Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 31, 1899, Image 7

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Vcitrldlng the Iuino-l'oi > Uonhry , "lfroo
Kllvor ami Frco Trade. " lit * I'ath IB
80 Olittrnctort \ > y the Solid AVall of
Substimtiul I'roHporlty.
One of the most impressive anwng
the many showings of prosperity with
which the American people nio nowa-
idays so frequently regaled after two
full yenrs of restored protection , Is
that made In the news columns of the
New York Sun of July 29. With Its
characteristic enterprise and sagacity
the Sun , always keenly alive to matters
of genuine puhllc Interest , has gath
ered from correspondents In various
business centers some very significant
facts as to the abnormal activity whirh
prevails among the railroads of the
United States. No one needs to be told
that when the great inland transporta
tion systems are rushed with business
nnd straining to Increase their facili
ties to meet an Increased demand ,
everybody else must be extremely busy.
Railroad business Is a sure Index of
general business.
From Chicago the report Is that
every railroad entering that city today
'needs ' more cars than it has or can get
to meet the demands of shippers. This
condition is not due to any great and
lauddon Increase in any particular traf-
iflc , but is due to the steady growth of
, all kinds of traffic. From' all Indica
tions the year 1899 will eclipse all for-
| iner yenrs in the volume of business
'done by the railroads. Last year was
one of prosporlty for the railroads , the
Increase in traffic as compared with
that of several years previous being
considered almost phenomenal , but
there is almost as great an Increase in
earnings so far this year over those of
the corresponding period of last year as
-was the case of 1898 over 1897. All the
railroads which build their own freight
ars have kept full forces at work in
the shops , but they could not turn out
cars fast enough to supply the demand ,
and orders were placed with rnr manu
facturing companies which will keep
most of them busy for the remainder of
the year , if not longer.
Here is a curiously suggestive fact
stated by an official of one of the big
Western railways :
"More pianos were shipped over our
road from Chicago to the West and
Southwest in the last three months
than the entire number in the years
from 1893 to 1897. This is good proof
of the prosperity of the farmer , for a
( piano is a luxury In which he does not
Indulge as soon as he gets a few hun
dred dollars ahead. Our traffic in
farming machinery was never so large
as it has been this year and our crop
Reports made it certain that the Invest
ments in machinery were well made. '
When the farmers buy pianos they
are "on Easy street. " No doubt of that
Another railroad manager said : "If
wo could borrow or hire from 5,000 to
10,000 box cars we could find immediate
use for all of them. "
At Detroit an official declared that ir
twenty years his road has "never seen
a condition like the present. Ordinar
lly at this time of the year we are no
burdened with a surplus of business
and rather have difficulty in finding a
place to store our empty freight cars
than to employ all our energies to
find cars enough to carry the business
offered to us. We are certainly behind
on a visible supply of cars requisite to
carry the freight which wo can get
without any solicitation. "
Baltimore reports a scarcity of cars
with which to move the tremendous
business present and prospective. At
Buffalo the freight traffic Is far in ex
cess of the supply of cars. Thousands
of extra cars could be used , but they
are not to be found. At Philadelphia
a trunk line official testifies to a great
increase on all the lines of his road ,
Speaking of the lines east of Pittsburg ,
ho said :
"I am convinced that the present
prosperity is lasting for the reason
that the increase of business is not
confined to a particular locality. It Is
general. For instance , on all the sta
tions of our road there is a substantial
betterment. Some of the offices report
an Increase of 7 per cent , others 15 per
cent , many from GO to 75 per cent ,
some 100 per cent , and one as high as
216 per cent.
"While , as these reports show , our
business Is much in excess of that of
last year , we have not experienced
any great difficulty in getting cars to
handle the freight thus far , but there
will bo a scarcity of cars In the latter
part of September or October. How
serious it will be I have no means of
telling at this time. As a matter of
fact we have very largely Increased
our equipment this year , and of course ,
that has aided us in handling the In
creased business , but In some kinds of
cars there has already been a scarcity. "
It Is now but twenty-nine months
Blnco William McKlnloy took his scat
ns president of the United States ; only
p. few days more than two years since
the DIngley tariff was enacted. Con
trast , it you can , present conditions
with those which existed twenty-nine
months after the inauguration of
Grover Cleveland in 1893 and twenty-
four months after the enactment of the
all-destroying Wilson-Gorman tariff
law. Ten billions of dollars would not
suffice to measure the Increase In in
dividual , corporate and national wealth
which has taken place since the restora
tion of protection as the American
policy. Probably twenty billions would
fall below the mark.
