Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 14, 1899, Image 1

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    * ? r"
Wo start tlio ball rolling loday. Open day and evenings for the rest of this month. Spoo'al inducements to
oliuruh societies. Como one and all.
Doll Carriages.
Doll Heads.
K allies.
Musio Boxes.
Jews Harps.
Toy Stoves.
Pony Carts.
File Friginen.
Checker Boards.
Bio ok P.
Jauk StoncH.
Elo , Elo , Etc
Cups and Saucers.
Toilet Sots ,
Water Sole.
Dinner Sols.
Glass Sutn.
! 'cto-a tote Sets
Mush & Milk Sots.
After Din'r Ct ffecp
Cake Stands.
Boys' Knives.
Men's Knives.
Women's Knives.
Girl'fl Knives.
Glassware all kinds
Etc. , Etc , . Etc
Competent , careful , pnlnetaklng and pain
caving attention , If tlioy nccl un > .
The lids of thu litinmn eye , In the dis
charge of their unlural fuiicllons , open
and clofo no less tluui ten million times
oacli your.
k We nrtdonly to obscivo present day
eyes , to b positive , inutiy jioor nhnpcd
ane nru vOrilnLvcrtiiiu , Tbo [ iioi-sent-
ors arc so careless of this priceless Ohan
if that tbpy allow It to go , day nftrr day ,
year after year , Ignoring Innrtneruble
nunilnya which tired nature so Undly
I vauchsafes ' Kndiiranco Is c virtue. In
use , but not In abueo.
Qrodunto of Chicago Ophthnlmlc College.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this odice.
Edwin F. Myers does gun re
Cannon Cily coal at Dierke
Lumber Co.
Silver novollioa of all descriptions
at Ed McComas' .
Call on O. P. Perloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine.- '
For nice chinaware go to Ed
McComas' . He has just what you
It isn'c right to say "darn"whn
Wilson & Drake sell children's
.heavy 25cts. hoeo at IScts * a pair.
Ed MoComas carries the only
Block ot cut glassware in town.
TiiOfC goods must bo seen to be ap
A few of those la'rge Rochester &
Miller lamps left. Dent grope in
the dnrk when you can buy these
lamps at half price
I wish to inform the public , ilia
I have opened up mf now photo
Htuuio on thn west side of ihe public
rquaro , second door south of Bank
of Commereand respeclfully Bolicil
a fchare of your palrouage , believing
thai by good work , fnjr and cour
teous treatment I uill bo able to
1'leane you. II L.FnAzncn ,
Broken Bnw
Jess Gaudy baa at all limes on
bis ranch , nix miles south west of
Broken Bow stock cattle for pale ,
Toims made on application , " ' If
IA il I'd
All Kind * .
Vase Limps.
Stand Lamp- * .
Hanging Lamps.
G'a. o Lamps. *
Silver Lamps ,
Brass Lamps ,
Side Lamps.
The prices
on our
Lamps are
40 per cent
than you
can purchase
Well , I Bhonld
say so , All kinds
ind well wo have
no competition in
regard to price ; our
clocks are no bolter
ibati our neighbors ,
jut wo guaranlec
them af good , nnd
50 per cheaper
Albums of all kinds al McComas' .
Now ! H the time lo renew your
subscription lo Iho RKPUULICAH.
Bible ? at publishers prices at Ale-
Comas' .
Win. Sohad , of Cliff , was
among iho city visilors yesurday.
Dressing cases from 753 to $12 at
McComas' .
. R Ilumphcry aud wife , are
visiting at their old homo in Iowa
The largest stock of solid gold
rings in Iho oity at E1 McComaa' .
Douglas & 'Birney have a fine
line of candies aud nuts at bottom
The RicponuoAif ajd both the
Illustrated and Weekly Boo for
$2 45.
Get Douglas. & Birney's prices
before buying Chrialmas oandiea
and nula.
Candies , nuts to. for Christmas
goods , lowest prices , at Doug
las & Biruey's.
The RFPUBLIOAIT and Inter Ocean
for $1 50 The REPUBLICAN and
State Journal for $1 85.
Our Chriptmaa oandios are pure
and wholesome. Our prices are
the lowest. DOUGLAS & BIRHBT.
I haven't all the books in town ,
but I have the largest stock and
best collection. Lid McComaa.
J. D. Glaze , left for Salt Lake oity
Sunday morning. He expects to
return about the first of the year.
H. L. Frazier ha opened up his
new photograph gallery , and is now
prepared lo do you first-class work.
