is COMING : " Iff- - - - - HARRY DAY & CO. A me intuit WITH Tincut jviAmmorH STOCK ; OF ? DRY GOODS @ > CLOTHING. Since they have consolidated the Htoros of Harry Day & ( Jo. and Iho T. M. & J. W. Salisbury Slocks , they row have ono of the Lnrgosl Stocks of Dry Goods in Central Nebraska. They have not only a mammoth Htock , but a great variety. These goods were bought at a bargain , and will be sold al Se Jtfcl m % trl * & | I li 9 To Our Patrons 1 Our cotupolilors oaniiot compole. Their goods cost thorn more than our selling price. If you are not convinced that wo moan juHl what , wo say , call and got our prices. Our him is to V"i save our ouslomors money , and wo are doing it. It' you want good Goods , in any quantity , quality or style , we can supply you , If it is bargains you wnnt , como to our store in the Realty block , Southwest Corner Square. V"r < i \ pmfmnrmimtiiirnntmmrnwftt In thcso days wo huvo all kinds of shams the politician as a sham reformer , Ihe uiorchaul who works ciT on the unsuspicious customer his StlAM GOODS. But my friends , there is no mioh thing as sham lumber , and if you wish tp purchase As well as QUANTITY , you will always find llutsamo at our ' yard , iu Broken Bow , Nohraoka. We keep the BEST 'FOR THE MONEY. White aud Yellow Pine , Dimension and Poreh Material a Specialty , Don't forget lhal our COAL IS TUB BEST , aud CLKAN TOO ! Wo are iho tiroloHH toilers for your trade. Poster & Smith , Lumber Co. Telephone No. 70. WILL L. RULE , M'gr. V. O. WOHNA1.L. President. J. A. IUKHI8 , Cafhler. A. J. HOHKUT80N , VlM-Pres. W. D. 11LACKWU1.L. Asi't Caihldr. Farmers Bank , of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and VVarrauta Bought. THIiTRIP FROM THE ORIENT Infrrpsling K ( > | iorl or ( lie First Nebraska Itojs , mi lliclr A Vivid Description of tin ; CHIos anil ClIHlOIIIH O ( llyllio Itri'Diil.iOiN'H Hpeclal Cirrn piinlcnt , W i. Hick ) NagaMakio hatioiioof tliu protlioHl harborH in tlio world. Tlio hills iHuomhng direct from tlio bay , and of a lovely emerald jjreon frequently dolled wilh quaint roofed uolln uH and t urdoiiH , a totnple upon a diH- tnnl hill gaudily piunleu "Hampaim" gliding like snakes utidur lltu mus- oular offtrt of almoHl naked JapH MajeHlio warships lyini > quiet and Hereuu , their neal while painl bright ening Ihe green on the hill Hideo com- plotoH an onuhautinont to he appre ciated Our voyage through the inland sea IH ploasanl We wiggle through narrow uhannolH , norapo lowering mountains , and dip our Hag to the ships lying iu the harbor itthe many IOWIIH we past : . FortH with huge guiiH poopiim over al IIB UK ) fitdiuig sinnoks , Hhapi'd like a talf moon and a ribbed sail past ) > ti mnoranu. At Kobe our pilot bids IH adieu and the ship heads for open Hoa and Yokohama. In the uorning we anchor Home distance ml in tlio bay al Yokohama , and ire taken ashors in Hatnpans. Afl r Kiing in Manila wilh ils dirty streets , Yokohama IUIH ; \ eloaned up , Sunday appoaranoo. "Kickshaw , " sir ? Certainly. The jinricksha is a Htuall two wheeled wagon , much in shape like a Hitlky , exeepl lhal il ban a lop which can bo rained in rainy wealher. It has shafts joined at Ihe end by a eroHH bar. ' 1 ho "rickshaw" men are clad in neat navy blue garments , their well de veloped legH enoased in unwrinkled tightH , IOOHO jackets with wide flowing HleoveH , their faeoH peeping from beneath muBhroom shaped natH. Slick two slrawn in one end of a potato , a mushroom in tlio other , sot it up on the Htrawn and you have a Jap in out line. The hotels aud business houses are nicely located and are built upon European principle. The EngliHh resident portion of town is upon a highblufl , whore cool breezes , and fragrant tropical planls makes lifopasHsorono , The JapauoHO home forms n great contrast to the.HO of Ihe Englinh. They are very small , even daintily uo , like play IIOUHOH , built of a thin shingle like board and line in texture. Kiro places are unknown and potluck - luck is taken over a few charcoal upon a cold day. Light frames cov ered with tmo rice paper are used aa partitions doors and windows in one. They uan bo removed at any time throwing the floor into one room. Japan in tlio land of love beauty , poelry and impatiently wn are longing to see the "geisha" girls and drink their lea. At last our tea arrives and the pretty maidens clad in exquisite , angel sleeved gar- monls bow gracefully , bending down until their heads touch their knees , then kneeling before \\a mur mur gently agreeling. The "geisha" girls stand posed wilh open fan in hand above their heads , loady to bi gin thi1 dani'o. They are very short wilh Ihe tenderest of slender aislH. Tl.oir soft tender eyes are made blacker by painted lashes aiui brows , their midnight hair , stiffened with a gummy wash , is most won derfully dressed in largo coils and ornamented with gold and silver ( lowers. Their kimonos dresses of Ihe most exquisite material trail all around them , and are loosely held together at the waist with a sash ; their long flowing sleeves fall back , showing their dimpled arms and bahy hands. Upon their tiny foot they wear cunning vihilo Blockings with a place .for tlio great lee When Ihoy go out they wear wooden sandals. They powder their faoos and have a way of reddening their under lip just at iho tip that gives Ihum a modi tempting look. The lips look like two luxurious cherries. The musicians begin a long chanting strain and these bits of beauty lie- gin lo danoo. Wilh a graoo simply enchanting they twirl their fans , sway their dainty bodies in a hundred different popes , each one more intoxicating than the preced ing one. Alas this land of pleasure. Tokyo is visited and wo see the Mikado's palaces , which are en closed by a fifty foot stone wall nnd three wide moats and many beauti ful parks. Wo also visited a lom- p'o ' and lots of little gods. Took in a most delightful loa-houxo and wore served by two little "japs" girls with tea and cake. Wo saw a god with his nose rubbed off. . The japs believe that if they have a pain or aoho and rub their hands over the face of that god , and Ihen when the pain is located they will be cured. English is taught in the schools. Tlio girls are taught graceful movements hew to onter- IPih , to serve tea and the proper and graceful way to uuo chop sticks. It is a pretty sight to sen a lovely woman use chop sticks. The belle here use a highly polished steel 1 dink to view her numerous c.haruiH. Rico paper is uncd as handkeroicfs and tin1 large flowing sleeves as I'ouknls. Here is kept an assortment of everything. Hath cost two cents and theJapanese Intho at least twice a day. Not a few but all It is a bright sunny morning when we leave Yokohama the "land of Mikado" and dreamy eyed damsols. The "llanoooK" heaves anchor , dips colors lo the warships , shaking the spray of Japan's coast from our bows and are out at sea. Eight hundred miles from Frisco. Old you ever h.'tvo that funny fooling ? Wo had it a few dajy past. Two days in a Mjunl. Lost a chicken coop over- bonrd ; was bathed inside and out with ovur forty barrels of salt water entering the ports , while peacefully dreaming ; six of UH wore lOiookt'd as tuking a bath according vo ro- gulationfc. This theory of gravita tion is completely upsuH 0:1. : ' n. in. started for breakfast , Aid ! en my M- , and -vs : need as a mode of conveyance by Bob Froy. Got mixed up with some gnpf , tinpltilus , uolii'e cups and guns ; crawled lo the slairs ami gel on dock ; had bacon for breakfast and immediately had in engagement "attending lo my own business" came in conlacl with i cook chasing a ronst lhat had jumped out of the pan. lie gave me some advice and we learned many useful things. He said one should tie a string to his bacon on a morning like that , then ho wouldn't loose il. A ship cook IH i great fellow. IIo had every thing tin I down except the colToo pol. You ought to see thai coffee pot slide. It glided up to the bacon and then Hlid against Ihe starboard side ol the oatmeal .The cook's ladle started to run away also but ho had a siring on that ; soldiers learn quickly and wo soon had everything strung. Wo were not far from land though , in case of accident ; about five miles , straight down. Now that we are far from th deadly Mauser and its mate and lhat famed portal the beautiful "Golden Goto" looms and bids we reluming ones welcome. This will most emphatically bo my "last appearance" in print. During the past year it has been our effort to put the "whole cheese" before the readers of dialer county's load ing paper. To smooth the rough edges and make you behove wo were living on pic instead of por- hapHnolhing ; lo ease the hoarU of those lhal were anxiouH about , well at leant that we might bo a little mite in good doing. Thanking the KKPUHMCAN for the courtesy shown and the excellent way they photo graphed mo the past year wo hope soon to bo initiated by Broken Bow's billy goat and brass band as a long lost citizen. WALTKR S. FUCK. It's "Broken HUM" Again. There is often much in a name The geography of America is rich in njmonolaturo which abounds with poetry , romance and historj asHocialion. This IH especially Iruc of Indian names , which in a very few j oars will bo all lhat us loft lo us of a picluroHquo race. Long afler the lasl red man has vanished and his di/scendonU have become amal gamated wilh IhoHC of his deslroyers such names as Rod Cloud , Black HawkLodge PoloBattle Crook , Fox Lake , Big Horn , Buffalo Lake am. Bro.kon Bow will remind our