Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 05, 1899, Image 1

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    J : : . i.
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Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Offloo over Hyurson'a jjrocory. Rrety
clenco Oth houco west of Baptist ohurch.
Lunch -Counter ,
Ed. Nlnlloy , Prop'r.
All kinds of soft drinks. Best
brand of cigare. 1st building east
of Farmers' bank.
0. \ \ . BEAU A. I' . SMITH
Beal & Smith ,
rff Prompt at tontion given to collections nnd real
- citato. Ofllco oTCr Flrpt NnUonnl Hank.
Uroltun Dow , . . . Ncbrnckn.
T. W. Bass ,
All work first class. Rooms on'2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Biokon Bow , Nebr. ,
R. B. Mullins ,
Physician ami - Surgeon ,
Itcsidonro Uret houeoveet of McC'oin.ia' drug
store. Ofllco la the Myers building s soon ns
completed. s
PfBrokcn IJow , - Nubrnekn.
May lie ruined through existing defects In
cycslylit. Clill rcn are often cillcil etll-
ultl and dull by tefiolicrs nnd imront ,
through 110 fault ot their own.
I'crlmps liorn tbrougli H defect In sljjlit ,
tlicy know of nudllTurentMirld tlmn tliat
Wlilcti they fee throng" defective eyes
Hotter bo over cautious about having
your ublld'D eyes oximlncd , than tn take
too inioh rCHpoiiBlblllty Into your own
Orndunto of Chicago Ophthalmic GolleRo.
VS iW . . v
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inssJ.lto-ir.fs.-i.Qf' '
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J. G.
. . . .
; * ; : ; i-
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.
' ' < s * "f.i. * . " / . s 'f.v. ? : - ' : . . . ; .t ? * ' . w . . . . ; 3w toj.-.A.jec..viet.C. : . i.A\.ft.v..ft-y..v.i ; . . . . . .K-.TjV
N- sIB
IB the word with us. We are caterers to the demands ot $ ? ]
the people. 1 hey say that they want a good Clock at fair Vj ;
prices. Wo have them. ' * ? ; '
1 e
or our
Lamp Importation
Will bo hero shortly. People say we must have stolen
them last year , wo sold thorn BO cheap. If that is so , we will ; V
beat the railroad company out of the troigbt this year hand ,
somer and cheaper than ever wait for them.
? ' } *
A Store plum , chuck full of I
iW '
Keep your eye on our store , it will pay you.
All ilnds of work In our line done
promptly and in tlret-olass order. lied
Shop on the corner , west o ( the IIOBP
Qlyo ua a trial.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the burlington -
ton imtl Globe Hotels. Teleptiouo con-
nectiun. IIcRdquurtera ot Callaway
Btngo line , Single and double rlga.
liatoa reasouuble.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioe.
Cannon Oity coal ot Diorkn
Lumber Oo.
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer poal.
Jas. Lindley , of Ansolmo , was a
oity visitor Saturday.
Quuonswaro at cost and less , at
Poalo & John's.
II. J. Edington , of East Custor ,
was a oity visitor Monday.
Apples and peaches iu quantity
at low prices , at Poalo & John's.
Just received a nice line line of
nobby ties at W. II. Penn & Co's.
Patrick Kclloy , of Now Helena ,
made this oflico a social call Monday.
U. L. Ninholas , supervisor of Elk
Crook , was a friendly caller Monday.
T. J. Harrison and Mr. Franklin
ot Pilrt wore welcome callers
W. A. Carter , of NVost Union
made this ollico a friendly call
Friday of laul week.
John O. Jackson , of Mason City ,
was in the oity yesterday , lit- made
this ofh'eo a short call.
Foster Smitb'j is the place to purchase -
chase your material for your porch ,
or repairs on your houso.
C. S. Martin can show you ever
30 different styles in buggies ,
spring wagons and Hurries.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag oar-
pet. For particulars inquire of the
Ladies Baptist Aid Society.
Bear in mind our celebrated
dinuor party vegetables.
Buggies ! Buggies ! Buggies !
J. S. Martin will trade you a now
) Uggy for an old ono.
City and farm property insured
against lire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KlilBKHLING.
G. W Apple is having his house
opposite to Checkered front barn
repairou and fitted up for occupancy
Just received an elegant line of
ulsters. Call and see them at W.
[ I. Penu & Co's. before purchasing.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
and wo will treat you right , .
CATTLE Foil SALE : At all limes
on my ranch six miles southwest of .
Broken Bow. JESSE GANDY.
Dr. W. 1. Seymour , Omaha's
eminent eye specialist , will visit
here Nov. 1st. Do not miss the
chance of seeing him.
J. B. Smith of Ansclmo h : > s
leased the new Grand Central barn
and expects to move to Broken
Bow about the middle of this
The Clark spring wagons ate
recognized by buggy experts as
being the best spring wagon made ,
for silo by C. S. Martin.
