acket Store ForHolid and Christmas i'reBentn at the Store that linn BARGAINS for wide awnko buyers. Santa Olaus rooommondB us to the public. Our Holiday Stock es all now and up-to-date , consisting of Photo liuv your Holiday Good * Ohhmwnre Glanswaro Silk Mufflers , Tics , Silk Handkorohiofa , Hand Sleds , Tope , IlornB , Etc- Our prices are the low- , Album ? Aiilo Albums. Hemp Alt lime , Toilet CnscB , Book , Games , Dolls , Olouku , LampsDIUIUB , , B . Youra for , of jjooil "eolith n d. Cuijio and'make ) our elections and the Judge. We know we never offered more for the money than wo do at the present time. No trouble to show gooda. Good Goods nt-Lowi'Bt 1'rioeH , Broken Bow Neb. THE EACKET STOEE. S. E. Corner Square , , . AN Ol'BN liIJTTKH. OrlandaTefTt , Clio rmin Itepubllcnn State Cen- trnl Committee , Ma < cs nn Appeal to Qov. t'cynter to dj ilia Duty. Oov.W.A. POYNTKK , LincolnNeb DKAK SIR : In the death of Senator Usiyward the state has suffered a loss which can scarcely be expressed in words. A man of grand character , he halt ! . ; en deared himself to the people by his sterling integrity and devo tion to principle. The people have lost their chosen-representa tive just when in the ordinary course of affairs he would have been entering upon the discharge of his duties. Probably at no election for United States senator in this state was the choice of the people so faithfully responded to by the legislature as by his election as senator. The issue before the people in the election of the leg islature was distinct and well de fined , and resulted in the dclibqr- ate choice of a republican major ity in the legislature , the electors fully understanding that it meant the representation of this state in the United States senate by a re publican for six years. I believe , governor , that you fully assent to the proposition that when the electors of the state have deliber ately passed upon a question that their wish should be respected , and that there can be no plainer duty for a public officer thanas far aslies in his power , to 'see that their expressed wish should receive full fruition. Speaking for the republican organization of the state , I ask you , in View of the foregoing facts , to appoint some reputable republican to , lill the oflice which death has made vacant , or call the legislature to gether for the purpose of filling the vacancy. By this action , governor , you would establish yourself as a broad , fair minded man , with a high conception of duty , a man who could rise above mere partisanship and act along the higher lines of statesmanship and fidelity to the interests of the whole people. I have the honor to be governor , Yours very respectfully , OKI.ANDO TKFIT , Ch'n. The populists have built up their party upon the claims that the will of the masses shall rule , instead of political leaders , in all matters of public interest. The question of whether a republican or populist should represent Ne braska in the United States sen ate was passed upon by the voters in the fall of 18J8 , and when the question wj s submitted they very emphatically expressed I themselves in favor of sending ji republican to the senate to rcp- fobuut them. Both branches of II the legislature were strongly re publican. While Goy. Poyntcr can not , from his political posi tion , appoint a republican to suc ceed the late M.L. Ilayward , he can exercise his executive power in calling the legislature together fpr the express purpose of choos- itig Senator Hayward's successor ; To do less will not only be a plain violation of the will of the people of the state , but would be con trary to advocated principles of his party. i ] Notice to M D. A. Members. S All m inborn are requested to bo present at the next regular mooting ot the lodge Friday afternoon , Doo. a2d , at 2 o'olock. Oilheis will be re-elected-for the insuing year. D. M. AiiBiiKiuiY , Soo'y. Notice The members of iho T.B. U. arc urged to attend the regular mooting of the ledge on Tuesday ovouinq , Dtioemboa 10th. Election of olli- oor's for iho ensuing year will bo had at that timo. J.R. TICAOAIIDKN , Chief. Letter List. Following in the dead letter list for week nnding Den. r > , 1809 : Mrs. E. J. i'eimcll. Miss K. I , . 