America's Greatest Circus Coming to Broken Bow Sept , n. RINGLING BROS' 1 1 I I H \ w Lm i I IB % i - - L-/ t % * * rM World's Oreatest Shows , .1 THE INVINCIBLE MONARCH OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD. f - . 1000 People , 05 Railroad Cars , COO lloraos , 300 Porformcra , 5 Bit ? Arenas , 1 Aerial Enclave , | Milo Race Traulc , 25 Elephants , 100 Dons and Cages , 12 Acres of TontH. $3,700,000 Invested , $7,400 Daily Expenses , A MAJBSTIC , Iiu-osiNa , IUKAL , PATRIOTIC SPKOTAOLK , Last Days of tiie Century OR , TiJE LIGHT OF LIBERTY ! OVER 1000 PKOPLE AND IIUNUUEU8 OF IIOHbKS IN Till : CAST. TlIIC ONI.Y EXIIIHITION IN TUB \VoRLI ) RKPRESRNTINO John O'Brion'rt FnmotiP Equine r > -t KINK o r\"O O17 C ! IN ONE 11INO > AT ONE T1MK' OJ. 1IREO JCiUJLvioJuQ PKHPOH&IBD Y ONK MAN , LOCKHAET'S FAMOUS COMEDIANS , GREAT FEATURE IIERR SOUDER'S WONDDRFUL FUNNY ELEPHANT BRASS BAND. it in Mr tiff FREE EVERY MORNING AT 10 DlU NtW STREET IN O'CLOCK. ONE50C TICKET A MITH TO KW.'A VTJU5KJO. KAprj Excursions ALL Railroads. CHILDREN , UNDUK 12 TEAKS OLD , HALF PHICE. TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY , AT 2 AND 8 P. M. DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER. THE ACKNOWLEDGED GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH , WILL EX HIBIT AT numbered seats and admissions show day , without any advance in price , ab Moore's Post Office book store. . S. Land Office , JAMES WHITEHEAD , - Kcglster F. H. YOUNG , . . . - Receiver PUBLIC LAND SALE. Land Ofllcc at Broken Uonr. Nob. , t July 29th 18'JO. ) Notice IB hereby given that , in pursuance of Instructions from the Commissioner of the Ocn- eral Lsnd Office , under authority vested In hltn by bcctlou 2455 , U. f. Hev. fatal. , ns nuieuded by the net of Congress , approved lreb 20th , 1B93 , wo will prucecd to oiler at public sale on the 7th day of Sept. , 1699 , next , at this ofllce , the following - lowing tiact of iai.d , to-wlt : seli swM sec. 24 Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to die their claims in this olllco on or teforo the day above designated for tlie commencement of said Bale , otherwise tholr rights \\ill bo forfeited. JAMES VVH1TEI1EAD , Register. FRANK II. YOUNG , Hecoiver. July 31st. 1809. Land Olllcfl at Lincoln , Neb , I Aug 28. 18VU. f Notice is hereby Riven that the following- named f ettlcr has tiled notice of his Intention to maku final proof lu support of his claim , and that nald proof will be made before .hidsou C Porter nt Annloy , t > ebr , on Oct. 14lh 1899 , viz : JeHHe I ) . AiiiHUurry , U. E. No. 18433 , for the wW uwK. Sec. : t5-15-18-w OP.M lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of , said land , viz : 0. II , ElUon , ot Ansloy , Mebraaka. J. N , Qreenlec , J 11. Brand , \V. D. Amsbcrrv , till of Mason City Nil ) Otic 31 ut J. W. JOHNSON , lleKltter. Laud OIUco at Broken Bow , Neb. , I Aug. 10th 1898. f Notice Is hereby given that the following mim ed settler has filed notice of bin intention to inaKo final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before ItegUteraud Receiver at Urokun Bow , Neb , on bcpt. 2 Jiul , 1899 , viz : JtlllllH M. Ottllll , of Round Valley , Neb. , H. E. No. 350 , for the eWscWnwU Bw54s neH , of section 31 , township 19 N. , It. 18\V. Bo nnmes the fotluwlng wltnt-stes tr > prove bin continuous resldenco upon and cultivation ot , enlil laud , viz : Ole Johneou , Henry Holgerpon , Aslag Anderson , Oscar Engelpjgoil , all of Round Va ley , t - tJAMKg VUITJJHKAD , Ri'gl8t r. Laud Ofilco at Broken Bow , > 'ob. , I July 87 , 1B99. f Notice Is hereby given that the following nam ed eottlor baa filed notice of her intention to tnnko final proof In support of tier claim , nnd that aald proof will be mndu before Rucln'er and Ho- celvor , at Ilrokon Bow , Neb , ou Sept. 7tb , 1899 , Viz : Alice Tuclter , of Ansolmo Nobr. for the