The Political Equality Club will
meet Saturday , the 16tn , At 7:30 , at
the residence of Mrs. F. II. Young.
Pure candies at lowest prioes
ire what you want for Christmas.
You can rjet them just that way at
Douglas & Birney'd.
Mra , John Uobinson and POT
Olnrley cann m from Grand Island
Monday evening , whore they had
been visiting for several days.
During the pael fortnight Ihe
wages of 50,700 operlives in Fall
llivor , Lowell and Now Bedford
have been advanosd len per cent-
InvilalioLS will bj issued in a
few days for a grand masquerade
ball on New Years night , to be
given by the Harmony Orchestra.
E. R. Douglas , who has been
confined lo his homo soyeral wcektt
by sickness , \ % reporled some bet
ter. The REPUBLICAN hopes to see
him able to bo out soon.
Churches and school commiltiee
are invilt-d lo get our prices on
candies and nuts for Christmas.
It will pay you.
D. W. Thomson , agent for the
Peering Manufacturing Co. , who is
now located at Council Bluffscame
in Saturday evening to spend a few
days visiting with his many friends
of this * locality. . Ho returned Tucs
> s.
day ,
Fige ,
05 Iron.
Now Cider.
N. 0. Molasses.
Nuts all kinds.
Orange Peel ,
Lemon Pool ,
B. W. Flour.
Maple Syrup.
Maple Sugar.
Dill Pjckles.
n Lots of Candy. Plenty of Nuls. Fruit for All. Apples , Oranges. Everything at BowenV.
B Yours for Christmas Goods , at
f Go to Ed McComas' if you want
'a nice present. lie has them.
Fouwu A ladies work bag with'
contents , which can be had at this
office by paying for this notioo.
FOOND A bundle of dry goods ,
which ihe owner can have by prov
ing property and paying for this
The school boird at its mooting
Saturday decided to give tbe school
a vacation of a week and ono day
or from Friday , the 221 , lo Tues
day , Jan. 3d.
Have you eeen those latest in
ladies' guard chains ? Call for the
Marquctto ; they are beauties , at
Ed McComas'-
Prof. J. E. Adatmon is reported
sick. Prof. Teagardeu has been
Bsigned bis ol sses in the school ,
and Mrn. C. L. Gutterson has charge
of Mr. Teagardrn'a grades.
O. P. Porley is closing out his
entire business and offering great
bargains in groceries , dry goods ,
ulolbing , bools and shoes , farm
implements , wagons , buggies , etc.
A new line of sample glovra and
millcna just received. Every coi
ceivablo style. Eleven hundred
pairs , and below factory prices.
Sinoe Sunday night this locality
has been enjoying a lively touch of
winter. About two inches of snow
fell Sunday night and Monday fore
noon Had yet enough of it remains
to cover the ground. It is the first
f > now to speak of this season.
The latest thing in gentlemen's
chains is the Bigney Vest Fob or
the Eiffel Pony and Kc b at Ed Mo-
Comas' .
Chas. E. Harris , editor of the
Uelaen JNows , shot and instantly
killed Hark Blenkiron , of Atkieon ;
The shooling was in self defense.
Blonkiron had trouble the weak
befor" with the Belden bank about
an overdraft. Harrison in writing
the mailer up offended Blonkiron
who sought to have a rolnotijn ,
wilh the fatal result ,
Fresh homemade bread for sale
at Fa.mer's liestaurant , third door
north of peat ollloe , Broken Bow ,
Clarence Hecord , who was adjudged -
judged insane a few weeks ago and
sent to the Norfolk assy him , oe-
eaped and walked to Lincoln lasl
week. But as the authorilios
thought his insanity waa n-jt of the
character that required treatment
at the assyliim , they did not seek
lo restrain him , and Mondiy even
ing ho again arrived in this city.
The Omaha Bee announces another
colored edition of itn illustrated
naper. The illustrated Bee is thu
handsomest and most interesting
paper published iu the west , and no
one should m'lHS a Christmas issue.
For your suso ription to the Illustrat
ed and Sunda'y Bee both for $2 00
a year , or to the Illustrated and
Weekly Boo both for $1.60 a year.
Begin with the Christmas icsuc.
Games for old and young at Mo-
Comas' .
The board of supervisors
vcned iu adjourned session Tuesday
Collar , cuff , neck tin. glove and
handkerchief boxes at MoOontaj' .
Pay up , and gst Iho Farm Jour
nal as a premium for four years
Watoh-Un Ladies and Genl's ,
gold and silver watehcp. Chalolairo
watchcH. Buy your watches of us
and save 20 per cent.