Verily , Is It true. In the euphemistic
phraseology of the cartoon which ap
pears on this page of the American
Economist , that William Jennings
Bryan , bestriding the Free Silver and
Free Trade ass of his party , finds his
progress to the white house barred by
a solid wall of prosperity , and Is "Up
Against the Real Thing Now. "
HoVnntH Frco Trade In Ilnw Sugar us
n Mm in of IncrcuRlnR III * Vrolltn ,
The free-trade papers have been at
tempting to gain comfort from the
statements of President Havemeyer of
the sugar trust , before the national In
dustrial commission , but can only dose
so by separating a few of his state
ments from his whole testimony. The
protectionists are willing for the people
ple to consider the whole of Have-
meyer's testimony , for It proves that
he Is seeking the elimination of the
tariff on raw sugar In order that the
sugar trust's profits may bo made larg
er ! That fact Is made prominent by
his statement : "The protection on
sugar amounts only to 3 per cent. It
ought to be twice as much. " He also
said : "Congress should put an Internal
revenue tax on the production of Amer
ican sugar. " He stated that his com
pany has 11,000 stockholders , and his
admissions show that the company's
business is not profitable , but it has
made many millions of dollars
by the sale of stock. Those
who were In the company be
fore the stock was enormously Inflat
ed have made millions , but It Is proba
ble that the new stockholders of the
sugar trust will receive very small , if
any , dividends.
Mr. Havemeyer closed his testimony
with a protest against the tariff dis
criminations against sugar , and insist
ed that "those discriminations against
sugar are entirely due to the feeling
against combinations In business" ! He
said that his company "is In the cof
fee business to stay , " yet there is no
tariff on coffee , and the coffee trust hns
been able to double the prices of cof
fee during recent years ! The coffee
trust is able to control the coffee trade
of the world , and , notwithstanding al
the squabbling between companies
composing the trust , they are making
enormous profits on the sale of coffee
and stocks. The sale of stock has been
the chief source of profits for al
trusts , and when they cannot eel
stocks at good profits the downfall of
the trusts Is at hand. Protectionists
are entirely willing for the people to
consider the whole of Havemeyer's tes
timony , for It is only further proof thai
a sufficient tariff must be maintained
to protect American labor. Home com
petition is the only safe regulator , am
that competition will destroy about al
trusts as soon as the trusts are unable
to make enormous profits on the sale
of stock. If you own etock in any
trust now is a good tlmo to sell , fo
It Is possible that it will not be many
months before your stock will not b
worth more than its value as waste pa
per. Des Molnes ( Iowa ) State Regis
In Ilryim's Mute.
A dispatch from Omaha says :
"The industrial situation through
this part of the Missouri valley Is in
dicative of the general prosperity that
appears to prevail throughout the en
tire west. Ordinarily July witnesses
very little business In the commercial
world among Missouri river Jobbers ,
but this month Is an exception. Whole
salers generally have scarcely had time
to invoice their stocks and ascertain
the extent of business for the first six
months of the year. "
This is the situation In Mr. Bryan's
own state , and In the other states near
by. It makes an effective contrast to
the situation which existed in that re
gion during the years when the policy
of free trade , so vigorously supported
by Mr. Bryan , both In and out of con
gress , was In force , and the Wilson
law waa exerting its blighting Influ
ence upon the Industries of the coun
try. It Is pretty safe to say that the
business men of Nebraska and of other
Missouri river valley states will not
have any use for Mr. Bryan or for any
other free trader in 1900.
An Km of Prosperity.
The best news possible , Increase in
the wages of the worklngman , Is heard
on all sides. Prosperity Is not only on
the way , but it Is here , and the good
news is not confined to one section of
the country , It-comes from all sections.
In far off Denver , the Times reports
Increases in wages that show that sec
tion to be prospering beyond expecta
tion. The Denver Times says :
"Colorado may be In distress with
her labor troubles , but the rest of the
nation Is reaping a harvest from the
unprecedented demand of foreign na
tions for our manufactured products.
On June 10 the Iron , steel and tin trust
raised the wages of their employes 25
per cent. The raise takes effect Im
mediately and affects directly 45,000
employes. T'hls Is glad tidings to la
bor. The advances arc the largest
made In the history of the Amalga
mated association , and the wages for
the year will be the highest since 1892.
