Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 16, 1899, Image 7

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    Here of Manila Bay Quietly Married to
Mrs , Mildred Eazeu ,
Ceremony Performed ut the National
Cupltnl Wedding lironkfnst Served nt
the Residence of Mrs. nicl.eun , After
Which the Conplo Leaves for Nonr
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. Adrnl.-al
Gcorgo Dewey and Mrs. Mildred M.
Mazrn were married quietly at the
rectory of St. Paul's Catholic chuvdi
lu V street near Flrtecnth In this city
shortly before 10 o'clockyesterday. The
ceremony was performed by Rov. Jo
seph II. Folty , assistant pastor , und
llev. Sidney Hurlbut. The eeromuny
waa of the simplest character , accord
ing to the rites of the Catholic church ,
and the only witnesses besides the
officiating clergymen were Mrs. Wash
ington McLean and Mrs. Ludlow , wife
ol Admiral Ludlow , mother and bister
respectively of the bride , and .Ueuten-
ant Caldwell , Admiral Dewoy's secre
The arrangements for the wedding
were made with all the secrecy which
has attended the whole affair. After
procuring the license for the wedding
yesterday Lieutenant Caldwull railed
on Father Mackln of St. Paul's , of
which Mrs. Hazen Is a communicant ,
> u.f- and arranged for the wedding this
morning. As Admiral Dewey Is not
a Catholic a special dispensation wns
icqulrcd , and this was procured by
Father Mackin from Bishop Curtis ,
vicar general of the diocese of Bal
timore , who granted It lu the absence
of Cardinal Gibbous , who Is at present
in Now Orleans. Father Macklu went
to Baltimore for this purpose yester
day afternoon.
At O : this morning two cprringcs
containing the wedding party drew up
before the modest red brick rectory in
the rear of St.'Paul's. The general
public had no Intimation'that Mie cere
mony was to take place and not a Bin-
file spectator was present as tun party
alighted. Admiral Dewey and Lieuten
ant Caldwell quickly stepped from
their carriage and the admiral assisted
the bride-elect and her mother and
sister from the other carriage Mra.
Hazen was gowined in a peail tray
silk , over which she wore a long sty
lish black wrap trimmed with silver
fox and lined with laverfder silk. The
admiral wore a black frock coac , gray
trousers and a silk hat.
Upon entering the rectory they were
ushered into the reception room , w'here
Admiral Dewey was presented to
Father Mackln and the two clergymen
who were to assist In the ceremony.
Upon being presentc\l to Father Mack
ln the admiral said that he lui'l heard
that Father Mackin had in hli early
years been a sailor and it gave him
additional happiness to know that ho
was to be married by a clorgjman
who had at one time followed the sea.
Father Mackin and his assistants wore
simple black cassocks.
The ceremony was performed with
the ring , according to the nuptial rites
of the Catholic church.
I'luriilltles for Successful Caiitlldiitea In
it Nniiibor of Staton.
Ohio Plurality for Nash ( rep. ) for
governor , 50,000.
Iowa Plurality for Shaw ( rep. ) for
governor , 60,000.
Kentucky Estimated plurality for
Taylor ( rep. ) for governor , 7,000.
Massachusetts Plurality for Crane
( rep. ) for governor , 65,000.
Pennsylvania Plurality for Barnett
( rep. ) for treasurer , 125,000.
South Dakota Estimated plurality
for republican supreme court judges ,
New York Legislature republican
by majority of 35,000.
New Jersey Legislature republican
by plurality of 8,000.
Maryland Plurality for Smith
( dem. ) for governor , 11,000.
Nebraska Plurality for Holcomb
( fus. ) for supreme judge , 15,000.
It Is Figured Out to Ito Not Fur From
Fifteen Tliousuntl.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 10. Complete
returns from counties polling nine-
tenths of the vote of the state give
Holcomb a plurality of 13,584. These
same counties last year gave Poynter
a plurality of 2,115 and his total plur
ality in the state was 2,721. Allowing
for the same rate of gain in the re-
mainlng counties as Holcomb has
made in those reported his plurality
will not be very far from 15,000 either
Additional returns from the Sixth
congressional district show that Ne
ville Is elected over Kinkaid , but they
are not sufficiently complete to give
n definite Idea of the size of the ma
jority. Neville claims that it will be
:5,000 : , though the republicans are not
willing to concede so much.
