Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 26, 1899, Image 1

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State JIM 1
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Office over Byoraon'a grooory. Rcaly
denoo Oth houao west of Baptist church.
Lunch Counter ,
Ed. Win Hey , Prop'r.
All kinds of soft drinks. Best
brand of cigars , let building east
of Farmers' bank.
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt attoutlon Riven to collections and ronl
SJtste . Offlco OTOr Flrat National Dank.
Urokun Bow , Nebraska ,
T. W. Bass ,
All work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Nebr.
K. B. Mullins ,
Physician - and - Surgeon ,
Reildence flnt home welt of McComas' ilrng
completed. tore. OQoe In the Myen building at soon as
| 3r llroken Bow , - Nebraska.
Painte m
Im It ! {
m ;
. 9' J. BOBBRTSON . , . . J. A. \uni9 , Cnehlcr.
Vlco-Proa. . .
W. D. BLACKWKLL , Ase't CaBliiur.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
S - WSCWlfc . .s-ift- . ' . ' . . . . ' . . ' ' . . . . . .
f re - V .tX''i- ! f.iv..ftiK'HKt : : - * * : : ft ; : : * * ? { ,
Pratt'a Stock and Poultry Food at J. C. BOWEN'S.
Lamps and Lamp Trimmings , of all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S.
Knives , Forks and Spoons , all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S. i
We buy Poultry at J. C. BOWEN'S.
Oar of Winter Apples just arrived at J. C. BOWEN'S , . .
Clocks , all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S. '
Rochester Bunging Lamps for good light , at J. C , BOWEN'S.
Why can Lamps be purchased for
60c on the dollar of J. C. Bowen ?
fr <
A Puzzle on Clocks -Why does J. 8 " i'2 - ?
C. Bowen sell Clocks at 50c on the frf p !
dollar ? Because he does not want the ' ' * | / !
earth. A Customer.
All clndi of work In our lnedone |
promptly and in flrat-olasa order. Red
Shop on the corner , weit of the .hose
fcmue. Clye M * trial.
\VMnus IN noun r
Tne rule for the railroad mnn Is :
In doubt take tlio Pafu sldu. " Tills rnlc
pliotild apply to every person when In
doubt nliont Ills eyes. Jto on the note eMo
by consulting an Optician whun In need of
glasacp , and you WILL bo In need of tlioni ;
w for a time comes In the HTCS of nil \vlicn
eight wanes and glnpsos arc required.
The flrpt glasses , It co others , should bo
carefully fitted by an Uiitlclau to nvold
mietnkcN that may CAUBO life-long trouble.
I Graduiito of Chicago Oplitlmlmlc College. 9
" 4/K&S&
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the Burling
ton and Globe Hotels. Telephone con
nection. Headquarters of Callnwny
stage line. Single and double rigs.
Baton reasonable.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this ollloc.
Cannon City coal at Dierks
' Lumber Co.
iI I i Dr. Da ) ' is coniitied to the house
with a sprained ankle.
Apples and punches in quantity
at low prices , at Poulo & John's.
Try ji package of Magic Carpet
' Cl aiicr atV. . J. Woods' store.
Watch for the date of the Gold
King , by the Broken Bow Dramatic
Fosterit Smith'j is the place to pur-
cbaHe your material for your porch ,
or repairs on your house.
A buggy for sale every cheap or
trade for a good saddle.
Buy your fancy articles for Christ *
man from the ladies of the Presby
terian church about December 1st.
Bear in mind our celebrated
dinnerparty vegetables.
City and iarm property insured
against lire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KlMBKKLINQ.
Top cash price paid for all kinds
of poultry at my elevator at all
times. tf. 11. 11. WHIT.
Dr. W. I. Seymour , Omaha's
eminent eye specialist , will visit
hero Nov. 1st. Do not miss the
chance of seeing him.
S , D. Butcher has selected men
from every poet oflioo in the county
to write , but this excludes no cue
from competing for the premium
Our citizens will have one moro
opportunity ol consulting the
eminent eye specialist , Dr. W. I.
Seymour , at the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
Wo have some good propositions
in farms and ranches and u limited
amount of land wo can sell in ton
equal yearly payments ,
Farms for sale and lands for ront.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Brouizor.