The tin pall brigade of the great man
ufacturing districts of the eastern
states have already opened the cam
paign of 1900 and are shouting : "Mc-
Klnley has kept his promise now
we'll keep ours. " This augurs well for
republican success in 1900 , and would
Indicate that the calamity howler will
not be much In demand In the next
presidential campaign. "
The same news comes from Chicago ,
'hlladelphla , St. Louis and the other
rade centers. All over New England
ho mills nnd factories are running on
'ull ' time , and the employes are re
ceiving better pay. It Is a McKlnley
era of prosperity and to the president
the people give the credit. Springfield
( Mass. ) Union.
Produce n Itemotly.
As to the political responsibility for
trusts there Is none. Trusts are no
more Republican or Democratic than
are ordinary business combinations on
a small scale. Their friends and ene
mies , their beneficiaries nnd victims ,
are in all parties , and they thrive In
England and Germany as well as In
America. In the eastern rural dis
tricts , where the heaviest Republican
vote exists , the warfare upon trusts Is
waged with more vigor than Is evi
denced In Democratic cities , where the1
bulk of the laboring population Is In
some way dependent on industrial pur
suits. Produce a remedy for the evil
and the Republican party will bo ns' '
quick to take It up and press It as any
other. Nor will it be less assiduous In
search of a remedy. With things In
this position how Is It possible to draw
campaign lines ? People who are agreed
cannot divide and fight ; when two par
ties arc equally solicitous to "smash
the trusts" how is one , unless it pre
sents a remedy which the other rejects ,
going to profit by the Issue ?
The great trouble Is that no ono has
a remedy. The federal law is neces
sarily limited In Its application ; the
state laws have uniformly failed. Has
the Democracy anything new to sug
gest ? If it has not Its slogan of
"smash the trusts ! " will bo as mean
ingless and Inconsequential as one to
wipe out the grip or abolish the
measles. San Francisco Chronicle.
Why Tnmt Them ?
The Republican party gave the coun
try a protective tariff. Now watch the
ever Increasing exports : In 1895 , $807-
000,000 ; in 189C , $882,000,000 ; in 1897 ,
$1,000,000,000 ; In 1898 , $1,231,000,000 ;
and when the present fiscal year Is
completed on the 30th of June Instant ,
look out for a larger figure even than
the last one. And yet Democratic
free traders predicted they wouldn't
have It any other way that Republic
an protection would destroy our for
eign commerce by killing off our ex
ports. What prophets ! and why
should the country further trust them ?
Mansfield (0. ( ) News.
Everything Gained , Nothing I.ont.
The homo market Is ours ; the wages
of American workmen and workwomen
are the highest In the world and the
highest ever known In this country of
high wages ; the markets of the world
nro fast becoming ours. Through pro
tection we have won everything and
have given up nothing ; we have won
everything which free trade falsely
claimed for Itself without paying the
price which free trade always exacted.
Such a record ought to and undoubt
edly has won for protection Immunity
from any serious assault for many
years to come. Trenton ( N. J. ) Ga
They "Jon ! Orowcd. "
President Havemeyer of the Sugar
Trust recently told the Industrial com
mission that the tariff was the mothei
of the trust. Assuming the statemen
to be true the big trust over in free
trade England must bo commercial Top
Blcs. They certainly had no tarlf
mamma. They must have "Jus
growed. " Sioux City ( Iowa ) Journal
Itoufe-llcnt Holrnnth ( loin There With
lluth llrofciMn nnd Trnniiilon tlio Op
position Tlioruuiiilur I'opoi'rntlo 1'ccu-
llnrltlr * Predominate nt Convention * ,
The popocrnts of Nebraska have
done gone nnd did it , and republicans
nro consctiuontly happy over the
For downright stupidity comment !
us to the fustonlsts of Nebraska. PassIng -
Ing by the splendid material In tbolr
ranks they picked up the crookcdcst
stick they could find , and amid the
violent protests of the decent element
In the parties they forced Holcomh to
the front for a seat on Iho bench of
the Nebraska supreme court.
From a republican standpoint , the
work of the demo-pop aggregation at
Omaha is eminently satisfactory. In
the first place not more than half of
the delegates wore on hand , and n
whole lot of skirmishing was indulged
in to "fill out" delegations with local
and visiting fuslonlsts. A showing had
to bo mndo , > ome how , and this was the
most convenient. After a bit of labor
In this direction a fairly good showing
was made in the pop and democratic
conventions. In the free silver rep-
publican convention hall the (10 ( or 100
delegates present would have felt lost
hud it not been for Charley Woostcr's
elegant side whiskers. Nearly ton
hours were fooled away "getting to
gether , " as there was n whole host of
recalcitrant bucks who were opposed
to the of " "
chieftaincy "SlipperyHI"and
these had to bo whipped into line be
fore the great council could proceed.
