Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 31, 1899, Image 3

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    Colonel Charles E. Jones , the Geor-
gin historian , has compiled n list of tlio
surviving Confederate generals , which
shows that out of the original nineteen
lieutenant generals , seven survive ; of
the eighty-one major generals , sixteen
arc living , and of 305 brigadier gener
als , ninety-two survive. The living
lieutenant generals arc James Long-
Btrcut , Alexander P. Stewart , Stephen
D. Leo , Simon H. Hucknar , Wade
Hampton , John D. Gordon and Joseph
Money makes the mnro go , but rail
way officials prefer to run trains ou
AVt-Ktorn Intullcctiml 1'roiluctH.
"The Farmer's Cheerful Helper" Is
the title of H book for which n copy
right lias been granted to the author ,
G. W. Hamilton of Dos Molncs.
Patents have been allowed but not
yet Issued as follows : To W. II. Lyon
nnd J. C. Walllch , of Crcston , la. , for
a mall pouch that Is adapted to bo
opened and closed quicker than the old
style and when closed and locked ne-
cess to the contents without a key Is
Impossible except by cutting n flex
ible part thereof. To W. D. Weir of Gilmore -
more City , In. , for n portable and trans
formable hoisting machine. A mast
Is mounted on t > truck , n boom swlv-
cled to the mast and means for oper
ating It , a crane mounted on the truck
nnd means for swinging it horizontally
nnd vcrtlcnlly nnd a fork adapted for
lifting corn shocks detachably con
nected therewith and all the parts so
arranged and combined that they can
be readily adjusted to transform the
machine to adapt It to be used advan
tageously In doing various kinds of
hard work on a tarm.
Authors and inventors entitled to
protection for their intellectual pro
ducts pursuant to our copyright and
Patent laws can consult us in person
or by letter without charge.
Registered Attorneys.
DCS Moincs , la. , Aug. 19 , ' 99.
Talk must be the equivalent of
money , otherwise gossip wouldn't gain
currency so easy.
Are Yon Using Allen's Foot-Kme ?
It Is the only euro for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
i i . ii . i ii - . . . . . |
Carroll D. Wright says : "Ten
thousand people starve to death each
year in Greater New York , while
nearly $400,000 a day passes over the
saloon bars of that city for liquor. ' '
ITnnltlcgg Htnrcli
Is rnpiilly superseding the old style stnrch-
es. It MIVOB fnbor , saves money unil makes
collars nnd culFs look like uow. All grocers
soil it ; largo package lOc.
Rev. F. B. Meyer , of London , said
recently : "The ono thing that brings
comfort to a man's heart is to know
that he Is on the path of duty where
God put him. "
Hall's Catarrh Cure
IB taken internally. Price , 75c.
When , In 1801 , Governor Kirkwood ,
of Iowa , appointed Senator Allison
colonel In the volunteer service and
set him to raise four regiments the lat
ter received most assistance from a
big Scotch-American college lad who
offered his services in any capacity.
This man brought a company of his
college friends and did other good
work in enlisting recruits. Ho was
David B. Henderson , next speaker of
the house.
The man who takes his whisky
straight usually takes his walks other
Lookatyourtongue ! Ifit'scoated
your stomach is bad , your liver out o
order. Aycr's Pills will clean you
tongue , cure your dyspepsia , mok
your liver right. Easy to take , ens
to operate. 25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black ? Then uio
BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ( ft.te . *
Worth $4 to $6 compared with
other makoi.
Indorsed by over
l.OOO.OOO wearers.
TIIK OK.M1M ! ktte W. L. UoiUl'
name tot prlc * lUnped t ll n.
Take no eubftltute claimed
to bo as Rood. l. me tpiakcrs
of 13 and 3.W tboei In ttie
world. Your dealer hould keep
them If not , we will ecnd you
apalronrecelptofprlce. State
kind of leather , tlr B and width , plain or cap too.
Catalogue A Free.
W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Man.
-None BO good , but It coats
no more than the poorest.
piso s GUREFQR ;
CURE * vnlK it tAILS.
