Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 07, 1899, Image 1

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* UJWfc.-
" "eU/uka.
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Wo start the ball rolling today. Open day and evenings for the rest of this month , Special inducements to
church Hooiolics. Come ono and all.
Doll Carriages.
Doll Heads.
Music Boxes.
Jowe Harps.
Toy Stoves.
Pony Carts.
Fire Fngines.
Checker Boards.
Jack Stones.
Etc , Etc , Eto
Cups and Saucers.
Platee ,
Toilet Sots.
Water Sots.
Dinner Sots.
Glass Sots.
1'oto-a tote Sots
Mush & Milk Sets.
After Diu'r Ciffcee
Cake Stands.
Boys' Knivep.
Men's Knives.
Women's Knives.
Girl's Knives.
Glassware till kinds.
Etc. , Etc , , Eto
All Kinds.
Vase Limps.
Stand Linipp.
Hopping Lamps.
G'aefl Lamps.
Silver Lamps.
Brass Lamps.
Side Lamps.
The prious
on our
Lamps arc
about >
40 per cent
than you
can purchase
Well , I should
say so , All kind ?
and well wo have
no competition in
regard to price ; our
clocks are no bettor
than our neighbors ,
but we guarantor
them ar good , and
50 per coiitoheappr
Now Cidor.
N. 0. Molnaaoa.
Nuts all kinds.
Orange Pool.
Lemon Pool ,
B. W. Flour.
Maple Syrup.
Maple Sugar.
Dill Pickles.
Lots of Candy. Plenty of Nuts. Fruit for AH. Apples , Oranges. Everything at BoweuV.
Yours for Christmas Goods , at
atJ , C , BOWEN'S ' ,
Competent , careful , painstaking end pnlu
I saving attention , II they nee I any.
The llda of the human eye , Iu the din-
charge of their natural functions , open
and close no ICES than ten million times
each year.
J We need only to obactvo present day
eyes , to. ho positive , many poor abnfcd
ones are working overtime , The 'popseey-
ors are BO careless ot this priceless ortran
S that they allow It to BO , ( lay nttcr day ,
year after year , Ignoring Innumerable
warnings which tired nature no kindly
vauchsaft'5 Endurance Is u virtue , Iu
SJ J me , hut not In abuse.
Graduate ot Chicago Ophthalmic College.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this ofliee.
Edwin P. Myers does gun re
pairing. ,
Cannon City coal at Diorks
Lumber Co.
Silver novelties of all descriptions
at Ed McComas' .
See our line of salt and dried
lisb. Douglas & Birnoy.
Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaooiuo.
Heinz's first grade mince moat ir
bulk at Douglas & Birnoy'd.
Try n package of Magio Carpet
Cleaner at W. J. Woods' store.
A barrel of Duffy's pure apple
ju'.co on tap at Douglas & Birney's.
For nice chinaware go to Ed
MoCbmas' . Ho has jut what you
"Golden Brand" is the leading in
vegetables nd preserves at Douglas
& Birnoy's ,
It isn't right to aay "darn"wh3ti
Wilson & Drake sell children's
heavy 25ots. hose at loots' a pair.
Ed MoComas carries the only
stock ot out glassware in town.
These goods must bo Been to bo ap
preciated ,
All kinds of hair work done by
Mrs. R. J. Bullock at John Cross' ,
nix blocks south of the public
equaro. Lessons given also. 2218
A few of those large Rochester it
Miller lamps left. Dent grope in
the dark when you can buy these
lamps at half price.
Albums of all kinds at McComas' .
Dr. Day and wife spent Thanks-
Uiv'uig with Mrs. Smith , of Mcrna.
MihB Millie Warrington spent
her Thanksgiving with Mason City
' Minnie Amsborry came up from
lior school Saturday morning for a
visit at home.
Tom Williams , of Ansley , a good
friend of ihe KKPUBLICAN , was in
the city Tuesday.
A complete Hue of Heinlz's pre
serves in bulk , new good ? , at
Douglas & Birney's ,
Married , by Judge Armour , on
Wednesday , Nov. 29th , Mr. W. o.
