TALMAGE'S SERMON. 'THE IVORY PALACES , " LAST SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. ' 'All the GnriucntH Smell of Myrrh , nnd Aloes , nnd C'nMln , Out of the l\ory I'nlncr " Kroin the Hook of Fanliug , Chapter xl , Ycru 8 , ( Copyright 1S99 by Louis Klopsch. ) Among the grand adornments of the city of Paris Is the Church of Notre Dame , with Its great towers and elab orate rose windows , and sculpturing of the last Judgment , with the trumpeting angels and rising dead ; Its battlements of quntre-foll ; Its sacristy , with ribbed celling nnd statues of saints. But there was nothing In all that building which more vividly appealed to my plain re publican tastes than the costly vest ments which lay in oaken presses- robes that had been embroidered with gold , and been woin by popes and arch bishops on great occasions. There was n robe that had been worn by Plus VII. at the crowning of the first Na poleon. There was also a vestment that had been worn nt the baptism of Napoleon II. As our guide opened the oaken presses , and brought out these vestments of fabulous coat , and lifted them up , the fragrance of the pungent aromatlcs In which they had been pre served filled the place with a sweet ness that was almost oppressive. Nothing - ing that had been done in stone more vividly Impressed me than these things that had been In cloth , and embroidery nnd perfume. But today I open the drawer of this text , and I look upon I ; the kingly robes of Christ and as I lift them , flashing with eternal jewels , the whole house Is filled with the nroma of these garments , which "smell of myrrh , and aloes , and cassia , out of the Ivory palaces. " In my text the king steps forth. His robes rustle and blaze as ho advances. His pomp and power and glory over master the spectator. More brilliant is he than Queen Vashti , moving amid the Persian princes ; than Marie An toinette , on the day when Louis XVI. put upon her the necklace of SOO diamonds mends ; than Anne Boleyn , the day when Henry VIII. welcomed her to his palace all beauty and all pomp for gotten while we stand In the presence of this Imperial glory , king of Zlon , king of earth , king of heaven , king forever ! His garments not worn out , not dust-bedraggled ; but radiant and jeweled and redolent. It seems as If they must have been pressed a hundred years amid the flowers of heaven. The wardrobes from which they have been taken must hnvo been sweet with clus ters of camphlreand frankincense , and all manner of precious wood. Do yon not inhale the odors ? Ay , ay , "They smell of myrrh , and aloes , and cassia , out of the Ivory palaces. " Your first curiosity Is to know why the robes of Christ are odorous with myrrh. This was a bright-leafed Abys sinian plant. It was trlfollatcd. The Greeks , Egyptians , Romans and Jews > bought and sold It at a high price. The first present that was ever given to Christ was a sprig of myrrh thrown on his infantile bed in Bethlehem , nnd the last gift that Christ ever had was myrrh pressed into the cup of his cru cifixion. The natives would take a stone and bruise the tree , and then It would exude a gum that would satu rate all the ground beneath. This gum was used for purposes of merchandise. One piece of It , no larger than a chest nut , would whelm a whole room with odors. It was put in closets , in chests , in drawers , In rooms and Its perfume adhered almost Interminably to nny- thing that was anywhere near it. So when la my text I read that Christ's garments smell of myrrh , I Immedlate- ly conclude the exquisite sweetness of Jesus. I know that to many he Is only like any historical person ; another John Howard ; another philanthropic Ober- llu ; another Confucius ; a grand sub ject for a painting , a heroic theme for a poem ; a beautiful form for a statue ; but to those who have heard his voice , and felt his pardon , and received his benediction , he Is music and light , and warmth , and thrill , and eternal fra grance sweet as a friend sticking to you when all else betray ; lifting you up while others try to push you down ; not so much like morning-glories , that bloom only when the sun is coming up , uor like "four-p'clocks , " that bloom only when the sun Is going down , but like myrrh , perpetually aromatic the same morning , noon and night ; yesterday - terday , today , forever. It seems as If wo cannot wear him out. We put on him all our burdens , and allllct him with all our griefs , and set him fore most In all our battles ; and yet he Is ready to lift , and to sympathize and to help. We have so Imposed upon him fy that one would think In eternal affront fyj j he would quit our soul , and yet today he addresses us with the same tender ness , dawns upon us with the same smile , pities us with the same com passion. There Is no name like his for us. It It more Imperial than Caesar's , more musical than Beethoven's , moro con quering than Charlemagne's , more elo quent than Cicero's. It throbs with all life. It weeps with all pathos. It groans with all pain. It stoops with all condescension. It breathes with all perfume. Who like Jesus to set a broken bone , to pity a homeless or phan , to nurse a sick man , to take a prodigal back without any scolding , to lllumlno a cemetery all ploughed with graves , to make a queen unto Qed out of the lost woman , to catch the tears of human sorrow In a lachrymatory that shall never be broken ? Who has such an eye to see our need , such a lip to kiss away our sorrow , such a hand to snatch us out of the fire , such n foot to trample our enemies , such a heart to embrace all our necessities ? I struggle for some metaphor with which to express him ; he Is not like the bursting forth of n full orchestra ; that Is too loud. Ho Is net like the sea when lashed to rage by the tempest ; that Is too boisterous. He is not like thu mountain , its brow wreathed with the lightnings ; that Is lee solitary. Give us a softer type , a gentler comparison. Wo have seemed to sec him with our eyes , and to hear him with our ears , and to touch him ( vlth our hands. Oh , that today ho might appear to some other one of our five senses ! Ay , the nostril shall dis cover his presence. He comes upon us like spice gnlcs from heaven. Yea , his garments smell of lasting and all-per vasive myrrh. Would that you all knew his sweet ness ! how soon you would turn from all other attractions ! If the philoso pher leaped out of his bath In a frenzy of Joy , and clapped his hands nnn rushed through the streets , because ho had found the solution of a mathemat ical problem , how will you feel leapIng - Ing from the fountain of a savior's mercy and pardon , washed clean nnd made white ns snow , when the question has been solved : "How can my soul no saved ? " Naked , frost-bitten , storm- lashed soul , let Jesus this hour throw around thee the "garments that smell of myrrh , and aloes , and cassia out of Ivory palaces. " Your second curiosity Is to know why the robes of Jesus are odorous with aloes. There Is some difference of opinion about where these aloes grow , what is the color of the flower , what Is the particular appcaranco of the herb. Suffice It for you and me to know that aloes mean bitterness tbo world over , and when Christ comes with garments bearing that particular odor , they suggest to mo the bitterness of a Savior's sufferings. Were there ever such nights as Jesus lived through nights on the mountains , nights on the sea , nights In the desert ? Whoever over had such a hard reception as Jesus had ? A hostelry the first , an un just trial in oyer and termlner another , a foul-mouthed , yelling mob the last. Was there a space on his back as wide as your two fingers where he was not whipped ? Was there a space on his brow an inch square where ho was not cut of the briers ? When the spike struck at the Instep , did It not go clear through to the hollow of the foot ? Oh , long deep , bitter pilgrimage ! Aloes ! aloes ! * * * According to my text , ho comes "out of the ivory palaces. " You know , or , If you do not know , I will tell you now , that some of the palaces of olden tlmo were adorned with ivory. Ahab and Solomon omen had their homes furnished with It. The tusks of African and Asiatic elephants were twisted Into all man ners of shapes , and there were stairs of Ivory , and chairs of ivory , and ta bles of Ivory , and floors of ivory , and pillars of Ivory , and windows of Ivory , and fountains that dropped into baelns of ivory , and rooms that had ceilings of Ivory. Oh , white and overmastering beauty ! Green tree branches sweepIng - Ing the white curbs. Tapestry trailing the snowy floors. Brackets of light flashing on the lustrous surroundings. Silvery music rippling on the beach of the arches. The mere thought of It al most stuns my brain , and you say : "Oh , If I could only have walked over such floors ! If I could have thrown myself Into such a chair ! If I could have heard the drip and dash of those fountains ! " You shall have something