Bert Cougb Uyrup. TMteiOood.
la tine. Sold br drnggIsH.
'A rout Tlmt U Cul lud In tliu Hebrew
TOIIKUD lluthffltlii. llutlnc Flic 1'orcli-
, Where l.ny n ( Jroat Multitude of
Inipotntit I'olk. " ilohn \ . , U , 1) .
Outside the city of Jerusalem there
was a sanative waterlng-plnce , the pop
ular resort for Invalids. To this day
there Is a dry basin of rock which
shows that there may have been n pool
tliero three hundred and sixty feet
long , one hundred and thirty feet wide ,
und seventy-five feet deep. This pool
was surrounded by five piazzas , or
porches , or bathing houses , where the
patients tarried until the time when
they were to step Into the water. So
fur as reinvlgoratlon was concerned , It
hnist have been a Saratoga und n Ixjng
Branch on a small scale ; a Leaming
ton and a Brighton combined medical
and therapeutic. Tradition says that
at a certain season of the year there
was an officer of the government who
would go down to Unit water and pour
In it some healing quality , and after
that the people would come and get
the medication ; but I prefer the plain
statement of Scripture , that at a cer
tain season an angel came down and
stirred up or troubled the water ; and
then the people came and got the heal
ing. That angel of God that stirred
up the Judcan watering-place had his
counterpart In the angel of healing ,
who , In our day , steps Into the mineral
waters of Congress , or Sharon , or Sul
phur Springs , or Into the salt sea at
Capo May and Nahant , where multi
tudes who are worn out with commer
cial and professional anxieties , as well
as those who arc nflllcted with rheu
matic , neuralgic and splenetic diseases ,
go and are cured by the thousands.
These blessed Uethesdas arc scattered
all up and down our country.
We are at a season of the year when
rail trains are laden with passengers
ind baggage on their way to the moun-
ains and the lakes and the seashore.
Multitudes ol our citizens are away for
a restorative absence. The city heats
arc pursuing the people with torch and
fear of sunstroke. The long , silent
halls of sumptuous hotels are all abuzz
vith excited arrivals. The antlers of
Adirondack deer rattle under the shot
of city sportsmen. The trout make
'atal snap at the hook of adroit sports
men , who toss their spotted brilliance
nto the game basket. The baton of
the orchestral leader taps the muslc-
tand on the hotel green , and Ameri
can llfo has put on festal array , and
the rumbling of the ten-pin alloy , and
the crack of the ivory balls on the
green-balEed billiard tables , and the
jolting of the bar-room goblets , and
the explosive uncorking of the cham
pagne bottles , and the whirl and the
rustle of the ball-room dance , and the
clattering hoofs of the race courses ,
and other signs of social dissipation ,
attest that the season for the great
American watering-places is in full
play. Music ! Flute , and drum , and
cornot-a-piston , and clapping cymbals
wake the echoes of the mountains.
Glad am I that fagged out American
llfo , for the most part , 1ms an oppor
tunity to rest , and that nerves racked
and destroyed will find a Bethesda. I
believe in watering-places. They re
cuperate for active service many who
were worn out with trouble or over- ,
work. They arc national restoratives.
Lot not the commercial firm begrudge
the clerk , or the employer the jour
neyman , or the patient the physician ,
or the church Its pastor , a season of
Inoccupation. Luther used to sport
with his children ; Edmund Burke used
to caress hla favorite horse ; Thomas
Chalmers , in the dark hour of the
church's disruption , played kite for re
creation so I was told by his own
daughter and the busy Christ said to
the busy apostles , "Como ye apart
awhile into the desert and rest your
selves. " And I have observed that
they who do not know how to rest do
not know how to work. But I have
to declare this truth today , that some
of our fashionable watering-places are
the temporal and the eternal destruc
tion of "a multitude that no man can
number ; " and , amid the congratula
tions of this season , and the prospect
of the departure of many of you for
the country , I must utter a warning ,
plain , earnest and unmistakable.
