Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1899, Image 3

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    Ilrouglit Tlit-lr Herons Itninr.
The cost of transporting the Tenth
regiment of Pennsylvania from San
Francisco to Chicago was ? 30,851.
From the latter city to Plttsburg the
Keystone state's troops were carried
free by the Pennsylvania railroad ,
which company also took entire charge
gratis of all transportation arrange
ments over the whole route.
on On tho" crowded East Sldo of Now
York the city lias invested $120,000
i in another little park. It contains six
acres thnt were a mudholo near Cor-
lear's slip.
Do Your Foot Artie nnd JlurnT
Shako Into your shoes Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for the feet It makea
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At nil Druggists and
Shoo Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LcRoy , N. Y.
Something Worth Striving :
Chicago Times Herald : "What , "
asked the lady who believes in the eter
nal rights of women , as she sot down
the glass from which she had moisten
ed her throat , and looked defiantly at
her hearers , "What has the little girl
to look forward to in this country ?
What possible glory Is there to fire
her with ambition ? The poorest boy
that is born in our land today , " she
shouted , shaking a fat forefinger nt a
baldheaded man who sat near the stage
and looked as if DP was sorry that ne
had come , "may aspire to an ofllco
which carries with it more power than
is wielded by any prince or king or em
peror on earth. There is something
for him to live for , to strive for. There
is always the glorious Incentive that
makes for greatness. However humble
his surroundings , there Is the cvci
present possibility that he may some
day stand In the fierce white light of
publicity with the destiny of the nation
in his hands.
"But for the fair haired girl who
plays with him , what glorious hope la
there ? What dreams of future great
ness are there for her to dream ? What
does the future hold for her , that she
should consecrate herself to the
achievement of the sublime ? Degraded
at the very threshold of life , what as
pirations may find lodgement in her
soul ? "
She paused for. breath , and also tu'
permit the ladles present to applaud
her eloquence.
"I repeat , " she shouted , after the
storm of approval had died away (
"what glory does the future hold for1
her ? "
"Well , " said the baldheaded man , ,
"she might strive to become worthy of ,
one of those cornhusk bonnets that the
Kansas people are giving away. "
The meeting then broke up in con- '
An apparatus has been devised for
automatically photographing people as
they enter shops and other places.
Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't
acting well. You suffer from bilious
ness , constipation. Ayer's Pills act
directly on the liver. For 60 years
the Standard Family Pill. Small
doses cure. vy25c. All druggists.
AVant your inniiatiicho or beard a beautiful
lirown or rich lilark 7 Tlion use i
BOrrs O DntiQ'iiRTS. OR R. P. HAitA CO. N * guy * i N. H.
K ; ps both rUer and saddle per
fectly dry In the hardest storms.
Substitutes will dlsappoht. Ask for
jBoj Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
It Is entirely new. If not for sale In
your town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
W ,
S3&$3.50 SHOES jjN' ' ° N
Worth $4 to $6 compared with
other makes ,
Indorsed by over
1,000,000 wearers.
TIIR GKM'INK htve W. U Ilou , ! . . '
aiuie antlprlte itanprd OD bottom.
Take no substitute claimed
to lie as good. Lamest makers
of 13 and IS.iiO Bliocs In tlm
world. Yourdealerfhouldkcep
them If not , wo will send you
apnlr on receipt of price. Btato
kind of leather , site and width , plain or cap toe.
CntnlOKiio A Free.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. . Brockton. Mass.
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'PARRELL. Pension Agent ,
143 ; ; New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C.
Q KpiuilBli and ClUMViirH. Solo -
o ( ifors , Snllors , Wldows.Chlldrcn ,
Fathers mulMotlicis. NofeounlesHHUceess-
fill. K. II. UKL6TOX 10. , A" rnt } , 1 .klot.n , 1) . C.
MSuccessfully Prosecute Clnlms.
I I.fttBPrtpofpal kliSrolner UTB.T'en Bureau.
IU > ruin civil war. IS adjudicating lulms.attVHluc'e.
wRntod to travel and
per month rnlary nnd nil expenses ,
718.lonoti 111 J .C'lilcUKf
aniided i Thompson's Eye Water.
sjaBsiaaft H M. . A J
sg IJcst Cotuih Syrup. Tn tea tiood.
In time. Sold by druggists.
The Bite Stilt * .
