Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 07, 1899, Image 8

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Died , ntlDudcll , 12 p , in , Nov.
29tli 18W , of typhoid pneumonia ,
Ida 3D. , wife of J. A. Dawsoti.aml
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win ,
Lewis. Deceased was 21 years ,
11 months and 2 weeks old ; born
near Kichland , Iowa , Deo. 15th ,
1878 ; moved with her parents
when seven years old to _ Sweet-
water , Buffalo county , this state ,
and shortly afterwards to Custer
county , on the farm where Ku-
dcll post office is now _ situated ,
where she has since resided , with
the exception of several months
schooling at Ansley and Broken
Bow. She taught one term of
school in her home district ; pro
fessed faith in Christ as her bav-
ior and was baptized by her pas
tor , W. W. Lewis , in July , 1895 ,
and united with the 2nd Eudell
Baptist church. Was married to
Joel A. Dawson , former pastor
Mason City and Eudell Baptist
church , Jan. 1st , 1899 , by Kev.
Forsyth in Ansley , where at the
time both were working in her
father's hotel. Moved with her
husband the following spring to
the home farm at Eudell , where
she lovingly and faithfully per
formed the duties that pertain to
farm life up to the time of her
death. Of a kind and loving
disposition , tender hearted and
sympathetic , she won hosts of
friends at home and schoolwhere
8110 will be deeply mourned. She
nobly , gladly , faithfully , per
formed the duties and privileges
connected with the church , and
often expressed a desire to know
more of God and His word. A
baby girl came to add gladness
and sunshine to the home Oct. 2.
In her last hours before delerium
set in from which she never em
erged , she said to her husband ,
on being told she could not re
cover , "I am not afraid to die ;
I know I am saved ; " and tried to
sing "We're going home to die
no morc."Kcv. Woods , of Mason
City , preached the funeral sermon
from 1st Cor. , 15th chap. , and 1st
Thes. 4:13-18 : , which was com
forting , encouraging , edifying.
She was laid to rest in Ansley
cemetery to sleep until the trum
pet shall sound and the dead in
Christ shall rise , with glorified
bodies like unto His own.
VVe mourn her death , but not as
"those who have no hope , " and
can say , tho' our hearts be ready
to burst with grief , "Even so ,
Father , for so it seemed good in
thy sight. X.
The National Anti-Saloon League
Tlio first mooting of thin organi
zation was hold at tlio M E uliuroh
last Sunday nlturnoon. In spite
of the bad weather a good B'xud an-
dienuovnH in attundauce. After
prayer by Hov. M. L. Everett and
reading tlio scripture by Kov. T. II.
Mo'Donald , Rev. J.ii. Carnes Supt.
for Nebraska gnvo the addros of the
afternoon. Among other thlcgs.Dr
Curncs said : The saloon in at the ,
bottom of morn political corruption
than any oiler institution. It flouruh
OB heat whoio ignorance , misery and
crime abound. It destroys the fine
sense of truth and its victims pro nn
easy prey to all manner of vioo. It
endangers , the government by dis
respecting its laws. It robs its pat
rons of nioooy , character , and health
Bribes the state by a license fee
and thereby destroys publo conscie
nce. Its heaviest blows fall upon
the innocent who have no redress
for their wrongs , It h the only
business that otm bo run without
brains or character. "
The mot ting was tmthuBiuatio and
Dr , ( James' address was well recei
ved. At the oloso of the addresi
opportunity was given and seventy
three , names wore enrolled. A per
manent organization was then offeo
ted by clouting the following oflioors
and committees :
President , II Lomax ; Secretary ,
Mrs A Hunter ; treasurer , J M Kim-
' .berhug ; agitation committee , W II
t ) Hornaday , J J Picket ! , R llyor-
Hon , A Morgan , James Whitehead ;
law'enforcement , A P Johnson , W
A Thompson , J 8 lladden , Joseo
Teagardqn , Reuben Glas8 , Rev Goo
Burns ; legislative committee , J J
Snyder , WV Bishop , J E Adamson -
son , Dr Day ; financial committee ,
Elizabeth Thompson , Mrs J
Moore , Mrs Bronizer ; enrollment
committee , L Epley , L B McDon
ald , Q G Burns , W 11 D Hornaday
J W Meean ; hospitality committee
VV 0 T U ; press committee , Mrs D
M Arasberry , Mrs L B McDonald ;
state collector , Gortio Orr.
At night Dr.Carnos spoke in the
Presbyterian church and enough
names wore added to swell the num
ber to 100. The oflioors and com
mittees hold a mooting Monday
night to perfect plans of work for
the future.
