Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 31, 1899, Image 1

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    Sl.MlIat Llbinrlnn
- ON
Wo move our vntlro Stoek ol
Groceries Into the building lirft
door wrst of Woods' furniture
etore , and two tlorre r ot of th < >
Parmrrs' Bank , wlioie we will be
plpnsrd to see all our old custom-
era nnd many new onrs. Stock
complete and up to dnt . Every-
tiling fresh rtnd clean. Highest
mntkut price puhl fur produce ,
Come and see us.
Unlt'Hs by ncclilont. bllmlntM always
cornea ono w y by Nrai.ltcr Byes ho-
come woaU ; jou MrMn tlirm Tlii'V be
come \\cnhor ; yon rontlaur jour CBrulens-
iio > > 8 until too Into , cornea UKIIUET
maybe warning yon every dny of their
wcnknoHn their inability to work \\ltti-
ont help. The eyenr < > ' dully brcml
innkt rn for most of us. Thov nrn iirlcti1-
icbsloiill Don't nculrct tin in Timely
nttcntlon may KO future niltfuiy
t I'll Any IJye.
( Iraditnlu of Chiijigo Ophthalmic CollcRe.
jgyjiHi aexaurivuvifrisfXKiiisesssaexfJsan _
Farmers , ask my competitors it they oat ) carry $ ,1000,000 or $ *
Insurance ogainst Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Gyolonea and Wind $
Storms for eight years for $15. That's what 1 can do , and in a ; g
company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance in force in this J
state. K. G. HOUSE.
in First National Bank building , 1st floor.
8&X8&3& > & &
W. H. PENN & CO. , Prop's.
W. II. Penn , the genial manager of Vorheifl , Miller & Go's
store , of this city , for several y , irn pat , has resigned his DO-
sition , and will engage in businou8 for himself , ho has junt
returned from the east , where he purchased u comp'uto ' slock of
Gents' Furnish Hoods ,
Truoks , Valises , Etc ,
These goods ho bought direct from the factories , and will
be able to sell them as cheap aa any hou u in the county. The
advantage they have over their competitors is that their stock is
all now , and that they have no shelf worn or second handnloeK.
Uj-to-iiatB in Style , aid
This now firm will bo located in the Realty block , next
door cast of Snyder Bros. ' , and will b < open for business
19th ' 99.
Saturday , Aug. , .
Mr. Penn extends an invitation to all his old patronH , as
well as to all new OUCH , who will do well to call ami see thorn ,
and look over iheir slock and prices.
' 5
Broken Bow , Neb.
' ' '
JTI . : / ! , : ' : ) . . " ' . : / : * * -i : j * ' ; / . ! ! . < . ! . -
iVtcTO / axtfy .TO ; *
T. W. Bass ,
All work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Nebr.
Boal & Smith ,
Prompt ui tent ion plven to collections and real
estate. Otrtco over First National Dank.
Broken Bow , Nobraekft ,
Local Mention.
Job printintr at this office.
Buy quoensvtaroatPpale & John's.
Pure cider vinegar at J. C.
Cannon City coal at Diorks
Lumber Jo.
Tea loaf bracd of teas at J. C.
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer ooal.
First class butter and fresh fmil
at Peale & John's.
The HKPUHI.IOAN extends a wel
come to company M.
Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaooino.
Rev. J. D. Briugs , of Chambers ,
WHS a friendly oallor Wednesday of
last week.
Simon Cameron wont to Lexing
ton Tuesday to attend the judicial
Homy Burlingmire , of Wfissort ,
made this ofiioo u friendly call one
day last week.
Harry Day is in Chicago this
week laying his fall stock of dry
goods and clothing.
For fresh and cured moats of ill
kinds call at'Potor Simouson's first
door south the post oflico.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag car
pet. For particulars inquire of the
Ladies Baptist Aid Society.
City and I arm properly insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KIMDKKMNO.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
and we will treat you right.
CATTLK Foil SALE : At all times
ou my ranch six miles soulhwcHt of
Broken Bow. Jiisaii GANDY.
