Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 02, 1899, Image 4

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( ffo , Republican
Published every TtmricUy nt the Connty Best.
JWOIUco In Cuetcr Illock ,
.Entered nttho poetofllco at Ilrokon Dow , Not ) .
nt second class maltor , for trnuimlstlon throng )
tuo U. B. malls. _
Ono TOM , In advance . IUOO
" " " "
x "TUUKBDAY , NOV. 2. isoo"
Ntntc Ticlcct ,
For Jndgo of tlio Htipromo Court ,
M. H , KKKBK ,
Of Lincoln ,
For IttgebU ,
Of Omnha ,
ln. Wu. Jl. ELY ,
Of Alniwortlii
For Congress ,
Of O'Neill.
Judicial Tlcuet.
Vor Judge of 12th Judicial District ,
V. (1. HAMIilt ,
Of Kearney ,
County Ticket.
Vat County Treasurer ,
For Sheriff ,
Cni > t.V. O.TALUOTT.
Vet Coucty Clerk ,
for Work of Dlst. Court ,
Lieut. II. F. KENNEDY.
VOT County Judge ,
J. A. AltMOUK ,
1'or County Superintendent ,
tor County Snrvoyur ,
For County Coroner ,
Dr. II. V. DAVIE9.
HupcrvlHor Wicket.
For Supervisor 2d District ,
For BupurtJsur-Jill District ,
For Supervisor of Cth DlHtrlct ,
Of Cuitor.
TowtiBlilp Ticket.
Clcrlf ,
W. W , COWLE3.
Treasurer ,
Justice ! of tbu Pence ,
For Atecsior ,
Conitnblcs ,
Road Overseers ,
Diet. No. 1. CI1AS. DAVIS.
Dlst No. 2 , J. U. KKNOYKU.
Diet. No. 3 , JOHN 1IOY012.
Dlst. No. 4 , I. N. 1'KltSUALL.
DIM. No. 6 , F.H. ARTHUR.
Diet. No. 0 , O. E. CAinVKLL.
Dlst. No. 7 , 0. T. WRIQUT.
City Ticket.
For justices of tbo Peace ,
For Assessor.
For Conttablo ,
Theory of calamity seems to
have lost its cunning.
Take your choice. Its a vote f r
Mc'Kinloy and your own govern *
mont or a vote for Aguinaldo and
his supporters.
Republicans , got to the polls curly
next Tuesday , and see that all who
believe in sustaining the present
administration , and the continuation
of the present good times , are there
before the polls close. Vote the
republican ticket straight , and you
will never regret it.
When you go to the polls remem
ber that Horace F. Kennedy served
you your country faithful and well
as a soldier. Ho became incapoita-
ted for 'khard labor by reason of a
bullet wound in battle. Ho was
your substitute then , will you go
baok on him now ?
When you vote for F. E , Van.
Antwerp for surveyor , you will
have the oonpoliUion that ho is
neither a crank nor a fanatic , yet a
first-class citizen and a thoroughly
competent civil engineer , Whore
ho is known best , in the southwest
part of the county , ho will got his
best vote.
The old soldiers of Ouster county
who know that Eli Armstrong , the
pop candidate for sheriff , absolutely
refused to play with the band on
decoration , at Westorvillo throe
years ago , when they sought to
honor their dead oomrada by strew
ing flowers on their graves , will
cot break their nocks when they go
to the polls Tuesday to vote for
him. If any one doubt that ho
did , write Mr. LoSorvo , an old sold
ier of Wostorvillo.
The populist speakers Boem to
have had a very hard road to travel
this campaign , The voters do not
attend their meetings in largo
numbers and when they do they
have frequently been opposed by
their own parties , Several instances
have boon reported where only 4' 0 ,
10 , or 1C were present. Then at
West union , Wester1 ? ille , Milburn ,
Dale and a Dumber of school houses
their own people bavo publicity
opposed the speakers and in some
instances gave their reasons why
they could not longer support the
pop ticket.