Fleming Valley School House.
Rev , J. W. R'ogau ' will com
menced a Berries of meetings in the
Fleming Valley school house , thri-o
miles south west of town Monday
night. Those convenient ore in.
vitod to attend ,
< * *
K.V. Abbott waa in Broken Bow
hat Saturday.
Byron Morgan was at Mr. Li-
bordH lant Saturday.
GROUT Labordo is homo from the
sand hills on a visit.
Miss Nellie Kindrou is homo
from school at present.
The weather is Retting cold , it
tiicd to snow last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Edmund ? wont to
Broken BoW last Saturday.
A number of familos { went visit
ing last Thursday while others
stayed at homo and husked corn.
A Literary social has boon organ
ized at the Morgan uohool house.
The meeting will bo hold ovary
Friday evening.
It has boon arranged to have a
Christmas Tree at the Rosa BOUOO !
house , the exact time for the ontor-
taiiitncnt has notbjon agreed upon
The Womans Mission Circle belt
a supper at the Morgan sohoo
latU Friday .evening. There waa
iorty present and the proooods o
the tuppor amounted to (2,00 , it is
to go to an Orphans homo in
Council Bluffs Iowa.
Wonder if these Goobolitos in
Kentucky are Jefferson or Jefferson
Davis democrats ?
John MoDeruiott is building a
largo sod house on his olaim adjoining -
ing II.G.Donnols on the south.
I. D. Shuman informs us that his
alfalfa threshed out two bushels to
the acre. His bees have done well
gathering a largo amount of honey.
All ho laukn now to make a square
meal is buckwheat cake.
The following farraoru have tired
of CiiBtor county and will try to bet
tor their condition , C.H.Uioe will
go to Kearney. Willie Drake to
iHaiHOuri , Geo. Carroll will break
up keeping and leave his wife with
her father whilu ho looks up a loca
tion in Wyoming or Colorado.
Since last writing Boreas and old
Sol have boon disputing for the mas
tery with the chances in favor of
Boreas. Several times ho blow as
cold as a tepruoluor'a < broathmix < ) d
with rain and snow. Then Sol din-
appeared and has gone to his Artie
regions and it is now clear and calm
No wind , no water and the oistorns
are about dry.
Estray Notice.
Takou up by E. rjL. Perry , two
miles and a half went of Alorna ,
Nov. 2J1 1800 , one rod oow about
four years old , branded on right
hip and one spotted calf sucking
the ojw , also branded with fish
brand on right hip.E.
E. L.
Letter List.
Following is iho dead letter Hat
for week ending Deo. fi , 1800 :
Mrs. Fidilia W. Kupiper ; Mrs.
W. II. Ru8soll(2) ( ) ; G W Coon ;
Miss July Rash ; J T Mallalien ;
Mrs Josie Smith- Fred D Williams
Esq ; Miles 'Walters ; Mr Cbaa.
Chapenan ; Samual Beobe : Mrs
Ftaul E Broun ; M r A F Sloan (3) ( ) .
Parties calling for the above
ploabo say advertised.
L. H. JBWETT , P , M.
The meetings in the Baptist
ohuron which have been running
for throe weeks , 'closed Sunday
night with a ull house and much
interest. Many persons found
Christ as then * Savior ; some have
been baptized and four others are
waiting baptism , and one was re
ceived by experience. The church
was greatly blessed. We had the efli
siuut services of Rev. M.L. Everett ,
State Evangelist of Iowa , whoso
learning , piety eloquence , and ear-
uentno'B , with many yearn of ex
perience in evangelistic work makes
him a power for good in the hands
of the Lord. The largo audiences
that greeted him each night not
only with their presence , but with
marked attention and deep interest ,
was an unmistakable evidence of
their appreciation of hia work. He
resorts to no clap-trap methods to
get people to come lorward. Ho
preaches the plain gospel , which
Paul says "Is the power of God unto
salvation. " Wo heartily recommend
him as a man of God and full of
the holy spirit , and our prayer is
that God may go with him to other
fields. At the Covenant meeting
on Saturday ovo. Doo. 3d , by a un-
euimous voice the church gave him
a vote of appiooiation and rocorn-
eudation. tAt the close of the
evening service the cutiro audience
in expressing a votn of thanks for
the splendid work done among us.
Pastor First Churoh , Broken Bow
It ia now time that you wore ad
vertising your holiday goods if you
want to toll them thia year. Those
who have already commenced are
W. II. Wiloor , of North Platte ,
entertained the legal b r of that
city in a Thanksgiving dinner , It
was given as ratification of the
election of Judge H. M. Grimes to
ho Judge ship for tlio second time
and that gentleman waa guoat of
A. W. Drako'a holiday gooJs arc
arriving. Cotno and BOO him for toys
jiotures , frames , easole , screens , cur
tain rods , poles , tiimmings eel.
