Insurgents Kill lour Americans and Wound Twenty-Five in Battle , THE CASUALTIES INCLUDE Of flCERS Enemy Driven from Troncli to Trench by Col. ' ' Cnrpuntcr'M 1'orco righting VcntlnucH With IiiiurgciitH llotrentlng toSiintii llsirbuni Lous of Insurants Nut Knouu , MANILA , Nov. 21. Severe fighting 1 the north of Hello began Tuesday November 21. Four Americans were killed and twenty-five wounded , In cluding three officers. The Insurgents ore retreating to Santa Barbara , but the fighting continues. Colonel Carpenter , November 18 , ad- > anced to Santa Barbara , straight north from Jaro , taking trench after trench , the enemy fighting and retreat ing. General Hughes' column has boon steadily advancing north to gain a po sition west of Santa Barbara. It encountered the enemy In small detachments. Six to ten Americans were wounded In this column. Colonel Carpenter started during the night of November 20 , and opened with Battery G of the Sixth artillery at daybreak , November 21 , on the trenches. The enemy volleyed as the artillery took up a position , wounding four. Two companies of the Twenty-sixth regiment garrisoning Jaro , moved through Caraz , attacking the enemy on the right flank just north of Jaro at daybreak , November 21 , driving them toward Colonel Carpenter. The coun try between Jaro and Santa Barbara i thickly entrenched , especially near Pavla. The Sixth artillery fired on the trenches and the Eighteenth regiment charged , the enemy retreating to tlu > next trench. The Eighteenth again charged , encountering and attacking a force of bolomen who were hidden In the long grass and who severely wounded several Americans. During the afternoon of November 21 the fighting was severe immediate ly south of Pavia , three miles north of Jaro. The column returned to Jaro after the flank movement , having captured three six-round smoothbore cannons and a quantity of arms and ammuni tion. tion.The enemy's loss was not obtainable , but seven men were found dead In one trench. The Insurgents are falling back on Santa Barbara , which It Is ex pected General Hughes has attacked before this. A Spanish corporal , captured by the Filipinos , has arrived hero from Tar- lac. Ho says ho saw Agulnaldo , ac companied by a prominent leader and fifteen men , arrive at Bayambong during the night of November 13 , hatless - less , his clothes torn and spattered with mud and his horse exhausted. Agulnaldo , It appears , rested a short time , seemed anxious , consulted with his companions and the villagers as to the nature of the roads , secured fresh horses and proceeded Immediately to ward Mangalaren In Pangasinan prov ince , west of Bambang. . The corporal tells a straight story , giving minute details. He Is convinced he 1 ? not mistaken , having seen Aguln aldo several times during recent months. Agulnaldo , it appears , would have time to leave Bayambong November 33 and pass through General Wheaton's lines November 17. MANY DEFENDERS OF DEWEY. Letters nnil Tologrnim lXprc islve of Support nnd Sjmputliy. WASHINGTON , Nov. 24. A delega tion from Wheeling , W. V. , today called on Admiral Dewey and extended an invitation to him to visit that city February 22 next. The admiral ac cepted the Invitation. He was pre sented by the committee with a superb eevre Jardlnere. Lieutenant Crawford today gave out the following statement on behalf of the admiral : "Admiral Dewey has received many hundreds of letters and telegrams from persons In all walks of life and In ovcry section of the country , from Maine to Texas , assuring him that he is not without defenders am express ing their sincere sympathy with him in connection with the recent attack upon him. These letters and telegrams are far too numerous to receive per sonal acknowledgments , but the ad miral Is deeply grateful to the senders nnd desires to assure them of his hearty appreciation of their kind con sideration. " THE LATE MAJOR HOWARD. Remains Arrive la San Frunclcoo cn- Itouto to Omaha. