Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 28, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL , XVIII ,
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Ofllco ever Hyoraon's Kroc ) ry. Kealy
tlenco OUi liouso west of Baptist church.
Lunch Counter ,
Ed. Ma Hey , Prop'r.
All kinds of soft drinks. Best
brand of cigars , 1st building east
of Farmers' bank.
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt attention given to collections and real
estate. OOlcc orcr Flret National Hank. ,
Urokeu Itow , . . . Nebraska.
T. W , Bass ,
.All work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Ncbr.
R. B. Mullins ,
Physician ami - Surgeon ,
Uesldouru first house west of McCouian'
itoro. Ollloe In the Myers bulkllin : as noon as
Uow , - - Nebraska.
b 'ftf
iv > / : ? - ? ;
r Ji *
I V/r TT
i' , ; -
* . ? J 7 ! l Is the word with us. Wo are caterers to the demands of $ jft
-a r
the people. They say that they want a good Clock at fair ft : '
prices. Wo have them. j&jj
5i ? . :
jfsf *
m . . ; , lor our
Lamp Importation
Will be here shortly. People say we must have stolen
them last year , we sold them so cheap. If that is so , wo will j&jj
m beat tLo railroad company out of the freight this year handsomer - | $ i
somer and cheaper than over wait for them.
A Store plum , chuck full of
Keep your eye on our store , it will pay you. 1
vJi *
Mark. ,
* ?
. ,
. . v *
All < lnda o ( work In our Hue done
promptly and In flret-olnsB order. Red
Sbop on tbe corner , west of tbo hone
houeo. Qlyeuia trial.
mntw people In regard to
the nse at glnnBOSvoulil lead Hie InformiM to
. bollovo tliat tliclr eyes nro locntoJ In tup back
I of their heads , becstwo tliny never look iuto
the future. In eye UBO anil abuse tlioy go
I year after year with never a 1-ok nuoador n
' tlioucht for tbo Ills neglect will brinu. They
to the old , foolish , erroneous Idea that
It is best to put elf the use of cla-sea until
forced to nnt them on. They wait until their
Tlflion U BO deteriorated that oven nrnpor
glasses cannot ontlruly restore It to forniur
aciitenoos when , If Ukcn In time , glasses
[ would Kivo the same easy , restful vision en
joyed in younger days.
' Jeweler and Optician.
D Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic College.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between tbo Burling
ion and Qlobo Hotels. Tolepbono con
ueotlon. Hemlqutirtera of Cnllawa ;
etngo line. Single and double' rigs
Ratea reasonable.
Local Mention.
Job printing at thin oflioc.
Cannon City ooal at Diorkfl
Lumber Co.
For 25 cent Tam-O-Shantorfl go
to Mrs. PredmoreV
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer ooal.
QnuGiiHwaro at cost and IOHH , at
Poalu & Jolin'H.
All kind of collarettes and mulls ,
very stylish at Mrs. Prodmoro's.
Apples and poaohcs in quantity
at low prices , at Poalo & John's.
Just received a niuo line line of
nobby ties at W. II. Penn & Co's.
John Province , of Kyno made
this ofiioo a friendly call yesterday.
Bring in your old hats and have
them renewed at Mrs. Predmore'a.
All parties wishing sand are re
quested to see A. D. Bangs or J.
11. Henry.
The famous Boitelt capes , ladies ,
and Misses , jackets at low prices at
MrsPredinore's. .
W. C. Bohnott , of Mohuo 111-
inois , was here yesterday looking
after hia land interest.
Attorney James Ledwich spent
several day last week , on legal
busineas in Sherman county.
Fostor& Smith'j is the place to pur.
chase your material for your porch ,
or repairs on your house.
C. S. Martin can show you over
30 different styles in buggies ,
spring wagons and surries.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag oar-
pot. For particulars inquire of the
Ladies Baptist Aid Society.
Bear in mind our celebrated
dinner party vegetables.
City and iarm property insured
against fire , lightning and torn a-
Just received an elegant line of
ulsters. Call and see them at W.
H. Penn & Go's , before'purohasing.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
and wo will treat you right.
WANTED A good kousi keeper ,
Will pay three dollars a week.
CATTLE FOR SALK : At all tunes
on my ranoh six miles southwest of
Broken Bow. JKSBK GANDY.
The Clark spring wagons are
eoognized by buggy experts as
> eing the best spring wagon made ,
'or sale by C. S. Martin.
Tun cents on the dollar given
away in silverware and other
> remiurns with every dollar oash
mrohased at Mra. Prodmoro's.
Richard Stack has sold his
resturaut to his brother Walter T.
and Fred J. Stack. Dick has
moved to his farm on Wood River.
T. C. 11. Bayerhoffer , of ouster
owiibhip , who has been in the
eastern part of the state for several
weeks , returned yesterday. This
office acknowledges a friendly call.