Caution to Voters.
In marking your ticket , do not bo misled by the words "Silver
Republican. " Thoao words nro only intended to deceive. Sean your
ticket carefully , and put the cross only opposite the word "Republican , ' '
whore it stands nlono. The silver republican is n fuaionist. As will bo
noticed from the following , which is copied from the sample ballot , the
word Republic , following the republican candidates , is sot back from
the square in which you should place your X as far ns possible :
( Peoples Independent , ]
Silver Republican. j
MOSES P. KINKA1D Hopulicfui ,
Remember you cannot vote a straight party ticket by making ono X
at top of ticket an you did last year. You must make your X opposite
each name you want to vote for. Got a sample ballot before you vot0 >
and study it until you BOO exactly whore your X'H should ba made ,
Walt George is the people's
choice for county treasurer , Ho is
a farmer and stookraisor , end his
sympathies are with the farmers , as
ho is ono of them , while his com *
potitor is a merchant at Call away.
Then George is a thorough busines
man and a good accountant , which
makes him the ideal candidate , and
assures his election.
If Fred CummingH should hap
pen to bo elected , a thing of whioh
there is not a ghost of show ho
would have no raorq use for that
Scotch cap of his that ho is wearing
in this campaign ; his head would bo
so swollen that a largo sized wash
tub could hardly pass down , over it-
Ho is afflicted anyway with a bad
case of ohronio swell head.
Do Not Bet.
Republicans do not bet on elec
tion it is a violation ot law , besides
it is a scheme of the pops to got as
many bets as poesialbo and then
have you challenged at the polls
for betting on olootinn and thus
knock you out of your vote. Do
not bo caught. The opposition ia
getting desperate.
Wo have hoard hundreds of pops
swear they would never go into the
demooratio party. Nojthey just
wouldont bo led therol How is it
now , Mr. pop ? are you going ?
Where a former [ republican of the
pop party gooa baok into the repub
lican party , you call him traitor ,
but former democrats can lug the
\tholo party into democracy and it
is all right.
V. 0. Talbot having boon raised
on a homestead in Custor county ,
until nearly grown , \vhero ho on.
gaged in farming for his father ho
knows the trials of the early settler
and the hardships of farm jUfo. It
is for this reason that the farmer
has his dyiuathy and approoiation.
Besides his father having baen a
soldier in the civil war and ho
himself a sodlior in the Spanish
Amoroian War the old noldior has
in him a warn friend * The same
can not be said of his opponent as
the facts arc very different.
Notwithstanding the dire predic
tions of Bryan , in 1800 the , impor
tations in the past two yoara
amount to 8205 , 300,020. loss than
those of the last twenty four months
under the Wilson law , whioh added
that much to the manufacturing
intersts of the united states , while
the Dingloy law yielded to the uni
ted states $40,050,705 raoro i rove *
nuo } in the first two years than
did the Wilson law , in the
same length of time. Yet there arc
editors and spekors who denounce
a protooiYo tariff.
Judge Sullivan begins to show
evidence of great mental distress
from the painful experiences ho has
in listening to the incipient Domoe-
thonoaos and Wohstors , who belabor
their audienooB , Just aa soon
as a pop gets a nominrtion
ho thinks ho is also "called" to bean
an orator and to save the country.
It is reported that Orr , Osborno ,
OummingB , Armstrong and Sohnor-
ingor are making aomo inightyjhefty
speeches , Lester ought to Ir'ro
another stenographer to take down
these speeches. However Lester
don't know just whore he's at since
Mr. Pigman used him up in debate ,
Lester should see Si at once and
find out what to say.
