( So. llcpublicou FnblUhod every Tlmriday at tlio County Heat. ai. . Keillor AfUfllco in On plot lllock , Konrth ATC.-VI * Entered nt the pottolllco nt llrukcn How , Neb , Bccoml clans niAllur , ( or traiiimlttlou thronpli tlio U. H , BUllSCmiTJON 1'JUCK. One Vo r , In Rdvniico rilUKSDAY , AUG si , ison. REPUBLICAN TICK lit County Ticket. For Cwotity TnMk * rw. VTAI.TXR OBOHflK. Kor Clwk f DIM Owl , Ll t. H. F. KKSNKDV For CountT Supcrlntenili > nt , J. Il.TAGGAllT. For Comity Snrray r , F. K. VASANTVVKHl' . For County Coroner , Dr. It. K. DAVIKS. To\viiHlil | > Ticket. C1"kl W. W. COWLKS. Treasurer , J. M. KIMHHHUNU. Justice * of the I'caco , J.J. SNYDKR Couilablcs , P. M.TOW8I.KY. W * . 1IAUKKTT. Itoad Overseers , Dint. No. 1 , Oil AH. DAVIS. Dint No 2J. H. KKNOYKIt Diet. No. 8. JOHN IMYCi : Ulst. Nn.I , I N 1'KIISIIAI.U Illlt. No. MMI AHTIIUK. ii t. NO. o. o i : cAinviu : , . Ilt. No. 7 , 0. T. WHIOUT. Supcnlbor JMslrlcl Contentions DIHT1IIOT Ml 8. The republican Biij-ervlsor .oiivonilon of illv trlct no - , Custir comity Nrbtiiin n In luruliy culled Unmet In Koiiml Vnlli-y school IIIMIM' Heit. | tSOtli at 1 o'clock p in to plnco In nninlim- tlon ncnmll , Into for ii | > i'nif > or for Balil dlrtHlcl und for llio trnninctlon of eticli ullii r liurtm ( > nity come before tlic coiivintlon The l > finli of representation Is the cntiiiBH for tlio county con vention. J. O. TAYI.OII , t'hn'n. UIItTIUGT NO 0. The ilclcgntcfl of mipcrvlifor illHlrlrt No. 0 will meet In conTuntlon nt Oconto , on Saturday , Sept 2 , nt 1 o'clock ji. in. , for tbo \ urnofto vf placing In nomination n cnmlliUto foi uieivl | or of i > nm dleirlct. J. I , . The republican uonvuntiun datur- day was oiiu of the l-rgost and inoHl sanguine the party bay had in ( Jus- UT county for yoais Tlio tiokot ns a whole is a Htrong ono. All did not got their proforonoo , but a good liokot was nominated and it will not only got the support of the republi cans , but BO vural who iavor the bout ruou for ollloo , who belong to othur parties willgivo inoro than ono of the republican uotniiiGCH tlioir unquali fied support. Will some good republican plonse rise nna explain why , if as they say , Governor Poynter so grossly in sulted the First Nohraaka last win ter , " did the First Nebraska honor the governor by naming their oamp on the presidio. "Camp PoyntorV" Callaway Independent. That is easy. They did not do. That was ono of the World.Herald fakes , that was promptly denied b > members of the Firt Nebraska as soon as tlioir attention was called to the falsehood , As a proof to the last resolution of the platform adopted by the republican convention last Saturday the KKFUBUOAN submits herewith the prices of the various products which make up thi ) wealth of the farm. The jirioen quoted are com pared with the Chicago price of the farm production the same day three years ago and run as follows. Aug. 18 , 1890 AUK. 18 , 1890- Wheat 9 HWWheat 5 70i Corn 22iiCnrn ; W-v Oats 10' ; DM a )9i ) Pork 030 1'Otll 8 U7 Lartl. . . . , 300 l.iird 520 rnttlo 315 Uattlo n ( V ) Hog * 3 15 IIo | > 4 b5 F. G. Hamer , of Kearney , was allowed to name tbo delegates to tbo republican judicial convention to bo hold at Lexington next Tuesday , by the Buffalo county convention. That Mr. llatner is to be a oandU date for the oflico of district judge again will bo a fact highly pleasing to his many friends of the district , It was under his candidacy that the populist elected S. A. llolcouib. It was a year when the whole country had gouo wilde and the Alliance party wan bound together with an oaln of secrecy. Judge Hamer at that tune was much stronger than his party and was only beaten in the district by 7 or 8 votes. If the district can bo re claimed this fall from the fusionists F. G. Hamer is the man that can do. Wo hope ho may receive the noni' ination by acclamation. Next Tuesday at Lexington the delegates now elected by the several counties in the Sixth congressional district will determine who shall bo their next congressman if no mis takes are made. . There has been an element in the republican party for years who have argued that for n candidate to bo NUceccsful ho miiHt bo "ono of ' .ho boys" a genial "fellow well met. " In oilier words ono who wan acceptable of fho rounhsr element of society. Hul wo nrt' plt'am'd to note that n majority of the party have been able to HOC their tiiistako in this particular , and enl ) the best men nru satisfactory. The republican parly in very largely made up of a high chhHof ultuoiiH , morally , roligiou ly and financially , as well as intellucluiilly. A laryo per cent of them in the past linvo not nnd \\ill not support fcv olh'oe a tough character knowinylv , iJocaiiHC nominations of that oltiso cf IIUMI liiu'o some times been mudo , to Hiittafy a ccrtiin ohss , they hiivo boon forced either to vote for tlio candidate on the other ticket or not vote at all , and thus our strength lias boon weakened. 