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Nov. Zi. On beard the transport Belgian King , just arrived from the Philippines , is the body of Major Guy Howard of Omaha , who was connected with the quartermaster's department of thn ar my and waa killed on October 21. lie waa passing up the Rio Grande river near Arayat in a small launch when he was shot by a native concealed along the banks of the stream. He was a son of Major General O. 0. Howard , retired , The body was placed on tne transport after funeral services had been held at Manila on the morning of October 25. It will be sent to Omaha lor interment. Iloors Are Much Doprcused , LONDON" , Nov. 24. The Post publishes the following this morning , dated Pletermarltzburg , Thursday : We ha\e received a rumor here tcday from Dutch sourcea to the effect that our forcea recently Inflicted another disastrous defeat on the Boers around Ladysmlth. Nearly all the enemy's large guns are reported captured. Tne Boers are said to have been complete ly demoralized. The rumor is uncon firmed , but ttio Dutch in the district appear much depressed , so that tuere bo some truth in it. A HOT FIGHT AT DELMONT. Urltlsh fTlii Victory tit Cost ot Heavy I.nM of Ofllciirn nnd Men. ORANGE RIVER , Nov. 21. Noon An engagement was started on the other side of WItteputs , Just above Orange liver , this morning and the British artillery succeeded In forcing the enemy to retire. The following is the official com munication issued to the press respectIng - Ing it : "Artillery firing commenced nt1:15 : n. m. , in the hills bearing cast north east from Orange river , nt an esti mated distance of twelve miles. It ceased at 7 o'clock , the enemy retiring. The artillery Is firing again. " The secretary of war haa received the following dispatch through General Forester-Walker from Methuen , dated Belmont November 23. "Attacked the enemy at daybreak this morning. He vas In n strong po sition. Three ridges were carried In succession , the last attack being pre pared by shrapnel. Infantry behaved splendidly and received support from the navy brigade. The enemy fought with courage nnd skill. Had I at tacked later I should have had far heavier loss. Our victory was complete. Have taken forty prisoners. Am burying a good number of the Boers , but the greater part of tha enemy's killed nnd wounded were removed by their com rades. Have captured a largo number of horses and cows and destroyeu a large quantity of ammunition. "Brigadier General Fcterstonhaugh was severely wounded in the shoulder and Lieutenant Colonel McCabe of the Grenadier Guards Is reported wounded. " HAYWARD SLIGHTLY BETTER. Doctors Arc Katlucnt Upon the Subject of ln > iiro\onii-nt. NEBRASKA CITY , Nob. , Nov. 21. Senator Hayward rested easily and appears bettor than ho was. Ills pulse and temperature are normal , a fact that Is gratifying to his physicians. The paralysis of the lower limbs wnleh alarmed the physicians yesterday , seems to be gradually receding today , giving these members freer action , but his right arm is useless , his speech difficult and his mind is clouded at in tervals. Dr. Bridges came from Omaha and spent most of the night with the uieit man. He says that the condition of the patient Is Improved over what it was when he was here before , Ho ncld a consultation with Dr. Whlttcn and Indorsed the treatment prescribed by the latter during the last few days. Dr. Bridges agreed with Dr. Whit- ten that it cannot be known at this time whether or not there Is serious inflammation about the lesion in the brain. Both physicians expressed themselves as being satisfied with tne manner in which the case is progrcbS- ing , but were reticent upon the sub ject of the prospects for any perma nent improvement. SPAIN WANTS TO KNOW. Asks SIcKlnley to Keep Fronilso to Frco .Spanish 1'rlnonors. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 24. The Spanish minister , the Duke d'Arcos , called at the state department today to learn the prospects for the release of the Spanish prlsoncis held in the Phil ippines. Thus far nothing has been heard as to the measure of success at tending the dispatch of a message from President McKinley to Agulnaldo con cerning the Spanish captured , but it is assumed that the recent forward" move ment of the American troops and the routing of the Filipinos that difficulty has been experienced by General Mac- Arthur in delivering the messages. 