Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 17, 1899, Image 1

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    UUt L. ! * > Mrjj > tt aoclety
X 3
0.V. . A. I' . SMITH.
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt ftlti'titioM clvon to rolli-cMotm niul ii'iil
estnte. Olllco orrr 1Int Nntlonnl Hunk.
llrnknn How , - Ncbrnskli.
Checkered Front
1C. II. CI.1NCMA74 , a-rup'r.
PutronaKe solicited , ( looil nrcommoilAllonx ,
fair treatment Mill rcnsonnlilo rules
Clias.W. HakosM. D.
Successor to Lr. M. C , Hlystone.
OHice over Chryslal Drue Store. Calls prompt
ly auawtred from ollice , day
11. B. MuJlins ,
uiul - Surgeon ,
Sargent , Nobr.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from wflht Realty
block ; residence , north side.
Man of Sense
Is tin1 mnii who hpRtpri'Korvcn thoco fnc-
\ vltlihlcli iinturo liaBomloHCil him.
Ho may "Imto to wi-nr glacm1 * ' ' moai
punplu iln but tlio in in i of liilolllKenco
thankfully ai cent * lliln artlllcUl nlil wlinn
MH uyeH lull of Itn net'il. Wlicn jours
HiT.iK. lot mo net. .My porvlco , trentmunt A
and prices Blull bo rlglit T
OraiUiuto of Clilcngo Ophthalmic College.
Fnrnicrs , ask"my competitors if they can carry $1,00000
of Insurance against Fire , Lightning1 , Tornadoes , Cyclones
and Wind Storms for eight years for $15 That's what I can g
do , and in a company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance j-
in force in this state- EC. . HOUSEI
in First National Bank building , 1st iloor. i
3E ? 8X&3& EXXS S
! V ' . , . i . S ! . S/.VP . . . ' . . ' .
4i * : \ ! \-lr.- : \ * - * : : ' ! & - * ' * - \ \ : ' - - * _
W. H. PENN & CO. , Prop's.
W. II. Penn , the genial manager of Vorhois , Miller & Co's.
store , of this citj , for several years past , has resigned his po
sition , and will engage in business for himself , ho has just
returned from the cast , where ho purchased u complete stock of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
Trunks , Valises , Etc ,
These goods ho bought direct from the factories , and wi'l '
bo able to sell them : IH cheap as any houno In the county. The
advantage they have over their competitors i that their stock is
all now , and that they have no shelf worn or second handstocK.
This now'lirm will bo located in the Realty block , next
door east o Snyder l ros. ' , and will bi open for biiHinoss
19th ' 99.
Saturday , Aug. , .
Mr. Penn extends an invitation to all his old patrons , as
well as to all new ones , who will do well to call and see them ,
and look over their stock and prices.
Broken Bow , Neb.
Has ( i full hni ) u (
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
' ' .Also R Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth aveuuo and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob.
Local Mention.
Job printing At this oilice.
Huy quoeniwaro at Pealo & John's.
Pure cider vinegar at J. C.
Cannon Uity coal at Diorks
Lumber Co.
Tea leaf brand of teas at .1. C.
Go to FoHtor it Smith's for your
summer aoal.
First olasn butter and fresh fiiiit
at Pealo & John's.
Mr. and Mrs. L'G.Kimborling of
Grinnoll returned homo Tuesday.
Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaooino.
J. A. Harris and wife returned
Monday night from a ten days' out
Prof. J. M. Scott has purchased
the Curtis residence property on
nort side.
Mr.aud Mrs.Alvin Burk are the
parents of a boy who arrived at their
homo yesterday.
C. Maokoy and D. M. Savillo. of
VVostorvillo kindly remembered
this olh'co yesterday.
For fresh and cured moats of ill
kinds call at'Petor Simonson's first
door south the post office.
A Baptist church was organized
last week at Ausloy and Rov. J. R.
Wood was called as pastor.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag car-
pot. For particulars inquire of the
Ladies Baptist Aid Society.
CATTLK Foil SALIC : At all times
on my ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow. JKSBK GANDY.
