Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1899, Image 2

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    imra niwn m * * mmm m * m M mw m t } * * * * * w w
. By Author of "Hetty , " Etc.
tim mm .Ti mm ii
CHAPTER XIII. ( Continued. )
After much opposition on my part
and quiet , steady determination on
John's , Meg wan sent for. She was
not n very attentive , but she was n
very cheery nurao. She forgot my
mcdlclno one hour , and gave mo n
double dose cheerily the next , and
laughed gaily at her own mistakes.
And In splto of her mistakes , I got well
Hut , long nfter I non well , Meg con
tinued to stay on with me.
"You have nicer dlnnerc than we
have at homo , " sbo would confess with
bwootest candor , "and your rhalrs arc
softer. And I feel that I am doing an
act of benevolence in s'aylnir. I na\e
you and John from eternal toto-a-tctc.
Now confess , nitty , that you arc duly
grateful. "
I was silent.
"Sll nqe moans concession , " Meg d1)-
She slajcd through almost n'.l Nov-
* m'uer with us. Whenever she spoke
of going John gravely Interposed and
begged her to remain ; and Hho re
mained willingly. Sometimes I wished
ungratefully that oho would go and
leave mo alone ; but John seemed to
have moro fear than I of thono tctc-a-
tcto talks from which she caved us.
Yet , ono < iiiy , it struck me that John
too , was growing tired of her long
visit. Meg was late In coming down
Btalrs ; ho and I were alone for a mln-
ttto at breakfast. Ho held his paper ,
but ho was not reading It ; presently
ho put It down. Glancing across nt
him , I was pained to BOO how worried
nd anxious ho was looking.
"Meg la ataylng all this week ,
Kitty ? " ho asked mo suddenly as ho
caught my questioning glance.
"You naked hoi to stay , John. "
. "Yes , I know , " ho said ; and ho took
up his paper again with n llttlo sigh ,
before her Into the fire with n far
away gaze , and started when I entered
the room ; sl'o InnUod round at me ,
her eyes laughing , and yet with some
thing of mingled melancholy In their
"Why , what are you doing , Meg ? " I
"Thinking , dear nn uncommon
thing , " answered she ; and she shook
back her fair , rippling , pretty hair , and
seemed as though she would shako
away nor thoughts with the same Im
patient gesture. "I've seen a ghost , "
she said. "Tho vision hns been haunt
ing me all day. Don't I look llko It ?
1'vo seen the ghost of nn old love , Kit
ty. "
und It again struck mo tuat no am not
read it.
Meg came down stalro , gaily hum
ming as she came. As she passed
through the hall the postman arrived ,
nnd she brought in the letters , looking
carefully In a perfectly open way at
each ono. Suddenly the smile faded
from her face ; she glanced quickly at
John with n half-questioning , half-
'ctartlcd ' look.
John rose and put out his hand to
take the lottors. Ho was moro eager
than usual to obtain them. Meg gave
them to him slowly , ono by one.
"Only three , " she said. "Ono from
Madame Aruaud. Ono from a person
who ought to go back to copy-books "
John took the lottcis she held out
to him. She still retained the third.
"Let mo have the other , Meg , " ho
oald in a tone of tired forbearance.
She put the letter down upon the
table , but she was still holding it.
"Whoso writing Is that ? " she asked.
John's face puzzled me. Ho was
evidently striving against a sharp , im
patient answer. Ho was anxious to
obtain possession of the letter , and
anxious that Meg should not any
longer examine it. Meg , too , was
graver than her wont as she stood
looking doubtfully , first at him , then
again at the handwriting on the en
"I know that writing , " she said half-
"I think not , " said John.
"Tell mo whoso it is. "
"I am very sorry. I cannot tell you.
It is a private correspondent. "
Meg said no moro. She relinquished
the letter meekly , and John took it un
opened into his study and did not ap
pear again.
It was a cold , boisterous day , but l
had shopping to do , and was out alone
nil the afternoon. I came in to find
Meg sitting pensively before the fire ,
her hair untidy , her morning dress un
changed , her elbows on her knees , her
chin on her hands. She was looking
She ispoho lightly , scoffingly , nnd ynt
there wan an undercurrent of deeper
meaning In her lono. I knelt down
upon the rug beside her chair , and she
put her elbows once more upon her
kncca and her chin upon her hands ,
and again looked musingly Into the fire
before her.
