Mr. DO nn Conic * to Tomorrow niuhlV. . . ) . Bryan of Nebraska , standing cuudidaia for pioflident of the United Stales will deliver his set speech in the new auditorium at Dea MoiiioH to an audience drawn from all'.sof die etalo. Iowa IH a mighty poor Hold for Bryan and hih propiigandum of calamity and reaotionaryiHin. Thu fiO.OOO square miles which make up this imperial slnlo IH the best , con tiguous body of land oi equal are anywhere upon the mrfaco of the earth. There is a school house up on every square mile of it. A majority of the people own the homes in which they live , and the farms which they till. H nno of thorn are in debt , but their notes and mortgages which are as yet unoanoollod , are evidences of thrift rather than evidences of distress. In all its history this Htato lie * never shown any tendency townidn the doctrines which Mr. Hryan Hlands for. Occasionally in joins of distress and onto in a while In accident a populist has been elected to congress. Hut the st.itu us a whole has never endorNcd a Hingle principle for which Air. Hryan stands. Affairs are unusually unpropitioiiH for him nt this particular lime. The state is out of debt and ban a eurplus in the treasury. The crops alioady harvested have been houni eous , while the outlook for an im mense yield of tlio great staple corn was never hotter than it IH today. In national politcn , by reason of the strength and ability of ( lie ic- pttblioan senators and rcpiesenta lives in congress who represent UUH commonwealth at Washington , the state of Iowa is without a peer. What poHsible use can tlio people of Iowa have , under these oiromn- HtauooH , for the doctrines of Mr. Bryan ? He will tell his audience tlutt under the gold standard , it is im possible for the people to be gen erally prosperous. ThoinhibitanlH of this state know holler through their own experience Ho will tell his audience that there is in UUH country agroatarmy of unemployed men when avorybody who has looked about him knows that men ire not seeking jobs in this Htato , but thai jobs are Hooking men. And he will tell this intelligent and patriotic people which is represented in the Philippines by a bravo regiment of splendid troops that the cause for which thcHO men have fought , in an ignoble one. Will lie bo believed ? Not for one moment. UIH aiiditoiv may applaud his siMiliments from first to last , but they in no wine represent the oiti/.uiiHlnp ol thm state. They never have represent ed it , and they never will. Bryan- ism or anything akin to it is barred ) Irotn this stale. Youoanno more cultivate it hero tlrui jou etui grow palms in Greenland. An Iowa lfi.\- uhango. The Dale I'lcnic. The grand annual picnic for the boneilt of St. Amlrow'H Catholio church , will take place iitDile , Nob. , Thursday , September 2lHl , 1801) ) . Various onmmittcuH have been ap pointed to HOC after those attending. There will be a tjood program , con sisting of mimic , Hinging , speaking , cake walk etc. In the. afternoon there will bo foot , bicyc'o and borne races , Liberal pri/.ca will booll'ured. A grand dinner and supper will be Rorvod by the ladies of the pariah. Dancing will bo one of the enter taining features of the evening. A good time is anticipated. Come and bring your friends It. D. McCAUTV. JOHN Moouic H , J. KKI.I.Y. WM WAI.RH 0. FUCBIIMAN. Cattle For Sale. Ono thousand head of one , two and three year old steers alao cijjht hundred head of stock cattle For particulars enquire of W. C Greg ory , tf. A. W. Drake 1ms rented the room now ocoupied by Douglas & Hirnoy on the west side of the public square An addition is being built onto it and it will bo ready to occupy by the iirst of September. In order to roduso my Htook , to