Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 16, 1899, Image 1

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The Five Senses
Tlio hearing cnr ministers largely to the
mental nntnrc. Its chief clmrm IB that It
waits upon tlio soul with "iifiweot concord
of founds. "
The scnfo ot smell stniiils n step lower ,
divided ahout equally , In ministering to
the physical aril aesthetic , In man.
The sense of feeling U Blill tower. The
nerves of rensntlon are Its fingers ; throtich
them ia fulfilled lt function of handling
nnil fcflilorilng the more materials of
Taste is tlio Imiublcelamong the senses.
Its ministrations arc ilcvotisil , primarily ,
ta the body. ' 1 hellrctnnn tlmt feeds the
onclnc of thu pnyeloal eyi-tcm.
ylMnn U the noblest of our ecnscs. It
picaiileB over the nctlvlli-n of the loWr
l fnculllo.o , nnd triuisccnds them In the
rc/ich of itpower. .
Yi I this must Important of nil PCIISII ? ,
IH llio most nlniBCd. Tbo teeth , thu noco ,
Iho L'lirs.dll rtcelve line ntlcntlnn upon
thu cMxhtCBt notot f warning ; \vhllu shootIng -
Ing pains and dull ( ichcs , In and around
the eyes nature's warnings uro allowed
logo unheeded , \vhllo perhaps perfectly
fitted Rlaescs viould relieve present
trouble and rave futnru regret.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Olllce over ' Hycraon's grocery. Realy
Oenco ( Uu'boueo west of Baptist cliurch.
' Lunch Counter ,
Ed. Wlalloy , Prop'r.
All kinds of soft drinks. Best
brand of cigars. 1st building cast
of Farmers' bank.
C. \ \ . HEAL. A. P. SMITH.
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt attention clvon to collections and real
1 cbtuto. Olllco orer First National Hank.
Ilroken How , - NchrasUa.
I ) T. W. Bass ,
All work u'rst class. Rooms on 2d
floor , norlbwest corner Realty
. block , Broken Bow , Nebr.
R. B. Mullins
. , . . ,
Physician and - Surgeon ,
Residence first ho-jeo wrst of McComas' drug
btoro. ' Oillce In the Myers but'dlni ; us soon us
How , - Nchrnska ,
A Sure Sign of Croup.
Hoarsncss In a child IB subject to
croup IB R euro Indication of the np-
pruncti of the dlspnee. H Clmmberliu'd
Cough Remedy IB given ns ? eon ns the
child becomes hoareo , or oven after the
eroupy cough has appcurd ; It will pre
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have oroupy children hUva > n keep thin
remedy t hand nnd find Iliac it PUVCP
them much trouble and worry. It can
nlvvayo be depended upon nnd it IB
pleasant to take. For sule by nil drug-
From New Zealand.
] C < ! < fton , New Zealand , Nov. 23 ,
1 am very pleaa-d to slno thnt sirc.i 1
took thu ngeucy of Cbiirubi'rliaii'f
metllclni'S thu fiilo h/ia / biumory larce ,
more ogpuj ally of thu Cough Kemecly.
In two yours 1 h&vo Bold more of this
particular remedy than of all other
nuk a ( or the prevlmn llvo yrara. A.
to Its efllcncy , I nave ' been informed by
pcorcn of persons' the good results
they have received from It , nud know its
viiliio from the usn of it In my own
household. It is si pleaflfnt to take
that > va have to phiue tlio hottlo beyort ;
tlio reach of the children' for sale by
nil Druggists.
The nurhngton vailroiul la Ulking of
oonducti' g u special chicken train
oncu u month. Tney &l ould I'RVO ' n
coachlu tliti renr and an engin to
pu let. CHlbiTBton , Neb
The Best Plaster.
A piece of lUnuel dampened will
Chtnborliau'a Fnin Balm nod bound to
the effected parts is superior to any
plaator. When trouble with a pain It
the chest or Bide , or a lainu back , give 1
A trl * | * You nre cnrtnln to bo mor
ilmn pleased with the prompt relic
whic'i it ellords. Pain Halm in also ft
curtain cure (01 rheumatism. Fur sal
by nil druggists ,
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
Edwin F. Myers does gun ro
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber C'o.
For first-claps job work oall on
I ho RKPUMUCAN office.
Cbns. Rector , of Green , was a
city visitor ycstnrday ,
See otir line of salt and driul
fish. Douglas & Birnoy.
Call on 0. P. Perloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine.
llcinz's first grade minoo moat ir
bulk at Douglas & Birnoy's.
Try ft package of Magic Carpet
Cleaner at W. J. Woods' store.
