Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 19, 1899, Image 1

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    Btato lllst Llbrnrinu Society
3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
3I Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Office over Hyorson'a grocery. Roaly
denoo Otb house west of Baptist church.
Lunch Counter ,
Ed. Malloy , Prop'r.
All kinds of soft drinks. Best
brand of oigare. 1st building east
of Farmers' bank ,
Beal & Smith ,
" , - Prompt attention clvcn to collections and real
eauto. Onico OTCr Klrtt National Bank.
" * Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
T. W.
' -i
i * " All work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Nebr.
K. B. Mullins ,
Physician and - Surgeon ,
Residence flret lionso wuet ot McComas' ilrng
( tore. Office In the Myers bulldlnc as soon as
; - „ * " " ) P ? Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
F. C. WOHNALL , President. J. A. 1IAJUUS Cashier.
. , .
A. J. BOBBRTSON , Vlco-I'rea. W. D. BLACKWELL , Ass't Cashier.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
Pratt's Stock and Poultry Food at J. C. BOWEN'S.
XS'fjv. We buy Poultry
! $ Car of Winter Apples just arrived at J. C. BOWEN'S.
H Clocks , all kinds , at J. C. BOWEN'S.
Tfy Rochester Hanging Lamps for good light , at J. C. BOWEN'S.
m .
Why can Lamps be purchased for f |
1 60c on the dollar of J. C. Bowen ?
$ *
| | A Puzzle on Clocks Why does J.
If C. Bowen sell Clocks at 50c on the ft
$ * * i
H dollar ? Because he does not want the 5 |
Jijfe earth.--A Customer. $
. "fei" 5t
All < lndB of work in our line done
promptly and > n flrat-olaea order. Red
Shop on the corner , west of the nose
JUKIH. Glye ua a trial.
Tne rale for the railroad mnn 1st "Wlion
In doubt take the ? fo sldo. " This role
Miuuld npjily to every person when in
doubt nbont his CTCS Bo on the fflfo side
by consulting an Optician when In need of
glasses , and yon WILL bo In nerd nf them ;
for a tlmo cornea In the lives of nil when
fight wanux and glasses are required.
The Dri-lBliipeea , If no others , should bo
carefully fitted by an Optician to avoid
mistakes that may COUBO life-long trouble.
Gradtmto of Chicago Ophthalmic College.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the liurllng-
ton and Globe Hotels. Telephone con-
nectlon. Headquarters of Callaway
BtQgo line. Single and double rlga.
Katoa reasonable.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioo.
Cannon City coal at Diorks
Lumber Co.
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer coal.
Jack Larkm has put a bowling-
alloy on Fourth avenue.
WANTKD Second-hand Oak boater
in good repair. Call at this oflioo.
Apples and poaohos in quantity
at low prices , at Poalo & John's ,
P. II. Marlay , of Mason city , was
in in the city yesterday , and orxllod
at this oflioo ,
Foster * Smith'j is the place to pur *
chase your material for your porch ,
or repairs on your houso.
Bear in mind our celebrated
dinnerparty vegetables.
PEALS & Joux.
Buggies ! Buggies ! Buggies !
C. S , Martin will trade you a now
buggy for an old one ,
City and iarm property insured
against fire , lightning and torna
CATTLK FOB SALU : At all times
on my ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow. JBHSK QANDY.
Stewart Lantorman , who wan do
taiiaed at Manilla by sickness when
his regiment left , arrived at homo
Monday evening.
Dr. W. I. Seymour , Omaha's
eminent eye specialist , will visit
hero Nov. 1st. Do not miss the
chance of seeing him.
The Clark spring wagons ate
recognized by buggy experts as
being the best spring wagon made ,
for sale by C. S. Martin.
Gash paid for chickens at my
elevator * I also want a pair of
extra good spring colts. Bring
them in. tf. H. H. WIBT.
S. D. Butcher has selected men
from every post oflioo in the county
to write , but this excludes no one
from competing for the premium
District Deputy of the Highland
ers 16 in the city looking after the
order at this place. A special moot
ing of the order will be held to
Our citizens will have one more
opportunity ot consulting the
eminent eye specialist , Dr. W. I.