Ordered Homo.
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Nov. 10. The
German consul here received today an
intimation that owing to war condi
tions the German corvettes Stein ,
Stetsch and Charlotte , now In these
waters and duo here on Sunday , have
been prdered to proceed home Imme
diately. The incident has caused con
siderable spoculatlon.
Bleat 40 CentM 11 round.
HAVANA , Nov. 10. Fernando Capote
pete , mayor of Cardenas , has submit
ted to Governor General Brooke a
scheme to coin Cubairsilvcr and copper
Into currency , stamped with the heads
of the initiators of the revolution.
The local papers are again exercised
about the price of meat. Last month
they say 35,000 head of catttlo were
Imported , but there is no reduction in
price. Many of the poor cannot buy
moat at nil , as a good deal of the
meat Is sold at 40 cents a pound , while
all kinds could bo sold at 15 cents a
pound. _ . . . .
The Vote * Wilt HHTO to He Canvauod
for Itcmilts.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Nov. 10. The
county returning boards met in all the
counties today to canvass the returns ,
and until then the result of Tuesday's
election will be in doubt. Both sides
are charging fraud.
Governor Bradley la being tele
graphed by hundreds of republicans
offering to come to the state capital
to prevent Taylor being counted out.
Chairman Young of the democratic
state central committee charges the
republicans with attempting to perpe
trate fraud In the mountain districts ,
where the heavy republican vote lies.
Young says the official county by
county returning boarda today will
give Goebel over 4,000. lie also says
all minor candidates on the state ticket
win , though by less pluralities than
Senator Goebel received the follow
ing telegram tonight :
"Hon. William Goebel , Frankfort ,
Ky. : Have just learned that returns
arc enough complete to Insure your
election. Congratulations. I am sure
your administration will strengthen
the party. W. J. BRYAN. "
Likely to He 11 Contest In the Kentucky
LOUISVILLE , Nov. 10. A confu
sion of claims and counter claims , to
quiet which the official count or per
haps a contest before tha loslslat'inj ,
is nl ! that Is left of Tuesday's ) olcctio'.i.
Above It all vehement erica of fraud ,
committed or contemplated , are heard.
Each side claims the election of its
ticket by a plurality of about -1.000
and present ligures to bad : up the
claims. These figures in soir.o counties
vary widely and It is impossible to toll
which side , if either , haa accurate re
Chairman Long , of the republican
campaign committee , when asked for
an estimate of the vote on the gubur-
natorlal race , said :
"J have no estimate to s'1 ' 1 > t I
can furnish the actual figures. On ihe
face of the returns Taylor's plurality
la 4,130. All of the prcctr.cts have
L on heard from. Twelve counting
are not official , Including tha returns
from Kenton and Breist'.iitt. "
It Is That Their Lieutenant Governor
nan Ileen Elected.
COLUMBUS , O. , Nov. 10. A Hurry
was created In political circles today
by the claims of the democratic state
committee that Patrick ( dem. ) had
been elected lieutenant governor over
Caldwell ( rep. ) . The returns show
that Caldwell had been cut heavily as
the result of the flght made against
him by the Anti-Saloon league , but
the-republican committee had not glv- '
en the matter any serious attention.
Today , however , county chairmen
were asked for the vote on lieutenant
governor. Last night returns had been
received from seventy counties , which
gave Caldwell a plurality of 8,278. The
remaining counties gave Nash a plu
rality of 12,166 , and as they are strong
ly republican Chairman Dick claims
the election of Caldwell with the great
est confidence. It is claimed Cald-
well's plurality over Patrick will not
be less than 5,000. Revised figures on
the head of the ticket show that Nash's
plurality is 50,512.
