CDSTERCODHTY REPUBLICAN D. WL AMSnEnnT.VublliliBr. 8BOKEN BOW , NBUIIASICA. . .i THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Balling order for ndmlral Schlcy are lclngproparcd. ; Admiral Dcwoy Tins accepted an Invi tation to visit Chicago next May. The president Issued a proclamation extending the benefit of the copyright act to the Netherlands. The congress of Brazil has adjourned Blno die. The general elections arc to be held December 31 next. The Marquis of Salisbury Is Buffering from an attack of Influenza and Is un able to attend to public business. \VHHam Bell was arrested at St. Louis on a cl'mrgc of smuggling phot ographic lenses Into the United States. Governor General Brooke has named Senor Zancttl , of Havana , as Cuba's representative at the Paris exposition In 1900. Mrs. Jennie L. Atkln answered n nummons to the front door of her res idence at Minneapolis , Minn. , and was fatally shot by an unknown man. Ex-Senator George P. Edmunds , of Vermont , Is suffering from an attack of bronchitis at Macon , Ga. , but his condition Is not rcgarcd as serious. The Santo Domingo minister of Jus tice has stopped the sale of the late President Houreaux's real estate on the ground that It belongs to the gov ernment. The question of a reunion of the Women's Christian Temperance union IB held In abeyance pending the arrival of a letter from Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens of Chicago. More than 400 machinists and help ers employed In the locomotive works of the New York Central road at De- pew , N. Y. , quit borauso some union men were discharged. Chauncoy M. Dcpew denies the ru mor that the Vandcrbllts were negoti ating for the purchasing of the Buffalo , Rochester & Plttsburg road. Ho says no negotiations are pending. Chicago brewers are taking the Init iative In a vigorous protest to congress against the tax of $2 a barrel on beer , nnd claim they have the support ol every brewer In the country. According to Dr. J. P. Lee , an as tronomer prominent In the service of tbo government , the meteoric display which did not materialize was an nounced ono year ahead of time. A. P. Niece , C6 years old , was found guilty of bigamy In the Logan county , Oklahoma , district court , under the laws that says a divorce Is not absolute until six months after this decree is granted , . Major William J. Volkmar , assistant adjutant general , has applied for re tirement , thereby creating one of the most desirable vacancies that has oc curred In the staff of the army for a long time. George W. Cook , Theodore Duffy and Owen Dilnn of Montana have been appointed by the Interior department as appraisers of part of the Fort Ma- glnnls , an abandoned military reserva tion In Montana. The famous Warwick farm of 515 acres in Warwick township , Chester county , Pennsylvania , has been sold for $12,000. On this property many of the cannon used by the patriot army In the revolution , were cast. Application was made In the federal court at Omaha , by an attorney ot ninety-five former employes who failed to get the money duo for wages , to de clare the Greater America exposition corporation bankrupt. Shortly after the first of the year the navy department will send a war vessel to Havana to bring the remains of the 1GG sailors of the Maine to this country. They arc now Interred in Colon cemetery of Havana. An epidemic of typhoid fever has broken out in the state normal and Industrial college at Greensboro , N. C. The institution has been closed and more than eighty young ladles arc ill , two having died from the dis ease. ease.ExMayor Stokley estimates that the city of Philadelphia will need to ex pend $2,000,000 more to complete its blp marble city hall , and there will be nothing loft of this sum to provide the furniture required in the added rooms. Two men , Dan Harklns and Robert Dlllmiiu , hold up and robbed the store of the American Development and Mining company at Glbbonsvllle , Ida ho , Monday , and are supposed to have secured a handsome sum of money and some gold dust. Grand Sire Alfred S. Plnkorton claimed at the banquet of the Veter an Odd Fellows' association In Boston that there are 1,000,000 Odd Fellows on this continent , and that 20 per cent of the army in the Philippines are members of that order. Lieutenant Brumby , who was Dew- ey's flag officer after the latter was mudo an admiral , is a second cousin of former Vice President Adlal 13 Stevenson. His father was a West Point graduate and distinguished him self In the Samlnolo war. The cardboard manufacturers of the United States , who were In conference In Bualo , N. Y. , recently , decided upon an advance of 10 per cent In the price of all kinds of cardboard. This change IP price goes into effect Immediately R. E. Evans , of Munclo , Iml. , who pre sided at the conference , stated the ad vance had become necessary because of the increase of the price of pulp am every other article used In the manufacture facturo of the cardboard. The card board business in thla country , Mr ISvans says , represents $10,000,000. Harry Forbes has signed articles to fight' Terry McGovern at New Yorl December 9 or 15 , for a purse of $3,000 The commissioner of Internal revenue nue haa decldqd tlmt every bank , except cept a savings bank , is required to pay a special tax , even though no capita Ja employed in Us business. Otto Blumer , ono of the seven sur vlvors of the Grccly expedition to th Arctic regions , died at his homo In San Antonio , Texas. The coal shortage at Duluth is so stringent that It Is likely that the novel eight wJH he wjlnesse < ) this win 'ter of coal hauled to that port , early Tylliea.lrall route. 4 - .Boported Unconditional Surrender of L'n- tire Province of Eamboanga , CHIEFS DECLARE THEIR LOYALTY. Host EncourAglng Now * Yet Hcrolvod From the riilllipliia | Insurrection Capitulation Made to Commander Very Americans Are Aided Bomtnvliut by Ada of 1'rii'tidly NutUcs. WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. Secretary of the Navy Long today received n ablegram from Admiral Watson In- ormlng him that the entire province f Zamboanga , Island of Mindanao , hid urrcndcrcd unconditionally to Com- namler Very of the Castlne. The sur- cnder was mndo on the 18th lust. Ad- nlral Watson's dispatch follows : CAVITE , Nov. 2(3 ( , 1899. Secretary of the Navy , Washington : November 8 entire province of Zamboanga sur- cndercd to Very unconditionally. De- Ivercd all guns promised. Numerous ocal chiefs declared loyalty. WATSON. The Information contained In Ad miral Watson's dispatch was received ) > the president and his advisers with uiconccaled satisfaction. The surren- icr of the province of Zamboanga Is regarded as the beginning of the end of the revolution in the island of Min danao nnd It Is believed It will bo n i.nrd blow to those who are still en- leavorlng to maintain the Insurrection n the Island of Luzon. On the 21st Inst. Admiral Watson cabled the navy department that Com- nandcr Very had captured the city of Zamboanga on the ICtli. He was aided ) > the friendly natives and Mores and was holding the town pending the ar rival of reinforcements from Jolo. On .ho same day General Otis lnformo.1 the war department that he had or- lercd two c.ompanles of Infantry to be cnt to Zamboanga from Jolo. Zamboanga Is the principal province of the Island of Mlndaona , which id he second largest of the Philippine isl ands. Advices from Admiral Wataon ndlcatc that the entire southern half of the Island , which comprises the > rovlnce of Zamboanga , has yielded to ho American forces and acceded to the authority of the United States. WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. The war lepartmcnt lias not l 2en advised of ho surrender of the province , as ro- lorted in Admiral Watson's dispatch , secretary Root saying tonight ho had no news today from General Otis. Both Secretaries Root and Long are elated over the information sent by the ad miral and express the belief that the end of the insurrection In tbo Philip pine islands is now near at hand. AT IIOBART'S BEREAVED HOME. Gront Crowd Gathers , About House nnd Cemetery. NEW YORK , Nov. 27. There was a big crowd of visitors to Paterson , N. J. , yesterday. The street In front of Car roll Hall , the Hobart homo , was crowd ed all day. The greatest however , gath ered at Cedar Lawn cemetery. There a special detail of police had to be ualntalned to keep the crowds from trampling about the graves , and the crowds about the receiving vaults. It s not likely Vice President Hobart's jody will bo placed In the ground. It a the intention of the family to erect x tomb upon the plot of land whore Miss Fannie Hobart lies , and besldo whoso body , It Is generally supposed the body of Mr. Hobart would bo [ ilaccd. The work will probably bo commenced before long , so It Is doubt ful It the body of the vlco president will be removed from Us present rest ing place until the tomb of the family Is erected. BUYING WESTERN RANCHES. Company With 810,000,000 Citpltitl Working In the West. BILLINGS , Mont. , Nov. 27. Ropra- ccntatlves of the American-English syndicate have been in this