se 7 * Ml ear "I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for a great many years and it has been very satisfactory to me in every way. I 'have recommended it to a great many of my friends nnd they have all been perfectly satisfied with it. " Mrs. A. Edwards , San Fran cisco , Cal. , Feb. 9 , 1899. That's always the way our Hair Vigor. When per sons use it they arc always so highly pleased with it that they tell their friends about it. If your hair is short , too thin , splits at the ends , is rough , or is falling out , our Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy you. If your hair is just a little gray , or perfectly white , Ayer's Hair Vigor will bring back to it all the dark , rich color it had and $1.00 a bottle. years years ago. All druggists. Write the Doctor If you do not obtain all the benefits you desire from the use of the Vlcor , vvrlto the Doctornbout It. He will ton you just the right tiling to do , and will send you his book on the Hair aud Scalp If you icqucst it. Addrcsb , Dr. J. C. AYEH , Lowell , Mass. PIAN I Special Offer until Jan. 1st. DO YOU WANT ONE ? The The Boat Piano In the market. We wish to Immediately place one In every town In the state , knowing by experience that wherever we sell ono other sales arc sure to follow. To In troduce these pianos we will , from now until January 1st , make a Factory wholesale price on the first piano to go to any locality where we have not already sold one. This means a great saving to the buyer. We Do Not Mention the Actual Price Because we will only sell one piano in each locality at this extremely low price , hoping through the advertise ment to sell others at a profit to which every dealer and manufacturer is Just ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay ments. Pianos sent on approval. Write for catalogue and full partic ulars. We also sell the Ellington , Hamilton and Valley Gem pianos nnd Hamilton and Monarch organs. DICKINSON & HUSTON. 1514 Douglas St. . Omalia. TRADE MARK fJSijj REQUIRES KoCoeKiKsitS | sts coum A O currs O JE wo OF i STARCH rmr .oKictAt WHEN OUST BBUSHt NCW _ MOAMIF CF AW OTHfft. PRIPABED FCR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONLY. MANUFACTUHEOONLYBY SANTA CLARA MANUFACTURINQ CO IMC 0PCM A T OMAHA. NEB. 1 ho WONDER of the AGE , No Boiling No Cooking St Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods Bt Polishes the Goods It makes nil garments fresh uad crisp as when first bought UQW. TRY A SAMPLE PACKAGE. You'll like It If you try It. You'll buy It If you try It. You'll use It If you try It. Try it. Sold by nil Grocers. CUKES COUGHS AND COLDS. PBEVENTS CONSUMPTION. All Uruk'KlstH , Sflo. Illglieit Cash Price Paid for Poultry , Game , Butter , Eggs , Bend for tagi tad prices. nobert PurvU. Eitabltibcd I8TO. Omaha. Neb. l FortancslnetoekittnmtestollOO > andgetllUOOforllUiure ; rafeu KKEU & CO. , 12) E.Sib eu DROUGHT IN MAINE. HAS CAUSED AN UNSIGHTLY BEAST TO APPEAR. IJnncor's "What I It" Sotno Bay ( ho Pryncas Is Ito iionalblo for the Ap pearance of tlio So-Culled rlchercl lie * 11. All Maine has suffered from a drouth this year for which the pro hibitory liquor law Is In no way re sponsible. All the rain that has fall en since last spring , If put together In one storm , would not equal one of the heavy falls that \isually are experi enced In Maine In spring and fall , and , although the summer brought many violent thunderstorms , there was little rain. Now , when the rivers , lakes and wells should bo full to the brim , every water course In the state Is running remarkably low , the beds of the streams showing bare , like- gravelly roads , and the lakes shrunken away from their shoes as though they had leaked through a hole In the center , leaving the pebbly beaches far above water , with wide margins of muddy bottom lands , from which arises n powerful stench , says Now York Press. A remarkable effect of the drouth Is seen In the brook which