BLAIR , Neb. , Sept. 8. The selection
of the site for the new public building
on the corner of walker avenue and
Lincoln streets gives general satisfac
tion. All elements arc pleased.
1'rrniM.tutlon nt Geneva.
GENEVA , Neb. , Sept. 8. At a moot
ing of the Forby Guard County Attor
ney Frank Sloan presented Captain
Bcals with a handsome plain gold ring
from the guards.
Anderson Hound Over.
STANTON , Neb. , Sept. 8. The pre
liminary examination of Oliver Ander
son for the killing of his half-brother ,
Andrew Johnson , Sr. , which occurred
Sunday , August 27 , was held before
County Judge Vlnlng nnd the priso
ner was remanded to jail to nwnlt
trial in the district court , which con
venes September 25.
Howard fur i Murderer
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 8. Governor
Poynter has offered a reward of $200
for the arrest and conviction of the
murderer of Benjamin F. Stump , who
died in Rlchardon county July 19 from
the effects of n pistol shot wound. No
trace of the murderer was discovered
by the authorities of Richardson coun
ty nnd it is thought ho has loft the
Hot Wind DOOH Damned.
DUNBAR , Neb. , Sept. 8. Late corn
is much damaged by the hot winds of
the last three days and fall plowing
is about over with till rain falls , the
ground is so hard. No fall wheat can
be sown in the cornfields , as the wind
of August 19 blew so much of the corn
down It Is impossible to got between
the rows with a seeder.
T.lfjlits for HiiHlliiKH' Street Pair.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept 8. The city
council held a special meeting and
appropriated ? GOO for lighting the
streets with arc lights during street
fair week and a contract was made
yesterday morning with the Western
Electrical company of Omaha. The
dynamos will come from Onmha , but
power will be furnished by the Hast
ings Milling company.
Accidental Killing.
BRADY , ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 8.
At a hay camp south of town Joe Zebra -
bra was shot and instantly killed by
the accidental discharge of a shotgun
in the hands of T. Stevens , a follow la
borer. Stevens attempted to shoot a
flying bird and the gun was discharged
as ho raised It , the contents striking
in Zebra's eye , killing him Instantly.
Zebra leaves n mother in Vermont.
ItnuclH are. Null.
BLAIR , Neb. , Sept. 8 At an ad
journed session of the district court
yesterday Judge Baker in a decision
declared the Sioux City & Pacific rail
road bonds Illegal on the ground that
there was no law authorizing the Is
sue. The bonds were Issued over thirty
years ago and the county has paid over
$55,000 In interest alone. The bonds
and interest together now amount to
over $176,000. The case will probably
go to the supreme court.
Corporal Tlurst Dond.
GRAND ISLAND , Nob. , Sept. 8.
Corporal George Hirst of Company M ,
Second Nebraska regiment , son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mat Wllkins , died here after
an illness of over three months. In
June the deceased was taken with ap
pendicitis. At the time the company
returned from Chicamaugua to Omaha
Hirst was taken sick with typhoid fe
ver and had a long and severe strug
gle. He was again taken sick in June
and underwent two operations. Not
withstanding the best medical attend
ance and nursing was secured and ev
ery want was provided by skilled
hands and sympathetic hearts , the end
Foust for the Soldiers.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 8. Arrange
ments arc' rapidly being completed for
the entertainment of the First Ne
braska reunion week. Already mer
cantile hall , at the fair giounds Is
partially decorated. Twenty-seven
tables are now in place in the dlnln ?
room. The tables will seat from twen
ty to forty and from four to six wait
ers will be in service at each tablu.
Yesterday Mrs. Davis met the chair
man of each of the table committees
at the Commercial club rooms , and
final arrangements were made. The
list of those employed in the dining
room will be published In the Journal
on the day before their services are
required. Breakfast will be ready at
7 a. in. , dinner at 12 , and supper at 0
n. m.
Hurt County Fanner Shot.
TEKAMAH , Neb. , Sept. 8. In a
quarrel near this city Sunday George
Kelley , a farmer , was shot in the legs
nnd one ankle was badly shattered.