Claria Talbot , the popular young
man who is running foi sheriff en
the republican ticket , is making
friends every day among tl e
people. Captain Talbot ia not life
infant the pop papers represent Irm
to bo , and if elected sheriff ho will
make the best officer the county
bos had sinoo Charles Peun made
Ouster county a warm plaoo for evil
doers. Courier ,
Judge Armour's record the past
two years as county judge , has been
highly satisfactory. Even the pop
oounty attorney has taken most of
his oases before' him whioh could
just as well have been tried by a
justice ot the peace. This alonu is
an evidence that Judge Armour is
not a partisan on the bench , and
that fair , honorable treatment is
given nliko to all who como before
him ,
Look out for Ballot Frauds.
The pops state three men who
engineered the imfamoua recount
fraud-iu 1897 jiro in absolute control
of the popooratio machinery. It is
bolived they have planed to follow
their old practise , Word baa gone ,
out that two or three votes'must1 bo
gained in eaoh/'preoinot by any
moans , Will theyinstruct the p"bp
clerks of election to gain that num
ber of votes by tallying a republi
can vote opposite a pop and , then
make the republican clerk come to
bis tally. See to it in every poll
ing places that the vote is fair and
the talloy is honest. All wo ask
is justice. ' That will elect our state
and oounty ticket.
When Bryan urged the democrats
and populists of the U. S. senate to
approve the treaty of peace with
spain ho then and there committed
himself and all his followers to all
the conditions of that treaty. That
treaty made the Philipioo islands
part of-the United states possess
ions and when it booamo part of the
United states that moment Again *
aldo booamo traitor and an insur
gent. For Bryan or any American
citizen now to condom the war is to
give aid and oonfort to our enemies
in war. In short it ia treason.
Bryans atituda has forfitod , all
the allegiance of persons or party
that may over have boon duo him.
It would bo an insult to our soldiers ,
our nations'history and our flag to
longer give aid or oonfort to snob
follows ,
The Nebraska Blizzard , non par
tisan , says ; "Tho ropulioans nominu
nI. B. Reese for Supreme 'Judge.
Mr. Reese has boon on the supreme
bench before and was turned down
by the machine ropdhlioans because
ho was a clean and ant-machine man
The better. eloraout of the republi
can party seems .to bo in the sadlo
and are putting the best iuou for *
ward , Mr. Reese will give Mr.Hol-
oomb a hot chase and if elected will
do honor to himself and the party
that nominated him , "
The eun ot popocrats U setting ,
And the ere Is drawing nigh ,
When a llood of votes will cover
All iho hopes of "ellppery SI. "
Chill will bo November's weather ,
MnrhT clouds bedtra the ky ,
When the people' * wrath rolls over
All the hopes ot "Slippery.SI. . "
liryan cornea , tbo "great rear cnJer , "
Making snap shot * on tlio lly ,
Shouting , "Uoye for my sake rally. "
My hopoa are All lu "Slippery Bl , "
"Steep the bill , and long tbe road It , "
Dull team , llry .n , prop And pry
Can't avail. They're stuck and sinking ,
Bryan's lost , with "Slippery SI. "
Vanishes the "ihree > tcnt circus , "
Oouo tlio wall of woe and cry ;
Hurled with the toads and dalMos.
Ury n leep with' "Slippery HI , "
Some of the pops of West tinbn
prooinot suggest that Judge
Aimour accept Cnmmings chall
enge for [ debate and give Freddie
all the time. They say no surer
way could bo devised to defeat
Fred. Those who have overheard
Fred practising in the canyoas , say
ho makes things sulphurous. It
don't seem that any ordinary man
like Judge Armour would do Fred
justice , May bo John M. Thurston
could bo induced to tackle him *
It will ho a loss to the world that
oan never bo ropaicd if Cummings
speeches are left to ooho unheard
in the canyons of West union prc-
oinct , His fund of knowledge
must bo a vortitablo klnndiko of
politioal wisdom.
