COSTER KMT ? REPUBLICAN D. M. ABI8nnilUY.VulilUlier. BDOKKN BOW , NBUUASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. The < lccr hunting season has opened In Mlnceotn. The Olympla , Dcweys war fillip , 'B now laid up for repairs. Moody , the evangelist , Is going to Hold a scries or meetings * u Kansas City. The Insurance war , for Bomo tlmo in progress at Tbpeka , Kansas , has ceased. Unless Gov. Tanner Interferes , Au gust Hecker , the wife murderer , will pay the pcmilty on the gallows. Admiral Schloy received his orders from the navy department to hoist his Hag on the Chicago as commander of the South Atlantic squadron. Dispatches from the Colombia boun dary say the revolution in that re public IB progressing. Two thousand revolutionists have occupied Cucuto and Ocuna. The Hocrs have ir.vadcd Ingwavuma , Zululand , ami looted and burned thu . , public buildings and stores. The mug- M Istrate , police and other Inhabitants | - $ lied toward Eshowc. A special dispatch from The Hague says Dr. Lcyds , the diplomatic agent of the Transvaal , has received n friend ly Intimation that his visit to Holland during the war must ceaso. It. was rumored about the lobbies of the French chamber of deputlcu that the government will Initiate u project for declaring amnesty in till cases connected wltn the Dreyfua af fair. fair.A A $100,000 gold brick , the largest over melted In a Canadian mine , Is to bo sent down from the Kootenai district shortly. This year's wanhuu is the richest ever known in the dis trict. trict.n. n. 0. Wlltso an inmate of the sol diers' homo of Milwaukee , was found guilty of murder in the first degree for poisoning Mrs. Mary Edgar hist June , the drug being administered In a pull of beer. John Cavanaugh- and five others , charged with the death of "Kid" La- velle , who died from Injuries received in a prlzo light with Cavanaugh at Homestead , Pa. , last April , were found not guilty. While workmen were excavating preparatory to laying the foundation for n new homo for Jacob Tllgas , n farmer , near Tlpton , Ind. , .they un earthed an iron pot containing $1,000 In gold. Officials of the Northern Pacific rail way confirm the statement that on January 1 that road will redeem ? G- 000,000 worth of bonds from the pro ceeds of land sales to the Wewerhau- Eor syndicate. The war department has received the report of the board of inquiry which Investigated charges of Irregu larities on the transport Tartar. By direction , of Secretary Hoot the report will not be made public. The IJerlin correspondent of the London Dally Mall says ho has learned that the Samoan agreement contalnu secret clauses relating to South Africa , whereby the plans of Cecil Rhodes are advanced a stop toward realization. The funeral of Joseph Jelling occur red at Columbus , Qhlo. Monslgnor Martlnclll , apostolic delegate , was the celebrant of the pdntiflcal requiem high nines. The remains were placed In a vault at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Congresman Bartlctt and Senator Bacon of Georgia have received n peti tion signed by about 100 negroes , ask ing them to use their best efforts to secure the passage of a law whereby the negroes might bo deported to Af rica. rica.Mrs. Mrs. Mary Anderson Is dead at Lib erty , Mo , , aged 53 years. She was the widow of the late General Thomas Anderson of New Orleans and a sister of Dr. E. II. Miller of Liberty and Captain James M. Miller of the United States navy. Colonel A. A. Pope , the head of the Pope Manufacturing company In Cleveland , Ohio , gave out Information that ho has disposed of the Hartford Pneumatic Tube company to Charles II. Flint of Now York. The company owns four large factories. Flint , ho said , was forming a bicycle tire combi nation , to bo called the Rubber Goods company. At a meeting of representative ne groes In Atlanta a memorial wag signed , asking the Georgia legislature not to pass the llardwlck bill a meas ure having an education and lineal de scendant qualification , thq latter known ns the "grandfather" clause , which they declare would lay a rc- Btrlction on suffrage and the dlsfran- chlsement of a largo majority of the negro voters of the state. Two persons were Instantly killed and one was fatally injured in n col lision on u crossing nt Blnghampton , N. Y. , between a trolley car and n Del aware , Lackawanna & Western milk train. The motorman , who was fatal ly Injured , claims that the car got be yond his . control. The trolley was wrecked and two passengers , a middle aged woman named Kennedy , who re sided In Scott , N. Y. , and a young man named Newton of Homer , were killed. The prlco of steel bars was advanced In Plttsburg from $2.50 per 100 pounds to $2.75 for prompt delivery. This means an advance of ? 