Ed. Malloy is having Lho sa <
loon building formerly occupied by
Glen Johnson fitted up for a lunch
W. A. Thompson who has been
sick with the typhoid fever Tor
inoro than three weeks is reported
.las. C. Osborno , contractor and
builder. AH work first clasp ; for
particulars , call ou or address him at
Broken Bow.
Charley Ponu , Uavo Colter and
J. C. Predmore went to Lexington
Tuesday aa delegates to the con
grcsMonal convention.
II. L. Fra/.ier IB hpving a build
ing for a photograph gallery erected
on west side of the public sqmre.
J. W. Bruce is doing the work.
Mayor Royso wont lo Omaha
Monday , as the guest of Mayor
Moorcs of Omaha to assist in the
wiloomo of the First Nebraska to
Nobranka Metropolis.
Douglas & Birnoy were busy the
first of the week moving thoirstook
of groceries to the Ilaeberle build-
< n west of Woods'furniture store.
Rev. J. S. Hadden will preach in
Baptist church Sunday September
3rd at 11 a. m. And at 8 p. m. Sub
ject of evening sermon , the saloon.
U Y. P. IJ. at 7 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Goo Honts are I ho
happy parents of a fine girl that put
in an appearance at thoirhomo Sun
day morning Aug. 27th. Mother
and child reported doing well.
Farms for sale and lands for rout.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as Ibo cheap farms are all going and
prices arc commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Brpni/.er.
Mrs. Thompson , of Grand Island
who has been imployed to leach in
our city schools the ensuing year ,
has moved to the city , in rooms in
Dr. Talbot's building , just north of
this office.
Drfl. R. C. Talbol and Ck L.
Mullins have re-opened the Broken
Bow hospital recently occupied by
Myr'lnFrny. They have imployed
a profoHhional nurse and are pre
pared to furnish the best of accom
modations and medical treatment ,
Dr. Potter teaches the a't ol
magnetic healing to thoio desiring
to lenrn. A few students will In
taken at a very low price. Those
wishing to consult himare requested
to call at his rooms in the Realtj
Gone Wostervoll , sheriff of Scotti
Bluff county , is visiting in thi
county. Ho was a visitor at the
republican county convention Sat
urday. Gone was an old timer ii
Custer county in his boyhood days ,
IIin father , Jas Westervelt , is tin
man for whom the town of Wester
1 villo was named.
Chase and Sauboru ccllces at J. G.
Bo wen's.
WANTKD A girl Mrfl. Goo.
Now York full oroain cheese at
Pealo tt John's
\Vu buy produoo and chickens.
J. C.
Foil SAMS Pony , cart and har
Try our Diamand Bulk coffee
See Will L. Rule , at Foster it
Smith's yard , and havu him give
estimates on your bills.
Foster Smith'j is the place to pur *
chase your material for your porch ,
or r-pairs on your house.
W. 11. Osbortip received a telegram
Tuesday noon fiom Liout\V. ( II , Os-
berne thai the First Nebraska \\as
then at MoCook , tnd thai they
would go unto Omaha and bo at
home Thursday aflernoon.
Charley Martin 1ms moved his
oih'oo to the Cadwoll building , on
the oppsito Hidn of the streol norJi
from Conrado's establishment , lie
has a line room and it is well filled
with carriages and buggies.
Dr. W. E. Talbot arrived in San-
Francisco yesterday fiom Manila.
He will have lo remain there to
awnit orders from Manila. Just
how long il will bo before ho can
como home is not known.
John Reese and Joe Skelton wont
lo Lincoln Saturday as a committee
from the G. A. R. post to moot Co.
M. They expected to gofromlhoro
as far west lit * the stale line whore
they would join tin1 boys on there
homeward journey.
Dr. Potter the eminent physician
and magnetic healer of Kansas Cily
arrived in Hrokcn Bovr last Monday
with the view of locating perman
ently. The Dr. has associated with
him Prof. O G. So'udd ' of this oily.
