged with bribery in secur
ing Clark's election to the senate
has boon disbarred by the Montana
supreme court.
There will bo a mass meeting of
the A nti-Saloon League at the M
E. church in this oity on Sunday
Dec. Si , at 3 p m. The nicling
will be addreabod by Rev. Horna
day , with perhapH supplementary
remarks by others.
DIKD Little Inofl Rosetta , two
weeks old , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Gibbons , ni LomaxNeb.
Doc 22 , Mr. and Mr P. Gibbon
have the heartfelt sympathy of al
who know them , The following
lines aae composed for the inemorj
of little Ines ;
Ltttle Inos w i onr darling , acnt here on cart'
'or ns to love ,
Bat the ingeU th j hfiTO called her to ( but bean
lifal borne aim * .
Evangelist D. L Moody died at
his borne at Northtiold , Mass. , Fri
day of last week , the result of sick *
noas contracted about a month ago
while holding a series of meetings
at Kansas Oity. Hia funeral was
Hold Tuesday of this week.
T. he Golden plot of the Goldou
King sot with the jewels of song ,
dance etc will bo n present your
wife , sweetheart or daughter will
enjoy for many a day. Come out
nnd expect a genuine tnirpriso and
deut forget the date. Seata ou
bale at the usual places.
Ed Myers , wbilo attending a
shooting mutch at Georgetown last
Friday , accidently discharged his
gun and shot off the end of his
great too on the right foot. Ho is
now able to bo around , and consoles
himself-that he "got two turkeys. "
But he is not willing to give an.
other toe for two more.
A novelty sociable will be given
at the homo of Dr. Day Friday
evening , by Mesdumos Day , Armour
and P.umentor. Refreshments will
be served , The bill of fair will bo
from one to ( orty seven cents. The
proceeds will bo used to buy a carpet
for the Baptist ohuroh. The patron *
age of the public is solicited.
bnow to the depth of about two
inches at this writing , Wednesday
afternoon , covers the ground. Snow
began falling Tuesday morning
and continued to fall mout of the
time until this afternoon , but as
the weather 10 warm the greater
portion of it moltod. Those that
have sleighs are out today making
good use of them.
Thu ladioa of the M. E. church
will give a grand Now England
dinner on N6w if ears , iu the VVildo
building. Come and cat all you
can for 25 cents. Roast turkey ,
boiled chicken and gravy , cranberry
anuco , mince pie , pumpkin pie , and
everything that goe.3 with a fine
dinner. Come and see how wo are
going to live in 1000.
Christmas exorcises wore observ
ed by all the Sunday schools of the
uty Saturday night. A plonsant
and profitable time is reported at
each. Monday waa generally ob
served by the people , including the
merohate , whioh gave the day very
much the appearance of Sunday ,
with the absence of tbo ring of the
church bolls. Several improved the
opportunity by remembering the
poor in a commendable way.
L l ua see , 0 and 1 nioro make
10 ; 00 and 1 more make 100 ; it
takes 100 years to make a century ;
wo now bavo rounded up 1800
years , one more year will make
1000. If the above computation is
true this century will not bo com *
pioted until Deo. 81 , IS o'clock p.
m. , 1000 , whioh is the beginning of
Jan. 1 , 1001. Yet there are those
who continue to speak of the end of
this year as being the end of the
present contury.
The Christmas tree entertainment
at the Baptist ohuroh Saturday night
was a highly creditable affair. A tree
well loaded with toys , candies nnd
uuta for the children waa the main
attaotion , yet a fine literary enter ,
tainment waa rendered whioh waa
very much appreciated by old and
young. The exerciser reflected
credit on both the pupile participa
ting and the programo commmittoo
who had the work in chrgo.
J. C , Mauliok has purchased
property at Seneca , Kansas , and
expects to move there the first of
next week. Wo understand that
his nnw purchase is a fine home ,
well improved , and that it is well
sot in fruit troes. Mr. Mauliok has
boon identified with Broken Bow
from its early history , and it ia with
regret his many friends learn that
he bus decided to leave ua. The
best wishes of the REPUBLICAN go
with him and Mrs. Mauliok , and we
hope they may not bo disappointed
in their now home , They have
cold their homo hero to Dr. C , L.