child ren's children that over this land once roamed a peculiar people. But the United States pOHtotlicc department with an abnormal appetite for van dalism for which there is no valid excuse , persists in bulohering these suggoHlivo names until Ihoy are nardly rooogniiblu , and in place of them have inflicted upon us such monstrosities as Kedolond , Black hawk , Lodgepolo , Batlleorook , Fox- lake , Bighorn , Buffalolaku and Bro- konbow. Petitions and protesls have generally boon unavailing to stop this mangling of b.'autifu and suggestive names by postmas lors gener.illy who have no poetry in their sordid souls , but we are gratified to learn thai ihrough the solicitation of many citizens , led by Senator Currie the department hat * consumed lo restore "Brokonbow' to its original and proper form "Broken Bow.1 Now lot tbo saint thing bo done with the hundreds o olhers lhal hare been jusl a- sense lessly mutilated and robbed of thoi originul beauty. S. D. Butcher , of Giles , ha routed John Johnson's residence property in Ihe southoasl part o lown whore ho expects lo rnovo hi family soon , in onior lo give hi children hotter school advantages Mr. Bu'.oher contomplales engaging in ilia photograph business b ; traveling over the county. Ho wil also make an olTort lo complete hi Cusler county history , for which h has contributed a number of article by pioneer settlers and a larg variety of views of ranches am homesteads of early days. Farms for sale and lands for rent Now is the limo lo got a farm choa | as the cheap farms are all going am prices are commencing to advanc rapidly , J.G.Bronizor. 9 - m mii Bm * * * * * * * * ' ' * * ' ' * ' ' * * * * 1' " * * * ' * ' ' ' ' * * * * * * ' 111 * * * " * ' 11' * * mmsmmi isimimmmmii -A i ii 1 IPairite 1 i i i i i fee m 1 i'J. . G. i'/ / * Wrt' * : IY' " * . ; wyKV t.V ' * : JV' ' ? : : ( , ft > 2 WZteW2&Z&faz ! ! ! ixXZixZ Si ! IS STILL IN'i IIB LEAD , With Lowest Prices on Everything , They have a full line of Shoos at prices lownr than over. Gloves , lOo up Just received a tine lot ot Fall and Winter Dress Goods , at prices lower than ever. The best grades of Overalls and Cottonade I'auts. A tine list of Shirtings always on hand. Best grades of READY MADE SHIRTS. L. L , Muslin , 3c per Yard. SAVE YOU 10 TO 30 PER CENT ON Highest Price Paid for Eggs. _ GO TO Peale it John THE REALTY GROCERS , FOK Staple and Fancy Groceries , FRESH and CANNED FRUITS , Queens ware , Glassware , VEGETABLES , ETC , Highest Price paid for Poultry , old & young. Rag Carpet j Sold clioap , In any length pieces desired. Carpet - pot weaving vollcUcil. 1'rlcos reason ilile. Mrs. Louise Raymond. Wcct of Itowun's Store. Wm. F. Hopkins , COrSTIlACTOI * . AISIJ IIITII.UI Plans niul Spflclficatlnnx on xliort notice. Mil- torlnl fiunlKlioil and building complotud clionjiui tlinn any mnn In tlm fitntu. HatlHfuctlon gimran teed aa to jilaiis and HpcclflciilioiiH. Letter List. Following is the dead letter list for week ending Aug. Hth , 1890. Annn IClllion , Mr. Joctum Moor" . Mr. UlKloy. Mr. Alut I'olUngliorn Parties calling for any ol iho above will please say ' 'advertised. " L. II. JKWKTT , 1 * . M. HUNTERS ATTENTION 1-UmU-r the uame Uw the kllllug of KTOUHU or prnirle oliickena is prohibited before KeptiuubiT 1st , 1800 and la punlBhnblo of 35.00 pur bird. AH KOCH ! oltl/.eim , we stioulcl rospout aud obey the law and sliuuld InaiBt that others do the stum ; . Ky September 1st. the birdR u ill bo old onoiigti to Btivml Homo olntnco ( or their lives , nnd thus provmit wl'olosulo slmif-litcr , nnd then those who wlnli to hunt can do ao legally. UnUer the law It IH mndo mv duty to enforce the KHIUO Inw and I intenil aa fur UH piiFBlblu to do BO , mill nek and shall hope ( or the cooperation - operation of nil ulllx.iuiR In enforcing tlio BftUlO. L. U. KlKKl'ATUlOK , County Attorney. House for Sale. The J. S. Klrkpntnok property , Ihroo blockd ( ruin public Bqunre * also n gooa bleyoli > ( or sale. Enquire or 1 J. C. MAUI.IOK. onoiny of Manngument , and i'i.f Security for the Payment. * ' i j | ! Hankers Life Association , f ? { : K' ' ? - < - al i.-ji ; yj > M ! * > Ooa Molues , town. ' & " ? . . . RSr'i A. TKMPLE , Prestdoiit. July let , 167'J. Oiurmity Fund for eafoty. Hurplils Kund fur protection. iMiwrvlamltiyir,6 | : , < > ieo | ltorybank . For rates aud fall Information , call . , . iSp on or aildrusH _ y H J , A , HARRIS , 1 A ent for Ouster County , Neb. : ' : ; VW O'1" ' "t Knrmcrs Itnnk of Cuntur ifocuty | , Ilioken llow , Nob. ? sj MJ ! $4 . ' .Tl * * ? * ' ! . ' * 1 IS * * ' 'i. * . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . ! * i' Clinton Day , IMIVHICIA.IS AND Urokon Bow , Neb. Olllco over Hyorson'a Krooery. Kesly Uonco otU Uouao west of Baptigt nhurob , . i