m t t v Mn mmm m wa itnM m Mum w vmvwmr KITTY'S HUSBAND By Author of "Hetty/ ' Etc , & CHAPTER XIV. ( Contlnucil. ) "The secret la not ray ownr" ho con tinued earnestly nftei' n minute ; "you muat be satisfied with halt confi dences. ' I waited. "What I want to tell you , Kitty , la this. I am bringing a. visitor hero to night to sleep. I want no one to know that he la hero. Ho Is eluding Justice. I am eorry to cay that I am abetting him. " "John , what has ho done ? " "Don't bo frightened , Kitty. Wo can sleep In safety without fearing for our llvea. Ho has forged a cheque a cheque for a large amount. It Is not his first offense. Many ycara ago ho was guilty of a similar forgery ; then the would-be prosecutor was bought off , the case was never brought Into court. This time ho has to deal with men who arc made of sterner stuff. They will hear no compromise ; they Insist on prosecuting ; for weeks past I have been' ' trying to negotiate with them , to save him. I have failed. . " "Is ho worth It , John worth all your work ? " "No , I think not. " . "Why are you so anxious , then ? " "For old friendship's Baku. " "Was he an old friend of yours ? Oh , let him come hero ; wo can hide him ! " "Kltly , you spoke then almost as your old self might have spoken. No , dear , he was never a dear friend of mine. Aa I said before , Kitty , you must ho content with half confidences. A few weeks ago I hoped ho had es caped. Ho could not ho found. Then we discovered that ho had returned to London and was hero In hiding. ( To day I find , what I feared yesterday , that his hiding place has been discov ered ; ho dares not return there to night. When It Is much later and the way Is clear , I shall bring him here. No ono need see him , Kitty. I have a "Don't stand at the window , Meg , " I irgcd. Hut Meg did not heed mo. She stood jctwecn the parted curtains , and ooked out across the wet pavement shining In the gaslight. "Madame Aruaud ! " cried Meg sud denly. "Madamo Arnaud ? " I repeated. "She Is coming in with John. She chooses strange hours for calling , Kit ty ; the clock Is Just striking nine. Well , I am glad that some ono has come to enliven our dullness oven n dull caller Is better than no ono. " "But not tonight , " I said absently. Meg turned away from the window ; wo both waited for John to bring Madame Arnaud Into the drawing- room. Wo waited In vain. There were steps In the hall , then John's study door closed , and all was silent In the house. Meg and I were silent , too ; the rain beat against the panes ; I sat and lis tened to It absently. Presently Meg crossed the room and stood beside my chair , and kissed mo caressingly. "Madame Arnaud must have gene again , " 1 said , almost detlantly , defying Meg's unspoken sympathy , turning and looking up at her. Meg did not answer. Presently she drew a low chair just opposite to mine. An hour dragged by. All through that hour , even whllo Meg talked , I was listening with a strained atten tion. "Go to bed , Meg , " I said at last , pleadingly. "Why , Kitty ? " "Do go , Meg , " I urged. Meg glanced at me. Then for once , she rose and kissed me again and went. The wind had risen ; the rain beat deafenlngly against the window. Sounds In the house were lost In the sounds of the storm outside. I crossed I LOOKED STRAIGHT AT HIM. dlsgulso prepared for him. Tomorrow , j when ho leaves here , ho will , I hope , bo unrecognizable. His berth has been taken for him in another uamo In a ship for South America. Once there , ho will be beyond the law. " John ctood talking to mo for spmo tlmo longer , arranging the details of our plot. "Shall I BOO him , John ? " I asked. "I think not , Kitty , " I rose at last to go. John detained mo a minute longer. "Not a word to Meg , " ho warned me. me."No "No , " I promised. "Ono would not willingly trust state secrets to Meg , " ho added , with a slight smile. "Try to keep her with you all the evening , Kitty. As for the serv ants , I will tell thorn to build up the study flre and then not to disturb mo again tonight. When dinner Is over , take Meg back to tbo drawing-room and keep her there. " "You will not bo nt dinner , John ? " "No , " ho answered abstractedly , "I am going out now. " "Where ? " I asked. The question escaped mo before I had time to think ; it was not often that I questioned him about his goings. Ho looked u little vexed at the question now. "To Madame Arnaud's , " he answered simply , I turned toward the door ; ho opened It for me , smiling at mo as he did so. "Thank yout Kitty , " ho said In a grateful tone. "You have helped mo very much , " "A wifely duty ! " I returned , with a hitter little smilo. "Don't thank mo , I was bound to help you ; " and I turned away from him with the sound of my own bitter mocking