Stfito Illst Librarian & 0u * ' l , rt 0 01 VOL XVIII , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 1809-EIGHT PAGES , NO 14 , iri' t.IS\VIH : WHITIS. nrop'M. nKAUCKB IN MAIUII.K & GIIANITB MONUMENTS. All kinds of eometcry work. Workinniinhip Mid I prices gnar&ntood , Shops at BROKEN BOW and ANSLBY. Lunch Counter , \ Ed. fflalloy , Prop'r. All kuids of soft drinkB. Best brand of cigars. 1st building east of Fanners' banu. Clinton Day , PUYBICIAN ANI > 8UUOKON , Broken Bow , Neb. Ofllco over Hyereon'B grocery. Realy UonceUUi uouae west of Uaptist church. E. B. Mullins , Physician and - Surgeon , Heeldonco Orel house woet of McComas' drug tore. Otllcu In tlio Myers building as noon us completed. Uow , - Nebraska , "Hii A id , ; HA.NOH. " Clone friendships follow Introduction to my i > las e . They will nld you In ninny liiconcclvablo ways lu Uio iicrformmico of your dally Mutlu * . Lot me Introduce you. J Don't postpone tbli ineotluK 1'rocraftl- nallon Is tlio ttilef of good eye sight. 1 liu constant dropping of water w111 wear nway a * tone. A BllKhteyostrnln linpnlt lio.iltli I because It IB constant. Tbe strain wlurli tlrst nmulfueU Uself i < a alight discomfort sliotiUI bo jiromptly remedial by tlm use of L'hmsca I'liorKittii.ABHKH tlio Kindand I tbu only kind I III. s Graduate ot Chicago Ophthalmic Colli'Ko. ; KKKK OKXK : KK K K E : KKJKSK : ! ! : : : | Farmers , ask my competitors if they can carry $ .1000,000 of | rtt" I Insurance against Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Cyclones and Wind Storms tor eight years for $15. That's what I can do , and in a g company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance in force in this . B. 0HOUSE. . state. , BSIPOftioe in First National Bank buildine , 1st floor. I Isaasaaaaa I g j ! CLOTHING " , - ! , Ei All New , and of the Latest Pattern , AT- I We have the finest line of i Gents' Furnishing Goods , Trunks , Yalises , Etc. We bought these goods direct from the factories , and arc able to sell them as cheap as any house in the county. The advantage we have over our competitors is that our stock is all now , and we have no shelf wor > r second hand stock. All these goods are up to date in styioand quality second to none. We are located in the Realty block , south bide square. Call and see us. Wo are prepared to lead our competitors , in quality and prices. Broken Bow , Nebraska. i2 ' ri ? . * : . ' ? , > I ! ? ' s * i i VS : t" J. G. HAEBEHLE. X& ti $ $ F. 0. WOKNALL. 1'roaldent. J. A. II\ltltl3. Cashier. A. J. nOUEHTSON , Vlco-Prea. W. D. ULACKWBLL , Ass't Oanhler. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transact * a General Banking BusinoBR. County Claims and Warrants Bought , Local Mention. Job printing at this oflioe. Pure cider vinegar at J , 0. BOWOII'B. Cannon City coal at DiorkB Lumber Co. Tea loaf brand of teas at J. C. BOWOII'B. Go to Foster & Smith's for your summer coal. Qnoonswaro at cost and leBS , at Poale & John's. W.II.Fowler of Walworth was friendly oallor Tuesday. Apples and poaches in quantity at low prices , at Poalo & John's. Teams and saddle horses will bo admited to the fair free this year. Just received a nice line line ol nobby ties at W. II. Poun & CO'B. If you have a fine colt or a good mare , why not take them to the fair. fair.A A number of the citizens of the oity wont this morning to the Dale picnic. All parties wishing sand are re quested to see A. D. Bangs or J II. Henry. Judge Sullivan commenced ot equity term of court in this city Monday. Fostonfe Smith'j is the place to pur chase your material for your porch or repairs on your house. For Sale-Thirty yards of rag car pet. For particulars inquire of the Ladies Baptist Aid Society. Boar in mind our colobratec dinner party vegetables. PKALK & JOHN. City and larin properly insurec against lire , lightning and torna does. J. M. KIMUKKLING. Just received an elegnnt line o : ulsters. Call and sop them at W. II. Poun & Co's. before purchasing We want your grocery orders and we will treat you right. J. C. BOWKN. CATTLE FOB SALK : At all times on my ranch six miles southwest of Broken Bow. JKBSK GANDY. Mayor Royso lias appointed J.J Snyder police judge to fill the va cancy