Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1899, Image 7

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Passing Through Marshes of Philippines
Toward Bayombong ,
MacArtluir's Occupy Six Hours In Trnv-
erslng Seven nnd n Half Miles to Go-
roil a Nntlto * l.xprcss I'rlcnushlp nnd
Kitond Welcome to Our Soldiers ns
They I'ush Along.
MANILA , Nov. 20. The following
dispatches have been received hero
Irom correspondents of the Associated
Press , accompanying the American ad
vance northward :
GERONA , Nov. 18. General Mac-
Arthur entered Gerona as already ca
bled , this afternoon. The Insurgents
had fled last Monday , after burning
the depot. Nothing else was destroyed
by them. Gerona Is the first town
along the Manila Dagupan railway
line , where the natives did not run at
the approach of the Americans. The
padres offered quarters In the church
and convent. The town has one good
house. Gerona Is the seat of heavy
English sugar interests.
The trip hero was a hard ono and
occupied six hours In covering seven
miles nnd a half. Most of the tlmo
was sepnt in fording a quarter of a
mile flood , running out of the Rio Tar-
lac. We have no wagons , and pack
mules and native bearers carry all our
The natives hero say that Bayom
hona was occupied last Sunday by
mounted troops , probably General
Young's brigade of General Lawton's
division. The people here are of a
better class than wo have usually
found , and they welcomed the Amer
icans , as they ovidentlj realize that
their agricultural interests will revive.
General MacArthur said this after
noon : "We seem to be entering a dif
ferent political atmosphere. The people
ple hero seem to be less attached to
Agulnaldo's cause than those in many
towns wo have entered on the railroad
line. "
The command will move northward
nt daybreak tomorrow , toward Bayom
bong. Gerona wll be garrisoned with
two companies of the Thirty-sixth.
Immediately on entering Gerona Sla-
veii's scouts moved up the track to
ward Panlque. On the way they en
countered an entrenched party of in
surgents , whom they drove back , then
entering the town and capturing four
locomotives and thirteen cars , as al
ready cabled. They learned that 500
insurgents had left the town in the
course of the afternoon.
"PANIQUE , Nov. 20. General Mac-
Arthur's troops arrived from Gerona
in the course of the morning. The
lallroad beyond this point had been
destroyed. The captured railway stock
is being repaired to handle supplies.
The expedition will go north toward
Bayombong , probably today. The sig
nal corps is constructing lines with
great rapidity. A native courier from
Bayombong reports that the American
troops left the town soon after they
entered , and that many natives re
main , though no Insurgents.
General MacArthur discovered here
Major Joneson , formerly chief sur
geon on the staff of the Filipino com
mander , General Mascardo. Ho re
sides at Bacolor , and is about to re
turn there to resume his practice.
Major Joneson says that nil respecta
ble Filipinos are disgusted with the
behavior of the Insurgents and are
very glad that the Americans have the
upper hand.
A continuous procession of refugees
Is entering Panlque from the north ,
indicating the proximity of other
"American troops , probably off the rail
road lino. These refugees say that the
insurgents have not known which way
to turn , with the Americans occupying
BO many places on the north.
Wreck on the Omiha ICond Results In
Death of Workmen.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. 20.
Word reaches hero late this evening
of a terrible accident on the Omaha
railroad near Humboldt , twenty miles
from Sioux Falls. According to the
meager details which have been thus
far received , a party of men wore on
a hand car about a quarter of a mile
out of Humboldt , when they discov
ered a work train in charge of Con
ductor Hlgglns backing down upon
them , en route to Montrosc.
In the work train were a number of
flat cars , upon which were a hundred
or more workmen , principally Ital
ians. The men on the hand car
jumped off , leaving the car on the
track. When the rapidly backing
work train btruck the obstruction the
force of the collision throw four flat
cars from the track , killing five of
the workmen , among them Edward
Howard , an American , and Injuring
many more. Five more of the Injured
arc expected to die.
Justice Chambers Dies.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 20.
Chief Justice Chambers of Samoa nas
resigned , and his resignation has been
accepted for the United States , oi" ) of
the three parties to the Berlin treaty ,
by the president. The resignation , also ,
will be made to Great Britain and to
The last official act of Mr. Cham
bers was the submission of a report
upon his administration of the office
of chief justice up to his departure
from Apia.
A Hush for Gold Diggings.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 20.
