'ALL ' ARE AT WOJUC. A TYPICAL CENTER OF PRO TECTED INbUBTRY. ( Rxrm > nlliir.ry fllttmlng lijr a rrre-Trndn Inurnnl on the Condition of Thing * Tltnt lln rnllnwnil th Itrf nrullnn of Aiiixrlc ) > iI'otlry. _ wtt1 York World lliaa discovered the cxlRtMicc-of a Orpfitcr Klondike.- It IH located In PlttsburK , that hlvo of protected InrltWrleaiMld the'-World'a correspondent Is telllnpt-Hmhc tiltPrtlo- rjes ot jtlje wondprfnl piflAtfetH'oE llio region.The fltorlesyiroyelj tpld , njul they ha\p the additional merit of be ing tr | -fllUch" K hlffrc Than cnn be shirt of ivll'thq World's , stories. Ro- diiccd Co n brief torin of rtlalt'rhpnt , the slttmtlonMa western Eenaylvnnia's In dustrial Eldorado Is thus described : "Area of Pittsburgh Industrial Klon dike , 180 square miles. "Number of Industries being operat ed on full time , , JU8. , , "Number of men employed In these , embracing all classes , 270,000 , " "Average wages per day , $2.15. "Range of wages , $1.75 to $7 per day. ' "Number oMdlo men , none , except from sickness. ' 'Number of mills and factories mi- rtble t6 riln full time by I'catton of scar- cUy of labor , 00" . "Railroads unable , to move freight promptly because the , truffle Is 30 per cent Inrger' ' than all' the freight cars In "Gross ndustrial value of trade In 'Industrial Klondike , $0,000,000. " Further along we1 flnd the World" , a fr.cc-trnde' Journal , testifying to the TVondc.rf.ul results of the revival of In dustry that1 has occurred slnpe th ( ) re- advontiof protection and prosperity. It prints the following table , Bhowliig "the extent to Tvlitcli labor has shared I ? One canio from Alabama , the other from Ohio. The Alabama man wanted 200. Ho was told that the manufac ture rr In the Plttsburg district wanted men as badly .as he did. lie Went fur ther east tonight , seeking them. "Common laborers arc utmost as r.cnrce as skilled hands. Mr , Williams , eetietnry of the Amalgamated asaocln- tlon.tolrt the World staff correspondent today that unskilled laborers could find employment throughout the district. Contractors employing laborers on public Improvements uro constantly seeking men. "John C. Shcehan , the former botfl of Tammany Hall , who has n contract for constructing Pittsburgh nolv $5,000,000 boulevard , , Is Inconvenienced b > the limited supply of laborers. "E. D. Taylor , general superintend- cnt of the Pennsylvania lines west of Plttsburg , said today that , lite road could not secure as many men nH ho desired. "Tho same story Is heard In every line of trade , but principally , u < Is nat ural , from mill owners not men enough , cars enough , facilities enough to meet the new conditions that arc making the 180 square miles of mines , forge-i.nilllH and factories around Plttfc- burg a veritable Golconda of wealth. "Next to the shortage of labor comes the transportation famine as a factor In retarding the fullest operation of the Industries In the Plttaburg district. Mine , mill and factory owners all com plain of thplr Inability to secure enough eavfl to carry their product to thp markets. "Railway officials have pressed Into service all the cars they can secure front any quarter , yet there arc not enough. "It may bo that the shippers them- aclvert1 are to blame , as the railway of ficials declare. Their complaint IH that the mill owners and mine operators arc compelled to utilize the cars for storage purposes because of the lack of room In their establishments. UNRESTRICTED DOMESTIC COMPETITION. II. O. Havomeycr ( lestlmohy bofoio the United States Industrial com mission , Juno 14 , 1899) ) The customs tai 1ft IB the mother ot trusts. Madam Protection If you Insist upon 'being recognized as a member of this family , you must bo prepared.to submit to Its discipline and restraints. "Unrestricted Domestic Competition" is the rule of this establishment. in the Increased prosperity that has icome to the Iron and steel center' ' of 4meiica during the past year" : I Increased wages , Trade per oent. Tin plate workers 1C Sheet Iron mill mon : Tonnage hands 11U bay hands 25 Finishers 25 Steel workers , both In and out of the Amalgamated Assbcl- "atlon . . ; . . . > v 10 to 15 1 In th'ls table no account IB taken of Increased employment. A detailed