.V" . An American electric manufactur ing company hns been awarded the entire contract for the equipment of numni'aus electrical planls which will bo In&talled along the line of the Enst- crn Chlneso railroad. It will consist Inigcly of temporary lighting plants. It Is thought that ultimately 5200,000 will bo Involved In the contract. pedltlon , but that ho Is much Inter ested In nnnrellu explorations , and It is possible that hla next trip will bo toward the south. lie Is now engaged on his largo scientific work on polar explorations. It's too risky , this gambling whli your cough. You take the chance of its wear ing off. Don't 1 The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the game's lost. Take some of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral and stop the gambling and the cough. "I was given up to die with quick consumption. I ran down from 138 to 98 pounds. I raised blood , and never expected to get off my bed alive. I then read of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and began its use. I commenced to improve at once. I am now back to my old weight and in the best of health. " CHAS. E. HARTMAN , Gibbsto.wn , N. Y. , March 3 , 1899. EBB You can now get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in a 25 cect size , just right for an ordinary cold. The 50 cent size is bet ter for bronchitis , croup , whoop- ' ing-cough , asthma , and the grip. > The dollar size is best to keep on hand , and is most economical for long-standing cases. Special Offer until Jan. 1st. DO YOU WANT ONE ? The The Beat Piano In the mark. We wish to Immediately place one in every town In the state , knowing by experience that wherever we sell ono other sales arc sure to follow. To In troduce these pianos we will , from now until January 1st , make n Factory wholesale price on the iirst piano to go to any locality where we have not already sold one. Thlu means a great saving to the buyer. We Do Not Mention the Actual Price Because we will only sell one piano if. each locality at this extremely low price , hoping through the advertise ment to sell others at a profit to which every dealer and manufacturer Is just ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay ments. Pianos sent on approval. Write for catalogue and full partic ulars. We also sell the Ellington , Hamilton and Valley Gem pianos and Hamilton and Monarch organs. DICKINSON & HUSTOW. \ fc " 151-1 Douglas St. , Omalia. * ' - Send your nam : and addrsi on a post ? . ' , and we will send you our 15G-J page illustrated catalogue free. [ WINCHESTER REPEATING AMIS CO. 174 Wlnchcstsr Avenue , How Haven , Conn. To cell the products of THE SME VACCINE 00 , OP WYW1ORE , NEB. Swlno placuo or hoit cholera successfully treated by InoccuUtton. We euro b5 per rent of sick hogs and icr.ilcr well IIOKR IimmwoB by our proccbt. Fur further particulars tail on ur nddrcts The Swins VasGino Go. , Wymore , Heb , IJlRlicjt Cash Frlco Fulil for Poultry Game Butler Eggs , , , , , Bend for tns a-id prices. Itabert I'lirvlx. 