Postmaster Wright of Capo Nome
Alaska , Is In the city In the Interes
of postal facilities to accommodate ai
expected rush to that district nev
spring. Bids have been asked for lam
service , probably by reindeer , between
St. Michaels and Nome , about 35 (
miles , the present service being only
by vessels which touch there lafrc
quently. Mr. Wright says that 4,000
people will winter in the thirl y-flvo
mlcs or so of the coast , that takes h
the Cape Nome coast and that fully
30,000 will be there In the spring.
The Doers Maka n Determined Attack on
Kot ember 0.
DURBAN , Natal , Nov. 20. The
Times of Natal publishes the follow
ing :
"Tho enemy made a detcrmlnrd at
tack on Thursday , November 9. Ap
parently all the Boer foices participat
ed. Their artillery opened at 4 a. M. ,
pouring In shells thick and fast upon
the British positions , although with no
great effect. They adopted the untii-
ual tactics of advancing under cover
of their to positions on the ridges nnd
vopjcs adjacent to those occupied by
ho British troops early in the invest
"Continuing tholr advance the Boers
rcpt up , using every available bit of
over. Our Infantry opened with a
teady , warm and .accurate fire , which
) eat back the enemy , notwithstanding
ho display of tenacity of purpose equal
o their desperate stands on previous
occasions. The Boor attack was most
elaborate on all sides of the town.
"Tho main attack was made , how-
ver , between the Free State and Now-
astle railway lines by n column chief-
y of Johannesburg volunteers. A bri
gade of King's Royal Rifles corps inado
a splendid defense. The Boors were
opulsed , but soon rallied and retutn-
cd to the fight. Again the British fire ,
vhich was very hot , forced them to ro-
; lre. They had made a deep trench la
rent of the British lines and while
withdrawing from tholr horses they
eft this unguarded , whereupon the
Clng's Rifles , advancing nt double-
quick , occupied the trench.
"This smart movement was not seen
by the enemy , who soon returned
with their horses. Carefully reserving
heir flro the King's Rifles allowed tlio
Boors to advance almost to the edge
of the trench nnd then poured volley
after volley into the astounded Boer ? ,
vho turned and fled from an awful hail
of bullets , bolting across the open ,
vhere the artillery of the British pour
ed In a terrible and effective shell fire.
The enemy lost heavily , falling about
11 heaps.
"Meanwhile another section of the
3oers had brought a mortar into ac
tion , firing heavy shells. Our guns ,
concentrating upon it , soon silenced
his weapon , the enemy's artillery men
fleecing headlong. The Boers then art-
'anced in force with a view of repah-
ng the mortar , but our artillery shelled
and scattered them right and loft. The
fighting was all over at 11 o'clock.
Vlco I'rlsldcnt llolmrt Shores Signs of
Approaching Decay.
PATEDSON , N. J. , Nov. 20. Vice
President Ilobart passed the greater
part of yesterday at the bedroom win
dow , at times reading the nswspapers
and having Mrs. Ilobart reading to
lim. Ho took less food than u&ual.
This seems to indicate that his stomach
ach trouble has returned. Mr. Ho-
jart appeared to be as cheerful as ever
and took a lively interest in the topics
of the clay as presented in the newspa-
icrs. There Is no perceptible chaugo
in his condition , but his friends are
now not as hopeful as they have been.
They believe that the vice president
is gradually growing weaker.
Will Talk With Strlklcg machinists nnd
Trouble aiay Und.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. 20. The
striking Union Pacific machinists and
their employers are drawing near to a
settlement of their differences. The
machinists now ask for an advance to
331/6 cents per hour , being an advance
of 1 cent per hour over present prices ,
and have withdrawn their demand for
an Increase to 35 cents per hour after
January 1.
President Burt is expected here to
morrow , and the men will have a con
ference with him.
Hoers Concentrate Their Forces.
LONDON , Nov. 20 An Orange Rlvor
dispatch dated Thursday , November
1C , says the Boers were then concen
trating their forces outside of Klm-
berloy. According to the latest ad-
Uces from Jamestown , there had been
no signs of a Basuto rising up to Sat
urday last. The Boers have renamed
Allwal North , OHeversfonteln , in hon
or of their commandant.