ex hibit , of this Important branch of the Iiwr subject would doubtless show that tile number of men who are now receiving I thQ Increased rate of wages Is nearly double the number which received the .lower rate ot wages paid four years mgo In the Plttsburg district. Four years ago , an equivalent length of time after the enactment of the WlWon free- trttd'6 tariff ; 4sparcely. moro'thaa.'ono- ihnlf $ ho'wiPr.kers ' o-f - the PJttsburg dls- itrtot could command steady qmploy- ment'St the then lower ratol'ofwages. "Today , two years after the enactment of the Dlngley tariff , not only are wages much highest but the supply of labor IB not equal to the demand. Again let the freo-trado World tell the story : "When Mr. Bryan , the aspirant for the Democratic presidential nomina tion , recently visited HQmcetead , ho * iiked a colored manJ employed there what wages'ho maflo a'aay. ' " 'Oh , about $6 when I work full time , ' was the answer. "Mr. fBryan did not ask , any more ' * * questions.1 "Even the Iron puddlora.iwhose work among tbo furnaces , of mpltea Iron Is about & 3 humble andihard as It can be , come In for a ahare In'tho general pros perity. As a matter"of-fact ! , there are mot puddlors enough to fill the , demand. 'Yet only a f.e.w ycara ago , the puddlers ' were a drug In the" marlcot as a result ' machine methods Introduced > of the' improved troduced Co take thelriplace. , " 'In ' the phenomenal revival of trade in the Plttflburs Klondike the pudfller , 7has been summoned again aa a matter of necessity. His pay a year ngo waa J$4jper ton. Now It la | 5. With a helper - * er , whom ho pays , ho can make $7.bO or' | 8 a day. Only a very small per centage oMhe mills can-cecuro all the ipudfllersihey want. ( "There wer ° two mijnufapturors at ' , the headquarters of the Amalgamated association tpclay s.eokjng puddlere. " 'Some of the mill men , ' said Mr. Taylor , 'have long lines of ore , coal and freight cars In their yards , all loaded with material. They have no storage facilities of their own , and use the cars. There are D.OOO tons of coal locked in cars nnd awaiting delivery. " 'The rush comes every summer , but business Is very much greater this year than for many yeara past. ' "River transportation Is choked with the Immense amount of business quite as badly as are the railways. Thousands of tons of Iron nnd steel are stored on the docks awaiting ship ment to western river points. "Ready for transportation to south ern points are 30,000,000 bushels of coal that cannot bo moved until the Hood of the river In a few weeks. "Great difficulty Is experienced in se curing hands enough lo transfer much of this tonnage from cars to docks and boats. In 0110 yard as high as $1.75 a day is bolng paid to shovelers , and they are scarce at that price. "Tho good tlmea that have como to the operators and operatives In the Plttsburg Klondike are not confined to the Iron , steel , coal , coke , tin nnd glass Molds. "From reports to the commercial agencies and , big dealers the sun of prosperity shines Upon all klnda of tellers , the labor and professional classes alike , It was aald today by a , lawyer and , by a loading newspaper proprietor that the supply ot compe tent labor In those branches was quite aa restricted as In the mines and mills. " , It. Is not.vory dlfllcult to guess the notlvo of the Now York Worm * In blazoning forth these splendid facts' of .Vectored prosperity. Doubtless Uid de- clgn Is t6 wnrrt Mr ! Bryan anil his temo-Pon following bf the futility of Reaching "ic to 1" as ari Issue' in next 'year'si'campalgn ; to present an object Jraspinwhlcb shajl show thatIn .times Uko these a cheap money crusade will fall flat. ' Such , ' Indeed , fs the'lflovlta- ' blo'loglo ofthe ( , , World's showing. But ! * ) J2Kl9aJU'&otBonstrates much more , which all the World'a freoUj-ado fophlstiy cannot obscure or ke&jp 'down --namely , that the Industrial Klondike that Is the rule everywjere ) hrqughout this C9tintry la In great meaauro the ' product of the pol'fcy of protection. In Rounding- Une.ll of free silver the Wo ld 'Is ' urjcqnsqlously ajrattglnk for the obsequies of.fr.ec traded It'is build ing better than It knows. * . < > Vt - TARIFF REFORM. Will din Dnmorratlo