"You didn't know I hnd an old love ? "
Ehe oald , otlll In a scoffing ton-j. "You
didn't know that I went about the
world with the smallest possible
fraction of a heart , did you , Kitty ?
Un tno whole , I pot on very well. Ono
cnjoyn the world butter without a heart
than with ono , I think. Pretty bonncta
nro moro satisfactory than lovcis. "
"Meg , " I said , looking olonoly and
curiously at her , "I don't understand
you I don't understand a bit what you
are meaning. "
"Nor I , " said Meg , with nn odd llttlo
laugh that was half u. sigh. "A pernon
who has cecn a ghost may bo allowed
to bo half-witted for half A day. I saw
a ghost at brcakfast-tlmo this morn
ing. I took It In from the postman at
the door. It Is residing now In John's
ctudy , I suppose. And , If It were not
for an old-fashioned Idea of honor , I
would K ° nnd rifle John's study and try
to find It. "
"Aro you talking about the letters ,
Meg , that you took this morning ? "
"Oh , wise Kitty ! About ono of those
letters. Yes. "
I looked ut her In perplexity. For
many minutes she did not speak again.
"I have a score of love-letters nil In
that same handwriting , " she said at
last , turning her head to smile at mo
"tho only love letters I ever had , or
over shall have. Preserve me from
having any moro. "
She clasped her hands behind her
head and laughed. .
"It was such a foolish affair , so
childish , so silly , " she added , with ft
lingering regret In her scornful tono.
I thought I had forgotten all about It. "
"Tell mo about It , Meg. "
"Tell you about it , Kitty ? Thank
you , dear , I would rather not. "
I did not urco her any further.
With her hands clasped behind her
head , she sat looking before her.
Presently she turned and looked mus
ingly at me.
"I don't sec why I shouldn't tell
you , " she said. "It may amuse you.
Poor llttlo Kitty ! Life is dull enough
for you ; you want a glimpse of com
edy now and then to make you smllo.
Well , smllo at this. Wnen I was six
teen , Kitty , I lost my heart. I had a
lover my only lever laugh , dear. "
"I don't want to laugh , Meg. "
"Don't you ? Is the story so tragic ?
I assure you It's comic , too. I used to
play truant from school In order to gofer
for walks with him. Was that comic or
tragic or only Improper ? "
"Who was ho , Meg ? "
"Ills name doesn't matter , dear. Ho ,
at all events , thought that It didn't
matter. Ho called himself Arthur L-s-
Hc. I found out afterwards that the
rest of Uio world called him Arthur St.
John. "
"That was Madarao Arnaud's name , "
I said vaguely.
"Ho was related In Eomo way , I
think , to Madame Arnnud. It was from
him that I first heard of her ; wo were
talking about the theater , nnd ho told
mo her story , though not quite as I
have hoard it since. 1 don't
know why I nm telling you'
all this. I don't know why
I nm thinking of It. I ought to
bo ashamed to remember such a silly
episode. I used to write letters on
pages of my exercise-books and leave
them for him at a pastry cook'u. He
used to leave his letters for mo every
day nt the same place , and ft young
lady with golden ringlets would hand
them to mo with nn acidulated smile.
The same young lady Is at the same
pastry cook's still. I never go through
that street "
Meg's lips were trembling a little ,
though her eyes were laughing at me.
"How long Is this ago ? " I asked.
"Oh , a century ago ! When I was
sixteen , nearly four years ago. "
"And no one know ? "
"No ono. Only the golden haired
lady who sold us jam-puffs and lemon ,
ado and Ices. "
"And was he as young as you ? "
Meg smiled. '
"No , not as young as I , " she said
drily. Ho must have left school ten
years before. Ho had left college. Ho
hnd left the bar I think perhaps ho
had left half n dozen other professions
which ho never mentioned. Oh , yes ,
Kitty , he wan In every way n hero , old
enough , tall enough , dark enough ,
v.Jckcd enough , I dare eay ! "
'You wcro in love with him , Meg ? "
"I thought I was , dear. Ono can
imagine most things when ono 13 Blx-
ti-en , or a. llttlo over. "
"How did It cna , Meg ? "
"It didn't end. lie left n note ono day
with the golden haired lady , asking mete
to go for a walk with him by the Ser
pentine. I left n note in answer to say
that I would como. I went ; but ho
forgot the appointment. Ho never
wrote to mo any more. I have not seen
him or heard of him from that tlmo to
this. I have often been very glad. "
It was hard to know what to say. I
sat looking nt her thoughtfully.