However , Bryan and Allen were
there and everywhere all forenoon
and all afternoon , and their labors in
behalf of llolconib bore fruit when
the clans gathered after supper , and
Si's nomination was railroaded through
according to plans and specifications
agreed upon.
Hilly Neville was there , too. It
wouldn't do for one member of the
tripartite trust of Alien , Iloleomb &
Neville to be absent , and the Judge
was on hand to aid and to BOO that not
n cog f the machine "slipped. "
Judge Edgar Howard of Papilllon ,
another member of the happy family ,
was there , but he looked far from be
ing happy. He wns a Robinson Cru
see , alone on the desert island , even
his man Friday going back on him. lie
tried hard to get a little company , but
he soon discovered the uselesMicss of
bucking against the inevitable and
sorrowfully wended his way back to
Pnpillion and is now engaged in deciding
ciding which is best for him to do
swallow Slippery Silas and whoop "or
p , or maintain his reputation for con-
isteney. His decision will bo nnxi-
usly awaited by his popoerattc
> re tin-en.
Harry Phelps of the Howells Journal
vanted to light because Si was chosen ,
nit no one dared to pluck the chip oft'
iis shoulder , and ho was not accom-
liryan , the ringmaster , found it very
lard work to get the three rings work-
ng on the same fake , hut he nocoin-
dished the task , even if it did canst-
careworn expression to assail his us-
tally smiling countenance.
One of the amusing features of ihe
conventions wus the adoption of a resolution
elution against pusses. The free silver
republicans started the ball to rolling ,
mil the others took it up with a more
or less gingerly grasp.
They considereditdangerous.but evi
dently thought that their stand on
passes would be considered a straddle if
, hey accepted the resolution and nomi
nated the champion pass grabber of
the state for supreme judge. How the
people will look at the situation will
be found out In November when the ex-
governor is snowed under by republi
can ballots.
Holcomb's nomination has left a very
bad taste in the mouths of many fu-
sionistH and a serious split is bound to
come unless the interests of Hrynn are
thought to bo paramount to consist
ency. Democrats and populists who
have opposed ofllciul corruption und
pass grabbing were not slow to ex
press their indignation at having to
be placed in a position where they had
to eat crow or leave their party. Rut
the bosses demanded Silas' nomination
and the discontented were forced to
accept the supreme court vote juggler ,
the house-rent absorber and champion
pass grabber , Uenton Maret , pusher ,
horns , hoofs and all.
The happy family is not at ull
Hut They Didn't.
J'npllllon Times
Very long will be the way , very hard
the hills to climb , with Slippery SI
Holcomb weighing-down thepopoeriitic
band wagon in Nebraska. For the
good of the state , for the good of
Bryan , we beg the popocratlc conven
tions to keep llolcomb's name off the
We really feel sorry for Kdgar
Howard. Ho must talk , of course , but
in this case , what can he wiyV
llAUUY AtlAIN t > iiT.ATii : : > ,
No Connotation for Him I'.Ton In lilt
I'mrefnl Slumber * .
North 1'lntte Tolejrntm.
Word comes by wire just as we go to
press that General Harry , when ho
got hack to Lincoln , threw himself on
the lounge and was soon wrapped in n
deep sleep.Vhllo thns resting in the
arms of Morpheus , ho had the follow
ing dream : The general in Ills dream
died , and wending his way upward to
the outer gate , he knocked with con
siderable confidence , feeling that his
war record should give him open-so-
same to the courts above. As the sound
echoed through the corridors and died
away In the distance , the gate was
opened nnd the general was asked
what he wanted , lie replied that ho
had lately attended a political conven
tion , went homo disappointed and
tiled , and now ho desired to escape
from the butl'oting and sorrows of the
work by entering within the gates of
the golden city. St. Peter asked the
general his politics , and when ho re
plied that ho was a populist , he was
informed that parties of that political
faith were not permitted to enter , but
that ho could go round on the bluffs
overlooking the elty and gu/.e on the
happy conditions within. Slowly and
sorrowfully the general wandered
around nnd took his scat on a big
boulder high up on the blufYn over
hanging the walls. Imagine his sur
prise when he saw Judge Neville luln
ling with the happy throng. Greatly
astonished the general went back to
the gate , and when St. Peter came ho
said ho noticed Neville inside , and that
ho was a populist and hud beaten him
for the nomination for congress. St.