8\vnrx. ( Parlies calling for the above ploabo 8ay adveriiscd. i L. II , JBWKTT , P. M , EslrayXotlco. Talcou up by E. nL. Perry , two miles and a half west of Merna , Nov. 28 1800/ono rod oow about four years old , branded on right hip and ono spotted calf tmokiug the o 'w , also branded with fish brand . - - - oil-right hip. E ; L. * Pimuv. A Double Murder At Otle a. F.L , Diaraore , of Odessa , Buffalo county , killed hia wife and Fred Luu on Monday night of last week. It seems from Lau'a wifp , who has made a confession , that Dismoro had beooino infatua'od with nor , and aa oho would not taavo her bus baudand , go with him , ho killed his own wife and Fro.l Lau , hop ing thereby to got Mrs. Lau to join him. Dismoro is a profoasion- al hypnotist , and Mre. Lau claims tint she has been under his power .fornix months. Dismoro and Mrs. Lau are both under surest. It is thought Mr * . Luu will bo piveri her liberty. Disraoro was taken fromKearney to North Platte jail for fear of a mob The Dinner's open inJirn the Penman , " one of the strongest so flioty plays of modern times , Clubbing Hates. The RBPUHMOAN oilers the boat tales on Hubaoription you oan got anywhere. See our prices. TUoltluitratt-il Uco 92.00 > The WcoUy Den 05 The Inter Ocean - 1.00 Tiif Fftrra Journal l.OC The Olobo Democrat 1.00 The Toledo Illado 1.00 The Ucpnbllcan > . . . 1.00 ivies Wa will furnish you the whole list ono yoav for $3.05. Or we will give you The Itapuullc&u and Illustrated and Wnolcly Uoi for $1.40 The Itepubllcan nnd Inter OCMII for 1.60 Tne Republican ami Ulobo Democrat for . . . 1.60 The Itotiubllcan and Toledo Blade tor 1.00 To anyone who aooOta | any of the above oilers between now and the first of January , 1QOO , wo will give iho Farm Journal for flve years f oe ; or to anyone who pays up. Now is your lirno. Clergymen. Applications for .bilf faro pop mils for tin year 1000 will bo ro ooived , and olorgymcu are urged to moko their applications at once. II. L. OitMSUY. , Local Agt. Omaha , December Oth , 1688 The result of Iho Burlington' * * Photographic Pmo Contest is as fallows : FIRST I'lti/u $30. P. Sodorborg , Button , Nob. SECOND rui/.E $10. W.T. Oaldwflll , Allianw , Nob. KOUU PJ117.B3 OK $5 EACH. II A Kufua , Ravenna , Neb ; 0 V Cross , Geneva , Neb ; W C Elwood , Troy , Kans ; M A Ellingaon , Oam- bridge , Neb , IIONOUAULU MENTION. Louis R Bostwiok , Omaha , Neb ; Mm W II Ellison , llobron , Neb ; Art S Steele , Oborliu , Kans ; Tyson & Iliac , Nebraska City , Neb ; Mrs Jamas 'Anderson , Loomis , Neb ; F J Dell , Burwe ) ! , Neb ; W Ifi Thorno , Bladon , Neb ; Miss Anna M Knozt Ohiowa , Neb ; Frank Rotholl , Crab Orchard , Neb ; A J Bowie Central City , Neb ; W B Sandy , Elwood , . Neb ; Mra A F Cameron , Cheater , ' Neb ; A F Webster , . Beaver City , Neb ; Miss Roao Bailer , Trentoft , Neb ; Mrs Luoy E Cam * , Coutoal Uity , Nob. "In all 340 photogKvpha were submiltod. At least aOO-wort 'of unusual merit , either on account ofjho interesting character- off tfao subject or because of the fidelity aVd skill with" which it xa * ropro duuod. Checks will bt ; mailed sue oeasful contestants iu thn course of a day'.brttwok - J. FIU.NOIS , Gen. PasaoEger Agont. A. W. Drake's holiday goods ore arriving. Coma and BOO him for toys