The shooting was done by an Omaha
haying outfit headed by T. C. Plotts
and C. C. Bigelow , both of whom have
been arrested on the charge of shoot
ing with the intent to wound and
malm. Between Kelley and the hayIng -
Ing outfit there had been trouble brew
ing for soma time , and Kelley's horse
getting loose and destroying some corn
nt the outfit's camp seems to have been
the direct cause of the trouble. A
companion who accompanied Kelley to
the camp was beaten over the head
with a club and threats were made of
shooting him.
Dimtli of Or. HohliK.
WYMORE , Nob. , Sept. 8. Dr. P. M.
Hobbs , one of the most prominent and
best known physicians In southern Ne
braska , died at his home In this city
after several days' suffering with stomach
ach trouble. Dr. Hobbs was one of the
most popular residents of the city. Ho
was public spirited and generous to a
fault. He was at ono time mayor of
the city and served for several years
on the city council. Ho was an active
member of nearly every secret order
in the city.
Omnlillncr llotnon Clmo Down.
WYMORE , Nob. , Sept. 9. Wymore ,
which has enjoyed the distinction all
summer of being a "wide-open" town ,
Is onct , more without n gambling
liouso , the famous Gaycty club , which
was run by South Omaha gamblers ,
Imvlng broken up in a row last week ,
In which several guns were drawn.
lldltor * to Mont In Omaha.
FREMONT , Neb. , Sept. 9. Ross L.
Hammond , president , has announced
the annual meeting of the Nebraska
Republican Newspaper federation will
bo hold nt the Mlllard hotel , Omaha ,
at 10 o'clock n. m. September 21. All
members arc urged to bo present nnd
nil editors of republican papers in the
state who nro not members are invited
to attend nnd join the federation.
Corn Crop ICulnod
MASON CITY , Nob. , Sept. 9. The
dry weather and hot winds during
the last two weeks have practically
ruined the corn crop In this vicinity.
The prospective yield of corn is now
cut down from fifty bushels per aero
two weeks ago to ten bushels.
This is the seventh year that the
dry weather has spoiled the corn crop
nt about this time of the season , yet
small grain crops have generally been
Telephones In School
WYMORE , Neb. , Sept. 9. At a meet
ing of the school board it was decided
to have telephones placed in all three
of the public school buildings , nnd as
soon as arrangements can bo mndo
with the telephone company the work
will bo done. This will save the prin
cipal considerable thntif In communi
cating with the ward schools and will
also prove convenient when the prin
cipal desires to transact business with
members of the school board.
Morlftiti ) Ueeord In Two Counties.
FAIRBURY , Nob. , Sept. 9. Jeffer
son county's mortgage record for Au
gust is : Farm mortgages , twenty filed ,
aggregating ? 27,997.50 ; released , thirty ,
aggregating $31,098.33 ; city mortgages ,
twelve filed , aggregating $2,817.01 ; re
leased , fourteen , aggregating $4,503.50 ;
chattel mortgages , 100 filed , aggregat
ing $13,108.78 ; released , thirty , aggregating -
gating $10,418.19.
FREMONT , Neb. , Sept. 9. The
mortgage record of Dodge county for
the month of August is : Chattel mort
gages filed , sixty-one , amounting to
$20,644.82 ; released , slxty-oho , amount
ing to $43,408.33 ; farm mortgages re
corded , eleven , amounting to $23,500 ;
released , seven , amounting to $6,350 ;
town mortgages recorded , sixteen ,
amounting to $14,389.90 ; released ,
nineteen , amounting to $11,785.50.
Groom Falls to Appear.
FREMONT , Neb. , Sept. 9. Fred
Hlpke , a driver for May Bros. , has left
for parts unknown and in doing so ho
missed playing a principal part in a
wedding which had been prepared for
him on the day he left. Monday night
about 8:30 : o'clock Osborn Anderson ,
a harnessmaker , came into the police
station and wanted help in seeking
young Hipke and bringing him to the
altar. It is charged that the young
man had been courting a daughter of
Mr. Anderson's , a comely young miss
of about eighteen years nnd the wed
ding had been planned for Monday
night. Hlpko apparently decided not
to assume the marriage yoke and went
out of town. The wedding party wait
ed at the house until It became evident
that ho was not coming and the wed
ding supper that had been spread was
cleared away.
Hop Cholera.
MEAD , Neb. , Sept. 9. Thomas Far
row , assistant state veterinarian , was
in this county and inoculated fifty
head of hogs with anti-cholera serum.