volco ringIng - Ing in my ears. - - CHAPTER XV. . „ "Ifelgh-ho , what a long evening this Is ! " and Meg sighed. "Wind , and rain , wind and rain ; listen to It. " the room , took up my stand at the window , where Meg had been standing , and closed the curtains behind mo to shut out the light of the room. Minutes went by , minutes that seemed like hours. At last the house door opened , shut softly , and John and Madame Arnaud came out together , and passed the window where I stood. I waited. Ten minutes passed. The clock struck cloven slowly , and John passed the window again this tlmo alone. Ho lot himself In silently ; ho went back to his study , and for an hour longer I waited. The flre had gone out , the .room had grown cold ; but my head was hot and throbbing. I threw open the window and knelt beside It , welcoming the cold wind that swept In , oven wel coming the rain that heat against my burning cheek. After a minute I shivered. But even then I did not move. Physical cold seemed to deaden for a minute all the passionate burning tumult ot thoughts that were Eurglng through my brain. The wind caught the curtains and made them sway to and fro. Suddenly , as the door was opened , I turned to see John coming In with a firm quick step across the room. Ho drew down the window sharply before ho spoke a word. Then ho turned to me , with n quick glance of mingled severity and .gentleness. Ho tried to speak pa tiently , but there was something ot anger In his self-controlled tone.- "Do you try to make yourself 111 , Kitty ? " ho asked. I had risen from my knees , and I stood leaning against the shutter , my hands held down before mo. I looked straight at him , all the agony , all the hopelessness of the past two hours shining in my eyes. "I try to die , " I said calmly , with the palmness of the deepest passion. > 'John's eyes expressed a passion as deep as mine. Ho was putting a curb upon his speech ; his effort after self- restraint was evident. "Why should I wish to live ? " I asked. "Why ? Tell mo why. " John sighed and tnado no answer. I went On passionately "If the wind blows upon mo n little. If the rain touches mo , you are sorry. You nro not sorry that my heart la breaking. It Is breaking all day long always. And you you do not care. " "Kitty , I think you are mad when you talk like this. " I pushed back my hair , which waa falling loosely about my forehead , and looked at him with an odd little smile u heart-broken half-bitter smile. "I should bo happier If I died , " 1 said. "And you could marry Madarao Arnaud , John. " John's gray eyes flashed a quick , startled , scrutinizing glance at my face. "That Is one of the things , Kitty , that I cannot allow even you to say , " ho returned at last severely. There was n long silence. It was John who was the first to brauk 1C. Ho spoke slowly , and his tone was heavy as ho spoke. "You asked mo the other day to let you leave me , " ho said. "I refused. I was wrong and you were right. You may go , Kitty. I will not try to keep you with me. " I was silent. John turned away , with a tired and heavy sigh. "Wo will talk of It tomorrow , " ho added. "It's too late wo are neither of us calm enough to talk tonight. But you shall go. 1 promise. " I think I murmured a few incoherent words of thanks as I turned away. I might go ! The privilege seemed an empty boon , Indeed. I had no feeling of elation , no feeling of contentment In having won. Life stretched away blankly before me , bereft of every joy , every hope. j Even now I cannot recall the long hours of that night with an aching pity for that old self of mine who lay sleep less , tearless the whole night through , and heard the hours strike one by one , and waited In a dull , hopeless , uncx- ppctant way for the dawn to break. The dawn came nt last. The sun rose slowly above the house tops a red orb in a copper-colored sky. I dressed wearily , and turned with a heavy heart to go down stairs. My hand was on the handle of my door When the door was opened from outside. Meg came in. At the flrst sight of her face I stepped forward quickly and put my arm around her. Her face was deathly white white eyen to the lips. Her lips were tremu lous , and yet they were trying In a pathetic way to laugh at herself and at me at herself for her emotion , and at mo for my solicitude. "I ought to faint , Kitty , " Eho said , looking at me with a queer , tremulous little smile. "It would be befitting and and romantic , dear. " She pushed away the eau do Cologne I had brought her , and gradually the color came 1-ack Into her cheeks. "You should have told me ho was here , " she said , after a minute , half lightly , half reproachfully. "Did you see some one , Meg ? Were you startled ? A a friend of John's came last night to