Seymour , at the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
Jas. Dooley , wife and two
younger boys , Tom Parkhurst M ,
Shanley and Ed. Moore and wife ,
left Monday afternoon for Ok
lahoma by over laud route.
Farms for sale and lauds for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Brenizor.
Dr. Seymour , here Nov. 1st for
one day only. Our citizens will
have an opportunity of consulting
the eminent eye specialist , Dr.
W. I. Seyinourat the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
Found in Olsou'H grip with the
cloths stolen from Bert Sims , a pair
of now shoos , possibly may have
been stolon. If so the owner can
have same by proving property and
paying for this notice.
C. S , Osborno , editor of the Sar
gent Loader , who is in this city
sick , was able to sit up yesterday a
tow uiinutos for the first timo. lie
hopes to be able to take charge of
his paper again in two or there
There will be preaching in tbo
Baptist church Sunday at 11 a.m.
and 7:30 : p-ra. B. Y. P. U. at 0:30
m. Miss Zoda Grant will load.
There will be a business meeting of
the B. Y. P. U. Saturday evening
an 7.80 p.m. All members are re
quested to bo present.
A. W. Drake the second hand
man is now located on the west
side of public square , and having
bought out another stock of goods ,
consisting of queenswaro , glassware ,
cutlery and furniture , he will soil at
unheard of prices for thirty days.
Call and see him and got prices
before you buy.
Lost. Wednesday ovonincr. in the
neighborhood of the court house , a
largo government envelope addressed -
ed to Mrs. Ldia J. Nance. The
envelop had not been opened , but
ia supposed to have contained a
pension voucher and draft for $80.
The finder will confer a favor by
returning it to her or her son , Jaa ,
i Nance , of thiu city.
Qnconswrxro at cost and less , at
Poalo & John's.
Cnll on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaccine.
Try a package of Magic Carpet
Cleaner at W. J. Woods' store.
Try some of our Diamond coffees
C , S. Martin can show you over
80 different styles in 'buggies ,
spring wagons and surrios.
See Will L. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
Jas. C. Osboruo , contractor and
builder. All work first class ; for
particulars , call on or address him at
Broken Bow ,
If you want something ia the
buggy line that is O. K. and up to
date style , call on C. S. Martin.
If you wish to bo sure of an
appointment with Or Seymour
address a note to Grand Central
J. C. Mauliok and wife , who have
been visiting at Geneva the past
month , returned home Tuesday
Mrs. A. J. MoMurtry , of Turner
valley , died yesterday after-noon.
Her remains will bo shipped to
Illinois for burial.
Farmers Restaurant moved to
third door north of post-office
Broken Bow. o2 Gin
Mns. J. C. WALLACE , Prop'r.
The Magic Carpet Cleaner will
oloan that soiled carpet without any
hard work , and wbilo on the floor ,
and restore the color. For sale at
W. J. Woods' furniture store. 3t
Anton Smock , of Ooonto , was a
friendly caller today. Ho Rays
Messrs. Palmer and Barber traced
the jail fugitives yesterday as far as
George Mullens' , near Ooonto , butte
to that point had found no one that
had soon them.
Mr. and Mre. Jesse Woods , of
Mason city , who were married in
this ojty on Sop. 11 , passed through
here last friday on their way to
Cherry county , where they expect
to locate. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Alma Philipps. who has
been visiting with her parents at
The services next Sunday at the
U. B. churoh will bo especially re
freshing and spiritual under the
preaching of Rov. J. J. Smith , presiding -
siding elder. Remember the hours :
Saturday at 7:30 : P. M. ; Sunday ,
love foapt at 10 A. M , , followed by
preaching and communion ; preach
ing at 7:80 : P. M. Wo will wel
come you.
L' L EPLKY , Pastor.
Among the many persons who
have agreed to have articles written
for Butcher's book in sixty days ,
are the following : mrs. A , ri.
Stuokey , a poem ; Judge Wall , of
Loup City ; Prof. F. M. Currio , C.
D. Polham , F. Farley , II. J. Shinn ,
II. Lomax , Wm. Englos , Jas. Fodgo ,
S. Gatea , G. R.RussomWalt George ,
E. P. Savogo and many others , on
the early history of Cuetor county.
