Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1899, Image 5

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At Breeding's Raneh seven miles south of West Union , and
two miles east of Round Valley , on
I will sell to the highest and best bidder , the following personal
property , to-wit :
Forty-two head of dry Cows and UmforH.
Five head of milch Cows ,
Five 8 year-old Heifers with oalf.
One 2-year-old Bull.
One Bull Calf.
i" Thirty.five yearling.SteorB.
* " ' Thirty-one yearling LJoifera.
Fifteen epring Calves.
Ono hundred head of Stock Hogs of various ages.
Two thoroughbred Boars.
, Two Brood Mares.
Two spring Colts.
Two 1-year-old ruaro Cults.
Four 2 year-old Horses.
One pair of well broken work H les,4 and 0 y'rsold.
One Farm Wagon.
Two Sets of Harness.
One Self Binder.
One Mower.
Ono Hay Itikr.
Two Harro VP.
Throe Stirring Plow * .
Two Breaking Plows. \ . .
Two Cultivators.
One Disk. "
Ono Lister. ;
- ,
-I *
Ono Corn Planter.
Ono Check Rower and wire. . , ' - *
Ono Fence Machine. .
One Hay Rack.
Ono Grind Stone , a lot of Fence Wire , etc.
Ono Cabinet Organ.
Ono Sewing Machine.
Two Stoves , and various household goods , from
cellar to gairot.
Hogs , and sums under ten dollars , Cash in hand. Cattle , six
months' time , 10 per cent from date ; well secured notes. Horses ,
mules , and other articles , 12 months' time , with 10 per cent inter
est ; good bankable notes. Nothing removed from premises until
terms of sale are complied with.
F Lun
Somerford , Uebraska.
U. S. Land Office , |
JAMES WHITEIJEAD , - Regif > ter |
P. II. YOUNG , . . . - Receiver |
Land OOlco at Lincoln , Neb. , I
Aug 28 , 1899. f
Notice Is hereby Riven that the folloulnf-
uamud cottier bus filed notice of his Intention to
maku flnnl proof lu support of hit. claim , and t > at
said proof will bo made before Jndeon U.
Porter nt Aiifloy , Nobr , ot , Oct. 11th 1699 , vU :
Jcuse I > . AniHlJcro ,
U. B. No. 1843i , for the wft nwM , Sec. 35-16-18-\r
0 P. M He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon und culti
vation of , said hind , viz : U. 11. Ellson , uf
Ansley , Nebraska. , ) . N. Grcenlec , J H.
llrumf , W. D. Amsberry , all of Jluson ClUy Neb.
au . 31-01 J. \\v. JOHNSON , llCKlfter.
Land Ofllce at Uroken Bow , Null. , |
Aug. 10th 1899. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following nam
ed Battler has filed notlco of hit * intention to
maKe final proof In support of his oln'm. and
that Mild proof will bu made before Hi-gUUTund
Receiver at Urokun Dow , Nub , on Sept. 22nd ,
1899 , vl/ :
JtlllllH 14. OtlUlI ,
of Round Valley , Neb. , H. E. No. 350. for the
u1sou nwi sw'4 , PWU nu > f , of section 31 ,
township 10 N.H. 19 W.
lie niines the following wttnrcFcs to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
1 old land , viz : Olc Johnt-on , Henry Helgrrsou.
Aslag Anderson , Oscar Ehgelhjgc d , nil of Kouud
Valley , Neb.
Neb.JAMES WDITEIIKAD , llcglstar.
Notice to Non-Resiilent Defendants.