1STJ. Oinalui , Neb. .W. N. U. OMAHA. No. BO 1899 Beat Cough ByniK Tnetua UooO. IS A DEADLY HIFLE. THE ONE THAT ENGLAND IS NOW USING , lolda Ten I.I v 03 Within Its Long Mncitzlilo Simple und Most JltTcctlvi I'loiMi of AfGcIiiuiUnt Modern Flroiirmt llrotiglit to Perfection. The rlflo In USD by the British forces a n mnrvelpusly effective weapon. It s the Loc-Metford nnd hns been Ih use for the past four years , replacing the old Martini-Henry rifles. The Lcc-Met- ord , which for rapidity of fire Is prac tically n ten-chamber revolver rifle , consists of three principal parts : The stock , which Is of the best Italian wal- uit , and is subdivided Into the butt and 'ore end ; the barrel nnd the lock. Of these the woodwork Is , of course , the simplest of construction. By a most ngenlouo arrangement of the lathe the entire butt Is cut out of an oblong plcco of wood with amazing rapidity , while the fore end la formed with equal rapidity , the whole of the joinery neccl- ng only n brisk sandpapering and pol- shlng In order to fit It for service. The construction of the barrel Is con siderably more complicated. The Lec- Metford barrel Is made from a solid Bteol bar of a circular section. The bar Is , In the first place , considerably shorter and thicker than the shape it will finally assume , the necessary elon gation being effected by bringing It to 1 white heat nnd passing it over a steam anvil , where In a few minutes It s rolled and hammered into the re quired length. In this way the clumsy ooklng block of mild steel ( measuring 2 feet by 1 % Inches ) is speedily con verted into an unborcd rlflo barrel nearly four feet In length and termi nating in a thickened end , measuring about one-tenth of Its entire length. Mext follows the process of boring out the barrel , an operation requiring no little skill on the part of the workman. The boring Is conducted by means of a pair of drills , working from either end and meeting in the middle. They are kept cool by means of n stream of soap and water , which Is forced into the barrel by hydraulic pressure. As soon as the barrel Is rough-bored It Is [ lollshcd ready to receive the rifling. The accuracy expected of the driller and polisher will be beat appreciated from a description of the test employed to check his workmanship. The bar rel ia placed in a vertical position and its lower end made airtight. A close- fitting gauge is then inserted at ths top of the bore , when , if the bore is mathematically correct , the gauge should not only be supported by the air within the bore , but , upon the re moval of the seal from the base of the barrel , should drop easily through ths same , from top to bottom , without wedging. Before the barrel goes to the "rlfler" it is inclosed in a strongly pro tected firing coll. Here it is repeatedly proved , with the aid of charges many times heavier than it will actually be required to carry in battle a test which Is again repeated after the nroc- ess of rilling. The process of rifling a barrel Is that by which are cut the spiral. grooves , which run Inside the bore from breech to muzzle , and are designed for the purpose of causing the projectile to rapidly rotate , gimlet fashion , in Its flight. For the benefit of the uninitiated It may bo explained that this twist not only enables the bullet to cut its way further into its billet , but also gives it a much longer and more accurate flight. The grooves thus cut are seven in number , but the process by which they are produced Is too technical for the unprofessional reader. After polishing and "brown ing" ( the latter in order that no tell tale glint of steel may betray the marksman to Ills enemy ) , the barrel is ready for attachment to the "body , " "bolt" and "magazine. " The "body" ia that part of the rifle which holds to gether its component parts , the "bolt" is a small edition of the common or front-door bolt of our own houses , and , in addition to extracting the spent cartridge , contains