better than that If you only let Christ introduce you. From that place he came , and to that place he proposes to transport you , for his "garments smell of myrrh , and aloes , and cassia , out of the ivory palaces. " What a place heaven must be ! The Tullerles of the French , the Windsor castle of the Eng lish , the Spanish Alhambra , the Rus sian Kremlin , are mere dungeons com pared with it ! Not so many castles on either side the Rhine as on both sides of the river of God the Ivory palaces ! One for the angels , Insufferably bright , winged , fire-eyed , tempest-charioted ; one for the martyrs , with blood-red robes from under the altar ; one for the King , the steps of his palace the crown of the church militant ; one for the singers , who lead the one hundred and forty nnd four thousand ; one for you , ransomed from sin ; one for me , plucked from the burning. Oh , the Ivory palaces ! Today it seems to me as If the windows dews of those palaces were Illumined for some great victory , and I look and see , climbing the stairs of Ivory , and walking on floors of ivory , and look ing from the windows of ivory , some whom we knew and loved on earth. Yes , I know them. There are father and mother , not eighty-two years and seventy-nine years , as when they left us , but blithe and young as when on their marriage day. And there are brothers and sistersmerrier than when we used to romp across the meadows together. The cough gone. The can cer cured. The erysipelas healed. The heartbreak over. Oh , how fair -they are In the ivory palaces ! And your dear little children that went out from you Christ did not let one of them drop as ho lifted thorn. He did not wrench one of them from you. No. They went as from one they loved well to One whom they loved better. If I should take your little child and press its soft face against my rough cheek , I might keep It a little while ; but when you , the mother , came along It would struggle to go with you. And so you stood holding your dying child when Jesus passed by In the room , and the little one sprang out to greet him. That Is all. Your Christian dead did not go down Into the dust , and the gravel , nnd the mud. Though It rained all that funeral day , and the water came up to the wheel's hub as you drove out to the cemetery , It made no difference to them , for they stepped from the home here to the home there , right Into the Ivory palaces. All Is well with them. All Is well. It Is not a dead weight that you lift whe.i you carry a Christian out. Jesus makes the bed up soft with velvet promises , and ho says , "Put her down hero very gently. Put tbn head which will never ache again on this pillow of hallelujahs. Send up word that the procession Is coming. Hlng the bells 1 Rlngl Open your gates , ye Ivory pal aces ! " And so your loved ones are there. They are just as certainly there , having died In Christ , ns that you are here. There Is only one thing moro they want. Indeed , there Is one thing In heaven they have not got. They want It. What Is It Your company. But , oh , my brother , unless you change your tack you cannot reach that har bor. You might as well take the South ern Pacific railroad , expecting In that ill re 'ton to reach Toronto , as to go on In the way eomo of you arc going , and yet expect to reach the Ivory pala ces. Your loved ones are looking out of the windows of heaven now. and yet you seem to turn your back upon them. You do not seem to know the sound of their voices as well as you used to , or to be moved by the slsht ot tholr dear faces. Call louder , ye departed ones ! Call louder from the Ivory palaces ! " When I think of that nlaco.nnd think of my entering It , I feel awkward ; I feel as sometimes when I have been exposed - posed to the weather , and my shoes have been bcmlred , and my coat Is soiled , and my hair is disheveled , and I stop In front of some fine residence where I hnvo an errand. 