From Lourenzo Marquez comes a re
port that the three German officers ,
Colonel von Braun , Lieutenant Brute-
witz and Lieutonint von Kunzo , have
arrived at Pretoria with the intention
of joining General Joubert's staff.
Woody Is Much Improved.
Hiyuard Still Improving.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 20.
The condition of Senator Rayward is
better tonight than it was twenty-four
hours ago. The paralysis appears to
be yielding to the treatment and the
patient is able to use his limbs ialrly
A\ell. While the senator is still In .1
precarious condition his physician ha
not given up hope that ho may getup
up again. The distinguished patient
Is receiving the best of care and treat
ment and ills friends all hope for a fa
vorable outcome of the present attack.
Killing Closes Pool Itnom.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 20. Judge Clark ,
of the court of criminal correction , to
day , In overruling a motion to squash
the information against a dozen book
makers , arrested for the violation of
the Breeders' law , decided that the
btateuto was constitutional. This will
result In the closing up of the down
town pool rooms , the chief of police
having given orders to that effect.
Jump In Leather and Hides.
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. The Record to
morrow will say : All kinds of leathei
nnd hides in the United States ant
Canada have taken a sudden jump in
price because of a general scarcity of
the raw and manufactured material ,
putting the market salmost in a state
of panic. In the last sixty days the
best grade of oak butts , which are used
for belting , have advanced from 30 to
40 cents per pound and the first qual
ity of oak solo leather , used in the
making of boots nnd shoes , has risen
from 34 cents to 38 cents.
Jajor Swlgor Discovers the Insurgent
Leader is Not Hemmed In ,
American T'orccs Moving on the Chl f-
tutu , Who Is nt I'ozarnblo , Northcntt
of Snu Jaclnto I'rospocts ot Ills Cap
ture Not Uncuuraglng.
MANILA , Nov. 18. The latest Information
mation as to Agulnaldo's whereabouts
comes from Major Swlgcrt of the Third
Major Swlgcrt reports moving
against the rebel general at Pnzaru-
This disposes of all rumors as to
Agulnaldo being at Dagupan and hemmed -
med in by our forces at Pazarublo 13
outside the line drawn by our troopa.
Now York Pozoi ublo , which place
the Herald's special cable indicate ? ilia
rebel leader now occupies , Is about ton
miles from San Jaclnto , lying a llltln
north of east from that town.
It was at San Jaclnto that the last
hard fighting with the insurgents was
reported , in which Maier John A. Lo
gan was killed while leading a charge.
The war department had hopes that
Agulnaldo had been caught between
the lines of General Wheaton on the
coast of the gulf of Llngaycn , and those
of MacArthur near Tnrlac.
In the meantime Lawton has been
pushing up through the interior , send
ing his cavalry under General Young
far ahead In the direction of Bayon-
borg. Two days ago it was reported
that Young was but a few miles from
the latter point
Major Swlgert is a cavalry officer ,
and , while not absolutely certain , m
army circles nt Washington last night ,
It was believed that he was attached
to General Young's command.
It therefore seems most probable
that ho has swung over westward from
the direction of Bayonborg , and con
sequently is closing In on Pozorubio
from the north. In that event the
chances of surrounding the rebel lead
er are excellent.
General MacArthur , with the Thirty-
sixth infantry , a battalion of the Fif
teenth infantry , a troop of the Fourth
cavalry , several Catlings and a detach
ment of the signal corps , has begun
his northward advance from Tarlac ,
which will be continud to Bayomboug ,
province of Now Ylzcayn.
Recurrence of Heart Tronblo Causes
Him to Cancel Kngagcmont.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov. 18.
Dwlght L. Moody , the evangelist , who
has been preaching hero to thousands
nightly In Convention hall , is broken
in health and is suffering from nn af
fection of the heart. His engagement
hero was cut short , and tonight ho is
en route to his homo at Northlicld ,
Mass. , in the care of Dr. Schauffer of
this city and Mr. C. M. Vlnlng , teller
of the Union National bank.
They are traveling In a special car
provided by the committee of church
men who brought Mr. Moody to Kan
sas City , and are going over the Wabash -
bash by way of Chicago and Buffalo.
It Is admitted that Mr. Moody's con
dition Is serious , not critical , though
when the evangelist was scon at his
hotel shortly before being taken to the
railway station , ho expressed the be
lief that his condition was not serious.