'Iho American forces have t'iced scattered bands , about sixty to eighty in till , and besides these 200 sick prisoners arc about to bo relpased and put aboaid an American ship now on the way north to receive them. There now re main about 2,000 or 3,000 Spanish pns- oners in the hands of the insurgents. WILL LIKELY HELP ROBERTS. Congressman Cromer Predicts Utuh Ulan Will ICbtitln Ills Seat. MUNCIE , Ind. , Nov. 24. Said Con gressman George W. Cromer of the Eighth district : "I predict that Brigham H. Roberts , congressman-elect from Utah , will bo allowed to retain his seat In congress , through the influence of democratia politicians. The republican majority in the Fifty-sixth congress will bo only fourteen. The democrats , I be lieve , will never permit a free sllvcr- ite and expansionist democrat to bo ousted from his seat by republicam in congress. It would be voting against themselves. Besides , to expel Mr. Rob- It will require two-thirds of the mem bers and unless the democrats vote with the republicans he will keep nla seat. " PREPARE TO MAKE A STAND. I isurgents Select the I'laco Where They Will Make Iteslstencu. MANILA , Nov. 21. The insurgents from the north are concentrating at Montalban and San Mateo , where it la expected they vlll make resistance to the American advance. The Spaniards never occupied these places and the In surgents believe them to be Impregna ble. ble.A A reconnaissance to the northwest of San Mateo on Tuesday developed the fact that the rebels were moving stores and men to Montalban. The number of Insurgents la unknown. ROSA CAIIN LOSES CASE. Lincoln Man ItcceUcs Verdict In Suit by Ills Daughter. NEW YORK , Nov. 24. The jury In the case of Rosa Calm against her father , Isaac Calm , whom she sued for $25,000 damages on the charge of as sault , before-Justice Levontritt In the supreme court , returned a verdict in favor of the defendant. llutler Sturti for Natal. CAPETOWN. Nov. 24. General Dul ler has iitarted for Natal. He Is ex pected to return shortly. Successor to MaoLenn Will Bo Soleotctl by Now Board of Ecgeuts , MATTERS WILL NOT GE HURRIED Siipcrlntrndout Andrew * of Chicago In n 1'rlino I'uxorlto Mult AgiiliiBt .liilin T. Mullnllcti DUmliMfd Mltri'lliuiiM > tis Nehranttii Matter- * . LINCOLN , Nob. . Nov. 27 Ono of the most Important duties the new State Unlveislty Board of regents will have to perform will bo the selection of n chancellor. Dean Chailes E. Bossoy has been acting chancellor since the beginning of the university year and will probably continue In the same ca pacity until next fall. It Is possible that no selection will be made for a year or more , but It 13 generally be lieved by thoao connected with the unl- vtralty that the matter will be taken up by the regents at the April meeting. The list om candidates for the chancel lorship is growing larger every day. Nearly all state are represented and there aio even ono or two people in Europe mentioned for the place. There has been some talk of the present Board of Regents st'.ectlng a man before the terms of the outgoing members explie , but the board itself has not considered the proposition and it is unlikely that such action will be taken. It has always been the policy of the regents to move slowly in such matters nnd it would not be surprising if no selection is made for over a year. Of the men mentioned for the posi tion of chancellor the mo t prominent are : Superintendent Andrews of the Chicago public schools , President .1. C Stubbs of the Nevada State univer sity , President W. ri. Chaplin of the Washington university of St. Louis and Prof. Jeuka , formerly of Cornell university. Supcrlntedont Andrews Is very popular In this city and a stiong effort Is being made In his behalf. The newly elected regents will take their seats in January , but the first really Important meeting will not beheld held until April. The ( " .Huge Iii Trclghc Ititrfl. LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 27. The usual end of the year changes in freight rates on the railroads is causing more than the usual stir among shippers of bulky commodities. Especially are the lumber dealers of the state worked up over the