connects Eddlngton and Holbrook's ponds , a few miles cast of Bangor. In ordinary times this brook runs high , and Is a noisy little stream , filled with the best and plumpest pickerel , the fattest muskrats and the biggest frogs to be found In all Maine. Now the two ponds have shrunk to half their natural area and the brook la reduced to a sickly rivulet , at best , and In some places Is nothing more than a serlesof discon nected and muddy pools , wherein thou sands of big pickerel have been Im prisoned helplessly , there to be dipped out by poachers , wnllo at night the muskrats splash and flounder like stranded walruses and the once big frogs wall plaintively on the slimy borders. A week ago , whllo tramping along the brook , swearing at the luck , and praying for rain , Uncle Reuben Dlx , the hermit fiddler of Peaked mountain , saw something struggling In the mud that attracted his attention. It was not a frog nor yet a muskrat ; It was something like a fish , and yet It had legs. If Uncle Reuben had been drinkIng - Ing anything that day or the night before , ho would have decided that the stuff wasn't first-class , but none of the Danger sportsmen had been out that way for some time , and there wasn't even a drink of elder within ten miles , so It was a case of straight seeing , and Uncle Reuben Investigated. He got a crooked stick and hauled the thing out of the mud. The creature resented this , and snapped viciously at his captor , who had to dance about lively to keep out of Its way. "Well , I'm dummed ! " said Uncle Reuben , "butI didn't think allergaters ever got this fur to the north-ard. " Finally he killed the creature with a stone , and lugged the carcass over to Eddington , where , after being viewed by all the curious , It was sold for. fifty cents to George McMunn , a Danger drummer , who has a fad for collecting curious reptiles , birds , etc. , and by him given to his friend , P. II. McNamara of Bangor , who will have it stuffed and placed on exhibition In his place of business. The beast looks something like an alligator and something-like a big lizard , and no one In Bangor can name It. It has teeth like a saw and a mouth large enough to hold a loaf of bread , as Joe Jameson , the baker , demonstrated by experiment. Uncle Reuben said It was the pickerel devil , a poisonous reptile , which often has been told of , but seldom If ever seen In Maine. The devil is said to be the direct product of a drouth , and his ap pearance means that all the pickerel are to die , or have died , for want of water. Up to the time of the drouth the fishing In Eddlngton and Holbrook's ponds was excellent. Now there hasn't been as much as a blto In either pond for four weeks. Some say that the pickerel have left the brook and gone to the bottom of the ponds , where they find the water cooler than at the sur face , and that they will not bite again till winter. Uncle Dlx , however , main tains that all the fish are dead , else the pickerel devil would not have been born. Ilnrd on the Irish Maulers. The Irish masters of hounds are be ginning to feel the pinch of war times as well as others. Some yeara ago the system of registering horses for gov ernment purposes was started and many people laughed at it as a useless scheme , but now It Is found to work well. Under It , the owners of horses registered receive a small sum per an num , undertaking to sell each animal at a certain price when called upon to do so. Many of the large tramway , omnibus , and others have numbers of horses so registered , and It appears that masters of hounds have also taken advantage of the scheme , receiv ing an allowance .annually for the hunt homes. The Remount Depart ment of Ireland , of which Prince Francis of Tock Is chief , nre busy tak ing up all available registered horses now for South Africa , and the hunt horses of the Ward Stag-hounds , the Meath Hounds , the Tlpperary , and oth er packs have all been requisitioned. It Is rather hard on the mastera to have to give up the hunt horses just as the season is opening , as it will bo very hard to replace them now. The average price fixed on all horses so registered Is about 40. Thunder. Thunder can be heard at distance . of fourteen .miles. C. Oliver Iselln Is credited with de claring that he will no longer muler- tnke to build or manage n yacht to defend the America's cup and Ills re tirement will probably bo followed by that of Nat Hcrrcshoff , designer of three of the defenders. 