"The loiter that came for John this
moinlng was from him ? " I asked.
"Yes I am sure of It , " said Meg.
She rose from her scat , humming a
scrap of ft cong.
"I shall go and dress now , " she said.
"When ono tells one's love stories ono
should always tell them In picturesque
dishabille. Did I look sufficiently love
lorn ? Did I amuse you , Kitty ? Well ,
I nm tired of looking ugly ; I shall go
and drees. "
She went away , still humming , up
the stalra , and I sat reflecting on all
that she had said. Was Meg laughing ,
or was she in earnest. I did not know.
So deep was I In thought that I did
not hear the door open , did not hear
John enter.
"Kitty , " ho said In a quick tone ,
less calm and steady than was his
wont , "I want to speak to you. Como
into the ' study with me ; I want to
speak'to you alone. "
"Meg has gone upstairs , " I observed ,
rising obediently , however to follow
Ho closed the study door behind us ,
and diew forward a chair toward the
fiio for me. It was weeks since I had
sat alone thus In John's study with
him. I looked around the room. It
comohow looked moro dreary than It
had been wont to look. The dust lay
thickly on the chimney pleco and writ
ing table ; there were no flowers any
where ; the hearth looked dirty ; the
fire burnt dull and low , and John him
self had changed since I had sat there
with him last. He looked sadder ,
"Kitty , " he said , standing before me ,
ono elbow on the chlrrmey-plcco , nnd
looking down at me. "I am going to
entrust you with an Important secret. "
Ho waited. I looked gravely at him ,
and did not answer.
"I feel sure that I can trust you. "
"Yes , " I replied simply , "you can
trust me. "
( To bo continued. ) j
A handy gate has boon designed
\ \ hlch can bo opened without exertion ,
n pivot pin bolng act in the side of n
peat , on which the gate Is hung , with
weights suspended on an arm at the
roar of the gate to counterbalance It
In any position.
A summer r.treet car has been de
signed which has windows on the sides
for use in stormy v/oather , the win
dow frame being pivoted on the roof
supports and fitting tightly between
them when lowered , with a curtain r-.t
the lower edge which completes the
Playing cards can bo rapidly and
evenly shuflled by a Boston man's ilc-
vlco , which is formed of a circular
box , fitted with ft central stem , on
which It revolves , with a detent ar
ranged In the top of the box to Inter
mittently hold back n portion of the
cards as they revolve.
Street-car conductors will appreciate
n now faro register designed for tholr
use' nnd the cost to the company Is
lessoned by Its use , the new apparatus
bolng held in the hand , with a sliding
yoke to bo gripped by the thumb and
depressed , registering the faro on ft
dial and ringing n bell.
Ether nnd chloroform can bo cislly
administered to n p-Ulont by n Ger
man apparatus , having an absorbent
diaphragm fitted across ono or-l of n
metallic tube , with the opposite end
shaped to fit the face , n pneumatic
ring on the cdgo affording nn alr-tlght
cell and causing the inhalations to betaken
taken from the diaphragm.
The Presbyterian Church of England
has increased by 1,803 communicants in
the last year.
The United "Brethren church has re
cently opened a klmlorjirarteu and pri
mary school at Ponce , Porto Rico.
The ICcstornllon of Tlint 1'oltcy Hin lie-
Bultod In nn Increase of 31).50 1'cr
Cent In WnROH Tiild and 10..10 Tor
Cent lu tlio Unto of
The extent to which American labor
has gained .In employment and In
wages In the past four years , by rea
son of the restoration of Industrial
activity In place of the dullness , de
pression and enforced Idleness of the
desolate period following the free-trade
experiment at tariff making In 1891
cannot , for obvious reasons , bo accu
rately stated In figures. It Is Impossi
ble for any but government agencies to
cover the ground with anything like
completeness. Employers of labor do
not , as a rule , take kindly to Inquiries
as to facts concerning wages , gross
sum of output , etc. Hence an unoffi
cial poll of the Industrial situation Is
certain to bo attended with difficulties.