avoid moving I will fiell at cost. Call and Heo me before you buy atovcs or furniture. A. W. DUAKK Notice to Hunters. Parties are hereby notified not to hunt on ray farm , or pasture grounds , under penalty of the law. FHANK WKISUNHKUUII. The Best Remedy tor Flux Mr. John Mutlmia , n well known Block dealer of Pulaskl , Ky , , snye : After Buffering for over n week with flux , and my pDyatclan having failed to relieve me , I was advised to try Gnamberlrin.s Cello , Cholera nd dlarrohea Kernedy and have tno pleasure of stating that tbe half of one bottle cured uiu. For pale by all Druggists. lliitcrlnliiiiii'iit for Company .M. I'llOlllUM 8flnrl o Haltitp 101 RUHR. 8 l -ermMl < - of the fly ir IMMI ! * ( Ho H ApuptiiiillMKBiiil foirnfnjj of ( iroccnton. iiiiilur illr'M lion of Kriind mnmlm ! . ] HtVtm ( in4 M , fognllwMOlli nil poldtOM nf Wintil | li-Aim'rl < wn wiir M All old Folilli'fd unit member * of ( I. A. It , nml all members of W H ' ' nmtflrclii. 3rd City nml romity nfllu'r * . Hli All Sunday iiuhoiilii , I'Adi rcluml to Ini In ClinrKi' < > f min'rililotidciit. | Bill All clvlo toclfltluit. Utti I I'li'Kntloim from ntli"r part * n ( ( he county , Till Allollirrpriitilo II ( nl'f.'MItoiuptloti lit liiMiliiifirhirS. | MtlHoliy tliitliiuiil ImocMlcHi , I liv IVrKiiiKMi. AddrOfH ol utikome , Mayor KOJTPO. ( liorm. Hi' lionnu by Co. M. Mllnlc by tli liiinil Ani-luy'R uulMinu , ttou J. U. Purler. ( lioniH. < iillnwny'H wolrotno , It , K. llrc' n. Soclnl KirulliiK I n On. * l liy ovcrylmly , inn ! r ( llnrtloii of Mri * Kcrr , f flltlul liy rclntlvug ! Co M l , ' : : i to sS Dliitu r. lo \ > u nrovlilril liv coirtnltli'i ) for Coiii | > iiny M , nnil nil eolillcin of Hpnulrli nr. At tlii < ruiiut tliiio a I > IK Imikut illiitnir to ho cpreiiil tiv muiiiljcm of tlio ( I A. It. , ' . \ . It O . niut ill otliur Hiirli tli'Hnml dtl/i'iiH ului I M l Juln In , 2 p in Aimi'inhly t hlanil , > linlo liy hiitid. IfollowliiB loiHle iliutur direction of Jniiies Wlnli'Honil : Coiiipmiy M , " lion II M. Sullivan. Hi npiin * ' , iiii'Miborn of tin ) comiuiiiy. ClllltllR. "Tliu HodMen" , " OUT. 1'oynlur. Hi N | inline liy Nolirnrkii col Mar. ( Jinirlcttn , lu ii * llroc. . Tliu Holilltr of llio Spuiilnli-Aiiiiirlcuii . " It ) mi old rolillor. ] { < > i < iiiiii e liy toiilli'r ' of lliu Into nnr Itucltatloii , Cntrln Knill. Dni't , MtHirc I'lttuwii ) anil llornaiUy. IticltnlloiiMiH. . Mmi'lo ' llnlibiiril. Mtihir by bund. Mini I nuilll'HoUH I to 0 p. in.- Army unit other flportf. y\W \ to bo iinlcd In prl/ < n. ( In in. 'Jupptr provlilcilby tin ) yoniiK ladlon nl llrokvn llnu. All HrHltrH.iruf , tlaiiifliturf. , mid pBiTilienild of llio "lioy " nro corillnll/ - Ouil bj tliciuniinlttuii to iiHHlHt In flipper nnil llio enti rtilnm lit of thu uvuolii ) ; . Coiiunlttcui K. HoYhlC , I'r'oliU'iit of thu Day. JAMKHHTOUKIIAM , Mnrxlml uf tlio Dsy. UIIKIMTIAN OIIUIIUII. Kov. T. H. McDonald , of Lex ington Nebraska who ban bnon nailed lo ( ill the pulpit .it the UhriHlian church In re for a yinr moved lo Broken 15ow thin week Christian ohiinih services by Itov I' , 13. iMcDonald next Sundii ) morning at 1 1 o'clock and Sunday evening at K o'clock , regular or- yiooH there after at the icyuhir lioura. I'niyt-r meoling next Thtirfiday vening , Mrs. W.V Hishop leader. AhiHiShinn will lead the young people's mod ing at 7 p. m. sharp , Mihjool , "Holding up the MiniHter't * Iliuiiln. VV hat can we do lo hel p ( Mil | > aitor ? " _ hetlc.i-Llst. Following IH lliu dead letter list for week ending Aug. 