V U. S. Land Office , JAMES VVHITKHEAD , - P < " ' YOUNG , - - - Kccclvnr Land Office at Broken Dow , Neb , I Jnly 27 , 1809. f Notice In hereby given tl' t the following nam ed settler Ins flleil notice of her intention to make final proof In support of ber claim , and that said proof will be made before KtRls'.er nnd Ho- colvor , at Broken Bow , Neb , on Sept. 7th , 1891) ) , Tit : Alice Tucker , of Aneolmo Nobr. for the U. K , No. o59 , wK s Mi See. 8. neV Beli , Sec , 7 , nwM nwUi See. 17 T. SON. . llS3W. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land , tiz : William Fanner , James S. McOInn , George M. Wllllun * . , of Anseimo , Nebmskn. Tlmiiui * Klnlon , of Broken Dow , Nebraska. JAM US WIllTKHKAl ) . Hcglslor. Land omce ut Broken Bow , Neb. , I July''O. If99. f Notice is hereby given Unit the following-nam ed settler has Illcd nollcu of his Intention to make final proof In support of his Ualm , and that said proof will be made before KcglstT and Receiver Broken Bow Neb. , on Sept. and , IK'A vlu id-\var < l 1C. OluHun , of Hound Vullcy Nebr. for the U.K. No.tM of BOC. 10 T IB N. It. 19 W. IIo unmet ) thu following witnesses to prove his continuous rtsldonco upon and cultivation of snld land. Viz : Fritz Ulninn , Audi Klc < > t > , George Ayro , Johu Kleeb , nil of Hound Ynllcy Nebrufku. JAMhS WIUTKIIKAI ) , Beglstur Jy.i76l. Land OOlce at Broken Bow , Neb. , I Jnly a5th 18&9. f Notice la hereby given that tbo following-nam ed settler bus filed notice of Ms fntenllon to make final proof In support of Ids clnlm , and that said proof will bo aiado before Hcglstor and Itucelvcr , at Broken Bow ( Neb. , on Sept. Dth 1899 , Tlz : Alblou CuiiiiitlitKf of Mllbnrn , Nobruskit , for Ihn II. K.No. CIS lota 7 and 8 Sec. 9 lot 3 Sec. 10 aud lots 5 nnd 0 Sec. 15 T. ao N. n. 21 w. IIo names the follow Ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid laud , viz ; Johu II. Brooks , Calvin A. Huyder , Leon \V. Dailoy , Johu Kramer , nil of Mllburu Nebr. Jy.CT-Ot. JAMES W1I1TK1IEAD , Register. U. S. Land Ofllco , Broken Bow , Neb , I July 18th , 1899. I Notice IB hereby given that Cellbtlu II. I-'nuiclH , Of Lillian , Nebr. , lias Died notice of intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver , at their ofllco In 111 oken Bow , Neb , on Thursday , the iltb day of AuKiist , 1899 , on timber culture application No 12117 , for li'/i swK , seM i-wV , swU seV , of section No lln township No. 18 N , range No. Ul W. hho mimes as witnesses : 'J hu man livers , of New Helena , Ntbr. ; George Tem plar , Cnarles Francis , of Lillian , Nebr ; Amos Young , of Gates , Nohr. JlyLUOt JAMES WHITBHEAU , Register. Laud Ofllco at Lincoln , Neb. , I July 14 , 1899 I Notice Is hereby given that the following-nam ed settler has filed notice of his Intention tn make flnsl proof In support of his claim , and that said proo twill bo made before County Judge , nt Bio- ken Bow , Neb. , on Ausust 0th , 1899 , vli : jucUsou UutiiielH , II , B.So. : 1K103 , for lots 3 and 4 nnd s i nwK , Sec. l.Twp. 10 , Kg. 10 W. IIo names the following wltncescK to prove his continuous residence tlpoi , and cultivation of , said laud , viz : John I.Brown , Ira B , Bponcor , JoAeph Bpcciu and William II. llunllck , of Bcrwyn , Nebr. JlyltMit J. W. JOHNSON , Itcglstcr. Land Ofllcn at Lincoln , Neb. , I July 15. 