the "striker , " by which the cartridge is exploded. Most important of nil , however , Is the "mag azine. " To draw a familiar simile , the main idea of the magazine mechanism is an extension of the principle of the metal coin purse. You put your ton cartridges in , one by one , upon a spe cies of spring platform , which will al ways hold the last cartridge ready to hand. The chief difference is that , whereas in the coin purse the coins are withdrawn by hand , the Lee-Mctford mnr.azlne is emptied automatically. It Is provided with an Ingenious mechan ism which causes It to disgorge Its con tents , one by one , into the breech of the rifle as soon as the preceding car tridge case has been ejected by the action of flrlng. The magazine Is fur ther fitted with a "cut-off , " by means of which the rifle can be fired and re loaded in the ordinary way , shot by shot , until such time as the soldier finds himself In a light corner. Then the "cut-off" is pulled out , and Tommy Atkins knows ho can face the forth coming rush with the confidence which comes of having ten lives up his sleeve without the trouble of reloading. Know It Wan In the TOIRI. ! | A certain Pennsylvania Sunday school teacher was questioning her class. "Where was Christ born ? " she asked Willie. Wlllio pondered nwhllo and finally announced , "Mauch Chunk. " "Mauch Chunk ! " screamed the teacher. "You ought to know bet tor than that. Why , little Georglo knows where Christ was born. Where was Christ born , Georgio ? " And the treble of the -l-yonr-old answered : "Beth-lc-hom. flint's right , " said the teacher. "Well , " said Wlllio , pout ing , "I knew 'twas somewhere on the Lehlgh Valley railway. " . Charles Curtis , of Topeka , n ropu ) Mean leader of KniiEna. is nlcknarrfod the "Indian congressman , " because , though of Now England descent on his fflthor'n Bide , his mother was a direct descendant of Louis Gonvll , a chief of the Kaunas Indians. Ho began llfo ns n bootblack and read lavby night. A Piovldonco company 1ms recently made an emery wheel 39 Inches in diameter nnd 12 inches thick. It was built upon a special Iron center 31 Inches In diameter , which ran on n 3 G-1G shaft. The whole affair weighed over 1,200 pounds. The machine wan donlgncd for grinding wooden balls. Of all the unties , the love of truth , with faith and constancy in it , ranks first nnd highest. Truth is God. To love God nnd to love truth arc'one nnd the same. Silvio Polllco. IJcvruro of Ointments for CiUnrrlt That Contain Mercury , As mercury will surely destroy tlia sense of stnoll nnd completely iloranitoihoivholo system when entering It UmntitH thu mucous surfaces. Such urllcle.s sliouhl nuvcr bo used except on prescriptions from reputable pliyslclims , nsthe ilmnuKU they \vllldo Is tcufolil to the ( 'ood you cnn po.sslbly derive from them. Ilnll'H Cutnrrli Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo. O. , contain * * no mercury , and IstuUcu Internally , nctlng directly upon tlio blood nnd mucoiiH surfaces of the system. In buylnif Hall's Catarrh Cure bOHUroyouia'tthoKonulno. Ills taken Internally , nnd made In Toledo , Ohio , by K. J. Cheney & Co. Tcstlmonlalufreo. 3old by BriiraistH. price 7T > a per bottle. Hull's Family 1'llls tire thu best. No pleasure is comparable to the standing on the vantage ground of truth. Bacon. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now.- You will then use no other. Ecclesiastical log rolling is only dif ferent from political in that it is worse. TO CUItn A COt. ! ) IN OXB DAY , Take Laxntlvo Uromo Qulnlno TnWots. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 26o. E. W. Grove's Klguaturo on each box. ' The unexpected happens occasional ly but not so often ns the expected falls to happen. For starching line linen use Magnetic Starch. To be always bold Is not always to bo bravo. FITS PprmencntlyCured. No ntiornprvouftirss after first day's UFO of Dr. Kline's Client Xeno Hmtorer. Homl ( or FlUCK Sli.OO tllnl liottlo and trrntlc. Da. R. 11. KLINK , Ltd.,1)31 ) Arvhfit. , Millailclr-hla , To. Oil and water will not mix , neither will love and philosophy. Not Old Znuli'ft Letters from Southern members of the Taylor family Indicate pretty surely that Lieutenant C. C. Wood of the North Lancashire British regiment , i who was recently killed at Klmborlcy , ' South Africa , wan a great-grandson of President Znrhnry Taylor , but not ft grandson of Jefferson Davis. Jefferson Davis married General Taylor's daugh ter , Sarah. Dr. C. Wood married General - . oral Thylor's daughter , Ann M. , and i the late Lieutenant C. C. Wood wna j tholr grandson , his father having been Lieutenant Wood , of the Confederate' ' navy. j Use Magnetic Starch it hano equal. In life's battle the safest leader Is the captain of our own salvation. Jurcil < Vftci'lli'icutfil i niiiiKtiVlthOtlicr.i 1 will Inform nullified t > Morphine , , IiuuiHniiin. Opium , Cocaine , or ifnvrt-fMllutf , liarinlomi , homo- cure. .Mm. M. II , llnldvln , llci 1212 , Clilcn/o , 111. What you nro within , that you will bo without. Magnotfc Starch Is the very best laundry starch In the World. Wo nro wielded by our wishes rath er than by our wisdom. Fine's Cure for Consumption is our only moillclno for cough * nnd roldtt. Mm. U. Ueltz , 43'J 8th Ave. , Denver , Col. , Nov.8'M. Songs of triumph arc possible only to the sons of tribulation. jTryGrain-O ! ! t Ask you Grocer ( o.d.iy to show ron g npnukngoof GllAIN-O , the now food ( > drink thnt takes the place of coffee. The children mny drink it without * injury na well as the ndtilt. All who o $ try it , like it. ' GRAIN-O hn-j that lieu seal brown of Mocha or Jnvri , < > but it is made from pnro grains , nud o * the mostdclieato stomach receives it $ * without distress , { thopricoof cofi'ee. * > 1C cents nud 25 cents per package , o Sold by nil grocers. | Tastes 'like Coffco * ? Looks like Coffee o V O A IneistthatyourgroccrclvcsyoaailAIK-O < > v Accept no Imitation. , < > I 7350 TO 166" JWE5T MADISON S CHICAGO HOUSE : THIS ELEGANT GUITAR This Guitar is made of the finest imita FOR $2,65 tion mahogany with No more , no losp , tlmn ! i,000 of tlicrai either solid rosewood probably the largest contract in cuitnrs or walnut fingcr- ever mndo nn Inatrumciit thnt posi tively Mlh from KJ.r > 0 to $7.00.Vlicntlila board inlaid , pearl lot IB exhausted wo cnilnot ditpllcnto position dots and thlRoUor. Quantity Uilks. Onlybyopcr- German silver raised ntuiK on suah u bfcscnle , tosclher with woll-knnwn small It , could our - prof policy frets : it nas fancy inlay tmch nn olTorln bo possible. Another lay around sound _ reason for dispensing such u bargain hole and best quality broudciist is the coiilluoiico wo feel that every Kuitareold will win for us n per American patent manent patron and n friend whoso heads ; the top of recommendation wo can count upon.Vo Guitar is beautifully will forward the Ktiitiir tiV uny uddrcau with celluloid C. O. D. , subject to examination , upon bound ; receipt of MJc. Wo , however , advito tliut it is strung with a ciibli in full bn pent , OH ( hat stives return full set of best quality oJuirKcti for money und wo stnml per fectly rcjuly to refttnil money if Uio ctecl and is springs Kuitar is not nil and moro than wo claim ready to phy upon. for it. it o in oml ) or our < Kea /rarFi Bpecial priceon 5,000 of JfK/ir msfa thomonlyis WpKaQWwJ in which is liutcd at lowest wliolosalo prices everything to oat wear and usc.is furniahi cd on receipt of only 109 to partly pay ( Npostage or expressage and as evidence f goocl faith the 109 is allowed on first purchase amounting to OI99 orobovo. < ( firoUR MOMTHtY CnoCERY PRICE LIST mEETlH A French umicr hn tills droll ntory of n Inuiulrcsa who Intoly gntnod the first prlzo In a hlg lottery with the number HuwuUion. Whou naked how Bho hit on thnt ntimhor , she said oho had drctimcd thrco nights running of the number scvoin nnd enld , "Thrco tlmoa BCVon nro sovonloonl Sovontecn will ho u lucky ticket. Ho I bought It nnd won the prlzol" It will bo aeon thnt , in Bi'lto of "education , " mipor- slltlon Btlll lltiKors , nnd Is often fouirl In unexpected qunrtcre. Perfect men belong to nn order of not yet In effect. Ono of the most Important American exhibit Inns nl the Pnrls exposition will bo n model , fomo twenty feet long , ot thn Chlcnco drnlnngo rnnnl. in con nection with this will bo shown mod els of all the Brent vnrloty of ex- cnvntlng nnd conveying mnchlnery which wns used In this Important en gineering work. The model will bo shown In oporntlon nnd It Is believed thnt It will bo ono of the mtist Inter esting of the engineering exhibitions at the exposition. The nrt of making work pny Is a work of nrt , roil ao HAYB YOU CAM THY IT ron 19 READ " " * * * vjjr u. M u ca a U4 UUuM irj M Utf ' U IU C4 U f 3 * iEr | jj r i JA gi lies o say who has had 35 YEARS o ? aoiivo Practice o ? fwodioina : I have never Mate In my 35yenrs of tirnctlce cf mcdiclim Riven my testimonial of rccommoii- datlon tonity mtput mcdlciim , but there s a rcmcily , tlic result of which liafcomc under my < rwn obnervnt on. fcr ttiero Is no Disease which linn no baffled the tncdlrnl skill of ell ncci at Rlicumn- , Jlsiii nml tofinJ r. U-illablo rnmedy for the name. At last wo linvc fmind It In " ? nrops , " nianu- Itsslt inctured wonderful Dytiio.i'i 'or npson llscurniivo Klituumtlc - iiowetin Cure wii Coinpinv , i\fil. Chicago . , , not ns , in n Temporary . , The "r l. DROPS. Reliever " only hasnrcven ? , lint to n Pcriinncilt Cure xvqu In clifitilc cnitc Sometime nfjo , I 1mA 13 oilier * Mivciat lllicunintlc caseii tttulcr my trcntmcnt nnd tire- > ed fortlicic i > : ttlcntM tlio % ery t > eot Remedies which I nUWiilly fc- Ictflcd , but without Ucslrnblu icmift ! ! . 1 tlirti henrd of "n UROI'S" and of t.i WoiWcrful Cures , mid vrc crlt > ed It-to n fcvr nfttlcntB whofodnd relief froui Us use within n few days. After Hurt I prefcrilx-d It to n Brent miinj > er nnd to nty siirprUe , 1 will i > ay that lt the conrne of Two nr Thrco Weeks nflir they had lined " " nnd " " ; 5 UR.OPS" 5 Drop" Plasters they were ( -tired. Amour ; thi" o rrcrc n lew who hnd , Tor n number of year * . Veen MifTcrltiK with Chronic Rheumatism , who had piloted themselves nromid on Crutches. They came lo my office without Cnilchcn nnd told mot icy \\cre lieifoclly Well. They gl . nil 1(17 rredlt to "s DROPS" ITIIAUIMIAUK. ) nnd to "r Drop" Plasters and thN Is their testimony to the Swnn.ion , , , , . , Rheumatic Cure Company for their