Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 30, 1899, Image 1

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I The Eye of a Needle
Tnat'fl wlicro falling cycrlght flrst dcm-
onatrfttcB tlio need of glnffcs mid brings
the fact home to the hnsy , liurrloJ housewife -
wife , with greater force than nil Iho talk
of all the Opticians in nil Chtlstlumloin.
Let mo rcllovo those tired , strnlned , overworked -
worked , unrvoiiB eyes ; eave your nervous
{ energy , aud tuko you back to the days
when you never kruw you hid eyes.
Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic College.
G. W. Iloadly has become tired
paying rent and has bought thoS.w ,
Sec LU Town 10 Range 21 , whore
ha has built a house , cleaned the
well and will have an abundance of
water and will move early in the
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luoio Van-
Antwerp Nov. 11 , 09 a ten pound
Thh shower of meteors predicted
for last week , failed to .appear but
a slendid rain carne instead , and that
boats meteors out of fight for crop
raising and raising the spirits of the
farmers for orop the coming year.
Farmers are getting tired of the
hunters trespassing on their prem
ises , leaving gates open and shoot
ing indiscriminately mendangering
the life of , man and beast , and they
hereby give notice that the law will
b ) enforced in tha future. A word
to the wise is sufficient.
Weather fine since la t week ;
rain ; soil moistened five inches ;
farmers all busy ; some gathering
corn , sumo building fence and
geting ready for winter.
Watoh-Us. Ladies and Gent's ,
gold and silver watches. Chatelaine
watches. Buy your watches of us
and save 20 per cent.
You don't have to pay exorbitant
prices this year for holiday novel
ties. See Wilson & Drake , for dres
sing cases , jcwlery , collar .and cuff
boxes. Gjld and silver watches ,
jewel cases , perfumery , celluloid
noveltiepect , all at prices minus one
A. half the usual margins.
It isn'u right to aay "daru"whan
Wilson & Drake ooll childruns heavy
25 cent hose at 15 cent a pair.
A Basket Supper.
Last Saturday night the good
people , of Pleasant Valley , met at
the home of E. L. Bouch , with well
fillid baskets for the purpose of
raising a purfo for Rev. J. W.
Megan , who has been preaching for
them , occasionally for several weeks
past. After spending some time
in social games and conversation
they proceeded to auction off lliiir
babkcls , Charley Waoholer officiat
ing as auctioneer. A lively time
was had in bidding. The sum
realized for the baskets was 810.85.
The best of order is said to
prevailed and a veiy pleasant time
wus cnjoyofl by a'l. ' Those present
aud contributing to the success of
the occasion , were Jeeso Allbright ,
David Smith , Willie FJrock , Vina
and Daisy Brook , A. Loyd , Ethel
Montgomery. Lon Cason , Millie ,
Frank , Minnie and J. M. Pjimmel ) ,
Charley Waoheter and. wife , Ells
worth Datton and wife , Leo Wilt-
mull ) , Jane and Erwin Allbright ,
Job Allbright and wile , Edna ,
Ethel , Ester Wooters , E , L. Bunch
mid wife.
For Kent
A well improved farm near town.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
Edwin F. Myers doeH gun re
Cannon City coal at Diorlcs
Lumber Co.
Silver novelties of all descriptions
at Ed McComns' .
See onr line of sa'.t and dried
fish. Douglas & Birnoy.
Call on 0. P. Perloy , agent fit
Pasleur Black Leg Vaccine.
The electrical and calcium plant
carried by the Jolly Delia Pringlo
Company , for the production of
Faust , " is the finest money can buy ,
and is worth going miles to witness.
At the opera house , December 2d.
lleiuz's Grst grade mince moat in
bulk at Douglas & Birney's.
Try a package of Magio Carpet
Cleaner at W. J. Woods' store.
A barrel of Duffy's pure apple
juioo on tap at Douglas & Birnoy's.
For nice ehinawuro go to Ed
MoComas' . Ho has jum what you
"Golden Brand" is the leading in
vegetables tnd preserves at Douglas
& Birney's.
A few of those large Rochester &
Miller lamps left. Dent grope in
the dark when you can buy those
lamps at half prico.