! City and ( arm property insured
i ' against tire , lightning and torna-
'doOS. ,1. M. KlMBKUI.lNG.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
aud we will treat you right.
FOR SAT.K Two houses ; ono two
blocks east of nqu.iro , and ono west
of Globe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
G.L.Turnor , who had his log
brokou last week was able to be
out yesterday , by the assistance of
Jan. C. Osborno , c'ontraotor and
buildor. All work first class ; for
particulars , call on or addrost him at
Broken Bow.
Miss Jessie Brown , of Grinuoll ,
Iowa , who has been visiting in this
vicinity the past week with friends ,
left for homo Monday.
Supt. Tooloy dowiros us to an
uouco to the school officers of the
county that the now school laws
have arrived and that he has a copy
for each district.
F. II. Young rorurnod Monday
night from San Frauoisoo.Ilo visit
ed Co.M while there and reports
the boys faring nicely and are hav
ing agood timo.
Walter Marshal left yesterday
morning for liumboldt , this Rtate ,
where his wife has boon several
weeks visiting. Mrs. Marshal is
reported quite sick.
Judge Rhoads ol Mason City
spent several days at the Grand
Central hotel this week , evidently
doing duty as chirman of the popu
list county central committee ,
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
Nor Hartley has taken a home *
stead eight miles west of town , in
Custor precinct , containing a frac
tion over 1GO acres. Ho has built a
frame house , and is making other
Bent Osborno of West Liberty
Iowa is visiting in the oily with
his parents. Ho will remain until
the return of his brother , Lieut. W.
H OHbovne from the Phillipincstho
latter part of the month.
The coroner , sheriff , Co. attorney
Drs. MiilllnH and Ilnkus wont to
Round Valley thu morning to
hold an inquoHt over a skull of a skel
eton found on Ingoljord's farm. It
is probably the remains of an Indian.
Miss Birdie Skolton raised $12.00
in a few hours Monday among the
girls of the city towards the fund
to furnish free transportation for
the First Nebraska Reg. The $ -10
shodeposited and the remainder ,
after paying for the telegram , was
i turned over to reception uomruitoo.
Chase and Sanborn cciloos at J. C.
Bo wen's.
Now York full cream ohoeso nt
Poalo & John's. J
Wo buy produce and chickens. '
J. C. BOWKN. |
Fou SAM : Pony , cart and har
Try our Diamand Bulk coffee
See Will L. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
cHtimattm on your bills.
Foster Smith'j is the place to pur
chase your material for your porch ,
or r > pairs on your house.
Dan Koolin has put a hog tight
fence around the block of land ho
recently purchased of Mns. M. K ,
Gaudy , and is building quito an
extensive granary and feed house
within the enclosure.
Judge Sullivan was ronomiatcd at
Ravenna yesterdayj [ for judge of
this district , by the pops. It is re
ported that every delegate from
Cusor ignored their instructions "to
work and vote against any ono who
rides on a rail road pass ,
L , A. Parmotor of Illinois , has
bought W. W. Tooloy's barn and
stock west of the Commercial hotel.
Mr. Parmotor comes highly recom
mended and has the appearance of
a gontlomnu. The RIU-UIIMOAN extends -
tends n welcome to Mr' Parmotor
and family and trusts that they may
find their homo genial and prof
Church Services.
There will be the usual sorvics in
the Presbyterian church next Sun
u. n. ouuuoii.
Sundaday school at 11 A.M.and
preaching , at 8. P. Presiding
Elder Bojd.
Heal KMntc.
Mr. Jowott has sold the Curtis
property for & 500 cash to Prof.
Scott. Wm. Sopor has purchased
the live hores , iiouso and barn north
of Geo. Carr'H place for * HQO.OO.
Residence property is in largo de
mand , both to rent and purchase.
Mr. J. 11. Bair , of Merna , was in
town yesterday , looking for a house.
Ho said there was no house in Morna
to bo had. Quito a number of people
ple are talking of building. They
should remember 1 have some good
building sites for sale.