I'urtr Mnko Ihli ai Iinun In thn Cnrn | > lcii of 100UT The Philadelphia Record IB anothoi newspaper which takes the ground thai the Democratic party's best chance ol miecemi In the presidential election ol 1000 lies In Us making the tariff the Issue. It says : "With tariff reform as the Issue , the Democratic party would not only be united , hut to its Banner would bo at tracted tens of thousands of voters whc can no longer bo duped with the false pretense 'that protcctlvo duties , while enhancing the cost of the necessaries of living , give labor nnd high wages ta worklngmen. " The fatuity of those who believe that any party or any candidate could win In 1000 on a platform pledged to the re- peal'of 'tho Dlngley law nnd the de struction of the protective tariff sys tem Is bojond comprehension. If the proofs were not nt hand It would be Impossible to believe that there wore any one left In thin country who still bollovfcd In free trade. As a matter o ( fact , wo believe that the follows who are now crying tariff in the Democratic party arc low down cowards who want to dodge the financial Ipsue. That n belief In free trade can still exist In any one after our experiment with that destructive nnd pauper-producing poli cy during the Cleveland administration almost makes one doubt the truth pf the old adage that experience is the best teacher. But that any one can dieam that free trade would bo a win ning card , can think that the people of this country can be led Into making another disastrous experiment with it , Is almost beyond the power of Imagina tion. It will bo n rather difficult task to make any tens of thousands of voters , or any tens without the thousands , be lieve that they arc being duped by pro tection. They have the cold , hard cash , brought home regularly as a result of steady employment and high wages , since the rcsoratlon of the protective tariff , with which to refute any charges of being duped by protection. The prosperity which has come as a result of the enactment of the Dlngley law Is too concrete a thing and too uni versal a thing for the wild and base less asscrtibhs of the free-trade papers nnd frco-trado orators to have any effect. The change from prosperity to hard times nt the repeal of the MoKlnley law and the change from hard times to piosperlty Immediately upon the resto ration of pi election by the passage of the Dlnglcy law Is too great , and em phatic an object lesson to be soon for gotten by the voters of the country. By all means let the Democratic party make ficc trade , or Its alias , "tariff rofoi m. " Its battle cry for 1000. It will servo to show once for all that the people of the United States by an overwhelming majority believe In the American system of a protective tariff. American Sprint ; Waters. An excellent move In the right direc tion Is that of bringing prominently Into view the virtue of American spring waters by means of n public ex hibit and sale under exceptionally at tractive conditions. It Is with A'mer- Ican spring wateis as with American wines : Familiarity breeds reaped ; they need only to bo known In order to be appreciated. To promote a wider knowledge on this subject the plan has been adopted of establishing stands In many of the large commercial build ings of New York , where native spring waters In many varieties are dispensed uy the glass at a moderate price. The water Is displayed In a handsome glass receptacle , so constructed as to con tain the Ice In a central cylinder , while the crystal water , kept from contact with the Ice , and cooled to a natural spring temperature , is shown through the outer circumference of the glaas jacket. A considerable number of con cerns handling spring waters have adopted this method of securing the favorable Introduction of their waters , and with'excellent results. Any plan Is to bo commended that tends to Im press upon Americana the fact that In their own country are found spMng waters riqual to any In the world allko for hygienic and for potable purposes. Makn the IIBUO Plain. It Is unfortunate that the trust matter - tor has been brought into politics. If It is to lead to a revamping of the tar iff discussion , however , lot the issue bo made plain. In such matters even