II E. No. 559 , w'i swM , Sec. 8 , ne > teU.Sec,7 , nw > i nwii , Sec. 17T/80N. , B23W. Shenaraee _ . her crntlnuouB reeldcnco upon and ciiltlvallon of said laud , viz : William Fanner , James S. McGinn , GoorgoM. William * , of Anst-lmo , M-brneka. Thomns Pinion , uf BroUcu Bow , Nebraska. U. 8. Land Olllco , Broken Bow , Neb , I Ang. 28tb , 1899. f Notice I * h'u'reby given that the followlng-uaui cd tettlcr hag fllou notice of his InUntlun to make final proof In upport of his claim , aud that said . .root will bo made before Rt'glttor and Receiver at Bjokeu Bow , Neb. , on October 7 < h , 169 ! ) , Til ! Prattle I'ecry , of Antolmo Nobr. . II. E. .Vo. 330 nwU Sec. 20 T. SON. It. SW.W , He names the following witnesses - nesses to prove his continuous rerideuce npor A tnd cultivation of , said land , viz : Thotrtu J , GlllUan , of Mllburn , Ntbr. Barak Llvlngttou William Balrd , Ruth BCOTO ) ) , all of Auselmo. JAliES WHITE HEAD , Notice to N on. Resident Defendants. The Globe Investment Company , of Hoton , , mid Henry A Wyman , ricclrcr of the Olobo Itircetincnt Coraiauyof boston , Mnssa- chnsettH , will tnkn notice Hint ou the 14tli day of August , Ib99 , Coriiullus C < uyler nnd Benjamin OmliBin , ii ulntHTs , tiled tholr petition lu tliu dis trict court , In and for Ouster county , Nebraska , ngnlnst the rnlil d < fondants , linn ended with Clln- 011 0 Slvcr und Qortrndn M. Slver. nul others , the object mid prnyer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage deed , executed by the defend- auts , Clinton 0 Bllver nnd Gortrndo ftl the Olobo InveB'mcnt Co. , conveying the northwest quarter ( nwU ) of suction thirty (30) ( , In township sixteen (10) ( north , of rnrgu twenty-live (25) ) , west ot the Otli i'rlncii ill Meridian , in NebrasUu , to BP- cure the iiayroent of a certain promleeorv note , or nret mortKaco bond , dated on the llth day of No vember. Ikis'J , for the cum of $900.duc nnd payable on the first day of November , 1894ylth Interest at 10 percent per nnnnm. That there la now dne upon Huld principal uoto the Bum of { 90U.OO , with Interest tbtruon ut IU per coot per annum , from the 1st day of > ovcnibor , 1891 ; one cotiion Interest note , falling duo nud jiaj able on thu first day of May , 1894 , Ith inturcst thereon at the rate of tun per cent per annum from the sn'.d 11 ret day of Jlav , 1891 Ono coupon lntcroj < note In the sum of &U.50 duo nnd pnyabla nn the rtret day o November , 1894. with ntonst there n at the rate of ten per cunt per annum from the Bald first day ofjNoverabT , Ib9l. And $3827vllhlntorest thereon from the lldth day of November , 1698 , at the rnto often per cent per annum , for taxes paid on said prrmlpes fur the jcnrri lb'J3 , Ib'JI and 1S 5 ; nnd ; li.35 , wfth In- torcet thereon ut thu ruto of of ten pur cent per annum , froai tbo 12th day of Auuust. 1899 , for taxi'H paid on said prcinlocu for the jears Ib90 , 1897 and 1E93. 1'latntlllB prny Tor n decree that the defendants bo re quired to pay the snnie , or that mild prcmlsua in.iy be Fold to Hatl'fy the amount found duo. You are required to answer paid petition on or bcloro tlie Otli day of ctobur , lb9U. Dnted this 23d day of August , Ib09. nKL'l-4t JaineB Lodwlch. Attorney for Plnintlls. In the district court of ( Jutur countyNeljrnnl.u. OorrtuV. . Gluaton , I'laiutlil , > VB > William II. Coons , et nl. , Defendants. ) To thu Globe Investment Company and Ik'uiy A Jinan , receiver of cnld Ulobu linestimnt Company , noii-rcsldo't defendants : You and euch of you \vlll tuku notice that on ( lie lih day of Aofust , ItW , Georse W. Glcaeon , plalnilll herein fllul his petition lu the district court ot i uster county. Netiraeka , against William II. ( . 