An effort is being made by the
State Journal , World-Ilorald and
two or three other daily papers , to
raise by popular subscription a sum
sutlioiont to transport the Fifth Ne
braska Regiment from San Fran
oisoo to their homes in Nebraska.
The plan is to have as many as can
advance $20.00 oaoh for the enter
prise , and have the governor recom
mend to the Btato legislature to
make an appropriation to roimburpc
those who advance the money. The
girls of Broken Bow riusod $ MU for
the fund. It is a legitimate and
laudable scheme , and at least * 2)0 ( )
ought to bo guaranteed by the citi
zens of Broken Bow for the project.
Who will take hold of it ?
Jimmy Lang the nino-yoar-old
HOU of Mr. and Mrs. JamoH R. Lang
living Houthoast of Round Grove ,
mot with ft very severe accident
Saturday afternoon by being aoci-
dontly shot in the thigh with a shot
gun , Ho was in company with a
number of other boys of his age
who had gene out hunting , and was
fccatcd in the bottom of the wa on
in which they were riding , when
one of the boys came up and laid a
shot gun in the bottom of the
wagon box. When the team startoi
the boys roalod back and in some
way kicked or stopped upon the gut
in a manner which caused it to be
discharged , the onliro load hitting
the little fellow an above stated
Ho was taken homo as quickly as
possible and Dr. A. K. Robertsoi
of this village , and Dr. Palmwr of
Litohliold , were sent for. The DM
drosRod the . ? ound and made the
little fellow as comfortalo as posHi-
blo , At last reports ho was gutting
along as well as could bo expected.
Loiter List.
Following is the dead letter lis
for week ending Aug. Ifith , 180H.
AMooily. Mrs. L n. Slmoncnn i3
lire. Frank Bherr. llliincho ( ittnUay.
Parties calling for any of the
above will please say < ladvertiaod. '
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
A1wm baltlnE pomlm arc the greatest
niciuccn to health o { the present day.
ROY I HAKIM ! coworn ca , nrw venn , J
MiUI.iCK Saturday morning , Aiiyiiat liHIi , tuft ) ,
Oolrn , neil ot Mr. unit Mm. I'mil Miiullck , of
typhoid fovur , ago 17 ynnrv , U luotitliit nnil 18
day * .
The deceased was n native of Illi
nois , but had boon a resident of this
city Hiiioo a small boy , with the ex
ception of a few months last year ,
when ho worked in a store in Illi
nois. The past year ho had boon
associated with his father in the
butcher business until the 7th of
last July , when ho accepted a posi
tion as brakemau on the passcngor
division at Alliance , Nebraska , Ins
runs being east to Ravenna and
west to Edgomont , S. D. Aug. 3d
he arrived homo , with a Hovoro at-
tatik of the fever , having worked
several days before ho would yield
to the terrible disease Ho was ( ! "
lirious much of the lime from the
date ho roaohod homo until death
relieved him from his suffering. At
the ago of twelve years ho was con-
.verted , and united with the U. B ,
church. Ho was of a genial dispo
union , and an exemplary young man ,
and enjoyed the esteem of a
r largo circle of young associ
ates , as well as the admiration
of all who know him , for his manly
demeanor. He was a boy of more
than ordinary intolligouco , ambi
tious , and was looked upon by all
who know him intimately , as ono
who would mnko his mark in the
world. But his frail body was not
strong enough to withstand the
dread disopso which had fastened
itself upon himand he was cut oil in
his youth , and wo are ai ain re
minded thui death is no rcspootor of
11,40 , but while the old must , the
young may die , and all should be
propr.rod for the event , let it come
when it may. The funeral services
were hold Monday , a' . 10 o'clock , in
the M. E. church The sermon was
) roaohod by Rev. liornaday , assisted
> y Rov. Megan , The funeral wan
very largely attended. The Rici-un-
, IOAN extends sympathy to the
) oroavod parents , sisters and broth
ers , in their great sorrow.
Company M Recaption Program.
Simrlso Hiiluto101 cuiis.