The first temptation that Is apt to
hover In this direction to leave you
piety at homo. You will send the dog
and cat and canary bird to bo well
cared for somewhere else ; but the
temptation will bo to leave your reli
gion In the room with the blinds down
and the door bolted , and then you will
come back In the autumn to find that
it is starved and suffocated , lying
stretched on the rug , stark dead. There
Is no surplus of ploty at the watering-
places. I never knew any one to grow
very rapidly in grace at the Cateklll
Mountain house , or Sharon Springs , or
the Falls of Montmorency. It Is gen
erally the case that the Sabbath is moro
of a carousal than any other day , and
there are Sunday walks , and Sunday
rides , and Sunday excursions. Elders
nnd d.eacbmj ftjlHinfufsters Of religion
who are entirely consistent at home ,
sometimes when the Sabbath dawns on
them at Niagara Falls or tne White
Mountains , take a day to themselves.
If they go to church , It IB apt to bo a
sacred parade , and the discourse , In
stead of being a plain talk about the
soul , Is apt to be what Is called a crank
Bormon thnt Is , some discourse picked
out of the effusions of the year as the
one most adapted to excite admira
tion ; and In those churches , from the
way the ladles hold tholr fans , you
know that they are not so much Im
pressed with the heat as with the pic-
turesqueness of half disclosed features.
Four puny souls stand In the organ
loft and squall a tune that nobody
knows , nnd worshipers , with two thou
sand dollars' worth of diamonds on
the right hand , drop n cent Into the
poor box , and then the benediction If
pronounced and the farce Is ended.
The toughest thing I ever trM to do
was to be good at a watering-place.
The air Is bewitched with the "world ,
the flesh and the devil. " There arc
Christians who , In three or four weeks
In Eiich a place , have had such torrlblo
rents made In their Christian robe thnt
they had to keep darning It until
Chilsttnns to get It mended.
The health of a great many people
makes an annual visit to some mineral
spring an absolute necessity ; but tnko
your Ulblc along \\lth you , and tnko 'in
hour for secret prayer every day ,
though you bo surrounded by guffaw
and saturnalia. Keep holy the Sab
bath , though they deride you a9 a big
oted Puritan. Stand off from gam
bling hells and those other Institutions
which propose to Imitate on this side
the water the Iniquities of Baden-Ba
den. Ixt your moral and your Immor
tal health keep pace with your physi
cal recuperation , and remember that
all the sulphur and chalybeate springs
cannot do you so much good as the
hoallng perennial ilood that breaks
forth from the "Uock of Ages. " This
may be your last summer. If so , make
it a fit vestibule of heaven.
Another tcniutntlon hovering around
nearly all our watering-places Is the
horse-racing business. Wo all admlro
the horse , but wo do not think that Its
beauty or speed ought to be cultured at
the expense of human degradation.
The hoi so race Is not of such impor
tance as the human race. The Blblo
intimates that a man is better than a
sheep , and I suppose ho is better than
a horse , though , like Job's stallion , his
neck be clothed with thunder. Horse
races In olden times were under the
ban of Christian people ; anil In our
day the same Institution has come up
under fictitious names. And It Is called
a "summer meeting , " almost suggest
ive of positive religious exorcises. And
It Is called an "agricultural fair , " sug
gestive of everything that Is improving
in the art of farming. But under these
deceptive titles arc the same cheating
and the same betting nnd the same
drunkenness and the same vagabond
age and the same abomination that
were to bo found under the old horse-
racing system.
Long ago the English government
got through looking to the turf for
the dragoon and the light-cavalry
horse. They found out that the turf
depreciates the stock ; and it is worse
yet for men. Thomas Hughes.tho mem
ber of parliament and the author
known nil the world over , hearing that
a new turf enterprise was being start
ed in this country , wrote a letter In
which he said : "Heaven help you ,
then ; for of all the cankers of our
old civilization there is nothing in this
country approaching in unblushing
meanness , in rascality holding its head
high , to this belauded Institution of
the British turf. " Another famous
sportsman writes : "How many fine
domains have been shared among
these hosts of rapacious sharks during
the last 200 years ; and unless the sys
tem be altered , how many more are
doomed to fall into the same gulf ! "
With the bull fights of Spain and the
bear-bnltlngs of the pit , may the Lord
God annihilate the Infamous and ac
cursed horse racing of England and
America !