The fall term of the King school
District No. 82 , closed on last Fri
day , Dec. 22. The following pro
gram was rendered by the school
Song , by school ; recitation , Jcssio
Burt ; recitation , Roy Plullipn ; reo
itation , Julia Vistrup ; song. Mils
Whalov ; reoitntion , Clara Wind-
nn lo ; reoitntion , Rlanoho Burt
recitation , Edna Phillips ; recitation
Stowrt Bready ; song by school
recitation , Ama L Bready ; recita
tion , Millie J , Winduagle * aong
Miss Whalny ; recitation , Esthu
West ; closing song , No. 102 , Pen-
taooHtal hymn book. Ama Broady
Laura Vintrup , B'ttiixhc ' Burt , com
mittee. Mua Adda Whaley , Teacher
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc tfic crcat t
mcnaccrs to health of the present day.
_ _ _ ftOVAl DAKINQ POWCtB CO. , SEW > 0 1K.
Re > v. J. S. lladdou baa Bold his
personal property with the view of
moving to southern California , in a
couple of weeks , During Mr. and
MrH.Uaddon'u residence hero they
have in nil o many warm friends who
regret very muuh to have thorn leave
In society and ohuroh oirolos whore
they hnvu been quite prominent and
efficient workers they will bo greatly
missed * The boat wishes of their
many friends of Broken Bow and
vicinity will accompany thorn to
their now homo.
The Omaha Boo announces another
colored edition of its illustrated
paper. The illustrated Boo ia the
handsomest and most lutorcatiug
paper published in the west , and no
one should miss a Christmas issuo.
For your susoriptiou to the Illtiatrat-
tfritlH Mlinrlnv Itnn Itrttli Trki * ftQ fin
i year , or to the Illustrated and
Weekly Boo both for $1.60 a year.
Begin with the Christmas issue ,
G. B. Greenwood , one of the
pioneer settlers of Clear Creek , died
uddonly Saturday night i Ansloy ,
while at the supper table. lie was
"n his usual health apparently when
10 took his place at the tablo.
"rVhon naked if ho would have oof *
oo ho answered iu the affirmative ,
whioh were the hint worda ho spoke.
Io was buried Tuesday at Woator-
-illo beside his daughter , the twin
inter of Mrs. E. J. Powell , uow of
Jaraohuto , Colorado.
Thu deoeasod was born May 30 1817 ,
n Lee Now York , and was married
oRoona Crawford of SullivanNew ,
York , July 28 , 1842. To them wore
born thirteen children , of whom
ight are loft to mourn his domibo ,
hrco of whom reside in Ouster Co. ,
Mrs. M. J. Noorian , Broken Bow ,
Mrs Margaret Spoucor , Borwynand
Mra Emma Henderson , Douglas
Grove. Lie moved to Aurora , Ilia ,
u 1856 , to Iowa in 1857 , from Iowa
o Nebraska in 1870. lie was
D hia eighty second year and
vould have boon eighty-three had
he lived until the 30th of next
May. Ho waa in comfortable oir-
aumatanoes and haa not been comt
oiled to work for hia support for
wonty years. Besides notes and
Credits of several hundred dollars
and a farm , ho had between $000
and $700 iu cash.
TAI.BOT jEWitT-At tbti residence ot tbo brld 'n
parents , Obrlitmus ulgtit V. O- Talbot and
Mle Kva Jowott. Key. Hallley , late ctiaplaln
ot tbo let Neb llcglment , officiating ,
The bride is the oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jewott , and
me boon deputy post mistress un
der her father since hu has had
charge of the office hero. She la a
young lady of culture and refine
ntint , and numbers an her admiring
friends her entire acquaintance.
The groom is the younger son of
Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Talbot. lie is
a druggist by profession and until
the opening of the American-Span
ish war was the efficient clerk in
Haoberlo'fl drug store. As Lieuten
ant of the Holoomb Guards ho en
listed with his company in the U.S.
service , whore ho waa commissioned
aa First Lieutenant of company M
of thu 1st Nebraska regiment. In
the absence of the captain of the
company ho officiated aa captain
until about the 1st of February ,
1800 , when ho was promoted to the
rank of captain of company G. , in
which capacity he served with dis
tinction until the regiment was
mustered out. He was the late
candidate for sheriff on the repub
lican ticket , and was only short
eighty-two votes of election. He
IH now engaged in the cattle busi
ness and already has a fine bunch of
cattle aa a beginning. The wed
ding wan a quiet affair , only the
immediate members of the two
families being present. The RE
PUBLICAN extends congratulations
to Mr. and Mia. Talbot on their
now relations , and wishes thorn
many yoara of useful , happy and
prosperous livoa together ,
Joss Gundy haa at all tiiuea on
lia ranch , six miloa aouthw at of
broken Bow stock cattle for sale.