John MoMahan , who was found
guilty of bastardy at the last term
of court and ns ensod $850 fur thu
support of his ilk'ijitimato child ,
failrd to Bccuro ( satisfactory bonds ,
nd is now serving in the counlv
Christian Pclerson , the thirteen
year old boy who was brought in
last week by his parents on the
charge of iuoorrigibility , was tried
yesteiday by Juduu Armour. The
judge has taken the ca'o under ad
C. B. and F. W. Hayes , have
moved their stock ol goods , consist
ing of Jewelry and shoes into their
new building on the wesl aide of
the rqtnrc. They aio now located
in their own building and will be
pleased to have ' .ho public mil and
sco them.
A watch makes a very desirable
Christmas present. A largo aesort-
mcnl of ladled' or pcnllcmcn's walch
on at Ed MoComas' .
The merchants are all well Block
' ed up with holiday goods and those
from a distance who want a largo
Block lo gclcol from will find it lo
Ihoir interest lo visit Broken Bow
before purchasing. Our readers aie
a'iviaed to consult tl.e colurna of
ihe RKI'UIII.ICAN lo liucl who desires
your palrouage.
You don't have to pay cxorbitau
prices this year for holiday novel-
tics. See Wilson & Drake , for dres
i-ing caees , jewlery , collar and cuff
boxes. G. > ld and silver watches
jewel cases , perfumery , celluloid
novcltitiHcLt , all at prices minus one
half the usiul margins.
It is reported that some of ihe
pop otliciah-olect are having a time
ot it in f electing llioir depulics
There are a number of applicants
for the several places , and as each
have friende urging their claims
thu principals find it diilnult to
make selections without offending
some , ' 1 he ones v.o liavo hoard
mentioned that are candidates for
deputy clerk of thn dislnct court
; tro Dr. Hakes , Al Johnson and A
P. Smith ; the cnnd dates for deputy
sheriff are Jaar n EVIIIP. E Taylor ,
D. W. Lanterman and C. M. Shinu.
Il is said Ihe county clerk has co
many applicanls for deputy that he
can't name lh < m all. Wo have only
heard of B , W. Sillivau , Ed House
nnd Arthur Bangs. ' 1 ho treasurer
has settled the matter in bin ottiuo
by appointing W. B. Poor , the
prvsenl incumbent.
Our store is heated largely by ou :
line of blakolH and ladies and Genl'i
underware. They arc iho warmes
thngn in town. WII ONADJIAKU
Ton powerful locomotives fo
passenger service have boon added
to Ihe equipment of the Burlington
lines in Nebraska. They wore
built ' t the Baldwin locomotive
workR.from'rdesigns * fuinibhod by
the Burlington. The big machines
have alrtaiy made some r'cordn
pulling heavy trains across Iho Nebraska
braska plains. Some of the diraen *
nions ere. of uncommon interest.
The driving wheels are nix fret in
diameter. The tender carries ten
tons of ana ) and hia a water capao
ity of fi.OOO gallons The weight
ofencino and tender is 2-13,300
pound" . The cab i.i arranged to
give the engineer HID lust possible
chance to work. The levi M are
within cany roach of his seat , while
the aight side of the boilar has been
stripped of machinery in order l
give Ihe engineer a chance lo lool <
ahead without having his visiot
blurred bv escaping sloim.
A Hold .Mine.
Dsnt r o to Ciro Notno but slej
in to Mrs Pioomore's and buy ono
of tliOHO nice oaps al oxaotlv cos
to close out , 11 ate reduced 20 po
OPiit if Koodfl arc advancing. An
< legant line of holiday uoods con-
Misting of mnffn , collarotts. ( jlovop ,
inittH , ff.oinalerri , handkcfchiofs ,
fancy hair ornaments , doyliep , centers
tors pieces and evorylhin for
fancy work at extremely low prices
it , BE , PRBDMOUB , ' '
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum ,
Alum baking powders arc tlic greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the ricscnt day.
Dolls from lo to $0 at MuCotuao' ,
C. Flcshman , of Merna , was i\
oity visitor yenleniuy.
Children's toy books and
at Ed Me Comas' .
11 , J. Eddinglon of % iii Ouster
was among the oily visitors yetjjor-
Smith Waterhury , the Ninby of
Berwj n was -x oit'y visitor yester
The Bittncr Theatrical Co. will
ho at the opera hoiiso Thursday ,
Friday and Saturday. .