state all summer and fall traveling all over the large sheep raising sections , securing options on the host sheep ranchccs and best watered lands for the purpose ot consolidating them Into ono largo company. Already options on nearly 500,000 head of sheep and 500,000 acres of the finest and most fertile sheep raising land in the state have been ob tained. The representatives of the syndicate In Montana are Colonel E. C. Waters mid Edward J. Morrison ct Billings , both old experienced and suc cessful Montana sheep men. Beit Rolas of New York Is counsel and or ganizer of the company , which will bo known as the Consolidated Montana Sheep and Lamb company , with a cap ital of ยง 10,000,000. JOIBERT ADVANCING SOUTH. Kafllr Urines News of Movement of Largo llovr Forces. DURBAN , Nov. 27. Advices from Mool river say that a Kaffir , brought In yesterday , who was impressed at Johannesburg and allotted to General Joubert as a servant , asserts that Gen eral Joubert and four sons , with a commando , are coming south. The Kafilr estimates the Boer strength at from 2,000 to 4,000 men. According to his story the British smashed ono or two of the enemy's big guns at Lad > - umlth. There was a heavy thunder utorm at Mool river. All Is quiet there r.nd two naval guns have arrived. To I'rosocuto Cattlemen. SOUTH M'ALESTER , I. T. , Nov. 27. Prosecuting Attorney Soper 1ms ro- relvcd peremptory Instructions from Washington to begin at the earliest possible date action against cattlemen for bringing herds into the Creek country. These cases have been hanging fire tor some tlmo , nnd the department has at last given orders for Immediate action. There Is every reason to believe that the suits wll bo handled cxpcdltlouslly , and not al- lownd to bo pigeonholed , as has been the case heretofore. The Ipgal contest will bo ono 'of the most Interesting li the annalb ot the Indian Territory. DUTCH WITH THE BOERS. Hluntlon In Ciipo Colony Huld to Ho Crit ical In the Kxtreme. LONDON , Nov. 27. ( Now York World Cablegram ) Capo mall brings tnccnsorcd letters from Churchill from Capetown November 1 , in which ho says : "The situation In Cape Colony has iccomo much graver. It Is possible hat had the war broken out three nonths ago the loyalty of the Dutch vould have been demonstrated for all line. War after three months' hesl- atlon proved too icvero a teat and Is s no exaggeration to say that a con- ildorahlo portion of Capecolony .trern- ilen on the verge of rebellion. Dutch armors talk loudly and confidently of our victories , meaning those of Boers , and racial feeling runs high. " Knight , World correspondent , wrlt- ng from DeAar Junction , November C , complains bitterly of censorship , and leclaros that the British had 10,000 lorseH , miles of transport wagons , with 15,000,000 worth of stores , at DeAar Junction and left them there without any military protection , says : "It Is wonderful , Indeed , " he goes on , "that the Boers did not attempt to seize these valuable prizes a week ago when the camp was practically unde fended. Our position Is far from se cure even now. " LONDON , Nov. 27. Special dls- mchcs from Pletermarlt/.burg nn- lounco the arrival of General Bullcr here. Ho met with a splendid rccep- fon. Railway communication between Estcourt and Mool river has been re stored by Lord Dundonald'o forces and .he Mool river column entered Est court yesterday ( Sunday ) , the Ent- court column Immediately starting the advance toward Colengo. LITTLE CHANGE IN HAYWARD. 'ittlcnt Passes n Itcfttlcss Night nnd Con dition Improved. NEBRASKA QJTY , Neb. , Nov. 27. Senator Hayward had another bad light , and when morning dawned its condition was not so good as on ho previous evening. This had been he course that his case has taken dur- ng the last few days and Is regarded as anything but a favorable symptom , n fact , Dr. Whltten was considerably discouraged at the condition of his pa tient this morning. The senator iq gradually growing weaker , his pulse la icccloratcd'and It is thought by those best acquainted with the case that he cannot survive a great while longer. While Mr. Hayward's condition is verse in the morning , yet during the day the symptoms show a somewhat better condition , but this cannot bo re garded as anything permanent. At 3 o'clock this morning Dr. Whltteu is sued the following bulletin : "Senator Hayward passed a restless night. At this hour his temperature Is 9Q 5-8 ; pulse , 90 ; respiration , 20 , and ntermlttont. His mental condition re mains the same. Paralysis unchanged. Acceleration of pulse and temperature- considered unfavorable. " At 7 p. m. the following bulletin was ssued by Dr. Whitten : "Senator Hayward passed a compar atively comfortable day. He took food and rested and slept some. Tempcra- .uro at 7 p. m. , 99.5 ; pulse , 80 ; resplra- lon , 23. Paralysis nnd mental condi tion remain the same. " OPENS DOOR TOR INTERVENTION. England's Formal Declaration ofVnr Gives Towers n Wedge. ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. 27. The [ lusslan newspapers announce that the British charge d'nffalrs has Informed ; ho Russian government that Great Britain has been In a state of war with the Dutch republics in South Africa since August 12. Tne Svct. commenting upon this says : "England , in giving this notifi cation , withdraws her declaration that she is not carrying on war , but Is merely subjugating rebels. " The Navoo Vrcmya , which attributes tar-reaching Importance to the British notllkatlon , says : "Tho powers are now In a position to send not only Red Cross agents , but military agents as well , and they may Judge this a fitting tlmo to Intervene , especially as the Afrikanders are going more and more to the Boer side. " Czar Ilnys American Horses. CHICAGO , Nov. 27. Baron P.vil yietlnghoff , a representative of the Russian government , is In Chicago buying horses for the czar's army. Baron Vlctlnghoff says that already 1,000 American horses , purchased prin cipally In Kentucky and Virginia , have been shipped to the czar's dominions and 1,000 more are to follow them as soon as the baron makes the selec tions. "Not only am I buying for the ar my , " ho said , "but for brooding pur poses an well. The animals shipped lor military use go merely as an exper iment. They will bo divided into lots of four and six In different garrisons and given a trial. " Uold Last Council of War. MANILA. Nov. 27. The last Fili pine council of war was held by the retreating leaders at Bayambong on November 13 In the house now occu pied by General MacArthur. It was attended by Agulnaldo , Plo del Pllar , Garcia , Alejandrino and eomo mem bers of the so-called cabinet. Information mation has reached General MacAr thur from several sources to the effect that the council recognized the futility of attempting any further resistance to the Americans with united forces nnd agreed that the Filipino troops should scatter nnd should hereafter to _ w guerilla methods. What to Do With Agulnuldo. WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. Consider able Interest Is being taken In social circles hero as to the disposition of Agulnaldo In case of capture. It is frankly admitted that the best solution would bo his death in action , but this Is not expected. Should ho ba cap- utred , General Otis will undoubtedly await instructions from Washington as to the treatment ho shouM accord htm. Should Agulnaldo escape to Hong Kong , the United States could not , as a matter of right , ask for his surrender and the president would therefore doubtless determine to leave the Insurgent leader alone. President of AguinaluVs Congress Sur renders to MoArthur at Tarlao , HIE GOVERNMENT IS NO MORE. insurgent Congress nnd Cabinet tire Scattered , Never to llciisicinblo Filipino pine Soldiers Will goon Lny Down Tlielr Arms Latent Information 1'roiu the Vront. MANILA , Nov. 25. Senor Buenca- mlno , a former member of the socalled cabinet of Agulnaldo , has been brought to General Otis a prisoner on board the transport Brutus. Ho had sou'glrt refuge In a village near San Fabian , with Agulnaldo's mother and son. The natives disclosed his Identity to Major Cronln , who captured him. General Young Is still In the moun tains on the trail of Agulnaldo. Bautlsta , president of the Filipino : ongress , presented himself to General MacArthur at Tarlac today and formal ly renounced all further connection with the Insurrection. He was ono of the Influential Filipi nos who hesitated at the beginning of the war as to which side on which to cast his lot. He was offered a Judgo- ohlp of the supreme court , but declined. He now announces that he desires o accept the position and says the Filipino congress and cabinet are scat tered , never to reassemble. Some of the members , ho adds , have icturncd to their homes , while others nre flying for safety. Many of the congressmen have resigned and he be- leves the Filipino soldiers will lay down their arms everywhere as soon is they learn the truth. WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. General Otis summarizes the situation In Luzon zen in n dispatch to the war depart ment