Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 16, 1899, Image 3

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    44 The Best Is
Cheapest. "
We team this from experience in every
department of life. Good clothes arc most
serviceable and lUtur the longest. Good
food gives the best nutriment. Good
medicine , Hood's Sarsuparilta , is the best
nnd cheapest , because it cures , absolutely
CUKES , when all others fait.
A Young T.ady'n Dliiry.
On Transatlantic Steamer : Even
ing "Took three pills before retir
ing. " Morning "Passed an iceberg at
7 a. m. "
Talto Laxntlvo Hromo Qulnluo Tablets. Al !
( irugpislH luftmil the money If It fulls to cure.
CSc. 1C. W. Grove'.s blguatnra on each box.
All the emery In the world comes
from the little Island of Naxos , near
rise's Cnro for Consumption hns
mo largo doctor Mils. C. L , IJnkor , 4228
lU-gout Bq. , Philadelphia , Pa. , Doe. 8 , ' 05.
The proportion of female to male
teachers is increasing In England.
Holds Up Pe-ru-na as Ihe Ideal Remedy for
Female Catarrh
Mrs. Clara Mnkcmcr.
Mrs. Clara Makemer , housekeeper
for the Florence Crlttsnden Anchorage
Mission , of Chicago , writes the follow
ing letter from 302 Chestnut street ,
Chicago :
"Peruna Is the best tonic I have ever
known for general debility , a sure
cure for liver complaint , and a never
failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia.
"I heave used it in cases of female
irregularities and weak nerves com
mon to the sex , and have found It
most satisfactory. "
From early girlhood to the end of
the child-bearing period few women
arc entirely free from some degree of
catarrh of the pelvic organs.
With Peruna the thousand and one
ailments dependent upon catarrh of
the pelvic organs can be wholly
"Health and Beauty" sent free to
women only , by The Peruna y 'Hcino
Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
Work has been commenced on Rob
inson hall , the new scientific school
at Tufts college.
Immense Hold
Henry A. Salzer , manager of the fa
mous John A. Seed Co. , La
Crossc , Wls. , ns also president of the
Idaho Gold Coin Mining & Milling Co. ,
of the Seven Dovll District , Idaho , is in
great luck. They have recently struck
an Immense deposit of gold ere on
their properties. As a result the stock
of this company doubled in prlco in
twenty-four hours. Quite a number of
the Snlzcr Seed Co. patrons nro Inter
ested in this mlno with Mr. Salzer.
Of the 475 inventors of the Unilcil
States who received pat
ents the past week 36 per
cent of that number wcio
successful In selling cither
the whole or a part of
their inventions befoio
the same wcro issued.
Amongst the prominent
. - - _ . manufacturing concjrua
buying patents wcro the following :
Western Metallic Packing Co. , Oma
ha , Ncbr.
General Incandescent Arc Light Co. ,
of New York.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. ,
New Haven , Conn.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , Ak
ron , Ohio.
Piano Manufacturing Co. , Chicago ,
Mergcnthalcr Linotype Co. , Now
York City.
Union Boiler Tube Cleaner Co. ,
Pittsburg , Pa.
Gray Telephone Pay Station Co. ,
Hartford , Conn.
Kalamazoo Spring & Axle Co. , Kalamazoo -
amazoo , Mich.
Parties desiring information as to
selling or obtaining patents may ob
tain the same by addressing Sues &
Co. , Patent Lawyers & Solicitors , Bco
Bldg. , Omaha , Ncbr.
Rain has never been known to fall
In that part of Egypt between tlio
iwo lower falls of the Nile.
Special Offer until Jan. 1st.
Wo wish to immediately place one in
every town in the state , knowing by
experience that wherever we sell ono
other sales are sure to follow. To in
troduce these pianos wo will , from now
until January 1st , make a Factory
wholesale price on the first piano to
go to any locality where we have not
already sold one. This means a great
saving to the buyer.
We Do Not Mention the Actual Price
Because we will only sell one piano in
each localfty at this extremely low
price , hoping through the advertise
ment to sell others at a profit to which
every dealer and manufacturer is just
ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay
Pianos sent on approval.
