Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 16, 1899, Image 2

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Dy Author of "Hetty , " Etc.
CHAPTER XIl.-Contlnucd. , ( )
"IMiey were walking kill ; but I liwird
no more. I rose quickly , and began to
move away mechanically toward hoiw.
I y t back my veil and bared my facu
tor the'kcen October air ; I felt Htlllcd :
the October evening night might have
been a sultry August noonday ; there
seemed to bo no air at all ; I could not
They had re-klndlcd the fire In my
absence , and made the room look
home-like. Its home-like air seemed
lit like blttctcHt satire. I Bat In the warm ,
bright light and waited for John to
\i \ It was late before he came. I had
* not thought how I should meet him.
I had sat for two hours waiting for
u him , and had thought , of nothing. Even
when .John came toward mo and spoke
iome , I had no thought In my mind of
> vlmt I was to say. My heart was sick
witjli despair. Out of my passionate
despair I should speak presently. And
my.passionate words were not likely
to be wise words.
"Why did you wait tip for me ,
Kitty ? " lie said gently , In a tired tono.
"I am late. You shouldn't havu wait
ed for me. "
I looked at him without a word ,
then rose and moved across the room ,
away from him. Parting the curtains
before the window , I stood looking out
into the dimmer light of the outer
world. Still standing so , my face
turned nway , I spoke to him. My voice'
otartlod oven me It was so passion
less , so cold and steady.
"John , I want to go away from you , "
I said.
John crossed the room without an
swering a word. Ho took my two cold
hands In his , and I let them rest there
passively. Ho looked down at mo
gravely with a glance that was at first
a little stern , but almost at once grow
very gontlo.
"Kitty , you're In earnest ! " he ox-
mlnuto wo stood silent , facing ono
"What arc we to do , Kitty ? " ho said
at last , coldly yet patiently. "I leave
our future In your hands. "
"The future may be so long ! " I said
bitterly. "I shall live for many years.
I am BO slrong so strong ! Nothing
ever happens to me ; I shall live for
years and years and years ! "
"Kitty , c-hlld , you break my heart
when you talk like that ! " cried John
I laughed a hard , sullen little laugh ,
the sound of which made mo shiver ,
and then suddenly made mo wish to
cry. For the first time my voice
trembled , grew passionate.
"I wish I could break your heart ! "
I cried. "I wish It oh , I wish it !
You have broken mine and you do not
care ! "
John bore my passionate , pitiless reproaches
preaches without a word. lie made no
attempt to aootho mo or caress me. He
stood looking at me sorrowfully , very
gravely , with something of anger and
something cf pity In his glance.
"Let me go , John let mo go ! " I
"Go where , Kitty1' he asked for-
"Anywhere. "
"Anywhere"from me ? "
"Any where where I shall not see you ,
John ; where I may try , try hard to
forget you , and to forget how miser
able I am. "
Ho watted for a moment that his
words might be calm and yet carry
force with them.
"Kitty , you talk like a child , " ho
said. "I can't let you gj > away from
me. Wo cannot forget one another.
For husband und wife , dear , forgetting
Is not possible ! "
Wo stood a little apart , looking
straight at ono another , our faces reso
lute , our wills resisting one another.
"Yon will not lot me go ? " I asked.
"I will not let you go , " said John ,
claimed. "My dear , tell mo what you
moan. "
My hands still rested in his. I was
still looking up at him. But for a
moment I could find no more words at
my command.
"I have not made you happy ! " John
nald in a tone of deep , bitter convic
r tion and self-reproach. "I have tried.
I have failed. "
"It was my fault , " I returned , speak
ing steadily in the same dull , passion
less , even way. "Perhaps It was your
fault , 'too. You shouldn't have mar-
rlod mo. You knew you must have
known that I should be wretched. "
"Kitty ! Kitty ! "
"It was a mistake. Only a mistake !
You thought you would make me
happy. You did It for the best. Why
did you , John why did you ? "
My eyes were tearless as they looked
up into his. All the tears I had had to
shed I had shed hours ago. Never , I
felt , as long as I lived , should I cry
again. I felt numb and still. Even
my reproach came In a stony volco that
Bcomcd to have no emotion in it.
