Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1899, Image 4

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    flio. ycpuWican
I'nhlldicd every Thtirtilay nt the County Beat.
. M. AMH3M-MUV , miltor
* * -Onico In Cuplcr Illock , Fourth ATO.-C *
Entered ntlho poptolllco nl llrokon How , Nob. ,
ccoml claim matter , for trntmnlBitoii through
tno U. 3. snails.
* One Year , In ndvunco . .81.00
rilUUSDAY , SKPT1-1 , 180S ) .
Cuiuity Ticket.
* r Count ,
Kor County Clerk
Kor Olork of Ilst. Court ,
For County JU , |
For County Superintendent ,
For County Snrvay r ,
For County Coroner ,
TotVIIHlllp TIClCCl.
CICr" '
Constables ,
I' . 11. TOWBI.KY.
lloriOTflrffi o.l.CllA8.1IAVIS.
Dlst No. 2J. II. HKNOYKIt.
Dlst. No. 8 , JOHN I10YOK.
Dint. No. 4 , 1 N 1'KltSIIAU. .
Dlst. No. n , tf.II AltTlIUIl.
Dint. Mo. 0 , O. K UADWKLIj.
IIst. No. 7 , 0. T. WKIQllT.
Supervisor District Convention.
The republican upervlsor convention of dis
trict no i. , Custor county Nelinmln is hereby
called to meet In Hound Valley school house
Sept. 30th nt 1 o'clock p. m. to place In uoinlnn-
tlon a candidate for sujmrvleor for said dlstttlct
nod for the transaction of such other buslnoHi as
may come before the convention. Tlio baxlB of
representation Id the name an for the county con
vention. J. O. TAYI.OH , Clin'n.
Vote for the entire republican
ticket , and you will uovor liavo
oauBO to regret it.
In the HOUthwuHt , where F. E.
VanAntworp , the ropublioan uouu-
nco for surveyor , is hoHt known , is
where ho will got his big majority
ever hid competitor.
For two years Judge Armour has
filled the position of county judge
to the entire natisf.totion of the
wbolo people , and it is for that roa
eon that ho is going to bo re-olootod
by a big majority.
Walt George's candidacy for the
office of treasurer , moola the appro
bation of a very largo per cent of
the voters of Uuetor county. They
say ho is just the man to succeed
Lorn ax , QUO of the most ofliuiont
treaaurorp the pops ever elected.
Is it not strange that the pop
papers are Haying nothing in favor
of their candidates for treasurer ,
olerk of the district court , superin
tendent , coroner or surveyor. Are
they ashamed of them , or have they
given all up but thu sheriff and
judge ?
The reason assigned by the voters
for preferring Lieut. Kennedy for
the oflioo of clerk of the district
court , is that ho not only went to
war against Spain and helped to
oapturo Manila , but that ho staid
'with his regiment until mustered
Every citizen who believes that
our soldier boyti are entitled to their
support for their patriotism aud
bravery , will not fail to vote for
Lieut. Kennedy , who fell , piorood
through the lung with z uiausor bul.
let , on that fatal day when Col.
StotBonburg fell mortally wounded.
Joe Osborno aud Mark Sohnoriu-
gor , pop candidates for clerk aud
treasurer respectively , were in the
city Monday , ostensibly to see the
big elephants , but in fact to see if
they oould not in some way impede
the progress their ropublioau oppo
nents are makiug upon their polit
ical fences.
The fuuionists of the Twelfth
judicial district have already
"viewed with alarm" the nomina
tion of ox-Judge F. G. llainor for
his old place on the bench of the
f the district , and the alarm is of
Buoh a violent typo that they have
little hope of pulling Judge Sulli
van through for another term.
Kearney Hub.
Judge [ lamer reports the out *
look for his election la very ilattor-
ing. Buffalo and Dawson county
have assured him that they willgivo
him handsome majorities. The
judge is very popular with the
farmers of Ouster county , for his
bold stand in their favor in their
time of need , and they will not for
get to return the compliment ,
It was not competency the pops
wanted when George Itichtmyer
WSB a candidate for county clerk , if
it had been they would have ronom *
inatod him , The public will now
turn to Jas. Cliittirk , thu honest
farmer and ncholar for Mr. Hichl-
mycr'ri HUOCOBHOI.