Write for catalogue and full partic
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use " 5 DROPS" for
etc. Read
the follow
ing letters :
SWANSON Iliir.UM.vnc CURE Co. : When I wrote you for a sample bottle of " 5 DROPS" ray
wife was sufleilnic terribly from Rheumatism and was very discouraged , as I had tried every
thing the doctors prescribed , even sending her to Uichficld Springs , etc. Jly doctor is very lunch
surprised at the progress my wife is marine , and she is FO well that she
refused to keep her seamstress and is now doing her own sewing. The
doctors Insist on her taking " 5 Drops" and astnru her that it is now
only a matter of a few days and she will be entirely cnrcil , and a * we are
very well known here , the " 5 DROPS" is receiving considerable atten
tion and praise. 1' . K. PU1CIJ , Jersey City , N. j. Oct. 13,1899.
S\\ANSON RnncMATtc CcRi : Co. : I suffered terribly with Kidney
Trouble for years , and after using less than two hottles of " 5 DROPS"
lam now entirely well nnd I give " 5 DROPS " the praise for my cure. I
could not find anything that would give me the slightest relief until I
tried this rented v , and I recommend ! t to every body ns a permanent cure
( TBADI : MARK ) for Kidney Disease. MARY A. CARI1AUGH , Ulack Gap , 1'a. Aug. 22'W.
" 5 DROPS" It the most powerful tprcIHe knoun. Vreo from opiutrsnnj pel IWtly harmless.
It gl c almost Inttnntanroiis relief , and Is n positive cure for JtlifiinmtUm ,
Hclatlcn , NetirnlBla , Ij-B | > ci lu , Rnrknehc , Aslhmu , liny IV or , Citlarili , I.u Urlppr ,
Croup , NlecplenMieKK , A'crvoiiinein , Nervnun anil Xciiratulu Ileiidui lir , Kliriiche , Tooth-
iiche , lleurt AVcaUne , Drupay , Mulurla , 4'rcupliiE Xnmlinc" , etc. , etc.
3 ft Ft A C to enable tufferers to Rl e " 5 I > KOPS"nt least n tilal wewllloenit n V ! c sample bottl * .
Ov tJf\ O prepaid ! ) mall , fnrlOct * . A nvinplo hottleIil coiivinoo > on. Al o , lariio linltlea (3W
dosei ) tl.CO , OlJOttlMforM. BdMby us anil n gents. AUI.NTS fllNTMl U Xcw Ifrrllor ; . MIIIIK IS lO.litY.
H \ VA.HOICIIKimATIU CUIti : C ( > . , 1OO to 1 1 l.nlio St. , CHICAGO , I I.I * .
The Best Sewing
iyiacEiineon Earth
SWim At Iho Price , $14.25 ( or Our
"MELBA" Sowing Machine.
A hlgli'crm , hljjli-graclc mnclilno cnnnl
to wlmt otiiurii are ashing J'J.I.IX ) toSi.J.00
for. Uuaranteed by us fur 20 yeais fioin
uuto of puichiisi ! , against any impurfoc-
tion in material or workmanship. The
m ctand Is made oj the hcst Iron and is
nkely propcirtJonpd. The cabinet work
la perfect and ia furnished In your rhoiro
of antiqueonk or walnut. It has seven
drawers all handsomely carved and with
nickel-plated rim ; pull ? . 1 he median *
ical construction Is equal to that of
any machine regardlcBs of ptico. All
\TorkiiiK iiarts are of the best oil-tem
po led tool tti'el , OTOIT bcnrin perfectly
titled and adjuplpd EO ns to tf.ako the
running qualities the lightest , most per-
, .rl , „ , , , , , , , , , , , . feet and nearest m > l5cless of any inaehlno
mado. nils fimvlturMachlnphaa all the latest Jmpiovoments. It makes a perfect and uni
form LOCKSTITCH , and will do the bo t work on uithortho lightest muslins or heaviest
cloths , sowing over f earns and rough places without Flipping fctltclios. A full set of
best Bteel nttachmcnU , nlcoly nickcl-platnd and cnclojod in a ImmUomo pUifli-lineil
m.lMVIJ.'Hlmp.Auoji'clncf"tlplct ! < ; nssortnlent ° ' accessories and book of Instruction
PUKNIbliCl ) I-KKK with encli inachlno.
f Rn n&Y TRI/M Vnhl'ipthi3macliinoC.O.D.Fnlcttonpiroval.onrccoiptoftwo ]
" ' " * * . l"UaiN. I f. on oxamlnat Ion convinced that
s. J , . , you are v > o are saving
$ $ . ) ' ,
f ypa$25or.Xonngent'Hpricopaytliobalancnnndfroightchnrifosth ntry A fl at n
thoinaclilno. If iiotRatiridcdatnnytimuwithinODdaya oudtnomarhluo N B ft ft-S
back to us tit our expanse nnd wo will rotund the full purchase prlco . . .vp I fflcaV
fn which Is listed at lowoct wholesale prices
ovcrythmj to oat wear and furnislji
'ed on receipt of only 109 to partly payi
xppstage or expressage and as evirfence
of good faith the 10 ? is allowed on first
, purchase amounting to OI99 orabovo.
nLoyp MONTHLY GROCERY pftict'LiarTainn
How Succcuful runners Operate Tlila
Department at tlio 1'nrni A t'cvr
Hints ns to tlio Cure of Llvo Ktnclt
and I'oultrr.