Now , the watering-places are full of
temptations to men and women to tip
ple. At the close of the ten-pin or bil
liard game , they tipple. At the close
of the cotillon , they tipple. Seated
on the piazza cooling themselves off ,
they tipple. The tinged glasses como
around with bright straws , and they
tipple. First , they take "light wines , "
as they call them ; but "light wines"
are heavy enough to debase the appe
tite. There is not a very long road
between champagne at live dollars a
bottle and whisky at ton cents a glass ,
Satan has three or four grades down
which he takes men to destruction
One man ho takes up , and through one
spree pitches him Into eternal dark
ness. That is a rare case. Very sel
dom , indeed , can you find a man who
will be such a fool as that. Satan wll
take another man to a grade , to a de
scent at an angle about like the Penn
sylvanla coal-chute or the Mount
Washington rail-track , and shove him
off. But that is very rare. When
man goes down to destruction , Satan
brings him to a plane. It is almost a
level. The depression Is so slight tlm
you can hardly see It. The man doe
not actually know that he Is on th
down grade , and It tips only a little to
ward total darkness just a little. Ant
the first mile It Is claret , and the second
end mile It is sherry , and the thin !
mile It is punch , and the fourth mil
it Is ale , and the fifth mile It Is whisky
and the blxth mile It Is brandy , aiv
then It gets steeper and steeper an
steeper , until it is impossible to stop
"Look not thou upon the wine who
It Is red , when It glveth Its color In th
cup , when It moveth itself aright. A
the last it biteth like a serpent , and
stlngeth like an adder , "
\\0iether you tappy at home which
will bo quite as safe , and perhaps quite
as comfortable or go into the country ,
arm yourself against temptation. The
grace of God is the only safe shelter ,
whether in town or country. There are
watering-places accessible to all of us.
You cannot open a book of the Bible
without finding out some such waterIng -
Ing place. Fountains open for sin and
uncleannoss. Wells of salvation ,
Streams from Lebanon. A flood struck
out of the rock by Moses. Fountains
n the wilderness dlsrovered by Hagnr.
Water to dtlnk nnd water to bathe In.
The river of God. which Is full of wa
ter. Water of which If a man drink
lie shall never thirst. Wells of water
In the Valley of Baca. Living foun
tains of water. A pure river of water
ns clear ns crystal from under the
throne of God. These are watering-
places accessible to all of us. Wo do
not have a laborious packing up before
wo start only the throwing away of
our transgressions. No expensive ho
tel bills to pay ; It la "without money
and without price. " No long and dusty
travel before wo get there ; It la only
one step awny.
In California , In live minutes , 1
walked around and saw ten fountains
all bubbling up , and they wore all dlf-
feient ; and In five minutes I oan go
through this Blblo parterre and find
> ou fifty bright , sparkling fountains
bubbling up Into eternal life healing
and therapeutic. A chemist will go to
ono of these summer watering-places
and take the water , and analyze It , and
tell you that It contains so much of
iron , and so much of soda , and so much
of lime , and so much of magnesia. 1
como to this Gospel well , this living
fountain , and analyze the water ; and
I find that Its Ingredients are peace ,
pardon , forgiveness , hope , comfort , llfo ,
heaven. "Ho , every ono that thlrstcth ,
como yo" to this watering-place.
Crowd around this Bcthcsda. O you
sick , you lame , you troubled , you dy
ing crowd around this Bethesda. Step
In It , oh , stop In It. The nngol of the
covenant today stirs the water. Why
do you not step In It ? Some of you are
too weak to take a slop In that direc
tion. Then wo tnko you up In the nrms
of prayer , and plunge you clcnr under
the wave , hoping thnt the euro may
be ns sudden and as radical as with
Captain Naaman , who , blotched and
carbuncled , stopped Into the Jordan ,
and after the seventh dive came up ,
his skin roseato-coinplexloncd as the
ilcsh of a little child.