ParlioB wishing to consult them
will find them in their olliue in the
Realty block
J. T. Orr , of Liramie , who has
boon visiting here for several weeks
will his father C. T. Orr nnd
family loft yesterday for Laramic
where ho will rc-onlor the university.
Ho was one of Grigiby's rough riders
uid is on his return trip from Ihe
south whore he wan mustered out.
Mr. Orr not only showed his loyalty
lo his government in tendering his
service lo light her bailies but remains
true lo the government in uphold
ing the administration in advocat
ing the principles of the republican
party. In this his father might
liavo done well to followed the ex
ample of his son , instead of casting
liis lol with Iho supporters ol
Aguinaldo After his complete
defeat this fall ho will remember
the advice of his friends.
Our friend J. F. Keefor , of
Moronoi , Michigan , formerly a rosi-
denl of Ibis vicinity , in remitting
for the renewal of his subscription ,
in speaking of Cusler counly shows
that ho has lost none of his loyalty
for old Ouster. Ho says , "reports
from there and also from other
sources I am pleased to hear cheer
ing news of tbo prosperous condition
of the people. CropsCHpouially corn ,
arc very promising. Would like
very much to be with you when the
great First Ncbrpska boys como
marching home. Every body hero
are loud in their praises of Ihuwoik
of Iho Nobraukans in Ihu far easl
and well thty should bo. Give the
boys all ihoy ask for. Regard to
old friends. " Yours Truly ,
J. F. "
Welcome Compan ) M ,
The First Nebraska is now enjoy
ing the hospitality of its friends in
various parts of the state. Co. M ,
wont to Omaha yesterday witn a
majority of the regiment to the
reception , and will bo hero
this evening for the reception
Ouster county has in store for them
tomoirow. The advanced guard
If ft the logimedt at Hastings and
wont across to Aurora where they
came up Tuesday night on 4 1
These of Co M , that came aheat ;
were Paul Rcyner , Oliver Brown
ing , Oscai Carpenter , Claudn Per
kins , Howard Kerr , Clyde Pinkley
and Corporal Crisn.
As word had bieu received tha
the company would eo on to Omahr
tiny took their friends by
but never thnCM \ they were wcl
come. The boys are looking well
Oscar Carpenter looks larger am
Paul Reyncr informs us that ot tin
number of the company who cami
from Manila that did not comi
with them from San Francisco wen
I Winch , Clay , Burtuoll and Burton
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc
menaccrs to health of flic present day.
Welcome for Co. "M , " of First No-
hriisku Volunteers
[ Written for tlin ltiriniLicAN by Mrs. Alice
Don so Hlm , \\VicoU ] ,
Tlioy IIIITO ruachrd liomo it last
Oh happy thought to know I
We'll blowtho bunln blnet
Wltu patriot heart * aglow :
Welcome ( or them on every hand
Thoy'ro humu nsaln In untlyo land.
Cutter county la proud
Of her joinijjiiolilo mint ,
Wlio roiiKlit In Hinoko and cloud
lloiu'Ath the firing vnim ,
Away from Imppy liounn and Irlonda
Our wcloouio to ttiom now oxtonda ,
With cheerful honrta I hey wont ,
And did their duty well
Wherever they were pent
Bwcot thoughts on which to dwell.
Hut In our m'dat Ihoy nrn again ,
Those proulotii boja of Company "M. "
Yes hoys wo rcnch our hand
Wlilln Joyful henrtnwlld bout ;
Welcome your Imppy bniul ,
Wherever you \\o meet :
Our boar I a In unliou rajolco
To wcK'oiiui you with song and voice.
Not words or rang raa loll
Nor rlcliOBi diilntlei sweet ,
\Vliut In cnrh bent iloeo dwell ,
When soldier boys no most.
All iinltovlth welcoming checru ,
For Klrot Nebraska Volnntoora.
While Bomn have naught but Juy.
