* # , \VoltrfAU \ , . 1'rosldet.t. . . . . . . J. A. IU11M9 , Cannier. A. J. UOUIWTBON , Vlco-1'rcB , W. 1) . UbAt'KWKU , , Aee'l Caelilcr. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB , Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought , M Prntt's Stock and Poultry Food at J. C. BOWEN'S , I fi Lamps and Lamp Trimmings , of all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN . b | - | Knives , Forks and Spoons , all kinds , nt J , C. BOWEN'S , P Wo buy Poultry at J. 0. BOWKN'S. . | | ? f | Car of Winter Apples just arriyi-d at J , C. BOWEN'S. gjjjj P Clooks/all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S. j Rochester Hanging Lamps for good light , at J. C. BOWEN'S , | i | 1 ffjj Why can Lamps be purchased for $ | | 60c on the dollar of J. C. Bowen ? op 1 | | A Puzzle on Clocks Why does J. | If C. Bowen sell Clocks at 50c on the I rfyj { ' p dollar ? Because he does not want the p f | | earth.A Customer. | | ttfa'itfr'Xf-WWMWfr'i'i'WlWi&W & & : ! / & ITttS u full line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper- Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Artioloa , oto. Store on corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb. 9. II. IIUIINIIAM , I'roMUont , Lincoln , Neb , II. O , UOUKR3 , Cannier , Ilrokon How. J. M. KIMHKIU.1NU , Vtco-I'roi. , llrokou How. 8. II. 1IOIT , Anu't CfiMilor STATE BROKEN BOW , NKB , GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. iMBJWTong : S. II. Uurntiam J. M.Klmuerllng. 8. II. lioyt. II. Q. Roger * . United BUto Nfttlou l HanV , Omaha. I'honlx Natloual llank. . New York. First National Uank , Lincoln , Nebraska. New Grand Central Livery and Feed Barn , JOSEPH B. SMITH , Prop. New tlgi aud good teams. Prices reasonable. CAMERON & REESE , f ATrOUNKYB A COUN8ELLOI18 AT UA.W. Hoi ma 8-9 Realty block , Ilrokon Dow , Neb. " ' - - _ ' T K DR. B. H. MoOROSSON , ORK RESIDENT OCNTIBT J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public. - and Justice of the 1'caco. Special ntteiitton RT- ! en to collecllouB. Depositions tixkon , poiulou vouctiors neatly executed , and nil kind * of IOKU ! paper * written. OlUce weft Blilo tnuare , Drokeu Uow , Neb. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PUTBIOIAN AND SuilGKON , 2d stairway from wnbt cnd.in Realty block ; roflicloDoo , north fiido. Wm. F. Hopkins , CONTRACTOR AND Plani and Specifications on short notice. Ma. terlal fumlaued and building * completed ohoapet than any rasa In the state. Satisfaction giuran teed as to plan * and epoclflcatloua. A. THOMPSON , W.A. OONTHAOTOK AND HUILUKtt. and estlmatcB on abort no , lo , Broken Bowf Neb. PENN & DORRIS , ULAOK3MITII8. All jilnds ol work In our line done promptly and In Urst-olaes order. Red Shop on the corner , west of iho hose houeo. QI vo ua a trial. Richardson's Livery AND FEED STABLE , at the old stand , between tbo Burling ton and Globe Hotels. Telephone con nection. Headquarters of Callaway etago line. Single and double rigs. Rates reasonable. Chas.W. HakesM. D. HOMffiOPATUIOIAN , Bucceasorto Ur. M , C. Blyitonc. Office over ChryiUl Drutc Store. Calls prompt ly answtrcd from otllce , day or night. It's easy to haul u big load up a i big hill if ' you grease the % yngou wheels with MICA Axil Grease net iliox nn J loam \ \ by It's tlio lK' t Krpuiu- ever put on un uxlc. Hold cvi'rywliero. Mtulo liy STANJUABIU Oil , CO. DO YEARb- EXPERIEMC : TRADE DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c AiiTOno scnillne u nki'lrli niul lU crliillon nun culcklr Hsr rtitli > nur opinion free nlietlior in invention U prtibublf pntontnlilit. Ctiiiiiininlcn ttoinntrlctiyeontUloiitliU. ontfrou. OUlest nucnry forHCciirti't : ( ' 1'uttMits taken tnrouvh Muim \ l\ > . tpttial notice , wliliout clmrso , ill thu Scientific A Iiandiomclr tllustrutmt wosklv. I iruett c\r \ culatlou of any ' lunUUu jnutnul. TITNIK , fj u rear : four raontUs , ft SolJ byull t'u * ili-Hii. , . SUNN &co.3G'cr d New Yo- ' Uraoct ) OUIeu. US V tit. . Wailituuu-ii. l > . C I FALL AND WINTER AT HARRY DAY & GO'S. Wo have but recently returned from Chicago , where wo purchased a largo Block of Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing1 , Including a fine line of LADIES' SHOES. Our line of Shoes ia the befit to ho found in the oity. Our prices are below com petition. Call and see us , Whether Boys' or Men's Suits , Women's or Men's Underwear , Boots or Shoes , Hate , Caps , j Dr.ss Goods or Notions are wanted , we are prepared to give you better bargains and bettor yoods , at better prices than any other bouse in Central Nebraska. Southwest Corner Sauare , m i * | | fe - # ' . % mm m s i J. G. HAEBEELE. . * * t &i Kfi = GET THE OMAHA WEEKLY FOR THE REMAINDER OF TUBS YEAR. OMAHA WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD published twice a week costs $1.00 a year. It con tains all the news , besides - * - sides much miscellany , an agricultural depart ment and fine market re ports. It was formerly edited by Wm. J. Bryan and is still his strongest supporter , often publish ing his speeches and articles. Those who subscribe now for the year 1900 will receive It for the remainder of this year free. ' The editor of this paper Is authorized to receive subscriptions. Poster & Smith , Lumber Co. I Storm Sash , Yellow © White Pine Lumber. W. L , RULE , Mgr , Telephone No. 79. jtMMtnHntttumtUfHtftjtttfifJHtif 1 HAVK A LAUGH QUANTITY' OK APPLES APPLES All New , and of the Latest Pattern , AT Wo luve the finest line of Gents' Furnishing Goods , Trunks , Valises , Etc. Wo bought those goods direct from the factories , and arc able to sell Ilium as cheap as any houao in the county. The advantage wo have over our competitors is that our Block is all now , and wo have no shelf wonDr second hand stock. All ihoso goods are up to date in Htyio , and quality second to none. Wo are located in the Realty block , south side f-quarr. Call and see us. Wo are prepared to lead our competitors , in quality and prices. Broken Bow , Nebraska. I make the correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have Found it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , ray dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam- rn'it'a stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you over lizard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- n ; . posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't soy anything about Terbaekor and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy , The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Vistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices. .jaicinber the place , on the big corner , just east of First Xr'r'onal Bank. w. s. SWAIT , Proprietor