' ft m m tf # * * * + / I/I Ut fott / * * , < tnO' > < > * > ) H M * tt/itn r , \H \ WITH Dili IIAIflJH III'JIIINI ' ) HIM VAI/DAIIK IIAl/NTI'illKI / ' ) Iff AND liOWJI. I r * ( All day hinl Viililliiln iiliMinit'til lillMMiiK , mill Him 1'inilii ' nut niiiliiMiimd n. ll IIIHMl , lid ji'fllmiify , of ( IIIIIINH LllHl WIIH tlllllll'l ' Illll Will ) U IHIHMllllll llllll IlIlM liuil ilium inn MI , Mini iillmiiiiiHl whom iilin Inlil hill iiH'iuii. ' in Ini'lliiV ' film lillihiiil iitilliil HIM imiiii IIH nlm iinliMMil III f < iHinl ! | nr lillii. ha Wim lint lliKin llllll fllDl JIIHl llllllMll Illll MI'lllll 11/illlllMl / llllll , l < iuly MlhlHHl WilM mil nnliic lo mi illlln ovi'll llin Hiinili'liill | ' nr hnliiK "Tliul Hi'lllnH ' Ihn timllnr , " nlm Nitld In liiMMiilfi "llnniiiiil llnlwyii nlinll | IMIMMlt | ) III Mill ( Ullllllll , llllll I Will MM- t'itil ' | him,1' ' Imlni' lit ( lie ovi'iilim ' l.onl liiiifin Vlllli lllOllHht llMl' n lilli'KHUIl flOIll HIM " ( liilloil In Inwn mi liiinliiiinH vmv Pitman inn lui Illy Will inliliii liniiiMrnw If I limy " Din loi'ilMhli ' | would liiivn Inilil Ulitl ( iili'Mhllil Wltli llllll it iiliiol Illll liitil hu IvllllWII Illlil II MiMMIHMl Iwnilly tlltill- HMlit ii ) 'i'HI1 ' ' III Iliii Uiiifuivllln liiil ii Ilild lllMhl llMlilitlil d Hrtl Kl Illii niiMl | Wlllilow or liln Inuliinini tin Inul lil'iiltuli ' fidlli will ) Km Hli'l who JUViiit mill minimi lilnii ho luul ylnlilml lo l < Mlttruloit | | mill wnn now iMimtHiiit d Lmlr MllihiMl , Tim nuul tilinnuli u ( ( \ \ \ \ \\\\w \ \ \ \ u'nt ( ivni'i ID ( li iiniUiivx imhtlllii'HH \ \ lilrt otimlinH liinluui viu1) Vllo , Not tinly wiin Im lilliiMly i\nliiint \ ilull \ , hiWHM \ nlnniii'il ' , NVliiu NV MI Illu'ly to lie lint iH\liHi'ii\nUH'ii \ ' | \ | u ( UlU Mlliltmt to In1 ! ' , ho WIIA III liiinor n \\xll \ , ( tin \\tt xiMUwy vlvlit umiuuh it ) \vllM mlHl > hi\int \ ( | . o lie In li\\l \ \ ? * * ' * JM a * * MM. nw ( K * * * < T ' / u 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * I * * f * ft , * w 4 < MK f > * < A * * fa Wt , 'tHt7 M * XHtt'sXH # 71 * InSi . 't'i uttA tt't h * vtiitnx.il fh * f.tmAxit * # / ' / / , nti/i tlil h * ) / * / JH * / / rUfM not H'l ' 1'Hllt ' ! , Till ) M.lf-nllMM | | | , | , Wlllllll m MilifiuiMl thnii WIIH the Nnlvatlon of ViiidmioMiiiiiii.mil , lliuHiiuiowloiiHMd ( i IIH ! IHIIIII Mulr wlihiiiit niniiivo Unit i" liuil Nliiiii'if ' , mm hu W | , , , | , , | , lllll | ( WIIM Illhiil with ii ilniip loiiiiliiu In ilnliii , llttiwltnliiw wn oiiii | ) , n , , , , , | Ki | , iinii/io iiwnyiid lint wlilln blind I'ur- HiMi | iilin Iliniiiilil ( In , niuaiiiiiMd tuunn n Ihn Mil mil hnlow hohnmud ( o llm illllit piillniiiiiiui mi | | | M hunt , Him uiilil mil liiinw llm dimimlr Miid hnpn. nwiilii > HH whliih ( Mind the iiniil nf llm mm wlin wiilnhint Inn1 whnlnwn , iimif nlly liildnii rminvnll nf nvorylhliix wlih'li ' niiiliiiii llfn iihnl In num. iitnntnl- y cullliiii ilnwn oviuy hlmiHlMK nn the hmnl nf tlio InnniMiiil nlrl who hud Thn ihtWli I'liinii it ) linil , mid Ilitliloil lli | Viililmio'n ImiiM'Ml fniin. Tliim , Jiinl mi Iho HiH ( Kill iiiiiihi'oni ' fell npnn Mmmimltn'H niiniiiiiiiiil , ( Im ciuidlo wont mil II mininoil Illoi n Mluinil for him