Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 16, 1899, Image 4

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    CJualct do , Jtcpublican
PubMMicU oTOry Thursday at the County Scat.
* 3-1fflco In Castor Block , Fourth Atf.iy
Euterodnt thopoetonico at Hroketi Don , Nub. ,
* becuuJ.tla6 matter for tunimliiton through
thoU. 8. Mails. _ _ _
Ono Year , In advance , $1-00
THURSDAY , NOV. Ill , 1809.
The best kind of campaigning is
faithfulness in oflico. Witness the
result in the rc-clootiou of Judge
Armour and J. J. Tooloy ,
Tom Whitchead has the diatic-
tion of being elected constable on
the republican ticket in Algernon
township. It is said that ho ia the
first republican that has ovorootne
the pop majority in that ] township
since the organization of the pop
Olmirman Royse , of the republi.
can county contra ! committed has
again demonstrated h'R abililtty as
a political organizer. This year he
was limited in funds and had to
depend very largely upon the loyal
ty of his county workers for results.
The county | in 1800 showed a
majority for populist governor
of over 1,100 votes. Last year with
a thousand less votes east , Poyntor
had a majority of 300. This
year ho had to meet not only the
largo majority of the poj ulist party
but they had at their command
unlimited moans to conduct their
campaign. They had not only
assessed all the ofllco holders of the
county and state , but tho- lady em
ployoe. who arc working on'a salary
ol $20.00 a month had to contribute
$3 00 of that to the committee or
lose their job. Besides this Coin.
Harvey canvassed the stale and
collected funds for campaign pur
poses in notes and cash , whiuh was
apportioned to the several oommities
for election purposes. With all
thosoioddd against chairman , Royso
got out the largest republican vote
that has bocn polled for years , and
cut the pop majority , down so low
that the pops are even afraid to
orow. With all their money and a
united front , Judge Armour pulled
through \vitha. _ handsome majority
of 2-10 , while Talbot only * liked 82
of winning out. ' George , VanAnt-
worp and Davies were defeated by a
little moro tban 100 each. Lot the
good work go on and it will not bo
loug until old Ouster willj bo re
- With this issue the REPUULIOAN
gives a tabulated statement of the
vote or Ouster county as < shown by
the official canvass. Considering
the large vote cast , wo regard the
showing very favorable for the re
publican ticket The vole east woe
over a thousand more than was
east in the county lust year. With
the aamo vote in previous years the
populist majorities ranged from
500 to 1,300. The vote this year
proves that the republican candi
dates were not only strong in the
estimation of the people , but that
the populist p.arty in the county is
not as strong by 700 votes an it was
when S A. llolcomb was elootod
governor five and three years ago.
The big vote received by Armour ,
Talbot , George , Kennedy , VanAut
worp , Ohittiok and Dr. Davies is
an evidence that the republican
convention made no mistakn in
their selection. Wo have boon
personally acquainted with the sue
oossful candidates Armstrong ,
Sohnonnger , Orr , Tooloy and Os-
born , for a number of years and in
all that time have known nothing
detrimental to their character or
qualifications and believe they were
generally regarded by all as good
citizens and competent to Gil the
aeveral offices for which they have
boon chosen. This being the situation -
tion , it proves that their small ma
jorities was not the result of per-
Bonal objeotione to thorn , but rather
to the principles of the party with
which they affiliate. The republi
can gain on supreme judge ovar
the vote a year ago for Unyward is
202 votes , which la flattering .for
tuo future of the republican party ,
in Caster county.
Lnlior'n Liberal Slutro in the Prosperity
of the Country.
The American Protective Tariff
League has just published the result
of its canvass of 1,057 establish
ments to ascertain how far tie
general prosperity of the country
liad reached American wage-
earners. These establishments re
ported a gain of 75,7f > 4 in the
number of hands employed last
March ever there employed in the
establishments in March , 1805 ,
seven months after the enactment
of the Wilson Tariff. The follow
ing table shows in a most con
densed form the Btory of how wage
earners are sharing in ' .ha revival
of industrial activity :
Number of Imtidi employed ;
Much. 1895 101.732
March , 1899 507,481 !
Untn of March , 1699. IIJ'MS per cent.
Amount o ( wflgcipall ;
lKrchI895 ja , 98OI4K )
Mu-ch , 1890 0,859280.38
Gain for March , 1809,5-1.09 par cent.
Avon go vrngon per capita :
March , fif 5 $13.80
March , 1890 ; w 80
( lain for Match , 1891) ) , 10.19 per cunt.