pictures , frames , easels , screens * onr tain rods , poles , trimmings cot. Universal low prices ou diahctj , gasswaro , china cups and saucers cutlery , and spoons , rookerrs , oonrer- tables couches and iron bods. Three doors south -of Baok'of Commerce , woat side of qunro. "Watch for the Christmas iBema of the Omaha Illu8tratodBoe , , aixtotm pages and a.beautiful colored cover. The Omaha Boo ban apared no expense iu preparing u ChriatmaB feast for its reader"m ita Christinas isauo of the O.naha Illustrated Bee. The iiovor will ha iu oolorfl , and , taken aa a whole , although it seeraa hard to believe , it will surpass in beauty moat of the waatern maga zines. The lieo never does thingu by halves. 9w. WANTEU-Soveral persontor Olatrlc olliou mauiiRors In ibis stale * to represent mo in their own and surrounding coun ties Willing to pay yearly $000 , par able weekly. Desirable tmploycaent with uniiHial opportunities. Referon. cesexutiaogdd. Eosloaei lolf.nilareeood stamped envelopeS. . At Park non Caxton Ilnildlug , Chlcaao. ' 11 30-2qt. MARKIiT REPORT. \Vh-ut , 4 c Hurley ! .lc O&U , . 'J5c Corn , , , , . . . . .2lo Itjo , 30" llultor , i > 0c UKKS . . . , eoo I'utttoof 23c Onions MO Otilckoiu ii.ODtoii.95 Hos 3.4S Cowx 3.25 Blears 4.00 Turkey * . ' Oc I'rntrlo CUIckeii 2r e ( Ju ll per doa , 7T > o btrow , lOc cwt H y. . , . . , 4.00 per ton The Bittner Thcalnoal Co. IB the best dramatic organization that over visited Broken Bow. 800 tbo correction in Frazlor'a notion thin week aa bin gallery IH south , instead of north of the Bank of Commerce. A. 0. U. W. officers elected. At the regular mooting of tbo A O. U. W- lodge Tuesday night , ibo lolloping oflioors ware elected for tuo onauaing year : M. W. , lolin ROOHO ; Foreman A. R. ilumphery ; Ovofaour Fred Hayes ; llocordor , W. li. Eaatham ; Troaeurer J. S Bai3oh ; Finannior Fred Kinne ; rQuido Jas. MoM511ia ; I. W. , V. J S dryjO. N. , C. U. floloomb ; Trustee J. G.Lemiag. . Preporationti are now being made for Ohriatmas at ' CiiHtor. Custor canon nud Stiouosa sphool houses trust all will have a pleasant time. Mr. QarlanJ L-IWIB commenced [ a throu month toira of school at Cus ter Monday. , Mrs. B. J. Empfiald ! B ou iho biuk Hat , and Mr. B. J. in hia hiatu fora pail of water , as the IIOUHO liad taken tire from the Hiovopipo hu Htoi > bd on n piece of iron and sprained hit ) uuklo , ho is now ) aid up for repairs. Got Griflith lost a fine mare yesterday , she waH badly out in iho wire and ho bad to kill her to end her K tide ring. { Boreus roturiiod last niglit bring' ing a little Bnow along this norn- ing , it isquito oold ranking the ooal man happy. Tim will bo thu first hint to these -who Jiavo [ not picked their corn , BO mo of there dayn iu > will get up a b'izcard , Ilioku nays no and lie clainiH to ki > ow , PENK A DORRIS , 1ILAOKSUITIIS. Mltlnda ot work In our line done promptly und In llrst-olaaa order. Red 3hop oujtho corner , woat of the liosc bouan. GlvMua&trlM. Kich'ardson's Livery AND FEED STABLE. M theolf I stand , between tbo burling- ( ODBDCt "Gloho llotola. Telepiione con- nectloa. Headquarters nt Callaway stngo 'line. Single and double rigs. Rateqeaeonable. . VITICULTURE IN RUSSIA. Qrapo culture bus become n power In IlUBsIa during the last decade. Cri mea , where viticulture was formerly confined almost wholly , has como to 00 the Industry extend north and east into the provinces of Kherson , Podolla and Bessarabia. Some of the planta tions are very large , notably that of Prlnco Troubotskol , which covers 600 acres. The acting British consul at Odessa Is authority for the statement that In Bessarabia especially Is the growth of the vineyards particularly noticeable , and the quality of the wine excellent. In 1803 108,000 acres