( in Which Olio Infant I * IMnlc *
liiK AHtonlililiiK ( Iron til.
There is a doctor in West Philadel
phia who has a son ono year old , and
this baby Is probably the strongest hu
man being for Its ago and weight In
the world. Its father will hold a cane
In his two hands , and the baby , graspIng -
Ing It , will draw Itself up to Its chin
thrco times. That Is but one of Its nu
merous feats of strength. The physi
cian says that his boy'e unusual mus
cular development Is duo to a dally
massage treatment. Every morning ho
lays the little fellow , naked , on a
blanket , and kneads his muscles for
thirty minutes. Once a month ho
weighs the baby and measures Its
calves , chest , arms , etc. The monthly
Increase of weight nnd girth are ro-
narkable. The baby lias never had
hoes or stockings on Its feet or a hat
n its head , and in the summer it wears
nly a little sleeveless dress that cornea
o Its knees. It gets a cold bath every
morning. "If nothing goes wrong,1
ho physician often declares , "this
hlld will be one of the strongest men
he world has over scon. Ho will never
; et bald and ho will never lose a
ooth. As for his muscles , with mas-
ngo and a course of exorcise that I
avc laid out , they will be big and
upple all over his body. All his flesh
111 be , when tense , hard as stool , and
, vhen relaxed as soft ae the flesh of a
oung girl. "
I.OHB of llulr Duo to Montul Shook.
In a French medical Journal M. Bols-
fer relates the following remarkable ,
ase , which is an addition to the
iroup of cases In which sudden loss
) f hair or change of Its color followed
nental shock. The subject was a vig
orous peasant , aged 38 years , who was
lot ofa nervous temperament beyond
being slightly emotional. His hair was
ibundnnt , and a dark chestnut col
or and not even slightly Interspersed
A'lth white filaments. Ono evening , as
10 was returning home , preceded by his
mule , on which was mounted his son ,
iigcd 8 years , the animal slipped , and
he child was thrown off and trampled
on several times. He was only severe-
y bruised , but the father thought ho
was killed , and In endeavoring to save
ilm was terror-stricken. He trembled ,
find had palpitations and a feeling of
cold and tension in the face and head.
On the following day the hairs of the
head , beard and eyebrows commenced
to fall In quantities , so that after eight
days he was absolutely bald. At the
same time the skin of the face and
head become paler. Without delay the
hairs began to grow again In the form
of a colorless down. Soon all the af
fected regions were covered with finer ,
moro silky , and a more thinly sown ,
completely white hair. The hair of
other regions was not affected.
Her Afthm In tlm Mortar.
An odd monument was desired by
an elderly maiden who died a few
weeks ago in Athlono , Ireland. Sha
left a fortune of ? 135,000 to be spent in
the erection of a church , provided that
her body should bo converted Into
ashes and used in making the mortar
for building the edifice.
Just Think of It.
Tommy Scrogglns "I'd hate to bo
dat two-headed boy at de museum. "
Jimmle Wiggins "He has lots o' fun. "
Tommy Scrogglns "I know dat , but
Jes' t'lnk o' havln' two faces to
warsh. " Ohio State Journal.
The Bank President Are you awn o
the cashier 1ms taken a half-Interest In
a yacht ? The Confidential Adviser
No. Perhaps wo had better see ho does
not become a full-fledged skipper.
IndlanapolU Journal.
Willie , nged1 , noticed the moon In
the western sky ono morning after
sunrise. Having never seen both orbs
at once ho was deeply Impressed and ,
running Into the house , exclaimed :
"Oh , mamma , I've got a good Joke on
the angels ! " "Why , Wllllo , what do
rou mean ? " asked the astonished
mother. "They forgot to tnko the
noon In , " answered the llttlo follow.