occasioned by the death ol G.W.Froy. Andy Sommer of Morna made this oflioo a friendly call yesternay. He reports several political converts in his locality. Harold , iho four year old boy of Jacob Johnson fell Saturday and broke his arm. At last reports he was getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Crawford of Cordon Iowa , came in Tuesday night on a visit with their duugh ter Mra. G. T. Robinson. Stock raisug is fast getting to bo thu leading indursty in this O3unty. If you have fine cattle , why not show them at the fair , the first week in October. The Philipino exhibit of Manil relics and war ourios , which th boyb of Company M biought homo with them , will bo an interesting ono at the county fair. The Young People's Christian Union , ol Broken Bow will hold a meeting , in the M. E. church on Sunday Sept. 24th at 1 p m. All are cordially invited. By order of president. The management of the county fair have very wisely arranged for tight rope and trapeze performances , and also for fancy rifle shooting be tween racing heats at the fair this year. ' 1 ho Ansley Advocate says , that J. D. Amsbcrry of Enon , who lost his barn and contents by fire about six weeks ago , has received notice that the full amount of his in surance has been allowed. The G. A. R. reunion at Lincoln wan ono of the most greatly atten ded for seveial years. The Btato reception to the First Nebraska was held during that time , which added greatly totho _ interest. Rev. L. L. Eploy , of Elba , has been assigned pastor of the U. B. church at this place. Ho is u young man with a small family. Rev. Boll has boon assigned work in the eastern part of the state. WANTKD A girl , at Mrs. Gco. Willing' * . Chase and Sanborn coffees at J. C , IOWOH'B , ,1 nlOR Ilaumont of Elton was a welcome caller Wednesday , Wo buy produce and chickens. J. C. BOWKN , Fou SAWI Pony , cart and har- IOSB , TATLOU FMCIC. Call on 0. P. Parley , agent for Pasteur Black Log Vaccine. Try some of our Diamond coffees. PKALE & JOHN. Got a premium Hat of the oouty fair at once and BOO what premiums are on what you have to oxhibt. See Will L. Rule , at Foster & Smith's yard , and have him give cKtimatos on your bills. Jaa. C. Osborno , contractor and builder. All work first class ; for particulars , call on or address him at Broken Bow , A poem of merit , from the pen of a disgusted populist appears on the editorial page , which rucitcs Homo interesting facts. Road it. Joe. llaoffelo wont to Omaha this" morning at > dclegato to the republi can state convention. Chas. Pcnn , F. H. Young and Jud Kay went yesterday. A mooting of the W , C.T. U. will behold at the homo oiMva.D. M. Amsberry , Wednesday afternoon , Sept. 2 , at 2 o'clock. All members are invited. You can enter articles ono w ook before the fair opens. Just drop a postal card to E. R. Parcel ! , Seo'y. , Broken Bow , describing your entry. The populfltB am to have a politi cal rally hero Wednesday , the 27tk. Cyolono Davis , Win.Neville , , Col. F. D. Eager , and Judge Sullivan are to be the attractions. "Farms for sale and lauds for rout. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as thu cheap farms are all going and prices aru commencing to advance rapidly. J.G.Broimor. The Kearney fair advertise nine races , and hangs up $350. The Custer Conuty Fair has eighteen races , and will distribute $1,500. This is what brings fast horses to Custor County. The Ouster County Medical Society - cioty was in session in the oity Tues day. Dr. Gifford , of Omaha , Dr. Wamsloy , of West Union , and Dr. Hanna , of Ansloy , were in attend ance , in addition to the resident members. An interesting and profit able mooting is reported , R. D. Piokott has gene to Central City , whore ho has accepted a posi tion in a college as professor of ste nography , lie also has classes in the grammer department. The Republican congratulates Mr. Pickutt on his position and hope it may prove remunerative. C. B. Hayes has moved the nmall frame building from his lot wut > t of the square , to hifl lot on fifth avenue , lie will at once commence the erection of a ono story brick building on hia lot weal of the square , which he and his HOII Fred will occupy