In ( in. Nnllilnn WIIN nnw Infl hill ( n illInK hhi mm nr hmiilllitllnii In theory \ory ilionH In iiiinnr | | in nit itMlniibihi'd wnrlil UN rnllnw-uniinplinini' with Dun- Inl Illiimlnii , In llm ciurylim mil n ) Iho iniHil Indiiiiniin nf plnlit , mid In lltu lllowiil Julio whli'h liiiiinil Mmiliwhllo n Imlil fhim miiM ho worn ( n Ihn uoihli tnnt iinim omild Wi'lll' ' U IIIIIMli hollOI Illllll Vlllilnny Mm'- UlllMUl The MOM ilny ho i nlm liuil in I'lm'lii- ililln Mn Innti llm IHIWM nr l.bily Mil lIl'IMl'n ' lllmiMllMIIIMll Will ! II \\lili'ti \ iiino | | IIIM hmii hot li'iiiimi' ' , | | o III mill ni | | , tOvdiy nun Ilioimlil wiin iillniH , ! MIlDifd liu- l lli > Ilium ho Hilirniliirt In IH'Ol'Ol , IllU , Hill ! IllH l > llll | OOlllllHlll ) Imlil liln fnnlliiHM lit iiiiii | > li lltn t x ttttf < wi y < i4 jfm * HU * 10 vf X tar - ( 7V * t * "m air -MI UM nmitm * fr * to * * * &C tat " * fcdi > Mr , tm * * W * J te-r A > fcfe fa ? B-J XtV * tSUSSTtfM. , I t/ ? tit * . ftn , \Mttr. Mrw Mt tf/f iff JIM tr. 7 * , * f/f l tfc * ttl&tMtr" Tfi jtft vM fa Ktxl Ain * / in wA tut t.Vit * . I can th * ant ! v/lori I nlmti t.nnj with mi HIJ inrnAy lift , , With rj / * / / / itttnt MarK rrorrfx on which written in j/i/idl : / AT < * I 70 H UH/ > from | , vrtin I * not w . | | fttAftl to liiitiitHsim ut all Jiwt Mi * ha * n d A low wirron * f < y < jr ; ; /i ? f thir think * H I * fc * < ! * h > r tfim-d tinfant ! thl * l\int \ tnntiiy in tin ottlwt tni hop's t fc' > 1ntr to thntlva ) for 'HinnMiiK ya\i \ for ll ti trouble you } invn lukttii nn ii < ir bohulf , / sun , yourj tHlllitnlly , .Mary Htolllrix. " Th My of pnpor fndoiK'fl , which unrrtixl ttivtirnntly to hl Jlpi iiiinnliiK , c.iintHintMi uniy n tuvi " / A in not nt nil vll f winnot fit- lin/J to nn/UiliiK. Kindly lonvo tin rjf" " < tl"'J of tlio nnirrli y until you Jmvo l/'jiird / 'iln ' from from"M "M rjU { rlUi , " ( To bo continued. ; V/HV UUMH r'KOIM.rt AIIKI1LACK II Ii ( Jlnlfiixil 'Iliut VVtiitrldK nt Clutlii'i AfTi' < il llm'iini | < l"'l" " ' Why mo KOIIID nifi'H on thin iirlh din Itor-Mldiinml than olhnrH ? II IH not /illtn''ilhnr / duo lo HIM boat of thn wiin'ii r/iyii / , for ninny pnoplo of clliii'm mu mi IlKlil-liiH'd an IC ll him IOIIK hiiuii liiiown that clliuatri oloixi hi not milllclniit toiccniint / for n cnloiml pnoplo. Duck ( ildiin 1110 by no nioiinii loiilliii'd lo Iho tinplmi ; tlmy am lo bn found In 1'ncoH oven beyond Iho loiiipi'i'iit'i xoiif. Thin illvninlty , no- coiilltiK I' ) u wi llm In olio of the Amor- limn iinit-ii/liiiiM , ciin only bo ai'i'oiiulod for by uoiiNldoiliif ; Iho dlffniiMil inodon of llfn Hint hiivii iiotud for I'lintiirhm ilpoii thn riuloim nhumuM and CIIHIOH ol llm cniinlry , The I'oollo who woilm In llm lldlihi with n nilIp of cotton oloth ahniil hU loliiii , In very durli ; llio iimr- nhmil and lindur who nnvor KII abroad wllhnill holiiK thniniiilily ; clolhi'd ' uro ninny ilngrium full or , II In mild Hint a colony of .linvn on Iho wmil cniinl of India him bnnu on- liihllnhi'd ' fur Hourly olithtiion coiiturbm hill hiMiitiitio ( hey have mil followed Ihn hlihllo nf llio pnnpln no niKiu'iU cloth- lli I liny roniuln In lliln day a whllo pimple On the nthor hitml , the Aryan pnpulntlniiM