Senator Hnnna's rheumatism , accord-
Jng to letters from Europe , has cent
ered In his knee-cap nnd It Is feared
that sesamoldltls may set In and per
manently stiffen the leg.
Mr. W. H. IJams , who has been re
cently ro-clected treasurer of the Bal
timore and Ohio railroad , has boon In
the employ of the company for forty-
six years , and has been treasurer slnco
May , ISfifi. When a small boy In Bnl-
tlmoro ho saw the great parndo that
Unltlmorcans arranged to celebrate the
laying of the corner-stone of the Bal
timore and Ohio railroad ou July 4 ;
I'uiiltloflft Sturoli.
Host nnd coos furthest , trlvos ntllfno s niul
olnstlcity , No HtlcldiiK. lillstorhiK or break
ing. Kvory grocer ROMS It , Hourly everybody -
body uses it. lUo 11 piickngo.
Love Is n dream. Whether It Is a
nightmare or not depends a lot on
what you had for dinner.
Now Invention * .
117 Inventors
received patents
the last week am
of this numboi
131 sold olthei
the entire or r
part of their rlghi
before the paten
Issued. Amongs
the largo concerns
corns who bough
patents the las
week nro the
American Bol
Telephone Co
Boston , Mass.
_ Unltypo Com-
any , Manchester , Conn.
Piano Manufacturing Co. , Chicago ,
Bevel Gear Wheel Co. , Newark , N.
Remington Arms Co. , Illon , N. Y.
American Typo Founders' Co. , Now
York City.
Geometric Drill Co. , WcstvIIle ,
Parties desiring full Information as
to the law and practice of patents ,
may obtain the same In addressing
Sues Co. , Lawyers and Solicitors ,
Boo Bldg. , Omaha , Ncbr.
When n woman happens to hit upon
a good argument , she talks on an
other which kills It.
IIiiHht Don't Yon Hour thn Iluliy dry
Thu only nnfr mcillclnu fur mnir cunl colic In mi ru
ing ImlilCH iHUiiMciiriiliCiinilyCnlhniillc.Miikn mutM
ft' * milk mildly iniiKiitltc. DriiKuliitu , lUc.Mc/iUc
Life's thorns were created to keep
people from acting hoggish with the
Plso'fl Cure for CoiifuunpUon In our only
fflodlcliiH for uonglm anil coUK Urn. 0.
Boltz , JliO 8th Avo. , Denver , Col. , Nov.bV"5.
A motor car passenger service Is
mooted between Pretoria and the
Cut IliU.'H on All ICulhvnj-H ! . H. I'lillhln
Ticket Broker , 1505 Farnam , Omaha.
Sardou , like Balzac , keeps a store
of notebooks and scrapbooks for use in
his work.
? 118buysncw upright piano. Schmol
lor & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St. , Omaha.
When a wise man wants to advertise
anything In a neighborhood ho con
fides It ns a secret to his wlfo.
Mrs. WIiiHlow'H Hootlilng Hyrup.
Forclilldrcn teothlnir , soltoniitlio Kiitni , reduce ! fir
Oatnmationalloys jmlueuros wind colic , .Uoubottlo ,
A convention Invitation from
Charleston , S. C. , to the Democratic
party should not bo overlooked ? It
Is the News and Courier that says :
"Why not Invlto the Democnatlc con
vention to como to Charleston ? Wo
had ono hero before the war , which
made the liveliest times for the whole
country that It has ever had. Lot us
have the next ono , and see what comes
of it. "
The Marquis of Salisbury has for
many years been an earnest student of
chemistry and found time to discover
nnd complete an Important chemicul
process In his private laboratory nt
Hatfiold , the results of which will bo
made known to the world on his be
half at a forthcoming meeting of one
of the learned societies.
French railroad companies have
been ordered by the courts to provide
their passengers with season tickets
without advertisements. The Western
railroad had Increased the number of
advertisements till a season ticket was
as thick as a pocketbook and commu'-
ers refused to carry them.