W. A. Thompson , who was for
two months confined to the houeo
with typhoid fever , wo are pleased
to note in again able to bo on our
Our citizens will have one moro
opportunity ot consulting the
eminent uyo speoialiai , Dr. W. I.
Seymour , at the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
The work on C. B. 11 ayes' brick
building , on west side of tbo square ,
is progressing rapidly. Frank
Miller , of the East table , is doing
the work , which a suros a good job
Farms for saloand lauds for rent.
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms arc all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
"Collections are good , " remarked
onu of our business men Monday
evening , after putting in the day
collecting , llo said , "I have not
been stood off by a single customer
today * "
Dr. Seymour , hero Nov. 1ft for
ono day only. Our- citizens will
have an opportunity of consulting
the eminent eye specialist , Dr.
W. I the Grand Central
Nov. 1st.
S. D. Butcher has bia subscrip
tion blanks ready for his Illustrated
Pioneer History of Ouster County.
Ho took orders for over $70 worth
in Broken Bow in about two hours.
When you visit the county fair
bosure and vibit O. S. Martins
buggy repository and ho will show
you the finest lot of buggies ever
shown in Cutter county in I. O. 0 ,
I F. buildiog.
Mrs. W. D. Grant has boon quite' '
sick for several days. '
Foil SALE .Pony , cart and bar-
Call on O. P. Parley , agent for
Pasteur Blaok Log Vaocino.
There are two families in the city
quarantined ior scarlet lover.
Try n package of Magic Carpnt
Clyairr at W. J. Woods' store.
Try some of our Diamond coffees
J. E Cavouoo , ot Guor otown ,
wat a friendly oallor at this oflico
See Will L. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
Hov. Ilonirtday and bis little girl
hivvo been continod to the house the
pisl ; week with soarlot lover.
If you want something iu the
buggy line that is O. K. and up to
date style , call on C. S. Martin.
A B Cornish and wife , of Lodi ,
went to Omaha the first of the weed ,
to attend the Baptist State Conven
JaH. C Osbornc , contractor and
builder. All work first olast ? ; for
particulars , call on or aadrcss him at
Broken Bow ,
If you wish to bo sure of an
appointment with Or Seymour
address a note to Grand Central
Mayor Royso and family returned
last Saturday evening from a ten
days' absence from the oity. They
visited while gone at Auburn and
All trionds of woman suffrage arc
earnestly' requested to moot at the
home of Mry. Young on Tuesday ,
October 10th , at 3 o'clock p. m.
By order of Committeo.
The Magio Carpet Cleaner will
clean that soiled carpet without any
hard work , and while on the floor ,
and restore the color. For sale at
W. J. Woods' furniture stoje. 3t
Rov. J. W. Megan and wife and
D. M. Amsborry and wife are in
Omaha , attending the mooting of
the Baptist State Convention , which
convened last Tuesday. TLoy will
probably return Saturday night.
The Myers and Qloim two-story
buildiuu is now in the bauds of the
> lasterors , and will soon be ready
.0 occupy. When completed , it
ivill bo one of the best and neatest
ooking store buildings in the oity.
D. S. Kopp , woo has boon stay
ing with his son William , near In
lepoudence , Oklahoma , for some
.ime , returned homo last Friday
evening. He reports times good in
DklahomB , and that bis son is doing
wall financially.
A. W. Drake the seoond hand
man is now located on the west
? ide of public square , and having
bought out another stock of goods ,
contesting of queonswaro , glassware ,
cutlery and furniture , ho will sell at
unheard of prices for tbuty days.
Call and Bee him and got prices
before you buy.
The weather ior opening the
county fair Tuesday morning was
exceptionally favorable. A light
rainMouday eveniug not only served
to refresh the atmosphere , but
laid the dunt and ditipellud the wind.
If nice favorable weather continues
the prospects for a largo attendance
are good.
There will bo a mass mooting iu
Broken Bow on November 3d and
4th , 1809 , under the joint auspices
ol the National American Woman
Suffrage Association , and the Ne
braska Equal Suffrage Association
Able speakers will bo present , and
an entertaining and instructive pro
gram will bo carried out. oeo call
for same in our next week's issue )
Mr. Stevens , of Miller , made this
office a pooial call Monday , Ho in
formed us that J. A. Field is an
applicant for the postoflioo at
Miller , which is soon to bo vacated
by the present incumbent resigning.
The RUPUHI.IOAN , with Mr. Field's
many friends of this city , hope that
he may aeouro tbo appointment , as
ho is both worthy and competent.
Tbo Manila relic department in
charge of W. D. Grant at the
county fair is proving one of the
most interesting features in the
floral hall. The school exhibit is
very creditable but the laok of
room for that olahs of work hinders
greatly in making a good disulay.