5 per ton. Ex-Governor John McGrew of the * state of Washington has been appoint ed United States cotirl commissioner at Cape Nome. The Spanish minister , Duke D'Ar- cos , was among the callers nt the state department. It Is understood that the negotiations for the new treaty of friendship , commerce and navigation have opened at .Madrid , and while not directly participating , tbo authorities hero are exchanging views on the varl- OU9 features of the treaty. Bombardment at LadytmUli Heavier Than on Any Previous Occasion , NAVAL RIFLES PROBABLY ENGAGED t.lcutcnniit of I.tnccm I'lcrcc * Itorr I.lnf * to Itrjoln IIU IteRlincnt Noneomlmt- Noneomlmt(1 Occupy Neutral Ciunp Cranes on November Fourth and I'lftli but Is IUIUMVC < | on tlie Hlxlli. LONDON , Nov. 13. ( New Yolk World Cablegram. ) The Dally Cliiouv iclo's correspondent at Mafcklng , under date of November 3 , C p. in. , says : "Early Monday morning the eni'iny opened with shell fire on the town. After a half hour's firing wo succeed ed In knocking ono of the enemy s guns out of action , whereupon t'uo Macro retired. Shortly afterward they received reinforcements from Malma- nl and again atackcd In force , but wcie again repulsed. On Tuesday the enemy opened with a heavy shell fire on an elevation wo hUVo called Canon kopje , but the excellence of the fortifications there prevented any serious damage. Later In the day the enemy swelled the town with a ninety-six pounder , a'so with small field artillery. A few build Ings were wrecked by a big siege gun and two killed. "On , Wednesday the enemy made a general attack on all sides under cover of a very heavy shell lire. Wo replied vigorously from our IIHchklss seven pounders nnd also poured a raking fire from our Maxims. The enemy was eventually driven hack after a very hot engagement , throughout which all our men behaved with great spirit. The casualties on our sldo were slight. The enemy's loss Is estimated ut fifty killed besides many wounded. On Thursday shelling was resumed at an early hour , the nlncly-six-pound- cr being again In evidence. Later in the day the enemy , to the strength of 2,000 , took up a position to the west ward with the evident Intention of making a general advance when a heavy thunderstorm broke out , after which the Moors retired , having fired a few volleys from rifles and Maxims. So far the shell flro bus had a re markably small effect , though the en emy's gunnery practice Is excellent. The absence of a disastrous loss of Iifo on our sldo Is entirely due to the admi rable fortifications prepared by Madea- Powell. fly agreement with Jotibert on No vember 1 , wounded women and civil ians and the railway and telegraph staff were moved four miles out of town to escape the bombardment In a neutral camp. Ninety-eight of the Dundee wounded , Including officers Beckett , Hammcrsly and Adams of llio staff , Doultbco of the Rifles Perroan and DIbly of the Dublin Fuslloars , Wei don of the Lclcesters , were sent In un der a Hag of truce on November 4. All are doing well. FIGHTING IN VENEZUELA. Ucncral I'nrcdos Flimlly SurrendersAfter Terrlblo lliittlc. PUERTO CA13ELLO , Venezuela , Nov. 13. General Paredes , a former commander In the army of ex-Presi dent Andrade , who had refused the demand mudo upon him by General CIpriano Castro and the do facto au thorities to surrender the town , even when this was re-enforced by the re quest of the British , American , French , German and Dutch , commanders sur rendered this morning at 10 o'clock after a terrible battle. The aspect of the city Is one of ruin and devastation and It is estimated that upwards of C50 persons were killed or wounded during the fighting. Dr. Brnlsted of the United States cruiser Detroit and other surgeons of the various war ships In the harbor are ministering to the wants of the wounded. General Ramon Guerra began a land attack on the town and the position of General