Informed pops openly admit that
their party can not srrvivo. They
realize that it is being swallowed by
democracy. The only excuse now
in keeping up thn pop organization
is to fool the honest voters who still
hope in their party and rofuoo to go
bodily into the "whales belly" . It
has been predicted for years , by
honest pops that fusion would kill
the party but these prophets have
been politically stoned till the
party is about dofunct. Just the
same lorcesB that destroyed the old
"Greenback Autimonopoly Party"
unless there IB a vigurous protest
at the polls , this fall will witness
the end of the pop party When
are these "Sacred Principles" to
go ?
Horace Kennedy , our candidate
for clerk cf diptrict court , 'in spite
of the mud that IB being thrown at
him by the opposition , is growing
stronger as the campaign advances.
IIo is a soldier who Ins been in
capacitated for hard work by a
wound receivad in defense of the
flag. His opponent , Orr , Jis also a
soldier , but did not pass through
the hardships that foil to the lot of
Kennedy. Besides this , Orr has
laid a good long pull at the public
crib in the capacity of deputy
sheriff , a positionin ! which > bo dis
tinguished himself on but one
occasion , this is * when ho allowed a
criminal prisioner > to walk .iway
from him. in broad daylight ,
through Orrs carelessness and lack
of attention to his business.
Did you ever see 'Tumble-Bugs
rolling their ball ? They teach a
great politioal lession. You have
noticed the ball grew larger and
argor so long as it rolled in dirt ,
you also noticed that it grow larger
jy t'hinga sticking to it. You
know the ball has no life of its
own , or to put it in the language of
a great statesman , it grows "By no
reason of its own" Well that is
just the way itho democratic party
jrows' It just keeps rolling over
and over , and growa by things
sticking or. to i t. It has rolled all
over the "Greenback party , ' , and
is. now rolling all over the /pop
party. Bryan , Ilolcomb and Co.
act just like old tumbling-bugs.
They ride on the ball and look wise
while the poor voters go backward
and push. This is the way Bryan
and Holoomb superintend the offi
cial eggs in the democratic ball.
Whoop-or.up. pops ! "Whoop-o-o. "
The Beacon is the mouthpicco of
the Boal-Shinn combination to got
Shinn's relative , Fred Cummings
into the county judges' toflico , is
leaving untired no disreputable
method to prejudice the voters
against Judge Armour stands in
with the gamblers and lets them
off easy whenever ho has > any of
them before him. For personal
investigation of his charge wo learn
that it is absolutely unfounded , and
every attorney in the oounty knows
it. All of the gambling casts tried
in the oounty are bought by the
oounty attorney , and they properly
oomo under the jurisdiction of the
justio of the peace. The oounty
attorney is a populist , and ho
has made a gocd record in prose
cuting gambing whiskey cases. If
Judge Armour is friendly to the
gamblers , why is it the populist
bounty attorney [ poicists in having
those cases tried before him instead
of some justice of the peace ? Lot
us sco if thu Beacon will answer
this conundrum , Courier.
Lincoln Journal : Judge M. P.
Kinknid is making a marvelous
campaign , not in speeches , red fire
and band wagons , but in results.
There never was a cleaner , more
upright polished gentleman ever
nominated for an office , As ho
goes quietly over the district , the
dignity of his character , the uprigt-
nesB of hia life and the [ modesty of
lir demeanor . each striking
contrast to the material furnished
L > y the alleged reformers that
Neville , like Cain , is crying for
mountaing to profo in their [ solemn
duly. The wiittor has known
Judge Kinkaid from the day ho
tried his first law suit to this hour ,
and in a1 ! that time there ? has
never boon a personal , social , politi
cal or business act for which any
friend had to apologize or thut an
enemy today can critioiso. In all
the desperations bon of such defeat
there is no ono solitary act connec
ted with the judge's long political
career in the state to which they
dare allude. Every actthon ,
known , strengthens him.
No pep can deny that tin pop
party has the corpration candidate
for supreme judge. Do you remem
ber , Mr.pop how the Bopcon and
all pop papers lauded Reese a few
years ago ; Yes Beal , Stookham ,
Dean , Hiatt , Painter and Webb all
were vociferous in the praise ol
Judge Reese , a very few years ago.