1899. f Notice Is hereby given that the following , named cottier has filed notice of his Intention to make tlnul proof (11 ( support of his claim , and tlint eald proof will bo made before J. A. Armour , county Judge at Broken Bow , N'Cb. , oil August SStb , 1899 , vu : Murk W. u. niitcliei , U. E. No. 18352 , for the e'/4 seW , Sec. 28 , Tp. 16. Kg. 19 W. He nun cs tbo following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of , eald land , viz : James AlcCrca , Ben jamin Tnlbot , l.ott C. Morris and Edward Evnus , of Herwyn , Nebr jy20-0t J. W. JOHNSON , llegleter. Land Olllceat Lincoln , Xebr. I July Oth , 1899. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following niim ed settler liao filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hie claim , und that said proof will be made before the County Judge , .at Broken Bow , Neb. , on Aug. 19 , Ib09 , viz : Albert nrivlH , II. B. No. 18357for the te < 4 SwH , of Bee. 18 , aud ieW IIWH , of Sec. 19 , T. 14 , U. 19. lie names the following wltnosaes to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of , eald land , vie : Gco 0. Marsh , of Georgetown , Ncbr. ; llonamln F. Morrov. of Upton , Nebr. ; Alriua J. ouens , of Broken liouNebr.aud Wal ter A. Kludree , of Cumro , Nebr. Jylagl7 J. W. JO11NSON , Register. U , S. Land OIUco , Broken Bow , Neb. , Notice li hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from tbo Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Ufllco , under authority vested in htm by Section 24S5 , U. S. Uevlsed Statutes , as amended by the act of Congress , approved Feb. Sdtb. 1895 , wo will proceed to oucral I'ubllc Sateen on the 30lh day of Atlk' . , 1899 , next , nt this ofllco , the following tract of land , towltV' : / nw nw K HWM sec , : )5 ) , township 10 N. , KU ) W. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the Above described landnre advised to file tholr claims in thla i dice on or lu'fora the duv abo\o designated for thu commencement of Mild sale , otherwise their rli'hta will bo forfeited. JAMES WIUTKHKAU , Register. FRANK II. YOUNG , Receiver Unto July 20th 18UU. I'UUUULANDBAUS. Land omuo nt llrokcn Uo\r , Neb , I July iiOth 16W > . f Notice IB hereby K'vcn that , In pursuimcc of Instructions from ino Cumin i-cloncr or the ( ion- eral Land Ofllce , miner author tyoslul In him I y rieition JJ455 , U. ? . Kev. Mat , us amended by the act of Congress , approved rVbtilli , 1605 , wo will iir. coed to offer at public suiton the 7th day of Sept , I8U1) ) , next , at this onlcc , the fol lowing t net of la il , to-Wit ; foli Bvv'f bee. Ul tp IB N , II , VU W. Any ouil ull persons cliilmlug adversely the ubovu described lands are ndvlxtd to Illc their claims In ibis olllce un or teforo the dn > nluno deslvimtfd for ti u coirjn.tnceiuint of nuld sale. V olhcrwiru tiielr lights will bo forfeited. > > JASIKS WIUTICIIEAI ) , Hipster. x Pit AN K H YUUNU , HecolVer. Jlllv3lst. IHW. 1 * . BUC'LANl ) bAU5. U. a. Laud Olhco , Hroken llow , Neb . , i July 18 , 18 0. ( Notice j ( < hereby given that In pnrsiinnco of instructions from tuo Commissioner uf thu Don. crtil I.aiul Ollice , mulir uuthoilty Vested In him by eectlon H155 , ( j. 8. Hov. Btat. , aa un.ended by act of Congress , approved ftbruary llh ! ! , 18 5 , wo will proceed to oiler at public sale , on tbo 2Hlb da > of August , next , at this olllce , the tollo\vi > g tract * f land , to-n.it : Su ! < ueU , Sec , 15 , Twp. 17. N. Kg. fid W. Any and all persona claiming adversely thu above described lands are advised to Ilia tholr claims In this ofllco on or before the day nbovo designated for the commencement of said rule , otherwise ttelr rights will ho forfeited. JAMK8 W1UTKIIKA1) , Register. PUANK II. YOUNG , Uecelvcr. 