The Globe Investment Company , of Uoeton ,
Massachusetts , and Henry A Wyninn , receiver of
thu Gloliu Tnvcrlment CompHnyof HOHIIMMH | SH-
chnsetts , will takn notice that on the 1-Hh day of
August , 1899 , Cornelias 0 < uyler and llcnjamln
Qrahum , p alntHTs , tiled their petition In thu dis
trict court , In and fur CustiT cou'tj , .Ntbraslc ,
against the said defendants , lnu > ended with Clin
ton U Slver and ncrtrildu M. Sivur , m.d others ,
the object aud prayer of which Is to forielosu n
certain mortgage deed , executed bv the defend-
autHOlinton O HHver and Ucrtrudo M Kllver.lo the
Qiobo InvcA'ment Co. , conveying thu northwest
quarter ( nwk ) of section thirty (30) ) , In township
Hxtccn ( IP ) norlh , of rai'ge I'venty-ilvo (25) ( , west
of the till ! 1'rIncIiulMcrIcIini , In Nebraska , t < > se
cure the payrmnt of a rertain promissory note , or
first mortgage bond , dated on the llth duy of No
vember. 1689 , for the turn of S900diie and najab eon
on the first day of November , 18'Jl , with Interest
at 10 per cent per annum. That there la now duo
upon said principal note the Bum of $90i.CO. )
with Interest thereon at 10 per cent per
annum , from tbo 1st day of Mmmlicr ,
1891 ; one coupon interest note , fulling
duu and payable on thu first day of May , 1891with
Interest thereon at thu rate of ten per cent per
annum from the said first day of .May. 1891 Onu
coupon liitcro.ii note In tlio Bum of SIH.fiO duu and
payablw on the first dny of November , 1894 , with
interest there n at thu rate ol ten per cunt pur
annum from the told first day of Novcmhcr , 1801.
And * : \vlthlnterest thereon from the 28th
day of November , Ib9i ) , at Iho rate often per cent
pur annum , for tuxes paid ou said tirruilses for
the years 1803 , Ib9l and 1895 ; and 831.35 , wfth in
terest thereon at the rate of of ton per cent per
annum , from the 12th day of August , 1899 , for
taxes paid on salt ] premucs for tlio
years 1MK ) , 1897 and 1E93. Plitintllfs pray
for n decree that the defendants bo re
quired to pay thu tamu , or that said premises
may bo sold to satiety thu amount found duo. You
are required to answer said petition on or hcloro
the Otu day of October , 1899. Dated this 23d day
o August , 1809. ng24-U
James Lodwlch , Attorney for I'luintlls.
Notice to Non-Resident' .
Charles L. Long , Thu Globe Investment Co. of
Iloston Massachusetts , and Henry A. wymnn its
receiver defendant * will take notice that on the
18 h d y uf July Ib09 , Cornelius ( ! . Cuylcr and
llenjamlu Graham filed ttiolr petition In the
dlstilct court of Custer county Nebraska agalnrt
raid defendants luiplcaded with others , thu object
aud prayer of which are to foreclose a curtain
mortgage executed by the defendant Charles L.
Lang , in favor of the defendant the Globu Invest
ment Co. and by It assigned to said plaintiffs ,
conveying the swLj office 4 In township ION. of
range B west of the Oth p. m. , lu said county to
secure the payment ot'Oiiu certain note in the sum
of JOOO aud loterett due aud payable ou the tlrbt
day of Dec. 1895. There )8 ) now duo on said note
und mortfjtijo the sum of $ r > 00 , on thu note with
IntcicM tin rroii at 10 cent per nnnnm from Dec.
llrm 1FU5 , nnd $ JO.a" with interest thereon from
.1 uly 17th ISW , in 10 cent per annum , for which
pump with Interest plnlntlff pru s for a decree
tint I difoi daiils bo required to pay the same , or
tbnt eald iirunisea bo sold to satisfy the amount
found duu. You ore required 10 answer said
petition on or before the 18th day of Sept. 1899.
Dated this first day of August 1S9'J.
ConNKi.uwC. CUVI.KII & HKNJ GIIAIIAM rl't'tfp.
Hv James Lewich his Att'y.
Notice to Non-Resident Delendants.