today in which ho says that the nsurgent government can no longer claim to exist , its troop's and officers ore scattered and Aguinaldo in hiding. The dispatch follows : "MANILA , Nov. 24. Claim to gov ernment by insurgents can be rnada no longer under any friction ; Its treas urer , secretary of the interior and pres- dent of congress in our hands ; its pres- dent and remaining cabinet officers in hiding evidently in different parts of central Luzon provinces ; its gen erals and troops in small bands scat tered through these provinces acting as banditti or dispersed , playing the role of 'amigos' with arms concealed. Indications are that Aguinaldo did not escape through the lines of Lawton or Wheaton , but fled westward from Bayainbong railway station. Tele- ; iaphlc communication to Dagupan es tablished , probably to San Fabian to day ; by relaying nine miles of track with material at hand railway commu nication to that point re-established ; labor of troops must attend mainten ance. " ABOUT THE BIER OF I10BART. Twelve Thousand Enter Carroll Hill to View Face of the Dend. NEW YORK , Nov. 25. In Carroll ball yesterday afternoon the remains of Vice President Hobart lay in state and the public had an opportunity to view them. Fully 5,000 persons were in the streets. Lines were fo-uort by a squad of police , but the force was entirely too small to maintain any semblance of order. Women were ntsoiy In the n. ' orky. They in cluded all classes and all had the same opportunity to take a laet look at the face of the dead. The first person to see the remains after they had been removed from the room where Vlco President Hobart died nas Attorney General Grigs" . H'i shook his head as he noticed the change in the face of the dead , and as lie stepped aside from the room , very much affected , said : "He has suffered much ; more than anyone will know. " Women fainted on the porch , and at one tlmo half a dozen lay Insensible on the lawn , but were revived. At the coffin there was a fainting scene. A woman about 20 years old , after gazing In the face of the dead vice president , stood as though transfixed. Then she screamed and fell forward into the arms of a policeman. She was placed in a chair and revived. It was estimat ed that fully 12,000 persons saw the remains In the four hours they were exposed to view. Thousands more would have seen them if the time had permitted. WILL ELY AMERICAN FLAfi. liaised Spanish Gunboats to Ito Added to Watson's Fleet. WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. Admiral Watson's fleet In Philippine waters Is about to bo augmented by the three gunboats. Isle de Luzon , Isle de Cuba and Don Juan do Austria. , captured from Spain at the battle of ManlU bay. Commanding officers heretofore have bctn assigned to the vessels and Ad mit al Watson has been authorized to complete the list of officers from those with the Asiatic squadron. The new acquisitions are about the sizu of the gunboat Marietta and they will arrive about the tlmo of the Brooklyn , New Orleans , Nashville and Marietta , mak ing in all quite a large Increase lu the Asiatic squadron. Wireless Telegraphy Urnulng Nearer. WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. The War department is quietly at work on the problem of wireless telegraphy for the signal service. The signal corps has been handicapped recently , both by lack of funds and officers , to experi ment on an extensive scale , but Cap tain Relber , at Governor's Island , New York , Is carry on a series of experi ments between that point nnd Tomp- klnsvllle , with a view to adapting the army apparatus for communication be tween fortified points and in any other locality where the wireless system might prove superior-to the older form of telegraphy. M. EEAll A PAPER FAMINE. Low Wutor Principally to Illntno for tli Or cut Scarcity. CHICAGO , Nov. 25. Famine threat ens the paper trade and butchers and bakers are meditating the offering of a rebate for the return of the- yellow and brown wrappings In which their wares are delivered to their customers. Low water In the streams which sup ply the paper mills , is , according to Ed gar A. Hall of the Hanchctt Pnpm company , 11 and 13 LaSalle street , the cause of the scarcity , which is o cu more alarming in New England and the middle Atlantis states than it is in the west. All grades and qualities of papers , from the most delicate tis > - sue in which millinery confections aio sent homo to their purchasers to tnc rough brown fiber sheets In which cor ner grocers wrap salt mackerel , have