Universal low prices on dishes ,
gauBware , china cups and saucers
cutlery , and spoons , rooken , center-
tables couches and iron bods.
Throe doors south 'ot ifank or
Commerce , west side of square.
Preaching 11. A. M. Snbjeot ,
"That Worthy Name" , 7.30 P. Al
"Evils of Divisions" . Bible School
10.A. M. C E 0. 30 P. M.
All are cordially invited to attend
each service. T. B. Mo. DONALD
( Brltioh Medics ! News. )
The frequent cases ot nervous pro-
tratioo or utter collapse ot uorvoua
eyatom under which women "go all to
pieces" as the any Ing Is. have oiu3d
ranch though nod Investigation on the
part of physicians'
Curtain Inorganic substances are wels
known to cause various forms ot cervouo
diseases which are readily traced to thr
poelono producing thorn , Furthul
research lends to the belief that alum Is
i prevailing cause ot so-oullcd nervous
prostration , for Iho symptoms U pro-
duoes on the nervous system after its
absorption Into the blood are very
remarkable Indeed. Expurlmonta
physiologically inado upon animals by
Orlila. Professors Ilans Mayer , Paul
Solm and others , show tbat alum fre
quently produces no.vlaiblo symptoms tot
many days alter its Introduction into
the body. Then follow loss of arpotito
and other alimentary dlstrubances , and
Qnally a eorious prostration of tbo whole
nervous system. Tbo most prominent
pby&lolaoa now believe that 'luervoua
prostration" and many affections of tbo
oorvep from wblob both man and women
suffer iiro caused by the continued
absorption of alum into tbo system. It
Is probable that many medlc&l men nro
unaware of the extent to which salts of
alumina may bo Introduced into the
body , being under the Impression that
the use of alum In bread Is prohibited.
Alum , however , is still usud surrepti
tiously to aomo to whiten broad , and
very largely in making cheap kinds of
baking powder. Tn families where
baking powder Is generally used great
care should bo exercised to procure only
those brands made from cream ot tarter.
The alutn powders may generally bo
distinguished by the lower prlco nt
which they ate sold.
In the District Court of U us tor County , Mob.
George W. I Icitaoni 1'ialtitllT ,
William U. Coons , ot si. Defendants. >
To William II , Coons , Elizabeth Coous and Goo.
11. Bell , nou-roildont defendants ;
Yon and each ot you will take notlco that on
the 12th day of August , 1899 , George Vf. Uleaion ,
.ho plaintiff aboro named , tiled hla petition in
tlio District Court of Ouster countj , Nebraska ,
agalnityou and each of you , and other defend
ants , the object anil prayer of which said petition
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed on
October lit , 1803 , by William U. Coons and
Elizabeth Coona to the Qlooo Inreitraent Co. ,
and afterwnrdi laid and assigned to this plulntllf
Said mortgage "Bl glren to sccaro the payment
of a principal note of $000 , dated October 1 , 1892 ,
and ana October 1st , 1807 , with Interest thoreou
at 7 per cent per annum from date until maturity
audio per cent thereafter ; aud also to lecuro
any payment for taxes npon tbe protnlios described -
scribed In laid morlgagj which the holder of
said mortgage m'ght ' nay. Ba'd mortgage was
gh n upon tbo neU of nwK aud the n\rU of the
ueHC ot 12. and tlio w i of the fln4 ! ot 1 , all In
towarhlp 15 , range 18 , Castor county , Nebraska.
That there la now duo npon said mortgage In
debtedness Iho follow tig amounts : tJpon the
'Principal ' note $000 , with 10 nor cent from Oot.
lit. 1B8T ; npon coupons No.6,7 , 8 , B and 10. 21
each , with Interest thereon nt the r to ot 10 po *
cent per annum from the dales of maturity ot
aaldconpous respectlTely ; and there U alio duo
for taxes paid upon said premUea by tbo holder
of aald mortgage IBS.a I. with ton per cent there
on from the date of said payment" , for which
inms , with Interest thereon as aforesaid , plain
tiff praya ( or a decree foreclosing b ld mortgage
and decreeing tbat said promises maj bo sold to
fatufy said amount , with Interest as aforesaid ,
aud costs of suit , You and each of yon are re
quired to answer said petition on or before Mon
day , the IBtU day of January. 1000.
By 0 L , Onttoreon , bis Attorney.