'oonc , Kllzubcth Coons , Globe Invcbtmont Co. anU Henry A.S jinun , receiver ot fold v.lub-j In- vectmc'iit Corn m y , und other dofondiutH , thu object and prajur of which Mid petition tire to foreclose a certain mortgage , dated O toher 1st , Ib'J , executed by the defendants , \ \ ilium 11 Coons und Klliribetli C'oonn , tn thu Globe Invest- mom Comiinny ujmn the norlhcast ijiiartcr of the uorthNM'ht quarter , and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter , of section tuilto ( l-i ) and tlin west half of the southeast quarter , ut o tlon cno (1) ) . all In tounelilp lUttcn (15) ( ) , rungo eight- cm , ( IB ) in CiM-ler county , Nebraska ; aald mortgage - gage WHS glv. n to Ecouru the rayn.out of a cer tain Interest coupon bond , or promissory note , dated October 11 < t , lb9- , for the eum of BIX bun- died dollars ( $ OOU ) duo and payable October 1ft , 18U7 , nnd drawlni : Interest nt the rate of sovou per cent per nui.nin from date until maturity , and at ton pur cuit lerunujm thereafter. Tlml tald morteuce and notii nro owned by this plaintiff ; tha there IH now due upon sold mortgugu ludobt- edncBs the fo.louhiK Mtins. Upon principal note , 36co 00 , nlth IU per cent luteiett from October Ut , 1 97. Upon coupon No 0 , fai no , with 10 per cent In toTeil from October Ut , 189.1 , Upon coupon No. 7 , SJ1.00 , with 10 per cent In tcrcst Iroin April 1st , IS'.iQ. I'pon coupon No. 8 , fJl.OO , with 10 per cent In. tc'oi-t fr in October 1st , IB'JO I'lioi : coupon No. i ) , gJl.Oj , with 10 per cent In- teiei-t from April 1st , 1897 Upon coupon No 10 , $31 00 , with 10 per cent In terest from October lot , 1697. Also $34.31 paid by plaintlll as taxes upon said ruil estate , toge hirvlth 19 per cent Interest thereon. Hald petition alleges tuatyou , thu said Glebe Investment Company and Henry A. Wy- mnn , its reolv r , claim to have a mortgage upon eald real estate , which mortgage , plalutlll alleges U eecund nnd junior to his mort xeo. I'lftlr.tlll nrnyri lu said petition that raid mortgage may be forecloHCd , and tliat It be decreed that the defend ant * bo required to pay the nuiquut duu thereon within twenty ( % ! 0) days from thu date of eaid de cree , and In default of eald payment that tald prcinibcs bo demcd to be cold an upon execution , and the proceeds o' nald palu to bo applied upon Hald mortKat'o Indebtodnvss , You and each ol jou nru rtqiiired to unswtr raid petition on or before - fore Vonda ) , tin ) -1th day of Hoptcmber , 18W. Dated tills 16th day uf Auirutt , th99. ai17 4t ( JEOUUK W. OLBASOB. Iy C. L. Gutterfou , Ills Attorney | Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. i The Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Company , of | St. Joseph , Mo. , and the Plionlz Inanranco Co. , of Brooklyn , Notr York , defendants , will take notice that on the 13th day of August , 1899 , the plaintiff , Ann A. Colvln , tiled her petition iu the district court of Ouster county , Nobrnskn , against the defendants , impleaded with John W. Taj lor and Jennie M Taylor , ot al , , the object tnd prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage deed , ezocutcd by the defendants , John WTnylor and Jenulo M Taylor , to the bnlnt Joseph Loan and Trust Company , ot St. Joseph , Mo , convoy ing the northeast quarter ( no4) ! of section thirty , (30) ) in towuxhip fourteen (14) ( ) , north , of range eighteen (18) ( , west of the Oth principal meridian , In Nebraska , to secure the payment of ouo first mortgage real cetiite promHory note with Inter * est thereon , Bald note being dated on the flret day of October , 1889 , for the sum of $700.00 , duo nml payable ou the firot day of October , 1895. Thnt there is now die upon said uoto nud mortgage the following eums , to-wit : Oc the principal note the sum of $700 , with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cout per annum from the firot day of October , 1895 , ono canton Interest note in the bum of $34 50 , with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum , from the first day of Octobo r.lf95 ? ; one coupon Interest note In the sum of 8-1.tO , with interest thereon at the ratn of tun per cent per annum from thu llrst iluy of April , 1895 , for which Buldfovernl sums , with interest. 