Ed McComas carries the only
stock of out glassware in town.
These goods must bo seen to bo ap-
A complete line of Ileintz'a pre
serves in bulk , now goodi , at
Douglas & Birney's ,
Top cash pnoo paid for all kinds
of poultry at my elevator at all
times. tf. 11. H. .Winr.
All kinds of hair work done by
Mrs. R J. Bullock at John Crooa' ,
six blocks south of the public
square. Lessons given also. 2213
Go to Ed McComas' if you want
a nice present. He has them.
S. D. Butcher has selected men
from every post oflico in the county
to write , but Ibis excludes no one
from competing for the premium
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms arc all going and
prices arc commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
Have you seen those latest in
ladies' guard chains ? Call for the
Maruootto ; they are beauties , at
Ed McComas' '
C. C. Washburn Relief Corps
will hold a fair commencing
Thanksgiving clay. Place of hold
ing the fair will bo given later.
Every body will bo invited to help
make it a success.
A now line of sample gloves and
miltons just received. Every oou-
eivublo style. Eleven hundred
pairs , and below faolory prices.
Over two tona of elegant special
scenery and electrical effects used in
the productions of "Faust , " given by
the Jolly Delia Pringlft Company.
They appear at the opera house December -
comber ! id. Got your ticket early.
Ou Thursday evening of this
week , Rev. M. L. Everett will de
liver a sermon on Odd Fellowship
at the Baptist church , subject "The
Three-Fold Cord thut is not easily
Broken" , Mr. Evcr6tt delivered
this address at Gcldfiold Iowa just
before coining hero and received
the following letter since aniving
at Broken Bow.
Goldfield Lodge No. 511JI 0.
0. F. . My dear Bro. Everett.
You will find enclosed , a draft
for $8 00 which was voted to you
by our lodge as a token of our ap
preciation of your address OP the
"Three-fold Cord" . Tour's in F.
L. and T.
The services will begin promptly
at eight and oloao at nine.
Tongue ! of tlieOat Family.
The tongues of the cat family are
Covered with recurving spines. In the
common domestic cat these are small ,
but sufficiently well developed to give
the tongue n feeling of roughness. 13ut
in the lion and tiger the spines are
strong enough to enpblo the animal to
tear away the skin of u man's hand
merely by licking it.
It is now ttmo that you were ad-
vortiaing your holiday goods if you
want to poll them this year , 'those
who have already commenced are
Bring your guns and revolvers , to
Jas. Nanoo for repairs.
Quality r.nd purity is our watch
word. Douglas & liirnoy'a ,
All work guarnteed and prices
reasonable done by James Nanoo.
Our toae highest in quality ,
lowest in price. Douglas & B's.
Collar , cuff , neck tie. glove and
handkerchief boxes at MoComns' .
Onr Kuiiff Mooha and Jnvaooiico
is the best at Douglas & Birnoy's.
All kinds of byoiclo roparing ,
frame work especially , by Jas.
Nance north of the postoflioo.
Sewing machines cleaned and
repaired , second door north of
posloflioc. tf. JAS. NANOIC.
Jolly Delia Pringlo and her excel
lent company , presenting $5,000
sconioprodnctions , ut the oporu liouso
Saturday night , December 2d. The
costumes and special scenery used in
"Faust , " are the finest money can
buy. You will get your money's
The Magio Carpet Clenuor will
oloau that soiled carpet without any
hard work , and while on the floor ,
and restore the oolor. For sale at
W. J. Woods' furniture store. 3t
A watch makes a very desirable
Christmas present. A largo assort
ment of ladies' or gentlemen's watches
os at Ed MoComas' .
E W. Harvey who for a few
weeks has been foreman of tir.a
office loft Saturday for Olarks , where
ho will assume the position of editor
and manager of ttio Clarks Leader ,
Mr. Harvey IB an excellent young
man a good workman , fine business
qualifications and wo wish him SUC
CORS in bis new relations.