The Saint Jcscph Loan and Trust Company , of
M.-loseph , M . , and thu I'henlx Insarmico Co. ,
of Brooklyn , New Yor * , di'fendantp , will take
notlco that on the 18th duy of August , 1809 , the
plaintiff , Ann A. Colvln , tiled her petition in the
district court of Ciistor county , Ncoradkn , against
the defei dants , impleaded with John W. Taj lor
nnd Jennie M Tnylnr , ut ul , Ihu object r.nd
pruyer of which 1 * to foreclose a certain mortgagu
deed , executed by the defendants , John W Taylor
and Jennie M Taylor , to the Milut Joseph Loan
and Trust C'otupany , of St. Joseph , Jlo , convey
ing the nortbeuct iiunrter ( ncK ) of section thirty ,
( IH ) ) In towu-liip fiiurtceu (14) ( , north , of raugo
clKiiteon (18) ( , west of the Cth principal meridian ,
In Nebraeka , to hocurc the payment of cue first
mortgage real ectiuo promlsory note with Inter-
i st tlicreon , Bald note being dated on the first day
uf October , 168U , for the sum of $700.00 , duu and
payable on tlin fiibt day of October , 1W5. That
there Is now due upon said note and mortgage thu
following f unit , to-\\lt : UL the i rlnclpnl note
the sum ot 57tO , with iuttrist thereon at the raui
of ten "er cent per annum from the fir t duy of
October , 1895 , one coui on InttrcBi note in the
sum ol $21 50 , with lntcret thereon nt thu rate
of ten per ci'iit per annum , from the first day of
Octobe ,1 95 : one coupon interest note In the sum
of $21.60 , with Interest thereon at the ruto of ton
per cent per annnm from the tlrH duy of April ,
189J , for \\hlch eald several sums , with Interest ,
1ti)5 ! ; one coupe Interest note In thu sum ot
821 50 , with Intercs thereon attho mtw uf IIMI per
cunt per annum , from tbo 1st duy ot October ,
thu pialnllQ. pravs fur a dccrun that the defend-
tints be required to pay thu samu or that said
premises may bo sold to satisfy tlio amount four.d
duo. You nro ri ( mired to lin\vur said petition on
or before the Oth duy of October , 1809. Patcd this
21d iiny of August , Ib99 ngJ It
JiuneH iA-ilwicli , Attoruuv for I'luuitlli.
Checkered Front
K. H. CL.INR9IAM , ITop'r.
PntroiiHge solicited Good accommodations ,
fair treatment and reasonable rules
City Feed Mill ,
E. F . McCuniE , Pron.
llyo Flour and Graham , ground on
Htono burr. All kindri of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to uit
customerAf'ent for condensed
CibtiH Stook Food.
Wm. F.
. . Hopkins ,
Plans aud Specifications ou short notice. Ma-
turlnl ( utnlalied und bulldluga coinplottxl clicmpei
limn any man lu thu stato. Satisfaction guaranteed
toed UH to iiliius and encciflcatlonB.
lliclmrd son's Livery
nt the old Bland , between thu hurling-
ton and Glube Hotels Telephone con-
neotlou. HcadquiirtPrrt of Callnwny
Btngu llat > . Single and double rlga.
JJutea reasouablo.
No woman can bo too careful of
her condition during the period be
fore her little ones are born. Neglect
or Improper treatment then endan
gers her life and that of the child. It
lies with her whether she shall suffer
unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal
I I ' shall be made comparatively easy.
She had better do nothing than do
something wrong.
Is the one and the only preparation
that is safe to use. It is a liniment
that penetrates from the outside.
External applications are eternally
right. Internal medicines are radi
cally wrong. They are more than
humbugs they endanger life.
Mother's Friend helps the muscles
to relax and expand naturally re
lieves morning sickness removes
the cause of nervousness and head
ache prevents hard and rising
breasts shortens labor and lessens
the pains and helps the patient to
rapid recovery.
From a letter by a Shreveport , La. ,
woman : "I have been using your
wonderful remedy , Mother's Friend ,
for the last two months , and find it
just as recommended , "
DruggUta sell It at $1 per bottle.
Send for our free illustrated book.
"Before Baby Is Horn. "
C. \ \ , 11KAL. A. P. f-MITU
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt attention given to collections and real
U5tule , 0111 co aver First National Dank.
ItroUen How , . . . Nebraska.
All Kinds o ( work in our line dona
promptly aud In flret-olafis order , lied
Sbjp on ( be corner , west of the hoeo
house. Qlvo us a trial.
Ivllt Creek.
The pop Jnstlco of the peace In Klk Creek town-
shin tajs an oath ndinlnlttcrcd by him Is n farce ,
tid not binding , anil that no fcnslblo perron ox-
ItcctK It to bo. Well , \vo liollcvc It , ns very few
pep oitcUl * uf the county have kept the oath tuny
took to do their duty , deeming It n fate , nnd not
oblljrntory. So tlio people are ln'xInnliiK lo
think , ave have cftl < l all lotiK HiV , the whole
po | < party Is n farce , from Kovo'nor down to con
stable. Thu pops of Custer county , Klk Creek
tovruf aln in particular , very oHlco liuiiury Itiln
year. The Ju < ttco of the pence hn * for tlio lust
tuo month * been recking cndorncmnnt by the
rppnblloins , and the CMulhUtu for county clerk to
also a candidate for townMilp clerk lie IB bound
to have an ofllro of some kind , if ho mn uot It.
but the voters of tbo county nro tired of thfi kind
of work , and will promptly sit on him ,
J. O. Oouloy 1ms rnturnod front Oklahoma. Ho
has onga cd to do ulUro work for It. 15. llreci ,
Call away , Neb.