It is dtffcult to say whiuh feature
in this table ought to bo tbo subject
for the widest national felicitation
the number employed or the higher
wages * paid. For our part of the
facts that nearly 40 per cant , more
persons have employment in 1,057
establishments now than in March ,
1805 , seems of far greater benefit to
the country than the faot that the
increased number is rcueving 10
per oont. moro wages per capita
than the reduced foroos received
four years ago. It moans rial
{ si.50 is being put in circulation at
thcso eatablishmoutB now for every
$1 in 1805.
And yet Senator Jones thinks
there is no prosperity iu sight , and
W. J. Bryun still sticks to free
silver as the panacea for evils that
affictod labor before the campaign
of 1800. Chicago "Times-Herald. "
The rcflult of the "off year" ' that
is always BO much dreaded by the
party in power , that is , the last off
yeai before the national electionis [ ,
a triumphant odorsomaut of the
MoKinloy adminstration. As the
states now staud , there is ouo IOBK
to the republican column * Mary
land with eight olootoral votes.
From the democratic and fusion
column of 1890 , are now cussing ,
Kansas with twelve electoral votes ,
South Dakota with lou\ electoral
votes and Wyoming with three elec
toral votes.
In 1800 the olootoral vote stood
MoKinley , 271 , Bryan , 170. By
flukes in Kentucky and California ,
Bryan got two moro olootoral voteb
than ho was entitled to. Elimina
ting those , the vote should have
stood , MoKinley 237 and Bryan 174
Had this been a presidential year
tbo vote would stand according to
the changes made in the off years ,
hoth partya having practically re-
nominated tin candidates of ' 80 ,
MoKinloy 284 , Bryun 103.
There are evidences that the
oolapso of the sixteen to-won craze
in the west will result in the return
of Colorado. Montana , Idaho and
Novadada to tbo republican col
umn. Maryland would bo repub
lican probably , were the same is-
suses presented again next year , but
as there will bo a virtual abandon
ment by the fusiouists of this isauo
just as that has been in Maryland
by the democratic' party , the raoo
questirn will doubtless hold Mary
land to Bryan and the anti-negro-
It is barely possible that the same
considerations will lose us Ken
tucky a year hence , providing the
democrats can heal their deadly
brceoh. Hut that contingency Is
still far away , aud not very likely
to occur for the late Gobol and anti-
Goblo war was to the knife , and it
will probably take a Irng time to
close the gap The interference of
Bryan in the family row has great
ly exasperated the anti.Goblo dem
ocrats and they have sworn otnrnal
vengonoo against him. The Ken-
tukian has usually a pretty long
The republicans having posee-
Bession of the atato govornn.oul
and the legislature the infamous
Goblo election law will bo repealed
and there will be a fair election
under tlio guardianship of the re
publicans , a.ul tliat mentis nnioli
in KuntuuUy.
The signs nro , therefore , that
Brynn will liavo the "solid HQUlh"
for liim with the exception of Ken-
tuoky , West Virginia and Dela
ware , and McKinley will have the
Holld north for him with Nubraskn
and to train with the ex-
uonfederato stales , Missouri and
It is possible that Now Mexico
will bo admitod to the union before
llio next elootion with about four
electoral votes , but if BO , she will
morly bwoll the MuKinloy column
AH BIO wont republican last year by
a majority of over two thousand , a
ropublioau gain over ' 00 of four
thousand State Journal.
Sum Jones on Prosperity.
Sam Jones , the pio'uroiquo ex-
hortcr , occasionally stops his talks
on religion long enough to spsak a
liltlo on worrtly affairs. A few
days ago ho was proaoh'uig in a
town in Goorgio and , dipping into
politics , cot off the folbwing :
The biggest fool in the world is
the ono who stands up and argucn
against facts. I was talking to one
of these old free silver loons a few
days ago and called his attention
to the great prosperity whiuh has
oomo upon our country , mills and
shops and mines running on full
time , and I said turly prosperity
has como to our land again. lie
said , "It ain't struck mo yot. " I
said , "Its mighty hard to hit noth
ing. " Be/otuaii ( Mont , . ) "Avant
Courier. "
More Work for llio
The large orders placed for steel
rails will keep the furnaces and
mills busy the greater part of next
yea' . Not that 1,500,000 tons of
rails represent a very largo proportion
tion of the capacity , but when
added to other business already in
sight it moons that furnace capac
ity will bo taxed to the utmost , as
it has been this year. The heavy
traffic of this year and last has won
upon the railroads , rendering new
rails necessary , and , at the same
time , yielding revenue to pay for
them. Now the railroads must
contribute their quota towards
keeping the mills busy. Thus does
prosperity act and reaot through an
endless series , constantly augment
ing the tide , unless something hap
pens to destroy confidence , which
is the corner atone ot all business
and commerce. Pittsburg "Dis
patch. "
Value of u Homo Dcumml.