1H95 : ono coupon Interest note In thu sum of 821 50 , with Interest thereon ntthu rnte of ten per cent per annum , from the Ut day of October , the plain tiff prays for a decree that the defend ants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy the umonnt fount ! due. You are required to answer said petition on or before thu Oth day of October , 1809. Dated this SJd day of August , Ib99. g2l-4t Jamea Lodwich , Attorney for Plaintiff , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS faALE. In the matter of the estate of Aduliuo U. JohnBondeceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance ot in order of the Honorable II jr. Sullivan , Judge of the District Court of Gutter Conntv , Nebraska , made on the2nd , dny of Juno 1899 , for the snlc of the renl OBtatu hereinafter described , there will bo sold nt the ta t front door of the court house , in the city of Broken How , CuHtor ooiinty , Nebraska , on Unturday thu 19th day of Aug. 189t at U o'clock p. m , ut public vcnduo to the hifhot ; > l bidilcr upon the following tormg : One-half cat > h in hnnd arid one halt in six montbs.di'forred pnv- incut lo draw interest at 8 per cunt. The follow ing described real estuto to-wlt : Lot No. 2 In block Nn. ! 10 In J. I * . Gaudy's Addition to Urokim Dow , Nebraska. Hald bale will remain open one hour. J. M. KIM1IKULING. Admtnletrator of the cetato of Adallno D. Johribon deceased. Tha nbovo sale has been continued until Scp- temlierilth , 1899 Notice to Non-Resident9. Charles L. Long , The Globe Investment Co. of Uostnn MasauchuHsctts , nml licnry A. wyinan Its receiver defendant will take notice that on the 18 b day of July 1899. Cornelius 0. Uuyler nnd llenjamin Graham filed tholr , petition in the dlstilet court of CiiBter county Nebraska agalm > Hold defcndunts Impleaded with others , the objor aud prayer of which arc to foreclose n certain mortgage executed by thu defendant Charles L. Lang , In favor of tbo defendant the Olobo InvuHt- inent Co. und by It asulf-ned to said plnlutlfls , convey Ini ; the uwlA of Sec 4 in tow nnhlp IU N. o rnnge 5 west of the (1th ( p. m. , In said county to pecnre the payment of-onu certain note In the Bum of 500 and interest due and pajablo on the 11 rs day ot Dec. Ib95. There l now duo on said note und mortgage the i > uni of $500 , on the note with interest therrou at 10 cent per annum from Dec. first 1895 , and $40.37 with Interest thereon from July 17th 1899 , at 10 cent per nuuum , for which Bums with Interest plaintiff prays tor a decree that defcLdnntB bu required to pay the eau e , or that Paid premises bo sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answer said petition ou or before the Ibtb day of Sept. 18J9. Dated this first dty of August 160U. CUYLEK&BBNJ GUAIUM I'l't'tfu. By Jamca Levrloh hla Att'y. GOOD ENOUQH TO TAKE. The finest quality of loaf augur la need iu the manufacture of Chamberlain's COUKU Remedy , tind the roots used In Its preparation give it a flavor similar to that of maple syrup , making It very pleasant to take , As n medicine for the cure of cough ? , colds , lagrlppo , croup and whooping cough it la Unequalled by any other. It nlvvavs cures , and cures quickly. For ealo by all drugglsta. Itynn. Ilajlng and threading on Imnd Willis McClnro li s boon kdjndgcd In untie and taken to Norfolk. Hot and dry. Ripening torn prematurely ; it nlll bo light nud chaffy 0 , G. Kmpflold fport * n now bupgy And har- All ho nocdg nowle nrtb , Mr , Garland Lwls commenced n tlireo months term of school nt No HI , Momlny. 