8100 llon-nrU 81OO. The renders of this paper will bo pleased to learn tho'j there is at least one dreaded disease that sr'.onao has been able to euro In nil Its BtnRCH , nnd that Is Catarrh. Hnll'R Ciiturrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the mcdlcnl fraternity. Cutnrrh bolng n constitu tional tllscnsc , rcQulrc-i n constitutional treat ment. Ilnll'M Catnrrh Cure Is taUon Internally , noting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the BVMem. thereby drstroytnij the foundation of thndlsertKo.nndKlvliiK thupittlunt strength by building up the constitution nnd assisting nnturo In doing Its work. The pro prietors have BO much fulth In Its curnttvo powers that they oiler Ona Hundred Dollars ( or nny case thru It lulls to euro. Send for list of Testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , a Sold by ilruiwlsts Tfio. Hull's Family 1'llls nro the best. For use In exercising ilio finger muscles and Increasing the str ngtn of the grip n new device Is composed of a bar adapted to be held by the fingers , with a second bar held by ; > ino passing through the ends of the first , the tension being produced by rubber cords or springs. A lady writer snys : "No manicd man can bo a dude. " Of course not ; no man , married or single , can bo a dude any moro 'than n dude can .be a man. Mexico. On Tuesday , Jan. 23 , a special vestl- buled train of Pullman palace cars , compartment , drnwlng-room , library , observation and dining cars will start from Chicago , going to the City of Mexico and to other prominent cities of the republic and back to Chicago again , making the tour of all Mexico complete. The party will bo otrlctly limited and absolutely first class. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. The tour is under the personal escort and direction of Mr. Reau Campbell , general manager of The American Tourist Association. For maps , books of the tour , tickets , etc. , call on agents of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. The deposit of vapor and hoar frost on window panes Is prevented by coatIng - Ing the window with a composition ve- cently patented by a Belgian , consistIng - Ing of water , glycerine , sugar and co- marln , the resulting compound being transparent and rendering the window clear at all times. A Prince of Commerce. John M. Smyth , head of the great house The John M. Smyth Co. , has built up , by years of hard work , the greatest Institution of Its kind in the world. His name is a household word In Chicago. Their "ad. " In another part of this paper should be of Interest to every one. Get their catalogue of everything to eat , wear or use. Many a man who knows nothing about the tariff would go on a tariff ho could stand the bartender off. FITSPermanentlyCured. Woflti ornprrousnonafter flrut day's um of Dr. Kline's Urrat Nerve Itevtorcr. Bend for FREE 82.OO trial bottle and IrcailFc. Do. II. H. KLINE , Ltd. , 1131 Arch fit. , riilladelphla , 1'a. A mixture , In equal parts , of linseed oil and vinegar will do wonders lu cleaning furniture. I believe Plso's Uuro Isthoonly medicine that will euro consumption. Aima M. Uoss , Wniiamsport , Pa. , Nov. 12 , ' 05. Miss Helen Gould's present attitude toward Mormonism Is no new thing with her. Several years ago she was a warm supporter of Kato Field lu a similar movement. C.C.C. LINE NOW OPEN ! Completed and Opened to the Public. Greatest Improvement of