Ilulry Note * .
Reports are current that more than
the usual number of cows have been
killed this year by being struck by
lightning. Investigations reveal the
strange fact that n large number of
them wcro killed while standing by
wire fences. Tlio lightning would
strike the wire and Instead of groundIng -
Ing would run along the fence its
whole- length , and somewhere In Its
course would come near enough to the
cows to affect them fatally. Had the
lightning grounded as soon as it
struck the wire the danger of striking
the cows at all would have been small.
It was evident that the posts In most
cases acted as non-conductors or at
least were so Inferior to the wires as
a conducting medium that the light
ning hung to the wires. This will bean
an easy matter to remedy. A wire
running down the posts every Httlo
way will bo a means of conducting
the electricity into the earth.
* *
In a recent Issue wo took up the
question of the Illinois law regarding
the slaughter of tuberculous cattle.
Wo cited the law that had been in ef
fect for a number of years allowing an
appraisement of all animals slaughter
ed. In the appropriation bill of the
last legislature a clause was inserted
that made more specific the manner of
slaughtering such animals and the
amounts of money that could bo ob
tained from the state for them. It
was taken into consideration that
there was a great difference In the
value of cows slaughtered dependent
on the progress of the disease. Ono
cow with a single tubercle In her not
larger than a pea would he valuable as
a milker for years , whllo a cow whoso
lungs were in an advanced state of decay -
cay would bo practically worthless.
Therefore all slaughtered animals are
now divided into six grades or classes.
Class A : All cattle that on slaughter
are found to bo free from tuberculosis.
These are paid for at full value by the
state provided the valuation does not
exceed ? 75. B , C , D , 13 , and F , indicate
the degrees of progress the disease has
made in the animals. For B the own
er recovers 75 per cent of the value ;
for C , CO per cent ; for D , 35 per cent ;
for H , 25 per cent , and for F 15 per
The healthfulness of oleomargarine
ia a question that Is constantly being
considered. The difficulty of properly
answering the question Is Increased by
the fact that the oleomargarine of to
day is not necessarily the oleomargar
ine of tomorrow , and the oleomargar
ine that is turned out by one factory
is not the same as that turned out by
another. Chemists have now discov
ered that some oleomargarine contains
paraffin , to give it firmer composition.
Paraffin by itself Is indigestible , and it
may also bo indigestible when incor
porated with the fata that compose
oleomargarine , but wo are not yet
certain of that point , for the reason
that no ono appears to have investigat
ed what paraffin will do in such a com
bination. It may bo less harmful than
by itself or it may bo more harmful.
It may bo that the union of paraffin
with fat permits some of it to get
through the tissues with the fat , and
there It may work all kinds of mis
chief or it may not. However , people
ple do not care to take their chances
on such uncertainties. It is manifestly
the duty of the government to ascer
tain such facts for the people. If par
affin Is to be sold as butter wo should
at least know what effect it wll have
when taken into the human system.
Wo believe that every pound of olco-
margarine that goes out should have
stamped on the package containing It
the ingredients that are used in its
manufacture , including all preserva
Poultry Kotfs.
From Farmers' Review : This sea
son has taught us that minks or weas
els will catch chicks much more than
either ducks or turkeys , after the poul
try Is any size. The reason is not hard
to find. After turks get any size they In
variably fly high to roost and the ducks
make such a terrible racket when
ever they are disturbed that it would
take a bold mink to face the music.
Next season wo shall try the plan of
hanging lighted lanterns among the
coops ; they are almost a necessity
anyway , when ono Is fattening a flock
of ducks. On dark nights they are in
a constant uproar and of course do not
do so well as If they were quiet.