U to H-Putting up iluKi unit doconitlniis , li
'liiirui' of committee1.
H In 0 Si'MiiiiulH of thn city by htmils.
0 to 10 AsKi'iiilily iiwl forming of pinccsslon
under direction of irand marshal.
Int. Company I\I , together \vllli all suldlers o
Spanish anil Anu > ili'ui war.
2d. All old soldiers awl members off ! . A. 1C. ,
and all mc-inlirii of W 1C. C.
; dl. Clt\ and cnuntv olllrerx
Itli. All Minilaj school- * each wheel to bo In
iartt ! of superintendent.
5tli. All clvlr societies.
( , tli. All poopln to fall In line , as they come In
delegations or olliui bo.
11 ( o IS Kcccptlon at bc'iidquartcrs. Inter-
siiof < od with music , and Addrcsx of Welcome by
Ma > or ICoj-o ; followed by Hhort spoi'chi's.
to la ) - rrcKi'iitatiimuf medals.
la-ao to'.1Dinner. . To Uc piovldcd by com
mtleu foi ( oHipctn.v M , and all HoIdlurH of Span
sh At the same Union hiK liasUetdlnni !
to ho spread Ijy memhui-s of the < ! . A. 1CV. . II
( . . , and ull other Hoclotlus ami cltl/eiiH who wlsl
to join In.
lip HI. Assonihleat p.tvllllon , withmusluh
Short nddio.sscH under direction of cnnnnlttoo.
5 to n Sports , under direction of coinmltteo.
n to 8 Suppc.1' to ho provided thu * amo as
I'rosldenl of the Day Mayor Itoyso.
( irand Marnlial" .Inn. stocKlmm.
Hnnrise Salute Cciinmllti'iClia . I'ciin , Win.
ISarrett. .lidin .lohnson.
Decoration ( oinnilltro I. A. Itelieau , A. It
Humphrey. 1C. .M. Thompson , W. II. Kastliani , .1.
M KlmlieilliiK
Music Commltteo Mrs. C. f . ( iiitter.son , Jlrs.
A II. atuckey , Mrs. W. D. Illaokwoll , K , M
Hulilee , 1C. ,1. rittnway , J. M. llutts.
Dinner ( Joniinlttco-MeBdames A. Morgan. II.
lomaJ. . \V. skflton. II. II. Witt , 0. U. Jtleh-
aiilsiHi , h M. MLCandlMSS.
Supper Committee Misses llcitlia Ski-lton ,
l'\a.le ett , Naunlo Talhot , ( iurtlo Orr , Mamlo
Thompson , Sadlo WhUclR'ad.
Sport Cdiiimlttue J. A. Harris , Oluiin .lolni-
iiin , I1' W Hayes
Klreuorksinimltt'o-.l. ( > . llaehuilo , J. B.
llaisi'li. I , . K. WIlMin. ( . ' . 11. Holcoiiih. h , ! ! . Colo.
Wo take this means of expressing
our gratitude to the many friends
who so kindly assisted during the
recent illncHH and death of our darl
ing son and brolker.Vo are also
very grateful for the many beatiful
Iforal tributes.
Mil. and MICH ,
The Sunday Schools oMtroken HIMV IHs-
tricl Visit UUKMIIIU.
At the Broken Bow district Sun-
sohool oonvonliuu hold in tutu city
tlio luBt of July it was recommended
to hold a district Sunday school
picnic at Ravenna , if satisfactory
arrangements could bo made for
transportatian , A uoiumittoo from
oaoh of tliu Sunday suhools vras
appointed with authority to oom-
> loto arrangements. Tlioooiiunittou
organized by electing F. M. Rubloo
olmirmnn and WilliH Cadwoll Hoore-
ary. The olmirman was autliorirod
o visit Omaha with the view of
arranging with the B. & M.rnilroiid
company for transportation. In
his I\lr. \ Rubieo was able to aoouro
juito a liberal concession from ro-
; ular rates. A train of BIX coaches
uolmling a baggage oar was charted
o run on special tiino for $200.