Tho" American Tariff Protective league ,
always exceptionally successful In this
field , has Just completed Us Industrial
census for the month of March , 189D ,
using that month as the basis of com
parison with March , 1895 , the former
being nineteen months after the enact
ment of the DIngley tariff , while the
latter was seven months after the en
actment of the Wilson tariff of 1894.
In the case of the earlier period the
country had considerably longer than
seven months In which to settle down
to an average level of results and con
ditions , for the reason that the period
of well-defined stagnation really began
very soon after the election of Grover
Cleveland In November , 1892. Counting
the time during which domestic produ
cers were engaged In reducing their
scale of operations In anticipation of
free-trade tariff times , together with
the seven months of actual experience
under a free-trade tariff , we have a to
tal period of time practically the same
as the nineteen months between Aug.
1 , 1897 , and April 1 , 1899.
It Is , however , to be borne In mind
that our returns for March , 1899 , flat
tering and significant though they be ,
fall considerably short of adequately
expressing the real progress made in
nineteen months of practical protec
tion. Everybody knows that a very
Important advance In the wage rate of
the whole country has gone into effect
since the close of March , 1S99 , our cen
sus month. Therefore our census falls
to present the full facts of increased
prosperity among American wage-
earners. We show that , compared with
March , 1895 , there was in the 1,937 es- , <
tabllshmonts reporting a gain of 75,751
in the number of hands employed , era
a gain of 39.50 per cent for March ,
1S99 ; that there was a gain on the
gross sum of wages paid of $3,401-
235.53 , this being 51.09 per cent more
than In March , 1895 ; and that while in
March , 1895 , the average rate of wages
per capita for the month was $33.30 ,
the average rate per capita In March ,
1S99 , had increased to $30.80 , being a
gain of 10.19 per cent. Had this census
been extended so as to include the
months of April and May , 1S99 , the
months in which the heaviest and most
general advances In wages occurred ,
the percentage of increase in the per
capita wage rate would undoubtedly
have been above 15 per cent.
The figures in condensed form are as
Number of reports received , covov-
Ing March , 1895 , and March , 1899 , 1,937.
Number of hands employed :
March , 1895 191,732'Xj
March , 1899 207,480 Vi
Gain for March , 1899 , 39.5G per cent.
Amount of wages paid :
March , 1895 $0,398,014.53
March , 1899 9,839,280.33
Gain for March , 1899 , 54.09 per con : .
Average wages per capita :
March , 1895 $33.30
March , 1899 30.80
Gain for March , 1899 , 10.49 per cent.
Such Is the story of protection and
prosperity as affecting the Amnrican
\uige-earner. It is a story which shonlj
bring Joy to the heart of every Amr-
ican citizen.
How I'rosltlout JIcKIalojSuinmnrlrcs
KxUling Prosperous Conditions.
Among the special gifts of President
McKlnlcy that of effective verbal
statement in concise form Is especially
notable. Few men have ever said in
so small a number of words more that
was Important , and that the country
wanted to know , than was said by our
chief executive in his speech at the
banquet of the Commercial club In
Chicago , Oct. 10 , 1899. The president
had something good to say , and this is
how ho said It :
"I congratulate you , gentlemen , upon
the growth and advancement of your
city and the evidences of prosperity
everywhere observable. Nothing Im
pressed mo more in looking into the
faces of the great multitude on the
streets yesterday than the smiling ,
happy faces of the people. That was
evidence to mo of your real and sub
stantial prosperity. It meant the
steady employment , good wages , happy
homes , and these arc always Indis
pensable to good government and to
the happiness of the people.
"Wo have had a wonderful Indus
trial development in the last two years.
Our work shops never were so busy ;
our trade at homo was never so large ,
and our foreign trade exceeds that of
any like period In all our history. In
the year 1899 we bought abroad up
ward of $097,000,000 worth of goods ,
and In the same year eold abroad
$1,227,000,000 , giving a balance of trade
In our favor of 5500,000,000.
"This means more lubor at home ,
more money nt homo , moro earnings at
home. Our products are carried on
every sea and find a market In nil the
ports of the world. In 1888 the Japa
nese government took from us 8.80 per
cent of Us total Imports , and in 1898
14.57 per cent. Wo are the greatest
producers of pig Iron , and our manu
factures of Iron and steel exceed those
of any other country. We raise three-
fourths of the cotton of the world.