From the number of wild bon ts In llrokrti How
ou Monday , It IOOK * lllto Nebraska was returnlui ;
to Us primitive condition.
After rnvoral dajs of the hottest and most dls
agreeable wenthor of the year , the spell was
broken by a ram lint week , fooling thu ulr anil
putting tlio giound In splendid condition for fall
plowing. U Is thu consensus of opinion uf farm *
em and grain men of thin pi co , that the ci-tlinnto
of the corn crop of this vicinity will IIIITO to bn
rovlnod , with ievoral busheli per acre stricken oil
the estimates of ton days ngo , when the people
wcro talking of at Icnst n fair crop. This change
of opinion IB duo to the late hot nud dry wonther
\ \ llh the inerctiiy standlni ; at 100 and nbovo , and
the winds hot and blowing a gale , has been hard
ou corn , drying It up prematurely , so it I' now
. onceilcd thM the crop will bo light. Small
Mnilu Is disappointing.Vhciit yields from three
to ten , and the best 1 hare heard from ( ilRhlocu
per acre. Oats are Tory light ; potntom
fulr. Mtlll much throehlng to do , and the threvh-
criuim are very busy.
The Dale I'icnlc.
The grand annual picnic for the
honofit of St. Andrew's Catholic
ohuroh , will take place rttDalu , Nob. .
Tliursday , September 21st , 1809.
Various onmmittcca have boon ap
pointed to BOO after those attending.
There will bo a qood program , con-
Histing of musio , singing , speaking ,
cake walk etc. In the afternoon
there will bo foot , bioyole and horse
races. Liberal prizes will bo offered.
A grand dinner and supper will bo
served by the ladies of the parish.
Dancing will bo one of the ontor-
tiiuinp features of the evening.
A good time is anticipated. ( Jomo
and bring your frionds.
R. D. NcOAiiTV ,
Booth Privilege Auction.
An Btiqtfon will bo held for the snlo ol
booth privileges diM ( IIP county fair ;
sr.hl unction to ti.k pluue on tlio ialr
Krounds , lit Urokon Bow , September 20 ,
189 ! ) , nt 8 o'clock p. in. TIJO following
privileges will be sold :
Two entlng houses with refrcahinent
stand privileges. Said eating houses to
have Bole right of nil lunches and meals ;
minimum bid to be 825 00 each.
Two refreshment stands undfr amphi
theater , with privilege oi nclling in am
phitheatre , also two refreshment stands ,
to he located near exhibit ball ; mini
mum hid on each to bu $10 00 , Said
stands to sell summer drinks , confec
tionery , nuts , popcorn , cigars , tobaccos
nnd fruits
Uno pit-time pop corn and peanut
roaeter , with prlvilfao of grounds ;
ml til tiium bid to bo $15.00.
llida will nlpo be received on other
privllfgis , minimum price to bo Pot on
day of auction. L. 11 JBWETT , Pros
E K.PuitCKLL , Seo'y.
TLo finest quality of loaf sugar Is need
in the manufacture of ClmmbnrlMn'6
Cough Remedy , nnd the roots used In
Its preparation give it a ( hvor similar to
that of maple syrup , making * it very
pleasant to take. As a medicine for tbo
cure of cough ? , colds , lagrlppe , croup
and whooping cough it Is unequalled by
any other. It always cures , aud cures
quickly. For sale by all druggists.
This is to certify that I have had
chronic diarrhoea ever since the war. 1
got so weak I could hardly walk or do
anything. One bottle of Chatuborlaln's
Uollc , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Komedy
cured mo sound nnd well.
J. H. Gibus , FJiioiwllo , Va.
I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve
years. Three bottles of 'Jbimborlnln's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea lleiuedy
cured mo. S.L Shnvei .PiDcnstle.Va.