Al'Relil on the KloctlonH.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Nov. 10. Ex-Gov
ernor Altgeld of Illinois spent yester
day in Sioux City and last night lec
tured at the opera house under the
auspices of the local Trades and Labor
assembly. Mr. Altgeld was asked to
express an opinion on the recent elec
tions. He caid of course it is to be un
derstood hs Is more than pleased with
the showing of the fusionists In Ne-
Ltaslca. So fr.r aa South Dakota is
concerned he expresses no apprehen
sion as to the situation with his party
in that state , even though It has gone
republican this time. Mr. Altgeld says
the fact that the republicans got a
majority at all Is because the demo
crats and populists did not go to the
polls. He says the voting was done
by the icpublicans in the towns and
cities and the followers of Bryan in the
rural districts did not take enough in
terest in the election to go to the
, Tou 4 und the rhlllpplnej.
TOLEDO , O. , Nov. 10. Mayor Jones
today issued a signed statement , In
which he denies that he had said ,
"If my race has In any way contrib
uted to the success of John R. Mc
Lean and a rebuke to the Infamous
policy of the administration , I feel
it has not been in vain. " Mayor Jones
then says of imperialism :
"I believe the non-partisan vote of
Ohio may be recorded as favoring a
Christian policy toward the Philip
pines. Personally , 1 believe the Filipinos
pines have a right to be free as well
as the Americans , and I have frankly
said so whenever the question was
raised , but r have no thought whatever
of trying to represent any other man
as believing as 1 do. I want all men
to be free to speak for themselves. "
I own IteturiiH All In.
DES MOINES , Nov. 10. The lost of
the Iowa counties were heard from yes
terday. The complete figures glvo
Governor Shaw a plurality < of 56,500.
Shaw's plurality two years ago was
29.860 , while this year It will oe almost
twice that figure. The democratic
party was victorious this year In four
teen out uf ninety-nine counties In
Iowa. Two years ago Fred E. Whits
carried twenty-one counties in the
. . tl
Oirer 100,000 riurnllty.
plete figures from every county In the
state , nearly all of the unofficial foot
ings of the official returns , show that
the plurality of Barnett ( rep. ) for state
treasurer over Creasy ( dem. ) is 106,315.
The full vote was Barnett ( rep. ) , 430-
790 ; Creasy ( dem. ) , 330,573 ; Caldwell
( pro. ) , 10,863 ; total vote , 784,220 , n
slight increase over the vote for state
treasurer In 1897 and 185,941 less than
the vote for governor last year.
A Fit of Insanity SoUel a llnrllngton
HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 13. F. 0.
Larncd of Poland , N. Y. , a passenger
on No. 1 westbound Burlington passen
ger train , became suddenly insane and
dunged through one of the car windows
dews while the train was speeding
nlong over the prairie between Har
vard and Saronvlllo at the rate of fifty
miles nn hour. Mr. Larncd was on his
way to Halgler , Neb. , accompanied by
his wife and little son , where , with a
brother , W. H. Lamed , he Is interest
ed In raising sheep and also In the Em
pire Loan and Trust company. Ho was
apparently enjoying his usual health
anil there had been nothing In his ac
tions to give the slightest premonition
of nn unbalanced mind. Mr. Larucd
and his family wcro traveling in a
chair car. He had just wrapped his
wife's clonk about her and started to
walk down the aisle when he gavea
scream and made a dash for ono of the
windows. Ho went through the dou
ble window head first before any of
the other passengers could stop him.
The train was stopped and ran back
to where ho lay at the foot of a fifteen
foot embankment. Ho was uncon
scious and bleeding from cuts about
the head caused by the broken glasd.
The Injured man was picked up and
brought back to this city and is at
the Lepln hotel under the care of the
Burlington company's physician , Dr.
Artz. He is badly Injured about the
head and one of hla shoulders la dislo
University Attenditnce.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 13. A' halt
score of ycara ago , almost to a day , Dr.
Charles K. Bessoy , then as now act
ing chancellor of the university of Ne
braska , announced In the chapel with a
great deal of pride that the total en
rollment of the university had reached
the unprecedented figure of COO. This
Includes those students who are com
monly known as "preps. " musical un
dents , art students and all. It waa a
proud day for the university and the
little body of students that were gath
ered In the chapel let loose the univer
sity yell with wild enthusiasm. Yes
terday the acting chancellor announc
ed that the new students adraltcd this
fall numbered COO. This Indicates the
rapid growth of the university and pre
dicts an atendance close to 2,100.