Terms made oil application. tf
Try Wilson Bros , for all kindi
of hard and soft coal , and see if
they do not merit auuh favors in
quality , weights and price. s98 4t
Horses andMulet Wanted.
I will bo at Kennedy's Barn in
Broken Bow Saturday , December
30. Bring in your mules and horse *
and got the highest market price.
2t. A. B *
Cattle For Sale.
One thousand head of ono , two
and throe year old steers also eight
hundred head of stook oattlo. For
particulars enquire of W. C. Greg
ory , tf.
Applications for -half faro per
mits for the year 1900 will bo re
ceived , and clergymen arc urged to
make their applications at onoo.
H. L. Onusnr. Local Act.
The First National Bank of
Broken Bow , located at Broken
Bow , iu the State of Nebraska , is
olosing up its affairs. All note
aoldros and others , creditors of
said association , arc therefore hereby
notified to present the notes and
other claims against the association
for payment. Dated Oot. 23 , 1800.
11. H. G. ROGERS , Cashier.
A. W. Drake's holiday goods are
arriving. Come and BOO him for toya
pictures , frames , easels , screens , our *
tain rods , poles , trimmings eel.
Universal low priooa on dishes ,
gasswaro , china cups and sauoora
outlory. and spoons , rockers , oontor-
tables couches and iron bods.
Throe doors south -of Bank of
Commerce , west side of square.
Resolution *
The following resolutions woio
drawn up by the Ministerial Asso
ciation of Broken Bow :
Whereas , Rev. W.H.D.Hornaday
a brother mmator fools that ho ia
called to the wor. * of Temperance ,
under the auspices of the auti aalooa
league 1t , and is soon to leave our com
munity , the ministers of Brokoa
Bow desire to express their appieoi *
ation of Bro. Horaaday and of hia
very successful work iu the Episco
pal Methodist ohuroh of Broken
Bow. He haa built up a strong
oougregration , made it the strongest
in i the oity. His labors apeak to
every one who views the beautiful
ohuroh edifice he has ereoted by his
tiroloHB efforts. The Methodist
ohuroh in Broken Bow is a monument
ment of hia work
Ho has boon a zealous worker in
the cause of temperance , for good
municipal government , for the Sun
day school work of Cantor county.
We desire to recommend Bro.
Hornaday J to the churches of Nob.
whore-over ho may labor , , and pray
the blessing of God may attend hit
efforts. J. W. MEQAK , President.
T. B. MoDoNNALD , Secretary.
The REPUBLICAN offers the boat
latcs on subscription you oan got
anywhere. See our prices.
The Illustrated Boo
Tlio WeoUlr Bee < . . . . . . . ; . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " < *
Tbo Inter Ocean 1.00
Tue Parm Journal „ . . 1.00
The Globe Democrat l.W
Tbo Toledo Blade 1.00
The Itepubllcan „ . . „ . . 1.00
Wo will furnish you the whole
list one year for $3.05.
Or we will give you
The Republican and Illustrated and Weekly
Ho for & . >
Tbo Ilopubllcan and Inter Ocean for l.W
Too Itopubllcau uud Globe Democrat for. . . . l.W
Tbo Itopabllcin andToUdo Bladofor _ l.W
To anyone who accepts any of
the above offers between now and
the first of January , 1000 , we will
give the Farm Journal for five
years fee ; or to anyone who paya
up. Now is your timo.
Watch for the Christmas iaauo of
the Omaha IllustratodBeo ( , sixteen
pages and a beautiful colored cover.
Tbo Omaha Bee has spared no
expense in preparing a Christmas
feast for its readers in its Christmas
isauo of the Omaha Illustrated See.
The cover will bo in colors , and ,
taken as a whole , although it seems
hard to believe , it will surpass in
beauty most of the eastern maga *
ziues. The Bee never does thtaga
by halves , 8w.