D. L. Moody says : "What peed
does it do a man to get a college edu
cation , If at the same time ho gets
the drink habit. What gooil Is the ed
ucation In his head , If ho goes out
with the grip of the liquor demon on
his throat. ? "
Every woman has an Idea that she
"holds her ago well. "
If there IB anything In n unmet the
oung lady who has just been appoint-
d postmistress of a town. In Oktn-
loum ought not to remain single till
ho HIIOW files. Her card boars thla
nscrlptlon : "Inm Daisy Cook. "
John Huskln says : "Ho only Is ad
vancing in llfo whoHo heart It ) getting
softer , whoso blood warmer , whoso
brain quicker , whoso spirits \ entering
Into living peace. And the men who
luvvo this life In them , nro the true
lords or kings of the earth they , and
they only. "
A Lcitcrto A\rs. Pinkhnm Brought
H c aith to Mrs. Archambo.
ItETTlR TO m > . FINXIIAU HO. 4 .J9j ]
" PIAH : Mita. I'INKIIAM For two
years I felt tired and MI wouk nnd dizzy
Unit some diiyn I could hardly go
nroiuul the house. liuclciiche and head
ache all the tlmo and my food woulil
not digest and had mieh pains in the
womb anil troubled with loucorrhrcn
anil Iddnoyn were alTected.
"After birth of each child I grow
weaker , and hearing so much of the
good you had done , 1 wrote to you and
have taken six bottles of Lyclln K.
I'lnklmm's Vogotnblo Compound , ono
box of Lo/.cngoHonoboxof Liver IMlls ,
ono package of Sntmtlvo Wash , nnd to
day I nm fooling as well as I over did.
When 1 got up in the morning I feel ns
fresh as 1 did when n girl and cat and
sleep well and do all of my work. If
over I feel weak again shall know
where to got my strength. I know
yimrniedlolnocurcdinc.- . SALINA ,
The present Mrs. Plnklmm's experi
ence In treating female Ills is unparal
leled ; for years she worked Hide by
side with Mrs. Lydliv IS. IMnUlmm , nnd
for ttoinctlmu past has had solo charge-
of the correspondence department of
her great buslnoxn , treating by letter
as many ns a hundred thousand ailing
women a year. All women who Miller
are invited to wrlto to Mrs. I'liiUhiun
it Lynn , Mass. , for ndvice , which will
No matter how much mother-in-law
there Is In her family , every woman
thanks God thnt there Is moro in her
Do Your root Arlio nnd IlnrnT
Shako Into your shoos Allen's Foot-
Ease , n powder for the foot. It makes
tight or Now Shoes fcol Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Foot. At all Druggists and
hoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Vddrcss Alien S. Olmstcd. Loltoy , N. Y.
There was never but ono really
.iravo man. Ho told a woman he
lldn't think her bnby was unusually
bright for HB age.
jn'cliil ICiitrx KiiHl , Vln < > . .V St. I , , mill
WllllllHll Kollll'H ,
\r the G. A. II. encampment nt Phll-
idoplhln tickets will bo bold Sent 1 ,
2 and 3 , good returning Sept. 30th.
Stopovers will bo allowed nt Niagara
li'nlls , Washington nnd ninny other
lolntH , choice of routes. For intes ,
Imutnblos nnd nil Information call at
Ity ofllce , MIC Fnrnam st. , ( Paxton
Hotel block ) , or wrlto Harry E.
Mooren , C. P. & T. A. , Omnha , Nob.
If all flesh Is grass cannibals must
1)0 vcgctnrlnns.
An Excellent Combination.1
The pleasant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy ,
SYIIUP ov FIOH , manufactured by the
CAUFOIINIA Fie SYHUP Co. . illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally Inxatfve and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the bystcm. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive , cleansing1 the system effectually ,
dispelling colds , headaches und fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver nnd bowels , without weakening
or irritating them , make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used , as they are pleasant to the
taste , but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants , by a method
known to the CALironNiA Fia Svnup
Co. only. In order to got Its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations , please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Dmi'shl * - I'rlce 0c. perbottla
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 3B 1899