Mr. and Alra. Somerer , of Dodge
county , arrived iu the oily last
Thursday evening to visit with the
fain ly of J. N Siidcr. ) They re
turned hcmo yesterday.
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the limo lo gut a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farma are all going and
prices are commencing u > advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizer.
Prof. J. M. Scott expootH his
wife from the east mxt week ,
whcu ho again will rcsuino house
keeping , iu llioir new homo the
properly rooenlly purchased in the
north west part of the oily ,
J. G. Coining come in from the
Black hills Saturday morning where
he has bccu looking after his nun
uing interests. This week ho is
asBisling iu the post oflioq during
the absence of Post master Jewell
f The Bitluors present' "Jim tiio
Penman , " 'Tho Blaok Flag , " and
"All a Mistake , " Thuraday , Friday
and Saturday.
The Boers won another big vie-
toty over the Britifih iu a batilo on
the Modder. The battle raiod from
Sunday morning until Monday
night. Muthuen reports hu has
mot a eerioiis oheok and suffered
great loss.
DJKD Just as wo go to press we
leain with torrow of the sudden
death of S. C. Waldron , of Over.
The funeral was held yesterday , but
wo were tumble to learn furthur
particulars. The RKPUIII.'OAN ex
lends sincere sympalhy to Mr.
Waldrou in his great bereavement
Lasl ThurHdoy was Attorney N.
T. Gadd's birthday , and iho oooaa-
ion was taken advantage of by his
gentleman friendc , who gathered at
his homo and gave h'm ' a surprise
in the evening. It was Htriotlv a
"stag" crowd , and they report hav
ing enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Don't Loose Your Head
Go to Wilaon&Drakes and buy
the boy a watch that will run and
keep good limo , for 79 ceula. AUo
iiivteligalo ihcBO . items wlich wo
will sell you at dry goods store prr
oes. Celluloid oolhr and cuff box
es 00 cents. Elegant glove boxes
at 25 and 50 'cents. Handkerchief
boxes 15 , L'5 , 50 cenlK. Plush eel
lur ami cuff boxes 50 , ocnlH. Eleganl
dfH&iuj caseH al about half the IIHII-
-tl price * l 26 , $ I. : ] , - > , 1.-15 , 2.00,6.70
3.05 , 3.00 , 5.50 , ect. Ladite' ale-
gant Gold peiif , Ladm's Gold
walchcs from $7,35 up , Genls gold
watcher , at lower prices than any
body. Elpguit Gold Rings for
your aweethea't , Nail brushes
h .ir brushes , lOutd , Talcum toil-t
powder 5ots , Mennen'H borated
Talcum toilet powder IScls , Ladies
purHGS , Gfiits' purser , Fra ranl
perfumes -lOuts per t unce , Vaseline
camphor icu 7otfi ; pure Vaseline
Eleganl Opal Ware novcllies at
very low prices. A house full of
useful and ormmenlfd articles
FUtinblo for lloliiliy presents.
Ijidlca Golf capp , Indiid and
MJunes Nuboy Jackets , elegant
liugn , and carpotp , Mcns and
hoys suits and over coats
Shoes for the whole family. J u fi
lers , ley lor made suits , .dress skirts
elo , NViwoN'tt DKAKK ,
dinner Ko. MO , at Broken Bow , , In the Btato of
Nebraska , At the close of badness , Vac , id , 1699.
' ' IttBOCIUJBB. ' '
Lonnsnntl Discounts ' . , . . . . $ fiS.'foi.Ri
Ovordratta , secured nnd unsecured. ; . . . OW.3S
blocks , securities , JiuluirtcnlB , claim * ,
oto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . S37.8&
llunklnu lionfuruttnre and fixtures , fl.OOJ.W )
Current cxnonioB and tnxOB paid f TV (8
Chock * nnd other cash Hems. , , .A i 013AM
lno from national , Btato and prlrato
banks and banker * 13,630.SI
' ' ' " '
Cash . . . . . . . . , . . J ! , " . I0'o97.'i-l
Stock paid tn . CO.000.00
cd iirolitu , . . . I09b0.
liul. dotioslts eub. to olio < ; k..tM > l.SS
Demand uort of depimlt 8,433.0(1 ( ,
Tim curllfloatcu of deiilBlt. | . . . 4,8SOOS )
Duo to RtHto nnd i > rt lo 'bAnks * .
undbankorrt „ . . . . . , . 1.585.0l-C3f,430W
Totnl , . . ( BiUitt !