'J ho selection of the very best men thu country affords for any phco on the ticket will always pay and can bo no mis take. This is true from the fact that such mini command the support of all good moil and have the respect of the rougher clans. It matters nut how low one may fall as long as ho retains his reasons ho abhors his own condition and thinks moro of the man who will not follow him in the miro. There was formerly oon- Htdorahln opposition to Judge Kin kaid's candidacy for congress , sun ply because ho is tlriutly a moral man and dues not associalo "with thu boys" in immoral or question able practices. As a judge ho has proven efficient , fearless , yet con servative and hu ; made his constituents stituonts , IMH warm supporters and admirers. As a proof of this , as wo have before staled , his leaht ma jority for judge in his district , was four years ago , when populiHin was at Us highest /.enitb. Then his ma jority was 11-10 over his competitor , yet the district wont populitU by several hundred. It is because of bis sterling qualities that webelievo him lo bo the right man lo nominalo and with his nomination securedhis election will be assured. The congressional situation is growing moro interesting in the light of now dovcloptmonts. The populist und democratic conventions hold at Lexington lat Friday was a great disappointment to both ole- munis. The demourals nominated M. 0. Harrington and thn pop ulists Neville of North Platto. All efforts to harmonir.o wore fruitless and both stand as candidates of theii respective parlies. Before the convcntioun convened the democratic - mocratic delegates proposed to the populists loaders lhat they would go into joint convention with the pop ulists and submits to the result not with standing the populist had nourly twine as many delegates as thtt ( 'emoorals. The populist re fused to aoucod to the proposition. The democrats lay claim the right to the nomination , as under their fusion deals heretofore the populists had always named the candidate. Be cause of their rights being refused them they would not agree to a compromise which gave the pop ulists the nominoo. Itvas reported in thn World-Honild the next day that Harrington had withdrawn , but W. U. Etislham re ceived u nu'usago Sunday morning from Air. Harrington that ho would stand ; io a candidate. While this makes the chances for the election of the populist candidate loss oar tain it will put the democrats in betlor shape to command a follow ing in the future. There are a great many voters who honor those who have the manhood to stay by Iheii convictions oven should they mjot with advursity in so doing. The same olpss foul a disgust for thopo who have so little rog ard for principle as to sacriiioo it for oflico or a few paltry dollars. And if the democrats maintain their present atliludo they will gain the rospoot of all honest men , ami their course can not fail to increasing their ranks. There are a great many men in the populht rnnkd who formerly af- fHated with the democratic party that arc becoming thoroughly con vinced of the insincerely of the loaders of the populist party and uhon the death knoll of that party is sounded they will flock back to their former ship like drowning rats. The democrats can and will hasten the day by letting the pretended re formers by giving them all the rope they want , Our Candidates Tint republican pa ly is the only ono who nominated two of Co , JVl's hiToo's.for county office , Capt. V , ( ' . Talbol who left here as in Lieut , received ( ho nomination for sheriff and Lieut II. F. Kennedy who loft hero as commissary sargont was nominated for clerk of the district couit. Moth Talbot an i Kennedy made excellent recotds while in the I'liilhpions and received their pro motions as a reward of merit , Lieut. Kennedy was seriously wounded by a maiiscr ball piercing his body , pausing through ono lung , in