Remember the the Woman Suff
rage convention to be held in Brok
en Bow in the Court houeo Nov. 3rd
and 4th. Mies Aellen Kunbor will
preside at the meeting and address
Dr. Seymour , hero Nov. 1st for
one day only. Our citizens will
have an opportunity of cotibulting
the eminent eye specialist , Dr.
W. I beyinourat the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
C. 0. ; Washburn Relief Corps
hold a fair commencing
Thanksgiving day. Place of hold
ing the fair will be given later.
Every body will be invited to help
make it a success.
Mesdames Southwick and Con
verse of West Brookfield Mass ,
sister and niece , of C W. Lincoln ,
who have been visiting- with him
the past two weeksreturned home
' 1 uesdiiy morning- .
Wo have changed our lighting
system , and have ton large Roohee-
tor and Miller lamps , completewith
Hhfidos and spring extensions in
lirat class condition ; will sell for
less than half value. Churches
and schools should enquire at once.
o20-2 w WILSON & DUAK.K.
Mrs. Evilyn H > Beld en , president
of the Iowa Stito Suffrage Associa
tion , will speak in Broken Bow at
the Methodist church the night of
Nov.3rd. Rev. Ida C. llulton , of
Illinois , will speak the night of the
Itli. Both are ilno women and
able and eloquent speakers , Do
not fail to hear them.
A. W. Drake the second hand
man is now located on the west
pidu of public square , and having
bought out another stock of goods ,
I consisting of queenswaro , glassware ,
cutlery and furniture , he will sell at
unheard of prices for thuty days.
Call and see him and get prices
before you buy.
There was a largo audience pres
ent on Friday evening at the
Methodist church to listen to Rov.
Ida C. Hultin'a lecture on equal
suffrage and that eloquent speaker
hold the closest attonaion of every
auditor during thu hour and more
which Bho spoke , It was one of the
able expositions of the claims of
equal sullragests over board hero.
Republican Journal , Moline , Ills.
. . . -
Go to Jbostor & Smith's . for your
Rummer ooal.
Qnoonswaro at cost and loss , at
Poalo & John's.
Call on 0. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaccine.
Try some of our Diamond coffooH
Jas. C. Osborno , contractor and
builder. All work first class ; for
particulars , call ou or address him at
Broken Bow.
If you wish to bo sure of an
appointment with Dr Seymour
address a note to Grand Central
Invitations are out for a danoo at
the Optra house on Friday night of
this week , Blackwoll will furnish
the music.
Farmers Restaurant moved to
third door north of post-oih'ce
Broken Bow. o2 Oiu
Mns. J. C. WALLAOK , Prop'r.
The Magic Carpet Cleaner will
clean that soiled carpet without any
hard work , and while on the iloor ,
and restore the color. For sale at
W. J. Woods' furniture store. 3t
Invitations for a Hallowe'en party
at Neighbor Gutterson's have boon
by the Women's Guild of the Epis
copal ohuroh. The procods go to
wards the purchase of a Rectory.
for the
of the Gold King.
Marshals Palmer and Barber
came in with the jail escapes Sun
day morning- , havingcaptured' '
them in Red Willow county Fri- '
day. They were taken to Omaha
this , Friday morning.
There will be a mass mooting in
Broken Bow on .November 3d and
4th , 1800 , under the joint auspices
ol the National American Woman
Suffrage Association , and the Ne
braska Equal Suffrage Association.
Able speakers will be present , and
an entertaining and instructive pro
gram will be carried out.
The first National Bank , located
at Broken Bow state of Nebraska is
closing up its affairs , all note
holders and others , creditors of
said association are therefore herobv
notified to present the notes and
other claims against the association
for payment. Oot 23rd 1800.
U. G. ROGEKS , Cashiror.
The First National Bank has
surenderd its charter and reorg-a-
imcd as a state bank. The bank
was never in better shapchencc its
ability to the change. The bank is
now rtronger than ever. The offi
cers are S. H. Burnham , Pres. J.
M. Kimberling- Vice Pres. H. G.
Rog-ers cashier and S. II. Hoytt
assistat cashier.
By special request , the Broken
Bow Dramatic Co. will repeat the
favorite of last season , "Tho Gold
King. " This , with the addition of
new specialties , will make an enter-
taiument which all may enjoy. The
plot is one of the best , a mixture of
laughter and tears , so artistically
arranged as to provide an excellent
entertainment. The date will bo
announced later.
u. . cuaitcii.