Edmisten and Miss Mabel Sims.
Buy your fancy articles for Chriat
mas from the ladies of the Presby
terian church about December 1st.
Llev. and Mrs. Megan and daugh
ter took Thanksgiving dinner with
Ed Cadwoll five miles southeast of
the Bow.
L. E. Kirkpatriok and C L Gut-
torson , of the Bow , and fl. E.
O'Neill , of Omaha > tried a law suit
it Mullen last week.
The Thanksgiving ball given by
the fire company was a sucoes8both
socially and financially. The
crowd was large , 147 tickets having
been sold.
P. T. Koahn , formerly of this
city , and Mies Lizzie Baugh , of
Fairmont , wore mariied by Judge
Armour at the Globe hotel Thurs
day evening.
Rev. Epley delivered the address
in Broken Bow to a iair sized
audience. It was a splendid od-
drefH and those that missed it
missed a treat.
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms arc all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Brenizor.
D. M. Amsborry and wife started
Friday morningi for Hiawatha ,
Kansas , to attend the silver wed
ding of Mrs.nnsbtrry's sister ,
Mrs. Rachel Newman. They re-
roturucd last evening.
Mrs. John Robinson and her son
Chas. left last Wednesday for
Grand Island fur a Tlnnkegiving
visit with Lloyd Robinson. Mis.
Robinson went on from there to
attend the silver wedding of her
sister , Mrs. Newman , at Hiawatha ,
A Now Bakery.
I have just put in a now baknry
complete with the latest improve
ments and solicit public patronage.
Fresh bread , pies aud cakes a speci
alty. To set'uro fresh bread or
pastry instead ol ordering of your
grooeryman order direct from me
and I will deliver to your grocery-
man. So it will be delivered with
your order for groceries. All ord
ers attended to promptly. Con-
footionarice also kept in stock. Call
and leave your orders on west aide
of square.or telephone No. 125.
Go to Ed McComas' if you want
a nice prosent. Ho has them.
Mra. J.R. Teagarden is visiting
this weekt at Oconto , with friends.
Ada Runyon , of Mason City , is
visiting with her sister at the resi
dence of D. M. Amsberry.
FOUND A ladies work bag with
contents , which cau bo had at this
office by payine for tbianotioo ,
M.C. Warrington , publisher of
the Mason City Transcript , was
ciroflating in the city yesterday.
FOUND A bundle of dry goods ,
which the owner can have by prov
ing property aud paying for this
Have you soon those latest in
ladies'guard chains ? Call for the
Marueotte ; they are beauties , at
Ed MoComas'-
John , and G. T. Robinson , U. L.
Ward and Newt Marcus , shipped
three oars of fat cattle yesterday to
the Omaha market.
Veno Powell , of Woissert , was
a friendly caller yesterday. Ho
says that moat of the farmers have
their corn gathered in his vicinity.
W. W. Norton , of Alliance ,
came down yesterday morning tote
to look ( tftor his business here.
This office acknowledges a welcome
Wright Rankin , shipped four
hundred head of oattlo to Dunning
the first of this week frrra Miss
ouri where he had bought them
last summer.
WANTBD Men and women to
solicit tor the Fraternal Union of
Amcnca in Custor county.
C. F. BHMBT , Deputy ,
Broken Bow.
A now line of sample gloves and
mittens just received. Every con
ceivable style. Eleven hundred
pairs , and below factory prices.
Mrs. Smith , of Merna , spent Sun
day with her friend , Mis. Dr. Day ,
and attended the revival services at
the Baptist church , returning to
Morna Sunday night.
Miss Alexander loft Thursday on
forty-four for Wahoo , to meet her
mother whoso home is now at Port
land Oregon , and she is now visit
ing at Wahoo , her former homo.
ttov. M. L. Everett , the Evange
list who has been holding meetings
hero for the past ihroo woekb , went
to Mason city yesterday to visit his
sister and other relatives there t
few daye.