When you visit the county fair
jofiure and vibit C. S. Martins
juggy repository and he will show
you the finest lot of buggies ever
shown in Cusler county in I. O. O.
. building.
Wrn. Cookrell , who owns a
norse rrMioh in Montana has pur
chased the Dooley feed barn and
corral. Mr. Cookrell will make
Broken Bow his headquarters ( or
his sale stable.
Let the people of the east quarter
of the county make Saturday Sept.
7th a holiday and go to West
Union and meet judge Kiukaid
our next congressman and judge
Uamer and other candidates on the
republican ticket. It will do you
A. W. Drake the second hand
man is now located on the west
fide of public square , and having
bought out another slock of goods ,
coniistingof queenswaro , glassware ,
cutlery and furniture , he will sell at
unheard of prices for thirty days.
Call and see him and get prices
before you buy.
We wish to have a meeting of
the exeututive committee of the
Broken Bow district Sunday school
association at the oflioo of J. J *
Piokett next S > turd ay afternoon at
3 o'clock , All the district officers
and Sunday school Superintendents
please attend.
J. M. CAUUSS , Proa.
WANTKD A girl , at Mrs. Qco.
Fou SALK Pony , cart and har-
Call on 0. P. Porjoy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaccine ,
Buggies ! Buggies ! Buggies !
C. S , Martin will trade you a now
buggy for an old one ,
See Will L. Rule , at foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
If you want something in the
buggy line that is O. K. and up to
date style , call on C. S. Martin.
A.F. Ingrnham , who has boon
looking aftoi his business matters ,
in Virginia several months , returned
Jan. C , Oaborno , contractor and
buildor. All work first olase ; for
particulars , call on or address him at
Broken Bow.
Preaching at the Baptist church
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7UO : p.m. B.
Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. m. , led by Miss
Millie Wairingtou.
11. B. Drake , of the firm of
Wilrtun and Drake , is in the cast
purchasing a stock of goods for the
fall and winter trade for his firm.
DIKI ) A card received this mor
ning Irom O.A. Smith of New He
lena states that I.J.Dings died yos.
terday afternoon. No particulars.
Admiral Dewey arrived in Now
York harbor Tuesday two days be
fore scheduled time. The great
rocption will take plauo tomorrow
in his honor.
Ladies , don't fail to call on Mrs.
Prodmoro before purchasing your
fall and winter wraps. Cheap
sale of those goods , during lair
Col.Eager failed to put in an ap
pearance yesterday as advertised.
It was well , as some of his com
rades wore prepared to suggest to
him some warm questions.
I have opened the now Grand
Central barn as a feed barn until I
can rent it. 1 will keep horses as
cheap as any one , your patronage
soliotod. NBLB Lieu : .
There will bo preaching next
Sunday at the U. B. church , both
morning and evening , by L. L. Ep-
loy. Also at Cantor Center at 3
o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a.m. as
usual. .
Ladies of Broken Bow and
vicinity are requested to call at
Mrs. Prodraore's during the fair
week. She will fit you out in
everything needed for fall and
winter woar. No trouble to show
B. W. Raymond informs us that
ho does not expect to leave here
soon and not until after holidays
anyway , He will continue his
canvass for books and silverware
at ho has been doing for the year
This week the freight trains are
burdened with Wilson and Drake's
fall purchases. It doos'nt matter
what you want , from a batohelor's
button to a fur over coat or from a
shoo string to a ladies fine jacket ,
they will save you money on the
purchase and send you away smil
The attention of the readers of
the REPUBLICAN this week is called
to the article , "Cummings Before
the Search Light" . It is an
affidavit made by Peter Rapp , a
highly respected citizen and busi
ness man near Borwyn. It shows
the character of the man the
populist combine put up for county
A secret service bureau has boon
organized in Broken Bow. The
members are men of years of ex
perience in that line , and can be
relied upon for faithful and effect
ual work. Parties wishing the
services of this organization , may
be accommodated by addressing
the Secret Service Bureau , Brokoi
Bow , Nob.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft coal , and see i
they do not merit such favors in
quality , weights and price , s28-4
Just Keuicmber
That W. D. Grant does all kinds
of repair work , and is the only gun
ornuh in Broken Bow. Bring in
your guns , revolvers , sewing ma
chines , locks , gasoline stoves , and
in fact anything that needs repair
ing , and he can do it for you , Also
tin roofing and roof repairing. 4t
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum twtlnj powders arc the greatest
menaccrs to health of the. present day.
"Cyclone" Davis talked , yester
day to a fair sized audience in the
court house. A cyclouu is defined
to bo wind running in a circular
manner. In this renpoot Mr. Davis
corresponds to his name. The iu-
side of the circle of a cyclone con-
ains a vaouin , and in this respect
Mr. Davis in again true to his name.
For lack of time and space this
veok wo are compelled to d6for a
review of the populists speeches
estorday , until next wook. Suflioo
o say it was the same old fong ,
against expansion , trustsand for 10
o 1 , government money printing
maohiuos , with a few variations.