UlncltiPMnml for thn con-iclciitloun way in which they nro placing these. Wonderful Rcmedlea-nnionr ; Kiifferlnr ? Immnnlty , which they ? tVrM ? ieM ' ? Soml'.v as " " ncknowlcdRi'iiKMt. An I linvo i.ccn iho Curutlvo Power of . , ni. n. . ? ' n ° i opi- ' : lMteM' ' " " F"11.1 ninny ln. lnitcci ( , I can Truly recommend theui and nNo that the firm is perfectly , hoiirit nndrollnblo lo denl with. cnUiiu , Crnuti , Hxvallliitr , J.H Orl po , Dlnliu-ln , Crcoi-lm : Kiiml.i.r.K. , n c. , clc. SO tl ° S/KVR o nBliljBMirerei loBlTo'5 IUOPBl'ntl n tatrlnlT/d'wlllicmlft2 oi > rtmnlebottlc. \.7i , . I'r'l'fldl > yin"ll.fnrl0et | . A Mnt.let.ottlo will convince you. Al o. Mrito l.otllcj ( SCO ( loses ) II.CO , 8 bottle * forts. Hold liy | u ohj oRcntJi AKOTBUMTKtl 1 Xn TctrllorWIUTK US lll-IUV. HW'ANNOV HIKUBIATIO OVKK CO. , ICO to 101 J.uUo Ht. , CIIIOAOU. ll V ! ? ° , ' ( or S2I. I. Hnvelho r M'rOllt-rftvotlio WholMftlcr * rrotlc. 'I ( ik , lviuitaio ot our contract mrclmne. Otlinr * linto mUmicoil thfir l > rlcniiofrnrlur > UTe > , butaiiri < antrnut with tlio mnmifiictiirorii compaU tJjuu to furnish 113 with tm'sn , nn vm rnh rail thorn ntniunnUiralltntfK1.41.t2l.T | ! ! nml YOU nouhl Im pron.l . of cither f tliona imrlorntcvcu. Tlio plcturot Rlrabntn fixIntlJeaof tlmlroloKnnc" . fiont I ) . O. J ) . ( In rorol | > tofD7o , you tel l > ny tmlnnce to ) our banker or frulglit ngont on arrlrnl ntmur depot. A Litrco Rtoro liikpn lorn funl tlion nnmnlluutifurlicnt onr In tutnil when nnlnrliitf. i : STUV13 OATALOaUKPIlKE. "Star" tin Ings ( Hhovrinij Btnall iilava printotl on nmler tide of tng ) , "Hoi-HoShoo , " "J. T. , " "Good Luck , " " Gross Bow , " and "Druunnoml" Nuttirnl Loaf Tin Taga are of equal vnltto in scouring profiouls mentioned bolo , and may bo assorted. 'Every man , woman nnd child can find uoiuothiug on tlio liwt tUab they would like to have , nnd can Imvo THE A30VE OFFER EXPIflZS NOV 'MISER ' 30ni. 1009. Mntlrn ! Main "Rtnr" Tin Tnsstlmtli ( , H'ar ' tin ti s with no IJUUKU t ntnrH prlnto t on iiniltir slrtn of tns ) , nr not yjml far prcirntt , i bit | will liflimld for In OAHU on tliu batit oflwunly coutsi'ur If rni'nlvml lir UK on ir linfiirn Mft'nli lit. IBM. oriIiA : ) { IN .111 \ I ) llnl n illme'1 ivorili of STAR PLUG TOBACCO mtr v < * > r -mr it r T * U r a IJ * ' * III lust longer mid iiO'uid ultra iilruiiiro tliiiu u dlnio'j worth of nuy oiiurbinnd. | VIAKE THE TEST 1 Send tags lo CO.VIMiVEtf'E'Afj TOBJAOCO CO. , SI. Leah , Mo. Mjd- „ r i Sick headaches ! Alv/ays trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter- instead of being thrown out , is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate'brain' tissue -it-causes congestion and that dull , awful , throbbing , sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the Ijver , making the poison move on and out , and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies , whose sensitive organisms are especially prone to sick headaches , do not suffer , but find relief in CASCARETS , Candy Cathartic , ILooSc'out for ImiteitiQnseirsdl Counterfeits ! r > cr- ( oe- able 'net uple -hcd JCJlt A in . 1 Mntrh Ilnx 15 2 KM fo , < yio lilnilci , I'ooilatvul 2) R KrKwirH. WluRlict Si 4 Child' * Hot , Kulfu , 1'ork nucl Hpoou 23 I Hii't ntiil Pt'ii | > i > r Hi't.oiHU'noli , quail- riiplu jilato on whtta motnl , to C I'rwu'li Ilrlnr Wood l'ip 13 7 llnror , hollow Mrouml , line Kunlloli filujl. . . 10 8 Iluttitr Knlfii , Irll'lo iilatw , boAt iiinltv | , . . , * 60 9 HiiKitr Rlinll , triplx ) ilit ; ( > .t > i > Nt nlinl. . 