The judicial campaign in the
Twelfth district is still young , but
it is old enough to HIOW ! up HOIIIO
mighty hcnlthy indications in con
nection with Judge llamor'H candi
dacy , llf'ports from all qiiartoih
are to the effect that Sullivan's can
didacy is suffering from collapse
and is at present in the condition
of a wilted cabbage loaf. Kearney
Since Bryan's announcement in
California , last Thuraday , that ho
was "in favor of a vigorous prosecu
tion of the war in the Philippines
until the insurgents worn subdued ,
and the establishment of United
States authority over the islands
first , " his followers who have boon
making anti expansion the issue of
the campaign , are at a Ions to know
what to do next.
Speaking of Judge Kinkado's
nomination thu Beatrice Express
eays : "They oould not have made a
better choice. The judge is a man
of wide reputation , and his ability
is recognized throughout the state ;
and there are no spolH on his rec
ord. He will put on a very strong
fight , and , although his district in
the stronghold of the reformers ,
there is a good chance that be will
win. "
The verdict rendered in the court
martial against Capt. Dreyfus in
Franco , last Saturday , was not a
surprise but a outrage on justice.
From the evidence published there
was not a single accusation made
against him proven , yet the court ,
which is a part of the military re
gime in that republic , uphold the
army officers ' in their malicious
intent , and sentenced Droyfus to
ton years imprisonment. Ihe
present indications are however
now favorable to the sentence being
commuted , and that in a few days
ho may bo a free man.
The Boaoon persists in maintain
ing its false statement in reference
to what Fred ( Jammings should
have said in hit * speech when nomi
nated at the county convention ,
when ho said : "If elected I will
servo my party Grst aud the public
second. " . The Boaoon may con
tinuo to deny the statement , but
every time it does it lower * ilssolf
in the estimation of the hundreds
of people who heard and know the
statement was made. It may bo
good political policy to maintain a
lie wuou you toll one in some oases ,
but not in oasu the public kuows it
is not true , as in this.
A minister of the gospel told us
the other day that while on the
train a short tirno since ho mot a
soldier just returned from the Phil-
ippiuoH , who delighted in abusing
the war , the President , Gen , Otis
aud the whole push. The min
ister , remembering the published
statement of General Shafter that
these men wore generally renegades
that had been sent homo in dis
grace , ask him if he had got into
trouble over thoro. Ho finally ac
knowledged that ho had spent six
mouths in the military prison aud
was then sent homo. That is the
kind of fellows the domopop load
ers are getting their inspiration
from. The minister is a real live
gentleman and we will introduce
any one to him that so desires.
Loup City Northwestern.
In acknowledging that it had
falsified in reference to the pre
cincts represented at the republi
can convention the Beacon stated
last week : "Wo based our oonolu.
Dions upon the fact thut the report
of the committee on credentials
was indefinite. It our statement
was incorrect wo stand corrected , "
The last sontonoo is very good.
No honest man oould do more , but
the proceeding exouao appears to ua
like a fabrication , for which there
is no OXCUBO unless the Boaoon re
porter is both deaf and unable to
read. The "oomimttoo on creden
tials" reported that ho had in his
credentials from ovoiy
preciniil in the county representing
100 delegates , the full quota , Thu
ropojt as published stated tlmt the
secretary reported tint credentials
had been handed in from every precinct -
cinct in the county , makinq a total
of 1DU delegates , nnd to verify the
statement the entire list of dele
gates was published , ns a reference
to the Uici'tniuOAN of that date
will show.
"It In but fair to state that thu article which np-
iiearcd In thu HKPUHMCAN Jaet wcuk In defense
( if thu wnr In the I'hllllppluo Inlands was un
usually fair for an article in which the attempt to
Hindi ! to bolster up n policy of thu present na
tional administration , liencoii. "
Thanks. But we desire to inform
our friendly contemporary that the
present national administration
needs no bolstering up. The article
referred to dealt mainly with the
war in thu Philippines , from a na
tional , loyal and moral standpoint.