nf India and I'onila , orln- liially it fair pmiplo , by adopting tliu iMintnnm n ( Ihoim comttiliM have ho- ooiiiii In Kt'ont iminnuio a colored men , Aocni'dlmtly , ll In ar ncd thai the iili'inlv miu'cli of natmo In toward Ihn nvolutlnn of a fair pnnplo all ovnr thn win Id. The lnyi > r nf ilarli plKiunnt hu > Iho oullolo prnvouln the nkln f i inn hllnlorliiK , and wlmn prnpor iciuluiM thin Piifoitnai'd miltini dliiiii'iinnii with allnHotlinr U IH nhtn hlntod that color IIIIN iinuiolhliiK In do with llio nnmtal and Inlollootiml nf u ponpln , hut Into llumn the wiltiirUoly foi'licum to onlor. In lln It In oluwi'fiil In hoar that pnrhapii wu mo ( n liuvo ( ho onlaton of MuoktoNn , on ( liw lnln > n of Klllmnoy. Ireland , In ad * illllnn to our nthnr Amuilonn Hiniiw , an axe mauiifaolut'or of hitt'ith , N. V . hiivliut puioluiNud It fv > r flKn.UOO , Of cniil'HO I hero IH a ponnlbl ) . lly ( Inil Mr. PeeK and hln inoiioy will lillHKolf bo muiOMul lo Irobind liiNtoad , lull \M > hnpo ihul ho will npoml liln win. loin In Hiln oomitiy , ai > d upend hln tlnu d o tioUolN for llto oitHiilmt ( a Un ) follow Amorlcann , MI Iho himpltnlltloit nf the tautnti M\- ( it tt * Atnv as. . sx/tt J * r Mlafwl krth * ixx > r btitt r. ia prirat * rfalrywan ha * to * ! J fcl * f/nttr Jn that war > c < : t , h * ronst < ; U hla fyntt r at tb aawe pric * M * n lxhfx/r who haa no xklll In rfiaVlnj ; fatter , or who 1 t/x > care- J * t/ > j7 rn V : ep hj * rnllV : and cream Ifl WOW tx/ndltioa. For th * Tttana * Jt 1 a K'xl-xn/l to most of th * farm- ; r * tote \ ahl 8 t/j Uke thr ! milk or tr < sam tth * crfcarntr/ where Jt will Into butter upc n rule that trle/l by many y ar of ex- anrt that arc tuns to give a t/rr luct that will brlnx a good prlco In th j city mark U. For thin rcaaon no w > r/utt wJty MhouM look on v/lth Indlf- ItmntA while a cr ; aoi < ; ry run down and clox < ; x H doorx. Th s wnnmunlty lU'jIf xhotild Uk < ; Kt < ; px to build up th < j InxtltfUlon. It v/ould ofu n be entirely titavo the creamery by a THovenent cither of the pat- rf/w of the creamery or by the com munity In general. The lack IB often In the number of COWH. In Htich taaen the farmer * could afford to purchaHO more COV/H , uveri thoiiKh HOIIKJ of them had to bo bought on the partrierHhlp plan. Hut If there l no eneral un- derntandlriK on thin matter the farm er xenerully UiluliH that the purchaoe of a < MW or tv/o by hlrnHelf will not change the rcnult and If the creamery ulom-H hu will have the COWH on hlH hatidH , The neuoHHlty therefore of con- cmU.'d movement IK ohvloiiH , and tlio whole community nhould be ImpreHHud with the truth that the creamery IH a benefit Indirectly to all. Alioiit tlin I'oiillry Vnr < I. Ilulld HID poultry hoiine HO It will ho dry at all tlni'm. It In eauy enough ( o hnvo u poultry IIOIIHO that hi dry In ( ho mlddlo of Hummer , hut that IH jtmt the tlmo whoii the fowln are In It leant and uro leant alTucled by I In condition. Hut In the winter , wluiu they tmmt rDiiialn Indooni for diiyii ut a tlmo , l whou the fowhi need to have a jilaco that lit not favorublo to the InunmHo of dlnoimo gornm. Wol and dirty houiico are often Iho boidnnlng of epldomlcii of roup and other initially fatal