Don't Loose Your Head
Go to Wilson&Drakes and buy
tbo boy a watch that will run and
keep good time , for 79 cents. AUo
investigate these items wLioh wo
will eeil you at dry goods store pri
ces. Celluloid oolUr aud cuff box
ed GO cents. Elegant glove boxes
at 25 and 50 cents. Handkerchief
boxes 15 , 5 , CO cents. Plush col
lar and cuff boxes 50 cents. Elegant
dressing oases at about half the usu.
al price $1 20 , $1.35 , 1.45 , 2.00,2 75
3.05,3.00,550 , oot. Ladies' ele
gant Gold pens , Ladle's Gold
watches from $7,35 up , Gents gold
watches , at lower prices than any
body. Elegant Gold Rings for
your sweetheart , Nail brushes ,
h .ir brushes , lOcts , Talcum toilet
powder 5ots , Monnon's borated
Talcum toilet powder 15ots , Ladies
purses , Gents' purses , fragrant
perfumes 40cts per i uuoe , Vaseline
camphor ioo 7cts ; pure Vaseline u.
Elegant Opal Ware novelties at
very low prices. Ajhouso full of
useful and ornamented articles
Dutiable for Holiday presents.
Ladies Golf caps , Indies and
Misses Nobby Jackets , elegant
Rugs , and carpets , Mons and
boys buits and over coals.
Shoes for the whole family. Muff
lers , tnylor made suits , dress skirts
Our store is heated largely by our
line of blakets and ladica and Gent's
underware. They are the warmest
tbngn in town. WILSONDJIAicic
ti A. It. Resolutions.
Wheieas , The Almighty God
Soverign Ruler of the living and
the dead has in his wisdom
removed frcm our midst our br-
loved brother and comrade' Marcus
Roynsr and whereas , we the' oem
rades ol C. C. Washburn Post No.
08 , do deplore bis ouddon taking
off and we humbly bow to the will
of our Great Commander above , and
A'horeap , Marcus was a dutiful hus
band , a faithful brother and a hon.
ored citizen.
Therefore be it resolved that we
iho members of C. C. Washburn
Post do deply regret the death of
our comrade and wo tender his
family in their deep bereavements
our strongest and mcst heartfelt
"vtnnatbies in their sad hour of
Resolved further that a oopy of
theeo resolutions be spread upon
our Records and a oopy bo sent to
the family of our deceased brother.
J. W. Buroe , 1
W. W. Cowlos , [ Committee ,
L.J. Gandy J
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum fcakinp powders arc the greatest
mcnnccrs to health of the present day.
Albums of all kinds at McCouiUti'
Buy your fancy articles for Christ
mas from the ladica of the Presby
terian cluiroh about December 1st.
Games for old and young at Mo-
Comas' .
The followiuc ! are the names of
the pupils in Dist. No. 51) ) who
have neither boon absent nor tardy
for the mouth ending Nov. 24.
Eilnna Wrght , Harry Wright
and Ruby Baker.
Erwiu Potts Teacher.
Preaching uli Plasant Valley
school house Sunday al 11 a.m.
Don't miss seeing the beautiful il
lustrated songs and lire and scenic
dances in "Faust , " on Saturday
night. Reserved seats on sale at the
postoflico store and Wilson & Drake's.
Henry Heine of Wcstorvillo made
this ottico a friendly call Monday.
II. A. Sargent of Round Valley ,
made this ofliao a welcome call
Monday ft
,1. J. Clifton has sold the Morn a
Sun to Mr. Chaffin. formerly stati
on agent at Morna.
C. J. Voso of Giles made this
(111jo a welcome call Monday.
Jean Wcstervolt , Sheriff of Scott's
Bluff County has been visiting in
this county for eovcrU days with
'ormor acquaintances. The RBPUII-
MOAN ollico ftocnowlidgo a friendly
Fauat" is the greatest of the
great plays , and the Delia Pringlo
Jompiiny with their tons of special
scenery and their own lighting plant
can produce it right.
The W K C.will give a Now Eng
and supper Thursday evening , ut
7 , o'clock in the Wililo building.
Price tie cents. They * ill serve
oysters , at the same place Friday
tvening. at ( i o'clock and ohiokon
jio , Saturday evening , at 0 o'clock
I he patronage of the public is so
Dr.Carnss of Lincoln , state
of the anti-Hilcon league will deliv-
r a lecture in the M E church Sun
day , at 2 , oolock p m. All an in
vited. '
One of the finest residence sites
in Broken Bow for $300 cash.