60 10 Htnmu Ilnx. M rlln wllvfir 70 11 Knlf , "KiMjn Kutter , " two liliidca. . 75 12 IJutolior Knlfo , "Kvon Kiittt'r , " 8-lu lilndo , , . , . . . . , . ( 75 in HltcnrH , "Keen KultiT.'fl-luuli ' 6 II Nut Bft , Cinokor nnd b I'h'is , silver iibAtoil fo 15 liwrio Jlnll , "AtruwLillun , " bc > t mml.KHi 10 Arirm UJock. nlrLol 150 17 Hli neiinlno ItoKOCt'Tnasnuoliii.bast lUtoJooli. | ; t 150 18 Wotrh , nlolol , Minn wind nuil ( int. . 200 ID Curvori , gooi.ilocl , biickhorn ImiullCM , 200 50 KU Hrmitn ? HoRcrV Tabln Hpuons , I cut plntiiil ( 'ooao 00 51 Six f.u-i , HtdvcHaud Jr < > r ! ! , buck- born Imuillvs , . . . , K < i SI Mil oicli. Gnmilnn Jtoi ors * Knives and V'orl ; * , Ixtnt iilntinl ( ; no < li COJ funeral ! " Kansas ( Jit'y'lntlcpchdcnt. " "Roth ray \vllo and niyfclf have brnn HHiiia CAHCAUHTS. und they are tliu best mcdiclno wo have over had In the houbi ; . Lust week my wlfo was frantic with hcndutho for two dayssho ; tried some of your CASUAUETS and they relieved the pain In hcrhcnd tilmost Immediately. Wo both recommend Casca- rOtS. " CII/.S. STfDRCOUD , IMttsburg Safe & Deposit Co. , I'lltiburg , Pa. "Sonny , " said Uttclc Ebcn , " . ' - okout foil * -r.rinir.n. * ( > .3.7r CUAIVYQUR - DS > icmttnnuinc . , liii c itZ5t.rt M Oitnloanos mcsi wmtsro f or a u cent . , . . nnl * " iciefl C BtoToi nna nnngo' . D ARrIcnlturnl 1 mnlamrnts. E lUtiyCarilnefK , r l rur urn ! l' -iittloillclnn. . uooinnnu niiofm , u jjiuicn inpon anil ulna * * , tjeml lAi'Unutl our tiarcaHuppIr Outulouuo contMn- H'OTPrlWJnnKftiancloveriiiixliunilroJthoufuniUiHi lid prlciMWlll bunantiispreM 1'iiUI. 21 Cloclt , BiUCalouilnr , Tlionnoiu- otnr , ll\riiiinli > r tl'J 21 dun raso , lonthor , no botlor jimilo. 6UU U ltn\olvnrluitoliiitlo , doublu actlun , 33orS8cnllb r. . . . . , , . . . tt ) 29 U'oul Hot , nut iiluytlilhiis , but rent tuiih , , 650 27 Toilet liot dcuarated 1'oreolnlu , very Imiulsdinii 8J'l yllonill tou UllloNu.4'JJorUral. : CX ) 2-1 Wntcli , Uiflliin rtllvnr.filll jowuln'l low SO Dress Hillt ; mu , li-iitlior , ImiidHomo nud durnblu 1UOO .11 Knwlu < { Mncliluu , Ilmt clnsi , with idlnttnahmtmift 101)0 32 lU'Viilvvr , Colt'M , US-cidlbor , blued Btcel..i < . . , ItOO M Hlllv , Unit's , li | . Uol , 23-faHbor 1WJ 84 Otiltnr ( Washlnirn ) . rosowooil , In- Inut sooa ! 1.1 Mnudollu , very linndsiino . . .SMI 31 Wliichwtur lloiioillug Hhut dun , 12n'.lKO | ; i.,2000 37 Itntiilnutnn , doiilik'-birrol , 1mm- iiiurHhut ( Inn , lilur UCAUKO StHIO .19 lllcyclu , utauilarit miiko , laillci or ( I'llts 2SH ) H3 Hliot dun , Iln'iiliiKtou , iloublo bur- rol , li.tuiuiorln 30DO 40 Il9 lna Mmlo foi , 1V < Inch UUJ..6000 th ( . Dela ns > nsU'f ? - gcr anu hccr thor THIS IS tQc * 25c. 50c * THE TABLET DRUGGISTS CASCARETS arc absolutely harmless , a purely vesetablc compound. No mercurial or other mineral plll-polcoa la Caccarcts. Cascarets promptly , effectively and permanently cure every disorder ot the Stomach , Liver and Intestines. They not only cure constipation , but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels , including dlatrhcca and dysentery. Pleasant , palatable , potent. Taste good , do good. Never sicken , weaken or cripe. De sure you cet the ccnuinol Beware ofimitatlons and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCAIIETS to-day , and if cot pleased in every respect , net your money back I Write us for booklet and free sample I Address STERLING HEMEDY COMPANY , CHICAGO or HEW YORK. 374 I