Ho stated that ho was feeling very
weak and added :
"I have had trouble with my heart
for a good many years , but I never felt
weak , as I do now. There Is nothing
alarming about my condition , I be
lieve. "
Revolution for Spain.
Carlos Yensen of Balboa. Spain , United
States consul agent and now in this
country , at the instance or Spanish
commercial interests , to make a t tndy
of American manufactures , is hero. He
says he looks for a revolution In Spain
In a few years.
"Tho republicans are too much di
vided now , " he said , "to bring about
a revolution soon , but they will soon
got together and then there will bo an
upheave ! . Spain wil see u now era
dawning in the near future. The bit
terness of the war is dying out and
American Industries are being wel
comed. "
Logan's Hoily to Ho Kxlimncd ,
YOUNGSTOWN , O. , Nov. 18. Mrj.
Joim A. Logan , Jr. , has received a
lelcgram from Secretary of War Root ,
nottlfylng her that he had advised
General Otis by cable to have the body
of Major Logan exhumed and sent
home. Major Webb C. Hayes , a per
sonal friend of the late Major Logan ,
will reach Manila in a few days nnJ
orders have boon issued for him to
take charge of the body and arrange
for its shipment.
Mrs. Logan received the following
telegram from Admiral Dewey today :
"You have the sincere sympathy of
Mrs. Dewey and myself In your great
miles Toted.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Noy. 18. Gen
eral Nelson A. Miles was tendered an
Informal reception nt the chamber of
commerce tonight. General Miles will
start east tomorrow on a tour of in
spection of the posts in Arizona , Now
Mexico and Texas.
Taken In Wyoming Land.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. IS. UK-
Governor 0. Vincent Coffin of Connect
icut and wlfo Alonzo L. Clark , presi
dent of the Nebraska Real Estate &
Loan association of Hastings , Neb . and
J. B. Cessna and wife , also of Has
tings , have arrived In the city for the
purpose of foreclosing a mortgage on
a tract of hind situated twelve miles
south of Cheyenne , and extending
south of the Colorado line , in whicl
there are about 330,000 acres. 'I he
mortgage , was given ns security for
loan of ? 94,000 made by the Nebraska
company tn 1SS7.
Texas Itniiclinmn Outlines Plan ( or an
Intornntlntml Kihlhlt.
DE3 MOIN12S , la. , Nov. 18. Colonel
D. O. Lively , Bccrclnry of the Fnrmora'
congress nnd a. resident of Fort Nrorth ,
Tex. , was in the city today on liU
\vny to Chicago to arrange for an In
ternational stock show , to bo held next
year In November. Colonel Lively
outlined the plan of the proposed
"What wo propose to give Is an In
ternational fat stock show , " ho oald.
"It would include only the foou ani
mals cattle , hoga and sheep but It
would bo the biggest thing of ti.c kind
ever attempted. Wo should aim to
nmko It as representative a show of
that kind as the world's fair was in
Its particular line. The coming week
the live stock association , embracing
the shorthorn , Hoicford and Angiu
breeders , will meet. The plan is to ba
laid before the members nnd if they
approve the arrangements will be
made. "
Successfully rut In I'oaltlon on Itulvran
Hill In 1'ront of I.mlysmtth.
PRETORIA , Nov. IS. The follow
ing dispatch has bon received from
the Boer camp nt Elandslngate :
Ladysmlth has been completely en
circled by the Boor forces. Our second
big gun was successfully placed in
position on Bulwan hill , In front of
Ladysmlth. The firing of heavy guns
commenced early this morning , with
no casualties to the burghora up to
the present.
Botha has hellographod from the
south of Ladysmith that British bat
teries opened a heavy flro with big
guns and continuously dropped shells
into the works around Ladysmith.
The Pretoria force was In a tight place ,
having taken up a position commanded
by the British flro , which was so hot
that the position became untenable.
The big gun , however , saved the sit
Uagc's Action In Huylng Honda Stopped
Onmo of the Sharps ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 18. Russell Sago
is quoted today as saying to a news
paper interviewer , who asked him
what ho thought of the United States
treasury's offer to buy $25,000,000 of
bonds :
"I believe Secretary Gage's action
has saved the financial world from a
disastrous panic. No ono who has
been In touch with business enter
prises during the last few months can
fall to have realized the stringency of
the money market.
"The sharps took advantage of the
situation. They wore making a rich
harvest of it , but the government
stopped their game. "
Latter Day Saints 1'rotest Against tlia
ring Waving Over 1'oljgamy.
SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Nov. 18.
The conference of the Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints , Southern California district ,
just closed here , passed the following
resolution :
"Wo earnestly protest again the al
lowing of our national banner to float
over any territory that permits the
cacred laws of marriage to bo violat
ed , and that wo protest against any
person being allowed to take seat in
the halls of the congress of the Unlicd
States who are knowingly guilty of
adultery or polygamy. "
I'hyslclan Is 1'nconraged With the 1'ros-
pects of Recovery.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 18.
Senator Hayward's condition Irnrj
shown marked improvement during
the past twenty-four hours. Dr. Whit-
ten expresses hlmsolf as being great
ly encouraged with the prospects of
Lia patient's recovery. The paralysis
appear to have been arrested , as the
senator was able to use his right 9rm
tcday'and to utter a few intelligible
sentences , the fiist slnco the beginning
of his present illness. Tonight the
patlcnt'n pulse Is normal and his gen
eral condition Is good.
Kchley lion u I'lind Subscription * .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 18. At n
meeting tonight of the Schley homo
fund committee of 100 plans wore
adopted , which , when put Into opera
tion , will give friends of the admiral
an opportunity to contribute to the
fund. A number of subscriptions were
made and several others announced ,
including ono of $250 by General Felix
Angus of Baltimore. Colonel James U.
Barrett was appointed chairman of
an executive committee to have charge
of the matter. As soon as practicable
a committee of twenty-five persons in
each state will bo named to ralso sub-
Bcrlptlons and In addition the news
papers will bo asked to assist in the
v > ork.
Contracts for Now Cruisers ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 18. The
board of naval bureau chiefs today do-
elded on recommending the firms anil
Ihoso whoso bids should bo accepted
for the six new protected cruisers.
The names are not announced , but
they are understood to bo the Union
Iron works of San Francisco , Louts
Nixon of "Elizabeth , N. J. ; Bath Iron
Works of Bath , Mo. ; J. R. Trigg com
pany of Richmond , Va. ; the Fore
River company of Massachusetts anil
Neaflo & Levy of Philadelphia.
A Noted Criminal Dead.
LEAVENWORTH , Kan. , Nov. 18.
Edward Staffelback , a member of the
notorious family of Cherokee county
criminals , died in the penitentiary to
day of consumption , while under sen
tence of death. The family , consistIng -
Ing of the mother , daughter and two
sons , were accused of having commit
ted several murders In tholr neighbor
hood. The daughter , Cora Staffelback
turned state's evidence nnd the three
others were sent to the penitentiary
The mother was sentenced for twenty-
one years and George and Edward to
bo hanged , which meant llfo impris
Jnmor That Ecor Qammnndor-in-Ohiof
Dies hi Midst of n Tight ,
Itcport Comes 1'rom flfany Different
Quarter * , hut Luck * Conllrinatton
Armored Train nt the llocrs' Mercy
Half Comimny ot the Durban Volun-
Uor mill Dublin ruslloors Aboard
Lieutenant Churchill Captured ,
DURBAN , Natal , Nov. 17. ( Now
York World Cablegram ) . And uncon-
Irmed rumor Is current hero that
General Joubort , the commandcr-ln-
chlef of the Boor forces , was killed
Friday at Ladyamlth.
The story as told Is that the British
naval guns suddenly opened flro on n
position where the Boera had mounted
slego guns nnd that General Joubort ,
who was standing near the artillery ,
van struck with a fragment of n shell
nt the second shot , the wound being
so severe that ho afterwards died.
It Is also said that at a Boer council
of war , the other generals were anx
ious to remove the army to some
other point , but General Joubort de
sired to capture Ladysmlth first.
General James Meyer Is said to have
gone to Pretoria , being 111.
ESTCOURT , Nov. 13 , 4:35 : p. m.
( Now York World Cablegram Special
Telegram. ) ( Delayed. ) About f > UO
Boors have arrived at Chloveloy sta
tion. They blow up the railway line
with dynamite and retired on seeing
a mounted infantry patrol and other
patrolling bodies.
The Boers are reported today to bo
ficuth of the Ttigola rlvor , which runs
through Colcnso.
Reports from Wconen ( about twen
ty miles northeast of Estcourt ) Indi
cate it is possible that an attack Is
intended to bo made upon thin placo.