He was working In the plague stricken
district near Ithaca on the farms of
H. K. Marcy , August H. Smith and
Herman Hankie. Mr. Hankie's hogs
show no indications of cholera or other
disease but the other two gentleman's
yards have the disease. To thorough
ly test the serum after a reasonable
length of time some of Mr. Hankie's
well hogs will be turned In with the
sick ones in other yards. The farmers
out there are of the opinion that if
the inoculation should fail it will not
be Dr. Morrow's fault for he did his
work very thoroughly. He took some
blood from the sick hogs on Mr. Mar-
cy's farm to the laboratory for exam
ination. This matter will be watched
with a great deal of Interest by farm
ers of Saunders county.
Hank Out TI > M ThoiiHiind.
OMAHA , Neb. , Sept. 9. A shortage
of $10,000 was discovered Monday in
an Omaha bank and hank oflloials say
circumstances at present point unmis
takably to theft unless an absent teller
can give the explanation of his doc
tored accounts. The teller who alone
can solve the mystery Is Ned H. Cope-
land. The Institution from which the
money was taken Is the Nebraska Na
tional bank. Copeland began work
there when he was hardly tall enough
to look over the counters. For ten
years he has held the position of rail
road teller and the discovery of the
shortage in his accounts was like a
thunderbolt from n clear sky.
The money was lost August 2. Fif
teen days later Copeland resigned his
position to go to Arlon , la. , having
stated to his employers ho Intended to
assume control of his father's lumber
business there. Copeland visited the
town , but did not remain long. When
last heard from , six days ago , ho was
In Washington , D. C. Ills present
whereabouts are unknown.
Narrow Kxcapo for Coarthoiixo.
WAHOO , Nob. , Sept. 9. The coiut
house in this city escaped destruction
by fire by a close shave. An outbuild
ing a few feet from the southwest cor
ner vt the court house took fire In
some way and was all abaizo when dis
covered. The alarm was glvon and tli"
firemen responded promptly and by
excellent work the lire was extin
guished before it spread from the ono
building. It was a good piece of work-
on the part of the firemen , as there was
a heavy wind blowing from the south
Nulirnnkn nt WiuOiltiRtnn ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 7. Llouton-
nnt Hurt D. Whcdon of the Flrat Ne
braska , accompanied by State Senator
Hallcr , visited the war department and
was warmly complimented by Acting
Secretary Molklejohn upon his gallant
record in the Philippines. This IB
Lieutenant Whedons' first visit to the
east and ho is much interested in
what ho 1ms seen. Ho will return to
Nebraska in time to participate in the
reception tendered his regiment at
Lincoln on the 14th lust.
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Taylor today decided to purchase the
lot at the corner of Walker avenue
nnd Lincoln streets as a slto for the
now public building at Blair , Nob.
The cost Is $6,350. The lot Is 100x141
fcot and AVIIS offered by E. Castotter
and others. The formal letter of ac
ceptance will bo written in a few days
and at the aamo time the attorney gen
eral will bo requested to secure tltlu
to the property.
7plllnier Iteturnn.
Capt. ; .
DAVID CITY , Nob. , Sept. 7. Cap
tain J. F. Zellngcr , late commander
of Company E of the "fighting First , "
returned here. A message from the
captain to his brother Dick , stating
ho would bo at homo , spread over the
city and nt 6 o'clock , the tlmo the
train was duo to leave Lincoln , the
ovation at the homo-coming of the
soldiers was repeated. From that
tlmo until the train pulled In every
thing was in uproar and fully 2,500
people were nt the depot to welcome
the old townsman. The band escort
ed the captain and family to the res
idence of A. R. Knight , where a few
intimate friends mot him. Captain
Zollnger , though yet a weak and sick
man , Is greatly Improved from what
lie was when ho reached 'Frisco. The
captain has no word but praise for the
men of his command and speaks of all
as being fighters.
; Morte Ke * In Nebraska.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 7. The mort
gage statistics of the state as given In
reports from county officers have been
compiled by the clerks in the ofllce of
the deputy commissioner of labor and
this showing of the first six months of
1899 Is given :
The total number of farm mortgages
filed during the period covered was
10,314 , and the amount $11,843,032.14.