7 0 90. NOTICE OK SUIT. . In the district court of Ouster county , Nebraska. „ " T Mary 1) . Greene , I'lalntlff. * f - VB. I " * Hans J , Kalbn , Agnlto Kalbo , his wife , John II. Kalbo , boven Valley , llank.Tho Wood Hirer I ji ; Improvement Co. Aultmau & Taylor Manufttc. f % tuilnuCo. Gregory J. Cumpau , John T Drives , ' < ; L. 1 * . HOBO , Mary fiUchlrnalr , U. II. Johnson , , ' f f H. Gllchrist and Johu Doe , Defendants. j ? The above named defendants , and each of thorn , will take notice that ou the 8th dny of August , - # IBU9 Mary I ) . Greene , the plaintiff herein , fllcd ,1 her petition In Ibo district court of Caster county p * . Nebrtska against said aboto named defendants nnd each of them , tbe object aud prayer of aald petition being to foreclose a certain mortgigu executed by the defendants Ham J Kulbo , and Aguito Kalbo , to the plalntlll herein upon sc nwU neU ewji Sec. 4 Twp. 14 It. S3 to secure the payment of one certain promissory note , dated May24ih , 189. ! for the sum of $505.UO. and clue and payable 5 years from tl o date thereof. That there Is now due upon mid note and mortgitpc tbe sum of JflIB 39 and an mlJHIoi ul sum of $ .Vi 51 for taxes paid upon said premises by said plain tiff and that plaintiff prays judgment against ssld defendants and each of them for the BUIII of $9C8VO and Interest and costs and for a di-oreo that said defendants bu required tn pay tbo amount found due upon said note and mortgage and taxes paid , or that mid preuibes may bu sold to satisfy the amount found due thcroou. i ou are required to answer said petition ou or before tbe Iblh day of Scntoinoer , 1899. Aog. 10th 4t. Dated August 7th , 1699. . . . . A. Humphrey , Atty. for P.alnlltl. 4 ' ORDER ON QRANT1NQ ADMINISTRATION. , TIIK STATK or NitniiABKA , I . . \ Cnili-r Couuty , f1' ' County court for said coucty. At a se < alan of the county court , held nt tUo couuty court room. In and for t ld con My nt Lrokcn Bow , on the 7th dn > of August A. I ) IBM ) . Present J. A. Armoui county Judge. In the matter of the oitale of John K. Cutiipr deceased. Whereas , Letters of administration - ministration h vo this day boon granted to Albert Uosncr Ordered , That MX months bo allowed for creditors to present their elalms against paid estate fcr adjustment and allowance , and ono Tear bo allowed said administration to tottlo up said estate , from the tOthday of August A U 181W. Anil Ills further ordered , That nutlco bo glv n to the creditor * of eald estate , to npponr bufore mo , nt the county court room , In said county , on the Till day of October 1899 on the 7th day of De cember 1899 and on the 7th day of February 1800 at 2 o'clock p. in , ouch day , by publication In the HM'irnucAN a ncwrpnpur printed hi paid county , four weeks succtwalrcly , prior to the 7th day of October 18 ! > for the purpoeo of presenting their claims for adjustment and allowance , ( Tmo Copy ) J. A. ABMOUR. County Judgo. [ 8KAL. ] Aug. 10th.