Peter smiled anil said that since Nev
ille was nominated and before ho diet'
ho had changed his political belief
and joined the Salvation army , that
being the only party that Neville hat
not joined nt some period of his life.
Then the general turned and walker
slowly down the pathway , reflecting
on the uncertainties of life nnd the
fickleness of human nature.
Afrnld It Will ( let Awny.
Sowuril llt'porlor.
The pops must ho getting n little un
easy about Nebraska. Coin Harvey
has been speaking In the state for n
numhcr of weeks , nnd Is hilled for a
long time nhend. W. J. Hrynn is also
announced to ninUe n number of
speeches In Nebraska during the cam
paign. It would seem as if they were
making unusual assertions for an "off
year. " The trouble Is , Mr. Ilrynn is n
little fearful that the htnto may getaway
away from the fusion forces this year ,
which would somewhat damage his
boom for 1000. Ho is therefore making
strenuous efforts to hold his forces In
line. Harvey has been sent out be
cause his book had n great effect in
Nebraska in 18110. Since then the people
ple of tills state have seen demonstrat
ed the fallacy of his arguments , and
they are not likely to be again misled
by his sophistries. Nor will they bo
deceived by the brilliant rhetoric of
Mr. Rrynn. The logic of facts Is more
convincing than the theories of any
orator , and the people of Nebraska
have had plenty of fuels to convince
them of the uiiboundness of the liryau
Won't III ) niiinl > UKK'"l
Wuyno Ilorald.
Wo do not bellove there Is an honest
thinking farmer in Wayne county who
will deny that this country is now
blessed with prosperity , and that the
ranting of the free silvorites three
years ago when they proclaimed so
vigorously that the country would bo
ruined if Hrynn was defeated , was a
delusion. Doubtless many of them will
register his contempt for such mist-op-
representation by voting for the ptvrty
which brought u return of prosperity
in addition to having carried on a suc
cessful war with Spain , brought on by
the continuous singsong of Itryun and
his fusion friends in congress. Hut
thinking people will no longer bo
humbugged by the oratorical Willie
In fact , it is doubtful if he again get/
4 li rt iir\iiii > inifiti
It In An\en.
Stiuo Journal.
Up to dnte there has not appeared
one word of sworn testimony to dis
prove or discredit the findings of the
senate investigating committee. There
hns not been the slightest bit of
testimony , explanation or attempt to
s'.iow mitigating circumstances that
would be given the slightest conslder-
ntion in nnj' court of equity or justice.
The report of the investigating corn-
inlttce stands uncontrndieted if not
unnssailed , and the findings are just
as clearly impressed on the minds of
the people of Nebraska ns they would
have been hud the governor given the
document the most spacious pigeon
hole in the ollleo.
IIolcomh'H Houne limit.
\Vnyno Hopubllcun ,
There nro n few reform organs God
spare the name in the state that have
the effrontery to try to make
their readers believe that ex Governor
Holcomh only drew from the state
treasury the amount actually paid for
house rent. These papers evidently
hcliuve their readers entirely ignorant
of the true facts in the case and trust
that their only source of information
on such subjects is through the medi
um of their miserable lying columns.
A Nrlirnftkuti
DKADWOOD , 8. D. , Aug. 20. A
young rnim named Ralph Glazier , who
arrived in this city from Edgar , Neb , ,
WOB BnndbnBKcd lnnt night by two mem
and robbed of f45 and his watch. He
will recover.
ICIoprr Under Arrant.
VALPARAISO , Nob. , Aug. 20. Los-
Ho M. Cheovor , who olopcd with hla
wife's sister , was arrested at Stroms-
burg Tuesday. The girl arrived at
homo Tuesday noon by railroad.
Cheovcr was placed In jail at Oscoola ,
Nob. , nnd brought to Valparaiso later ,
Knlhvny Sued for
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Aug. 2G.
Suit has been brought in district court
by Attorneys Uconou & Son for George
Hurlbut of Greenwood against the Chicago
cage , Ilurllngton & Qulncy Railroad
company for $5,000 damages for In
juries received.
Guilty to Anmiult.
PLATTSMOUT1I , Nob. , Aug. 20.