Miss Gracu Montgomery takes
her departnro this week for an ex
tended visit to Chicago.
Thn corn crop is nearly all gath
ered and lik ° , "Old RieeUng's Re
ligion ; its nothing to brag of.
II. C. Stuokcy and wife , of Lex-
inglou , are in the hands of ihoir
friends on the Lotip for ten days.
Brigham & White will close out
their Htoro hero in a short tune and
establish thameelves in another
Burr Oak Presbyterian church
has addo'l thiee a'lult members the
past month and eight children by
rile of baptism.
Faank Scarson has oroMod a neat
and commodious residence for his
parents and himself , and the new
homo will be occupied when Christ-
mab comes.
The time is hero when the good
wife lieu awake o' night studying
out what she will get her faithful
spouse . for a Christinas gift And
the smell of sausage in in the air.
Mrs , ,7. M. Downey haa gene to
her parents homo in Missouri on
receipt of a telegram that her
mother , Mrs. James Welch , form
erly of Georgetown , was beyond
hope of recovery from a sudden
attack of apoplexy.
Dolls from lo to $0 at McComns' .
Chih'ron'a toy books and blocks
at Ed McComas' ,
For Hrflt-olaas job work call on
the RuruiiLioAN oflico.
Freab homemade broad for sale
at Fa.mor's Restaurant , third door
north of post oflioe , Broken Bow ,
The latest thing in gentlemen's
chains is the Bignoy Vest Fob or
the Eiffel Pony and Fcb at Ed Mo-
Comas' .
The Broken Bow IIOHO Company
has issued throe hundred invitations
to their ninth annunal b\ll , to bo
given at the north side opera house
Thanksgiving night.
S. A. Morrison , of Eagle , has
purchased the Champion of Arcadia
and has assumed oditoral charge ,
Mrs. Thompson , who wa ) one
of the teachers of the Broken Bow
schools , has boon compelled to give
up her eoliool on account of Hick
noes , an I has moved back 10 Don-
iphon , Hall county. Mrs. J. E
Adnninon has bcon employed to ( ill
the vaoanenoy.
The meetings at the Baptist
church continues with unabated in
terest under the preaching of Ruv.
M. L. Eevorlt , the evangelist. Sovorl
conversion were reported Monday
l < * aiiiierH in urc Voiir HOKH.
The Capital Mutual Insurance
Co. . of Lincoln Neb , , offers reliable
insurance to the farmerrf of Nebraska
braska at actual coat. The company
is composed of the best farmers of
the state ; lion1 F. llule.of Baltic
Creek Nebr. IH president , W. C.
Crooksof Lincoln , Seoy. , R , A
tinnier , of Broken Bow , is pgont
for the company at Broken Bow
and will bo glad to explain the
plan to the farmers of Custer
County. 11-30 2\v.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft coal , and see if
they do not merit such favors in
quality , weights and prico.
A Now Uiikery.
I have just put in a new Imkory
complete with the latest improve
ments and solicit public patronngo
Fresh bread , pies aud cakes a speci
alty. ' To Hot-nro fresh bread or
pastry instead o > ordering of jour
grooeryman order direct from mo
and I will deliver to your grocery-
man. So it will bo delivered with
your order for groceries. All ord
ers attended to promptly. Con-
rootionariee also kept in stock. Call
and leave your orders on west side
of pquaro or telephone No. 125.
W. H. OsitoiiNit , Jr.
Bibles at publishers prices at Mc-
Cnmas' .
Jess Gaudy has at all limes on
liis ranch , six miles southwest of
Broken Bow stock catlle for Bale.
Tonne made on application. tf
" We have three children. Before the
birth of the last one ray wife used four bottles
tles of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had the
pictures of our children , you could see Al
a glance that the last one
is healthiest , prettiest and
finest-looking of them all.
My wife thinks Mother's
Friend is the greatest
and grandest
remedy in the
world for expect
ant mothers. "
Written by a Ken
tucky Attorney-at
prevents nine-tenths of the
suffering incident to child
birth. The coming mother's
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal , because this relax
ing , penetrating liniment relieves the
usual distress. A good-natured mother
is pretty sure to have a good-natured child.