Pops are wodorful atblots in politi
cal somersaults ,
Were the "dear pooplo"consultcd
when the county board ordered the
1808 taxes collected , by distress war
rants ? What kind of men constitute
this board ? They are all'pops , but
one. They are the same follows
who lot off Huso Brown and Judge
by promsing to pay about ono half
of their dnbt to the county. The
pops are truly great finaciers. It
is certainly true for the rofer-end-
over-end em to bo to the pops.
The pops are becoming great ex
pounders of the ideas of Thomas
Jefferson , but wo vent.uro they know
as little about Jefferson as they seem
to know about A uinaldo- Jefferson
was'Very far at least from being a
pop * Read what Jeffersans said Oct.
28 1813 in a letter to John Adams.
"I agree with you that there is a
natural aristocracy among men. The
grounds of this are virtue and tal
ents. This natural aristocracy I
consider as the most precious gift of
nature for the instruction , the trusts
and govrumeut ot society"- How
docs the idea of virtue and talents
strike the average popocrata as a
qualification for office. Had Jeffer
son's ideas been carried out there
would not have been BO much finan
cial loss to Ouster oounty , by pop
Jesse Gandy was in a few days
ago making a roar against the Chief
for crediting him with soiling four
head of cattle , as agent when he
sold lour herds. But Jesse has no
right to kick and wo protest for
the Chief. To have acknowledged
that ho had sold four hundred cattle
in the past month , would have
been an evidence of prosperity ,
whioh would have been inconsis.
tent for both the Chief and Jesse ,
just now on the eve of election.
You Should Vole for Armour.
Ho has proved a faithful and
honest official. Ho has boon true
to the trust reposed in him. lie
baa not loft hia office , in neglect of
hia duties , to travel over the county
to persuade men to vote for him ,
but has remained at his office where
his duties demand his presence , and
for which ho was elected , lie is a
man the office sought. Ho was nomi
nated two years ago against his pro-
testb. Every unbiased voter realizes
that it is not the office seeker that
makes the best public servant ,
Judge Armour has proven it , The
Chief's suggestion that he might
hire a clerk and go on the stump at
his own expense , but proves what
their candidates would do , By
Judge Armour remaining in hie
office and attending strictly to the
duties of hia office , the receipts of
the ofii'jo will not only pay hia sal
ary , but will give $400.00 , a nice
little surplus to turn over to the
county an excess of fees. Have you
ever heard of a pop judge turning
iny fees in to the treasurer ? Last Av '
year , after paying his olork biro ,
M4.00 , the receipts of his office
only lacked $20.40 of reaching the
limit. Had the judge hired a olork ,
as the pops suggested , the money
would como out of the oxooss and
nt the coat of the county. It wan , 1
after wo stated in the REPUBLICAN '
on the 28lh of September , that
Judge Armour would not go out in
the campaign , that the pop committee - <
tee nought to make a politioal point
by issuing their challenge to him ,
to debate with Fred Cummings ,
Had they wanted to test the qualifi
cations of Armour and Cummings ,
why did they not call for a commit
tee of jurists to give them an ex
amination on questions of law ?
Simply because they know that
Cummings could not stand the tost.
Judge Armour has tried more civil
and criminal cases than any pre >
vious county judge in the same
length of time , and nearly twioo as
many probate matters have been
brought before him. Yet the only
thing the opposition brings against
him is that he has taken , in all that
array of busineee. two bad bonds , in
gambling cases , hence they say ho
is the gambler's friend. Now a
sufficient answer to this is , at .least ,
so far as the opposition is concerned ,
that the county attorney , Kirkpat-
rick , has brought every gambling
case that ho has begun , and forty-
one other criminal cases ( all that ho
has brought but four or live ) before
the judge , that might have been
begun before any justice in the
county , and there are four justices
in Broken Bow , and just as convenient -
veniont ns Judge Armour.