new schedule which goes into effect the middle of next month. S ° v- eial of these country dealeis have been in Lincoln during the past few days and the higher rates have been the topic of discussion among them gener ally. ally.The The railroads' anouncement that the car load rate for cattle would be dis continued next month has caused cat tle shippers to renew the old contest that was on two years ago. The car load rate permits cattlemen to pay so much for the car and then load it aa they please , In4 certain limits. The rate per1 hundred weight permits the railroad to charge for every pound carried. It is considered probable that there will be some vigorous remons trances against some of tha changes like the above which the state board of transportation will have to hear this winter. Hlg Itrul irHtnto Deal. K1MBALL. Neb. , Nov. 27. Ono ot the largest , If not the largest , real es tate deals over consummated In this county was the sale of the Circle * v- low ranch , six miles cast of town. This valuable ranch , which consists of 5,800 acres , has Just been purchased from the Bay State Llvo Stock com pany by Robert Deal and Mr. Hagger- ty. The latter Is Mrs. Deal's partner In a copper mine In Wyoming. The ranch has about twenty-five miles of fence and a good meadow from which 500 or COO tons of good hay Is cut every year. The purchasers get this year's hay crop. It Is understood they will stock It up with cattle or sheep In the near future and Mr. Deal will look after this ranch In connection with his own ranch. Dismiss the Mnlhillcn Case. * KEARNEY , Neb . Nov. 27. The suit of the State of Nebraska against John T. Mallalleu to recover af.t alleged shortage In his accounts when ho re tired from office was dismissed In the district court of Buffalo county by the attorney general. Mr. Mallalleu was succeeded by C. W. Hoxle February 1 , 3897. The legislative investigating committee that was at that time over hauling the accounts of ex-officials of the state and of stulu institutions in vestigated Mallalleu's accounts , the matter being In the committee's hands from June to November , 1897. Suit for an alleged shortage of about 54,400 was begun In the district court of this county In August , 1898. Sidney I.nnd Ofllco Examined. SIDNEY , Neb. , Nov. 27. Colonel A. R. Green , Inspector of government land offices , was hero and carefully exam ined the local land office. Ho spoke well of Receiver Matt Daughcrty and Register Harris and found the office In splendid shape. The office Is now pay- 'ng the maximum salary , | 250 a month. Nebraska Pensions. WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. Following is the issue of Nebraska pensions : .Original George Coburn , Bradshaw , $8 ; Justus Evans , Lyons , ? G. Additional Robert C. Burns , Red- ington2 to $ G. Increase Special , November 7. David Stevens , Lincoln , | 4 to ? C. Newnpuper Offlm Destroyed. COLUMBUS , Nob. , Nov. 27. The vil lage of Monroe was thrown Into a state of excitement when it became known that the office of the Monroe Looking Glass had been broken into and had been made a wreck and most of the printing equipment destroyed or greatly damaged. The Looking Glass is owned and published by Editor Gerard , who'la a prohibitionist' , and it was owing to this sentiment that the office was de stroyed. NATIONAL GUARD REGIMENT. Adjutant tloncrnl Him Issued n tlon for Kitulpincnt. LINCOLN , Nov. 21. The adjutant general has Issued a requisition on the military department at Washington for equipment for another regiment of the Nebraska National guard. Ar rangements have been completed by the military authorities of the state for the organization of this regiment , which will bo named after the First regiment of Nebraska volunteers , In recruiting prcfoionces will bo given to members of the old organization and the companies so far as possible , will bo formed according to Its schedule. Captain Vlckcro , Into of company F of the First regiment , has been author ized to recruit .or reorganize his old company and similar orders will bo Is sued later by the adjutant general di recting the organization of other com panies. The condition of the Nebraska Na tional guard will hardly