Parodes on Friday night. Desultory firing continued until Sat- unlay morning about ! o'clock and then a fierce struggle ensued. General Parcdcs made a stubborn defense , but General Guerra forced an entrance Into the town at 5 o'clock yesterday. As early as 8 o'clock Sunday morn ing the fleet arrived and began a bom bardment , but the range wan too great and the firing proved Ineffective. General Parcdes held the fort on llio hill and Fort LIbcratudor until this morning. CLOSC CONTEST IN KENTUCKY. Future Governor It Still Subject of Mis- | iutc. LOUISVILLE , Nov. 13. The second week of uncertainty regarding the re sult of the balloting for governor of [ Kentucky begins with Httlo prospect t of immediate relief. The olllclal tj count has been In progress two days and from a majority of the 119 coun ties has narrowed the contest down tea a nose finish. Moth sides claim the election of Its ticket , but the estimat ed plurality of cither docs not exceed 3,000. While the estimates so far re ceived favor Taylor , the result.may hinge on the decision given by the county election commissioners In sev eral places where charged of irregular ities are made. Ono of these contests , that In Nelson county , has been de cided adversely to tbo republicans. It Involves 1,118 votes , nearly as many as cither oldo claims as Its plurality. Want Tlinriton ns Spcalirr. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov. 13. A so cial club of young republicans , formed at the Midland hotel here , propose ! to give a banquet , with 1,000 plates , at Convention hall in January or Febru ary next. Young republicans In eveiy county In the st'ato will be Invited. The committee to select speakers will arrange for several short talks by members of the club and ono speech by an orator of national reputation. An cffqrt will be made to secure Senator John M. Thurston of Nebraska to de liver the first address. AMERICANS ENTER TARLAC. When Tlu-y Arrive There Tlit-y 1'lnil ARulnnlilo ntul IIU Army Unno. MANILA , Nov. 13. Colonel Bell's regiment and a small force of cavalry entered Tnrlac last night without op position. Where Agulnaldo , with his army and to-called government liavo fled , is a mystery. General McArthur took Danilmn yesterday. This is supposed to be the strongest position held by the Filipinos pines ' except Tarlac. The brief ac counts of the engagement received In dicate that the rebels fought accordIng - Ing to their recent tactics , retreating after firing a few volleys. Ono officer . . of the Thlrty-Blxth regiment Is the only American reported killed. General MacArthur began his ad vance at daylight. Colonel Smith , with the Seventeenth regiment on the right , Major Boll's command and the Thirty-sixth on the left and the Ninth in ! ' the center. Colonel Smith encoun tered . a small foicc at C n'closk , easily dispersing the rebels. Major Bell se cured a position on the mountain , fiom from which ho poured an en filading lire from rifles and Hotchklss guns upon the first line of the enemy's ttcnches. The Filipinos stood the lire for twenty minutes and then retreated to the mountains. General MacArthur entered Bumban at 10 o'clock and Colonel Smith occupied Capas , the first town beyond. CUBANS SHOULD BE TIIANKPUL. Onlurul Ilrooko Issues a TliniilcxglvlnK I'rovliiniiitlon. HAVANA , Nov. 13. Governor Brooke has Issued a Thanksgiving proclamation , In which ho says the custom prevails In the United States to set apart one day in tbo year for thanksgiving to the Supreme Be ing for many blessings vouchsafed , and the designation of thq day and the Invocation to the people to observe it have been made by the supreme au thority of the government , thus giving material Importance to the patriotic observance of the day. The governor general , mindful of the sacredness and propriety of thus acknowledging and returning thanics for the blessings bestowed - stowed and of Invoking divlno aid , protection and direction for the future and believing that no country nor people ple have more to be thankful for or greater opportunities to look forward to , than the Inhabitants of Cuba , deems It proper to call them to a real ization , and with this In view he names November 30 as u day of thanksgiving and prayer. It Is recom mended that the cares of labor bo laid aside and that all persons convene at their places of worship to give the Supreme Arbiter of Destinies the thanks and praise justly due. SCIILEY PAVORS THE CANAL. Tells Why the NlmrnRiitt C.iinil Should 11 IMerccd. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Nov. 13. A correspondent of the Iluntsville Mercury while at Birmingham talked with Admiral Schlcy and asked him if ho thought the building of the Nl- caraguan canal would bo an advantage to the United States. Schley Is quoted as saying : "I con sider It Imperative that the canal be built. It would then enable us to mobollze our fleets on either coast on short notice and would facilitate our defense In case of war and render the American navy Invincible. And then It Would open up the way to the Orient , where a ready market can bo found for our cotton and coal. " TRUST CONFERENCE TO MEET. Another Contention to Consider Coni- lilnt-H Will lie Held. CHICAGO , Nov. 13 The executive committee named at , the recent trust conference In this city to make ar rangements for another convention met at the Sherman house Saturday and decided that the conference should bo held In Januuiy In Chicago. The commlttccmen prepent were M. L. Lockwood of Xollonople , Pa. , pres ident of the American Anti-Trust league , chairman ; William Prcntiss , Chicago , vlco chairman ; R. W. Bod- dlnghouso , Chicago ; George S. Bowen , Chicago ; James W. Wilson , Chicago ; W. B. Fleming , Kentucky ; A. M. Todd , Michigan ; Franklin II. Wentwoivu , Chicago. FIRING PROM ALL SIDES. r.udj'HHiltli In IhiilurliiK ( .rent llou > - tmrilmoat by the Hours. ESTCOURT , Nov. 13. A party which rode out several miles about noon to observe the bombardment ot Ladyamlth could bee a Long Tom , a forty-pounder , posted on llio railway sldo of the Bulwark , firing nt intervals of six to eight minutes. Another gun was observed In operation a Httlo dis tance away. Puffs of smoke were dls- cernablo on the opposite side , showing that Ludysmith was withstanding a big bombardment. The locality of tlio town was nothing but a huge caldron of smoke. IiicreiiMi of Xuvul M lilt In. WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. The lead ing feature of the annual report of Assistant Secretary Allen to Secretary Long iclutlvo to the naval militia gives strong endorsement of the plan for the organization of n naval re serve. He points out that the exper ience of the past year has .suggested certain changes In the original plan for this organization as contained In the Hill submitted to the iast session of congress , and bo therefore urges that It bo again pushed with the amendments prepared by Lieutenant Commander W. II. H. Southorlumi , who was for a part of the year In direct charge of the naval mllltla bu reau of the navy department. To Move IiidliiiiH to Mexico. HOUSTON , Tex. . Nov. 13. A spe cial from Fort Worth says : W. J. Lyons , Immigration agent for the re public of Mexico ; J. 11. Dick , secretary of the Ketowuh society of the Chero kee council , nnd Judge J. T. Drew efFort Fort Gibson , I. T. , are hero on busi ness pertaining to the removal o ; the Indians from the Indian territorlty. Secretary Dick said that there would bo at leant 35,000 or 40,000 Indians who would eventually locate In Mexico ice after this. American Forces Land at San Pabiau Under Proteotion-of tlio Fleet , GUNBOATS MAINTAIN HEAVY FIRC. Wlicnlon'ii Troop' Kusli Waist Drop Through the Serf Meantime llattEillloiifl I'orm In Good Order i ) HlKht ami Left , Touring Volley After Volley lit the riculng MANILA , Nov. 11. The landing of ho American troops 'at San Fabian , Tuesday , was the most spectacular af- 'alr of Its kind since General Shatter's disembarkation at Balqulrl. The co operation of the troops and the navy ivas complete. The gunboats maln- alncd a terrific bombardment for an lour , while the troops rushed waist ; leep through the surf under n heavy but badly aimed rlflo fire from the insurgent trenches and charged right uul left , pouring volley after volley at the fleeing rebels. Forty Filipinos were captured , mostly noncommissioned sioned officers. Several Insurgent dead and five wounded were found In a building which had suffered consider ably from the bombardment. The town wan well fortified. The sand dunes were riveted with bamboo twen ty feet thick , which afforded a fine cover. When the transports arrived In the gulf