Jas. Chittick , of Etna , is in the
city attending oourt as a witness.
A barrel of Duffy's pure apple1
juice on tap at Douglas & Birnoy's.
Hey Wirt and wife , of Carlo ,
came up Tu cday to spend a few
Ross Piokott came up from Cen
tral City to vote , returning the
next day.
"Go'dcn Brand" is the leading in
vegetables L ml preserves at Douglas
& Birnoj's.
A complete line of Huintz's prc-
HO'-VCS in bulk , now goodc , at
Douglas & Birnoy's ,
Get ready to re-elect William
Mt'Kinley rext year with iho big
gest majority of modern timis
Buy your fancy articles for Christ
mss from the ladies of the Presby
terian church about December 1st.
Top cash price paid for all kinds
of poultry at my elevator at all
times. tf. II. II. WIKT ,
Ed Myers and N. Ghotn bavo got ;
themselves nicely located in their
now quarters in their new buildings.
Thanksgiving will bo beld tbia
year on Nov. 30. ' .The American
people bavo mucb to bo thankful
Tba Farmers Bank bas treated
itself to a new side walk of regula
tion width , wbicb is very muob
appreciated by ibo pedestrian.
A number of citizens of Wester-
villo and vicinity , were in tbo city
ycstordoy as witness in tbo case of
ibo state against Dr. MoArtbur.
All kinds of hair work donX"1iy
Mrs. R J. Bullock at John "Cross' ,
six blocks south of U o public
qunro. ' Lessons giveXalso. 2213
S. D. Butcher Jjns selected men
rom every post office in the county'
o write , but this/excludes no'one
rom competing/for the promiuru.
II. II. Wirtas
cisco , with a < pr lojfd of
ilis son RoyofCario ,
after bis busirubB/boranile li i
ono. '
Dr R. BMulline , of Bro 'n Bow ,
arrived inhering last overling. He
jontemplateH locatiiuj-horo for tbo
lraotico f his prolession. Goring
Jourie/ . /
FarTns f of sale and lands for rent.
ow is tbo time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly , J.G.Brenizer.
C. C. Washburn Relief Corps
will bold a fair commencing
Thanksgiving day. Place of bolding -
ing the fair will bo given later.
Every body will bo invited to help
make it a succes ? .
A. W. Drake ( lie second hand
man is now Incited o i the west
de of public square , and having
bought out another stock of goods ,
consisting of quconswaro , glassware ,
cutlery and furniture , ho will sell at
unheard of prices for tbnty days
Call and see him and got prices
before you buy.
J. M. CarrcKH and family , lolt
Monddy morning for Indiana ,
where Mr. Carrcss will c-nter into
work for the Sunday School union
a ? Sunday school missionary , llo
has been engaged in similar work
in tlio state for several years and S *
given the woik in Indianna at a.i
increased salary.
Evangelist M. L Evortt , of Iowa
is conducting a series of meuU
ings i'i the Baptist church of this
city. Ho is an able and logioal
speaker and most excellent singer.
Quite an interest is already being
maninfestcd. All Christian work.
crs are cordially invited to attend 1
and help the good work along.
Bring your guns and revolvers , to
Jas. Nance for ropaus.
R. E. Williams of Lodi waa a
city visitor on Friday.
Bring your poultry to Tierney
Bros 1 , for the holiday trade.
C. T. Loach of Weutorvillo called
on Friday while in tbo city.
Quality &nd purity is our watch
word. Douglas 4k IJirnoy's ,
All work guarnteed and prices
reasonable done by James Nance.
Our teas highest in quality ,
lowest in price. Douglas & B's ,
Our KalilT Mooha and Java oolioo
is tbo best at Douglas & Birnoy's.
All kinds of byuiclo reparing ,
frame work especially , by Jas.
Nance north of the postoffico.
Sewing niacbineH cleaned and
repaired , second door north of
poatoffico. tf. JAS. NANCK.
Tiernoy Bros , want a thousand
turkeys for tbo holidaja. They
will pay the highest market price.
J. G. Lewis and Avalo Vannico
came up from Grand Island , where
lliey are attending' college , laat
Saturday week and remained over
Tuesday to vote.
Warren Lang of the west table
made this office a friendly call on
Saturday , lie says the corn in bis
locality is yielding from 38 to 35
bushels to the aero.
The Magio Carpet Cleaner will
clean that soiled carpet without any
bard work , and while on tbo floor ,
and restore- the color. For sale at
W. J. Woods' furniture store. 31
Leslie McWilliams , who is now
engaged with tbo B. & M. bridge
gang , came homo to vote on Tues
day of last week. Ho returned to
work the next day.