permit Iho holding of another encampment un less the state goes Into debt. The ap propriation made by the legislature was much smaller than the amount asked for by the adjutant general nnd It Is quite probable that there will ho a deficiency in the fund by the end of next year. It la thought , however , that by going Into debt for the amount of transportation of the troops it will bo possible to hold the encampment as usual next year. FUNDS LACKING POR COURT. federal AlTuIra Seriously Iliimpurod by ttio Sltn.itlon. OMAHA , Neb. . Nov. 24. Business of the United States court is at present seriously hampered by lack of funiJa. There Is no danger of an entire sus pension of the work before thc > stand jury , but it will probably bo neces sary to dispense with many witnesses living at 11 distance because there is no money with which to pay tholr fees or railway fares. It Is likely that oi\ly such witnesses as llvo In the city or wear at hand will bo summoned. This condition of nffalni has been caused by the recent change made , in the nuirshal'n office. When lilaishal Mathcwa took his position ha became Uio disbursing olllcer nt the federal building , Ho secured a surety bond and forwarded It to Washington. The name of the Omaha agent was at tached to the papers , but the Washlng- 'on authorities were not satisfied with this and sent back word that a power ttf attorney must bo sent on , showing that the agent was duly uuthorlzed to act for the surety company. The pow er of attorney had already been sent to the New York office of the compai ft and It was understood that it wou'tl 1 | . Immediately formarded to Waahlngi ton , but there has been a hitch , nnd in lonsequenco the bond has not been ap proved and no money has been sup plied the disbursing officer here. AVcavcr Insuriinro I.nw. 'LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 21. The su preme court listened to argument , in the case of Auditor Cornell against Governor Poynter , a suit , to test the constitutionality of the Weaver In surance law , a law which removes the Insurance department from the control of the auditor and provides for an In crease of fees from insurance compa nies. The case was argued and sub mitted to the court. It Is believed that a decision will bo given within a few weeks. Deputy Insurance Commis sioner Bryant nnd Deputy Attoiney General Oldham appeared for the gov ernor , while Robert Ryan spoke for Auditor Cornell. Attorneys who heaul the argument were of the opinion that no case had ever been presented to the court In better form. Mr. Bryant ar gued in favor of the constitutionality of the law and denied that It croatcd i new executive oflico contrary to the constitution. Cnusoi Dn.ith of HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 24. A tramp was arrested at Donlphan , Hall coun ty , on suspicion of having murdered the city marshal at Aurora several months ago. The marshal waa found dead on the railroad tracks ono mornIng - Ing , having been run over by a freight train , and it was supposed that his death was accidental. The tramp ar rested , while under the influence of liquor , bragged about being responsi ble for the marshal's death , claiming that he shoved him beneath a moving train. The man , who gave his name as Call , was brought to this city and kept In jail over night and was taken to Aurora. Ho claimed to remember nothing of the statements he Is alleged to have made. It Is said that he was In Hastings about the time of the marshal's death. I'nxton Cn In Submit toil. LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 24. The case of William A. Paxton nnd others against the state of Nebraska , in wnich the plaintiffs seek a reversal of the decision of the district court of Doug las county holding them liable on iho bond of ex-State Treasurer Bartloy , was argued and submitted to the tm- premo court. John C. Cowln , Robert Ryan and Frank Irvine appeared for the bondsmen and Attorney General Smyth and Ed P. Smith argued for the state. Indians to 1'liiy Pool bull. HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 24. The Hastings Athletic club has secured the Genoa Indian school team for their Thanksgiving football