Since our article appeared in thu
RKPUHLKAN , we notice that some
of the loading populists have been
giving utterance to the same senti
ment. On the 7th inst. , W. J.
Bryan , who is recognized as the
loading anti-expansionist , in his
speech in California , said that he
did not favor withdrawing our army
from the Philippine Islands. That
the only consistent thing that can
be done now , is to whip the insur
gents lute submission , and then
give them the best government the
United States can , to maintain order
dor and protect property , until they
become capable and on ; safely be
entrusted with self government.
W bother Bryan will reiterate the
same sentiment when ho gets fur
ther east ib to bo sbon , but if ho
does not , it will prove him a dema
gogue , rather than a conscientious
min , as his friends claim for him.
It seems that no well balanced per
sou , who is competent to com pro-
bond the situation , can think other
wise , yet we concede there are those
who do. But since Bryan has made
the statement before an audience of
expansionists , it is plain that ho has
either had a change of heart , or that
ho has not heretofore been stating
his honest convictions to his eastern
followers. One cannot imagine of
a more disgraceful , cowardly and
inhuman act thuu it would bo for
this government to sack the Ameri
can flag , withdraw from the Philip
pines , and poimit Aguinaldo and
his crowd of cut throats to have
full sway in their insatiate doairo to
murder , burn and rob the defense
less people of those islands. Yet
those who ? ro opposing the policy
of the administration aud the re
publican party , would have that
"At this time the Individual win criticises the
policy of MrKinlcy. In the 1'nlllpplnn Manila , ex-
urclsen only the right to ihu freedom of speech
guaranteed him by the constitution. " liencou.
Lot us see. Is it not possible for
one to exceed his right of tbo free
dom of speech guaranteed him by
the constitution ? Does the consti
tution admit of treasonable utter
ances ? Do not our laws [ provide a
penalty for all sorts of crimes , and
is not treason classed as ouo of the
most heinous ? We have the rignt
of free speech , of a free press. But
that right is limited to the extent
that it does not infringe on the
rights of others. Their rights are
as saorod as our own. The presi
dent , or congress , as well as an in
dividual , are subjects of legitimate
criticism. Any one hab a right to
criticise either , for official or indi
vidual acts , and to advocate any
principle , either political , religious ,
socia or otherwise , But this does
not guarantee to him the right to
aid or assist a foreign power , army
or individual who is at war with
our government. Those who aid
or assist by word or deed others in
committing a crime against an in
dividual or a government is nn
aooomplis und under our law is
subject to the same punishment as
the principle. It is a crime for a
subject of this government to take
up aims against it. The Filipinos
are today and have boon since the
ratification of the treaty with
Spain , subjects of Uncle Sam.
Their rebellion agains our ocoupa-
lion of the Islands of the Philip
pines is neither warranted by moral
or legal right. Then if according
to Webster , "levying war against
the United states , or adhering to
their ouomies , giving them aid or
comfort" is treason , not only is
Aguinaldo a traitor to this country ,
butall who aid or givu him comfort
violates the constitution and as-
HiimcB a richt of "free speech" the
constitution dors not give , but
instead makes it a crime , and every
pop editor who knows enough to
o it a paper knows it. President
McKinley , in protecting and main
taining our rights in the Philip
pines , is only doing his duty as a
a patriot , and just what Bryan said
the other clay should bo done.
"It Will Not Work.
Thuc.o , ) ) attorneys of this city and of little
towns in other parts of the county who uru Inter
ested In thu foreclosure bualnnes , luivo kept up n
regular warfare against Sheriff Leisure since thu
day ho WAS svvoru Intooinco , because ho would
not have land apprntaod low em.ugn to Rell the
farmer ? out at it sucrlflcu. They wanted him and
still wunt hlri to stand In with the appraisersaud
xugKeat n price Homo have even proposed that
probably n little on the side would Induce him to
do BO , but It has not. Mr. leisure Is sheriff.