The troops are sleeping here In tholr
boots and the utmost vlgllnnco Is
maintained , but general confidence
prevails that In the grassy ( open )
country any Dutch attack can bo re
The situation is much clearer
throughout Natal.
Further efforts to solzo Ladysmith
failed , but the Boor heliograph ac
knowledged them , saying :
"Will bo with you tomorrow. "
The British reply was much shorter.
DURBAN , Nov. 17. The armored
train , which Is already reported as
wrecked and captured , arrived nt
Chlevcloy safely , only a few Boors
having been seen there. It started
back nnd was thrown from the track
two miles from that station by an
obstruction. The front car was
turned ever , the cnomy opening a hot
fire nt the same tlmo from a kopje
with a Maxim gun and two nine-
pounders. They got the range accu
rately , hitting the cars nnd locomotive ,
but did not damage to the vital parts
of the latter. The navt.3 gun ntnchcd
fired thrice but was then put out of
| Lieutenant Churchill , with great
bravery and coolness ) , which Is de
scribed as magnificent , got a party of
men to clear from the tracks the over
turned cars , nnd finally the englno
passed by the wrecked cars at the sldo
of the track , the Dublin Fusllcers and
volunteers fighting an unequal battle
alongside the derailed cars. Three
times they drove the enemy back.
The wounded men's comrades put them
back on the tender nnd finally tlio
the angina and tender with the
wounded returned. The men who had
been loft with the wrecked cars fol
lowed the englno and tender down Iho
railway line , taking advantage- all
the possible cover. It IB hoped that
the relief party will assist them in
getting safely back.
IO\MI State ) I2xccntlio Council Grateful
for KlndnoH ,
DES MOINES , Nov. 17. The state
executive council today unanimously
adopted resolutions thanking the people
ple of California and especially of San
Francisco , Oakland and Berkeley for
hospitality and kindness manifested to
ward the soldiers of the Firty-flrut
Iowa ie lmont , General Gaga , Adju
tant General Seamons nnd Colonel
Groves of the goveinor'fl stall , unl
extending personal thanks for their
courteslses to the soldlcra and mo Iowa
party which received them on their
return from Manila ; and the good
women of San Francloco , Oakland and
Berkeley , and uhpeelhl thanks for the
care of the sick while the regiment was
in San Francisco.
EOTOW Over Senator Iliiywnrd.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 17. Gieat sorrow
row is expressed In Washington over
the seiious illno-s of Senator Haywaul
and In some quarters , especially nmonn
the leaders of currency reform , conster
nation is ohown over the posslbllltlej
that may arise should an nd Interim
senator bo appointed from Nebraska.
Chairman H. H. Hnnna of the Sound
Money league is especially sollcltloud.
as he had hoped that a currency meas
ure would pass congress during the
coming cession , but with the small mu-
jority the republicans have in both
branches ho has almost given up Ifopci
that anything but a makeshift In the
way of currency legislation will bo at
Slmw nnd Sickle * See Knot.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 17. Comman
der in Chief Shaw of the Grand Army
and General Daniel Sickles saw Sec
retary Root today. Commander Slmw
wanted to urge Secretary Root to mnkn
a favorable recommendation In his an
nual report for a military park at Fie 1-
ericksburg , Va. He was joined in this
by General Sickles. The secretary said j
ho would make the recommendation , j
Commander Shaw also asked Secrelaiy 1
Root to use his Influonfo In having f.i-
vorablo action tnkon by the president
ns specified by the Grand Army of the
Rcnubllc in relation to pcns'ona.
Remains of Mujor Jolui A.
Am yty Lnto Comrades.
MANILA , Nov. 17-r-Tlio remalni of
Major John A. Logan , killed In notion
at San Jaclnto Saturday , Wcro burled
In Pace cemetery this morning. Many
persons followed the body to the grave.
Chaplain I'lorco officiated nnd the
Twentieth Infantry furnUhod the ci-
ocrf , which was commanded by Major
Rodman. The pallbgarors wore the
captains of the Twentieth infantry.