There was a certain farmer who
in the days of Olovolandism voted
for Tariff Reform. His fancy had
boon caught by the glowing pic
lures of marvelous prosperity which
the Free-Traders and the Tariff
Koformnrs had painted to 'describe '
the glorious days when under Free.
Trade wo should have possession of
the markets of the world- Some
little time after the triumph of the
advocates of Tariff Reform in 1892 ,
when the country , instead of enjoying -
joying the overflowing pr.-sperity
predicted , was suffering from the
hard times brought on by the down
fall of the Protective system , this
sauio farmer took a wagon loud of
garden truck to the nearest town
for sale. The ouoo thrifty town ,
which hid formerly been such a
prood market , was a scone of idoluuss
The mills in the town were shut
down , and many of the houses were
vaoont and no body wanted the
farmers products. Ho was obliged
to drive homo again , taking his
garden truck with him. As ho
jogged along in disgust , one of the
townsmen shouted out to him : " What
did you bring your stuff here for ?
Why dent you hall your load to
the nearest port , hire a boat and
ship it acoross the ocean ? You
know you have boon howling for a
foroigu market. "
What the farmer said in reply
is not on record , but it IB not un
likely that the lesson struck home ,
and that ho oauio to realize that it
was money iu bis pocket and in
that of every other farmer to have
a market for farm products almotl
at their own doors , and that the
propperlty of the wage oaruor in
the town moans the mlo of the
farmer's products and the pros
perity of the farmer himself.
0 , V. Talbot only fell short 82
votes of election instead of 101 , as
wo gave lust week.
The wagofl of the employed at
the stool works in Flomington , N.
T. , have been advanced 10 per cent. ,
which shows I hat the advance
agent of prosperity is still carrying
out his promises , Uarrisburg ( Pa )
"Telegraph. "
It is a query to us to know just
tow republicans feel that assisted in
electing the populist ticket ID
Ulster county thia year. If reports
arc true there were enough ropublt
cans in foi'r township in the county
who supported Armstrong and
Schnoringer to Have elected Talbot
and George. These republicans
may have thought they were juati
Hied from personal reasons , bul
have wo as republicans a right U
jepordizo tfio success of our partj
and its prii.oiplet ? Is it patri
otic or is it right ? Wo con
cede the right of every man
of any parly to vote against
his party nominee when such
nominee is a uisroptuawo pcnon
; ind liable to bring his party
into dispute if elected. But this is
cot the case with Talbot or George ;
they are both sober , honest and
capable man who would have been
an honor to their pirty if elected
It is thib class of bushwhacking
practiced by those who claim to bo
republicans for years in thin count )
tluifc has kept the fupionists in
power so long in Ouster county
Morj than ono time have republi
can candidates been defeated by
their own partisans. Four years
ago two republicans would have
been elected had it not been for
republicaiib scratching their ticket.
Brothers lot us got together. If wo
arc republicans let us stand up for
our principles by supporting our
party nominees. If wo are not re
publicans it is time wo cease our
pretentious and associate ourselves
with the party that gets our votes
The following extracts , from a
letter we publish by request of N.
M. Morgin of Callaway , gives a
view of the Filipino and the situa
tion in the Philippine islands by
ono who has spent some time in the
East and should know whereof he
speaks. The writer of the letter is
not a republican , but his vicars and
observations scorn to juitify the
position taken by true Americans.
He says :
Yon have doubtless hoard of At
kinson who claims to represent the
sentiment of the American people
and who advocates the disgraceful
policy of completely abandoning
American sovereignty in the Phl ;
ippino islands , wrested from Spain
by the prowess of our soldiers.
You will ask why the triumph of
our army and navy should have
such a miserable result. First , this
man with both rugged talents and
Y'lnkeo shrewdness appeals to Am
erican honor. Ho claims that ibo
representatives of uur government.
assured the rebels that the presi
dent of the United States would
allow them to establish their inde
pendence not merely of the Spin-
ish , but of all governments , such as
are recognized among the enlight
ened nations. Ho skilfully touches
the chord of sentiment , especially
among his friends , by quoting from
the Declaration of Independence
that governments "dorivu their just
powers from the consent of the
governed. " What madness to pre
tend to govern savages vuth ab
stract ideas , rhetorical Generalities
and incomplete notions of equality ?
* * * But this persou reaches
the climax of impudence in assort
ing that the naked and half starved
guerrillas under Aguinnl'io , armed
with bows and arrows and spears ,
except a small nucleus equipped by
our liberality , aio competent to re-
gut for a long limu the disciplined
forces of tho'United States. * *
* And in addition , the interests of
humanity require that wo take pos
session and guarantee to the ignor
ant and disorderly population so
long in a chaotic state of rebellion
the blessings of stable government.
The Filipinos are a widely separat
ed and disoordant community , and
an independent nation composed of
such elements is an Utopian dream.