The language department of the
state university has an exceedingly
large enrollment this year. Prof. Kd-
igren , head of romance languages , has
about 300 students , moro than ever
before. Prof. Fossler , head of Gernwn-
ic languages , baa G29 enrolled , which la
also larger than In the past years. The
new law library of the university Is a
great advantage to the law students.
Inspects Kearney Hljli School.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Nov. 13 Prof. J.
W. Crabtree , inspector of high schools
for the university of Nebraska , visit
ed the Kearney high school and spent
a couple of days inspecting the work
and general conditions of the school.
Ho reports the school as being of iho
most efficient character. Speaking of
the discipline he said : "I find in your
high school the best order of any in
the state. " The high school cadets ap
peared in their new uniform for the
first time and presented a very line
appearance. The suits arc of a cadet
gray color , trimmed with black braid.
The company numbers forty-five. The
young ladles of the school also liavo a
company and will soon appear In uni
The I'rlcu of Conl.
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 13. Railway
men say that coal will probably take
on a raise about November 15 , for on
that date the freight rates from tnc
east will Increase. For several months
past , the rate from Chicago to the Mis
souri river , on both hard and soft coal ,
has been $2 per ton. After November
15 It will be $2.50 on hard coal , and
$2.25 on soft coal. While much of Iho
coal comes from points nearer than
Chicago , yet the effect will be much the
same as for price , since the demand ts
up to the limit of supply.
Accident In nn Klevutor.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Nov. 13 , A fatal
accident was narrowly averted in the
grocery store of H. Regatz & Co. Gco.
Schwarz , a clerk , was on the elevator
which was heavily loaded with goods.
Just as the elevator reached the top
floor the machinery gave way and the
elevator crashed into the basement
with the heavy load , Schwarz's leg
waa broken and lie was otherwise in
jured. Hla escape from death was as
narrow as It was fortunate.
Child IiliintllleR ANiiillunt.
FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 13. The pi'2-
llmlnary examination of William Jor
dan on the charge of criminally as
saulting Efflo Lawson , a 6-year-old
girl residing four miles west of Fio-
mont , waa held before County Jud o
Wfntersteen. The child and others
Identified the defendant and ho was
bound over for trial to the district
court and In default of bonds was com
mitted to jail.
Draught of Alcohol | g
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Nov. 13.
Word was received here from St. Piul
of the death of Charles E. Hill from un
overdose of alcohol. He was found
dead In a cornfield by two companion : * ,
who say they let him have the alcohol
to quench his thirst. He drank it vol
untarily. Three years ago his fatner
perished In a storm east of St. Paul.
Premium * In Full.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Nov. 13 'I ho
Gage county agricultural society is
winding up its year's business by payIng -
Ing off the premiums , all of which aie
being paid In full. The meeting this
year waa such a succcs that the mem
bers are hopeful of being able to con
tinue the society and increase its ad
vantages from year to year. The last
meeting was an expensive one , owing
to the necessity of extra expenses aris
ing from various causes. The specc
ring cost $1,200 , the premiums amount
ed to $1,200 and Incidental expenses
to $1,000 , making $3,200.
low tbo People Lined Up for the Supreme
Judgcahip ,
Iteturim on Urgent * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 13. No re
turns are yet In on regents , and ac
curate figures on this will hardly ho
available until the canvass Is made.
But two counties Hamilton and
Thayer have sent In returns to the
secretary of state , and as these tire
sealed and directed to the state can
vassing board , the meeting of tnat
board must be awaited for information
as to the contents.
of NolmiHlm Coiil.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 13. The dis
covery of coal In Dakota county has
been the cause of considerable corre
spondence by the governor's ofllce.
The sample was sent to Prof. Nichol
son for analysis and the following
shows the result :
Hon. W. A. Poynter , Lincoln , Nob.
Dear Sir : Referring to your letter of
recent date transmitting sample of
coal found In Dakota county , request
ing analysis of same , I herewith hand
you copy of analysis , together with
statement of analysis of a good qual
ity of soft coal for the puropso of
It seems from the results of tins
analysis that the Dakota county sam
ple Is of rather low grade. Of coin-so ,
the quality may Improve as depth is
gained on the drift. This can only be
ascertained by further development of
the vein In question. Yours very T .
spectfully , H. H. NICHOLSON.