Statdof Nobraaka , I
County o ? ( Ciulor , f 4 .
I , II. O. Houurs , caihlur of the abore named
Bank , do solemnly swear that the abut * itate.
ment la t.tio to the beat of my knowledge aud
bollnt.i . . JI. U-HOKK3'CaillOr. v
ATTKHT : J. M. KlmburllnR , Director.
,8. Il.Uoyt , Dlrouior. - - ' .nil
i - . Hubscrlfjod and sworn to befdra no
\ SEAL , | thlt Ilth day of Dee , 1SSD.
' . ' W.B EAtTiuu. Notary Public.
My coui. exp , May 91,1VU5.
' ' ' '
' '
Ttio < , "
Company . v -
At Opera llouao. ? ; . ' '
December 14 , 15 , 10. ' . .
The drd'cr of the Obna Qoci. ' Q M. Hltchcoclc
Kccli tne
At 11:30 ycBtorday Win. V. Allen
was informed fby Gov. Poyntor that
ho had boon appointed U. , B. sena
tor , lo Buouaod M.L. . Hiiyward , de
ceased. liryan , who is tbo bead of
the dumocraiio unohino and the
oombii'o who made lioloomb and
Neville , lulcgraphed Poyntor to
appoint Allotit. and ho 'immodiatoly.
ioniplitd. ; ; . G. M. llitohcook of the
World-UeralJwho has boon Bry-
au'fl unin support all thuso years. '
was ungratelully turned down. In
a card in the World lleruld Mr.
Hitchcock says : "I cannot hon
estly deny that I have been deeply
disappointed , and I feel uioatjcoon-
ly the sling of ingratitude. "
SNrusu SJ.ATBS Sunday oronlnj at the bo in 3
of tlio ( , 'rbom'a parents , Mr. and Mra. J. N.
tinydcr , ( J. I ) , bnyder aod Mies Dolls blatoo ,
Itcv.V. . II. IIIornadny offlclatlnB.
The bride is one of iiroKon Bow'u
moot highly respected young ladioa
of reiinomont and culture , and enjoys -
joys tuc cBlcom of a host of friends
iu this oily , as well as in Dry VaL
ley , her former home. The groom
is the junior member of the dry
goods turn of Snyder Bros. lie ia
a young man of hi h moral obar- '
actcr , energetic and suocess'ul in
business , and of strict integrity , en
joying the confUonoo ot a large
dumber ol customers. The wed
ding was a quiet affair , only a tow
intimate friends , of the .family be
ing present. The event was quitu
a surprise lo the public , but hiijujy
sjilisfadlory. Too RKI'UULIOAM
joins wilh Ihoir many friends' iu
wishing them miny years of > hap-
pineas and prosperity.
MoKTOoMBiit SKELTON At the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. L. 1C , Klrkpatrlck. Wodnveday orenlng ,
Cliarlcu Moiiipouiory uud MUn Lalu Hkullou ,
Itcv.V. . JI. i > . Horotiduy offlalatlnt ; .
The bridti iss one of Broken Bow'a
most efitimablo young women , who
ha'ft grown up in our midst , and
numbers her friends bv all who
know her.- She ia a mice of Unbio
Joe Skelton , and is ono of Ouster
county's successful eohool teacher * .
The groom in a young man of good
reputation , industrious a painter
and decorator by trade , who stands
well at the head of-his calling. The
beat wishes of iho RUPUIIUOA.N join
ibis happy couple for tbo future.
i <
A New Bakery.
I have just put in a , new baknry
complete with lho _ latent improve-
moulH and solicit public patronage.
Fro fill bread , pies and oakeaaspuui-
ally. To Bot'tire fresh bread or
paalry instead o' ' ordering of your
groceryinau order.-dirout from mo'
and I will deliver lo your grooery-
min. So il will bo delivered with ,
your order for groceries All ord
ers attondea to promp'ly. U ° Q-
feolionariee aUT kept ia stock. Calf
and leave your orders on weflfc aide
of equaro or telcphono .N > . 125.
W. II. "
Guernsey ia to be the name ot
iho railroad aud commer'oital oenlor *
of iho llartvlllo. mining region iu
eastern Wyoming. The icon ore i i
thin district M reported to bo Un
usually rich' , ni d the qmntityai-
pirenlly unlimited. The Hhrlinic.-
ton it build i tig an extension up tlp
Nortli > * Plalt valley that 'wil ! pro-
bablv.'i'each Guurosey early next
spring ,
Lt t.t ,