-It. NOTICK OF INCORPORATION. NotlcolBhcrobyRlTonthntT.lt. Husscll , O. II , Gonrad. II. Walton and J , 1) . llurgo havu filed articles of Incorporation with clerk of Under count ) . Said corporation shall bo know n as Thu Automatic Grain ami Sued Separntor Compaiiy of llroXt'ii How Nehtaaka. The prlnclpnl place of business shall hit anI U nt llrokcn Dow CUB tor county Nebraska nnd tbo territory colored by said business In the Mnto of Nebraska The nnluroofthc business I * to mannfi'rturn ' ntul sell In Nebraska n certain niarblno kiion is the Automatic ( Ualn mid Heed Separator 'I' o capital stock authorised and pal I In cash lnJI-JOO U with an adUltlounl amount to be settled upon l < y eald corporation ns tbo business of the coipor.i- tlon domni.dt It. The tlmo of the beginning of the corporation was June ! M 1899 ami it will cud upon the dis solution ofsHina to bu dolormlned by the nctlon of said corporation. The highest amount of Indebtedness or llaliillty of mild corporation ( .hull bo not to exceed $1 0) ) IX ) . The ofllccru of said corporation ( ball bo pro- Bldcnt , secretary nnd treasurer. Dated this SOth day of July 1899.Til Til HUSBHIL. Oil CONUAU. II WALTON. jyi74t. J I ) UuilUB. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATORS SALE. In the matter of the estate of Adnlluo D. Johnson , deceased. Notice IB hereby given that In pursuance of in order of the Honorable II XI. Sullivan , Judge of the District Court of Curler C'onntv , Nebraska , made on theS2ml , dny of Juno 18 ! > 9. for the sale of tlic real oatate hereinafter described , there will bo hold nt the cast front door of the court lioiise , In thu city of Ilroken How , Ouster county , . Iclirnska , on Saturday tlie lUtli day of Aug. 1809 nt 2 o'clock p. ni. nt public rciulue to the highest bidder upon tbo fallowing terms : One-half cash In Imnd and one half In six months dtifurred pnv- iiient to draw interest at 8 per cent. The follow ing described real oHtato to-wlt : Lot No. ' . ! In block No. ! IO In J 1' . Qnndy's addition to llrokmi How , Nebraska. Said pain will remain open one hoar. J. M. K1MDEUUNU. Administrator of the estate of Adallno 0 Johnson deceased. ORDER FOR NOTICE FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN. It appearing to the county court of Ouster county , state of Nebraska , from the petition of James w llnllor that It In iiCccsBsry that a KUnrdtnti be appointed ( or E1IG , Hallor , demented and tlio petition now on file Is asking that said James W. Holler or some other suitable person boappolnkd. It Is ordered , That said petition bo heard on the 2Jth ( dny of Aug. 1809 at 10 o'clock a.m It Is further ordered. That eaUl BU O. Haller bo notified personally of this bearing. It Is further ordered , That notice of the time and place of said hearing bo given by personal service on his motherbrothers nnd sisters aa set out In the peti tion and by pnpllcntlon 3 weeks In the UKPUIIU- CAM n newspaper public hod In this county before the tlmo named nnd appointed. Witness my hand and seal of snld court the 29th day of July 1809. J. A. Aiuioun Couuty Judge. Notice to Non.Resident' . Chariot1 L. Long , Tim Globe Investment Co. o' Hoston Massnchussctts , and Uoury A. wymanlts receiver defendants will take notice that on the 18 h day of Jnly 1809 , Cornelius C. Cuylcr and Benjamin Qrabam filed thclr | petition In the dlstiict court of Custcr county Nebraska agalnrt raid defendants Implcadcd with others , the object aud prayer of which are to