the Democracy of the country cannot afford to be otherwise than honest. The Interests nt stake are too great to be trifled with. The present tariff has brought order out of chaos , prosperity out of disaster , and strength out ot weakness. It is to bo hoped that there will bo no more bootless discussion of this question which has already been settled , but if it must como let the is sue bo drawn squarely and let the De mocracy of the country endure the consequences. Pcorla (111. ( ) Journal. The Faroiit f Confidence. The Democratic papers are gleefully taking up Mr. Havemeyer'a suggestion that the tariff la the long lost parent of the trust. Reversing the application of Col. Bryan's recent bon mot , If trust Is cpnfldence , that might bo construed as meaning that the tariff Is the legiti mate parent of confidence. To this soft impeachment the tariff will cheer fully plead guilty. Sioux City ( Iowa ) Journal. Two Frightful Bryan and Haveinoyor would be an Ideal ticket on tin anti-trust platform the one to denounce corporate greed and the other to serve as the frightful example of Us effects on the Individual who yields to malign Influence. Min neapolis Tribune. ' ' "BliYAN AS A DICTATOR He Wai the Whole Push in the Thrco- Ringed Political Oircus , DOTH PL4TP OR.M . AND CANDlDATfS Hut din lln Curry the SJute Nebrntkn'H Ids Corn ( rep ami Ihr Incrpmlnr : Good Tliiiflu ur 'All Agiiltm ! Him Outlook In tlio IHp Hlxth Stu'o I'liUtl- cul Mutton In Uvnuriil , IIo llryiiii'x Knynoto. St. Louis Globe-Democrat : The chief significance which attaches to the action of the Nebraska convention lies In the fact that Bryan dictated It. Local prldo coerced the populists and the silver ex-republicans Into line for Bryan's candidate for head of the tick et this year ox-Qovuinor Holcpmb , who runs In 1899 for supreme Judge. The platform was dictated by Bryan himself , arid Is Interesting no showing what ho wants to bo made the Issues for 1900. The platform repeats the sil ver folly of 189G. It makes a frothy and demagogic attack on trusts , which his party , when In control of the gov ernment , never made any attempt to curb. It makes an assault on national expansion , and endoavurj to give ale and comfort to Agulnaldo and His fel low conspirators by assailing the ad- mlnlstiatlon for endeavoring to carry out the provisions of the peace treaty with Spain In the maintenance of the national sovereignty In the Philippines. All this is exceedingly gratifying to the republicans. They now have a fair assurance that Bryan will be bait ed Into demanding a relndarsement of the 45-ccnt dollar Infamy in 1900. They cnn sec pretty clearly that he will tempt fate on an anti-expansion declaration. There was a fear among some republicans that ho would be overruled by the shrewd leaders of the party , and forced Into nmiunt ; u atran- dlc on silver and expansion. No dan ger of this sort now seems Imminent. The democratic platform of 1900 will have the same medley of follies and absurdities as were In the dellver"ance of 189C , with a few added crankeries and Imbecilities. Adversity teaches Bryan nothing. The silliness and ic- actlonlsmvhich brought disaster to him and hla aggregation three years ago will bo icpeatcd next year , and will bo supplemented by a few more follies which will add a little to the majority which will be rolled up against him and his cause. The west ern end of bis patry Is as Insane on the burning issues of the time as It was In 1890 , and Bryan voices Its madness as automatically as he did then. Can Bryan's ticket cany Nebraska this year ? The chances arc decidedly against It. Nebraska's corn crop , ac cording to the estimates , will be lit the neighborhood or 275,000,000 bush els this year. The number of farm mortgages -which have been paid off In that state In the past six or eight months beats all records * in the aanib length of time. Nebraska Is having greater proepcilty nt this moment than it ever had before in all its history. Its propspority will bo heightened by the marketing of Its present unexam pled corn crop. This is .1 bad outlook for Bryan. He needs calamity In his business , and there is none of it this year anywhere In the country. A killing diouth or frost throughout Ne