tlio Ago Auyono Can Hide Over It to llonltb and Happiness. Chicago. [ Special. ] The new C. G. C. line IB now open to the public , und ( it once Knlncd an enormous patronage on uccount of the meritorlouH service It performs. The line is built on solid merit , find leads by the Btralghtcst nnd shortest route to Health. Everybody Is delighted , and these who thought they would never roach Health and Happiness again have found this an easy and sure way of get ting there. Ninety per cent of the Ills of humanity nro caused by lazy livers , chronic consti pation and their consequences , Impure blood and a poisoning of the whole sys tem. What's the use of stumbling along the roadway , sick and weary , when you can qulclsly ride to health by taking Cas- carets. Buy and try Cascarots Candy Cathartic to-day. You will llnd that It's what they do , not what we Fay they'll do , that will plcaso you. Sold by drug gists generally , lOc , 25c or DOc per box , or by mall for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address , Sterling Item- oily Co. , Chicago ; Montreal , Can. ; Now York. This Is the CASCAKET tab let. Every tablet of the only genuine Cnscurets bears the magic letters "C C C. " Look at the tablet before you buy , and beware of frauds , Imita tions and substitutes. Some people attempt to counterfeit dignity with self-importance. Cured After Kopeitted rullurra With Other * I will Inform addicted tu Morphine Laudunum , Opium , Cocaine , of neycr-fnlllnR , liarmlcm , lioino- cure. Mrs. M. H. Ilaldwln , Ilex 1212 , chlcaKo , 111 , Mistakes that make ono wiser are generally costly education. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health * ful. Inelet tint 1 oar irroeer BTCI ! you GU AIN-O. Accept DO Imlutlun. OVERCOMES BV/y-TH&QENVINE-MAN'FD-By / An Improved method of securing the ends of tent ropes has been patented , a U-shaped box being attached to the end of the rope , with a clamping lever pivoted In the box to bind the rope when formed Into n loop for seeming around a post. TO COKE A COLD IN ON 15 DAY , Toljo Laxative Dromo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists rotund the money If It fulls ffo euro. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. Lots of people would starve If they were to sit down and wait patiently for the return of the bread they east upon the waters. S3&3.5OSHOES MADE. Worth$4 , to $6 compared with other makes. ' idorHi'd liv iivor 1,000,000 uurci-H. 77m genuine have \V. L. Douglas' name and price stamped on bottom. Take I no substitute claimed to be as good , Your dealer ' ihould keep them If not , we will send a pair on recolnt of price. Slate kind oilcather , size , anil width , plain or tap toe. Catalogue A tree. , IV. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton. Mitt. FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS. . . There nro still thousands of ncros of ROT- eminent lands In tlio states of Washington and Oregon , also prairie anil Umber hinds near inuroud und water communication thitt can bcbouiiht for S3.00 pcracre ; nndthoro arc no cyclones , bllzzanlK lonx winters or real hot hummers , no falluie of crops , but ulvruyH Hood markets. If you wish to ralso praln , principally , or fruit , or the Ilncst stock on curth , you con llnd locations In these two Mates where you can do this to perfection , If you nro looking for employment nnd wish to secure steady work at Kood waxes , I can help you todo this. I have no land for snlo , but If you want In formation about this wrlto mo at 199 E. Third St. . St. Paul , Minn. i ( . C. WERKMAN. WANTED. We want Bret-class , energetic young men to tnko Order * for liur Ctlrbrllrd I.utkUor.trJ n dta.nrir UotM.f. To ttio rlK'it ' kind of man wu will furwanl niKB n email book of lamnlce of cloth , llelow each iample we Uencrlbo how tlio eulta ere made. Wo are luanufacturem , anil will KVO you the lowest wliole- sale prices. The right klud of a wan can uiako a kit ; alary. AJJresH WORK BROS. & CO. , COICACO , ILL. HOOSIER FIRE KIHDLER ! 