Mrs. Wood , wlfo of Rev. Wood
pastor of the Baptist church a1
Mason City , went down to visit
with him over Thanksgiving. As
soon as a house can be procure !
they will move down.
Broken Bow Lodge , I. O. O. F ,
have elected the following officer
for the ensuing term : Noble Grand
Goo. Apple ; Vice Grand , D. W
Lantorman ; 8 o'y , W. G , Purooll
Treasurer , H. J , Shinn ; Trustee
P , M. Towflloy.
Games for old and young at Mo-
ComaB * .
Bring your guns and revolvers , to
Jas. Nance for ropaiis.
Quality t.nd purity is our watch
word , Douglas & Birnoy'a ,
All work guarutocd and prices
reasonable done by James Natioo.
Our teas highest in quality ,
lowest in prioo. Douglas & B's.
Collar , cuff , neck tie. glove and
handkerchief boxes at McComas1.
Our Kiilitt Mooha and Jnvacoiioo
is the bust at Douglas & Birnoy's.
All kinds of bycicle roparing ,
frame work especially , by Jas.
Nance north of thu pOHtoflioo.
V. C. Talbot branded n hundred
and h'ty ' head of stock oattlo yes
terday at the B. fc M. stock yard * ,
which ho had just hfiippod in from
Grand Island. They are two and
throe year old heifers.
C A Chapin nnd son Emerory ,
the export carpenters of Broken
Bow , bus just roluruod from Lins-
scolt whtro they have completed
two houses , ono lor Mr. Hanes and
the other for Mr. Raney ,
Mr. Eugene Haincs , of \usloy ,
and Miss Alyrllu Sharp , of St.Louis ,
were married at the residence ot
Font Sharp in this city , Wednes
day evening , Nov. 20ih , Rov.
Bailey , of Ansloy , ofh'cialing.
C. S. Orborno has disposed of his
paper at Sargent , to Howard
Savage and accepted the position
an foreman of this oflioe again ,
Charley has many friends in Broken
Bow who are glu'l to welcome him
Rev. llornaday has tendered his
resignation as pastor of the M. E
church , to take effect the first of
January. Ho expects to work for
the State Anti-Saloon League , at a
salary of $1,200 per year and ox.
; cnses.
Watoh-Us. Ladies and Gent's ,
gold and silver watches. Chatelaine
watches. Buy your watchi-s of us
and save 20 per cont.
Rev Baird. a Missionary from Co-
roa , will deliver a lecture on the
of "Midsions''attho
ubjoot Presby-
erian church on Friday nipht Dtjo
5. An invitation is extended to
ho sister churches and any others
vho may come.
The REPUULICAN extends con
gratulations to Rod C. Smith , of
ho Shelton Advisor , who has been
ppointed private Roorotary to Cor-
rresFman Neville. Ho is worthy of
ho place , but sorry to lese him
rom the fraternity.
Rev. John A. Ellis , former , pastor
of the M. E. church and one of the
nest popular ministers Broken Bow
ias ever had , will lecture in the M.
C. church Wednesday , Dec13th. .
In subject , "My Brother Jona
than , " is attracting great attention.
A watch makes a very desirable
Christmas present. A largo assort-
nout of ladies'or gentlemen's watch
on at Ed MoComaH * .
You don't have to pay exorbitant
> ricos this year for holiday novol-
iea. See Wilson & Drake , for dres
ping oases , jewlory , collar and cuff
joxeH. Gold and silver watches ,
OH el oases , perfumery , celluloid
ioveltie8ect , all at prices minus one
lalf the usual margin ? .
DIKD November 28 , 1809 , Clarence
enco , the five year old boy of W.
W. Walters , five miles east of the
city. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. J. R. Teagarden -
den on Thanksgiving , at 11 o'clock.
Although the family had but re
cently coiuo from the oantorn part
of the state , many friends attended.
John Robinson" reports that U L.
Ward , three and one-half miles
southwest of Broken Bow , had 27
head of oattlo stolen from his herd.
Mr. Ward has 130 head on his place
and on last Friday night twenty
f even of them were driven away.