The number of farm mortgages satis-
fled was 14,126 , amounting to $14,656-
801.53. The number of city and town
mortgages filed was 3,380 , amounting
to $2,856,125.24. The town and city
mortgages satisfied were 3,989 , amount
ing to $5,001,295.44. The number of
chattel mortgages filed were 45,338 ,
amounting to $17,523,533.12 , and the
chattel mortgages satisfied were 24,306 ,
amounting to $11,658,376.59.
Gage County
BEATRICE , Neb. , Sept. 7. The
county board of supervisors mot in
special session to consider the court
house bond refunding matter. There
has been considerable opposition to
the plan which was first proposed ,
which was to refund the $94.000 of
bonds and make them ' payable only
after twenty years , but State Treas
urer Meserve has come forward with
a proposition which will probably not
meet with nny opposition. Ho pro
poses to take the bonds nt 3V per cent
interest and make the payment of the
same optional with the county after
a short term of years. This will enable
the county to pay off the bonds more
rapidly than under the first plan pro
posed and do away with the neces
sity of a large sinking fund.
l.oruteH a MHHIIK | | Wife- .
HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. V. Papers
in a divorce suit were filed In district
court by M. A. Hartlgnn , attorney for
the plaintiff , the case being Fitzgerald
vs. Fitzgerald. The plaintiff , William
A. Fitzgerald , has finally succeeded in
locating his wife , who he says desert
ed him this summer to travel around
the country , It Is charged with a doc
tor named Rea , who spent several
weeks in Hastings. The defendant
was formerly a Miss Ida Cook and
worked In the Fitzgerald family at the
time of the first Mrs. Fitzgerald's
death. She was married to Mr. Fitz
gerald soon after this occurrence.
Adultery is the ground upon which
the action is brought.
Now Crop In North wont NnliriHkn
GORDON. Nob. , SopV. 7. Raising
onions in large quantities for market
in the northwest Nebraska Is a now
venture made this season by Arthur
Weir , a young printer , who left Chad-
ron and went down to Gordon and
rented a patch of fifteen acres of bottom
tom land Hint Is under the irrigation
ditch and well tilled. Mr. Weir then
put in all the onions and hired a horde
of the town boys to spend a month
weeding onions , swimming and fish-
Ing. That army of boys made the
crop. It Is a new Industry here that
many farmers next year will follow.
Weir has made a few thousand dollars
lars and the cash is In sight.
Stodchaiii ( IroiitK llin .SoldlerH.
STOCKHAM , Neb. , Sept. 7. The
sprit of patriotism In Stockham mani
fested Itself In the reception given
the returning soldiers of the "Fighting
First. " All the good things the country
affords were loaded on a long table and
all wore Invited to participate. There
was music by two bands and speaking
by C. C. Chambers of the Stockham
Standard , and Representative Gros-
venor and A. Lewis , an old soldier
of 'Cl.
In Teuelivrit.
EDGAR , Neb. , Sept. 7. The Edgar
schools opened with almost tin entire
change in tho.corps of teachers. Prof.
C. R. Atkinson , superintendent ; Miss
E. D. Smoyer , principal , nii'l Miss EH-
tcllo Pine , assistant principal. Miss
M. Ramsdoll , grammar department ;
Miss V. Hakes , first IntormoJiato ; and
Miss P. Edgington , second interme
diate ; Miss Grace MInroo , primary ;
Miss Mary McFarland , principal south
side schools , and Miss Viola Kirk , as
rBix.2 *
No Gold Htiitiira AVitutod
The United States commissioner to
the Paris exposition desires tlm fnct
olllolully stilted thnt no sucTi nmllg-
nlled ( production ns n llfo-slzod KQ\I\ \
Btntuo of n woman will bo pormlttcd
n the Paris exposition groundH , olthor
as mi exhibit or n concession. It la
proposed to maintain the dignity of
the United States exhibit , and not to
encourage or permit advertising which
would rolled discredit upon the nation.
Hedlands , Cal. , 1ms n ulnnt mowing
machine , which cuts n atrip of wheat
llfty feet wide.
Its wonderful resources and superior
advantages to homeseeUera arc sot
forth in a handsome Illustrated pam-
[ ihlot just issued by the Frisco Line
Passenger Department. Copy will bo
mulled free on application to llryan
Snyder , General Passenger Agent , St.
Louis , Mo.