"Yes , we have made a mistake ,
Kitty , " said John , sighing deeply. "I ,
as you say , should have known. But
I did 'not know ! Well , we have faced
the , mistake ; perhaps it was wiser
faiced. Now let us begin anew. Life
cannot bo what It might have been ;
but lot us make the best of It , Kitty
by-and-by , dear , love may come. "
I drew my hands away with a sharp ,
sudden gesture. He spoke of love , not
as though It had been weak and had
failed him , but as though It had never
"It will not come. " I cried , "Love
doea not come with bidding , only
wearjness. "
He stood in silence looking gravely
at mo , with n gravity far more stern
than gentle. I knew that ho agreed
with mo ; he urged no word of pro
test , no word of hope. For one long
Then suddenly ho sighed , and his
tone grew gentle again.
"I will not let you go , Kitty. " he add
ed , "for your sake , not for mine. You
do not know what a young wife , who
leaves her home , has to bear how she
Is spoken of , what Is thought of her.
Though our marriage may have been a
mistake , the mistake is made , wo can
not escape from it. I regret it , Kitty ,
as deeply as you do. But , regret as we
may , you are still my wife. And I
will not have my wife misjudged , light
ly sp'oken of. "
Even at that moment , though I had
pleaded to bo allowed to go , pleaded
passionately to bo set free , I was glad
that he refused my prayer. Even
though ho did not Jove me , even
though It was only torture to be with
him and to know tlmt his love was not
mine , still I was glad that he kept me
"Everything else that you ask me , "
ho said slowly and steadily , "I will
grant. I will do what you will. You
shall live your own life ; you shall be
as free as though you had carried out
your own wild wish and had escaped
from me. "
1 was silent.
"I will not see you more than I can
help , " ho continued In , the same cold
steady tone. "You shall be free , as
free as I can muko you. 1 promise.
Are you satisfied ? "
"Yes , " i said faintly.
And ho turned without another word
and left me.
"My dear Kate , " said Aunt Jane , un
tying her bonnet-string na though she
meant her call to bo a long one , and
looking at me slowly from top to too
disapprovingly , I have no dealre - whatever
ever to Interfere with you. Yojir. af
fairs are no longer any business of
mine , and I refrain offering you my
opinion , I only ask you one question
why , whenever I come , is John nl-
wayn out ? "
Aunt Jane waited , but I did not offer
lo answer her question.
"I call In the morning , " she con
tinued "he la at his office ; that , of
course , IH as It should be. But I call
about luncheon-time ; ho la lunching at
tils club , and pcrhupa you are not
aware , Kate , that luncheon at a club
IB an expensive luxury. Saves time ?
Nonsense ! A 'bus saves time , and is
cheaper. I call In the afternoon late
In the afternoon , toward dusk John
Is nt the office still. I call in the even
ing and John Is out again. I have no
wish to pry John's affairs are his own
but I know as a fact that he has not
spent an evening at home for the past
five days. Twice he dined at the club.
Twice he dined with his sister and
Madame Arnatid. Ono night , who
knows where he dined ? Now , Kate ,
why is it ? "
I had lost my old fear of Aunt Jane.
I replied calmly enough.
"I don't want to talk nbout myself
and John , " I said.
"Very naturally not , " returned Aunt
Jane with severity. "You know as well
as I do that , If John dinca out on five
consecutive nights , it is you who are to
blame. You drive him away from
home. You have a cough , Kate ; you
should cure that cough ; men dislike
a cough exceedingly. "
I smiled ; I could not help it. For
Aunt Jane to preach wifely duties of
self-abnegation was too humorous.
"When John comes In , Kate , do you
meet him with a pleasant smile ? Do
you lay aside your work to attend to
him ? Do you try to converse with
him on topics of Interest to him ? "
In spite of my heavy spirits , I smiled
again. I was thinking of the cold wel
comes that Uncle Richard was wont to
receive ; she guessed something of my
thought perhaps.
"Yours is not an ordinary marriage , "
she added in her coldest tone. "You
have to remember John's goodness to
you. "
"I remember It constantly. "
Aunt Jane regarded me with an un
friendly scrutiny.