The Bjblo day entertainment given
by I tbo Baptist Sunday school Sun
day night was quite a successful
affair. Tbo program which consis
ted in songs and rooitationa was
ivell rendered.
Judge Wall of Loup city , is
looking after the intoresta of JsU'
clients in the district court here
this woik. The Judge iaXone of
ibo best lawyers in Mio twelth
judicial district.
Andrew Johnsotf ono of the
early settlets o * Cuater oonnly ,
baa disposed .o7 his interests near
wyju ana will leave today
for Hatnjrton , Hamilton county
Ntbr. , w/tfere bo will locate.
jT '
Naifce is/hereby given that the
Bro-Ren Bow Political Equality
Ofub will meet at the homo of
Mrs. Frank Y * irng , Saturday , Nov.
18 , US rill , ati-3'o'olock p. m.
, XMB8. F. TOUNQ , Pros.
, . -Mfis/E. TAYLOU , Reo. Sec.
( Church of Christ , November 19 :
P/oaohing at 11 a , m. ; subject ,
"Too Busy to Obey the King : " 7:30 :
p hi , "Christ as King" ( third of a
series on Christ ) , Bible school 10
a. m , C. E 0:30 p. m. All am
cordially invited. T. B. McDon
ald , pastor.
P. R. Stradley and family loft
Sunday night on a visit to Ashland ,
Oregon , whore they will spend the
winter. Mr. Stradley ordered the
REPUBLICAN to follow him to hie
now addnsa while gone , sent in the
name of bis brother in 'aw , L. S.
Trefrena former Broken Bow man
The case , of the state against A.
J. MoArthur , of Wcslorvillo , who
was cjiarged with silling whiskey
illegally was tired by a jury Tucs
day evening and Wednesday. The
attorneys in the case were L. E.
KirkpalrK < k for the state and Judge
Wall and C. L. Gutterson for the
defence. The jury brought in a
verdict after being out a short linn
of guilty of seven of the twcnty-
uino oountB pleaded against him
Tbo defendant gave notice of an
appeal to the supreme court.
The case of the state against
Simon Young , jr. , of Lomax who
was brought up on the charge of an
assault , with an attemped rape upoi
the person of Anna Simonspn , the
fourteen year old daughter of Neils
Sunonuon near Lomax was trice
Monday by a jury , Judge Sullivan
presiding. Th attorneys in the
case were , L E. Kirkpatrick nm *
J. C. Taylor for the state and C. L
Gutterson and J. R. Dean for the
dofundent. The case went to
the jury about 10 o'clock p.m. am
after two hours deliberation
brought in a verdict of an assaul
only. Tuesday afternoon th
Judge Sentenced the accused to 00
days in the oounty jail.
J. C. Porter , of Ansloy , was in
ho city yesterday attending court ,
0. D. Konkle and H. W. Albert ,
of Woiaaort , were in tbo city Tues
Misses M. Frey and R. Wrtkius
iavo put in a hospital in North
R. E. Broga and J. C. Nay lor , of
Caltaw&y , are hero attending court
his week
J. S. Kirkpatrick , of Lincoln ,
waa in the city attending court
yesterday and day buforo.
Fresl' homemade broad for sale
at Fa.mcr's Restaurant , third door
lorUi of post office , Broken Bow ,
The ladies of the Presbyterian
uhurch will give a crazy tea on tbo
iflonioon and evening of December
Oth. The plaoo wharo it will oo
icld will bo given later ,
Judge Grimes of North Platte
was re-elt > oted judge of the 13th
Indicia ! district by n majority of
1,052 He carried every county in
thu district but Perkins and that
only gave 32 against him.
All interested in the young pee
ilu'rt work aru invited ( o meet at
, he U. B. church Sunday evening
at 0t0 ; ! p. m. to assist in organiz
ng a Young Puoplu'tt eouioty.
'reaching : vt the usu U hours.
The condition of Senator Hoy-
ward is very critical and his pby.
tfician entertrins no hopes of bis re
covery. His ailment ia similar to
the stroke of apoplexy that pros-
rated him at Brownville last spring.
Will Osborno , late Lieutenant of
Co. L of First Nebr. , has put 11 a
ukiry , complete , on the west
side ot tbo public square. Mr. Os-
) orno's outfit is complete and he ia
irepared to furuish the public not
> nly fresh bread ol thu best quality. .
> tit everything : n his lino. Ho
solicits a liberal aharo of the publio
> atrouago.