John R. Logan , who has been soiling
blackboards In this city , was arrested
by Chief of Pollco Slater charged with
assault upon Mrs. Soonnlchscn at her
homo. In the police court ho pleaded
guilty to the charge and was fined $5
and costs , which ho paid.
Second Urutonynt John It. YVniiRh.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Aug. 26.
John R. Waugh , HUH of S. WnugU ,
cashier of the First National bank of
thin city , ban boon appointed second
lieutenant. Ho lias boon employed In
the signal sorvlco In San Juan , Porto
Rico , for some tlmo , but returned to
the United States last week.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Aug. 20. The
board of public hinds and buildings
accoptcd the plans submitted by City
Engineer Munn of Nebraska City for
the gymnasium of the homo for the
blind of that place. The appropriation
for the construction of this building
nnd ropnlrs wns $5,000 , but only a
llttlo over $4,000 IB available for the
Hey Injured With un Air Oiin.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Aug. 2G.
Whllo playing with an nlrgun Mark
Molvln , son of W. T. Molvln of this
city , accidentally discharged it , the
bullet striking his loft eyeball below
the pupil. Ho was at once takgn to
Dr. E. W. Cook , who dressed the
wound , which Is very painful , and
fears arc entertained that ho may lesotho
the sight of the eye.
York I'luin it Monntur Widnomn.
YORK , Neb. , Aug. 20. York Is now
ready to welcome its Manila soldiers
In a Btylo that will pu * all former
demonstrations to the olush. On Oc
tober G the formal reception takes
place , nnd the program arranged will
consume exactly twenty four hours.
Expensive quantities of modern fire
works have boon procured by the com
mittee and In addition to this every
house In town has Btoroa of nolso-mak-
Jng materials enough to last through
a dozen Fourth of July celebrations.
llrttlltO Of Itirtll.lp N U Illltll.
OMAHA , Aug. 2G. The will of the
late Uiflhop John P. Newman ns filed
at Saratoga , Now York , shows that
ho left an estate worth $50,000 , which ,
aside from two or tlireo nominal be
quests , IB loft to the life use of the
widow , after which It goes to the Drew
Theological seminary , Madison , N. J.
Of the property listed us belonging to
the estate there arc eight lots In block
! )8 ) , Dundee Place addition to the city
of Omaha. The reco'rds nt the court
house disclose the fact that Bishop
Newman purchased these lots early In
Thlrtci-n-Ytmr-Old Sold lor.
FREMONT , Nob. , Aug. 20. .Tcsao
Smith , a 13-year-old boy ralBod In Fre
mont , returned from the Philippines ,
nnd , perhaps , has the distinction of being -
ing ono of the youngest Americans who
has Been service In the war. The boy
ran away from homo a year ago from
Omaha , whore ho had gone to llvo with
his mother , having previously lived
with his grandfather , Thomas McDon
ald , a farmer near Fremont.
Nothing was known of his where
abouts until a Fremont soldier who
wont to Manila ran across him there
and reported the fact to his relatives.
Ho went from San Francisco ns a stow
away on a government transport and
succeeded In getting to the Philippines.
TrirrciiHti In Huff
SOUTH , OMAHA , Aug. 20. In the
matter of packing hogs South Omaha
now stands third In a list of a dozen
packing house towns. Chicago , of
course , leads , with Kansas City , South
Omaha third and St. Louis fourth.
Sioux City Is eleventh in the list and
St. Paul last. Since March 1 of the
present year there has been packed at
this point 1,100,000 hogs , which IB an
increase of 270,000 head aa compared
with the same period of last year. Both
Chicago and Kansas City show a de
crease In hog packing , while South
Omaha and St. Louis exhibit an In
crease. South Omaha la rapidly forg
ing to the front as ono of the great hog
markets , and as Nebraska , Iowa and
Missouri arc reported to bo full of hogs
the receipts for this year will bo far
ahead of all previous years. Up to the
piesent tlmo the Increase in receipts ,
as compared with the same tlmo a year
ago , numbers 210,780 head.
Vendor Shuon Wanted.
SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 20. There is
a big demand at the present time for
feeder sheep ; In fact , just now the de
mand Is considerable in excess of the
supply. Commission men doing busi
ness at the Llvo Stock Exchange hava
orders on their books now for about
50,000 head of feeder slw > p Ono firm
alone has an order for 10000 head to
bo purchased hero and sent to the
country to fatten. Owners of flocks
throughout the west are being advised
of the demand here , and It Is thought
that before long the sheep receipts will
show a largo increase.