The United States Patent Ofllco rec
ords show that 141 patentees who re
ceived patents this week
had sold cither a part or
the entire Interest In their
Inventions. This means
that 32 per cent of the
Inventors have been suc
cessful In selling their
Amongst the prominent
mamuactnrcrs who bought these In
ventions are the
American Shoo Machinery Co. , Port
land , Me.
The Oorluun Manufacturing Co. ,
Providence , H. 1.
Drown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co. ,
Providence , II. I.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. ,
Now Haven , Conn.
Western Klectrlc Co. , of Chicago.
Scovlllo Manufacturing Co. , Watcr-
bury , Conn.
American Electric Vehicle Co. , Chi
Dothlohom Iron Co. , South Dothlo-
hem , Pa.
Inventors desiring free Information
as to the law and practice of patents
may obtain the same In addressing
Sues & Co. , Registered Patent Attor
neys , Omaha , Nob.
I.ooomotlvo Itun * .
During the past few months , the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad has ma
terially extended the runs of the pas
senger locomotives on through trains.
Formerly engines were changed on an
average every 100 or 150 miles. It was
thought that the mountain grades of
the Daltlmoro and Ohio railroad would
prevent an extension of the runs. How
ever , the experiment was made. It has
proved successful and reduced the
number of locomotives formerly re
quired by twenty-four , which can bo
used In other branches of the service
and save the purchase of more motlvo
power. Under the now plan , locomo
tives arc double crowed and make from
7,000 to 8,000 miles a month , as against
3.GOO to 4,000 under the former method.
The best qualified to judge reckon
that the fortune loft by A. T. Stewart ,
which ho left to the care of the late
Judge Hilton , amounted to about $ -10-
000,000. Mrs. Stewart survived her
husband ton years , and the great
Stewart fortune survived her ten
years. In 1S7C Stewart died ; In 18,80
Mrs. Stewart died , and In 189G the
last of the visible Stewart millions
disappeared In the wreck of Hilton ,
Hughes & Co.
Wo will forfeit $1,000 If nny of our pnb-
Halted tostiinoniulH nru nrovoti to bo not
gontiluu. Tun Piso Co. , VViirrou , 1'n.
A pun Is merely a play on words ,
but It's hard work to understand some
of thorn.
A I'nrfi'nt Ciillnirllc.
Not violently cm pty In it I liuliowi-lH or cli'niilnil > iit
Koutly RtliMiilntlnK , tonliiK.stroimt lion hit ; UK-lntt'8-
tlnnl wall CuHcari'ls Cuiuty liilluirtle. IDC , Mc.flOc.
It's the easiest thing In the world
to forgive an enemy who Is largo
enough to command your respect.
JllSbuysnew upright piano. Bchmol-
ler & Mueller , 11113 Farnain St. . Omaha.
The military household of the czar
Is composed of ninety-eight officers of
various ranks , eighty-three of whom
belong to the army and fifteen to the
navy. Nineteen members of the royal
family are included in this list.
I IMVIl llllOlltlollfl ,
Fifteen patents were Issued to Iowa
inventors this week as follows : To
A. W. Lewis of Keota , for a vehicle
attachment ; to J. James of Atlantic ,
for a draft-equalizer ; to W. London
of Falrfleld , for a hay-carrier ; to J. W.
Macy of Searsboro , for a road-grader ;
to A. W. and T. E. Morgan of Bur
lington , for a wire fence stay ; to J. H.
Morris of Maquoketa , for a cronm pnp-
arator ; to C. F. Nelson of Exlra , for a
boot and shoe cleaner ; to C. 0. Haven
and P. P. Uhrlg of Fort Madison , for
a harrow ; to H. Phillips and W. Hunt
of Ottumwa , for a ear-loader ; to H. D.
Porter of Hartwlck , for a hat and
clothes rack ; to E. L. Hlgg of Grls-
weld , for a steam generating appli
ance ; to II. Tnttle of Cedar Rapids ,
two for a bicycle ; to C. H. Van
Alstyno of Manchester , for a barrel
heater and feed cooker , and to S. Ad-
son of Springwater , for r collar clasp.
A copyright has boon granted to
Rev. A. C. Smith of DCS Molncs for anew
now book entitled "Gathered Gems of
Literature. " The work Is In the hands
of a printer In Chicago and will bo
handsomely illustrated and sold upon
the subscription plan.