-The date agreed upon for the ex
cursion wan August 10th. The
tliiu of the committee was to pro
vide free transportation for nil
children enrolled in the several
Sunday schools. In order to
raise the fund necessary to moot the
oi-ponsoH , adults were ohargad ono
iollar for the round trip. A solicit
ng committee , consisting of 1C. J.
? ittaway , D. M. Amsborry , L. 1C
Wilson and Judge Bonjamino were
appointed to secure funds , from the
city schools and W. J. i\Viudnaglo
ind John Street to solicit their
chools in the country. As a result
of the canvass , there were 073 persons -
sons boarded the train Thursday
uorning , of which 20'J of them had
contributed to the fund to moot
ho expenses. The train loft Broken
low at 8:10 : arriving at llaovnna 10
o'clock , without a misshap or incid
ent of note , except that Mrs. A.
Wallace , while looking out of a oar
window lost her hat. On reaching
Savanna the company was escorted
to the grove half mile distant on
, ) lo $3uivoi. . On Tot..Ui.v < , tlm
grounds wo found the oiti/.ens of
Havana had errootod a atago , seat ? ,
and tables for our occammodutions ,
licsidoH having the ground in ele
gant Hliapo. Thoy4bad also provided
for traunporting our bankets to and
from the grounds and kept the
grounds supplied all day with 100
water. As our committee had pro
vided lemons and sugar-an abundant
supply of ice cold lemonade .was
kept on tap all day , so for once the
children as well us every body else
liad all the lemonade they could
drink.flho Itavonna cornet band
furnished music for the ctowd the
entire day , which added very mucli
to the enjoyment of the occasion.
The treatment received from the
railroad officers and employes as
well , as the interest taken in our
comfort by the cili/.ons of Ravenna
was very highly appreciated by all
who enjoyed their hospitality. The
day was greatly enjoyed by both
old and young and the opinion
seemed to be unanimous that a Sun
day school picnic to Ravenna should
in the future bo an annual affair.
The following literary program WUH
rendered before noon.
SOIIK All Imll the I'ower of JCSIIH' Nsnio
I'rnytT Itur. Hume )
AildruiB of Wuleomo . Mayor Diincnn , of Uavonnit
Kcunouro Mayor ICoyro , of llrokim Mow
HOUL' Ami'rlcu , acroinpiiiilcil bjr Uunil
Kt'Cltatloii JosHlo llrown , of ( Irlnnull , In.
lUicllutloii Cntllo Kroll
Hnutt . . . . MUrf llurrolt Hint Mn > . llnlilmril
I'lToMlmitoTnlk V. M. ICilhlon
Klvo MlnutuTiilk L. II .luwctt
Mtihir by Hum ! .
UcclUtlon Mr * . IIiiMmnl
Recitation . . , .MlHH I'unk
Hunt ; DoxoloKV
Music liy Iliinil ,
After dinner llni time was snout
hy the little folknin HWII ging build
ing Hand houses and games. A he HO
ball tame between thu "lain1' and
"leans" furnished sport-fora number
of the adults while others enjoyed
the shade , in hearing distance of the
initKio and in close prnxinmityitoithe
water and lemonade tanks. Upon
the whole it was ono of the most
sucei'Hsful picnic excursions ever in-
augerated in the stale and all who
participated express themselves as
iiavini , ' enjoyed the day immcn-dy.
Just before departing C. L. Gutter-
son in a neat Hpeooh expressed thfl
gratitude of our company to the
citizens of Ravenna for their gen.
oroiiH hoHpilality shown us. The
committee on arrangements also
paHsed resolutions to Mr. Davenport
and Uavenna citizens , thanking them
for the ooidial reception and gener
ous treatment shown us while with
them and authorized , the chairman
F. M. Ruhk'o to convoy the name to
thorn. The treasure report showed
that * J02.'iO had been received from
sale of tickets end that the total
expense was $2123 CO , leaving a
ballanco of $30.00 in the treasury.
On motion the $30 was distributed
equally between the eight schools
which participated in the enterprise !