braska in the next month or two would make thousands of votes for him. An epidemic of yellow fever or Asiatic cholera would also help him. He Is doubtless piaylng for some scourge of the kind , but he will hardly bo grat ified this year. The prospects for Hoi- comb are black. The c.mnces are that the republicans will carry Nebraska this year and next year. Tim Trillnt IMutform. Omaha Bee : The triplicate plat form upon which Silas A. Holcomb stands as a candidate for justice of the supiemc court is an adroit piece of carpentering more significant for the planks so studiously omitted than for the planks that have been projected to the front. Inasmuch as Colonel himself-was its chief Bryan construct or it was to have been expected that he would ralllrm the Chicago platform and give special emphasis to the free silver plank which constituted the paramount Issue in the last national campaign. , It is noteworthy , however , that whiletho platform declares foi * the unlimited free coinage of silver wjthout the aid or consent of any other nation at a ratio double the relative value of the metal , and while the plat form seeks to free the tralllc. of. the country from the transportation mo nopoly by demanding government ownoishlp by railroads , there Is no hint oven of government ownership of the gold and sliver mines that Would make free silver coinage profitable to the people instead of the silver mine owners and speculators in mining stocks. It is passing strange also that while the platform so carefully drafted by Mr. Br.yan dqmands government pwn- orshfp of jullroad.3 which ho ' knows , to boyay off In the distance , it 'is as still as n mouse about railroad regulation in Neuraskn. Thd great platform builder must surely have known that the triple alliance stood solemnly pledged to lailroad regulation in every former campaign a pledge it has will fully repudiated by the acts of Gov ernor Hqoomb ) apd the railroad com missioners appointed with the consent of the. railroad managers who trnns- fcried the m6rtgagcs formerly held by them from the bogus republican com mission to the sham reform coinmls- olon , The triple platform is very expansive on natlqnnl Issues.but stecrs clear of the. 1331198 In .which Jho. people of Ne braska are most concerned , notably the revision of'our revdnue laws , the more cqnltnblo distribution of tax bur- dfcns and the more economic' ' conduct of state and county affairs. llolciul > ' Vliiunijlul Throrli'H. Nebraska City Conservative : Tlo | Holcomb application of the financial theories of Bryanaichy to the collec tion of house rent from the treasury of the stnto of Nebraska for the llqul- r > " datlon of leases for a gubernatorial mansion in Lincoln is patriotic from a populist standpoint , Ingenious from that of a swindler and a superb suc cess front the standpoint of a profes- nionaL pickpocket. Never In any other state disbursement has 10 to 1 been hotter Illustrated. Out of every hun dred dollars drawn by Governor Hol comb , for rent of executive residence , about | 15 were silently and sweetly lowered Into his own pocket while only onrwent to pay rent as by.law" Intended to go. This misappropriation of public funds Is , however , hi fusion politics as at present dominated and managed , accepted as the best evidence of vigorous ability and jitntcdmnnfllilp. To get something , anything , out of the commonwealth Is wisdom , and to re tain or put anything Into the common wealth Is folly and disloyally. ' ' it- . . . ttirrnntprjr of "MIIi | | Tjr SI " Kearney Hub : it has1 'conic to a great pass when this demagogue and plotter ( Holcomb ) should be nomi nated for the supreme court. Indeed , it is a most dangerous proposition. A great deal of effrontery Is required to do this , after the dubious record made by "Slippery SI , " after his knowledge and approval of the ballbt recount frauds , after his pass-grabbing anil monopoly-favoring record , and after his house rent steal and attempted justification on the ground that lifrf predecessois had also stolen all that was left. Such men as Holcomb can bo tolerated In politics. But the propo sition to put them Into a judiciary for long terms Is absolutely startling In Its brazen political effrontery. If wo must