Sunday at 11 a.m and 7:80 : p.m
the pastor will preach on the follow ,
ing subjects : "Christan Growth"
and "A Complete Triangle. "
Come and bo made welcome.
Preaching 11 a.m. subject Frett
ing , 7.30 p.m. Christ The Prophet ,
( First of a series on Christ ) , Bible
yoliool 10 a m. C. E. 0:30 p.m. All
are cordially invited.
T , B. MoDoNAMJ , Pastor.
M. K. ciiuacn.
RevI lorn ad ay will preach Sun
day morning as usual and desires a
full attendance of the membership.
All others cordially invited.
Kimberly , of Lincoln will deliver
a free lecture Sunday evening , illis
trated by steropticon views taken
from u Ten nights in a bar-room , "
Jess Gaudy has at all times on
bin ranch , six miles southwest of
Broken Bow stock cattle for sale.
Terms made on application. tf
For Sale or Trade.
Owing to the manager of the
"Closing Out Store" taking sick.
The stock is offered for sale at a
bargain. Would trade ' for live
stoci < . See me for a deal at once ,
at the Closing Out Store , in the
store vacated by Win , Pouu. It
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc ihc greatest
mcnaccis to health of the present dny.
When Bryan rushed to Washing.
ton to bog democrats and pops to rat.
ify the treaty of peace with Spain he
was acting either as a Demagogue
and traitor to imperil his country
with what ho believed to bo wrong
or else ho then believed tLo condi
tion right. If ho though the
treaty was right ho must stand by
the conditions of the treaty. If ho
was acting the demagogue ho
should bo abandoned and hooted by
all patriots. What objoot pops can
have in following such a scout for
political trouble and democratic
scheming is beyond oonjuoturo. It
is time all former republicans of the
pop party wore getting out of this
Democratic whirlpool. They are
getting out.
22 1800
Door Sir Please lot mo occupy
a small spacein your paper , just testate
state that I am acquainted with
Capt.Talbot , who is running for
sheriff of Cnstor county ; and that
while in the service of bio country
I only knew him as the bravest of
the baavo , a soldier every inch of
him and as a man was always found
where duty called him. I was only
a private soldier while it the service
of my country. Ho was LSeut'thon
promoted to captain ; but I think a
private soldier can many times see
mo goou qualities 01 men , both otli
oers and comrades in the ranks.
Thinking this , all I can say to the
ciizous of your county is that you
will make no mistake if you vote
for and oloot Capt. Talbot sheriff
ho surely it * as bravo and honest u
man as can bo brought forward in
my party. Vote for himoloot him
and ho will , am sure make you a good
bravo honest < oflioer. Hoping to
hear of his election and that Custor
couty will always bo prospered ,
I am , YourH Truly
J.W.Staploton. Private Co.A 1
Nob. Vol.
Prof N. P. Ncilson will give a
concert next Wednesday Nov. 1st
at the opera house , assisted by his
wife. Mesdames Taylor , Iladden
and B. W. Blair. The San-
Bornadino Index of California in
peaking of Prof. Neilson says , "tho
violinist and his company has been
the talked of attraction for several
days past and as the assembly of
music seeking people greeted this
deserving artist last night. They
were not disappointed in the least
in his performances. Words can
scarcely describe the merit of the
whole company. After his grand
twenty ninth contest in E. Minor
by Yotti ho responded with some
touching melodies. And during
this performance two ladies depar
ted .from the audience in tears ,
The contest drew a fair house.
Letter List.
Following is the dead letter list
for week ending Oot. 17th , 1800.
Prod U WllllaniB. O W Woodioa.
Mr Eugoiio Thompson. Mr Oeo Shatt.
Mrs Uzilo Smith. 0 0 Itoju.
Mr II Mottlngcr. Alonzo U'uland.
Mrx K H Gould. Cbicf Delo.
J W Donliam John Campbell ( cord ) .
Mrs HII Honilerson ( card )
John and lloto Camplioll , ( card ) ,
October ! b,18M > -
K M Waliulr , Keq. William Wnffen mltu(2) ( )
Krvln Bctiruck. Mle Nancy 0 IloborU ,
Mr J F .Morris. Mrs Itosa Loaduck.
iUtm Mllllo HolBtor. John Ulllluga.
U A Freoinim (3) ( ) Alias Jlorttm Kates.
Mr P ( } Allen ( U ) lllsj lUrlo MoKUe.