In this locality I olono were given up to the grapes , | while four yeara later 175,000 acres were In use. The wines are said to bo much cheaper than the same Ulnd In France. It was only last year that the flrst shipment of Russian wines reached < England , but the Russians confidently * expect to make grape culture one of I their lending product ? . Odessa has [ two champagne factories , opened to compete with French products. A Traveled Cnt. ' n A cat 1ms Just died at Sim Frahslsco who had traveled nearly a million jnll s. He belonged to the chief on- Klnccr of the Roynl Mall steamer Ala- doinn , and for thirteen years was his companion on board ship In all his voyages between Sidney and San Fran cisco. With the passengers this re markable cat was a great favorite , and on completing 700,000 miles he was presented with n silver collar. Chas.W. HakesM. D , UOMCKOPATniOIAN , Successor to Dr. M. C. Dlystone. Office over Chrystal Drug Store. Calls prompt ly answered from office , day or night. New Grand Central Livery and Feed Nam , JOSEPH B. SMITH , Prop. New rigs anil good teams. Prlcci reasonable. Clinton Bay , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Broken Bow , Neb. Office over Hyereon'aiJeroeery. Resiy dence Oth bouse west of Baptist ohurob. Lunch Counter , Ed. Malloy , Prop'r. All kinds of soft drinks. Best brand of cigar ? . 1st building east of Farmers' bank. Wm. F. Hopkins , CONTRACTOR AND UUIIunct Plans and Specifications on short notice. Ma terial fuinltucd and buildings completed choapet than any man In the state. Satisfaction gutran teed a * to plans and specifications. W , A. THOMPSON , COKTItAOTOlt AND I1UILDER. and estimates on abort no ice. Broken Bow , Neb. OI I make the correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. " ' ' ' F.W.HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. o- O We receive from 10.000 to 25,000 letter * every day We ow'A and occupy the fullest mercantile building In the world. We have ( ver 1,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly encugcd fllllnn out-of-town orders , OUR -GENERAL. CATALOGUE Is the book of the people It quotes Who'itsale Prices to Everybody , lias over 1,000 pages , 16,000 illustrations , and Coooii , descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail cacKcopy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show -/o'QOO < | faith , nnd we'll aend you a copy FREE , with all charges prepaid. HARRY DAY & GO'S. Wo have but recently lotnrnod from Chicago , where \vo purchased a largo stock of Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing- , ' . Our line of Si-oca Including a line line of LADIES' SHOES. is Iho beat to be found in the city. Our prices nro below com petition. Call and sec us. Whether Boys' or Men's Suits , \Vomen's or Men's Underwear , Boots or Shoes , Hate , Caps , Goods or Notions are wanted , we are prepared to pve you better bargains and bettor goods , at better prices than any A other house iii Central Nebraska. LJ Southwest Corner Sauare. 9 ff ) ( e ) O fe ) Peale IIAVK A LAUGH QUANTITV OK APPLES APPLES APPLE I Once Was Lost , but ow I Have Pound it. Where ? At my door. A t the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , jpy dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mammoth - moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowesfc prices you ever hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keop- i&i ; posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbackpr and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. . Tistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices. .jmember the place , on the big corner , inst east of First * 1 "T * * * flional Bank. W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.