Both Mr. Glhhi nnd Mr. Shaver am
prominent farmerp , nnd reside
near Flncaatlo. Va. They procured the
remedy frnm Mr.V.J3. . ( Jaipur , ndrue-
giPt of that place , who is well acquainted
with them , nnd will vouoh for the truth
of their statements. For etile by all
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaua , Helena ,
Chicago , Hntte ,
HI. Joeotih , Portland ,
KaiiHdH City , Suit Lake City
St * Louis , and all Sun Francisco
l > oliits east and south. and all nolutfl wctt
No. 12. Local o.iprnss dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
find all polntn cuet O'liO a.m. .
Xo. 41 , Locnl natsengor , departx. . 11:25 : a. in.
No. 40 , Through frclvht cunt tally..5:3 : ! ) a , m.
No. 48 , Local freight cast arr. dally 1'J.OO p.m
Departs at 1.05pm ,
Except Sunday.
No. 41. Local cxnrcRB dully , llelenn , Ililtto
1'ortland , all points \vot 105p. in
Mo. 43. Local pUhBeugurarrlves at..4:55 : p. in.
No. 45. " " wcct " 10-58 n. in
No. 47. ' "
SlBp. m
DupurU at JJ.45 p , m
Except Bimday ,
Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats
freu ) on through tralnt > . Tlckes sold and bay-
BBKO checked to any point in tin United Status
and Canada ,
No. 48 bos merchandise cars Tuesdays , Tuura-
days and 9aturilay .
No. 46 will curry passengers for Angelina , Hal
icy , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance.
No. 4rt will carry passer gent for Haveiiiu
Urand Ir-land , Reward and Lincoln ,
Information , maps , Ilinu tables and ticket
mil on or write to 11. L. Ormsby , agent , or J
Kruiiclt , Q. 1 > , A. , Omuhu , Nebraska.
II. L. OiiMuuv , Atont.
n v - t * '
n B t
Wo have but recently returned from Chicago , where wo
purchased a largo stock of
Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under
wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing ,
Including a line line of LADIES' SHOES. Our line of Shooa
ia the boat to bo found in the oity. Our priooa are below corn-
petition. Call and BOO ua , Whether Boys' or Mon'a Suite ,
Womoii'a or Men's Underwear , Boots or Shooa , Hate , Caps ,
DrjBB Goods or Notions are wanted , we are prepared to give
you better bargains aud bettor goods , at bettor priooa than any
ether house in Central Nebraska.
DAI & CO ,
Southwest Corner Square.
re ( d 6) fe > fei
acket Store Prices !
LL muslin 3o
Heavy ahtrtingH. .Ujo to lOo per yd
Calico S 0 t ° ° ° Per yd
Call anil BOO our now line of dra.
Buy your quilt covers already piooed
only 7o per yard.
Tioking 80 to 14o
Heavy bltio denim Oo to 14o
Towoliuc 4c to 12o
Table oil cloth 14o per yd
Shelf oil cloth 7o per yd
Bleached uiUBlin 5o to lOo
Lonedalo muelin 12o
Baby flhoos 20o nod up
Ladies' India Dougola Huoos..76o
Ladies' 1I.B. warranted shoes , $1.40
Ladies' Trilby shoe $3 00
MOD'S extra heavy Mule shoe. . $1.88
Mod's fine horse hide shoe. . . | 2.00
Men's seamless , oil grain , best qual
ity Hhoos 11.25
Boys' shoes $1.00 and up
$2 IS
MCII'H work gloveh lOo to 08a
A full line of ovurallH and men't
woik sliirtu nlwayp on hand , a\
priced away below ALL COUPS
Our price , $1.50. Patent Mcdioinea.
Wo buy our goods of O. B. ROUSS , in New York City , and soil for
cash. That is why we sell cheaper than our competitors buy.
For every $15.00 worth you buy of us , wo will enlarge for you any
photo , oil finished , FKEE of charge , and sell you a frame at ooat.
Blankets , Underwear , Comforts , Etc ,
Wo have just received our fall line of Blankets , heavy Underwear ,
heavy lined Suits , rubber lined Coats , Comforts , Outing Flannels , En
glish Flanuelottoa , and will sell them at prices away below all competi
tion. When in need of anything in our line , come and see us , and wo
will Pave you from 15 to 50 per cont. The Ricket Store is the place to
got bargains.
Youre for business ,