game. This promises to be the game of the sea son for Hastings as the teams promise ; o be evenly matched In weight and playing ability. Lightning Hod Hhnrps nt Work. HASTINGS , Nob. , Nov. 24. Adams : ounty and vicinity arc being "work ed" by lightning rod sharpers. Not long ago Henry Wongert , a farmer liv ing northeast of Hastings , signed a : ontract to have rods put on his barn tnd soon the work was done. Then a Dill of $240 was presented to him. Mr. Wengert refused to pay the bill and later another man , who was connected with the lightning rod company , called upon Mr. Wtngert and offered to uc- sept f30 12 payment in full. BEGINNING OF THE END Buildings of the Exposition Will Do n Bo a BominUconco , THE DEMOLITION GOES FORWARD Method of Touring Down tlio lIulldltiRii nnd DUpiultlou of the Siihngo A I'rlionur l rapon nt NcllRli , but Is Ko- cupturcd VarioiiH Ncbiuulm Alutlora Hero mid There. OMAHA , Nob. , Nov. 22. The licsln- nlng of the ontl of the trnns-Mlsalssi , ) ! ) ! nnd Grcntcr America exposition build ings nnd groundg Is on In earnest. Thu Chicago Wrecking company lina put about 100 men to work In addition to those started previously , and It will continue to put more men on every morning and noon until two or nioro gangs are engaged on every building. The transportation building at the north end of the West Midway , will bo allowed to stand and bo used as ix storage house by the wrecking com pany. Later an auction of odds and ends will bo bold in It. The agriculture building was the one first tacled by the forces of demolition. The workmen began at the roof , re moving the rubborold and the gravel. Then they tear oft the sides and 10- move or shako off the staff and sheath ing. Next the frame comes do\\n. Finally the trusses are lowered. Every body had a dream that staff could bo converted into a fertilizer. The com pany has no other disposition In view than to fill excavations with It and does not expect It to fertilize any crop not oven of wild oata sown on the Midway site. It may find Its use luter. Most of the material to bo wrecked Is already s5\l , ono man In Iowa , for Instance , having bought 200,000 feet of lumber. Lumber Is freed from naiia , the ends are squared up and then It la marketable for use in constructing small buildings. Fifteen tons of wire was counted up by the wrecking company , but the outlook Is that It will not find over half that quantity , for concessionaires have carried off bomo and unknown parties have stolen more. Count of Alotcom at Oroto. CRETE , Nob. , Nov. 22. Observa tions wore carried on at Doswoll obser vatory , Doano college , under the direc tion of Prof. H. II. Ilosford nnd a largo body of assistants throughout last week. Monday night was BO cloudy that very little was accomplished. Tuesday was clear and the observa tions were successful , about ono hun dred and twenty-five meteors being counted. Wednesday night was cloudy preventing any careful observations. Thursday night was cloudy until 3 a. in. After that tlmo the woik was very satisfactory. About thlrty-llvo meteors were carefully timed and platted down on charts. Three photographs were taken , but thay wore only partially oucccssful. Stork StoiilliiK CIIHPH Up. AINSWOUTH , Nob. , Nov. 22. The November session of the district court for Brown county Is now open with W. II. Westover as presiding Judge. There is a light docket. The celebrat ed Jay case will como up for trliil. This ,1s the case of Ed Jay , on trial charged with stealing a span of horses from the Boll Cattle company , and causes mu ili Interest among stockmen. V-'ltncrscs arc hero from Valley and Glister coun ties , and everything Is In readiness for certain trial. It will bo hotly con tested , the prosecution being repre sented by M. P. Harrington of O'Neill , and the defense by C. C. McNlsu of Fremont. In WASHINGTON , Nov. 22. The pres ident has selected , lohn Hyde of Ne braska , who for the past few years has been statistician In the agricultural de partment and \yjip had charge of ono section of the tenth census , as a mem ber of the United States board of geological logical names to represent the depart ment of agriculture. Nebraska postmasters appointed : Alon/o II. Cooper , vice William Ball- He , removed. The postofflccs at Debolt , Douglas county , and Gage , Buffalo county , Neb. , bavo been discontinued. Mall will go to Covlngton and Lucas , respectively. Farnmr Driven to Ills Dentil. MARSLAND , Neb. , Nov. 22. Frank Kaura , a Bohemian farmer , who re sides three miles southwest of this place , committed sulcido by cutting his throat with a razor. Kaura recently purchased a farm about six miles from his homo and went there alone with a razor and revolver for the purpose of taking his life. Kaura was a well to do farmer with a wife and four child ren. Family troubles and financial re verses arc said to be the cause. Cnttlo Thief Ilrealdi Jull. NELIGH , Neb. , Nov. 22. John Wii- ty , the man being hold for the theft of twenty-three head of cattle from Huff man & Rollins about two months ago broke Jail. A better tlmo for the es cape could not have been selected , as a dense fog hung over the city making It impossible to see iroro than two blocks. . Later Wolty was captured three miles north of town and is again behind the bars. Covcrnnient ItuUdlnfr Sottlcn. OMAHA , Nov. 22. Since the com pletion of the government building , the Sixteenth street front has been Bottling. This has continued until _ there are half a dozen cracks from one- I fourth to half an Inch wldo under the balcony at u point where it is Joined to the main structure. It is contended that the settling has been due to the grea weight of the tower and also on account of the building having been erected over an old creek bed. Now , however , it la thought that there will be no further settling , and stops are being taken to patch up the ciacks. IIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE. Oninhn , Chicago nnil Now 1'ork Market Quotations , CHICAGO pnowvia MAKKKT. CHICAUO , N6V. ZT.MVhu-nl-No. 3 npiliiff , 02 ® Me ; No. 2 od , GTftw. Corn- No. 2 , 32332110 : No. 3 yellow , 32'4032I4 ' ( > . OntB No. 2. 23V&1i3ici No. 2 whlto , 20V4 ® 26HCJ No. 3 while , 2Hft2'c. Jlyo-31fT33c. Uniloy No. 2. 3MH3c. Provisions Metm pork , per bbl. , > 7.T580.CO. J.urd , per 100 HI * , f J SOigS.M. KANSAS C1T1' UV15 Ut'OftC KANSAS C1TV , Nov. 27-Mnrkot fairly native , nntlvo stcern. Jo.SOfTG.SO ; llght- welKhtn , $ < EOliC.CO ; nctockorft and feeders , $3.2ifcG,15 ! butclioru' cows nnd holfors , $3.00tfUd : cunnars , ft.tO < U3.00 : fed west erns , JOVfjfi.TO ; western foedora J3.005P 4.23 : TexaUH. J1.15f/4.2o. noas Receipt * , 12.COO hcrtil : market Blow : most doslniblo grndca Go. lower ; In- fotlor Bluff coined CifilOc lower ; heavy niul mixed , mojAM , ! l ht , * 3.7S3.W. | plja [ , 8HKKP Receipts , CCO liend : supply too light to tect strength of mnrkot ; few of fering old quickly at linn prices ; Inmha , SVOuf6.3i | ) ; inuttoiiH , tJ.3V3.7fl ; stocUora and fooUors , M.COfi3.S : > ; cullrt , UO2.W. , , SOUTH OMAHA 1.1VK STOCK. SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 27.-CATTL1 : Mnikot on fat cuttlo tilow and weak. Cow stuff does not how much chunga. There la Inquiry for focilors , iirtlvnla of which luivci been Blow , Ucef alters broiiKht S3.001f3.90 ; cow's. J2.73tiJ.83 : heif ers , J2.50tH.10 ; ateoia and heifers , $1.G03 > 4.00 ; bullH , $2.W < ii3.10 ; Utah's , $3.COSI.0 ; ctilvos , * UOfiO.OO. HOUS-Clood light IIORB wcro Z fTCo lower. HORN tlmt brought $3.00 Saturday sold largely nl $3.73 , with a $3.81111 top.iluy- era of that kind of IIORH were IlgurliiK their droves tin costltiK . .i e lower than Saturday. On the other hand , heavy and mixed loads Vtera about 2 0 lower , aolllng lamely at $3.SO3.Sl > , i , with uomo of the bent at ? 3'.S3. S11H12P Quotations : Good to rholco wethers , $4.15i4.2r ( ( ; Rood to cholco grnaa wctheis , $3.SOl < I.CO ; fair to Rood Rra a wolhorH , $ .i.7u'i.U6 ( ; Rood to oholco Brass owes , $ 'UOti3.35 ; ta\r \ to Rood KTUS * ewes. $ J.S > ? < 3.10 ; Rood to choice native lambs , Sri.lDSifi.'Jfl ; Kood to cholco wcstotn lambB , $4.7.Vjjr > .00 ; lair to KOOI ! western lambs , Jl.50yi.0o. CHICAOO T.1VR STOCK. CIIICAaO , Nov. 27.