"You have a house of your own , " she
continued , "and servants of your own.
Yon dress well Indeed , I may say ex
travagantly ; you have everything that
heart can desire. "
"Everything , " I said , looking dully
at her with a blank glance. "I am ono
of the very happiest of people.
She still eyed me suspiciously.
"If ho had not married you , what
would have become of you ? Do you
ever think of that ? " she demanded In
an admonishing tone.
"I am thinking of it always. Don't
bo afraid , Aunt Jane ; I realize John's
kindness more often and more fully
than you can possibly do ! "
"Kate , you are excited hysterical.
And you cough constantly. What" la
the matter with you ? "
"Nothing. A little cold. "
"You have a hectic spot of color In
each cheek. Have you seen a doctor ? "
"No. "
"I shall advise John to send for one.
Ono visit may set you right , and save
a heavy bill later on. Your health ,
Kate , is a most Important matter ; an
ailing wife wears out the patience of
the most patient husband. What does
John think of that cough of yours ? "
"Ho does not know I have it. "
"Does not know ! "
My face grew hot as I made my con
" 'I see very little of John , " I said ,
trying to speak simply. "And I am not
always coughing. Don't talk to him
about It. I won't have a doctor , not
even if you speak to John. "
Aunt Jane let the subject drop. I
thought I should have had my way a
thought that spoke ill for my dis
cernment. Aunt June met John as ho
returned home , bade him walk back
with her and listen to her. Before an
hour had passed a doctor was attend
ing me. It was decreed that I should
go to bed , a'nd that I sliould stay there
for a week. ' Would I have Aunt Jane
or one or tno gins come ana nurse me :
( To be continued. )
Hunger to 1'nsierii-bjr Removed by u
New Invention.
A Chicago electrician has Invented a
device by which a trolley wire becomes
dead as soon us It breaks. The device
la intended to make the so-called live
wire perfectly harmless * The Invention
consists of an automatic circuit-break
er , and Us application will require no
change In the present generating and
feeding machinery. The current is led
from the dynamo through the new cir
cuit-breaker , which Is u simple auto
matic switch , and thence out along the
trolley wire. The current will run the
same course as before from the dyna
mo along the wire through the propell
ing mechanism of the car , Into the
ground rail and returning to the
ground pole of the generator. A small
auxiliary wire , which leads a constant
current back from the overhead wire
and makes a completely conducted cir
cuit , Is. the second feature of the In
vention. This side current , the voltage
of which Is Insignificant and docs not
weaken the feeder , keeps the switch
closed nnd the line Is charged. The
moment a break occurs on the feeding
or power line the auxiliary current is
broken. The switch opens instantly
and not a single ampere goes out on
the circuit until the main line is again
repaired. Buffalo Express.
ClreiU Good Luck.
Jones They say Smith's three
daughters nil got engaged to foreign
noblemen while at the "shore , " and
that Smith is tickled to death about It.
Brown Yes. He's Just found out that
they are all dry goods clerks and self-
supporting. Judge.
All men wish to have truth on their
side , but few to be on the side of truth.
An Antl-Trott Campaign on the Tart
of Hin Democrat * \vllli t'lc velum ! Utn
Thrown In , Would lie a
The Examiner , after quoting the
tatcmcnt of ex-United States Senator
V. D. Washburn of Minnesota tlmt the
lepublican party ought to put forth Its
till strength and legislate against
rusts , remarks that Mr. Washburn and
ils friends do not say how they are
going to do this and at the same time
rain under the leadership of Ilanna.
t would Indeed be difficult for any
party , under any leadership , to mark
out a lawful plan of attack upon the
rnsts , but not more so for the Ilcpub-
ieans than for the party of Calvin S.
3rlce , Coal Oil Payne , William C.
Whitney , .1. Plerpont Morgan and the
ate Roswcll P. Flower , to say noth-
ng of Richard Croker , whose Interests
arc almost as securely wrapped up In
trusts as they are In thieving. We
might add that remarks about the lead
ership of Hanna come with bad grace
from a newspaper which favors the
election for governor of Ohio of John
R. McLean , who is the richer man of
the two and was mainly Instrumental
In foisting Joseph Hoadley.a trust law
yer , and Henry B. Payne of the Stand
ard Oil company , upon the Ohio gov
ernorship and scnatorshlp respectively.