they found the gunboats Prince ton , Bennlngton and others waiting. After consultation with General Wheaton , Commander Knox of the Princeton and Commander Sheridan of the Bennlngton anchored two miles off shore. The gunboats formed a line Inside , the Helena , Callao and Manila close In shore. With the first gun of the bombard ment small beats were filled rapidly without confusion by Major Cronlt's batallon of the Twenty-third Infantry and Captain Buck's battalion of the Thirteenth Infantry. While the lines of boats moved shoreward the gun boats poured the full force of their batteries Into the trenches , soon forc ing the Insurgents to flee through the burrows dug back of the trenches. About 200 men held their places until the keels of the boats grated on the shore , when their Mauser bullets com menced to sing overhead. The bat talions formed in good order , Captain Buck pursued the insurgents on the left Into the bamboo thickets. On the right was a frail footbridge across the river , leading to the towns. General Wheaton , personally com manding , ordered a charge across the bridge and Captain Howland of his staff led Coleman's and Elliott's com panies of the Thirteenth and Shield's company of the Twenty-third , who be haved splendidly under their first fire , Into the town , which was found to be deserted except by the aged and some Spaniards who bad hidden In the buf falo wallows and who came shouting delightfully toward the Americans. Two companies of the Twenty-third had a skirmish along the Dagupan road with the retreating Filipinos. Major Shields of the staff , with his command , captured several insurgents. The troops camped In the rain dur ing the night and In the morning General Wheaton established his head quarters In a church , quartered his men in the houses and sent the cap tured beyond the outposts with orders not to return. The roads were found to be practically Impassable and It Is believed Agulnaldo has secreted a yacht In the river Longapo , near Sublc , for use In his flight when he finds his capture Is Inevitable. Captain Chenowith and Lieutenants Davis , Van Horn and Bradford , with two companies of the Seventeenth regi ment , reconnollering east of Mabala- cat , attacked and routed a battalion of Insurgents , killing twenty-nine of them. Three Americans were wound ed. MEETING OP THE CABINET Domestic Toitngc Itutcs Will He Kstali llslifd In tlie I'lilllpplneu. WASHINGTON , Nov. 11. The cab inet meeting lasted almost three hours. After the aljouimuout iwo of the cabinet ofllcers said that the question of a civil governor for Cub ; had not been raised. There were seme exchanges of opinion upon the result of the elections , all the mem bers regarding tbo result as an en dorsement of the administration's pol icy. It was decided to establish do mestic postage In the Philippines , It has been established In Porto Rico and Cuba , and Postmaster Genera Smith again brought up the question of the postal union , lie Is investigat ing the situation thoroughly and wll' report at a later cabinet meeting. The question of the purchase of the United States bonds by the govern mcnt was under discussion for nearly an hour. Secretary Gage explained the situation fully , and It now appear ! to bo Fettled that no purehoKes wll be made for the present at least. Hope fur Comlomneil Soldiers. WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , Nov. 11. The four soldiers who were sentenced to death at Manila now stand an excel lent chance to save their lives. Ir regularities liavo been discovered litho the proceedings of the courts-martla which will require correction in tin first Instance at Manila , If indeed tbej do not bar the death sentenceen lively. Street * I'avpil With (3ol < l. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. , Nov. 11. Some of the streets of Spearflsh a e actually paved with gold. City En li l- necr Gates has computed the prolia - i(0 bio amount nt about $100 for each (0r ( feet from curb to curb , or ? 