The oattlo were not mused for suv
oral days and it will be a hard
matter to got any trace ot them.
Landlord Sweazy , of the Com
mercial , received a letter from the
Parraolco Broo. of Plattsmouth ,
contractors for the now hotel , that
t'-oy had better dolor the building
of the hotel until spring. This
did not suit Mr. Sweazy , and he
loft for Omaha Friday morning to
see about the matter. If it can bo
done with frnfoty ho will insist on
the filling of the contract , If after
consultation with the contractors
it is thought beat to defer the
building the contract will be made
for the early spring.
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc
mcnaccrs to health of the day.
Dolls from lo to $0 at McComas' .
ChiJdren'H toy bfloks and blocks
it Ed MoComah' .
Fresh homemade broad for sale
U Famcr's Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
The latest thing in gentlemen's
chains is the Bigney Vest Fob or
ho Eiffel Pony and Fcb at Ed Mo-
Comas' .
The Magio Carpet Cleaner will
clean that soiled carpet without any
lard work , and whih on the floor ,
and restore the color. For sale at
W. Jk Woodrt' furniture store. at
1 wish to inform the public , that
. have opened up my new photo
studio on I hn west side of the public
square , second door north of Bank
of Commeroand respectfully solicit
a Bharo of your patrouage , bulioviug
.hat by good work , fair and cour
teous treatment I will bo able to
iloase you. ll.L.FiuzutK ,
Broken Bow.
Last evening Rov. M. L. Eyorott
who is conducting services at the
Baptist church , delivered a sermon
entitled "The Three Fold Cord. "
liev. Everett is an Odd followand
prepared this sermon especially for
.ho members of that order. Quite
a number of Broken Bow Led o
were in attendance , aud all enjoyed
) is well prepared aud splendid do-
ivorcd Bormon Chief.
As acting editor of the RurujiLi-
OAN wo desire to axtend thanks to
ho brethren of the "throe links"
cr their attendance and the pleas
ure of their acquaintance.
M. L. EviCIittTT.
After this issue wo will charge-
or all society locals that are run
with the view of raising - money.
Ai exception will bo made in favor
of churches and only half rates will
)0 askedWo are always willing
o contribute our shaio in all maters -
ors that are of public interest , but
s every line o ( typo wo Uavo sot
fltH us Rash , wo doom it but roa-
enable that all who roauive a ben-
fit therefrom should bo willing to
hare their proportion of the ex-
) onse. It is usually but a small
matter , but year in nnd year out it
mounts to quite a sum ,
Don't Loouo Your Head
Go to Wilson&Drakes and buy
lie boy a wntuh that will run and
coop good tiino , for 79 cents. AUo
uvesligato those items which we
will sell you at dry goods store prr
cos. Celluloid colhr and cuff box
es 00 cents. Elegant glove boxes
at 25 and CO contu. Handkerchief
JOXOB 15 , 25 , 50 cents. Plush col-
ar nnd cull boxes 50 cents. Elegant
dressing cases at about half the usu
al price * l 20 , $1.35 , 1.45 , 2.00,2.75
3.05,3.00,5.50 , oct. Ladies' ele
gant Gold penH , Ladle's Gold
watches from $7,35 up , Gents gold
watohcp , at lower prices than any
body. Elegant Gold Rings for
your sweetheart , Nail brushes ,
h .ir brushes , lOots , Talcum toilet
powder 5cts , Mcnnen's borated
Talcum toilet powder 15ots , Ladies
purat'ri , Gouts' purscH , ( fragrant
perfumes -I0otn per i unco , Vaseline
camphor ice 7cts ; pure Vaseline 4o
Elegant Opal Ware novelties at
very low prices. A house full ol
useful and ornamented articles
Hiitiablo for Holiday presents
Ladies Golf cape , Lidics anc
Misses Nobby Jackotd , olegau
RugB , and carpets , Mens and
boys mats and over coats.