If Hanna is indeed for trusts It is not
for the western organ of John 11. Mc
Lean to think any the less of him be
cause of it.
Criticisms of Senator Hanna do not
conceal the fact , however , that during
the past few years the Republicans
have been more active against trusts
than the Democrats. The Fifty-third
congress , Democratic , did not move a
finger against them , and it was left tea
a Republican congress to pass the Sher
man anti-trust law. Last winter and
spring the most drastic laws for the
suppression of these great combines
were passed by Republican legislatures ,
the one exception , proving the rule , be
ing the legislature of Texas. As a mat
ter of fact , there Is no politics In trusts.
They are no more Republican and no
less Democratic than partnerships are.
What are the politics of the Anaconda
Copper company , the Standard Oil , the
Sugar trust and the Diamond Match
company ?
The Examiner lays especial stress
not only upon Hanna , but Grlggs. Bif ?
what Is the offense of the Republican
attorney general ? He refused , as in
duty bound , to make a federal matter
out of a wrong which could look for
lawful redress only in state courts. His
Democratic predecesor , Richard Olney ,
did worse , as we shall show by a quo
tation from the Examiner itself of a
past date :
"It is probable.that the indifference
or hostility of the attorney generals of
the United States to the anti-trust laws
has had something to do with failure
of the statutes to accomplish anything.
Attorney General Olney frankly stated
his belief that the Sherman law was
unconstitutional , and the remarkable
decision of the Supreme court In the
Sugar trust case has the effect that the
power of the United States over In
terstate commerce applied only to per
sons and corporations whose principal
business is handling goods for sale and
not to those whoso principal business
is manufacturing , and that the sugar
trust's business was mainly manufac
turing and not selling sugar , seemed to
support It. "
How can Republican Attorney Gen
eral Grlggs' attitude compromise his
party any more than Democratic At
torney General Olney'a ?
It Is idle and in some degree vicious
to talk of trusts as the wards and pets
of parties. They are no more so than
corporations. If'they are harmful the
damage falls alike upon the Republican
and Democrat ; If advantageous the
profits and rewards are common to
both. Only demagogues seek to create
a contrary Impression. San Francisco
Splendid Showing of tlio IMiiglcy I.a\v
Confound * 1'reo Traders.
At the risk of appearing to display
excessive brutality toward a foolish
and Ignorant contemporary invite
attention to the government finances
for September. The revenues have been
so large that the month probably will
show a surplus of $7,000,000 , and the
first quarter of the fiscal year a sur
plus of more than $2,000,000.
Possibly our readers may recall that
at the end of July , the first month of
the fiscal year , we took the New York
World to task for the most remark
able exhibition of stupidity about gov
ernment finances or the most reckless
perversion of facts which we had ob
served In a long time. What the
World did was to take the July def
icit , and , using that as a monthly
average of deficit , figure out and sol
emnly predict for the fiscal year a def
icit of more than $100,000,000. At that
time wo explained to our Ignorant con
temporary that July deficits always
were enormous owing to the excessive
expenditures which the government Is
compelled .to make In the opening
month of Its business year. Also , we
warned that Democratic organ , which
Is the fiercest enemy of the Dlngley
tariff and the most ardent champion
of Agulnaldo , that the July showing
was In reality a very fine one , as the
deficit of that month was smaller than
it had been for many years and that It
boded well for the future.
The September figures show whether
we were right or not , and they teach BO
emphatic a lesson that we are hoping
that even papers so reckless or Ignor
ant aa the World may bear It In mind
when discussing the tariff , FederU
rover tics and other questions of gov
ernment and administration. Accord-
lag to the World , we should have had
for September n deficit of more than
? 8,000,000 , and for the quarter just endIng -
Ing a deficit of more than $25,000,000.
The facts which hit the World In the
pit of the stomach are that we shall
have for September a surplus of $7,000-
000 , and for the first quarter a surplus
of $2,000,000. Need anything more bo
said ? New York Press.