dlHeascs. * * A good many of our readorH will doublloiiM comitriicl poultry IIOUHOH thlu tiumiimr. To iiuoh wo would any , do not do no before iitudylug up Iho ques tion of voutllutlon. Nearly all poultry linimnH nro olthnr unvontllalcd or ven- lllatuil In the wrong way. There IB a Cleat miiHii of lltoraturo on thlu Biib- Jcicl llnil In within loach of the farmer , and bo iibould oxluuml It before put- HIIK now thoorlt'H Into practice. Had air In uiiiu'Ci'iuiary In Iho poultry house , and It IM equally unnocoHwiry to Imvo an open vontllalor above the fowls fiom whloh cold air can pour down during Iho wlntor nlghtH , brlnelng no nnd of ooldn and dhicoinfort. Whllo the vnnlllallon In to bo looked after , ho niiro that no draftn over the fowls are allowed to oxlnt. * An nxQliniiKQ nayii : "Whltownnh In- nldo monthly , from March Int to Oct. Iht , " Wo would Ilko to remark that porhapH the whltowimhlm : advtco Is ahnilt an nnoloim an muoh of the otbar advloo thai In Kolng the roundn of the proHH , The writ or utu > d to do a great deal of whltowiiHhlng , but of Into yours linn dnno none of It. It IH doubtful If ho will over do any moro. It IB not a dlllloull matter to lump a henhouse frtw from lion , l.lco cannot llvo on the walln of a hmiuo unlomi they have n olinnco to iniiUrt porlodlo Incursions on the rooHln by whloh they not onto tlut bodloti nf thn IIOIIH. If the roosta iui > miido movnblo and the arrange- wonla that wipport the roostM uro mnv- able , U vrlll bo a ino l dlllloull matter for u Inuuo to Rot onto n lion. This will bn all Ihn mom HO If dimt or lftod otml nnhort lu > Uopt under the masts. A loimo IH nnt able to travel far In ovou 11 nlvtoonth of an Inoh of dust. Hut If a man lutx a henhouse m con- > d tlial the mltos can Journtvy t * * * " * * - * r ttvm * ' * * flfc * v * A * " 4 * w a-fmtt WO * U tfc * l r * nt # " * * XJ U ft , 4. * * rt ? < rf H fX. iKAf A "Will * f 7 ifejt jiM > , ir yew vlah to * H miwrO-iI. jnt ia rsore girls ? In of oJ- aa rxx ] i. iha ft , bat 701 towH rfct tb < bay ll &fwill i/x/n u' ce It Jta ? xfcoald b * : ( Jor. i In Kb-a/Jy , cool r -elt rln In the hf-at vrlll do ? /xxJ , nor are th y utrenjjthen- 5itirir tsnattttcs any raore than ( dW JH tfc < r Wtt ; r v > ld of the win- * To tbow : who have eKtablUhed boy 7zr4x let me Bay , If you % not already vit out uhade treea do to. A ferr willow po ta driven In the Kroond Iz feet apart will make plenty of 2ba4e the third year. AH the treea zrav and become too thick trim tbeza oat. bVonr SjK-eUlty. To the Farmer * ' Review : A cream ery patron , who milk * cowa when butj j tr fat I ? blsjh aad be f low , but who ' turag hlx attention to beef when butt - , t r fat In low , and sends in his dairy report for a year and at the clos re- rnarka : "ProflU gcarcely visible to ! the nake/1 eye. What shall we do to be Kavtd ? " Breeding a herd of cows for milk one year and beef the next la a nulcldal policy that no enterprising breeder would dare practice. By this haphazard mfthod the above patron reall/e/1 for butler fat $19.63 per cow per annum. The Kansas AKrIcultur.il College Kcrub herd pushed along dairy HrjfcH brought an avcr.ice of 137.75 per cow per annum. Thl difference of 118.12 per cow IB