' One thing the American people
should bo thankful for above others
i3 ,1rloK'-t-nf"'tlio ' lare election is
tut btuinoss will not bo greatly
disturbed through fear of Bryan's
lection next fall. A continuation
of the present administration for
uothcr four years is now practically
sRurud , wbich is sufficient to keep
ur money in circulation.
Tbe ladies of tbo M. E. church
vi'l ' give a Myatory Tea at the
mine of Mr. and Mrs. Eastham iu
bo north part of the city on Fri
ay evening , the 24th. The menu
* tven at the tea will bo aa follows :
I product of tbo desert , a gift of the
gods crushed cereal ; sour nusto-
ancc , very palo ale solidified sac
harine ; toothsome lid bite , a little
ido diah for Russian revel ? ; an
Oriental square an after dinner
lolioaoy. Everybody invited to
omo Mrs. McCaudloss , Secy.
The case of the state against
fohn MoMahan , on the charge of
bastardy , on complaint of Anna
Icuuis , of Litohliekl occupied the
attention of thn court yesterday
afternoon and evening. The crime
a alledged to have boon commitod
n December 1807 , since which
imo the defendant had married a
; irl on the west table , and alao has
i child by her. The defendant
douicd the charges m ulo against
lira , but the complaing witness
produced letters from him written
after hsr child waa born , that to
say the least , placed the defendant
in very cmbaraeaing condition , Attorneys -
tornoys J. R. Doan and C. L
Giittorson appeared for the defend
ant while Judgj Wall and L. E.
Kirkpatrick appeared for the pies
eoutorfl. The vord'ut of the jur )
found him guilty.
Mr and Mrs.O. II Movis entertain
ed their friend * at the Grand Centa
Hotel lor dinner at 8 ! )0 ) on Wedties
day evening. ChryRanthonuma
were used profusely iu decorating
the largo dining hall and tbo table
was arranged as a cross with a large
magnificent vase an a center piece
Flowers were thrown carelessly ovok
the beautiful white linen , causing
very pleasing effect. The favors
had menu hand painted in gold m
the corner and aii appropriate verso
from Shakespore upon tbo back
Ono card road , "A L'east lit for the
God. " It waa more. Course afto
course were served rapidly and amu
merry-making and toaata. Tbi
occasion was ono of the moat inter
esting of tbo season and Mr. am
Mrs. Mevia are to bo congratul to (
upon their success as entertainers
May such another "Feast for th
Gods" happen frequently.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
| Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the prcstntdiy.
ROYAl BAKIN8 f OWMB CO. , MW YO < 1 > \ .
To the Public.
Our biography books were burned ,
containing 1,500 biographies , which
CUD only bo obtained in time for
Hiblioatinn in our book , by Bonding
by mail to Broken Bow at once ,
letter , answering the following
mentions : Bom where ? - When ?
- Father's name ? - Martiod ,
when ? - Whcro ? - To whom ?
- Who was born when ? -
Where ? - Fathor'n natuo ? -
low miny ohildrnn ? - Their
lomca ? - Cfimo to county when ?
- Located whore ? . , - Aboui
tow many copies will you want ?
Jess Gaudy baa at all timea on
UH much , nix tnilcu southwest of
broken Bow Stock oattlu foi Halo.
POIIUB madopn application If
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinda
of bard and soft coal , and BOO if
boy do not merit snob favors in
quality , weights and price. s28-4t
Memorial Services.
Memorial services will bo bold at
tbo M. E cburob Sunday , Novom-
jor 19 , at 2 o'clock p. m , , by tbo
. A. It. post of Broken Bow for
deceased comrade , A. B. Maxwell ,
J. C. Roynor , Marcus Hey nor and
G. W. Froy. Tbo frienda and
niblio are invited. JOHN Ituttttu ,
I. W. BUUCK , Adj. Com.
For Rent
A. well improved farm uoar town.
Jonio early. JAMEH Licmviou.
A Now llakcry.
I bavo-juat put in a now baknry
omploto witb tbo latest improve
ments and solicit public patronage
JVosh broad , pieH and cakesaBpooi-
Ity. To Bot'ure frosb bread or
lastry instead o < ordering of your
jrooeryman order direct from me
and I will deliver to your grocery-
nan. So it will bo delivered with
your order for groceries. AH ord-
ara attended to promptly. Con-
ootionarios also kept in utook. Call
tnd leave your orders on west side
of fquare or telephone No. 126.
Agricultural Satiety Meeting.
Tbo Custor County Agricultural
Society beld its annual meeting in
live oOiuo of I. A. Reneau on Tuorf
day afteruaon and elected tbo fol-
owing officers : President , J. O.