J. B. Smith , of Ansolmo , took
pOBsessian of the new Grand Cen
tral food and livery barn Monday ,
lie has put in a number of good
rigs and teams and is prepared to
Herve the public at reasonable
prioesj Mr. Smith is a good citi
zen aad wo are pleased to welcome
him to our city. His family will
bo hero as soon as the houno can bo
put in readiness , whioh will proba *
bly be a week yot.
A Sail Accident.
Howard Savage , of Sargent , with
throe others , went to Cherry county
last week on a hunting trip. While
gone Mr. Savage aooidently dis
charged both barrels of his shot
gun and shot ono arm off just above
the wrist. The unfortunate man is
a son of Col. Savage , and a son-in-
law of R , R. Bangs.
Just Itcmeuiber
That W. D. Grant does all kinds
of repair work , and is the only gun
smith in Broken Bow. Bring in
your guns , revolvers , sowing ma
chines , locks , gasoline stoves , and
in fact anything that needs repair *
inc. and he can do it for vou , Also
tin roofing and roof repairing. 4t
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft coal , and BOO if
they do not merit such favors in
quality , weights and price. e28.4t
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum ,
Alum baking powders arc ( lie greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the present d.-xy.
tiou. Urovcuor's
. Mooting.
The republican rally last Thurs
day afternoon and evening was
quite a BuooeuHcoming HOHOOU after
the crowds had boon hero to the
county fair. The afternoon moot
ing was attended i principally by
farmers , as not many of tbo busi
ness men of tbo city could leave
their business at that hour. The
General is an able and logical
speaker , lie is not a more wind *
bag , that talks at random upon a
basis of assumption or prophecy , but
from his long oxporionoo in public
life , ho has gathered a store of
knowledge that enables him to prove
to his audience , in a most lucid
manner , that his position is oorroot.
His utterances are entirely free
from demagoguery , and the masterly
manner in which ho would recall
instances and history to maintain
his propositions , oould not fail to
carry conviction to his hearers. In
taking up the expansion question ,
ho showed that it had always boon
the policy of the government ; that
Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson -
son wore both expansionists , anc
that in neither case did they consult
the wishes of the obstructionists
but promptly dispatched armies ol
mon to BOO that the laws of onr
government were acknowledged am
respected. The $15,000,000 paid
for the Louisiana purchase , whioh
included the present territory of
Nebraska , was upon the earna prin
oiplo that the $20,000,000 was paid
for the Philippine Islands. If the
latter did not give us absolute owu
orship , the former oould not. If the
Louisiana purchase did not enslave
the inhabitants of the territory , whi
should the latter. Instead it gave
the people freedom , and made thorn
subjects of the best government on
earth , and thn same would bo the
result of the purchase of the Phil
ippine Islands. In the matter of a
protective tariff , ho wont back to
colonial times and showed the no
oossity of a protective tariff at tha
time , and-perpetual demand since
by showing from historical faot tha
when free trade prevailed ID this
country , our imports of manufao
turod goods and products excosdoi
our exports , and that our mills anc
laborers were idle , and times were
hard , while upon the other hand
when a protective tariff has boon ii
force , our factories and men were
all imployed , wages and prices on
farm products good , exports exoeoc
imports , the government revenue
increase , times are easy , and every
body prosperous.
On the question of trusts , h
showed that a republican congress
in 1800 , passed a stronger anti-Una
law than has yet boon ndvooatee b ,
the opposition , but under demo
orutio rule it was not enforced ; but
since MoKmley has boon at the
helm , the republican attorney gen
eral has been enforcing the law , by
instituting suits , and in every case
where a decision of the courts has
boon reached , ho has won.