Shoes for the whole family , Mu.T-
k-rs , tttylor made suits , drees skirts
Our store is heated largely by our
line of hlakota and ladies and Gent's
underware. They are the warmest
thug * in town , WILSON * DRAKE
Bibles at publishers prices at Mo-
Comas' .
Dreading cases from 75o to $12 at
MoComas' .
The U. B. Church will observe
Christmas in the usual way
The i largcat'stook of solid gold
rings in the city at E 1 MoCoratu' .
Judge Sullivan wont to Dawaon
county Monday morning to hold
district court.
1 haven't all the books in town ,
jut I have the largest stock and
beat collection. lid MoComas.
Judge Sullivan antieHHod tho. fioo
for selling liquor at Woatomllo ,
agauist Andy J. MoArlhur. . at
AL Epworth League social will
be hold Tuesday night at the homo
of J.L.Burko. All are cordially
Sheriff Loaisuro brought a boy
named Polorsou up from Ooouto
Monday to bo examined with a
view of sending him to the reform
O. P. Porley In oloaing out bia
entire buaiuosa and offering great
bargains in groceries , dry goods ,
clothing , bootH and shoos , farm
mplomonte , wagons , buggies , oto.
Rev , Epley , assisted by Rov. L.
[ > . Uuntzinger of Lebanon , con-
'oronoo evangelist of wont Nebraska
conference , Is holding a protracted
uccting at [ the Marcus school
M.L. Everett , the Evangoliat ,
who haa boon holding meetings at
, ho Baptist church says , "I have
toard the special business" Elijah
P. Brown's leoturo , and it is ooo
of the the boat humorous tjlooturos
thai I over listened to. It ia
worth the monuy and you will not
regret attending.
Mr. F. N. Dopkiua and wife , of
Lincoln special deputies of the
Royal Highlanders , informs us that
lie has added thirty five new mora-
bors to Boriviok Castle No. 28 , and
expects to only stay one week
lotigor hero , and while the charter
is open let unite who can. Twelve
ladioB have all ready handed - iu
.hoir application and when twenty
Ivo havu boon secured , a ladies
Auxiliary will bo organized. Un.
: ill that time the membership fee
for ladioa will bo only two dollars ,
Little Dora Ann , the three year
old child of M. L. Amaborry , died
Wednesday morninir nf. fl
if heart trouble , The funeral was
lold from the homo yosto'rday at
11 o'clock , Rev. Woods conducting
the services , after which the ro-
maiuH were laid to rest in the Ana-
oy cemetery. The entire com
munity deeply sympathizes with
thu bereaved parents over the loan
of their httlo daughter Analey
Thu above was a noioo of the
editor of the RKPUBLIOAN. It wa
ho intention to drive down to the
funeral with the entire family , but
wing to the bad weather Thursday
9. M. Amsborry wont on the train
Killed lllmseir Accldeutly.
Last Friday morning , tbo oldest ,
a fourteen year old son of S. 1C.
Leo , of Rouud Valley , acqidently
discharged hia shot gun and inflic-
.od a mortal wound upon himself.
Thu boy was out with a team and
wagon , on which was hia shot gun.
As the gun waa about to fall from
the wagon the boy caught it and
in Homo way it was discharged.
The shot took effect in ono thigh
aud the lower part of the body
from which ho died the next day.
Tuesday morning the RBPOBLI-
OAN office oiimo vry near going up
in snioko. The building adjoining
tliifl office on the uoith is unoii as a
storage room for maohmory , and
also % 9 a temporary paint shop by
Mr Bolts , Tuesday morning Mr.
Lirsou , who worka for Mr. Betts ,
came early aud made the fire in the
stove , and loft a lighted lantern
sitting on a barrel near the stove.
The stove became too hot and the
lantern exploded , and when Mr.
Lirson returned everything was in
a blaze aud the room full of smoke.
Ho grabbed the lantern and aont it
into tbo atroet , and by prompt work
extinguished the blaze , and thus
prevented the spread of what would
have been a disastrous tiro.
Jess Gandy haa at all times on
his ranch , six miles southwest of
Broken Bow stock cattle for eale.
Terras made on application. tf