Consultation and advice about secur
ing property rights for inventions and
literary work given free to Inquirers.
Registered Attorneys.
DCS Moincs , la. , Sept. 2 , 1839.
The population of the South African
Republic consists of 03,000 Doers , 87-
000 other whites called Ultlanders ,
and COO.OOO Uafllrs and nlus.
In Manitoba there are 2,500,000 acres
under crops , of which 1,000,000 are In
wlinnf .
Bnclc Hawk , the most noted of the
chiefs of the Wisconsin Wlnnebago In
dians , died in the town of Brockwny ,
aged 90 yeura. Dlnck Ibiwk has been
well known in the western part of
Wisconsin for the hist fifty years , wni
always a friend of the whites and on
several occasions prevented the Wln-
nobagos from taking the war path
against the palefaces.
It Is estimated that the consumption
of bcor In the entire world amounts to
$1,080,000,000 per annum. ,
In Hfo wo count upon the uncertain ,
hut the Inevitable always surprises us.
Mrs , Barnard Thanks
" Dr.Aii PIIIKND I feel it my duty to
express my gratitude and thanks to
you for what your mccHcino luis ilono
for mo. I was very miserable ami los
ing llesh very fast , had bladder trouble ,
fluttering pains about the heart nnd
would get so dizzy and suffered with
painful menstruation. I wjis reading
in tv paper about Lydin , E. Pinlcham'u
Vegetable Compound , so I wrote to you
and after taking two bottles ! felt lilco anew
now person. Your Vegetable Compound
has entirely cured mo nnd I cannot
praise it enough. " Mus. J. O. BAIINAIID ,
An Iowa Woman' * Convincing Statement.
"I tried three doctors , nnd the last
ono Mild nothing but nn operation
would help me' My trouble was profuse -
fuse flowing ; Romotlmcs I would tlilnlc
1 would ilcnv to death. I was so weak
that the least work would tire me. '
Reading of BO many being cured by
your medicine , I niado up my mind to
write to you for advice , mid I am so
glad that 1 did. I took Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver ; |
Pllhi and followed -our directions , nnd
am now well a nd strong. Islmllrecom- *
mend your medicine to nil , for it saved
my life. " Mias A. P. , Uox 21 Annorr ,
The government is paying from $200
to $600 a day for each vessel carrying
horses , supplies and army baggage to
the Philippines , and $1,000 a day for
each vessel thnt carries troops. ft
Are You UidnR Allen's Foot-Kiwo ? > '
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Fcot ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to bo shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists nnd Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LcRoy , N. Y.
, Unlike Some Other Occupations
Golfer "Don't you over got tired of
farming ? " The Farmer " 'Taint no I
use gottln' tired of It , young man.
Farmln' ain't no fad ! " Puck.
Mrs. AVliiHlow'a HootlihiR Syrup.
Pot-children teething , sottcn the numa , reduced *
tiaimuntlon , allays pulncures wUiil cullc. 33o a bottle.
The man who succeeds in forging
his way to the front is in a position
to bo trmpled on by the mob if ho
Hull's Catarrh Cure
IH tnlfon internally. Price , 75o.
About the hardest thing for the
amateur farmer to raise is the money
to run the farm.
An Excellent Combination/
The pleasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy ,
Svuur OK FIRS , manufactured by the
CAMFOHNIA Fie SvnuiCo. . , illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
thorn in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive , cleaning the system effectually ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
stance , nnd its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , without weakening
or irritating them , inalco it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing flga
arc used , as they are pleasant to the
taste , but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants , by a method
known to the CALIFOHNIA Fie SVKUP
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
cirocts and to avoid imitations , please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Drupjlstc 1'rlce 0c. per boltlQ
Too Good and Too Cheap
to I3o Without It.
KoduliH. CjtinrniM uiul 1'lioto Suppllvt Cata
log fn'V. lluU'sim , 15U DuuKluH Direct , Omnlm.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 37 1899
GUNS AND AMMUNITION at Wholesale Prices to
uvcrybouy. Our Laiu ; LIUII CHtiiioytic comamln ; , ' 06 p.ttfes , she
inches , will bo scut posture pniil on receipt of tlireo cents
to nny one returning thU nil nnd mentioning this paper \Vo can
' siivo yon BIG doll , us on Guns. Write nt oncu
. ' 1