O there must xadlywcep ;
Tor their clour darling buy
Came not for them tow-out ;
Wu cuii but filed the ncaldlnj ; tear ,
llln Imppy welcome Is not hero.
Yonr lender wonU.lmve comaTe
To UH from time to time ,
Telling of our ileur 0110
Who died In dlatnnt cllmo ;
Although uot nil ramo homo ut Inst ,
Wo liaru for jon a rich ripnul
The rlohcNt welcome grand
Will roynl diadem
SomiiH not buH good enough
IJYir boyn of Company "M. "
"I'l yr.a our nr.iNci and udoratton ,
Ifiinorcd ncrooK or uurnatlon.
1. 1 > . Kinkald IVIIH NeuilnaUul for Con-
by Acclamation
At the republican congressional
convention at Lexington Tuesday ,
Judge M. P. Kmknid , of O'Neill ,
was nominated for congress by ao
clamation. Judge Kinkaid is nol
one of Iho bum politicians , which
sometimes ecoure nominations in
ligh places , but rather a modest ,
conservative and able jurist , that
las the high esteem of his constitu *
cuts , and in very popular with lliu
.misses. lie in a man , who those who
jcliovo in a high creed of morals ,
n support without any uompuuo-
lion oi conscience , and yet is not
objectionable lo ihoso who are nol
so conscienlious , but respect those
who live up to their profession. In
congress ho will make an active
worker , and an untiring laborer for
the interests of his constituency.
Mm soldier or citizen who mav have
lusiness at Washington , will find in
Judge Kinkaid a mosl oflioient aid.
Ho is not a gifted orator , but rather
faithful and untiring advocate ,
with a boundlossrosourse of energy.
The Western Marble Works.
A. H. Lewis and A. CVVhito
under the ( inn name of Lewis &
White have opened up business in
tliih cily and will manufacture tomb
stones. They are located on Iho
north side of the public square , two
doors w < sl of the Wilde building.
Both Motors Lewis and While are
practicable men in tlio buninosH and
are prepared to furnish any clans
of work desired and equal to any in
the country.
No License.
A special mooting of thn city coun
cil was hold Saturday of last week to
consider thu applications for laloon
license. Petitions had been signed
for two saloons uTid the legal notice
had boon given by publication , but
neither had any impression on the
members of Iho council , an every
member remained true to thoii
pledge * before election and voted
agiiiiHt license.
Judge F. U- Humor Nominated.
At the judicial convention belt
at Lexington Tuesday night F. G ,
Hamer , of Kearney , wao nominated
The judge isroll and favorably
) known in this dintrict and la tin
> strongest man that could have beet
. nominated.
MOONIT At tbo reildinco of hla parenti , lo thlt
cltT. Saturday nlght.AuBUdt Mth.John M coney ,
of typhoid fever , cd Z5 yeara and 4 month * .
The deceased , for the pant your ,
had boon in the employ of the U. A
M. railroad company at Alliance ,
where ho had n position in the hopa.
He had had n niogo of nix weeks
with typhoid fever , and oamo homo
to roo'ruit his health about live
wiu'ka ago. Through nxpoduro , he
was taken with a relapse. His ays.
torn had become ao reduced that ho
was in bad condition to withstand a
second siege of the some disease ,
and after n lingering illness , death
relieved him ot his suffering. Ho
was a mom bar of the Oatholio
church. His funeral was conducted
Tuesday morning by Fathers Haley ,
of North Platte , and Duda , of this
plaoo , in the Gatholio ohuroh , and
his remains laid to root in the atho >
Ho oomotory west of the city. Ho
leayoH an aged father and mother ,
and sister , Mrs. J . S. Baisoh , to
mourn his departure.
-r , AnRiiat Mth , Mri. Heltla
I'attomon ( colored ) from hamorlitco , aged 31
yoara and 8 mouthi.