100 FIRES FOR 3c. Warranted for three years ; npcnts are selling thouMiodh at blp proatd. Sample bent postpaid for 16c. THE E. T. ATWELL CO. , Cumorah , Mo. MAMMOTH 150 .TO MAILORDER WtST MADISON ST CHICAGO B25 The 3est Machine on Earth AHhoPrico , $14.25 for Our "MELQA" Sowlnu Machine. A lilffh-nnn , high-grade mnclilno rqnnl to what others are asking $25.00 to Sfe.OO for. Guaranteed by us for ao years from Unto of jmrcluiFO , ngalnst nny Imperfec tion in material or workmanship. Tlio eland Is made ol the l > cit Iron nnd Is nicely proportioned. 1 he cabinet work is perfect nnd IB f urnUhcd In your choice of untlque.onk cr walnut. It has icvcn drawers all limulsomoly carved nnd with nickel-plated rjiiK pulls. The median * leal construction Is equal to that of any machine regardless of price. All working parts are of the best oil-tern- pored tool Btro ) , every bearing perfectly lilted and adjusted to as to ir.nko the running qualities the lluhteit , most pcr- , , „ . . „ , . . . . . „ , , , . . feet nnd neareAt noiseless of nny machine mndo ! AJ-'J ? ? 2.Ty5..Mnc'.llnP'in3 " 'I ' the latoBt Improvements. It makes a perfect and uni form LOCKSincil , nnd will do the best work on either the lightest muslins or heaviest cloths , eowirur over Boaina nnd rouKh jilncos without sklpplnjf stitches. A full set of best steel attachments , nicely nlckol-platod nnd enclosed in n liandBomo phiph-lincd m.lKV.i'P..liuA ! < AJ'Ux' 'I1'1 a complete assortment ol occc/sorleB and book of instruction FURNISHED FREE with each machine. 60 DAYS TRIAL ) v18l'PtTlitsniacnln9C.O.D.enbjectoapproval.onrocclptof | { two . Vw , 7 ' d",11" " . Ifon \ i examination you nro convinced that wo nro navimr vou$23or $ on agent's price , pay the balance ; and frolBhtclmr/ros then try , ' the machine. If uotnatlhflod ut any time wlthlnCOdnyHpend the mnclilno ' bock tousjit our expense nml wo will refund the full purchase price- t ! [ n which is listed at lowoct wholesale prices' everything to oat wear and use.isfurnishi ed on receipt of only 105 to partly payl sppsla o or expressage and os eOidorice "iof good faith the I03ls ollowed on first 'purchase ' amounting to 6199 or above. < ' OUR MONTHLY OROGEHy pfrlCJL UaT' , - . , BlOT for S31.41. Barn ( ho Hetallem' 1'roQt-iavotbo Wholesalers rrollt. Talc * nJvrmtatra of our cnutract bpurohiuw. Other * huvo advanced their > price * of Parlor btovte , but our contract i with the manufucturorR compel * them f to furnish ti with tlie o , oo wu ran Mil f them at a * mnll prnlit at , 124.27 nnd l'.1.17. YOU would be i.roiul of cither -.ouoof tliete i > arlomto\u * . Die picture * Blrnbatii fnlntlilaaof tbolreleiiance. Boot C. O. L ) . on rocelptofUIo. you to pay balnncB to your banker or f rolgbt agent on nrmal at your depot. tSThoiircateitbarBalniniver offered. A Large fltovo takes \rn \ fuel than u iiaall on for html clfaiiitianrln mind wliennrdarlnu. 6 > fja2 > i ItH'AQE H'lUVi : OATALOOUE FREE. imn YOUR FREE LAND O&taloffue * f * for n 2 cent .StUMPS.ktampi A- * Furniture. D-lIornen and \ chicles C Sloven nnd nance * D Agriculturalmiileroant * U-laby Carriage * . F Uruiis and 1'atentMedlclne * . Q Mutlcul Inttrnment * . H Oriisn * and Hewing Machine * . I lllorcle * . J flunaandtiportlus uools. K Iwidlf * ' nnd uontt' FurnUhlnn Goods. L Dry tloods. M HnBdy-aailoClotblnK lor Men andltoja. ft UootaandSluMM , O Ladleo tiapeii and Clouka. Bend 15 cli and our Large Uupply ( 'atalogua contain * Inir oicr JOJUpiiKi'i and over on * hundred thouvuuuvul * ana irlc \vill beeuntoxpmapald. T. M. UOUUIITS' SUl'l'LY HOUSK , MINNEAPOLIS , MINN. Mcnton this paper to advcrtlBcrs. , g llcst Coujjb tfyrup. TtutesCJood. Intlrna. Bnlrt h (1nmijl.l W. N , U. OMAHA. No. 48 1899 INVENTORS firnd to-day fornurliandtomelyeugmed 3Stil aiinlvcrcury work ; pn pateiiti 1'KKK MAhOM. PKNWlOK & I.A\VHENCB. I'utnU Lauytin , \ \ ushliietoii , u , C ,