'JOth , 181MJ. Dr. II. W. ShriviT Mr A A. Louvltt ( ! ! ) Mr ilniM. A ( la lawny. Km. It II. Clii.ult'r ( o ) Mr Kdln l'iceiul"iiii. ( c.CIarHin ) lluckinaHtur , lH. . Aiiilor uii , iM 1) Kiluin Yisunmn. J'arlitft calling for any ol thi' ibovo will ploasu say ' "advertiBOil. " L. 11. Juwurr , 1' . W . County Fair Notes. The duto Uil , ' 1111,5111 aid iitti. Thi < fact that the fair IH held Inter this > our thim iibti'il , IH must ( avurnblu to Krunil display nf corn und nrdon truck. IjiHt yciir the onem ! iiitiilonviib | , lliiit lint mludle of Kt ) | > U in tier WHH ahont Uvo wi'oku too onrly. ThlH ytar it IB liitld tlio wc.i k in October. Just suvuntei'ii ttiuntriual uuinpitniiH liavi1 iniido uiiplnutloiiH fur lliu lirokeii How oppni IIOIIHU during fair wetk Tlic public will bo pU'tiBod to learn tliM ihu Uidmond Company , which travt' such Duil bittibliii'iUin lunt yuiir , will play tlio mil il'iio ' KA' ' " thin > t'ac. I'rdnliuu lists of Hie fair limy bo hud by wrilllnj ; tlm nucrolury nt Itrnkuu How. They will lso bi > plno d In every post- olllcu and iionrly ovury biiBiiu'PH liiuuo in thu county. Ask your moKihnnt for one. The book cunttilim 511,500 < > t pruinlinns , ptirgus and attractions. 'I'll n marn niuDt of the fnir lu n.HkiDK MI effort tliii yuar to hav tint uxhll > r of ut unuiiH and pardon pnuliico Inrgolv lncrMiucd from what it uvor hiifl bucn botoro. ( Joud prennutni ) are offorcd In Ihlfl ( lupfirtnuuit , siiil every farmer who intends tlm fair should tnKo enough Intit'st In this display to have on exhi bition nt hust a half du/.un of tii& lines t Thu spoud progrfim for the ( lay IB out , and it Ktvcu a Del of eighteen racing uvfiite , In w ioh nanrly Sl/iOO is off rrrd The list junlaiiiH thruu rucos nf $ irii ( ) > noa ; tliacn of § 100 uiioh , and four ol $ "f > ( inch. A now feature in horn riiulni ; ie thu hurdle race , In whlcl theiio will he. not It fl than eight slnrt- ers. The horses are lo leap over hutdlea three feet In height. Six racing uvents are booked for oiieli day mid It is ( Xptclud that fully 100 ( nst horses will bo In llrokju How during fair wuulc. In addition to lliu splendid riicu pro- gr\ui ( , the fair tine year will have two alUaullons , which alone will bo wortl theprlco of iidmlsslo" . Prof. Hardy the clninipion rlflu nliot , IIIIH boon eecuret nt a heavy oxpuuse , und he will give diiily exlilbiltous in front of tlio grant t-ttinrt between raolt g hcatp. Ho I positively llio greatest rillo shot on ourth Ho fhoota pennies in tlio air , cnla card edgeways with n bullet , shooln objects otic uf hand with eights tied up i-hnotH luhtH off cigar In month n another person , whllo standing on his bond , und does a hundred other ( em fully us dilllcult. Ills exhibition la i open air and IH freo. Another nttrnction which the fair lin ceourod , IH Prof Ellis , noaltivoly on of llio best und most daring hlghwlr and trapeze perlormurd known. 11 will perform In front uf the grand Bttui between racing heats uitch day. HI ( cats are truly mwelous. and ihls alon will pity anyone to go miles to see. Both of the attractions nbovo namtu , \ ill be free to everyone on the fair grounds. The HevV. . "It. Costloy.of Stock- brldgo , Qa. , whllo attending to his punlornl duties at Ellomvood , that atato waa atlacked by cholera inorbufl. He eays : Hy ehancn L happened In gel hold of a bottle of ChamburlulnR Colic , Cholera and dlarrhoua Remmly , and 1 thinu It wad the ineuna of saving my life. It relieved in at ouoo. " For fur sale by all Druggists. ® mmi ! . 5 " / | g § JL. CXll JL Cfe > U tt L' ? 