'I ho deceased had , a few hours
previous , given birth to twins , a boy
and a girl. She had boon a resi
dent of the oily for several years ,
and in that time had built up an
intimate acquaintance , and had a
largo circle of lady friends. She
was a hard worker , an excellent
ooob , and wns regarded afliodispon-
sible when a big feast or wedding
dinner was to bo prepared. She
was a member of the Baptist ohuroh ,
and a faithful follower of her Mau
ler. The day before her oioknesn ,
oho teemed to have a premonition of
her approaching death. She told
her daughter Thursday evening to
got ready and go to prayer mooting ,
as it would bo the last time nlie
would bo htiro to toll her to go to
ohuroh. The eamo evening she
gave detailed direction in regard to
her burial , stating to bar nurao that
she would not bo bore longer than
part of the next day. She also
stated that her Lord was waiting to
receive her. The funeral services
were conducted Sunday morning in
the Baptist ohuroh , by llov , J. W.
Megan , assisted by Revs. Hornaday
and Haddon , She loaves a husband
and seven children to mouin her
Magnetic Healing ,
Ami wlint It IH Doluurto Alleviate
Dr. I'ottor , the moit eminent physician of Kansan -
san City , Mo. , has located In Urolcon iiow , having
urrlTOi ! hero on August l3Hh. Dr Potter Is a flat
physician and surttson , as well as one of the boat
Magnetic Healem of modern times. Head what
the Kansas City H'Jir says of him :
A reporter oi the Star recently had hli atten
tion called to some wonderful cures which wore )
being raii'to by Dr. A I'ottor , originator of tha
1'otter mode of magnetic hoallng , It mar not ba
gunernlly known , hut Dr. Potter Is being rliltcd
by hundreds of people from all orer tha United
Ht&tcs who want to bo cared. The taino of his
now lienllnt ; Inn reached all the medlcil Joarnals.
and Is one of the most tnarreloua advances mad *
In medical science.
Dr Potter tenches this art to others , and doea
nut claim any moie power than other men posnosa
If thojr only knew how. You can learn how to
heal yourself as well as othois.
Dr. Potter will take a few students as a Terr
low price. All who want a proiesilon that will
pay them from ten to twenty.flTO dollars a dar ,
( ileuse cull and POO what I hava to otter. Mr
method of magnetic healing U different from all
Dr POTTKH. Orl lnator of the Potter method of
Magnetic Healing.
llelow mention ta made of a few cures by Dr.
Potter :
Amos Markey , WarrenibitrK. Mo. , wan cured of
a cancer of the face In two weoka , treatment la
IBM , and la well today.
Mrs. Ullen Btenhona , of 010 West Thirteenth-it ,
Kanias City. Mo , could nut wallt for threa
weeks with rlieumatUm In one treatment Dr.
Potter made her walk
Mr. William Munior , of Salisbury , Mo. , ex-
her Iff of tbo county , was cured of rheumatism
and iBineueni of fifteen yeuu' standing In a few
Jtuv. J U. Uohlnson , Knusas City , Movas
cured of weak eye * and unnal catarrh
Not only doer Dr. Pottur make these cures por-
Boimlly at him nlUco , but treats Imndredn nt a dis
tance , und luakeu just as remarkable cures , lie.
low are a few absent-case * :
HtM Etta Stover , of Greenfield , 0. , was cured
of icoltra In a short time.
Mrs. Mary Allen. 1'reacott , \ . T , , had stomach
and bowel trouble 10 > ear , nnd was cured almott
ItiPtantly fitter being siren uii to die by eight
physicians , and taking alt kinds of medicine.
DKWKKHE , Nub. , Dee , 1808.
Dr. Potter--Knclos d find cisu fur another
month's treatment , I am improving rapidly. Let
me h nr from you so soon as you receive this let
ter. 1 feel hotter , and can do more work with
lees fatigue , than for years. Your treatment U
certainly wonderful. Lot me hear from you by
return mull. Yours fraternally ,
Ur. Potter hat associated with him Prof. O. O.
Bofleld , of llrokon How , Nebruska , and they can
be seen and comultud at their office room la the
Healty block at any time. Address all letters to
Dr. Potter , Urtt italrway from west eud of block ,