what would have been vlnlble to the naked eye , had his UWH been handled as the college cows were handled. "What .shall we do to bo Havtd ? " Settle upon tome definite line of work , study the business in all the details , find out what others are doing In the same lines , make your biiHlncHB a hobby , and above all stick to It. D. II. OTIS. Bloody Milk Bloody milk is general ly uue to Injury to the udder by violence lence , an from a blow or a kick , and may occur at any time and usually In only one quarter of the udder , or it may come from weakness of the mam- mlllary glands , but when from this cause It usually occurs just after parturition and comes from all of the teatH. Ex. I'roliirtlni ; Minclii Tri-i-H from IniecU. Dr. Howard , the entomologist of the department of agriculture , has been making some investigations of the in- Hoetu which BO seriously affect Amor- lean shade treua , In some cases de foliating entire streets. Ho describes three spoclcH of these destructive sorts and also Indicates the methods used In various parts of the country to counteract their work. In New Eng land thousands of dollars are spent annually to destroy gypsy moths and other tree killers and some of the largest shade trees In the country have been successfully sprayed with poi sonous solutions. Dr. Howard recom mends a practical line of work for small townij and villages troubled by such insects. The average house holder seldom has more than a half a dozen shade trees in trout of his grounds , and It Is a matter of compara tively little expense and trouble for any family to keep these trees in fair condition by burning , destruction of bag worms in winter and other simple remedies. iK tliu Forelock. The American Stock Farm has this Bonslblo advlco on clipping the fore lock : "Our advlco to leave the horse's forelock , manes and tails undressed has boon offered to farmers and dealers who put their horses on the public markot. Clipping the forelock lessens the market value of a horse at homo or abroad. The llnanclal consideration then should forbid it. With this con- sldoniton out of the way , two other considerations remain the esthetic and the humane. But for the fact thai there should bo no disputing about tastes , a ( lowing mane and forelock are Invariably a prominent part of the artist's conception of beauty in a horse. A horse with a clipped forelock looks to ns like nothing so much as a singed ont anil a cat that has passed through that process Is not et-peclally comely to the average eye. We would oeriatui ) not clip the f 01 clock. " The Growing Horse. Clover is a Ixmo-bullder. and for the young grow- Inu horse it Is n good thing , though 1 should not be used for the driver. The products of wheat bran and mid are very good. Mr. Bland. ORW.M , * * * 5 . 4CSrfeM MI * * * * rw1i ? * * * * -HAJ- * tttar. fc * * * tfctr Jw rfl * If * % . A jvt yttox * i * * * 7 K ti * It , 'r. r. ? 