the Namtt haltla in which Col. StotHon- burg fell mortally wounded. Capt. Talbot Nprvod as captain of Com pany M. several months , before Captain Wilson reached Manila. During that time ho won the high esteem of the entire company and ono returned soldier says ho will bo supported by every member of Co. M , and their friends , whororjpo'jc their wishes , His promotion to captain of Co , G , while ii removed him from his company did not rr- move the strong altaohtnen this uom- ladcshadfoi him. The nomination for county judge is ouo of the strong nominevH. Judge Armour lias for tbo past two yiars served I ho public and his great popu larity when ho had hi1 ontoiodod the office ha-i not bbcn lessoned , but rather increased in proportion to his increased acquaintance. His fair ami impartial treatment of all who di ) business with him and his extensive ) knowledge of law ranks him with the public , as the most efficient and popular judges the county has ever had. Ho is jusl such a man as the public has been wanting on the bonob and if wo do not misjudge the desire of the poopio ho will bo there for a number of years lo come. Another most highly satisfactory nomination was that of "Walt George for county treasurer. Ho is ono of tin * itiz.oas of Ouster county who has boon tried and not found want ing. For soiuu time ho served as a member of the county board while there ho proved his splendid execu tive ability and business qualilica tionh. It in nut unfrcquout that his political nppononts arc heard to remark that he was the best member of the board the county over bad , Ho is u man of ploaaing address , well qualified , a successful fanner and stock raiser , generous to the needy and very popular with his neighbors and where over known. Ho will succeed the present , efficient inoumbant 11. Lomnx and will bo able to fill his place most admirably. Tbo candidate for county olork is not so generally known as the above mentioned , but coined highly ru commended by those of the south west part of thu county who know his worth. Ho m one of the pros perous farmers of Way no township and is wcllqiulihod for the position. The candidate for county supenn tandent has engaged in teaching in the county for thu past six years at Wcstorvillo und Sargout. Ho was imployodbySupt.il. Hiatt as ono of the instructors in thu Summer school ono year and ho held n Summer school at Wostorvillo ono or Iwo years to proparn students to touch. Ho is the HOn of a union soldier and a uativo of Ohio. F. E. VanAntworptho candidate for surveyor served llio county in that position years ago and is no stranger to tbo public. Ho ii a practical civil engineer and should ho bo olecled is prepared to do the public faithful norvico. IIo is ono of the suooopstul farmers in Wood River township where ho owns a tinu farm and is ono of the pioneers of that pan of llio county. The orndidalo lor ooronr , Dr. H. F. Davitm-of Callaway is a man oompetaut to till the position with credit to himself and the couutv. By Callaway now having tolophona and telegraph connections he can be notified in abort notice when ho is needed and if ulooled , the delay and anxiety oxporinood recently in se curing the services of the coroner would not be repeated. Upon the whole it is ono of the best tickets ever put up by any party in the county and every republican - publican whether it was his uhoioo or not should and doubtless will use his best efforts to sou that the ticket is elected , TIME TABLE , 1 I ,1 , BltOKKN KOW , NKB. Lincoln. I envnr , Omalin , Helena , ito , lltitte , HI. JoFonti , I'ortlanu1 , Kannait Ulty , Salt Luke ( Jlly at Ixjtils , nnd all H n 1'rniiotsno VnlnUonptniid soutti. anil nil points wait THA1NH IKAVK AS FOLLOWS' HAST. No.- 1. . ! x cnl o.tiro H dolly. Lincoln , Onmlin , und ull noluU nut . C.'Sn tun. . No.It I icul parnongur , departM. II : ! i" > . in. No. 10. Tbrouuli froUbl eiiHt tally , ft'll'l n. tn. No.1H. . Ix > cal freight caBt nrr. dally 1'J.IM p. in Dopurtsnt . 1.05 | m. Kzci > pt Sunday. WEBT , No. 41. Local I'Xiireflu dally , Ilulonn , Multo Portland , all point * wept . 10M : > p. in No. 41. 1 ocal ptteHungor.nrrlvea at.-l:6S : | i. in. No. ! > . " " wept " Ill'fw n. m No. 47. " " " " S'15 p. m DepnrU fit . 