IJrjnn PluiM for u Itrnt.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 13. Mr. Bry
an In talking of his plans for the lu-
ture , said that he would this week go
on a hunting trip to Colonel Wct-
moro's park In Southwest Missouri ,
and from there ho would go to Texas
with Mrs. Bryan. She will spend most
of the winter there for the benellt of
the health of their youngest child.
Exposition I'm ploy en Ack Director * tote
to Turn Otor Alt ( n Them.
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 10. About rflxty
of the unpaid omploycn of the exposi
tion met at Labor Tcmplo and Attor
ney Yclaer told them ho found the bal-
nnco duo the exposition from the
wrecking company that oought the
buildings was not llkoly to provo more
than $10,000 , and was not payable un
til April. However , the exposition dl-
rectora were considering ft request to
turn over everything duo them from
any source to the trustee for the em
ployes , and would act upon It BOOH.
Superintendent Hustln , the tnistoc ,
was about removing to Buffalo'and
asked to suggest a name for a suc
cessor , at the next meeting of the em
ployes , Saturday night.
Mr. Yclsor believed Attorney Mahoney -
honey , representing some of the em
ployes , had no Idea of going to a bank
ruptcy court , but that he and his clients
would join with Mr. Yelscr and his
Truoklnjrlng on the Itnrllngton.
LINCOLN. Neb. , Nov. 10. Track-
laying on the Hurllngton extension
from Alliance , which Is being built to
Hortvlllo , Wyo. , and to lirush , Colo. ,
has been delayed alnce October 10 by
the graders. The grade south of An
gora , the new station recently oponcd
at the top of the divide twenty miles
south of Alliance , has not been com
pleted and the construction train could
proceed no further until the work was
In a moro finished condition. It Is
understood that within a few days
the work of track laying will again
begin and be pushed along as rapidly
as possible. Reports Indicate that no
moro waiting on graders will bo neti-
cssary , as much of the grade south of
the divide Is already completed and
ready for the steel. SOinu of the bridge
work Is being done ahead of the track-
laying and the graders arc well along
with roadbed building far out toward
the state line. With good weather the
state line can bo reached by January
Now depots and buildings required
for railroad use will be placed ut thto
new stations oponcd as rapidly as pos
sible. At present three stations on the
now extensions started this season are
served with temporary depots. They
are Comstock , Sargent and Angora.
Arrrated for Selling Huttnrlno.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 10. .T. C.
Douthctt , alias Daugherty , was ar
raigned before United States Court
Commissioner Dllllngsley yesterday on
the charge of gelling huterlno with
out the article being stamped. Dout-
had It analyzed. It proved to be but-
by Health Officer Rohdo and Officer
Malone , who have been watching his
operations for some time. The officers
got a sample of the product sold and
ha dlt analyzed. It proved to be but-
terlnc. A number of cases have como
to light since the arrest was made that
convince the officers that lie had
a practice of purchasing the stuff , re
moving the stamps from the package : *
and selling It In the city for country
butter. When arraigned he pleaded
not guilty and asked for n continu
ance. This was granted and Douthett
gave ball for his appearance in court.
Di'iith of Nflimskil 1'lonorr.
WEI3PING WAT13R , Neb. , Nov. 9.
Mrs. Harriet Drlngman died ut the
home of hcr'daughter , Mrs. A. L. Tlm-
bltn , in Nebraska City. The remains
wcro taken to Louisville , Neb. , anil
burled there. Mrs. Bringman came
to this country in 1857 with her hus
band. They first settled In Platts-
mouth , but afterward moved to a
farm near Cedar cre jk , and later to
Louisville , where Mr. Urlngman died
about ten ycara ago , since which time
Mrs. Urlngman has made bar home
with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tlmblln , In
this city , until last fall , when they
moved to Nebraska City. Mrs. Bring-
man was about alxty-nlno yeais of
Freight Depot llurnnil.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Nov. 10. The St.
Joseph and Grand Island railroad
freight depot at this point was de
stroyed by fire between 5 and 6 o'clock.