with there stocks of jewolory and shoos. A. W. Drakethe second hand man is now loot ted ou the west pide of public quare , and having bought out another stouk of goods , consisting of queen's ware , glass ware , cutlery and furniture , ho will sell at unheard prices for thirty days. Cull and see him and get prices before you buy. The largo purse offered at the fair this year have attracted the very bust heroes in the state , and already a large number of .entries have boon made. Another thing which indicates a big attendance of horsemen , in thu unusually largo number of box stalls which have been spoken for. There are eighteen big racing events , and 81,500 will be hung up. Every farmer who attends the fair this year , should take something > ing to help out the dispay. Put in a few ears of corn , a peck of wheat , samples of big potatoes , melons , or something of that kind , Those who spend a half a day gathering a good exhibit will no doubt secure premiums to moro than pay their expenses , and they will also help advertise Custor county. fl/Iade / from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum , . Altrm Uakinp powders arc ( he { jrcate&i mcnuccrs to health of ( lie present day. HOYM OAKINO POWDCR CO. , WtlMHMMHMWNMMOTBWi VVWWPCTvyX OHUIHTIAN ( UlUliOU , Proauhing 11 a. m , , Sub. God'B plau for Having thu world , 8 p. m. Power to become God's SOIIB. Bible Rohool 10 a. m. , 0. E. 7 p. m. All are oordgially invitud. T. H. McDonald Pastor. Hopiililicau Caucus. The ropubliaan electora of the oily of Broken Bow are hereby owll- d to moot , in tbu court IIOUHU , Fri day September 20 at 2o'olook p in , lor thu purpOHo of placing in nomi nation of two justices of thu puncu two uonHlabloH , assessor and for the trannaction , of Hiiuli othur biifi- as may oomu before thu mooting. I. A. Ronoau , Chr. Com. Fay Thorp was thrown from hia bicycle Saturday night and had 1m face quite badly bruHod and wriat sprained , lie was unuonBiouB from the time ho fell until ho was taken home. The tire gave way and the rim of thu wheel Htruuk on a bridge that caused the miBtmap' Clyde Adams was thrown from hiB wheel the name evening and for a time was uncoiiBiotiB , but lucidly oBoaped without any BeriouB bruibcs. Card of Thanks. We the committee on entertain ment desire to thank the momborH of our siator churohoB and thu people ple of Broken Bow for their very gonurouH liolp in opening their homos to thu entertainment of the members of the fifteenth annual session , ol the West Nebraska Con ference , of the M. E. church and wo as a church are ready to reciprocate when any of of our sister uhurohoB are in like neutl. E. J. PlTTAWAY , Chr.Entertainment Committee. We are in reoipt of a copy of the Greenwood Record \vliiuh givoB an account of a reception tendered there to Ai Dovoe.a member of Company M , who enlisted in Broken Bow , but since ho wont to Manila hiB parents have located at Greenwood and Ai when ho re turned with his regiment went to Greenwood. Ho was the only member of thu first Nebraska in the town. It is paid the reception brought together the largoBt crowd of people ever assembled in the town. A line program was renderd. Harry and Paul Colfman , jtwo boyp who live on ft farm near Alanon Citji rode horseback to the circus Monday , and on their re turn about midnight , oppoHito II. E. Zimmerman's place , thu mare which Harry rode became fright ened at a manure pile by the road- Hide and ran into a wire funcc on the east side of the road and out a frightful gash in her front leg , just below the point of her shoul der. Thu mare is three years old , weight about a thousand pounds and is now at Mr. Zimmerman's with rather a fiiim chance of re covery. Advocate. C. It , Guttcrson returned last Thursday night from a two weeks visit at his olu homo in Now York with hia mother and brother , lie Bays that the farmers in that local ity are having bettor times than they have had for twenty-live years. They are all prosperous and every body that will work , finda employ , mout at good wages. Ho says the farmora among whom ho mingled gave the republican admitiHtration credit for the good times they are enjoying. Under the former ad ministration , the