1 feel not fit to go In as I am , and sit among the guests. So fiome of ns fool about heaven. We need to bo washed ; wo need to bo rehabilitated before we go into the ivory palaces. Eternal God , let the surges of thy pardoning mercy rc'l over us ! I want not only to wash my hands and my feet , but , like some skilled diver , standing on the pier head , who leaps Into a wave and comes up at a far distant point from where ho went In , so I want to go down , and so I want to como up. 0 Jesus , wash mo In the waves of thy salvation ! And hero I ask you to solve a mys tery that has been oppressing mo for thirty years. I have been asking it of doctors of divinity who have been studying theology for half a century , and they have given mo no satisfactory answer. I have turned over all the books In my library , but got no solution to the question , nnd today I como and ask you for an explanation. By what logic was Christ Induced to exchange the Ivory palaces of heaven for the crucifixion agonies of earth ? I shall take the first thousand million years In heaven to study out that problem ; meanwhile , and now , taking It as the tcnderest , mightiest of all facts that Christ did come ; that ho came with spikes in his fcot ; came with thorns In his brow ; came with spears In his heart , to save you and to save me , "God so loved the world that ho gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever bollovcth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life. " Oh , Christ , whelm all our souls with thy compas sion ! Mow them down like summer grain with the harvesting sickle of thy grace ! Ride through today the con queror , thy garments smelling "of myrrh , and aloes , and cassia , out of the Ivory palaces" ! ORIGIN OF EXPRESSIONS. Many of the phrases one uses or hears every day have been handed down to us from generation to genera tion for hundreds of years , nnd in many cases they can be traced to a quuint and curious origin. "Done to a turn" suggests the story of St. Lawrence , who suffered martyrdom by being roasted on a gridiron. During his torture he calmly requested the attendants to turn him over , ns he was thoroughly roasted on one side. In one of the battles between the Russians and the Tartars , 400 years ago , a private soldier of the former cried out : "Captain , I've caught n Tartar. " "Bring him along , then , " an swered the ofllcer. "I can't , for ho won't let me , " was the response. Upon investigation it was apparent that the captive had the captor by the arm and would not release him. The familiar expression , "Robbing Peter to pay Paul , " is connected with the history of Westminster abbey. In the early middle ages it was the cus tom to call the abbey St. Peter's ca thedral. At one tlmo the funds at St. Paul's cathedral being low , those In authority took sufficient from St. Peter's to settle the accounts , much to the dissatisfaction of the people , who asked , "Why rob St. Peter to pay St. Paul ? " Some 200 years later the say ing was again used In regard to the same collegiate churches , at the tlmo of the death of the earl of Chatham , the city of London declaring that the famous statesman ought to lie In St. Paul's. Parliament , however , Insisted that Westminster abbey was the proper place , and not to bury him there would be , for the second tlmo , "Robbing St. Peter to pay St. Paul. " I'oor Ilurnnot. Sir Thomas O'Connor Moore , Bart. , has boon ejected from the room ho lived In with his family at Cork , be cause ho could not pay the rent of 25 cents a week. Ho Is the eleventh holder of the title , which dates back to 1801. rroiirli Snldliirii Ilucoinlnic hnmllur. At the semi-annual drawing In Paris of conscripts for the French army the number ot recruits was 11 per cent smaller than one year ago. The value of human life Is not very high In Connecticut. A jury In that state awarded $10 to the relatives of a man vho had been killed on a railroad , OUR MANUFACTURES. HOW THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS CALLING FOR THEM. Wlnil dm Uiitlcit Slat.-t Hurt Arcniu- | illfili < > il by Adhering ( o tlio 1'rotiM'- tlonUt t'olloy of DutelopliiK Donu-stlo liutuntrloi. Remembering the yenra during which disinterested free traders were urging and often reiterating tholr advice that the people of the United States conllno themselves to the pursuit of agricul ture , to food-raising and to the pro duction of raw materials , and to leave to other and far more favored conn tries the business of converting those raw materials Into manufactured com modities , It Is Interesting to note snm" of the Important consequences result ing from the disregard of that oxliaor- ill nary counsel and the consequent es tablishment of the policy of protection. From statistics gleaned by the tren ur } bureau of statistics It appears that manufacturers are now forming movr than one-third of our total domestic exports. During the last month they were 33.77 per cent of the total do- mestlc exports , during the three months ending with May they were 35.50 per cent , and during the fiscal year just ending they will form a larger percentage of our total domestic experts - ports than In any preceding year , and exceed by many millions the total experts - ports of manufactures In any preceding year. The fiscal year 1S9S showed the largest exports of manufactures In our history , $290,09751 ! ! , and In the eleven months of the Mscal year 1SOD the In crease over the corresponding months of the preceding year hns been $ ! . 