foreclose n certain mortgage executed by the defendant Charles ti. Lang , in favor of the defendant the Globe Invest ment Co. and by it assigned tosaid plaintiffs , conveying the BwL'j of Sec. I in township 10 N. of range -5 west of the Oth p. in. , in said county to eccuro the payment of'onc certain note In tbo sum of JCOO nnd Intercut duo aud paynblo on the first day of Dec. 1895. There Is now due on said note and mortgage the Hum of $500 , on the note with Interest thereon at 10 cent per minum from Dec. tlrst 189 ? , and $ -10.37 with Interest tbercuii from July 17lh lh99 , nt 10 cent per ouuuin , for which Bums with Interest plaintiff prays fur a decree that defei duiilB bo required to pay the same , or that said premises bo sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You aru required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of Sept. 1899. Dated this first d y of August 1899. CoiiNKi.tusC. CUYLEII &UKN.I GHAIUJI I'l't'lfs. liv Jnmcs Lewlch bis Att'y. In the District Court of Castor County , Nobr. FmnclBW. Wood , 1'lalntltf , TB. Jane Drown , ct nl. Defcndauta. . To Jane llrowu , C'harlee L. Drown , J. L. Moore , TruHttoo , ulobe IIIVCH mem Company , Henry A.Vj man , Receiver , Alexauiler 1'cddio John Stewart itnd Company Limited , Joecph C. Xlmnierniaii inul Rboda K. Zlnimorn annonroBld- ent dofendiinta : You nnd each of yim will take notion that on thu 20th day of July , IH'J'.l , Fruncltt W. Wood. pKilntlll , filed his petition in thu District Court of Ouslor County. Nebraska , ugnlnst you and each of you and others defond. iintB , the object and prayer of which eald petition nre to foreclose n certain mortcaKO executed by the paid Juno Drown and Chariot * L. liruwn to thoOlobo Investment Company upon the 8K ! < of Sec."J T. 15 K 111 W of the Hth p , m. In Cueter County , Nebraska , lo Bccuro the payment of a eciUilii firt'l ninrU'UKO note dnted the r > th dny of February , IB93 and duo March li > t , 181W , naid notu being forthuhiiinof Four Iliindrml Doll irs ( t K > 0. ) and ilraHln interoel from thu dale of paid note to ( hi ) ilntc of IU maturity at the ratu of woven UT cunt per nnniim , payable Bcinl-tinnually icrordlnt ; to the tenor of ten Interest coupon notes attached to Bali ] principal note nnd paid note dritwiui ; luteieet at leu per cunt after maturity. That there IB now dun upon eaUl mortgage linlcilitcdiit-ss tlm following xuin : Upon prinrlpiil note four hundml dollars ( HW ) with ten pur cent Interest from March 1st , ISl . Coupon No 5 fourteen dollars ( $ M.lth ) ten per cent Intort'ht fiom jjcpleinbcr Ift , 181)5 ) Coupon No l ) , fourteen ilollur * ( SI4. ) with ten per rent inlerent Irom March 1ftf'M \ , Coupon iNo. 7 , fonriuun dullurc ( $11. ) ultli tin per cent Intcredt from scptoiiihcr 1st. IBStl Coupon No B , fourtcun dollarA ( f 11 ) with ton l > er cent Inlcru.t from Murch 1st. Ib'.IT. Coupon No. U , foiiitcen dollam , (911) with ten per cent Interest from September let. 1807 Coupon No. 10 fourteen dollars ( J ) 1 ) ulth ten per cunt Interest from .Mar h Ut , IbUH For which urns \\lth Interest then-oil , iiiuintin pruys fur n dccrttti thatdefuiidants bu reijulred to [ my the panic- within twunty daya from the ilntu of the entry of the deuree In IhlH CRBoor Hut xald premises may bo hold BH upon exiii.tlon to latlsfy thu amount due upon Bald mortgage In- ( liilittiliiOcB , You an'l