They have sprung n now scheme , In the way of
pnahtug Claris Tulbot to the front for sheriff , a
smooth faced boy only 25 years of nuo. Their
hope for success Is. to make the people ol Ouster
county ewe it to him for Irs "bravery in the
Philippine war. " A young man wholly without
n pliiulc qualification to meet thu requirements of
Ihoolllco If elected. This is the one reason they
want him elected. " Deacon ,
No , such transparent sopistry
"will not work. " In the first place
there were but two attorneys on
the delegation in the republican
convention that thought Captain
Talbot would make a stronger can
didate than Charley Penn , An the
delegation consisted of 100 dola-
gates , it is not probable that they
wore his only supporters. In the
Hccond place , if the sheriff does not
violaso his oath ho has no more to
do with the appraised value of
property than the REPUBLICAN.
The appraisers who are selected
and sworn to appraise the pioporty
at its true value , are alone respon
sible for the appraismont , whether
it bo high or low Docs the Bea
con mean to insinuate that Sheriff
Leisure influences appraisers to
perjure themselves , or that Eli
Armstrong , if elected sheriff ,
would have no higher regard for
his oath or for those ho rni ht ap
point than to perjure himself or
have the appraisers porjnra thorn-
solves , simply that ho might hold
on to a county office another 'orra ?
God forbid. If the insinuation is
true , do the voters of Custor county
want to elect that class of men to
positions of honor and trust
Never ! What we want is men who
have a holy fear of the laws of man
and God. Men who will give to
every man his just duos , aud men
that will be true to their oath.
There is no one in Custor county
that wants or would aid in any ille
gitimate way to see a farmer or any
othdr class of business men sold out
at a sacrifice. Such talk is all
buucomo and has been preached by
the populist press for the purpose
of retaining the sheriff sale notices
until it has worn threadbare. Then
there are no republican lawyers in
any of the "littlo towns" of the
county , with but one exception , and
ho was not a delegate to the con-
uoution , so if there have been any
attorneys in any of the little towns
in other parts of the county that
tried to bribe Sheriff Leisure they
were pops and not republicans.
There was not attorney influence
that nominated Captain Tnlbot
over Charley Penn , nor was the
choice of Tulbot the result of any
clique or ring work as Is so often
the case in pop conventions. It
was uu open contest in open Con
vention and the only question of
difference was who would make the
most popular and eflioiunt sheriff to
eloot. Both men were regarded
worthy of honor. Charley Peuu
had three times in former yearn
boon honored by the republicans
with the nomination for the office
of sheriff and twice elected. Ho
had filled the position with honor
to himself and credit to the county.
Thuro has been no lack of respect
shown to Mr. Peun as an old sol
dier , by the republicans of the
county , and had he boon the choice
of the majority of the convoatiou
he would have had the loyal sup
port of the republicans aud the op
poditiou of the Beacon ahd Csptain
Talbot would have had its sympa
thy , and the ropublioau party would
have boon abused for not honoring
the Manila soldier. But since
Talbot has proven to be so popular
with populiats as well as republi
cans and democrats , the Boaoon
has become alnruiod and is trying
to cauooot some scheme to
secure hid defeat , that it may
hold the sheriff sale notices for
another two years. "A smooth
faced boy" is a terror to the Beacon
through the day and r.auicfl UH
editors to hive night mare in their
sleep. "A smooth faced boy" who
had the courage to go to war in
defense of the bo tor of his country
and for the cnko of humanity is
moru of a man than thu Beacon con
1)0 reconciled to. "A Hiiooth faced
) oy who is only twenty live yo-us of
ige" , that through Imbrnvtry and
judgement and good conduct was
jroinotfd to , ho cilice of captain ,
and rccomm'Mided by Governor
Pointer for appoinltuuiil us lieuten
ant of a company in thu regular
army , in the CJI-H t > f h ' Hi .icon is
'wholly without a single qtialifica
lion to moot the requirements of
the oflk'o if elected. " One essen
tial qualification in flic eyes of the
Beacon no doubt is lacking , lie is
not a pop and * the Beacon knows if
ho is elected that the sheriff sale
notices which it ha boon subsisting
upon for the past nine years will be
gone. Poor old Beacon ! Wo sym
pathize with you. It is too bad ,
but the decree has gone forth and
it must bo. Captain Talbot is the
ideal man for the offio of sheriff of
Custor county. The voters of
Custor county are not ungrateful ,
nor are they so partisan hide bound
that they will , for the sake of the
Beacon , fail to honor the smooth
faced boy "for his bravery in the
Philippines. " Ho is "smooth
faced" , but it is no disgrace. Ho
is a iniij of mature years in ago
ann experience llo is n young
man of integrity and noble man
hood. Conservative , yet firm and
intelligent , a man temperate in his
habits , moral in character and gift
ed with a pleasant and social die-
position that every onu admirc's.