In speaking of President MoKin-
loy's policy in carrying on the war
with the insurgents of the Phillip-
pines , ho stated that ho was per
forming his duty , as the national
executive was compelled to do , Ho
said that congress had declared war
with Spain , and authorized the
raising of an army , and providing
munitions of war to conduct the
campaign. When Spain begged
for peace , ho oould only sign a pro
tocol , granting a cessation of hostili
ties until congress ratified the terms
agreed upon by representatives of
each govornmont. The treaty of
peace , as agreed upon , was ratified
by congress , which gave this gov
ernment Porto Rico and the islands
of the Philippines. Then the fol
lowers of Aguinaldo , whom the
American army had helped to free
from the Spanish yoke , turned upon
their deliverers , and assailed the
Hag and the authority of the United
States. The occupation of the
Philippine Islands by the United
States was not only authorized by
the republicans in the United States ,
but by democracy. Col. Vifquain
says that Col. Bryan resigned his
position as colonel of the Third
Nebraska regiment , to co ; to Wash
ington to UHO his intluonoo with
democratic senators , to got them to
vote for the ratification of the treaty
whioh not only made the United
States absolute owner of the Philip-
> ino Islands , but whioh also pro-
'idod ' for paying the Spanish gov-
rniuont $ 20,000,000 for their pou-
ossious. The republican party and
ho republican administration are
ousiitout and loyal in maintaining
he supremacy of the AmoriOHU
government in the Philippines ,
while those opposed uro lending
heir influence and sympathy to
hose who aio shooting ut the Ameri
can ilag and killing American mon.
The evening UuBdion wai largely
attended. Speeches were made
> Qth by Gen. Grosvcnor and Judge
Llaiuor. Their speeches were both
able and interesting , and elicited
the hearty applause of their audi
ence. Judge Hauior allowed that
IIB opposition came from the busi
ness men and not the farmers.
Among his strongest opponents was
John M. Kagan , of Hastings , attor
ney for the Nebraska Loan & Trust
Co. , whioh has mortgages on a lot
of land in ( Junior county , lie had
always boon a corporation lawyer ,
yet pretends to bo a populist. It
was that class of mon that were
sending out their omisariotj ever the
district , to oppose him and work
for the election of Judge Sullivan.
Messrs. Belts , Blair , Gadd and Bass
favored the audience with iomo
splendid campaign music.
William Miller , the fellow who
attempted to rob the Morna post
office , and Bart Olson , who was
confined in jail for stealing a suit
of clothes , broke jail Tuesday night
and BO far hove made good their es
cape. They took with thorn Peter
flimonaon's horse and delivery wag
on. Deputy U. 3. Marshal Barber ,
of Hastings , had come up Tuesday
evening with a view of taking
Miller to Ansley for preliminary
trial before U. S. Commissioner
Porter. As soon as it was learned
yesterday morning that their pris
oner was gone ho telegraphed to
CourtUud for Shamp Bros , and their
blood hounds. Then ho and U. S
Deputy Marshal Palmer started out
southwest on trail of the fugitives ,
but up to this writing nothing has
been hoard from them. The Shamp
Bros , and their hounds came in on
the 5 o'clock train yesterday even
ing and were put on the trail at
once , but returned this morning
about 8 o'clock , having loat the
trail at Uorrick school house , on
Ash oroes , about fifteen miles south
west of town. They effected their
escape faoin the jail by breaking
the look on the stool cage , after
which they out a hole through the
brick partition wall which lot thorn
into the coal bin whore they made
their exit through an open window.
Sheriff Loiauro was not at home
that night , whioh probably accounts
for their successful escape. The
report that he was out making pop.
speeches wo have not boon able to
verify , as ho came homo in time to
join the phase with the doga and
ho and Billy Blair are still out.
Lost , between Charley Wright's
and Goo , Hoieh'fl , a leather covered
bill book containing a ton dollar
bill. The finder will confer a favor
on the owner by leaving it at the
It Is estimated that wo use annually
In the United States over 00,000,000,000
matches. These Indispensable little
artlclea were first used in this coun
try leas than seventy yearn ago , and at
that time a box containing twenty-flve
was sold for 85 cents. Imagine , if you
please , matches at one cent aplecel
To-dnr we buy 1,000 for five cents , and
Col. Wallace Downs has a new ma
chine vrhloh may put them on the mar
ket at half tnat prlco. New York
BlMt Singular Ship.
The moat singular ship In the world
la the Polyphemus of the British navy.
It IB simply a long steel tube , deeply
buried In the water , the deck rising
only four feet above the sea. It oar-
rlea no masts or sails and IB used a *
a ram and torpedo boat.
of B | > Id n la Japan.
Bpldere are a serious plague la Ja
pan. They npln their web oil the tel
egraph wires and are so numerous as
to cause a aerlous loss of Insulation ,
'Sweeping the wires does UttU good , a *
( be opldera baginjtH over azaln ,