Admirers of Blue Andaluslans re
port them as being very great layers
of largo white eggs , and as being al
most as beautiful in shape , plumage
and carriage as birds. They are larger
than Mlnorcas , the hens frequently
weighing six pounds when In laying
shape , which is a very good weight
They are also reported as being extra
hardy , especially the young chicks
This will appeal to admirers of the
Mediterranean class of fowls , as the
Leghorn chicks , as a iiilc , are not very
Early chicks were the exception
around and In this vicinity this year ;
and poor hatches the rule. This uni
versal complaint of poor hatches is
generally thought to bo duo to the
extremely long continued cold of lasi
winter. Turkeys and ducks wcro not
affected by It , if this was the cause , foi
their eggs hatched well.
During the dry time this fall , have
a large quantity of road dust gathered
up and stored In a dry place. Get lota
of It , for It will bo needed before good
out-Uoor iltiBtiug plticua can bo found
icxt spring.
Tlio last of this month la n good
llmo to caponlzo the two-pound coclc-
irels , If one can spare the room , thcro
s no branch of poultry that gives bet
ter returns , except early duck , thnn
capons. Capontze n few for your own
use next winter , If you do not care to
market them ,
Aim , and don't rnlas your nlm , to
Jmvo the pullets and what lions you
keep , in thHr permanent winter quar
ters by the end of this month. A later
removal will cause n. later beginning
In egg producing and eggs In Novem
ber , December and January arc worth
St. Dernlcc , Ind.
HOK Cliolt-ni Soruni.
The veterinarian of the Indiana
Agricultural Experiment Station points
out that agents of cholera medicines * In
White , Warren , Pulaskl and Fulton
counties , Ind. , are claiming that they
sell goods recommended by the station ,
and agents In Marshall and Kosclusko
counties claim to ho agents of the
Indiana State Board of Agriculture.
All agents making euch claims In any
part of the state are frauds , ho says ,
and should bo prosecuted. This Is n ,
timely warning and one that readers
of The Farmers' Review will do well
to bear In mind when agents como
along claiming to possess and use
scrum made by the government or state
bacteriologists. The United States
Department of Agriculture has 'an
nounced success in the preventive
treatment of hogs against cholera with
Borum which they have made and used
to Inoculate hogs and wo now expect
to hear from all sides that unprin
cipled men arc out among the farm
ers claiming to have authority from
dire disease will surely follow In their
those mentioned to Inoculate hogs. The
wake , for they arc using some ficti
tious dangerous scrum which has been
unscientifically prepared from the
active virus of hog cholera. Should
such men visit the homos of Hcvlew
readers wo trust that they will bo re
quired to show signed credentials from
those they claim to represent before
they arc allowed to wield their squirt
guns among well hogs. A little learn
ing Is a dangerous thing and one can
not bo too careful In experimenting
with alleged serums which are far more
likely to do harm than good. Wo have
abundant faith that the government
will eventually make It possible for all
farmers to prevent hog cholera among
their hogs by Inoculation with bona-
fhle serum , but just at present wo
warn our readers to r.gnt sny 01 an
but authorized agents of the Bu
reau of Animal Industry or state ex
periment stations.
Co-oporntlvo Dnlrjlnc "clgluin.
Co-operatlvo dairy societies had un
til recently not made much progress
in Belgium , but during the past few
years thcro has been a remarkable
increase ill their numbers , eighty-
seven institutions of this character
having been established In the year
1897 alone , says the British Dairy
Farmer. At the beginning of 1898
thcro wcro 1C7 dairies in operation ,
supported by 17,022 co-operating mem
bers. An interesting feature of this
development is the fact that it has
taken place for the most part among
the peasant farmers , the average num
ber of cows owned by the co-operators
being barely thrco per member. But
ter is the principal product of these
societies , and their output of this com
modity in 1897 was valued at 355-
000 , while the value of their sales of
cheese , milk , and separated milk was
estimated at 10,500. The published
accounts of one of these co-operatlvo
dairies situated at Oostcamp , Flandera ,
show that the average prlco realized
for the butter produced and sold in
the year 1897 was Is. OV d. per Ib.
The average price received by the
shareholders for the milk supplied by
them to the dairy was 3V&tl. per gal
lon , but the profits on the working of
the year amounted to an additional
halfpenny per gallon , while the value
of the separated milk returned to the
members was calculated to ho l.j d.
per gallon. In this society , which la
typical of many others , the profits are
divided as follows : One-half to the
shareholders who hold ono share for
each cow they keep ; onp-fourth to the
reduction of loan capital , 15 per cent
to the reserve fund , and the remainder
Is distributed in the form of a bonus
to the employes of the society.
rrcrorlly nf tlio I'rucoclf.