11 , 0. Kmpflold hits cone to Lincoln , to Ukon courao In Lincoln business college. T , I ) . Shutniiti hftHbtncK leg In MB herd , seven having dlod. Ho will try tbo vaccine CUM. Mlu Qrccr , of Cftllnwny , commenced n three month * term of school fit No , 240 ! Monday. ItnUlesnnlirn nro luuuornui. John Province MB killed eight nnd his brother two ; A. F. Me- Intoah , four ; M. Conloy a lareo one , nrnr his door nnd Hobby , the mnllcnrrlcr , several , but says they are not as plentiful ns liut yonr , Lower I > uer Creole , Mr. Smith , of Sumncr , wn out on Door Crook Sunday. Mice Myrtle WlllUmi le working at the hotel In Bnmner. Mr. and Mrs , A. L. Morgan wore vIMtors on Door Creole last Friday , A number of families expect to nttond the re ception nt Ansley Tuo d y. Joseph Plgman commenced school ngnln thli morning , nt thu RO B school house. tMC Marnn and family vintlcd onr Sunday ichool last Sunday. II cccmcd Ilko old time * to co tholr Rmlllug face * among tie onoa more. II. W. George , W. A. Gcorgo nnd wife and daughter nil went to Kearney lust Thursday. Mlns Abblo will romntn away to attend school. Onr promise of Mich flno corn has nil blown away , and corn will not yield anything near like H-oplp thought It would n month ngo. There Is ota of It being cut up for fodder. Mr. DaiiRbcrty nnd family started for Duller county lust vlolt relatives nnd friends. Tliey expect to bo gone three or four weeks Wo hope Mr. Unnyhorty's health Kill bo much Im proved when they return. Forgnfl Emercon nndlfo rejoice In thondvcnt of n ilMURlitor This being the flrutborn , of courto U tno must important porroimgo In the Itmcreon family The political pot Is beginning to boll. Thora are onlv two pops left \Vcitervllle. . Ono IB n cnmlldato for oillrc nnd the other 1 * tbo commit- tcomnn of the bclhnclut party. I/o , how the mighty nro fnllvn I The years nro not t > o for back but Unit wu could count them on our lingers when tin1 poMiirty swept uverjlhlng In slKht 111 Wen- towuehlp , but nlnco the tux collecting clone which nl ruck our peaceful village last Friday , mi'MiiR ' luit cui > e deep nnd loud are heard on every side Isaac 1 lark , onr miller , Ins \Vcctcrvlllo without a mill , having pure ) acd tno Anpolmo llourim ; mill , nndv 111 turn hU cnpltal nnd uncrxy to the Imll'lliiK up of Unit community , In prefer- oncu to replacing the mill dam hero , which was washed out June" ) . There la n tine opening here for a good miller , little or no capital being re quired An honest , level hendud business man having a fair knowledge r > f the milling business would do well mid In a few yenrtt accumulate n competency ut Westorvlllo. Clunr creek now flows unvexed to Its conlluonco with thu Muddy , without turning n wheel. Tills IB not ng It should bo. ItCaHon City. Miss Mnttlo Burrows returned to her homo In Palmyra. L. J Smith WAS n Urokcn Ilo\v visitor tbo last of the week. The camp meeting nt Hound Qrnvo closed Sunday evening. Ir. Mullens , of Broken How , was In town Tuesday morning. Bert Chaeo nnd family , of I.onp City , vroro vis Itlng with relatives at this placu , Dick Martin and 3. A. Gates shipped a car land cnch of cattle the llrst of tin week. Mrs. A Dady went to Iowa , Monday morning , foruu extended visit wl h lelatlvos. Ambrose Buckley , the bone Dronco breaker , Is vlaltlng with relatives at thlrf place. The corn in this part of the county looks rather the worse for ware owing to thu hot winds , Several loads of melons have been in town ol Intu and Jaumca filngor has gene up 10 per cent. The band has recently been ro-cnforcod by the addition of Joe Hinlth , who plnys the slide trom bone. Andrew Wcnver claims ho U the watermelon king of thu county , having raised 5 or 0 loads this year. School commenced Monday with Prof. Qnnu In the upper school and Mide llattio Spencer In the primary department , Everybody Is making prcpnratloiis to take In tno reception at Ansley , Tuesday. The band will bo In attondnnco