101,000 , so that It Is now apparent that the exports of manufactures in the fiscal year now ending will bo about $335,000,000 , as against the high-water mark , J290.GD7.35l In the fiscal year 1898. Tills would seem to Indicate that wo did well to run exactly counter to the views and wishes of our Cobdenlto advisers. Iron and steel continue to form the most Important , or at least by far the largest Item of value In the exports of manufactures * In the month of May. 1899 , the exports of Iron and steel , and manufactures thereof , amounted to $8,001,1M , making the total for tbn cloven months $84,873,812 , against $03.- 235,029 In the corresponding months ol last year a gain In the eleven months of over $21,000,000. The recent ad vances in prices of Iron and steel causes the belief that a reduction In the exports of Iron and steel would follow , but certainly this has not been realized up to the present time , Binco the oxportatlons of Iron and steel in the month of May are 20 per cent In excess of those of May of last year , while those of April are nearly 50 per cent In excess of April , 1898. The Increase which the year's exports of manufactures will show over earlier years lends especial Interest to a table prepared by the treasury bureau of statistics showing the exportation of manufactures by great classes in each year from 1889 to 1898. The following extracts from It show the oxportntlons In 1S89 and 1898 of all articles whose total value exceeded $1,000,000 In the year 1898 : 1SS9. 1S9S. Iron and steel , ana , . , . . inanuiiieturoB oC . $21,1MOiJ * iO.IOC,805 Rollncd mineial oil . Il.b3a.5l5 SUW.31G Copper , 10,747.710 . > . 10,2.2.01. . . 17.02..092 . Wood , manufactures of. C.150.2S1 0,008,219 ChomlculB , drugs ami .lyes ' ' . 4,192,8,11 8Gfi5,47H Abflcult'u'ral Implements 3C23,7C1) ) 7,009.732 Cycles nnd pints of . G,81CD29 1'iiruflln and purallln wax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.029,002 C.030,292 Paper , nnd manufac tures of . . 1,191.035 M91.5G4 Tobacco , and manufac tures of . 3,703,000 1,818,193 KerUllzoJS . 8SS.GGD1,359,831 InHtiumunts for nelcn- llllc purpose.- ) . 1.033.3SS 2,770,803 Flux , licmp , jute , and manufactures of . 1,611,403 2,557,405 Hooks , maps , engrav- . , hiBS , etc . 1,712,079 2,131,325 India-rubber and guttn porcha , and inanufuc- tuies of . F31.7IS 1,951,501 Spirits . 2,218,101 1,850,353 Marble nnd stone , nnd manufactures of . 510,031 1,702,582 Cars for railways . 1I2G , )7 l,7Jt > ,5Sl Clocks and watches . 1,3)3,319 1,727,109 Carriages and liorso cars . . 1,001,231 1.CS5.83S Guni'owdpr and ether explosives . . ' . 885,037 I,3u5,4w ) Soap . 839.35S 1,390,0113 Musical Instruments . 09S.072 1.3S3.807 Starch . 272,030 1,371,519 Zinc , manufactures of. . 23,031 1.3J9GbG C'llH , vugtitnblu ( omlt- UIIR cotton and 11 - scod ) . 211.115 1,207,305 Glass and glns-iwaro. . . . 891,200 1,211,01 Wool , manufactures of. 313,919 007,7.9 . . 1.032,376 Stationery , except of paper . . . 471,839 1,005,010 Attracted by Prosperity , The figures of the bureau of immlgra- ' jji lately tabulated show a largo In case In the number of Immigrants to this country. The total number of Immigrants during the last six months of 1S98 was greater by about 20,000 than the number of Immigrants enter ing the country during the correspond ing period of 1897. This may or may not bo a benefit to the country. If H Is an ovll , there Is a way to remedy It. There can bo no difference of opinion , however , as to the slgulllcanco of the Increase. It shows conclusively that the people of foreign lands have become como nwaro of the return of prosperity to the United States. When the matter of restricting Im migration was being agitated a year or more ago , many of the opponents of further restriction called attention to the fact that the number of Immigrants bad been falling off , and they claimed that this decrease would continue In the future. It was pointed out nt that time , however , by protectionists , that the decrease In the volume of Immigra tion In 1890 and 1897 bad no bearing