State UUt Librarlflii Society \i \ an1 ILL VOL , XVIII. . BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 2 1890.--EIGHT PAGES , NO 20 jj Clinton Day , j , ' I'UYBICIAK AND BURGEON , | Broken Low , Neb. OIllco over llyoreon's grocery. Resly donee Otb bouao west of Baptist church. Lunch Counter , Ed. Nlnlloy , Prop'r. All kinds of soft drinks. Boat brand of oigare. 1st building east of Farmers' bank. 0.V. . HKAL. A. P. SMITH. Beal & Smith , ATTOIINKYS-AT-LAW. Prompt attention clvcn to collections and real estate. OIllco over First National Hank. Urolteu Uow , - - Nebraska. T. W. Bass , DENTIST. All work first class. Rooms on 2d iloor , northwest corner Realty block , Broken Bow , Nebr. " E. B. Mullins , Physician - and - Surgeon , Residence first lioueo wtMt ot McComas' drug ; store. Ofllco In the Myers bnlldliiK as BOOH ns completed , PJ-lJroken uow , . - Nebraska. "When the well is dry , then vro know the worth ot water , " eald Bon Franklin. When the eyesight begins to fall , or de fects Appear , then wo know the worth of glaeacB. lpranklln conferred many bless ings upon humanity , but none greater s than wlion ho Invented for Ma own cjo sj the M-focal or double glass which enables t those who have reached the eye failure j age of 38 to accomplish all work both distant and ncur , with only ono pair of s ' glasses. si i Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic College , t&KSltt&s&t&iSKimSSm : ; v.i.iriv. . j. * . VravjiWVfsWifc - 81 te W JG. . HAEBEHLE.ffS KMr ffS 1 ; . * $ : . ; # * . S' . , ' J- AH \Hni3 , CaehJer. A , r . A. J. . . . Vlco-Prce. W. D. BLACKWELL , Asa't Caohlor. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and Warrants Bought. S Pratt's Stock and Poultry Food at J. C. BOWEN'S. Lamps and Lamp Trimmings , of all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S. Knives , Forks and Spoons , all kinds , at J , 0 : BOWEN'S , We buy Poultry at J. 0. BOWEN'S. j ; Oar of Winter Apples just arrived at J. 0. BOWEN'S. Clocks , all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S. Rochester Hanging Lamps for good light , at J. C. BOWEN'S , $3 0 1 Why can Lamps be purchased for 60c on the dollar of J. C. Bowen ? A Puzzle on Clocks Why does J. C. Bowen sell Clocks at 50e on the 'dollar ' ? Because he does not want the ft jearth.A Customer. 5&i . . . V I .i. f ® xi Has a full line oi Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fmo Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob. f , Local Mention. Job printing at this office. Cannon City ooal At Dierki Lumber Co. Oall on O. P. Parley , agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaooino. Try a package of Magic Carpet Cleaner at W. J. Woods' utoro. W. J.Bryan apokc last night at the depot to a crowd of about 100 , Watch for the date of the Gold King , by the Broken Bow Dramatic Co. Mrs-Dora Keeolor of Grand Island is visiting in this vicinity with Mrs G. E. CadwelK A buggy for sale every cheap or trade for a good oaddlo. J. M. OABESS. Buy yourfanoy articles for Christ- maa from the ladies of the Presby terian church about December 1st. City and larm properly insured against fire , lightning and torna does. J. M. KrMBEBLTNG. Top cash pnoo paid for all kinds of poultry at my elevator at all times. tf. H. H. WIBT. Mrs.Georigiana Collina PhiloIHi < was visiting with her friend , MM. Celiata Grant the first of the week. We are compelled by laok of space to leave out our correspondent After thii week wo hops to be able to give them ihe naal space. S. D , Butcher has selected men from every post office in the county to write , but this excludes no one from competing for the premium book. Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all going and prices are commencing to advance rapidly. J.G.Breniior. 0. C ; Wasbburn Relief Corps will hold a fair commencing Thanksgiving day. Place of hold ing the fair will * be given later. Every body will be invited to * help mdke it a success. Meaaera Lewia & White proprie tors of the Broken Bow marble works sole a few days ago a rustic monument to R. E. Brega of Oalla- way for his mother's grave , that cost over 1100. It ii over 7 feet high. high.Lost Lost -On the streets in Broken Bow between the Racket Bloro and Gutteoraon'a , a buggy robe , blacken on one aide , green on the other. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Kennedy's barn. The following pupil * of district No. 50 , Caster Center , have boon neither absent nor tardy for the two weeks ending October 37th ; Glen Ream , Edwin Wright , Harry Wright , Ruby Baker and Lillie Baker. KBYIN POTTS , Teacher. There will be a sociable at the Baptist parsonage Friday night , of this week given by the Sunday school for the purpose of purchas ing a library. A program has been arrange , besides refreshments will be served. The public is , mvitod. Wo have changed our lighting system , and have ten large Roches ter and Miller lamps , completewith shades and spring extonsiona in first class condition ; will sell for less than half value. Churches and schools should enquire at once. o20-2w WILSON & DBAKH. "Joshua Simkina" pastoral play * said to be on the order of the "Old IIomoBtead/'and other like attrac tions , cornea to Broken Bow next Tuesday night Nov. 7. The com pany carries a fine band , which will make a noonday parade. Admis sion , 25 cents ; reserved Boata,30 and 60 cents. A. W. Drake the aeoond hand man ia now located on the weat side of public square , and having bought out another stock of gooda consisting of queenaware , glassware cutlery and furniture , he will sell ai unheard of prices for thirty daya. Call and Bee him and get prices before you buy. The pastors of Broken Bow me Oct. 30th and organized a "Min istors aisooiation of Broken Bow * for the'purpoae of mutual cooperation tion in the Lorda work. The ae aooiation will meet each Monday at 2:30 : p.m. The first meeting to be held at the home of Paator Vegan of the Baptist ohurah. The officer chosen weie Rev. Megan President T.B. McDonald Beo'yAll minis tera of the county are cordially in vlted to become membera. Jas. O. Osborno , contractor and milder. All work first class ; for mrtloulara , call ou or addroia him at Jrokon Bow. Farmers Restaurant moved to bird door north of post-ofQoo Broken Bow. oia.Oin Mus , J. 0. WALLACE , Prop'r. The Magip Carpet Cleaner will clean that soiled carpet without any tard work , and while on the floor , and restore the color. For sale at WJ. Woods' furniture storo. 31 WAIT W All WAIT for the DATE DATE DATE of tbe Gold King. There will bo a mass mooting in broken Bow on November 8d and 4th , 1800 , under the joint auspices ol the National American Woman Suffrage Association , and the No- > raska Equal Suffrage Association. Able speakers will be present , and an entertaining and instructive pro gram will bo carried out. The First National Bank , located at Broken Bow state of Nebraska is cloning up its affairs , all note loldora and others , creditors of aid association arothoreforo ( hereby notified to present the notes and other claims against tbe association for payment. Oot 93rd 1800. * H. G. Roaans , Cashier. By special request , the Broken Bow Dramatic Co. will repeat the avorito of last season , "Tho Gold King. " This , with the addition of now specialties , will make an enter * ainmont which all may enjoy. The > lot is one of the boat , a mixture of aughter and tears , so artistically arranged as to provide an excellent entertainment. The date will bo announced later. CHRISTIAN CHOUGH. Preaching 11 a.m. subject ' " " rcadeatthou" ? 'Donbti" , 7:30 "How Bible school 10 a.m. 0 , K , 0:30 p.m. All arp oorially ; . invited , , T. B. MCDONALD. Pastor ; DlrUtdajr Surprise. Last Thumday , October 0th , at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Well * , wai given a very , pleasant surprise n honor of Mra. George Longataff , of Sumner , who was visiting her parent ! , Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey , > f thii city , th * occasion b 5ng her birthday. An elegant dinner was soryod , and a general good time enjoyed by those present. Mrs. Jongstaff received a number of use ul and beautiful presents , to remind lor of the occasion , and all joined n wishing bar many happy returns of the day. A FBIBND. Another Marble Shop E.D. , W.R. and I.D.Glazo of Hoi- dregc have located in in the oily and iave put in marble works. They lave opened in bniinea in the build ng south of the Beacon offioo.under Lbo firm name of E.D. Glaze & eons. VIr. Glaxe , the senior of the firm las been engaged in the business forty years and ia an experienced artist in hii line and is up with tbe , imos in making the latest designs. They soliot tha public to call and make their acquaintance , examine their work and get prices. They guarantee first class work and satis- action. Coal , Try Wilson Broo , for all kinds of hard and soft ooal , and aoo if they do not merit auob. favors in quality , weights and price. ua8-4t Cattle For Sale. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three year old ulcers alee eight hundred head of stock cattle. For particulars enquire of W. C. Greg ory , tf. THRKB DOCTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Dtnjunln Franklin. ' When you are alck , whut you like beat Is to be cboien for a modlolno In the first place ; what experience tells you la best , to be ohonen In the second place ; what ( I.e. , Theory ) uaya Is beat to bo chosen in the last place. But If you oan got Dr. Inclination , Dr. Experi ence and Dr. Reason to bold a oonBnlta- tlon , together , they will give you the beit advloe that can bo taken. " When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Uomedy because It is pleasant and Bale to take. Dr.Experience would recommend It beoanao It never falls to effect a epeedy and permanent euro. Dr , Reason would recommend It be cause it ia prepared on scientific prlncl- plei , and acts on nature'u plan in re lieving tbe lungs , opening the eeoro- tloni and reitorlng the system to a natural and healthy condition. For ale by all drugglati. Jk , - ftfr , - - ' ' ' _ _ - - _ Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alum baking powders arc tfic grtnlc&t menacen to health of ( he present clay. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO. , Nt.V YORK. MAU11LE1) . EnririLD MoOLunK On November let , 1809 , at brtdo'aparents , near Oallnway , Nobr , Mr. lieu- lamln F. Kuptlold and Mloa Urnco McUluro , lUr. lluckloy officiating. They wore kindly remembered with both UBoful and ornamental presents. They will go to house keeping near Ryno , where the groom baa lived the past two years , and they now have overytLing needed to start out on the voyage of life with the best wishes of many friends. DIED. BSINBU At Kpwortb , Iowa , Sunday , October SStb , 189V , after a long lllnoes , agou 00 yuan , one year and twenty-ono daya , The deceased was a native of Maryland , having boon born there Sept. 8 , 1843. In 1851 ho moved with his parents to Iowa. When the war broke out in 1801 , ho wao among the first to enlist in Co. A , Oth Iowa Inft. Ho nerved to the oloso of the war , in 1805 , when ho waa honorably discharged , lie par ticipated in every battle in which hia , company waa engaged except one , and waa then in the hospital. At the close of the war ho attended the college at Cornell , Iowa , for two years. Ho then engaged in the mercantile business at Maquokota , Iowa , and later at Baldwin , Iowa. In 1884 he located at Broken Bow , and engaged in the drupr business , and later started the Racket Store , with which ho was connected at the time of his death. Owing to failing health ho wont to Epworth , Iowa , to place himself under the treat ment of hia brother , Dr. F. Reynor , where ho remained until death re lieved him from his sufferings. Since a resident , hero ho has boon an active worker for the building up of Broken Bow , and at an early day laid out an addition to the town , known as Royner'g addition. Juno 14th , 1800 , ho was married to Miss Emily Uamby , of Maquokota , Iowa , who survives him. To them three children were born , of which but one is now living , Allau , who is a resident of this city , and who , with his mother , has charge of the Racket Store. The funeral was conducted yesterday from his late residence , by the G. A , R. , Rov. J. W. Megan preaching the funeral sermon , The RBPUJILIOAN extends sympathy to the bereaved relatives and friends. To the 1'ubllc. Our biography books wore burned , containing 1,500 biographies , which can only be obtained in time for publication in our book , by sending us by mail to Broken Bow at once , a letter , answering the following questions : Born where ? When ? Father's name ? Married , when ? Whore ? To whom ? Who was born when ? Where ? Father's name ? How many children ? Their names ? Came to county when ? Located where ? About how many copies will you want ? S , D. BUTCUER , Cattle. JOBS Gandy has at all times on his ranch , six miles southwest of Broken Bow stock cattle for sale Terms made on application. tf House for Sale. The J. 8. KItkpattiok property , tbroo blooki from public square ; also A good bicycle ( or sale. Enquire ot J. 0. MAULIOJC. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. Wo have two children who are subjoa to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it alwayo prevents the attack. It is a household necessity in this oounty and no matter what else we run out of , it would not do to be without Chamber * lain'e Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medi cines combined. J. M. Nloklo , of NIoklo Bros , , merchants , NIckloville , Pfti For nnle by all dr.ugg.Uia , PROGRAMME- Following lajtho program for the Wo * man Suffrage county convention to beheld hold nt Broken Bow , Friday , November 3,1890 , N ATTKHKOON , I'rnyor. Music. Aililretftot Manager , MlM Helen Klmber , Hympodumoa Woman SufTcrago. Docs tlio wife nnd mother need It ? Does the working Trotnon need It ? It ; Mri , Cnrrlo Carlos , ] ; Does the provisional and buiincis women need Docs the tax-paying women need Itf Vy Eon , i 0 W. Heal. ' Bhoiild womou yotors hold olllca ? Dy lion , ) James AVhltohead. < ( Time Minlt on onch P per , 10 mlnaUi. ) Collection Anuoaaccmsiits mid ndjourumout. , nVKNIMQ. i MtlBlC. l 1'rnyer. Miulo Duet , Mrg.anttcrsou , Mrs. Btnokoy. Indrodnctlon of Sponkcr. Address , by Sirs JJ. II , UolJon , l'ro , Iowa W. 8. A. Collection. Music , Bntnrd y , November 4,1B'J . Conttreuoo with U Interested lu Wouan fluff rag . Dicu8 ; l ot practical plaui ot rrork , Arr&imuoM , FtnTor. Muilo , Do yon know enough to votoflO ml uriUI , by Mri. Thorp , Miss llonno Uoci the state need Women Huflrag T (20) ( nltmtoB. ) by Mrs. Anna 1'lckot , Discussion. Question Uox. Collection. HVEMIKU. Miulo. Duet by Mrs. UtUtanou.Mri , Blacky. I'rnyor. Muilc by Mri. Hidden. Introducdtiotlon ot speaker. Address , by Her. Ida U.Unltln oi 111. Colloctlcn , Cloilug wordi ot Mnnftgor , Mls Kimbor. Letter List. Following is the dead letter list or week ending Oct. 31st , 1800. .lr . llnry Wnllaco. Alias L. X ! , Owona. Mr. L. L , Lltlmtui , Parties calling for any of the above will please Bay "advortis'od. " L. II. JKWBTT , P.M. Old fnshlon in droaa may bo received , but no old-taaionod tnodiolno can ro- > laoo Chamberlain's Colic , Cliolora and diarrhoea Bomcdy. For sale by all drugglots. WOMEN IN TROUBLE. The Approach , of Motherhood ! the Occasion of Much Anslety to All. Every woman dreads the ordonl through which she muBt pass in becom- ng a mother. The pain and eufforing tvnich is in store for her ia a source ot constant anxiety , four and dread , to Bay nothing of the danger which the coming incident entails. The joyous anticipations with which she looks for- Yard to baby's coming gives way to aa ndesorlbablo dread of the ordeal when eho fully realizes the critical and tryln jvont which will soon approach an < lave to be endured. Women should liail with delight a remedy which insures to them Im munity from the pain , Buffering and ) danger incidental to chlld-boaring. Such a remedy is now offered , and women nocd not fear longer the hour ot childbirth. "Mother's Friend" Is a scientific liniment and if used before ionflnomont , gently and surely prepares the body for the great requirements and changes it is undergoing , insures safety to uoth mother and child , and takes her througli thoovent with comparative - parativo ease and comfort. This'Won derful remedy is praised by.every woman who has usedit. / . What woman is not interested in Mother's Friend ? " This wonderful remedy has boon tested and its price- ess value proven by the experience of thousands of happy mothers who lave used it during the most critical period of woman's life the approach and culmination of motherhood. It has won their everlasting praise , ( or it gave thorn help and nope in their most trying iiour and when most needed. Every woman may eoma day need "Mother's Friend. " The little book , "Before Baby is Born. " telling all about it , and when it ehould bo used , will prove of great interest and boneiit to all expectant mothers , and will bo Bent free to any address upon Application to the Bradliola Company , Atlanta , Qa. is The trao teat for Life Insurance Is raj * found In the Equity of the Contract , * $ the Economy of Management , and the J&B Security for the Payment. & $ TIIK Bankers Life Association , i , tovm. I EDWAIID A. TEMPLE , President. Organized July 1st , 1870. Guaranty Fand for sufoty. Surplus Fund for protection. . Wi'.V Supervised by 3,060 depository banks' . m Becnrllos deposited wltu the ntato department. Conservative methods. Preferred Itli's -Low Hates. Quarterly Payments. For rates and fall Information , call oa or address J. A , HARRIS , Agent for Caster County , Nob. Oflleo at Farmers Bunk of Cuetor County , Broken Uow , Neb , sp fa & > *