J'ayloi ; vice-president , I. A. Ren
eau ; secretary , E. R. Ptircell ; trcas
uror , A. R. Humphrey ; directors ,
Walt George , Dr. Ilanna and H.
LOIIBX for Uirce years.
Letter List.
Following in tbo dead letter Us'
for week ending Nov. 14 , 1800 :
Mr. Win. Hulnrloh (4) ) J. I'1. Itureguia
Mien Lulu If liiuloraon Mrs , Urdu Hadloy
M , K. Cowan Jag. Ford ( curd ) Hurlburt I. . I' . Ml oy
A. L. iHiinon J. I.UCHB
T A. Moil MlM Ktliol J Mitchell
Mm. Ud Miller Mrs. Llz/.le Miller
K. I' . Merrill ( card ) H. E. Norton
Mni < oa I'eaco.'k I. I. . .Sniillimayilu
H oioarBhedd < l. W. Tliouipinn
Ham'l Warring.
Parties calling for 'bo above
ploabo say adverted.
Estruy Notice.
Notice is bereby given tbat 1
have taken up a red heifer one year
old , ot my place of residence sixteen
miles north and two miles east o
Broken Bow. Tbo owner is requested
ted to prove property and pay cost.
Walwortb Nobr.
Just Keuicmbcr
That W. D. Grant does all kinds
of repair work , and is tbo only gun
smith in Broken Bow. Bring in
jour guns , revolver * , sowing ma-
' uhiuort , locks , gasoline stoves , -and
'in fact anything tbat needs repair
ing , and bo cando it for you , Also
tin rooQng and roof repairing. 4t
A Wife Says :
"We have four children. With the flrtt
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours , and had to be placed trader
the influence of chloroform. I used three
bottles of Moihtf's Friend before our last
child came , which
is a strong , fat and
healthy boy , doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth , and suffered -
fered but a few hard
pains. This lini
ment is the "grand-/ /
est remedy ever
made. "
will do for every woman what it did for th *
Minnesota mother who writes the above Ut
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother's Friend equips the patient with *
strong body and clear intellect , which la
turn are imparted to the child. It rdasa
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness *
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour , so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless. Dan
ger of riling or hard breasts is altogether
avoided , and recovery Is merely a matter ol
a few days.
Drugglt icll Mother's Friend for Si bottle.
The Dradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Otnd lot our fret Illustrated book.
Equality , Economy , Security.
1 ha true toil fur Life Insnranco Is
ttfij found In Ibo Equity of tbo Contract ,
. * .V the Economy of Management , and the
Security ( or the Payment.
Bankers Life Association , Ire
| BOB wtolao * , low * .
f KDWAIUI A. Tmi'Lt , President.
; Organized July lit , 1870.
} Guaranty Fond for safety. gfi
J Hnrplos Vanil ( or protection. 5tf
| [ Suporvliod by 3.COO depository baukW "
lea deposited with the state 5 |
Jsecnrl . jn !
ti. Coniervatlve methods. ' fj
' 4 < Preferred Him -Low Rates. ji
* * ' | < iu rtorly Payments. ' ffl
' rJ ? ( For rftlos end ( all InformBtlon , call ? ) j
2 on or Address | K
I J , A , HARRIS ,
{ iu Agent for Ouster County , Neb
' ( ' ' . Offlco at Farmers lltnlc of Caster
| Cocnty , Ilrokon Bow , Veb.
The Eirat National Bank of
Broken Bow , located at Broken
Bow , in the state of Nebraska , .ia
closing up its affaire. All note
lioblors and others , creditors of
said aHHOomtionftro therefore hereby
notitied to present the notea and
other claims against the association
for payment. Dated Oct 23d , 1800.
oo' 2018 H. G. ROOKHS , Cashier.
Cattle For Sale.
Ono thousand head of one , two
and three year.old steers alpo eight
hundred bead of stock oattlo. For
particulars enquire ofV. . C. Greg
ory , tf.
Those who subdcribjd , of Mrs.
Edholmo for this bok : : , at thu M. E.
Conference can get tbo books , by
calling on Rev. Ilornaday for them.
If you can't rent a house wo off or
the following : 5 or 0 room house on
Broadway , $000.00 ; a two story
ten room house , large barn for $1000
Five room house beat location
north side , $0&0.00. A small three
room house $250 00. ID vacant
property wo offer two lots on Broad
way , at $100.00 each. An entire
block Eoutb west of aoutbaido school
building , 1500 , or any quarter of
same at $150. Four good residence
lots in southwest part of town at
$200 , only $50 each. Two lots in
Rcynor's addition at $10 each. An
entire biotk of ground north of
Currie reaidenoo.