upon the Immigration question as n whole , Inasmuch ns It was duo wholly to fie buslncgH depression which had como upon the country as the result of our experiment with partial free trade. It was stated that when protec tion was In full swing again Immi grants would flock to the country In aw largo numbers as over to participate in the prosperity which would" surely follow tbo le-onactment of n protective tariff law. The f.ietB , as staled by tlu > bureau of Immigration , provn that this contention was correct. Prosperity at tracts people ns wrll ns capital Into the country. The Immigration problem la of a very different character with a protective tariff In force from what It la under free trade. Tht ( Hc 'pl r of Commerce. Kngland to-day has the greatest licet on the ocean , but her position as a car rier is entirely duo to tbo fact that shoat at one tlmo possessed enormous re- Eonrces of coal and iron. With the disappearance of tbeso her leadership must depart. Cheap coal and cheap steel will transfer the scepter ot com merce to the United States and will deprive Great llrltaln of the ability to successfully compote In manufacturing. It is vain for the British to doludn themselves with the belief Unit they possess superior qualllles which will enable them to maintain their position In the rno" There was a tlmo when such a claim might have boon made , but recent experience has demonstrated that Englishmen are not hotter IHted to bo the manufacturers of the world than some other peoples. Among these must bo numbered the Americans , who , with an equally developed mechanical Ingenuity , plus the possession of enor mous stores of cheap fuel and Iron , must win In the struggle for commer cial primacy. San Francisco ( Cal. ) Chronicle. To Sumo IJxtont H nioni ll > lo. It Is useless to deny that the policy of protection to American labor and Industry Is moro or less responsible for the existing deadlock on tbo wage question between tbo tin plate manu facturers and tholr employes. Had there boon no protective tariff on tin plate there would certainly bo no la bor trouble in that Industry at the present tlmo , and for the best of all rer-sons : There would now bo no tinplate plato Industries In this country , and the question of wages could not possi bly have como up. It will bo remem bered that prior to the enactment of the McKlnloy law there wore no tinplate plato mills nnd hence no labor trou bles. Colxlon Iilolit In The London Dally Mall , which claims to have the largest circulation of any English newspaper , warmly advocates the Imposition of sugar duties for the benefit of the British West Indies , and other English newspapers urge the granting of n preferential tariff to the colonies. The Interesting part of this Is that notwithstanding that the adop tion of either plan would bo a wide do- pnrturo from the policy of free trade no such opposition as might have boon ex ported has been aroused. England's Cobden idols are In great danger of partial , If not total , demolition. It IVuH Appreciated. The wave of prosperity that struck this country with the Induction Into olHco of President McKInlcy , and which has grown to mammoth proportions tions since , has not only had a benefi cent Influence upon our worklngmen , but upon our working women as well. The latest Instance where the latter have been benefited Is an Increase of 10 per cent In the wages of 300 women In the employ of the United States Wrap per Company of Terre Haute , Ind. , last Tuesday. The ralso was a surprise , but nevertheless appreciated. Clayton ( Mo. ) Watchman. BY FAR THE FINEST F.OURE ON THE BEACH. wpi i"&jsC-Tit-Jt-r' r"t-i > fwT-/vt--i } /skBSaw.i 1 * . . f PRACTICAL TEMPEnANCE. 1'tnii to rroinotit ttin I-argor Vne of Aiiicrlcini M'lm > . From a correspondent In North Car olina , who hns spent twenty years In the business of native wine production , the American Economist line tvoalvod some suggestions as to the bosl way to promote the use and consumption of the pure and wholesome wines of this country. Those suggestions have the merit of originality and are well wof- thy of serious consideration. The writer snys : " \Vo shall not have any real progress In the growth of the American wlno business until there Is some modlPca- tlon of ( ho legislation which places 'all spirituous , vinous , malt and fermented liquors' under ono"hcnd and thus ne- ceHsltatos the sale of wines only lit licensed places. The homo Is the place for wlno consumption , and oven If the saloon