farmers only got from four to six cents for their choose , while now they got from nine to eleven cents. Ho says there are no pops there , They are either republicans or democrats. COURT NOl'CS. A Grist of Foreclosures and Dlrorccs Ground Out , and a Number of discs Continued , Including the Dam age Case Against l < 'rcd Cum * niliigs , the 1'op Can didate for Judge. Judge Sullivan hold a two days Houston of court thin week , adjourn * ing Tuesday evening. A num ber of foreclosure and other cases of intorcat wore disposed of or con tinued , Thu elevator case , of Jaoquot of Merna against Warren , of AiiBolmo was uommuncud , but the plaintiff , Jauquot asked luavo to amoud hia petition , which was granted , and the suit continued over to next tojrm. The divorce ease of lioaoh vs Koaoh was sot for trial Tuesday nightbut as Mrs.Koaoh made ap plication for a continuance it wan granted. ' lu the uasu of thu county against judge Reese and hia bondsmen , Du- lendent liuusu filed a motion to uompul plaintiff to make its petition moru definite regarding certain foca which the county claims he had collected and not acuuountud for. Motion over ruled. In the case of the atato against MuMahan , charged with baatardy , the doledant gave security for hi a appearance at next term of court. In thu cases , of the state va Prof. Sotiuld , he gave bale for hia ap- puarauuu noxi turm and the oaaoa were continued. lu the divorce ease of Bush vs Bush , decree was granted. The parties had lived together only two weeks after their marriage. In the divorce case of Wiloox va O.L.Wiloox , decree. The uasu of Peter ilapp , of Bor > wyn against Fred Cummings of West Union was uoiitiuuud to the November term. Thia IB a case in which Ilapp sued Cumrniugs for $3000.00 , tor unlawful arrest , the unlawful uoniisualion of a horse , and for the logs of several calves , caused by i ho unlawful arrest and detention o f the plaintiff. Eovoy ono who attended the county fair last year , knows of the King school , because of its magifi- ceut display of school work. Every school in the county should got up an exhibit as speedily as possible , and help thu educational exhibit at the Cuater County Fair this year. Children's Day at the 1'uir. Wednesday , October -Hli , is ohil- drens' day at the county fair. On that day all the school children and all teachers will be admited frco. Quito a number of school in the county have already signified their desire to attend in a body. Arthur Conrad , son ot O. H. Conrad , was thrown from their wagon Tuesday uvuning , while in thu act of turning thu tuam around to go home. He sustained two severe cuts on thu head and nook , but was not otherwise seriously hurt. In turning , the wagon cramped , and was upset , throwing the boy to the ground m bauk of the horses. The loam only ran a few rods , when it came in contact with ono of John Henry's dray wagons , heavily loaded , which stopped them , but the wagon to which ttiuy ware hituhed had thu appearance of hav ing gone through a cy lono. MAKIUKJ ) . SNYDKB-CAHLOS bunday nljjht. Hept. 17th , at ttio M 1C , Uiurcu , Andruw tinydur uud Mies dandle C'lirloa. both of tlilt city , HOT. W. U. ] ) . Horuuday ollloltitlni ; . The bride is the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. Carlos , ot this city , who are umoug the first settlers of the county , having homesteaded - steaded on Clear creek neor Huxley. In after years they located in Ansloy to afford bettor educational facilities for their children , Claudio and Clyde , where they both graduated. They then moved to Broken Uow , where their daughter was engaged in teaching in the city school. She is a lady of reh'uinunt culture ami in telligence and onjoya the esteem of all who know her. The groom is the older of the firm of Snyder Bros. , and proprietors of a large dry goods and clothing store of this oity , who are doing a th riving busi ness. Ho is a young man of ex emplary habits , excellent character and fine butunuris ability. They loft Monday morning tor the east on their wedding tour , expecting to return Friday night. The REPUB LICAN joins their host of friends in congratulations and wishes them a long lifo of happiness and prosperity ,