The flro evidently started from sparks
from the engine attached to the early
morning train , and when discovered
had made such headway that It was
impossible to save the building or its
contents. Fortunately , there was little
freight In the building at the time ,
aside from a carload of glass fruit Jars
belonging to the Hastings Grocery
company , the loss of which is about
$300. The loss on the building is
about fJ.COO.
Order for Now Clint.
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 10. The Illinois
Central has just placed one of the larg
est orders for now passenger coaches
of any road during the present year.
The new equipment Is made necessary
by reason of the opening of the new
direct line between Chicago and Omaha
via the extension from Fort Dodge ,
la. The equipment is contracted to bo
ready for delivery by January 1 , 1900 ,
at which time Illinois Central expects
to have Its passenger service into
Omaha In operation.
Trouble Ahead.
OMAHA , Neb. Nov. 8. An Immense
amount of trouble will probably come
over the settlement of the claims of
the creditors of the exposition. Stilt
will probably be brought against the
stockholders individually on the
ground that the corporation laws wen *
not obeyed and that each one is liable
OH an ordinary partnership.
Union 1'uclllo Improvement * .
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Nov. 10. The Un
ion Pacific railroad has began the big
task of replacing all bridges on the Al
bion branch with iron bridges. A
gang of workmen started on the work
the other day. As largo a force as
can be used to advantage will be kept
at work and the work will be pushed
forward with the greatest possible
speed. The railroad people are anxious
to complete the work Inside of four
months. The Improvements will ag
gregate a largo amount of money and
will be a great Improvement to tno
road ,
The Nashville sailed from Gibraltar
for Port Said on her way to Manila.
Viscount Dollngbroko ( Henry St.
John ) is dead. He wad born In 1820.
Brvln Monroe Thoman , the well
known crop statistician , died In New
York of consumption , aged 30 years ,
Inn mine cavo-ln at Amasa , Mich. .
Frank Brown wns Instantly hilled untl
three other men were severely In
At Winnipeg , Man. , .T. W. Anderson ,
bank clerk , accused of stealing $62,000
from Holson's bank last year , has been
The now zoological gardens In Bronx
park , Now York , wore formally opened
by the members of the Now York Zoo
logical society.
12. C. Eli-edge , for twenty-five ycara
superintendent of bridge building on
the 'Frisco railway , Is dead of heart
disease at Carthage , Mo.
Tin * astronomers regard the Novem
ber meteors much as n hunter docs a
flock of quail and arc preparing to bag
as many of them as possible.
Monslgnor Nicholas Cantwowll of
Philadelphia , vicar general and rector
of the Church of St. Philip do Nori ,
has died at the ago of 87 years.
Jack Bennett of Plttsburg was given
the decision over Mose La Fontlso of
Denver , at Chicago after six rounds of
fast lighting. Bennett outpointed hla
man from start to finish.
Richard J. Schwoppo of St. Louis ,
loft end on Yale 'Varsity foot ball
cloven , In practice fractured his
shoulder. This accident leaves Yale's
end position lamentably weak.
The bay marc , Phrase , 2:124 : , by
Onward , brought $1.760 at the Splan-
Ncwgrass auction sale , Chicago. The
bidding was spirited , 10. M. Lockwood
of Poughkcepsle , N. Y. , being the
An explosion of liquid cement In the
building occupied by the Roberta ,
Johnson & Rand Shoo Company , St.
Louis , fatally burned Elmer Conloy ,
.Too Mulconcy , James Braid and Kills
A passenger train on the Illinois
Central railroad jumped the track at
Scnatobla , Miss. , and Engineer Down
ing and Fireman Burnett wore killed ,
and Baggagcnmster Natt severely In
At Santiago , Cuba , the convicts in
the prison fought , when the order to
clip their hair , shave thorn and put
them In striped suits was enforced.
Several of them wore bound before they
would submit.
The First Washington volunteers ar
rived at Seattle , Wash. , and wore given
ii reception never to be forgotten by
those who witnessed It. General Miles
and Governor Rogers were the distin
guished guests ,
Mr. Marconi sailed for England. Ho
said at the steamship pier that his
assistants had gone to South Africa
with wlrcles telegraphy apparatus , exporting -
porting to give the system a test In
actual ' " -trfarp
Dennis J. Swenie , who has been chief
of the Chicago flro department slnco
1857 , has handed his resignation to
Mayor Harrison to take effect Decem
ber 3 , the fiftieth anniversary of hla
joining the department.