nnd contest for the prize. Who nro you going to yoto for , for sheriff ? WliyforTnlbotof course , und so Is the nrerago citizen whose bend la put on the right way. Herry L. hhuumn , who has been buying horaca In and around Mason for tbo last 1U daya suc ceeded in bu > Ing near load of horses , which ho rlilj > ped Monday. The following is a partial list of those who at tended the reception at Angler : Mrs. II. 0 , Chase , Mrs. F. II , Foster , Mr. and Mrs , John Jackson , Mr nnd Mrs. M. ( J. Warrington , Miss Eva Ubrlou , Mips Mandi ) Jackson , Mlas Kthol McAllister , Mr , nnd Mrs. A. E. Robertson , nud the band nud hose company. CATTLK Foit SALK : At all times on my ranch six miles HOUtbwoHt of Broken Bow. Jichsu GANDY. AV Tlie VlHlt of tlieVorl < l'H OrcntCHt Ituplctly y Is almost horn. The coming of Brothers' famous big circus next . ' .ton day , Sept. llth , Is the one subject of conversa tion Expectation has been aroutod as novur beforo. The public confidently looks forward to teeing a greut show , und It will not bo disap pointed The parade which Inaugurates circus clay would bo sutliclont to stamp tbo show as the monarch of all tent chows. This stupendous dls plaj engages thu services of over a thoua ind men , women and children , and fully Qvo hundred thor- onghhrcd hoises. There tire over a hundred rougniiiceutly carved nnd gold Illuminated cairi'H , dens nnd tableau llonls. Kuch ofltho thirty great sections In which the parade Is divided would bo a lavish display for another circus The pro cession will leave the show grounds at ten o'clock and the route will ho the usual one oyer thu prin cipal down town streets. Do not miss it. It will bu the spectacle of a life Urn * . The magnitude of the parade will prepare the public In seine meas ure for the wondorb of the exhibition. And U Is Indeeo n wonderful exhibition. Imagine a vast hippodrome pavilion , with Biata for 18,000 persons. Kill this great amphitheatre , with rings nnd stages and a bewildering inu/.o of aerial apparatus. Sur round tbo rings with n ere at fourth mile racing track , nnd fill rings and stages , track and mid-air with an endless array of uorialisW and acrobats , riders nnd racers , all att'red ' in the most beuutlfu bilks and cloth of gold , nud ucli vicing with the other * In urace , devtorlty and daring Imagine al this , and yon will still fall far short of the lea'ity ' , The peifonnanco opens with the beautiful patri otic spectacle. "Thu Last Days of the Century , ' u noble Introduction to a nohlo show. The aronic surprises that follow include U'llrlon's famous sixty-one horse act. three troupes of remarkably trained elephant s.emljrjtclm ; l.ockhur 'a oleplmn comedians , houdor'H sensational elephant brass bund and Marchaud'H pugilistic proboscidians an International borne exhibit , Introducing beau tlfully-eiiectlvo high-class menage rldlug by Mine Ada ( Jaetcllo and Mies Allle Jackson ; a complete company of aerial rti ts , heuded by the grea FUliera ; the world's greatest possible- acrobats the Incomparable Da Comas ; a score of fatnou harc-oack riders , including Michael and Join Rooucy , Edward Shlpp , Julia Lowando , Elena Itylund , Olga Heed and Albert < ramlall , whos tciisatlonal net of tqucitUlanlsm IB performed up on the back of a mulo.und scores of others equal y famous. The mcuHKcrlo u the ilnest colluctloi uf rare wild anluiulb to bu found within the boun darles of civilization , and the show In HH entirety Is a revelation of what menagcrlal ability , pro Krecelonal originality und unllmltod capinl c n do In creating n great public amusement. He b' rvcd numbered peats and admissions bbow da without any udvauca lu price , at Mooro'i pos oldco book Btore House for Snle. The J. S. Klrkp'itnok property , three blocks from public flquaro1 also a goo bicycle ( or Bale. Enquire or J C. MAULIOK. Notice to Hunters. Parties are hereby notified not to hunt on my farm , or pasture grounds , under penalty of the law KRA.NK WKISKNKKDUU. 