stay. I didn't tell you. " "Do you know who ho was ? " she asked. " ' John didn't toll "No. I don't know me. But ho told mo that he was com ing. I wish you hadn't seen him , Meg. Ho startled you naturally when you didn't know that any one was otaylng here. Would you mind , Meg , not sayIng - Ing to any one that you have seen him ? " Meg laughed harshly. "I am not likely to mention It , Kit ty , " she said drily. "It is not often , dear , that I boast of that early es capade of mine. When I am an old woman and very dull I may weave a romance out of those ices and love letters and Jam puffs ; but I am not old enough Just yet. I shan't talk ot It , dear ; don't fear. " "Meg , what do you mean ? Who was It you saw ? Not Arthur St. John ? " ( To bo continued. ) COLLIS' SECRETARY. _ Mam _ _ a How a Xtnlao Was Mitlo to lilt Snlary The Chicago News of a late date gives currency to the following story : A few years ago Collls P. Huntlngton's private secretary , Mr. Miles , asked for an Increase of salary. "Do you need any more money ? " asked Mr. Huntington - ington , thoughtfully. "No , sir , I don't exactly need It , " replied Mr. Miles , "but still I'd bo glad to bo getting a little more. " "Ah hum-m-m , " mused his employer , "can you get along with out the advance for the present ? " "Oh , yes , " answered the secretary , "I guess so , " and the matter was dropped. A couple of years later a now boy ap peared at the Miles homo and the secretary thought the tlmo propitious to renew the application. "Why , my dear sir , " said Mr. Huntlugton , when ho heard him through , "I raised your salary when you asked mo before. " "I never heard anything about It , " said the secretary , In amazement. "Proba bly not , " returned Mr. Huntlngton ; "In fact , I used that money to buy a piece of property for you. I'd Just let It stand for a while If I were you. " Mr. Miles thanked him warmly and retired , somewhat mystified. Recently Mr. Huntlngton called htm Into his private office. "By the way , Miles , " ho said , "I have sold that real estate of yours at a pretty good advance. Hero Is the check. " The amount was ? 50,000. The property was part ot a largo 'section purchased by the railway king as an Investment for his wife. llolcUt of Vulgarity. Among the French , formerly , to make oven the most casual reference to a' handkerchief was considered the height of vulgarity. y kMY HOST NOTABLE | THANKSGIVING BY I'RANK K. STOKTOX It was Thanksgiving time , nearly thirty years ago. To the ordinary in habitant of that portion of this coun try where I then dwelt the season was very much like other seasons of autumnal fruition ; there was nothing In the earth , the skies , or the waters that gave to this period any peculiar ity which would distinguish It from the similar period of any other year , past or to come. But there was Eomethlng that made this Thanksgiving season very pecu liar In my eyes. For some tlmo the whole world had seemed to me to be permeated by the knowledge that somethlng was about to happen which ( had never happened before , and which could not , by any possibility , happen again. I had always loved the Thanksgiv ing season. To be sure , much of the brightness and color In which the land scape reveled In October was lost , but the rich browns of the oaks , the heavy greens of the pines and the cedars , lighted up here and there by some late hanging sumac leaves or reddening Ivy , with hill and dale gently softened by the mists of Indian summer , made a picture In which I delighted as much as I did In the beauties of any other season. But In this year the late autumn folV ago was much finer than I had evrr known It before. Van Dyke ncvr dreamed of such browns as I now saw , and the curtains pf distant mist seemed ever about to rise upon visions cf even greater beauty than those whlci then entranced me. I had always liked the first kee.j winds which had come to 113 as thi avant couriers of winter , making It delightful to walk and bo out of doort. and also agreeable and satisfactory to go into the house. But this year then ; was a sparkling spice In the air which It would have been Impossible for other people to understand , even ij A GREAT YEAR FOR RABBITS , j they had perceived It. I knew It was there , I understood its origin , and I did not care a snap of my fingers . whether , or not anybody else know anything about It. In these days , after the regular periods ot me eric showers , there used to bo a good many falling stars which appeared to be left over from the grand display , and I had always been accustomed to watch for these with a great deal of Interest , for the reason that I generally forgot to go out of doors on the regular star-fall ing nights , and , therefore , was natur ally anxious to make