S. K. Hnines bat ) charge of the
argioultural ball. He has a line
display of corn , potatoes , grassoa
and small grains-
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baldngr powders arc
mcnaccrs to licalth of Ihe prcrcrt
W , J. Woods returned InHt Fri
day evening from a two weeks' trip
to Chicago and Lincoln. On his
way to Chicago ho stopped oil at
Lincoln and attended tlio meeting
of I ho State Board of Examiners of
Undertakers for three days , llo
again passed tlio examination , nnd
wa granti'd a certificate m nn oni-
balmor. Wliilo in Chicago ho laid
in u largo Block of furuiluro for tlio
fall trade.
CHy Ticket.
At the republican city caucus ,
hist Friday afternoon , the following
candidates woio named : For jus
tices of the punun , Emil G'Sohwind
ai.d L. J , Gandy ; constables , L. E.
Cole and W. 11 , Farror ; assessor ,
W. II. O.uborno' co'i mittoonmn ,
I. A , Rcnoau. Or. motion , the
committee was authorized to till
any vacancies that might occur , by
di olination or otherwise.
Preaching at the U. B. church
next Sunday , at 11 a. in. and 7:30 :
p. in. , by the pastor , Rov. L. L.
Eploy. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Everybody invited.
Preaching 11 a. m. , Sub.Tho ( immovable -
movable ChriHtiun" , 7:30 p.m. In-
ppiration. Bible school 10 a.m. ,
C. E. 0:30 : p. m. All ore cordially
invited. T. B. McDonald.
Will hold a convention in Broken
Bow on the 3rd and 4th da > H of
November , 1800 , Able speakers
will be ptcBcnt and an entertaining
and itiBtruotivo proyramm will bo
provided. Call for convention and
programm will appear later.
By order of Committee.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft coal , and HCO il
they do not merit auuh favors in
quality , weights and prico. s28-4t
DOMAN-KI.BB At tlio.Chrlstlnn chnrcli , Banday
atoning , October 1st , 1899. Arthur Do man and
Ml n Mary Ktut ) , HOT. McIJonnlrt officiating.
The contracting parties arc both
residents ol tlns oity , and arc re *
guided an among the most highly
oapoQtod young puoplu of the oem
nunily. The groom IB a graduate
if the Broken Bow high sohoolri ,
and for Boveaal years has boon u
clerk in the dry goods and clothing
establishment of Wilson & Drake ,
of Una city , lie had LIH housa
ready , and furnishud for occupancy ,
aid tlioy commenced house-keeping
at ouoo. The REPUBLICAN join *
with their many friends in wishing
them a long , prosperous and happy
W. W. Cowles and wife and Mrs.
A. F. Ingralmm returned last Friday
livening from their visit of several
months oast. Mr. Cow Ion says the
evidences ot prosperity in the east
ern states is very manifest on every
hand , lie traveled iu IllinoisfPonn-
sylvania , Ohio , Virginia , Indiana
and Iowa , and said that on all roads
in every state the trains wore crowd
ed all the time. The demand fur
laborers in great everywhere ho YIH
ited. In Peoriu , Illinois , not luca
than a thousand moro men could
find employment if they could be
had , In speaking of the railroads , ,
he says ho found none on his triu
better equipped , or trainmen inora
accommodating and painstaking
than on the B , & M ,
rrospority Uully.
There will bo a Republican Rally
at West Union Saturdny afternoon
Oct. 7th. lion. M. P. Kiukaid ,
our nfcxt Congressman will speak
on the Iti'publioan issues and tha
return ol good times.
Judge Hamor , Candidate for judge
of the district court and oandidatoa
on the county ticket will also bo
All Republicans , Populists , Demo *
crats and Probitionits are earnes *
tly invited to attend.
Simon Cameron , Cong. Com.
Just Remember
That W. D. Grant does all kinds
of repair work , nnd is the only gun *
smith in Broken Bow. Bring iu
\onr guns , revolvers , sowing ma
chines , locks , gasoline stoves , and
in fact anything that needs repair *
irif ! , and he can do it for you , Also
tin roofing and roof repairing.It
Cattle Tor Sale.
One thousand head of onu , two
and three year old stpors also oightj
hundred head of stock oattlo. For
particulars enquire of W. C. Greg
ory , tf
Old fashion In dress may bo received ,
but no old-faeioued uicdlolne oan run
place Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera uud
Diarrhoea Itutncdy. For sale by , all
An Abraham Lincoln republican and a Member of Congress from the
state of Ohio , will address the people of Ouster county ,
Thursday , Oct. 12 , 1899 ,
AT 2 AND 8 O'CLOCK P , M , ,
At North Side Opera House ,
Gen. Grosvonor has for twenty-five years boon identified with the
law-making body of the United States.
Candidate for District Judge , will also address the "people. AH
persons , regardless of party afliliations , are cordially invited. Ooiao
outl Como out ! .
Cong. Com. Oh'u. Rep. Ceu. Com ( <