I/tck of Cninputltloii Would Trove Their
Mmt I'otont Ally.
That the tariff Is the father of the
trusts has been asserted by Mr. Have-
meyer , but It has been disproved. That
prosperity wlis the father of the trusts
has also been asserted. Prosperity has
been the cause of the organization of a
large number of trusts , but it Is the
enemy of trusts that attempt to ad
vance prices and resrlct the price of la
bor. This has been illustrated In the
past few months to the satisfaction of
all who have kept posted in regard to
the progress of trusts and combina
tions. No sooner than an industrial
combination has attempted to advance
prices beyond a reasonable profit than
competition has sprung up. When
"good times" prevail capital Is on the
alert for opportunities for investment ,
and when any combination like the
Sugar trust begins to make large prof
its by advancing prices , this capital
Is available for the organization of
competing corporations , which bring
down prices to a reasonable basis.
In the hard times brought about by
the Wilson free trade law the trusts
enjoyed Immunity from such competi
tion , for there was no money to Invest
In the building of competitive mills
and factories.
Then the trusts easily controlled the
markets.whlle now at the first evidence
of unusual profits there springs up a
competitor which serves as a balance
wheel to prices.
These facts show that hard times are
the best aid to trusts , and that neither
the tariff nor prosperity are to be held
responsible for the crimes that are
committed In the names of the trusts.
Tacoma ( Wash. ) Ledger.
"It Is a Wise Child , " Etc.
Uncle Sam "What Is the matter ,
little boy ? "
Little Boy "I'm looking for my
father and mother. Nobody can tell
me who they are. "
Uncle Sam "Never mind , little boy.
In your case It Isn't so much a question
of parentage as of proper discipline
and restraint. We'll look after you all
right. "
Lot Well KnoiiRli Alone.
The south and west are not looking
to the east to furnish them money
with which to move their crops. These
sections are now better off financially
than they have been for years. Ar
kansas Gazette.
In other words , "General Prosperity , "
of whom Colonel Bryan was wont to
make facetious remarks a short time
ago , is becoming tolerably well known
to the voters of the west and south.
When the leading Bryan organ of Ar
kansas concedes that prosperity has
come it may be taken as a tacit confes
sion that all of Bryan's calamity
prophesies ir the campaign of ' 96 were
mere bosh to fool the voters It also
may be taken as an honest but sly
warning to the voters of Arkansas to
prepare for the ravings of windy cal
amity howlers of the Bryan stripe.who
will soon be abroad In the land ap
pealing to them to vote against the
party of "Imperialism and corruption. "
In short , the Gazette's prosperity Item
may be taken as advice to the people
to let well enough alone. Little Rock
( Ark. ) State Republican.
The C renter Evil.
"By removing the high tariff , " says
the New York Journal , "the power of
the trusts would be greatly curtailed
and competition could no longer be re
stricted. Neither the producer nor the
consumer would be forced to contribute
to capital unjustly. " No doubt , BO far
as Americans are concerned , for the
contributions would go to foreign capi
tal , which Is employing pauper labor.
Even with the evils made by the trusts ,
they are a thousand times less than
the results of free trade. A compari
son of present condition , with a large
number of trusts In operation , with the
terrible effects of free trade on the people
ple of this country , will speedily con
vince any reasonable man that we
much prefer the trusts than to're
stricting or even abolishing them by
any such remedy , which would be as
fatal to our national prosperity as it
would be to the trusts. Tacoma
( Wash. ) Ledger.
No Inquiries.
General Prosperity , wearing gold
epaulets. Is visiting Nebraska for the
benefit of the Pops , who said there was
no such person. Calamity orators have
not Inquired for him lately. Erie ( Pa. )
Him ( he Tariff Una Thrown Open Nonr
It ii admitted that the farmers are
more prosperous now than In any pre
vious year of the decade. This state
ment or fact Is resented by the free
traders , who insist that the prosperity
of the farninrn Is In no way related to
the tariff and that the heavy sales or
exports of agricultural products are
not necessarily an Index to the pros
perity of the country at large. Hut 1C
the farmers are prosperous they are
heavier purchabers than when farming
is depressed. They purchase more ag
ricultural implements , more clothing ,
more organs and pianos , more furni
ture for their houses , and more build-
Ing materials for new houses , and in
so doing contribute to the demand that
Induces activity in all manufacturing
In an interview published In this
newspaper recently It was shown that
the tariff on Canadian lumber opened
New England and other sections to
American lumber manufacturers. It
was shown also-that In spite of the ad
vance In prices farmers and others are
doing so much more building that
there is a greatly Increased home de
mand. In addition to this It was
stated that the foreign demand for ± .