Some pops were disappointed while
otnors wore delighted.
W. F. Edwards and wife , of
loldrogo spent fovornl days in the
city and county last weak visiting
old acquaintances. They drove
ever with a team and came around
> j the way of Turner valley , whore
they visited with O. W. Lincoln ,
who has charge of their valley homo-
stead. They returned home Mon
The position taken by Judge
Sullivan at the Catholic picnic at
Dale last week , in his speech , ie said
to bo very different from thosouti *
mouts expressed by him a short time
before at Analoy on the occasion of
the reception to company M. Then
ho said ho believed that the sacrifice
made by the boys would not bn in
vain but that God in some way and
some how , weld direct the Ameri
can occupation of the islands , for
the good of those benighted people
and to the interests of this country ,
it is said at Dale ho espoused the
cause of Aguinaldo and denounced
the course of this government.
Preaching 11 a. m. subject
Itimillty7:30 ; : p. m. , Religion and
.tohgiosilY , Bible school 10 a.m. ,
D.E. 0:30 : p.m. All are cordially
T. B. MCDONALD , Pastor.
Services at St. John's Episcopal
church Sunday , at 8 p. m. , con
ducted by Rev. R. M. Hardman ,
rector. Subject , "Tho Highest
Typo of Christianity. " Singing by
a vested choir. Yon are cordially
invited to be present.
You will miss bargains if you
fail to call and examine the finest
line of shirts and waists in Broken
Bow at Mrs. Prodmoro's.
I'lKHOKrt Una TT- Bandar , B ptemb r 24Ui , at
the residence of the brldeV mother , it Moron ,
George i'lercor and l' rl ado Unrrelt , both of
Morut , Father Klanulgan , of DMo , otDal/iUng.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
S. P. Barrett , formerly engaged in
the mercantile businusa in thin city ,
and IB well and favorably known in
this and surrounding vicinity , She
is now engaged i.'a business in
Morna , having located there lait
spring , The bride ia an exception *
oily fine young lady , and enjoys the
high esteem of a largo circle of ac
quaintances. The groom is the
young manager of the creamery at
Monm , and is n nephew of Bob
Kelley , a well known citizens of
that place. The wedding was quite
an affair , only the immediate
relatives being present , this in
cluded two aunts of the groom
from Chicago , Mr. and Mrs , H. S.
Squrios of this city , Mr. and Mra.
Woodruff of Georgetown. An
ologont auppor was provided for the
occasion by the mother of the
bride which the gueat enjoyed.
The high contracting parties were
the recipients of a number of
valuable presents. The REPUBLICAN
joins with their friends in wishing
thorn a happy and prosperous
Win. ' Neville , candidate for cong
ress , iu' his speech last night referred
to an article , which ho said appear
ed in a republican paper in thia
county , derogatory to his character ,
purporting to'bo from a pepulUt of
North Platte , Ho inferred if tnu
writer of it was a pop that republi
can money was back of it. Ho
further stated that "the article ia
absolutely false from bognning to
the and. " The article referred to ia
the one that appears on the editorial
page of this papor. It was taken
from the Sargent New Eraa popu
list and not a republican paper.
Wo do not know the writer , but at
the letter was written to and given
outby W.D.Hall a populist , well
known to the citizens of Ouster
county for his integrity , no one will
question the authenticity of the let
ter or that it is wholly of populiatio
origin , notwithstanding Novtlle'i
Judge M. P. Klnkaid , republican
candidate for congress is billed to
speak at West Union Saturday
afternoon. September 7th on politi
cal issues of the day. F. G. Hamer
candidate for district judge and
other candidates on the county
ticket will he there. Let every
citizen , who wants to BOO able and
clean men olootsd to office , that live
in the vicinity of West Uuion attend
the mooting and make the acquaint *
auce of the republican candidates.
Take your { neighbors with you.
Parties wishing to keep them
selves posted on the looal uewa and
politics can find DO better paper in
the county than the RBPUIJLICAIC.
It continues to grow more popular
with the public as is shown by its
constantly increasing circulation.
This week its circulation will reach
nearly sixteen hundred almost
doubo that of any other paper m
Broken Bow. Its subscription
price is only $1 a year , which places
it within the reach of every body.
Its name indicates Us politics.
Try some of our Diamond coffees.
] Xro:2Ct :
OCTOBER 2d to 7th , 1899.
A Company of 16 People.
All tto Latest
Popular Prices , 25 , 35 and 50 Gents ,
The Redmond Company make no false promisos.but present a rep or-
toiro of Sterling Snocosses. Enhanced by a scenic equipment of rare
beauty and magnitude , interpreted bj a company of metropolitan pUyen ,
Ladies Free Monday Night.
Each person purohaaing a 50o or 35o ticket for Monday night , will
bo allowed to reserve another seat for a lady , free of charge ,