the best of what Was left of the shower. This year the few stars that re warded my vigilance by falling in the latter part of November were excep tionally fine meteors. They glistened more brightb they scintillated , they moved slowly , as If they wanted to lot me know t-hat they knew of something as well as I did. The birds of that autumn were of particularly bright plumage. I re member that they sang very well , and although I am not positive that those MY FIRST BOOK. who were In the habit of migrating to the south In the late autumn delayed their Journey this year , those of them who did remain made themselves very conspicuous and agreeable. It was a great year for rabbits. In earlier days I had given much atten tion to trapping these little creatures , but seldom took much Interest In the sport until the snow had covered the earth , and thereby induced game creatures of various kinds to cast their eyes upon the delicate morsels exposed - posed In traps by men and boys. But now , although I did not care to trap the rabbits , I was charmed to gaze upon them as they skipped about on the edge of the woods , wagging their little tails and sitting up looking from side to side , with their little noses nervously trembling , while their long ears waved In the breezes. The rab bits' fur seemed very long and fine that year , and I am sure that Us color must have been extraordinarily well adapted for the adornment of human youth and beauty. I do not know that there were great crops of corn that year , or that the pumpkins had gilded to a greater ex tent than usual the brown , denuded fields , but I felt the farmers ought to be very happy people. To mo the country was pervaded with an atmosphere of richness and unsurpassed fulfillment. I knew that the apple crop had been very good ; at least I knew that the trees bad borne some remarkably good fruit , bccauso I had tried a good deal of it , and It had never possessed to a greater extent the Juiciness and sub-acid flavor of which I was so fond. It was also a great year for chest nuts , and a very poor ono for squirrels. I do not wish it to bo supposed that'I was not , and am not , fond of squirrels. I like them better now than I used to In my earlier days , although they are as active competitors in the business of chestnut gathering as when I was younger. But in this Thanksgiving season of which I speak the squirrels must have been fewer or lazier , for 1 made no complaints about the scarcity of chestnuts. If I remember rightly , those I ate were remarkably line , either one great chestnut in a single hull , or a fairly largo one with two little ones which did not Interfere with the expansion of the fittest. There was a peculiarity about the weather of that November ; very often the skies were really cloudy and gray , and the rain sometimes came down with steady persistence , while the cold and penetrating winds made people think of heavy overcoats before their appointed time. But these days of bad weather had very little effect upon me or upon my spirits. It did not oc- c\ir to me that the melancholy days had come , and as for their being the saddest of the year , that was impossi ble. At that time some sort of a sun was always shining. If It were not the ordinary sun about which our earth revolves , it was a particular orb which existed for my especial satis faction. It sometimes even shone at night , after I had gone to bed that is , if I happened to bo awake. But it was not only nature that was more than usually agreeable ; the people ple of this world , ao far as I knew them , were very pleasant , remarkably so. I do not remember quarreling with a living soul during the whole ot that November. It seems as though my intercourse with my fellow beings" was unusually genial. In regard to social progress and the steady better ment of the human race , I was an ardent optimist. Even people I knew as not being very pleasant of manner or intelligent of speech seemed then good company. Politics did not trouble me at all. I suppose a good many people voted for the wrong men , but I paid no atten tion to their misguided actions. It was scarcely possible there could bo any candidates for office who did not possess some virtues , and a strong disposition in the direction of general altruism made me wish well to all good people who had been selected to administer the affairs of township , county or state. There was truly something excep tional In this Thanksgiving season. Other people may hot have noticed It , but It Impressed itself most forcibly Upon mo. How could It be otherwise ? It was a tlmo that my first book waa published. In the Kiut. At a fashionable Thanksgiving din ner the butler brings In the turkey. It Is then removed and carved In th butler's pantry. A