offered wines at reasonable prices ( which It never does ) our wom en will never become patrons 6f the saloon to the extent of sending there- regularly for the bottle of wlno for dinner. " This practical wlno maker would re move the present tax of 10 cents ) per gallon on light wines , and In place of the present retail license would have a special tax or license applying only to the products of bona lido wlno pro ducers duly registered. The corre spondent adds : "Let severe penalties bo prescribed for Imitation wince or wines contain ing antiseptics , and lot this class of goods bo still sold at the saloon , under the license which allows the sale of other rectlllud spirits. Then the dis tinction will BOOH bo drawn , and pub lic sentiment will bo educated to the fact that a merchant can carry wines In his stock of family supplies without prejudice from that sincere but mis taken class who dub themselves tem perance workers , but are as Intemper ate In speech and work as the veriest tippler. "Place wines In the class of agri cultural products , subject to a revenue tax If need bo a special tax on Its sale , and not a tax per bottle , which simply strikes a blow at the host pos- slblo method of marketing wines , nnd Induces dishonesty. With such a dis tinction made , the demand for pure wines would soon Increase , our people would become wlno drinkers ( not tip plers ) , our barren hills would bo pro ductive of grapes , and the temperance question would bo partially solved. With the Immense whisky and boor interests fighting It nt every stop , and merely borrowing respectability from It , the domestic wlno Interest , unless unyoked from such fellowship , hns lit tle show for development. " In the enlarged consumption of pure , honest , wholesome native wines , In place of the vast quantities of malt and distilled liquors which now find tholr way down the throats of the American' people to say nothing of the largo amounts of wines sold hero under for eign labels lies the hope , almost the only hope , of diminishing the curse of alcoholism. No nation whoso chief beverage has boon the pure wlno of Its own production has over been a prey to the evils of drunkenness. The Ameri can Economist is n firm believer In American wines. It earnestly longs for the day when , through Intelligent legislation and a gradual modification of unreasonable prejudices , American wines , like other products of American skill and enterprise , will take their proper rating : "Equal to the best. " The Hey Crlr * "Cut Ilolilnill" ' The frankness of Mr. Havemoyer on the subject of the tariff Is like the 1 frankness of the boy who cries "Cut behind ! " when he has failed to got a hold at the tall of -wagon. . The tariff law Is an ovll In * Mr. Havomoyor's eyes only when It frustrates his plans for a complete monopoly of refined sugar. The tariff Is a thing to bo denounced only when It ceases to give him a free ride over the necks of consumers. How comes It that the bend of the sugar trust never complained of the tariff as the "mother of all trusts" as long an his own trust was growing npaco ? Mr. Havomoycr's outburst before the Industrial commission at Washington Is chlelly remarkable because of Us cynical disregard for moral principles of any kind. Chicago Tribune. Wlirro Capital Combine * . The evolution of the trust Is possible anywhere that capital can combine and crontrol the market. Buffalo Courier ( Free Trade ) . That is precisely what has happened In Great Britain , a country of absolute free trade , where capital has already combined and Is In control of the mar ket to nit extent unknown In protected America. Alike In number and in the amount of combined capital , trusts In Great Britain far exceed those of the United States. Full to Notion It. The advance In wages of workingmen - men In various parts of the country goes merrily on , but the democratic pa pers arc so busy howling at expansion that they fall to notice It at all.-- Cleveland ( Ohio ) Leader. Tin Mlnlnc In Cormuill. J. H. Collins lately read a paper be fore the Society of Arts , England , In which ho stated that tin mining had been carried on In Cornwall for about 4,000 years , If not longer. In his opin ion the tin used in fixing the color of the scarlet curtains In the Hebrew tabernacle , In making the brass of Sol omon's temple and the bronze weap ons of Homer's heroes , came from the west country , and the Phoenicians traded for tin In the west of England long before Solomon's temple was built.