300 per block. This Is caused by the dlyu - thorlties of Spearflsh using the tailing from the cyanide mills to pave- the streets , these tailing contain about IS per cent of the gold that was original 110 ly In the ore , for 15 per cent of tuo gold Is lost by the cyanide process of treatment. . . HUMOR OP BIG EOSS. Itrpnrted nt Atniiicriliiin Itrltlnli Rcgl * itirnt Is Dei-limited liy Free Htiiturn , LONDON , Nov. 11. Another rumor emanating from Amsterdam souices says : "A British regiment was deci mated Friday by Free Staters. " It is added that GOO of the British soldiers were killed or wounded and that300 horses were captured. The British war office has received from General Bullcr the following dis patch : "CAPETOWN , Thursday evening , Nov. 9. Have received by pigeon-post from General White today the follow ing : 'The bombardment nt long range by heavy guns continues dally. A tow casualties are occurring , but no ncrlous harm Is being done. " 'The Boers sent In today a num ber of refugees from the Transvaal under a flag of truce. A Hag of truce from Ladysmllh mot thorn outside the pickets. When the party separated the Boer guns fired on it before It reached our pickets. " 'Major Gale of the Royal Engi neers was wounded today while send ing a message. " 'The entrenchments are dally growing stronger , and the supply of provisions Is ample. ' " HOBART GROWS STRONGER. ranilly Now IIoprH for Hecovcry In Ppttc of Doctors' Statement ) ) . PATERSON , N. J. , Nov. 11. There was another change for the better in Vlco President Hobart's condition yes terday. Ho was able to sit up in a chair In his room and picked up a newspaper and examined It , eventually turning to Mrs. llobart and asking her to read for him. The patient was evidently stronger and took more nourishment than at any time since his bad attack of nearly two weeks ago. Despite the sUte- ments of atendlng physicians , the fam ily still has hopes of his recoveiy. They had renewed hopes from the fact that he was able to sit up for a long period , and by the way In which uo apparently relished his food. JEPf DAVIS MONUMENT. U.itiglilcrcof the Confederacy Will Cnry I'rojcct Through. RICHMOND , Va. , Nov. 11. The convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy today decided to assume the responsibility of raising a monument to the memory of Presi dent Jefferson Davis , as suggested by the United Confederate Veterans at their last convention. The corner stone of the proposed monument was laid in ronroo park In this city In 1890 , and it Is designed that It shall be a memorial not only to Mr. Davis , but of the "lost cause. " The monument fund now In the hands of the association and camps amounts to about ? 20,000. MONEY POR GUATEMALA. American nnd Jlnropoim Itunkcrg to Adriinco Sum of Wlfi.OOO.OOO. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Nov. 11. The Evening Post tonight states Hint a syndicate of American , Bnullsli and German bankers has about pcrlcctotl arrangements with the government ot Guatemala to advance to that country $15,000,000 , relieving It of debts and placing the country on a firm llnanciai basis. Under the terms or the agree ment the money will In loaned lor a term of twenty-live or fifty years ; .nd draw Interest at 1 per cent. In addi tion the syndicate will be allowoa to control a certain percentage of the customs receipts of the lilforont ports. FOR INTIMIDATION AT POLLS. ArrcHta In Kentucky for Interference AVitli Colnrt't ! Voter * . FRANKFORT , Ky. , Nov. 11. lUi- ford Williams , Wlngata 'Ihomp.-jou and Coleman Carrier have boon ai rest ed by Deputy United State : ! ? .tarfiinl McCarthy on charges cf hulmldnnon of colored voters on Tuesday. This makes a total of nine warrants of this kind Issued by tha court , and It Is understood that probably 200 more will be Issued. Tliu UcKtiH in N OMAKA , Nov. 11. The IMa orc- sents returns from all but three of tbo ninety counties In Nebraska Ante- lope , McPherson and Sheridan. On the fuco of these returns Holcomb's plurality Is a little over 13,000. The three missing counties will be sufficient to bring the total up to the neighbor hood of HOOO. Some of the latter counties , Madison for Instance , revers- themselves on the vote of last yoar. This cuts down the estimated major ity of 15,000 made this morning. The olllcial count , which Is now proceeding In the various counties , will prooa- bly change the figures a few votej in each from the unofllcial figures , but the changes , will , as usual , be divided about equally and there Is uo prospect of any material change. Both HUlcH Claiming Kentucky. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Nov. 11. The uncertainty regarding the result of Tuesday's election In this state is not likely to be removed for some time. Both sides still claim victory , the state chairman ot each party asserting that his ticket has a plurality of about 4,000. Newspaper returns from r pub lican sources give Taylor a plura .ty of 4.13S , while tho&o from democratic sources make Goobel's plurality 911. These latter cover all but thirty-live precincts In the state , although sev- oial reports from counties give esti mated pluralities instead of actual. Of the missing precincts live are in Louis ville , which went republican this year , twenty are In strong republican counties and ten are in strong demo cratlc counties. Tim Vote III MrKlnley'H Town. CANTON , O. , Nov. 11. The offkial canvass of the vote In Canton and Stark county , President McKlnley'ti homo city and county , was completed tonight. The returns for the city show an increase In the republican plurality , of 317 compared with Bushnell's vote In 1897 and a decrease ns compared with McKlnley for president In 18JC. There's nothing so badfora cough as coughing. There's nothing so good for a cough as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The 25 cent size is just right for an ordinary , everyday cold. The 50 cent size is better for tlie cough of bronchitis , croup , grip , and hoarseness. The dollar size is the best for chronic coughs , as in consumption , chronic bron chitis , asthma , etc. An astronomical observatory Is to be built for the University of Maine. Sourlnjr machines for SM.3G. The advertisement of the John M. Smyth Co. , which appears In another part of this paper , should bo of In terest to everyone. The price quoted Is extremely low , but the John M. Smyth Co. are thoroughly reliable and anyone dealing with them can bo as sured that they will do as they ad vertise. , The house is OHO of the largest In , the country and enjoys an enviable reputation. Get their catalogue of everything , to eat , wear and use. Active Agents Wnutcd In every county sent for our Gas Lnnip. Makes its own gas. Better light thnn elec tricity or AVolsbnch city gas. Cbcupor thnn korospno. Hotnils $ . " > . Hig money nmltor. Standard. Lump Co. , "Dopt. A , " Chicago. You may oppress the truth , but you cannot suppress it. FITSrcrmsnrntlyfiirrd. No fits or nervousness after flrht day's > "f Dr. Klliio'n ( limt Nerve KcHtorer. Ben.l lor I'ltiiC ttU.OO tlfal l.oltlo and ( rcatlko. LIE. II. 11. KllNK , I.tJ.'JJl ArchSt. , 1 hllajclplils , To. The only way to cleave to the good is to cleave the evilin two. Catarrh Cannot Uo Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot reach the sent of the iliseitsu. Outurrh is n Wood or constitutional dheuse , nnd in order to cure It you must talco Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous sui faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for years , and is n regular pre- ncription. It is composed of the best tonics Known , combined with the best blood purifier * , acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces suon wonderful results in ourinir Cutai rh. Send for testimonials , frco. F. .T. OIIKNKY & CO. . Props. , Toledo. O. Sold by drwuists. pric Toe. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The preacher who starves his head cannot feed his people's hearts. Cured A ft IT Itepc-ateU rullurcH Wll h Otlivrx I "III Inturm uddlctcd f > Mornhlnu Laudanum Opium , Cocaine , of nc\cr-fnlllni ; , harmless , limnc- cure. Mm. M. II. llaldn In , llox r.'ia , Clilcugo , 111. Kanara , India , claims a larger falls than Niagara's , a clear drop of 830 feet. Try Grain = OI Try Grain = 0 ! Ask you Grocer to-dny to fchow you n pnekngoof GRAIN-O , the now food drink that takes the plixco of coffee. The children mny drink it without injury as well 03 the adult. All who try it , like it. ' GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but it is raado from pure grains , nnd the most delicate stomach receives it without d'stross. { the price of coffee. 15 cents nud 23 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee Insist tliatyourKrocerclvcsyonGRAIK-O Accept no imitation. Send your name and address on a postal , and we will send you our 156- page illustrated catalogue free. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. s. 174 Wlnchetter Avenue , New Haven , Conn.k