WANTBD Several persons for district
oflleo managers In this state to represent
mo in Ibnlr own and surrounding coun
ties. Willing to pay yearly $000 , pay-
nblo weekly. Desirable employment
with untieual opportunities. Reforon *
ccsexchanged. Enclose solf-nddrertod
stamped envelope' S. A : Park , i)20 )
Ouxton Dulldlug , Chicago.
11 30-2Gt.
Snubbed Oently nnil Unluteutlonnlly by
a Duko'g Uiirdner.
William Waldorf Astor , the expatri
ated American millionaire , who now
resides In London , Is the subject of a
lengthy biographical sketch In Tlt-
Ults , n publication Issued la the Drlt-
BU capital. Incidental to the sketch
t is related how the duchess of Clove-
and gently set him down on ono occa
sion. When his grand estate ofllcos
on the Thames cmhunkment were fln-
bhcd ho gave .a magnificent banquet
; o a number of swells. Showlr : ono
of the staircases lu the building to the
duchess , Mr. Aster Is alleged to have
asked :
"Isn't that handsome , your grace ? "
"Yes , it certainly Is , " replied the
"Isn't it more so than any other
staircase you over saw ? " Mr. Astor Is
reported to have persisted.
At this the duchess' back very nat
urally got up.
"Yes , " she oaid , gently , "I admlro It
very much. It is much flncr than our
old staircase nt Battle abbey , which
hns been spoiled these 200 or 300 years
by the spurs of these stupid old
knights. "
Battle abbey Is probably the grand
est old place In England , and com
pared with Cliveden , Mr. Astor's coun
try house , is like a battle ship to a
torpedo boat.
Another story with a similar point
is related in the same skecli. Mr. As
tor , It is averred , was lost In admira
tion of the duke of Westminster's lawn
at Cliveden when ho first saw It , and ,
It is said , asked the gardener :
"How do you grow turf like that ? "
"Well , sir , " says the gardener , rub
bing his chin aud looking very Inno
cent , "you Jest sows yer seed and then
'as It rolled every day for a hundred
years or so , sir. "
An Otlcl Honeymoon Spent Amid Weird
SnrrounillncH ,
From the Weekly Telegraph : A
gentleman who was married in India
a short time ago had a somewhat pe
culiar experience during his honey
moon. Ho took his newly-acquired
brldo away to a house situated on the
Nobudda river to spend the opening
month of their married life , and the
company that met them at tholr flrat
breakfast was not quite the kind a
brldo expects to welcome her. The
meal lu question was laid on a veran
da overlooking the river , and no soon
er did the servants begin to place the
crockery on the table than a largo
number of monkeys began to assem
ble from all directions , and noiseless
ly took their places on the veranda.
Naturally , when the husband called to
his wife , who was dressing , that
breakfast was ready , and they were
all waiting for her , she was quite per
turbed , moro especially as she expected
they were going to be alone. Irnag-
ino her surprise when she came down
to find all the available space around
the table occupied by monkeys , who
sat as grave and silent as possiblo.
During the breakfast biscuits were
thrown to the animals , and these , of
course , gave vlso to a struggle , whioh
resulted In a great deal of nol'se. No
sooner , however , was each biscuit gene
than the monkeys returned to their
places and sat as qulot as If nothing
had happened. As .soon as the couple
got up from the breakfast table the
monkeys , evidently recognizing that
there was nothing moro to be had , all
rose , and gravely marched down the
.steps from the veranda.
o o
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.
o o
We receive
from 10,000 to
' . . ' 5,000 letters
c\cry day
Si We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have U ;
Bfl over 1,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly
engaged filling out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL , CATALOGUE ta the book of the people It quotes
Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , 16,000 illustrations , and
60,000 descriptions or articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mall
each copy. VVe want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show
your coed faith , and we'll send you q copy FREE , with all chargea prepaid.
Q ) Q ) Q ) Q )
Wo have but recently returned from .Chicago , whore wo
purchased a largo stock of
Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under
4 wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing * ,
Including a line line of LADIES' SHOES. Our line of Shoes
is the best to be found in the oity. Our prices are below com
petition. Call and ace us. Whether Boys' or Men's Suits ,
Women's or Men's Underwear , Boots or Shoea , Hate , Caps , Goods or Notions are wanted , we are prepared to give
you better bargains and bettor goods , at better prices than any
other house in Central Nebraska.
Southwest Corner Sauare ,
Peale & John
I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Pound it.
Whore ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
\vorld is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you overheard
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Torbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
* Tistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
_ , jmember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. 5. SWAN , - - Proprietor.
Republican Office for' Job Printing.