make tip our higher courts of such political cattle , chattels or mer chandise , then may the Lord save the people , for they are no longer capable of saving themselves. Hrjnn'H Ilantl In All. ' Washington Post : The Nebraska platform , dictated by Mr. Bryan , differs in words , but not in substance , from Its Iowa contemporary. In addition to the general , it has a specific indorse ment of free coinage. Why thia change ? Simply becnuse the condi tions were different. Theie weie three conventions assembled at Omaha to combine or coalesce for the campaign , the number of delegates to each being as follows : Populist , 1,289 ; democrat ic , 800 ; silver republicans , less than a hundred. How could democrats dic tate to populists under such condi tions ? The Chicago Times-Herald , looking at the two platforms and the circumstances under which they were constructed , says : "Mr. Bryan is thus accommodating himself to the exigenc ies as they exist in the several states. " Ttilrtj-St'ioml Ioi\a lt < iinlnii MASON CITV , la. , Sept. 2. The tenth biennial leunion of the Thirty- second Iowa is In session at Clear Lake. The leglment was raised in this vicinity in 1802. It now 1ms GOO sur- vlvois , about 100 being present. It gained its chief distinction at the bat tle of Pleasant Hill , in the Red River campaign. A monument to the dead of the regiment stands in the public park at Mason City. Colonel William Shaw of Anampsa , who commanded the legimeuCftml the brigade of w'hich it was a partt. is present. Ex-Senator William V. Alhn of Nebrn&ka , who was a pilvate , delivered a rousing speech at a campflre. The president of the association , Colonel Johnc Scott of Dos Molnes , piesldes. Uood Show in tii < > ills : sixth. Lincoln dispatch : The chances for a big republican victory In the Sixtli congressional district are now admit ted by many prominent fusionists to be better than they have been for a num ber of years. Republicans from that district concede the nomination of Moses P. Kinkaid of Holt county with very little opposition and no alarm is felt concerning the success of the tli'k- et at election. There Is but little pros pect that the popocratlc forces will be nutted , even If the democratic commit tee asks for and secures Harrington's withdrawal. The dissatisfaction all over the district Is so general that the populist campaign managers will find it difficult to heal the wounds made at the conventions. ItrcorilK of Iliirlun olill rs. HARLAN , la. , Sept. 2.-Only one of the twelve or fifteen men sent from Harlan with the Fifty-first will re- enlist. That man Is James Beebe , who left Hnrlan as a private and who has been given a commission in one of the new volunteer regiments as second lieutenant. Another man who left Ilnrlan as a private Is now a lieutenant serving on the staff of General Lawton , George S. Glbbs , jr. , of the signal corps. Louis Wyland is a corporal , and James Tallman , bugler. Beebe and Glbbs are graduates of the Harlan high school and ex-students , respectively , of the State University of Iowa and Simpson colleges. linn Iot IIU < lrl ) > . Fremont Tribune : Mr. Holcomb , It is fair to state , does not stand as high in public esteem today us he once did. Long public sorlvco has developed his weakness. He Is not n lawyer of dis tinguished ability. Ho Is mediocrity. There are democratic lawyers who would have been glad to stand foi election who possess greater talent. The democrats of Dodge county are hot likely to take over kindly to the Holcomb candidacy. The populists have claimed everything , and here where they are of no considerable num ber , the democrats do not see the utility of surrendering everything to > them. ll lroml > mid the IIon i Itrnt. The populist editors are beginning to shriek In chonis that "Holcomb never stole any house rent. " The record shows that ho drew from the treasury several hundred dollars more for house rent than the owners of the houses in which ho lived received ns rent. Call It what you please. The state paid the money to Holcomb am his landlord didn't receive It. Who I * the I.Iiir. York Republican : A pop papei says the boys In the army of the Phil ipplnes had to work for $15 a montl and spend that for food that they were