The patient Is kept in. it strong , lieplthy
condition , which the child also inherits.
Mother's Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II
assists in her rapid recovery , and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Sol J by druggists for $1 a bottle.
Send for our free Illustrated book written
exproikly for expectant mothers.
gJ.J , Clifton , late publishers of
the Morna Sun , was [ arrested last
Thuraday and ; brought to the city
oiMho ohargo of an asaulti with intent -
tent of *
committing n rape upon a
a ten year old , girl. From the
facts gathorcdji appears the ohargo
an exigoralion'j 8 the act partook
moro of the nattiro ofji inanioo'n In-
disoortion. Most ofthe , boat oiti-
zone of Merna , on learning of the
facts petitioned to have the ease
dismissed with out prosecution , on
conditions that the [ offender would
immcdiatly quit lho country. But
Iho court and county , attorneys
thoitghl the offence was of auflioont
magnUudo lhal nothing olao than a
short jail tentonce would moot the
demands of the law. On Monday
afternoon the plea of guilty
an as'ult was entered and the oourt
sentenced him to jail for ton days-
The case ia a sad affair and iovery
much rogroted by those who are
personally aocquaintcd with Mra.
Clifton and her daughters as they
are most highly respected by all
who know them.
A. W. Drako'd holiday gjoda are
arriving Coma and aoo him for toys
pictures , frames , easels , HcroonB , our *
tain rods , poloa , trimmings act.
Universal low prices on diahes ,
gasaware , china cups and mincers
cutlery , and spoons , rocket , contor-
tablcs couchoB and iron beds.
Three doora south of Bank of
Commerce , west side of square.
* $ Wi
jfajS Equality , Economy , Security.
n ho trna test for Life Iinmraucu Is
found In Iho Uqulty of the Contract , *
the Kcunoniy of Management , nml the
HccuiHy for the 1'Ayniunt.
M Bankers Life Association , ? | |
iil/ft aii *
DoaMutuca , town.
/4I KnWAiiu A. TKHi'LK , 1'rcnlilont.
Mi ; Organized July let , 1S7U.
$ * _ _
( Jiurauty FniiU for fafoty.
Surplus Fund for protection.
< > iV Supervised by 3,000 depository bauUn.
i Socnrl lo iloposltcd with the ntuto
{ * 5 tci'ni'liiient.
' Conicrvativu mcthodH.
1'roferrod HstaLow \ llatos.
Quarterly Payments.
I Kor raton and fall Information , call
on or address
, J , A , HARHIS ,
Agent for Ouster County , Nub
Oflico ut Farm era llauk of Ciia' er
Cocnty , llrokon How , Nob.
The Kirst National Rank of
Broken Bow , located al Broken
Bow , in the state of Nebraska , is
closing up its affairs. All note
holders and olhorn , creditors of
tmidassentationaro therefore hereby
notified to present the notes and
otlu-r claims against Iho aRHooiation
for payment. Dated Out 23d , 1809.
oo' 20 R II. G. ROGBKSCashier.
Cattle For Sale.
One thousand head of ont- , two
* nd three year old stcera ako eight
hundred head of stock cattle. For
particulars enquire of W. C. Greg
ory. If.
Dreading cases from 75a to $12 at
McComas' .
The largest stock of solid gold
ringb in the oily al E I MdCoinin' .
J"llSt HlMIICilllM'l1
That W. D Grant dona all kinda
of repair work , and id the only gun-
smuli in Broken Bow. Bring in
> onr guns , revolvers , Hewing ma-
chincH , locks , gasoline stoves , ain - > d
in fact anything that needs ropai r
inp. , and he cando it for you , Also
tin rooting and roof repairing , 4t
Estray Notice ,
Notice is hereby given that I
have taken up a red heifer ono year
old , nt my place of residence sixteen
miles north and two milrn east of
Broken Bow. The owner is rcquos *
led lo prove property and pay cost.
Walworth Nebr.
I haven't all the books in town ,
but I have the largest Block and
best collection. Ed MoComaa.