If loft to themselves they would
doubtless fall a prey to some nation
not possessed of the fantastic
notions of honoi which seems to in
spire the men who are opposing the
Philippine Islands , July 20 , 98' .
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Vote in Broken Bow
Township Clerk.
N. Sidi ) S. Side
A Gustafson , pop 88 119
\V VV Cowlos , rep 117 185
Township Treasurer.
W W Tooloy , pop. . . . 80 100
J M Kimberling , rep. . .113 197
Township Assessor.
Wm. Vannice , rep MG 22-1
Justice of the Peace.
D VV Lanterman , pop. . 101 131
J J Snycle , rep 00 172
II M Brownoll , pop. . . . 00 02
1J M Towslcy , rep 50 100
Win. Harrotf , rep 30 48
Road Overseer Dist No 1.
Alfred Sloggett , pop. . . SO 27
Chas Davis , rep 120 19
lload Overseer No 2.
J B Ho loom b , pop. . . . 89 22
J B Kenoyor , rep 122 20
Road Overseer No 8.
Daniel Lewis , pop 0 75
John 6 Boce , rep 17 127
Road Overseer NoI. .
SM Dorriu , pop 11 & 7
I N Porshall , rep 20 107
Road Overseer No 5.
B R Miller , pop 0 82
V H Arthur , rep 0 100
Road Ovtraerr No 0
A Gustafson , pop 5 32
G E Cadwell , rep 0 105
Road Overseer No 7.
Chas Marquis , pop 8 120
Chas T Wright , rep. . . . 8 50
NOTK , MnrfpiU' name WHS pilutcd on the bill-
lota us r-i ubllean niul W.iclit aspopul'et.
The Supervisor Vote.
I)1ST. NO. 2.
Townships. Coonuy , pop , Amlcrton , rep.
Ucrwyn . 74 79
aarflcUl . & 0 39
Lillian . 70 60
West Union . 1'5 ! 59
ToUl . 293 213
Majority . 85
DIST. NO. 4.
Townships. Downey , pop , llrrclibuhl , rep.
KUfoll . . . . . ) US
Cliff . ( W . W
Victoria . -10 13 s
Haya. . . la 11
Total . ! i30 a > i
Majority . 01
i t-
* ,
J )
1.V.-VVIH Ki \ \VIIITJ5- roii'H.
All kinds of cemetery work. Workmanship and
prlcca guaranteed. Shops at
I have a largo list of farms for
sale in all parts of the oounty. Low
prices and easy terms of payment.
Write for prioes.
In the District Court of Ouster County , Ncbr.
Tbo Htillanco Trust Co. , I'lnlntlll. 1
vs. I
Ucorgo D llutchii son , Kiln Ilutcliliieon , his f
jvife.W llKietliamntid II 8 Lllly.UuIciiilanU.J
'llio defeiulautu , GCOIKO 1) Ilntrliliison. Kiln
llntclilnson , M wlff , uml 1J S Lilly , will taku
notice tlmt nn tlioSUUdfty of October , 1899. Uiu
pla ntlff , Tlio Rcllaiico Trust Co , Hied Us rctl-
tion Iu the district nnnrt oT Ouster county , Ne
braska , BKftlnst Gi-orge D lldtoulnon , Ella
Uutcninoon , his wife , W II Eiistbaiu und II S
Lilly , defendunts , the object ami prayer of which
are to fori'dOMi u certain tux cvrtlllcato Ifsucd by
thu trciiiMircr of said CuHter county , on thu asth
.lay of Novoibui , i j-j. of wblch the plaintiff \
now the owner and bolder thereof , for tbo sum of
$9.62. und co\crliK Iho followint ; deicrlbud
premises : Thu f outli hslf of UHs 2J and 21. iu
block 3 , In A W Uandy's nddiilon to the orlKlnal
town of llroken , Bald county , and upon vrblch hat )
been tmld "subsequent" tax a * follows : On the
25th day of October , 1893. for the year 189S , the
t > um c f JM.Srt ; on the 1st day of August , IB'JI , for
the year 18S3 , the tutu of , each of which
amounts dr w 20 per cent Interest from their res-
pectlve ilalo * , all of which IB duo anil unpaid.
I'luliitltT praya H dccico df foreclosure of valil
n rllQcatu and reccljita und sale ot enld promUes.
ion are required to anewor unld potlilon on or
brforu .Munday , thy lltti day of IK-cemliur , IH&9.
untfd at llrukuu How , Nebraska , this 24th day of
October , 1899. TUB UELIANCK T uT Co. , 1'ltf ,
ISEAL 1 lly Wllll * Oadwelt , Its Attorney ,
Attest : JumcK Stockham , Clerk ,
llv J Q ralnter , Deputy , o 0 fit