suffering for. Jack Miller says the food was good , the meat of the best and served fresh eight days out of ten You can believe Jack Miller or yoi cau bollovo the paper. free ( lolliliitf tMt.ilosuc. Ready now. Hayden Bros. ' clothing- -x catalogue showing samples and latest styles nnd lowest prices. Mailed free on request. Send postal to Hayden Bros. , Omaha , for prices on ony goods yoU.nq'ed. . Make yourself at home la the Big Store when In Omaha. Alexander Henderson of Syracuse la of the opinion that ho has acted na ( "pallbearer rtl in676 funerals In the past 1 half century than any other man In Onondnga county. He Is six feet two Inches and "looks well. " Selling rntcntn. Amongst the largo concerns who pur chased patents the past week were the following : David Bradley Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. Vaughn Machine Co. , Portland , Mo. International Facslmllegraph Co. , Cleveland , 0. Whitman & Barnes Mfg. Co. , Akron , Ohio. General Electric Company of New York. Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Co. , Boston , Mass. Berlin Machine Co. , Belolt , WIs. Keyes-Baker Cigar Rolling Machine Co. , Blnghamton , N. Y. American Locomotive Appliance Co. , of Vhglnia. ' Ball and Socket Fastener Co. , Bos ton , Mass. Out of the 450 United States invent ors who obtained patents the past week 145 had sold either a part or their entire Interest In their Inventions be fore they weie Issued. For free Information concerning the law and practice of patents , address Sues & Co. , Registered Patent Attor neys nnd Solicitors , Bee Building Omaha , Neb. Well Groomed Women. A pretty shht waist , properly laundered with "Faultless Starch , " makes u woman look sweet and wholesome and adds greatly to her attractiveness. Try it. All grocers , lOc. Of 124 law students admitted to the bar In London nineteen have Orient,1. ! names. My doctor said I would die , but Piso'B Cure for Consumption cured me. Amoa Kelnor , Cherry Valley , 111. , Nov. 2I ! , " . )5. ) Adversity borrows its sharpest sting fiom our Impatience. Bishop Home. $ llSbnysnew upilghtplano. Schmol- ler & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St. , Omaha. The town of Ilaitford , in Oxford county , Me. , has a Custard Pie associa tion , which meets annually in a hem lock grove on the mat gin of Swan pond and gorges Itself with custard pie. It grew out of a custaul pie eating contest between two residents of the town on the annual fast day , thirty- nine years ago The match was ad judged to be a tie , the association was formed , and eveiybody In it now strives to beat everybody else eating custard pie. . , Governor RoosaVpH , addressing some firemen the other day , took occasion to mention four callings ) which subject those following them to as great dan gers as those the soldier meets in war , and 'Which ' evoke as manly qualities as ate ever icquircd of the soldier. They aie the firemen , the policemen , the railroad men and the fishermen on the Newfoundland banks. "He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last/ ' ' A hearty laugh indicates a degree of good health obtainable ihro-jgh pure blood. c/ls but one pcrcon in ten has purs blood the other nine should purify the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilta. Then they can laugh first , last and all the time , for Send your name and address on a postal , and we will send you our 156- page illustrated catalogue free. p WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. | ! 174 Winchester Avenue , New Haven , Conn. . . _ _ _ _ / / JyjyTjcv / jx" \ * * L. DOUGLAS i $3 & , $3.50 SHOES UNION " - " " MADE. Worth $4 to $8 compared ; witlv other makes. Indorsed by over- 1,000.000 wcurera. AU LEATHERS. Alt STYLES TIIK GMmit bM Tf. L. D. ( U. ut udpcUt tU vld ( , . UUorn. ranno substitute clalme * tobftOSBood LarseBt makers of W and u 50 Bbocu la the world. Tourdeiterihouiaicecp tnem If not , w&wlll MUI you tt.l.DOUCU&SHOE CO. . Brockton , Moss. ARTERS INK Is What Uncle Sam Uses. Highest rash price paid for Robert Purvis , Omaha. Send for t g ind prices. Kiubllihed 1370 , Stammering Cured , Omaha. Julia U. Vuuglinn. Umiak * . CnmrraN and Photo Supplies Cuta- IOK free. Hutcson , 1J.XI DouglM street , Omaha.