Most hooka on those birds state that
they only reach the adult state at three
years of age. I should bo much as
tonished if the peacock docs not attain
this ago at ono year , hut I can afllrm
that the hen lays fertile eggs at the
ago of cloven months. I have before
my eyes a hen which was born in July ,
1S98 , and is now followed by two young
birds. Possibly the precocity of these
birds Is not general , but the fact I give
sufllces to rectify an error found In
works on zoology and breeding. It Is
of practical interest because It demon
strates that the rearing of peacocks
and their propagation Is a much more
rapid work than generally believed.
Nevertheless , I must remark that this
hen , aged eleven months has only laid
two eggs , whereas another older hen
laid , at the same time , six fertile eggs.
Thus laying amongst the birds be
comes inoro abundant after two years
of ago. It would , then , bo interesting
to know whether the number of cgga
may bo yet greater. I must also re
mark that when confined one peacock
sufllces for several hens. So says a
correspondent of L'AvIculteur.
A mess of scalded feed once a day
will keep indigestion away.
\IIERE nro women everywhere who suffer almost con-
| slantly because they cnnnot bring themselves to tell "W"
" * all nbout their ills to n physician. O
Such women can surely explain their symptoms and their
suffering by letter to Mrs. Pinklmm at Lynn , Mass. , for the con
fidence reposed in her has never been
violated , Over a million women ihavo
been helped by her advice and E."W"
Mrs. Pinklmm in attending to her vast
correspondence is assisted by women
only , If yon arc ill , don't delay. Her
reply will cost you nothing and it will be a
practical help as it was to Miss ELLA E.
un , East Rochester , Ohio , who says : "I shrunk from
the ordeal of examination by our physician , yet I knew I must
have treatment. My troubles were backache , nervous tired
feeling , painful menstruation and
leueorrhcen. I am so grateful
to you now that I am willing to
have my name published to help
other girls to talc their troubles
to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound used as you wrote
me has made me entirely well
nnd very happy. I shall bless
you as long ns I live. "
Mrs. Pinkham receives thou
sands of such letters from grate
ful women ,
138 Grace St. , Pittsburg ,
in a letter to Mrs. Pitik-
ham nays : ' From childhood -
hood I suffered from kidney
trouble nnd ns I grew older
my troubles increased hav
ing intense pain running
from my waist to my womb and the
menses were very painful. Ons da > \
seeing your advertisement in one of
our papers , I wrote to you.
"When your reply came I began taking
your Compound and followed your advice
and am now in perfect health , and would ad
vise any lady rich or poor to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , which I can praise above all
other remedies. It is a wonderful helo to women. "
The nso of the Endless Chain Starch Book in the purchase of "Red Cross"
and "Ilubinger's Best" starch , makes it just like finding money. Why , for
obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free
Thin beautiful Cnlcmlnr IN lOtflxlil * ] ! Inclirn , the
lilctnrc ( IMx Only Vrlrml ) boliiR reproduced In tlio
rmino culorn n * I ho. . . .
Original Painting by J , 0. Brown
iftho Nnllomil Academy of Design , who In no rlnno
lo I In'lirni'lN orihoAiiicilcnn people. The llliiNiru-
llnn Hi von IMII n fiilnl idea of Ilia licnniy of tlilu
Culrnilnr , ttliovtlnrr only llio iitclurn In llio renter *
TIiU Calcimine , worthy of n jilnco lu uny boudoir ,
run lie ohtiiliii'd from UN only. Wlion xold without
lliol.iiiiil : : niONTIIIiYllio price l 10 com * . All
r i > u do I-M of Ililx jmprr uhn noud 30 cent * for u
l < i80NW"frflerJi ? . yriir'M MiliHerli.ll.iii to llio IJIIMJKK .MONTHLY ,
fur IIIUO Mill receive Ihu C'nlcndnr l'Kiiv. :
Copyrlplit , JtM. liy Hubert Jonticr' bout.
" The tnc.rvel if ] the age for loft j r ice and high quality of mailer-
Those who cond BO cents for a year'o Bubscrlptlon for 1000 _ _ _ _ _ .
will rocclva tlio beautifully Illustrated November and If I ) I ! I ! |
December , 1800 , numbers FREE and a full ycnr'a sub- J.\Jj \ j ,
scription to January , 1001 , In addition to the unique . .