American lumber was never so great
as now. Most of the lumber , shipped
to Europe now Is sold before It reaches
the point of consignment , and prices
of American lumber have advanced
from $3 to $6 per 1,000 feet In the last
two years. The tariff on Canadian
lumber threw open the New England
markets to western lumbermen and
prices advanced. At the same time
new markets In Europe were opened
to American lumber and prices ad
vanced there. These facts tell their
own story Chicago Inter Ocean.
A consular report to the state de
partment contains some Interesting
facts about a new French drink called
"Piquette. " It Is brewed from low-
grade American dried apples , includ
ing skins , cores , worms , etc. , together
with raisins , and as the brew acquires
through fermentation just enough of
alcohol to give it a piquant taste , but
not enough to intoxicate the drinker ,
it Is becoming very popular among
Frenchmen. Last year they drank
60,000,009 gallons of Piquette at 2 cents
a glass.
It is said that the French people
have taken kindly to the new tipple ,
because of the vast amount of adulter
ation practiced in the production ot
cheap French clarets , and that Piq
uette , being too cheap to be adulter
ated , is steadily growing In favor.
Frenchmen do not like to be poisoned
In their drink. It is only Americans
who persist in preferring deleterious ,
decoctions bearing foreign labels to "
the pure and wholesome wines of
American makes. They would rather
drink foieign stuff , real or alleged ,
drugs and all , than patronize a perfect
ly honest and in all ways a better arti
cle made in America. Some day Amer
ican wine drinkers will wake up to the
folly of this sort of thing.
What Alia McI.ciiDBborn ?
There is prosperity in the country ,
but unfortunately it is confined to the
men with money. Those without it
have seldom , as a whole , been worse
off. Even If they are employed the
cost of living is great , so dlspropor-
tloned to the scale of wages paid that
they find It almost impossible to make
ends meet. These men begin to anx
iously ask what is to become of them.
McLeansboro Times.
We are sorry to hear that the labor
ing men of McLeansboro are in such a
condition. Here in Beuton they have
work and seem happy and contented.
In fact , it is hard to get hands when
you want something done. This'same
report comes from almost every lo
cality in the state , and wo can't see
what Is the matter with McLeansboro.
We are Inclined to think that the only
thing the matter is that Brother Dan
iels needs a dose of paregoric. Pos
sibly he Is vexed at having to change a
five or ten dollar bill every time a
farmer pays his subscription. Benton
(111. ( ) Republican.
Free Trudu nnil Protection.
Under free trade the masses must
get poorer , because they get less em
ployment. If our protective system Is
so terrible , and their free-trade system
so beneficial , why do foreigners flock
hero in such numbers ? How many ot
them return to their free country ?
Did workingmen ever emigrate to a
free-trade country ? Where are the
best markets In the world ? Where the
people have the most money to spend.
Sir Robert Peel was not a protection
ist when he uttered the words that
England must make her people work
cheaper , If they controlled the markets
of the world , than the laboring people
of the country where they sold their
goods. He was the free-trade leader
of England , but was manly enough to
acquaint the English people of what
they had to contend with before they
made the leap to a policy which has
proven disastrous to them. American
Has I.tut Us Charm ,
Col. Bryan , like the funny man on
the American stage , makes "local
hits. " When ho Is In the east , the
heart of America's commercial life , ho
lets silver alone and talks on some
thing more to the eastern taste. When
In the south among his silver-
plated followers , he talks free silver.
In the west he used to whang away
on this one "silver string , " but the
prosperity of the west under a pro- (
tectlvo tariff and a gold standard ha9 r *
caused the silver tune to lose Us
charm for the westerners. Tiffin ( O. )