"Tho growth of the railway systems
of the United States Is phenomenal.
From 30 miles In 1830 wo have gone to
182.COO In 1897.
"Our Internal commerce has even ex
ceeded the growth of our outward com
merce. Our railroad transportation
lines never were so crowded , while our
builders of cars and engines are una
ble to fill the pressing orders made nee.
essary by the Increased traffic.
"We have everything , gentlemen , to
congratulate ourselves over as to the
present condition of the country. I am
told by business men everywhere that
the business of the country now rests
upon a substantial basis and that you
are really only making what thcro is
a market for , and as long as you do
that , of course , you arc doing a safe
business , and our markets arc going
to increase. " ( Applause. )
Can any one imagine Grover Cleve
land talking that way two years and
a half after his second Inauguration as
president of the United States ? His
habit of speech , always ponderous and
platitudinous , and often very dull , was
against him In the first place. Then ,
too , he never had the help of the splen
did facts which inspire the utterances
of his more eloquent successor in the
presidential office. The facts were all
against Mr. Cleveland. They were facts
of depression , gloom , discouragement ,
disaster ; the facts of free-trade tariff
times. Now the facts arc Republican ,
protection facts , McKlnley facts. There
Is a mighty big difference between the
facts of four years ago and the facts
of to-day.
Best of All Routes.
West and Knst.
More than one would-be prophet has
predicted that In the near future there
would be an impassable chasm be
tween the interests of the east and
those of the west. These prophets of
calamity nro In a fair way of being
quickly and completely discredited.
The cast and west have stood togpther
in past years on the common ground of
their recognition of the necessity of a
protective tariff for the advancement
of their respective Interests. There
have been times when It seemed as
though the west might drift away from
that belief , or at least give it secondary
place , but that time has gone by. The
east and west will stand together in
the future , as they have in the past , on
a plaform securely based on the policy
of protection.
The Industrial and political union of
the two sections is already being fore
shadowed in the statements made by
those who are accustomed to watch the
trend of affairs. The head of a large
trust company in Chicago puts it as
follows :
"A feeling has developed in the west
beyond what generally Is realized that
while western railroads are prosper
ing , making earnings beyond all past
example , the securities of them are
pretty good investments for western
people themselves , and I have recently
been very greatly surprised by the
fashion which seems to have developed
in western communities to put surplus
moneys into stocks llko Northern Pa
cific , Union Pacific and Southern Pa
cific. In this now venture of the gran
ger going into partnership with Wall
Gtrcet there are a good many possibil
ities which the political economist can
afford to give consideration to. "
The west has found prosperity in
protection , and this tendency to invest
its surplus money in stocks is a pretty
good Indication that it will stand by
the east Is maintaining the policy
which has bi ought prosperity to cast
and west alike.
How to lluto I'erinnncnt Prosperity.
With the vast amount of raw mate
rial that our fields , forests and mines
produce , there is no reason why this
should not soon become the great man
ufacturing nation of the world , if we
could keep meddlers like Bryan and
his kind from Interfering with our
progress. At the present rate of in
crease In manufacturing It can only
bo a few years before all our food
products will be required at home. The
English market will then no longer af
fect the price of our wheat or corn.
Wo shall send to market the crops of
iron , wood and other materials that na-
tuio has been piling up hero for cen
turies , In the shape of highly finished
products , and all the profit on it will
bo ours. Wo shall then have perma
nent prosperity unless wo weakly
give- the management of our affairs
over to those who wish to make some
foolish experiments with them. Tacoma -
coma ( Wash. ) Ledger.
Democrat * Urged to Follow the Cxuraplo
of Olcssrs. Grnco nnd Crlnunlns.
Following the excellent example ot
William R. Grace , a life-long Demo
crat and free-trader , who lately made
public avowal of his recantation of
SobJenlle doctrines nnd his full adhe
sion to the policy of protection , John
D. Crlmmlns , a Now York Democrat
of marked promlnenco In his party ,
and withal n business man of excep
tional activity and scope , makes
known his conviction that In Its blind
devotion to Bryanlsm the Democratic
mrty menaces the best Interests ot
: ho country. In an Interview printed
n the Now York Sun of Oct. 14 , 1899 ,
Mr. Crlmmlns said , concerning the in
dorsement of William J. Bryan at the
recent meeting of the Now York state
Democratic committee :
"We hear a lot of talk about the
government's willingness to help the
money market , but In my judgment
the labor , business and financial
ihases of the political situation are
far moro Important Just now.