Charles II. Treat , collector of In
ternal revenue for the Second district
of Now York , has received Instructions
from Washington to suspend the collec
tion of the tax on rail loans pending
a decision by the attorney general.
Mrs. Hetty Green In a recent Inter
view said : "The Idea that the way to
financial success Is a hard ono Is all
wrong. The road Is not rough. It IB
easy to find and to travel. People look
for H In out-of-the-way places and so
miss It.
In a speech just before open hostlll-
rtlcu began in South Africa General
Joubert referred to Joseph Chamber
lain as "tho wicked Naiunnn. " The
English soldiers at the front have tak
en this up and so name the homo
Charles R. Flint of the rubber goods
manufacturing company has given out
a statement that the company had pur
chased a majority in the capital stock
of the Hartford Rubber Works com
pany , the Indianapolis Rubber com
pany , the Peorla Rubber and Manu
facturing company , and the rubber
manufacturing plant of the Indiana Bl-
cycle company.
Oinuliu , Chicago ttllt | Vork Market
Mutter Creamery , separator. * 23 < &r 2t
Hutter Cliolce fancy country 17 Kt 18
KggH Fresh , per doz 15 fy 16
Chickens , live , per pound 5 W 3Vi
Ducks , live , pet- pound 6 ft 7
Clcese , live , per pound. . . . . . . . 6 < ii > 7
Turkeys , live , per pound 9 W 10
Pigeons , tlvo , per doz 75 & 90
I.einons Per box 4.50 (54.6) (
Orunges 4.00 © LIT ,
Apples Choice shipping stock 3.0-1 < jj3.50
Cranberries-Capo Cod 5.50 4(6.00
Honey Per section case 3.25 fi3.iV )
Onions Per bushel 70 ( fp 73
Celery Per doz 20 fij > 35
Heans Handplcked navy . . . . 1.23 8(1.30
Potatoes Per bushel ( new ) . . . 20 W ft )
Sweet Potatoes Per bbl 2.0) 8 2.50
Hay-Upland , per ton C.OO dj6.23
HoRH-ChoIco light 4.00 ffl.10
Hogs Heavy weights 4.00 Jf4.03
Upff-Stceis 3.75 ffrt.HO
Hulls 3.00 fil3.50
Stags 2.90 ( U4.50
Cnlvi'3 6.00 5i6.73
Stock cows and heifers 2.60 W3.25
COWH 2.23 < fi4.00
Heifers 3.75 ( TH.75
Stookers and feeders 2.50 < < i4.23
Westerns 3.23 ( fi4. (
Shepp Western lumbH 4.03 MlSo
Sheep Feeder wethers 3.63 4F3.73
Wheat No. 2 spring 63 ft C7
Corn Per bushel 3J df 32 < 4
Oats Per bushel 23 ( it 2JS
Rye No. 2 . , 51 & 51t.j
Timothy Seod-Per bushel . . . 2.25 ( U2.30
Pork Per cwt 7.73 (7IS.OO (
l.urd Pur KM pounds 4.S5 < rtr.2t )
Cattle Western rangers 1.15 ! ci5.30
tlattle Stockcrs and feeders. 3.0) ) tfM.50
Calves 4.00 (7.5 ( ( )
Hogs-Mixed 4.00 ff(4.22
Slu-ep Hangers 3.30 4JI.O )
Sheep Range lambs 5.00 < fl3.W
Wheat-No. 2 , red winter 71 ff ? 7 Hi
Corn No. 2 40 ft 40&
Oats-No. 2 80 fit 31
Pork 9.50 fi-9.53
Ijiird 74. . . . 5.10 ft5,43
Wheat No. 2 spring C2 < K 63V4
Corn-No. 2 29 5 * 30
OntB-No. 2 , 24 ( Ti ) 2IVi
Shee | > Muttons 4.15. < ri4.50
Hogs-Mixed 3,95 ( 4.07
Cuttlo-Bto kora and focUera. . 3.W ® l.W