Reports have been received here
from General Young dated Humlngam ,
yesterday. Humlngam is about Ihhty
miles civst of San Fabian. Genoial
Young Is supposed to have advanced
considerably further toward San Fa
A correspondent of the Associated
Press telegraphs nn account of the rap
id pace with which General Young cov
ered the road with his cavalry. The
Mncnbobo scouts demoralized the in
surgents around the low country. A
messenger and reinforcements , who
were captured , say no town from Sun
Jose to San Nicolas expected the arri
val of the Americans until a day or
two after they actually arrived.
Agulnaldo and his government arc
said to bo making desperate efforts to
escape to Bayombong. The information
hero is that he is still In the low coun
Lieutenant Johnson , with troop M ,
Third cavalry , captured yesterday at
San Nicolas twelve barrels containing
the wardrobe of Agulnaldo's wife , -iomo
personal effects , the records of the
sceictary of war and much commis
sary and medical supplies. Senora Ag-
ulnaldo probably escaped over the di
vide , but the secretary of Avar is
thought to bo inside the lines.
Thomas W. Hayes , a civilian , find
Calvin S. Davis of the Sixteenth Infan
try , who were hold prisoners by the
Insurgents , have been rescued ,
I'lirtlal I'nrnlytils Una But In mid Condi
tions Not I'ltvornhlo.
NEBRASKA CITY , Nov. 17. Sena
tor Hnyward's condition is not much
changed from yesterday. His brother ,
Major 7. U. Hayward Davenport , la. ,
airlvcd this morning and was recogniz
ed by the senator.
Dr. Whltton states that the ? ressuro
la on the loft side of the brain just
over the speech center and extending
to the motor center of the right arm
nnd leg. These members are therefore
without fooling or motion. The pa
tient's temperature la 100 , pulse 07 and
respiration 23.
It bus just been made public hero
that Senator Hayward suffered a slight
attack of a similar nature In Lincoln
on the night that ho was nominated in
the icpuhlicau caucus last winter. Ho
was hurried to bed b'y his friends and
by morning was able to bo up.
In rnqucnt Conference With Adjutant
( of Mllltla.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Nov. 17. Gover
nor Bradley has the members of both
parties guessing what hand ho will
take in the event of a collision between
Goobol nnd Taylor over the governor
ship. Bradley's close friends say ho
will not recognize Goobol as governor
if the state board goes behind the or
iginal returns in order to obtain for
him a certificate of election. The gov
ernor himself will not talk , but as ho
Is in conference with Adjutant Gener
al Collier almost constantly , rumors ot
this kind nro worrying the democratic
leaders. No governor will bo Inaugu
rated December 12 , the date prescribed
by law. The law provides that th.i
state election commission must not
meet Inter than December 4.
Chairman JOMVM Mentions January U or
1'cbruary 11 UK Date.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 17. A meeting
of the democratic national commlttoa
will probably bo hold in this city Jan
uary 8 or February 11. Chairman
James K. Jones has settled upon thcsu
two dates ns his own choice , and by
his Iniitructlons Secretary Johnson has
just completed the work of notifying
membois of the committee to send by
letter thulr preference of the two dato.i
sugested by Chairman Jones. At thla
meeting the committee will decide the
time and place for holding the next
democratic national convention.
rillpltum Tap Telegraph Wires ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 17. Mall ad
vices received nt the postal depart
ment show that the Filipino Insurgents
have adopted a now method of Inter-
fciL-ncu with the military telegraph
linen. This Is done by attaching a fine
copper wlro to the line , running It
down the polo or through the foliage
of n tree to the ground , where it Is at
tached to a piece of iron driven into
the earth. This effectively cuts off
communication , and is not easily dirf-
covered when once accomplished.
Report Denied by Andreus.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. Dr. E. Benjam
in Andrews , supeilntendont of schools
of Chicago , today denied the rt-port
from Lincoln , Neb. , that ho had been
offered the ehnncclloishlp of the uni
versity of Nebraska , left vacant by the
resignation of George E. MacLcan Kiat
spring. "I have received no such of
fer , " said Prof. Andrews , "nor do I
contemplate resigning my position at
the head of the Chicago public schools.
Secretary Long Returning.
DENVER , Colo. , Nov. 17. Hon. John
D. Long , secretary of the navy , and
his wife , who accompanied their daugh
ter Helen to Colorado Springs , where
flho will remain this winter for her
health , left hero on tholr homeward
journey over the Burlington route thi3
llanquet to Schley.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Nov.17.
Rear Admiral Schley was given a din
ner tonight by the Clover club , prior
to Ills departure for , Mouth