0)0)0) COMPANY M IVI . is COM ING ! AND HARRY DAY. & CO. AKK IIRRIC WITH THEIR OF DRY GOODS & CLOTHING. Since they have consolidated the stores of Harry Day & Oo. and the T. M. & J. W. Salisbury Stocks , they row have one of the Largest Slocks of Dry Goods in Central Nebraska. They have not only n mammoth etook-bat n great variety. These goods wore bought at a bargain , and will bo Bold at BARGAINS To Our Patrons ! Our competitors cannot compote. Their goods coat thorn more than our soiling price. If you are not convinced that we mean just what wo say , call and got our prices. Our aim IB to save our customers money , and wo are doing it. If you want good Goods , iu any quantity , quality or style , wo can aupply you. If it is bargains you want , come to/ / our atoro in the Realty block , Southwest Corner Square. O I make the correct fitting jof Glasses a Specialty. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. o JAMES LEDWICH. & LM liBTAXK AND BROKEN Bow , I have a large list of far mo foi sale iu all parts of the nounty. Low prices and easy terms of payment. Write for prices. J , J , SNYDER , Notary Public , - and Juntlco of the Pcaco. Special attention giv en to collections. Depositions taken , ponilou vouchers neatly executed , and all bludi of legal papers written. Office weft side ninaro , Broken 13ow , Neb. TIME TABLE , BUOKKN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Chicago. Uutto , Ht. Joseph , Portland , Kansas City , Salt Lake City 8f Louis , and all Ban Francisco points east and south . and all points woit THAINS LKAVK AS FOLLOWS : KAST. No. 42. Local express dally , Lincoln , Omalu , and nil points cast . _ . . . .6:20 : ft.m- No. 41. Local passenger , departs. . 11:25 : a. m. No. 40. Through freight cast tally. .5:39 a. m. No. 48. 1/ocal freight east arr. dally 18.00 p.m Departs at . 1.05pm , Except Sunday. WEBT. No. 41. Local cxurcss dally , llclena , lint to . Portland , all points west . 105p. ra No. 4'i. Local paesengorarrlveB at. . 4:55 : p. m. No. 45. " " went " 10-68 a. m No. 47. " " " 2:16 : p.m Departs at . 2.45 p , m Except Uanday , Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tlckes sold and bag * gauo checked to any point In tin United States anil Canada. No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Tuur * days and Saturdays. No. 46 will carry passengers for Auielmo , IU ! ley , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance , No. 46 will carry paster gem for H arenas Urund leland , Howard and Lincoln. Information , maps , time tables and ticke call on or write to U. L. Ormsby , agent , or J , O , H. A. , Onwhw. Nebr ks , II. L. Oiuiur , Agent. Equality , Ecououiy , Security. The ( me tett for Life Insurance Is found In the Equity of the Contract , the Kconomy ol Management , and the Becarity for the Paymont. i jjjj | TUB OBIGINAI * | t | Bankers Life Association , 1 im 1.i * ' t " J EOWAIID A. TJCMPLB , President. . > v .i Organized July 1st , 1879i n * MtU Gu r uty Fund for safety. MtUm Harplns Fund for protection. " / Supervised by 3,000 depository banks. m Becnri los deposited with the state department. 1 Conservative methods. Preferred Ulna -Low Rates , f Quarterly Payments. For rates and fall information , call I on or eddross 1 J , A , HARRIS , Agent for Ouster County , Neb. Office at Farmers Bank of Cutter Cocnty , ' Broken Bow , Nubj City : Feed Mill , E. B. McOLUttE , Prop. llyo Flour and Graham , ground on stone burr. AIL kinds of grinding done for toll or exchange , to suit customer- Agent for condensed OibiiB Stock Food. Richardson's Livery AND FEED STABLE , at the old stand , between the Jlurllng- ton and Q1Q09 IIUta. ( ) Telephone con nection * .Headquarters of Callaway stage line. Single and double rlga , Rates reaaonnblo ,