advanced in price , 30 or 40 per cent within the last thirty days , and dealers and Jobbers light for the chance to buy even at advanced rates. The smaller jobbers In paper are be ginning to dread being forced out of business because of their Inability to furnish the supplies their customers require. The demand for paper , ac cording to Mr. Hall , is unusually 1 irgo this autumn , and the drought has re duced many of the great mills to six and eight hours' work dally , although their contracts and the Jobs in sight would test their capacity even though they were running twenty-four hours a day. The Wisconsin mills , among whicli the factories at Manasha , Appleton and Marlnettc are the most Important m the west , refuse to accept orders for de livery before January 1,1900 , and some decline to entertain contracts calling for deliveries within four months. To the drought difllculty some of the Wis consin mills have added the scarcity of timber for their pulp mills. The famine is likely to affect some of the smaller newspapers , which de pend for their supply of sheets on the Jobbers. The New York , Boston and St. Louis wholesalers quote prices on hundred-ream lots very nluctanlly , nnd across the face ot their letters is stamped the warning , "All prices and quotations are made subject to change without notice. " Carload lots , even In the coarser fibers and manilas , are not to be had at any price , and Chicago dealers who-mado contracts with local packers and department stores for Oc tober deliveries early In August are still furnishing their patrons with dally supplies in wagon loads. IIAYWAJJinioES NOT IMPROVE. Strlckon Senator's Condition Shows No Chance for the Hotter. NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 25. Dr. Whltten has just returned from the bedside of Senator Hayward and has given out the following bulletin : "Senator Hayward has passed a very icstless day. His temperature tonight is 99 , pulse 78 and regular , respiration 26 , Irregular and intermittent. His right leg and arm are completely par alyzed and his speech more labored and unintelligible than it has been for sev eral days past. Otherwise his general condition Is as It has been for the last forty-eight hours. " Senator Hayward's present illness dates back to November 9. At 5:30 : p. m. on that day he left his office for home and had only reached the middle of the street when he staggered and fell. He arose and walked to his residence , five blocks away , but upon arriving there Immediately took to his bed , where he has since remained. After three or four days he rallied to such an extent that the physicians gave out encouraging reports of his probable complete recovery , but for the last week he hixs barely held nls own. The condition of the paralyzed mem bers is more serious tonight than it has been any time previous. HARD LINES AT MAEEK1NG. IJoers Dr nw I MS Nearer nml Garrison Vructlcully Under Ground. MAQALAPIE , Cape Colony , Sunday , Nov. 19. A dispatch received here from Mafeking , dated Wednesday , No vember 15 , says : "Tho garrison is cheerful , but the position is dally growing more difficult. The Boers are always drawing their entrenchments closer and are inces santly plying the British with artillery and musketry fire. The garrison is living almost entirely In underground shelters and the health of the troops Is suffering. " WAR DAMAGE CLAIMS. Those That IIuvo Ilccii Filed tp Data ARffrocato WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 23. Claims have been filed up to date on account of damages sustained by American citizens by the Spanish war to the amount of $25,000,000 , and Lho president Is expected to submit a rec ommendation in his message to con gress , looking to the appointment of a commission to adjudicate these claims and make provision for the payment of such as are found to be legitimate. This action will be taken under aiti- clo 7 of the treaty of peace. LOOKING"b UT POR SIIAfTER. President Will Advise Ills Itetlrement ns n Major Gsnoral. WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. The pres ident will BSK the Incoming congress to pass an act retiring General Shatter , with the ranK of major general In the icgular army. He has already been letlred with the rank of brigadier general. This purpose of the president Is the explanation of the retention of Gen eral Shatter , it being felt that his chances would be brightened by his retention in the active army until congress has had oportunity to act. Union Men Uie Dynamite. LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , Nov. 25. A special to the Gazette from Fort Smith , Ark. , frays : Several houses at which non-union coal miners are boarding we . 