SlrJoliu McCutcboou ( card and letter )
Parties calling for any of the
above will please say "advertised. "
Just ilcmembor
That W. D. Grant does all kinds
of repair work , and is the only gun
smith in Broken Bow. Bring in
your guns , revolvers , sowing ma
chines , locks , gasoline stoves , and
in foot anything that needs repair *
ing , and he can do it for you , Also
tin roofing and roof repairing. 4t
Chaplain Mailloy drcolctl with n Largo
Crowd at the Opera House.
Assaulted by tlio Enemy , but Cnmo oh
The largest ami uioatouthuei'Btio
political gathering held in thit ? city
this Hoanoujgrootuit Chaplain Mo lley
at the opura house Monday ni lu.
On his arrival Monday evening iio
was mot at thu traiu by a number of
his comrades of Company M , who
took m charge and uuturtainod him
during his stay. For noaily two
hours ho discussed thu political in-
suus in a foruiblu and able manner.
As the uudiuuuo entered thu hail ,
ouch person was handed a priutod
copy of n letter headed "Tho n aiiu
Now , " dated January 80 , 18)0 ; ) , at
Manila , written by Chaplain AJ-iilley
to Congressman Stark , in opposi
tion to holding thu Philippines , and
censuring Col. Stotsonburg f jr his
strict discipline of the soldiers , re-
forriug to his unpopularity at that
time with the regiment. JiiHt how
ho would answer thia unexpected
attack from the fee caused no liltlo
anxiety by his fnouds. But it
proved a bomb shell in the camp' or
the enemy before ho was througl
with it , judging from the palo 00111 *
ploxiou of some of the loaders who
had berm prominent in securing tus
distribution of thu circulars. A *
ho remarked ho had a painful duty
to perform , ho displayed the oirct -
lar , acknowledged the authorship ot
the letter , and confessed it sot fouh
his honest convictions at the time it
was written , which was prior to luo
beginning of thu actual warfare la
the Philippines * Ho tirst took up
Col. Stotsouburg , and related luw
grandly and horoioly he led hie
regiment in every engagement , u' d
how his moo , with whom he h > d
boon so unpopular but a short tii : > o
before , wore forced to BOO his real
worth , ai well as the benefits to thbiu
resulting from his strict discipline ,
concluding with a grand eulogy ou
Col. Stotsonburg , for his oou.abo
and unselfish devotion for his mo. . ,
and indignantly denounced tin so
who for the purpose of party sue *
cess , would drag from au honored
grave the bones of a dead hwro , wl'o
fell in defense of his flag , at
uuuu ui uia uuutuiuuu. JULIO uuuun-
oiation was severe of the
loaders of the party who would
resort to such tactics. In takiug
up the portion of the lottoi m
which ho opposed the annexation it
the Philippines at that time , ho sr Id
it was after ho saw the Filipinos in
uar , that he know them moro per
fectly , and was forced to change
his opinion of their ability of fat If
government , and had so expressed ,
himself in a letter to a Now Yc.-k
magazine , written the iirst week in
April. As to changing his views
on the money question , aad the
other fads of the populist party , ha
had little to say , but said that wiicu
he reached the United States and
saw the country prospering aa never
before , ho realized the utter failure
of Bryan's predictions , and to bn
true to IIIH convictions , was again
forced to acknowledge that tUo
promises of the republican party
had been made good , and as an
honest man ho could do nothing
else than espouse the cauao of thu
present administration. Ho absurod
his audience that both populists and
democrats approved ol his course ,
as they frequently told him in ' 00 ,
when ho eipousod the cause of Bry
an and 10-to-l , that ho was the kind
of preacher they liked to HOD , and
wished all preachers would be true
to their convictions , and boldly
advocate what they believe to be
right , and that was what ho was
doing then , and is what he is doing
now. During his address ho wns
enthusiastically appllaudod , and at
the conclusion ho was accorded A
warm reception by a largo number
of his audience.
See WillL. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
Cattle For Sale.
One thousand head of onu , two
and throe year old steers alfD eight
hundred head of stock cattle , For
particulars enquire of W. C , Greg
ory . tf.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft ooal , and see if
they do not merit such favors in
quality , weights and price. s28-4t
House for Sale.
The J. S. Klrkpatnok property , three
blocks from public square : also A good
bicycle for sale. Enquire of
J. 0.