This shows to any fair man that
the judge has not only taken bonds ,
satisfactory to the county attorney ,
but that the attorney behoves ho
receives fair and just treatment , as
well aa a propar interpretation of
the law from the judge. If this ia
not true , the county attorney must
stand in not only with gamblers ,
but with all other criminals. In
short it is well known that the in
tended slander is entirely without
foundation , and unworthy any one's
& \VIIITIS , i rop'rt.
AH Hinds of cemetery work. Workmanship and
prices guaranteed. Shops at
I have a largo list of farms for
sale in all parts of the oounty. Low
prices and easy torma of payment.
Write for prices.
Ouster BH >
County , (
In connty court , before J. A. Armour , JudKO.
In the matter of the estate of Charlca GrlBltta
Insiino ; also lu the matter of the estiito of Charles
OrillHis , ileccnsctl. To the creditors and holra.
and to all who ro Interested lu the estate of said
Charles Orlllltta : Tnko notice that J me8 M
Kiisscll , us guunllfin mid administrator of the
aforesaid estate , Ins tied a report of his dolnca
as wich , und ntia \ that eame ho approved , ami
that ho Lo discharged from further obligation
therein , and that the connty Judge make bttoh
order as to the distribution of the assets belong
ing to said rstntoaa may seem Just and equitable :
mill to assign the dower ol xlio widow herein ,
designate tha heirs entitled ton share in said es
tate , and to grant auch other relief as m y bo
deemed necessary in the llnal settlement of usiU
fstaio. bamiraUcr has been sot for hea'inir ou
the 27th day of November , 10 o'clock a.m. .
at thu county court room , lu Uroken llow , Neb. .
at which time and place all psrt leu lnt rc ted may
appear ami bo hoard concerning the eam . after
Dated this 3Ist day of Oct. , 1899.
True Copy. J A. Ansioun , Connty Judgo.
lt"tAI-J _ novS-Uw
In the i District Court of Ouster County , Nebr.
The Reliance Trust Co. , I'lalutlfl V
v . I
George D Hutchison , Ella Ilntchlnaon , liU f
wife.W n Kiietimmnnd U B Wlly.DefondanU.J
'ihp defcndanta , Gooigo D Uutchlnson. Klla
Hiitohlnson , hia wlto.nnd 11 S Lilly , will take
? ° i llCiTmrit.SniWh ! dfty of October 18J9 ! , the
ntlll , The Rcllaucu
pin Trust Co. , filed Its i ctl-
tlou In thu district court ol Ouster county , Ne
braska. analnst George D UatoWneon. Ella
ilntohluion. MB wlfeV U Easthum and U 8
Lilly , defendant * , the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a ccrtiiln tax certificate Issued by
thu treasurer of said Ouster county , on the 25th
day of Nove.uboi , 1893. ot which tbo plaintiff l"
now the owner and holder thereof , for the sum of
59.6J , and oHerlnii tha followlm ; ueicrlbod
premises : The- south UK of lots 23 and 84. lu
block 3 , In AV Gandy'8 addition to the original
tow n of Uroken , said county , and upon which baa
been paid aubaeqncnt" tarns follows : On tha
tSthday of October , 1803. for the year 1833. thj
snm of $ l.b ; on the 1st day of August. 1891. for
the year 1693 , the sum of & .U. each of which
amounts draw SO per cent Insorcst from their res-
! ! ? cttTn.lato' > " " Pf wlllch ls du and unpaid.
I'lalntlll prays a decree of foreclosure of said
osrtltlcato and receipts and sale of said promises.
ion are required to answer eald petition on or
before Monday , tha n tn , lay of December , 1898.
IJated at Uroken How. Vebr sk . this 2Uh day of
October , 181K ) . Tru | UEUANOE Tnrj.T Co. , Pltf.
, E , ,
Attest : James StocUlmu ) , clerk.
lly J u I'aluter , Deputy ,
. , „ ,