9 I ffi SI J. G. HAEBEHLE. | fiywf-yftwy. . . . . . . . . . t < ? j.9.i fcv. .i { I make llio correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. " Before my wife began using Mother's Friend tie could hardly jet around. I do ot think she ould get long without : now. She ised it for two months and it is a great help to icr. She does i e r housework without trouble. " other's s an external liniment for expectant nothors to use. It gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara- ion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the only emedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery ensy. ! t is the only remedy that puts the ) reasts in condition so thnt swelling or rising is impossible. Don't take nedicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Mother's Friend Is sold by drujf lstfl forSl. Send for our free illustrated book. The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga. TIME TABLE , HUOKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omnlm , Hulcim , Chicago , Untie , Ht. Jo-mih , Portland , Kilnn.l ( Tltv. KMt l.ntm Ultv St Louis , nml nil San Francisco points vaflnmi fonUi nml nil points went THAINS LKAYK AS HA ST. No. I1. . Local uxprosfl dally , Lincoln , Oumlm , nml nil polntn cast 0-20 .Lin- No. 41. l.nail pni-scn nr , dupattH. . 11 , ' : > H. in. No. . | t ) . Tliruuuli freight oaxt lnlly..5m : : u , m. Nn. ' 18. Local freight oust iirr , ilally 1'J.OO p.m UcpnrtH t 1.05 j ) m , Kjuvpt Sunday. W1SPT. No. u. Locul cxnri'BK dully , Ilulnnn , Hutto I'ortlnnil , nli ) iumtn ui t lU.Vip. m Mo. U. Local pareunguriirrlviHHt..l r > 5 p. m. No. 45. " " wt'ft " Ill-Mil , n No. 17. " " " " S-lBp. n DepiirU at U.15 i > , m Kxcopl Sunday , Slooplm ? , illnluK nml reclining rlinlr cars ( oatH Iron ) on ilirmiKli trulm > . Tlcki-a Hold nmlttix \ RIIUO tliocU'il to uny point In tin United status ami Canada , No. 48 ImB nuTcliimllBo cart ) TnoaiUya , Tunra iluyH itndt-atnrduj" . No. 15 will carry pan > oiijori. ( for Aneclmo , Hal u < y , bvnccnVliitnuin nml Alllmuu. No. 40lll carry IIIIBMII KIT" ( or HiivunnH llranil Iflund , Scw-rd ami Lincoln. liifonnutlon , IUHJIH , time tnbles ami ticket fall on orrllo to 11. L. Ormuby , agent , or J , (1. 1' . A. , Omnlm. Nobrutka. II. L. OiiMtmr , Ak'ont About one month n o my child whlisli tifteon montlia old , tmil mi iittuuk of uccoiupiiiiii'd by vomiting It Biioli ruined IOH HS nru u.siiiilly in snoli OHHOB , hut ita nothing rulleC , wo sent fur a ftdyalciin mid it wiia uniliir his care ior about tun days anil WIIB buvlug about twenty-live operations every twoly Iioiir3t mid wo wore convinced tliut unlues U HODU ob tained rcillof It would not live. Cliinn- berlrlnln's Cello , Cholera nnd Dinr- rlioou Ueniudy WHH reuotniiioiulul , and I dt'uidtul to tty it. I BOOH noticed n ulmn o for tlm bettor ; by Its continued use n eomploto euro WIIB brought about tuid it ia now purft'ctly bonltby. CL. . UogrfB , Stumptovui , ( iilmer CoV. . Yti. For sale by all Druggists. ' / : liidily ] | : , Economy , Security. i.y : j" ! 1 lie Iruo test for Life Insurance Is ; < & ; found In llio Equity of thu Contract , X , \ - tlio Economy of Management , nnd thu ' * . * , Security for the I'ayinent. . . ; "J THK OlllOINAL ' 'i ? < Hankers Life Association Dca Moliieui Iowa. i. . . / S ICuwAiiD A. TKMI-LK , President. ' . ; OrgnnUcd July let , 1879. i = ] $ Oiiarnnty Fntid for Pufety. ' / 'S BnrnliiH Fund for protection. * ; jj Sniervlsed | by y.OOOdepoHltory banks. f.'j Hccutl log ilopoalted with the state * .C ilfl'nrtnicnt. ' . * ( ; onsorvntlvo inotboda. ' / 'f' l'rof rrud MamLow Hates. i"E ' . * 'i ( Juartorly PnymontH. J-f For rates and full Information , call ' * ! on or nddrona J , A. HARRIS , A cnt for Ouster Comity , Neb. ; " ; Ofllco at Farmers Hank of Cuetcr [ * County , lirokcn How , Nut ) . Clinton Day. IIVHICIAN AN1 > HimO Broken Bow , Neb. Qnlce over Hyerson's urocery. Resly denuo ( i'.li IIOUBO wogtof Baptist church. Checkered Front VltUD AND LIVEIIY llAUN , 1C. II. CL.INGIUAM , I'rop'r. PatronnKe solicited. Good