and ho will be Custor county's
most efficient and popular sheriff.
Notice to Hunters
Parties are hereby notified not to
hunt on my farm , or pasture
grounds , under penalty of the law.
House for Sale.
The J. S. Klrkpatnok property , three
blocks from publics square1 ulso
bicycle for sale. Enquire of
.1 0. MAULICK.
The pain of a burn or ECnld Is nlmost
Instantly relieved by applying Clmniber-
Inln's Pain Balm. It aluo heals the in
jured parts inoro quickly than any other
treatment , nnd without the burn la vury
severe , does not leave a scar. For sale
by ull druggists.
jfi'l J'iiallly ] ( | , Economy , Sccnrlly. j g
' 'A ' ho tree lent f r Ute Iiitmrnnco In i/j ; / !
'Mr ' found In the Kqulty of the Contract ,
* t the Kcrmoiny of Manngcincnt , and the
$ Hecmlty for the Payment.
Bankers Life Association , In
OP Sr-t-
PcnMulnott , Xawn.
KiiWAni ) A. TEMPLE , President.
Organized July 1st , 1870.
' i' &
Guaranty Fund for safety. m
Burping Fund for protection. / MSt
Supervised by 3,060 depository banks
Sccnrl lea deposited with the state ft {
' " * *
Consorvativu niotlicxls.
t ? Preferred Hls . m
sLow Kates.
Quartorlr Payments.
For rates and full Inform ntlon , call
on or address
d . , , $ &
Agent for Ouster County , Neb.
i OOlco at Farmers Hank of Cmtcr Sljs
Cocnly , lirokon llow , Neb. jijfJS
Can be had of J. J. Murphy , of
Sargent , who is traveling salesman
for Ouster county. It euros all
manner of blood diseases , such as
rheumatism , kidney and liver dis
eases , fever , nervous headache , fe
male complaints , catarrh , oonstipa-
lion , indigestion , neuralgia and
dyspepsia. Sample free at this
office. soptH-lm
J , J , SNYDER ,
Notary Public , -
anil Justice of thu 1'eaco. Special attention plv-
on to collcctloni ) . Depositions taken , pcuslou
vouchers neatly executed , and nil kinds of legal
papers written. Olllco weft side suuaro , Broken
Bow , Neb.
and estimates on short no
tlue. Broken Bow , Neb.
j fruits , Jellies , pickles or mtsup nr
more easily , tuoro quickly , inoro
; healthfully tealed with Jtpllned
, I'urnfllne Wixx than by nuy other
method. Dozeusofotheruseswlllbo
In every household. It Is clean ,
tasteless and odorlesi air , water
nnd ncld proof. Get a pound cnlto of
It with iv list of Ha many usea
from your druggist or grocer.
Bold everywhere. Made uy
BTAM > Altl > OIL CO.
Has n full line of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
First National Bank ,
General Banking Business Transacted.
S. II lliirnham J. M. Klinberllug. K. C. Talho't. o. P. 1'erloy. II. O. Roj-ore.
United States Natloiul Bunk , Omaha. Chaio National Hauls , Now York American
11' 8t N
I Once Was.Lost , but Uow I Have
Pound it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , ray dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mammoth -
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbaokor and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it ia
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
'xistinas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
/nernber the place , on the big
corner , jnst east of First
.National Bank. , ,
W. S. SWAN , - . . Proprietor.