'a blown up with dynamite at Huntluftton last r.lgfct. Ten deputy United States mar shals wej j sent there from .Jenny hind today. Several Military I'URCB. John H. Page , Jr. , who was recently commissioned ns a second lieutenant in the Third Infantry , Is the third of the name to servo hi the array of the United States. His father , John H. Page , Is colonel of the Third Infantry , his grandfather , John II. Page , was killed at the oattlo of Palo Alto during the Mexican war. According to the latest report of II. Clay Evans , commissioner of pens'onB , there Is only one survivor of the war of 1812 Hiram Gronk , of nortkwwcst- crn New York. He Is 99 years of age. ' "Do It and Stick to It" If you Are sick and discouraged with im pure blood , catarrh or rheumatism , take Hood's Sarsaparilla faithfully and persis tently , and you nuill soon have a cure. This medicine has cured thousands of others and it 'will do the same for yout Faithfully taken , Every tlmo n girl gets onto a new wrinkle In hair dressing she has her picture taken. L Now Inventions. Amongst the prominent firms vno bought patents the past week were the following : Deenng Harvester vjo.t Chicago , 111. Waring Hat Manufactur ing Co. , Yonkers , N. Y. Drake Acetylene Gas Generator Co. , Corning , N. Y. Howard Thermostat Co. , Oswego , N. Y. Glllettc-Hcrzog Manufacturing Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. Western Electric Co. , Chicago , 111. American Bell Telephone Co. , Beaten - ton , Mass. S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Davidson Lock Co. , Nashville , Tem. Percival Furniture Co. , Barton , VI. Messrs. Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers , of Omaha , have Just issued a book showing the importance of getting claims as broad as the state of the .u t. A great many Inventors lose their In ventions because their patents are not made broad enough. This book , which Is Illustrated , will bo sent free to any one sending their address to Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers , Bee Bldg. , Oma ha , Neb. The stock raiser sometimes finds It difficult to make both ends meet , but the check raiser Is nearly always sure of his board and lodging. The ad. of T. M. Roberts' Supply House In another part of this paper should be of Interest to everyone. The * firm Is reliable. Get their complete , catalogue of everything you need be fore making purchases. To speak what you think often would to speak like a fool. [ LETTER TO RS. PINKHAM NO. 94,398 ] "lam so grateful to you for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done for me that I feel as though 1 must tell about it. A Women year ago I was Would Si3FG taken very sick. ly Try Mrs. Doctorscould do Psnhham's me no good only to deaden the Medioine if pain which I They Only had almost con stantly. I got Knew , Says some of your Mrs * Keng Compound and ' took one bottle and received benefit from it at once. I have taken it ever since and now have no backache , no pain in my _ Bide and ray stomach and bowels are perfectly well. I can honestly say that there Js nothing- like it. If I could only tell every woman how much good your medicine has done me , they would surely try it. " MABTUAM.KINQ , NOBTH ArrLEiiono , MA'SS. The way women trifle with health shows a degree of indifference that is pastundcrstanding. Happiness nnd use fulness depend on physical health ; so does a good disposition. Disease makes women nervous , irritable and snap pish. The very effort of ailing women to bo good-natured makes them ner vous. Write to Mrs. Pinkham , she will help you to health and happiness. Itcostsnothing togetMrs. Pinklmm'a advice. Her address is Lynn , Mass. THE Ploasantest , most powerful , effective 1 and novorfalllngREMEDY for " * * * * RheumatismR X.A CHUTE and CATAIlUllt If nil knew what thousands know of the cfllcacy pf " 6 as a Curative as well as a Preventive of any Ache or Pain known to the human body , there would not bo a family in all America without a bottle of " 5 DROi'Sl" Send lor trial bottle , 25e , or larpe bottle , con- taininp 300 doses , 81.00. 0 bottles for 85. BWANSON KI1KUMATIC CUltK CO. . 100-104 E. I.uJio St. , Chicago , 111. Send your name and address on a { | postal , and we will send you our i56- < | page Illustrated catalogue free. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. 174 Wlncheiter Avenue , Hew Haven , Conn. ' | deep color and docs not strain the oyei.