accommodations fair trentintiiit anil reasonnlilu rates E. B. Mullins , Physician ami - Surgeon , Hueldoiiru Uret IIOUBOestof McComag' drug Moro. Olllou In the Myurn uulldlnt ; us noun a completed. How , - Nebraska. City Peed Mill , K. B. McCLUitK , Prop. Rye Flour and Graham , ground on stone burr. All kindri of grinding iiono for loll or exchange , to tmi uiiEUomor * Agent for condonnec CibiiH Stock Food. llichard son's Livery AND FKKD BTAHLK. nt the old Bland , between tbe Burling ton and Globe Ilotuls. Telephone con ncctlon llcadqtmrtora of Cnllawn ; ( Hugo line. Single nnd double rlga Hates ronROuable. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins PHYSICIAN AND SUHQKON. 2d stairway from wcht end , in Realt ; block ; rcsiduuco , north Hide. JAMES LEDWICH- RIICAI , AND INVKBXHIICNXH , How NBIIKABKA , - - - I have n largo lint of farmn fo Halo in ail parts of the county. Low prices nnd easy tornm of paymeut Write for prices. I I 3c Ladies' India Dougola shoes. . .7Co leavy shirting.U4c to lOo per yd Ladies' H.H. warranted shoos , $1,40 Calico . ! J } " to Oc per yd Ladies' Trilby shoo * 2 00 . ' Mule nhoi > . . $1.88 Call and see our now line of da. Men's extrahenvy perios , Mod's fine horse hide shoo. . .12 00 Juy your quill covers already pieced Men's hcamlocs , oil grain , best qual only 7c per y.ird. ity shoos $1,25 Ticking . Po to 14c Hoys' shoos fcl.OO and up loavy bluu iloiuin . Uo to Mo Men's KXTKA IIKAVY calf skin shoe , Towelinc . -lc to 12J * 2 16 Table oil cloth . 14o per yd Men's work gloves 19o to 08o Shelf oil cloth . 7c per yd A full line of overalls and mon'g iloacbod muslin . Cc to 1 Oc work shirts always on hand , at jonsdalo tuiiHlin . 12u prices away below AM , OOMPH 3aby shoes . 20c and up TITION. THE REASONS WHY ASBESTOS SAU IKONS 1. Kutains beat longer. 9. Two irons do the work of three flat irons , or four ordinary sad 1. More easily m.iniimlaU'd. irons. 3. Always clean and bright , Saves space on stove. 4. L"B3 liiblo to get-out ( f order. Saves steps. 5. Requires less fuel for heating. Lock perfectly secure. G. Handle always cool. Retail price , per sot , $2.00. TLobo iroi s are on exhibition at our . Handle fits the hand . 7. perfootly. . . store. Call and examine thorn. 8. Handle unbreakable. Our price , SI .50. Wo buy our goods of ( / H. ROUSS , in Now York City , and sell for ash. That is why wo sell cheaper than our competitors buy. For every $15.00 worth you buy of us , wo will enlarge for you any > hoto , oil finished , FREE of charge , and sell you a frame at cost. HIGHEST PRICE PAID POR EGGS. Yours for business , THE RACKET STORE. MONDAY , Aug. 28th , We place on sale an Ele gant line of Ladies Capes and Fur Collarettes which we have just received from the "Fountain head of Fashion. " This line embraces the Most Novel lines of Long tab j and Yoked Collarettes at prices ranging from $1.75 to $10.00. Collarettes have come , to be the Most Popular of Ladies Outer Garments , and their popularity for usefulness these Frost Border ing evenings is only the beginning of the end , which will terminate next Mayday. On Sale Today,7OO yards Dark Percales at the low price of 6 and one-half cets. per yard. . ilHttl I H I ll. We have added to our Clothing Stock the Very Popular and Fashionable "H S & $1" Line This line takes in the Extremes. The Fats , the Leans Strictly Taylor Made for less Money than the ordinary hand-me-downs. Watch for our Autumn Magazire , "Art in Dress" which will keep you posted in Mens Fashionable Wear. ; Soda Fountain Season Closes Satur day , Sept 23 , ' 99. All Soda Checks Should be redeemed by ! that date , as these checks are good for This SeaSOn - I SOn Only , anl will not be good next ye .r. . A7orth Side.