12.45 p , in ICxcejit Hunday , Slooplnc , illnlnjt und reclining chair cars ( sentfl free ) on through trulnc. TlcUen Bold ami IMK- fuao chocked to any point In tin United Status and Canada. No. 48 baa merchtndlsu earn Tuoad iys , Tlinrs dryrs nnd Saturdays No. 16 will carry passungors for Anaelmo , Hal icy , Senccn , Whltinnn nnd Alliance. No. 40 will carry pamci K < : rt tot Hiwenns Ornnd Iflnnd , Sewu.'d and Lincoln. Information , mapH , tlmo tnblca and ticket call on or wrllu toll. L. Ormsby , agent , or J branch , ti. 1' . A. , Oninhu , Nebraska. II. Ii. Onusny , Acenl m fe § > j $ $ Equality , IX-oiioiny , Security , i ] ' ' : . i lit ) tri'o test for Life liiHuranGu In j , { found In the Kqnity of the Contract , $ . „ 1- ; , ( : Ilia Kconomy of Management , and the ! $ f ' ' . } * , Security for the Payment , 'f' I ; ' ! * , TUK ORIGINAL Qf. g Bankers Life Association , -gj * . i-.U : . - . * DCS ivtutuca , lawn. ' . ; "fift KtiWAitn A. TKMPLB , President. * : ? M : * . OrKanlzrd July Ipt , IbTB. j' . ' * > , Ouarniity Fund for afety. ' 6'fr Btirplus Fund for protection. r.'lj ' Supervised by 3COO depository banks. * ! Secutl lea iloposlted wltli the state 'iS department. i"/ / * Conservative niothods. ' i'jv' Preferred ItlsisLow Rates. ! < ? ii Quarterly Payments. y- ! For ratou and fall Information , call .y. : ? . : -S on or addroaa $ $ % | J. A. HARRIS , | | ? A cnt for Ouster County , Neb. 'fJi 5f Oflico at Farmers Hank of Cueter - " ' - : % ' ! $ County , IJrokoa Bow , Neb. Clinton Day , J'HVHICIAIS AJNI > H Broken Bow , Neb. Olllce ever Uyereon's grocery. Resly ilenco ( I'.h IIOUBO west of Baptist church. Richardson's Livery AND FKKD STABI-B , nt the old stand , between tbo Burling ton nnd Globe Hotels. Telephone con nection. Headquarters of Cnllnwny stngu line. Single Hnd double rigs. Hates reasonable. Eag Carpet Sold cheap , In any length pieces desired. Carpet - pot weaving eollcked. 1'rlooB reasonable. Mrs. Louise Raymond. WOBl of Bowen'a Store. Checkered Front 1 < 'JMCU AND LIVKRY BAKU , 17. U. CI.IKGniA.I4 , ITop'r. Patronage solicited Good uccommodntionB , fair trcntuiont and rcasonnblo ratea. E. B. Mullins , Physician - and - Surgeon , IteeUlonco ivrat house xveet uf McCoinas' ilruK store. Oflico la the Myers liullcllni ; 113 BOOH na completed. fV Krokcn How , - Nchraeka. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 2d stairway from west endin Realty block ; rcBidouco , north side. JABIES LEDWICH. & BtCAL. AND IISVKSTBIIINXH , UROKBN Bow , - - - NKIIRARKA. I have a largo list of farms foi sale in all parls of the county. Low prices and easy terms of payment. VVnto for prices. City Peed Mill , E. F. McCiAJttK , Prop. Hyo Flour and Graham , ground ot stone burr. All kinds of grinding done for toll or exchange , to eiii customer- Agent for oondoiiBei Gibus Stook Food. Notice to Hunters. Parties are hereby notified not to hunt on my farm , or pasture grounds , under penalty of the law FKANK WKISBNKKDKH. S In thcso days wo buvo all kinds of shams tbo S a politioian an a sham reformer , the merchant who works I S tff on the unsuflpioiourt oustomor bis SHAM GOODS. z S I But my friends , there is no such thing as sham lumber , 5E 5S 5i and if you wish to purchase S E S a I g s 51 Of 3 7L As well as QUANTITY , you will always lind tbnsamo Ofg nt our yard , ni Broken Bow , Nebraska. Wo keep the BEST FOR TllE MONEY. White and Yellow Pine , Dimension and Don't forget thai our COAL Ib TllE BEST , and [ | CL1CAN TOO ! Wo are the tirclehS toilers for your g trade. I Foster & Smith Lumber Co. I Telephone No 70. WILL L RULE , M'gr. | . U.UMlM""M'Mt"l'f"Mt'M S. II. IIURNHAM. I'reddcnt , Lincoln , Nob. U. 0. HOGKIIS , Oashlor , Broken Bow. O. P. PEKLB V , V-Proa. , lirokon Bow. J. St. KIMBERL1NG , Aes't Caehler First National Bank , OP BROKEN BOW. General Banking Business Transacted. S. H. Unrnham J M.Kiraberllng. R. C. Talbot. o. P. Perloy. II. Q. Rogers , COKRRePONDENTS : United States Nation\\ Dunk , Omahi. C'lmso National Dank , Now York. American KxohanRu Bank , Lincoln. First Natlonil Hank. Grand Miami , First National Hank , North Plalto , Neb. -GO TO John THE REALTY GROCERS , FOR Staple and Fancy Groceries , FRESH and CANNED FRUITS , Queensware , Glassware , VEGETABLES , ETC , Highest Price paid for Poultry , old & young. I Once Was Lost , tut How I Have Pound it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for pale cheap. 'Tistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices. . . /neinber the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Bank. W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.T I