'A.'r. f > T U. ' Yea Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry. We rjner tttllzt the -o&e of H u yyr * . When 'Jid ten * xir trt toirlirf , p&ifj the ' by t-ttdrjy ttxtf * Siftt.ptrSLu Ken sicrcd rrzt bring-xg bm& the gkm ) of perfed hetHh , POMMEL The Bit SLICKER K4iDi both M-J mi iiiiU p r- ftcttydryln tJn hriS K rtoraii. Subit1hjt nrin.Jti ppcJjt. A-iift * tfct R h Bftrvl Pijwael Shcko It li entlrdr niv If not for tl to your toTn , writ * ft r tauV-.STM t A. J. TOWER ntcn. . M . S4 SHOES for OR QJO Hew Btjles , Out and Finish. Write or call for partlcnUr * . BON MARCHE SHOE CO , , 207 .3 Fourteenth Street. We bare Imltateri , bul DO competitors. Bet Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK WrIU CAPT. O'PARRELL. Pen.lon Aaent , M3S New York Avenue. WASHINQTON. D. C. .SpanlKh uncl CM 11 Wars. Sol- , ifcrs , Sailors , Wldows.Chtldren , Fathers and Mothers. No fie unless success- III. K. II GKLBTOX CO. , illor j. , ITl.hl.ftoo , D. C. v.iuoums , I IVahhlnRtoii , D. C. . 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. I Late PMnolDsl Examiner U 8 F tJelon Bureau. 13 vrulu civil \t ar. 16 ajjiidicatnii claims , atty aince. f eore afflicted ejee. 1th [ Thompsons Eye Water. Since their supply of tobacco was cut down the convicts In the Iowa state icnitentiary have been sullen and hard .0 manage , and some 300 of them have refused to work. Chicago physicians ntervlewed on the subject say the ac tion of the prison authorities was un wise ; that tobacco in moderate quan tity does no harm and its quieting ef fects make prisoners as well as sol diers as is recognized in the armies of the world more amenable to disci pline and less disposed to mischief. John K. Cowen , the new president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad com pany , was graduated from Princeton at the head of his class in 1866. He tnncht school for a time , and then turned his attention to law. Mr. Cow- en's connection with the Baltimore & Ohio was due to the late Robert Qar- rett , ono of his predecessors in the presidency of the road and n class mate at Princeton. A great national movement has been started for the observance of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of J George Washington on December 14 , The Sons of the Revolution and other similar organizations have the matter in hand , and are arranging details of the plan. Misled. "I am frank to say , " ho said , "that I feel you encouraged my at'tentlons. " "Perhaps , " she replied , "but how was I to know whether you wanted to ranrry mo , or only to bor row money from father ? " Philadel phia North American. The majority of motor cars are now driven by petroleum , but a French en gineer recommends the use of alcohol instead of it , and motors are being al tered BO as to consume it. There is no fear of explosion with nlchohol and it is said to bo less costly than petrol eum. Religion may say what it will , but there comes n time in every human soul , when It knows that there can be no heaven for it where some one other human soul Is not. Married men , according to n German Investigator , live longer than bache lors and are less llkoly to become In sane. Anotherargument for matrimony Is found in the fact that there are thirty-eight criminals among every 1,000 bachelors , while among married men the ratio is only eighteen per 1.000. Sea Terms. Stout Party ( to bath ing muster ) Got a bathing suit to flt me ? Bath Robe Man ilooiUug over him I gueBB so. What's your dis placement ? Phtladiiinb.la North Amer ican.