Contents of the Nov. and Dec. Numbers :
"IAN MACLAREN : HIS HOME-LIFE IN LIVERPOOL" Is a refreshing article , with
H illustrations of the homo surroundings of the author of "DECIDE THE BONNIE
BRIER BUSH. " MRS. GESIHE LEHCKE , of the Brooklyn Cooking School , treats of
the ago of chivalry , by MIES MAY HALSEY MILLER. GEORGE U KNAPP , Artistic and
Inexpensive Homo Decoration with flowers and plantu , illustrated , The " MEMORIES 01'
THE .RED EAR , " a reproduction in colors of J. G. BROWN'S painting , foras the November
cover. "THE D LINE , " an absorbing story of safe tirae-loclts , by L , T. MEADE and
ROBERT EUSTACE. ANNETTA HALL1DAY-ANTONA , a Camel-back Journey in the Canary
Islands , with 5 illustrations. Six reproductions of HARRY ROSELAND'S ctory-tolling
of his most humorous productions. WALDEN FAWCETT , "REALM OF THE WINTER
GIRL. " Also 7 Complete Storien , Household Departments and a vast amount of reading ,
yAysvSAfSNA v vVS , N VS'VvVVvVvVvV V
( I ) Our Premium 1,1ft of 20 jiggm , rncli 10x14 Inchon ,
( D ili'MTllicd and lllnmintrs tlioli < nmHul , UHetulnnd
Club Raisers W valnalilo articles wu glvn Jrtc t tliono wlio ralnp
& H'null cluha ( if Biibsci Ilicrw In Die I.KDOKII
* J.MoNini.y. . Von can get HiiliBcrllxTs tu tlio
< V , l.KtriiK MON-IIILV ( nally , for lit fiOc. a year Ihn
Read This. W inni izlno liasno i > iiinl. | K < > nd a iiontal card for llio
. . JV 1'ri'inlnm MB ! . ltlrii < riit//lrriiiiil wlthlt an mil ( II
cziilnlnlng an cany im.thod of ni'ltlng up dubi.
'yS vSV AN v'yv VvVVVyVv ( VTvV
For Prec Sample Copy and other Information address
ROBERT BONNER'S SONS , 158 Ledger Building , New York.
S3 & 3,5Q SHOES"t
LANDS. . . "t ,
vvorin.a-f 10 s > u compared
with other makes. '
TniloriTil liy over
J ,000,000 vt v
The iimntne liaveV I. ,
. ; la ' name and
stamped on bottom.
DO substitute cl.uined 11 bt
is Rood. \oiir dealer ,
thould keen them
not , we uill Kcnd a { Uir '
on icceipt of price. .Stats
kind olleallier , ize , and Idlli , plain or
cap toe , Catalogue A free ,
Hi L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mast.
ucccl by millions ,
fcuro proof of its quality.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 4G-1899
Kr ml to-day
Sclli minhirmry wurk on ruli'iiU I'KKK
MAhON , FIC.NVlCK & I , A \ \ KKNC'K ,
1'atfut LuujtT , \\uulilntloii ; , D. C.
'lliuro art'still thousands of acres of KOV-
urimumt lands In the Mules of Washington
and Oreeon , nNo pralrlo and timber lands lallroad anil UUUT commmiloal on that
can bo bailout for S3.00 perncic : uml thcio
aio no cyi'lunrs. bllz/urK lon.tVIULTH ! or
ival hot hiiinmoiN , no falluio of crops , but
iilxvijH ( { O'xl nmrliuts.
If you wIMi lo nils'1 uniln. prlnclinlly , or
fruit , or HIP llncM sUK'U oa caith , you can
llnd locutions in il.usu t\\o status uht.'ro you
can do this to perfection. \inuirulooltliiu
lor employment uml wish to scctirit'SUnuly
vork nti-'ofjcl'.uu'ov I can help.von todo th's.
1 lm\c no land forsnlu. but If jou until in.
foimatlon about this wrlto mo at 199 E.
Third St. . St , Paul , M'nn.
. . , JSGasC.Oisbetes5tonem |
ruePJddfit-r ANDALLOTMC. ! * DISEASES nt-fj
laI wl-'w ewrrt f. nd lo. I oclc'
Cnuli 1'rlco I'uIII for
Poultry , Game , Butter , Eggs ,
Bead for tnzi and prices. ItJUtrt I'urvlx.
Kiublltued Ib70. Omulia , Neb.
Coujjti tyiiij. . Tnttea G lood.
In time. Pom hy drninil StR.
" "