-CATTW3-Cliolco feeders Him ; stackers dull ! iood to cltt/lre , r > . "OCf7.00 ; poor to medium. $4,003,2o : mixed ntoekei-H , $3rfI(3.S1 ; selected feed ers. Jl 20ff ( > .7fi ; Rood to chotco ciW3 , J3.5J JM.23 : liclfoiH. $3.43Ul.rO ; dinners. $1.75 < p .1.00 ; bullH , U2r.fH.00 ; calves , $4.00117.00 : fed Texasi beeves , $ l.255.00 ; BTOBS Texas Hteerti , $ .1.251. . 00 ; weatcrn iniiRa beovea , J4.00ff3.25. HOGS Fairly nctlvo ; .nlxcd and butch- orn , $1SOI.00 : seed to cholco heavy , $3.87Vi < ? N.OO ; roiiRl ) heavy , ? 17S 3.ST ; light , W.SOIfl 3.H7'A : bulk of Hales , $3.81Mi < ff3.92. % HlinKP-Miukct Htcndy : uooil lambs lOo hlRhcri nutlvoothMH , ? 3.0WT4.40 ( : lambs , $ I.OOff3.23 : westem wethers , J3.75ff4.00 ; t weatcrn lambs , $1.80333.20. HOBART IS LAID TO REST. Kntlro City of ratnrxon ClotlioJ In the ( larb of Mourning. ' PAT13RSON , N. J. , Nov. 27. Becauno of the funeral of Garret A. IIobarf. , vice president Qf the United Slates , Saturday , business IIOUHOS with few ex ceptions wcro closed and many pri vate residences had Hags at half-nia&t besides other ournlng emblems. The early trains brought many to attest ! the funeral set vices. The bells ot churches started to ring at Biirriso and nt D o'clock all the bells in the city began marking the minute. In anticipation of the arrival of the proM- idcntlal .party and the military escort , crowds gathered around the Broadway depot. The mljltary lined the streets be tween Carroll hall and the church of the Redeemer , where the public sei- vltes were hold. The church lloral decorations were magnificent. A band of smllax over three , feet wldo and thick enough to hide the 'wall ran around both sides and the front of the main auditorium above the windows. The wreath ran unbroken Dcforo Ino pipes of the great organ. At the windows giant palms reached up to the smllnx. Those palms and the festooning around the windows weio laden with whlto flowers , principally lilies of the valley , orchids and chrys anthemums. Around the organ and Iho pulpit lilies were strewn in lavish pro- fuslou , The fonts before the pulpit wcro covered with American beauty roses to the height of nine feet. A largo space before the pulpit was leit undecoratcd. Hero the casket will rest and many of the lloral tributes Lo laid. laid.Tho The service at the house was brief nnd simple. It was hold in the library which was banked with flowers sent by friends of the dead vice president. Mrs. Hobart , with her son , Garret A. Ilobart , Jr. , sat near the head of the casket , while near her \voio grouped the president nnd cabinet , the Judge of the supreme court , the honorary pallbearers , Immediate friends of vno family and family servants. Ilev. David D. Magic offered prayer and read t a passage of scripture. The piesi- i dent , cabinet and supreme roiu-t Judges and those present took a lait look at the face of the dead , the cas ket closed and all that was mortal of Vice President Hobart was carried out to the hearse by members of the fcen- ate police. GLAD TROUBLES ARE ENDED. llrulns of Rebellion Prefer Captivity to Condition of Unrnat. MANILA , Nov. 27. Buencamlno , the brains of the Filipino Insurrection , la locked up here in charge of Brigadier General Edward B , Wllllston , the provost vest marshal. When Tarlac fell Buen camlno iled northward with Aguln- aldo's confidential servant , Tomas Maxarlnc , and a guard of 100 sold iers. Reaching the neighborhood of the coast November 13 , Buencamlno found American sold.ers on every side end escape impossible. So he sought refuge In n little Bangaslnan village , six miles from Manaooag , living In a moan little hut belonging to natives , who were lukewarm towards the insur rection. On learning his identity , some refugees brought the news on November 20 to Colonel Luther R. Hare , commandinding the Thirty-third infantry , garrisoning Manooag. After communicating with General Wheaton , Major Marcus D. Cronln's battalllon Btirrounded the village November 21. Buencamino's guard had hidden their rifles and uniforms and Buencamlno rurrondered without resistance. Ho bad only a few clothes and $2,000 in gold. Accept Torpedo lloat DaUlgren , WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. The Navy department has accepted preliminarily the torpedo boat Dahlgron * , built by the. Bath Iron works , *