"Tho indorsement of Bryan by the
Democratic organization Is a distinct
menace to the labor and manufactur
ing Interests. Let the worklngmen
pause for a moment to consider past
embarrassment and present prosperity.
They have , during the past few years , v
been better paid , have worked shorter -r
hours , their wages In many instances
liavo been advanced voluntarily , and
this , too , by the very corporations
which have been condemned by Croker
and Bryan.
"I know whereof I speak when I say
that the worklngmen will repent bit
terly If they now listen to the old
sophistries and go to the polls nnd In
dorse them by voting for Bryan. I
feel'that when they reason a little they
will reject false doctrine. To block
the prosperity of the country by strik
ing at its financial and commercial
foundation is little short of criminal ,
and I believe that the workmen of
today will not bo led into any trap
by the politicians. Indifference may
be Injurious to us , for an Indorsement
of Bryanlsm at the polls of New York
would be an injury to the best inter
ests of the city , and , reflectively , to
the state and nation. "
The man who utters this Impressive
warning to worklngmen and business
men Is a large employer of labor , a
man of wealth and influence. None
knows better than he the dire consequences
quences to the country's welfare that
would follow the success of William
J. Bryan at the polls in the next pres
idential campaign. Other Democrats
of prominence and influence know this
equally with Messrs. William R. Grace
and John D. Crlmmins. Why should
they not tell the people of the United
States what they know ? Business
Democrats who are in a position to
correctly gauge the effects of Demo
cratic success under the Bryan banner
ought to be heard from more generally.
They should speak out.
Moro Tlmn Keeping Kven.
Despite the predictions of the Demo
crats a few years ago the government
revenue thus far during the present fis
cal year has exceeded the government
expense. No wonder the opponents of
the Republican party and of the policy
of protection turn from the question of
tariff and begin howling about tin
trusts. They deceived the people in
1S9G with their lies , and now in an ef
fort to divert the public mind from
those lies they howl about something
else. At the end of the first quarter of
the fiscal year a surplus of $2,000,000
Is shown. The government revenue for
the three months has been $17,000,000
moro than what it was during the
same period of last year , and the ex
penditures have fallen off $45,000,000.
The customs are yielding from $000,000
to $1,000,000 a day , and Internal reve
nue nets $1,000,000 each day , both
showing an aggregate gain over the
same period of last year of $5,000,000.
The war department Is spending an av
erage of $12,500,000 each month , while
the monthly expense of our navy Is
$5,000,000 ; we are carrying on a war
on the other side of the world , where
wo are taking care of a great army of
American soldiers as no nation has
ever cared for its soldiers before ; we
are adding battleships , cruisers and
torpedo-boats to the navy in a manner
that is attracting the attention of all /
nations , and yet wo show a cash bal-
uncu and surplus for the past three
months , the first quarter of the new
fiscal year. More and more each day I' '
Is the proof furnished that the protect- j | ,
Ive tariff that bears the name of the
late Mr. DIngley , one of the greatest
and brainiest statesmen America ever
produced , Is fully capab'le of providing
for all the expenses of our government
in times of peace , and moro and moro
each day is it being demonstrated that
the finances of this country were
never In hotter hands. DCS Molnes
( Iowa ) State Register.
They Voted for Depression.
In a review of the lumber traffic it Is
shown that Arkansas leads all the
southern states both in amount cut and
in distribution. When the Wllson-Gor- J' ,
man tariff was In operation no state '
led In lumber production all were be
hind , mills were suspended and em
ployes Idle , and It la a fact of record
that the entire Arkansas delegation In
congress voted for the tariff which
closed the mills , bankrupted many of
the mill-owners and sent thousands of
laboring men out to tramp. Llttlo
Rock ( Ark. ) Republican.
\Vlio Is lionefltcil.
If , as quoted In Chicago , $0.90 per
hundred Is the highest prlco paid for
live steers In September since 1884 , it
would seem the producer and not the
beef trust is getting the benefit of the 1
prevailing high prices. St. Louis / " *
( Mo. ) Watchman.