each of you nru reijuired to unawer > ald petition on or beforu Monday the 4th day of Beptnmhcr , 1890. I.ited this ' 'Oth dny of July , IBOO. 1'P'NUHV. . \Voni ) . Jy L'7 4t Ily C L. Clutlurson his Ally Al'I'LICATION KOU LICiUOU UCKNHK. Notice Is hereby Klven that ou the Int dny of AiiKlsl , 18911 the underslTOod Kd. I' . Malloy Illed with the city clerk of the citj of llrokon How , Cimtor county , Neti. an application to thu nutor and city council to xull malt , aplrltuoiiH mill vlu- oua llquorB lu tlm third ward of said city , iihl application being BlKiied by the legal number of resident freeholders of said word. Halil pntltlnu will bo called up for consideration liy the mayor and council of said city on the oTeulne ol Angnat IDth , 1891) ) , or immoillntoly alter the complete publication of thin notice , ag required by law , . r us t-oon thereafter a < Bald mayor and city conncll may order. Dated at Ilroken Uow , Neb. , this 3rd day of AiiKiint , 18VJ. K. L > . 1'iCKKTT , City Clerk.I'M. I'M. K. MALLOY. AITUCAT10N FOK LIQUOR UOENBK Notice Is hereby Kivon that on the 3rd dny of AnKnit , 18911 theumlorBiKuetl Jonoph 8 , ilaleol nndJnmoB L. Ili'gln , coiiBtltuiinK the firm of HnlschX HuKlo , Hied with the city clerK of the city of Uioken liow , llustorco. , Nob. an npiillcn. tlon to the major and city conncll to Bed mnlt. epIrltuouB ami vlnonu liquors In the Third wnrd of cald cit > , tald application beliiR Blgned by Uio lejittl iiuinlmr of resident freeholder otusld ward Bald petition will be called up for couBlderutioi by the mayor aud council of Bald city on the evenIng - Ing of Angust 1'Jlh , Ib99. or linmedlattly after the complete publication of this notice , as required by law , or an bcou thereafter as Bill mayer und city council may order Dated nt Ilroken How , Neb. , this 3rd day of August , \am. It , D. I'lekett , city clerk. Joseph B , UuUch aad Jaiaei L. Iloglu , Doctor Pennlngton , Member N.A. 11.9. Bx.AMMaut Snricron St. Joe aud O. I. It. It : aluo K. ft O. It. It. Late end- unto of the UnlTorslty of I'cnnnyhanla. omco three door * roalh of Kd McComiu drug * toro. All calls Bllnl , day or night. T. W. 13ass , UKNTIBT. All work first class. Rooms on 3d tloor , northwest corner Realty block , Biokon Uow , Nebr , OAMKUON &JIKESK , ATTOIINHY8 A CtUN8KIiI.OItS AT l.AW. KOI ins 8-9 Itaalty block , llrokcn How , Neb. Thos. A. Turnbull , C'ONTItAOrOIl AND BuitiDKU. Faithful work done , prices reason- ivblo nnd nil wor * guamntood. Broken Bow , Nebraska. PKNN & DOKKI3 , 11I.ACK9MITII8. All KlndB of work In our Hue done promptly and In llrst-olnss order. lictl Shop on the corner , west of Uio lioao hotiBO. Give us H trlnl. A * THOML > SON CONTUACTOU AND HUII.DKIl. and eatlmntcs on short no tlco. Broken Dow , Neb. AND INVKBTMKNTH ; BnOKRN BOW , - - NKnilAHRA. I have a largo list of farms foi sale in all parts of the county. Low ) ricos and easy lorm of payment Write for prices. School and Church Furniture. For School Furniture , School Supplies or CimiGU Furniture , J offer the boat erma tuo market affords. JOHN DECIOUS , Broken Dow , Nub. Richardson's Livery AND FBKD STAHLK , at the old stand , between the Burling * on nnd Qlobe Hotels , Telephone con- nuctlon. Ilendqunrters of CnUnwny stngo line. Single and double rigs. Elates reasonable. Shoe Shop. Repairing promptly and neatly done on abort order. 1'rltca rcuaoiiablo. Bccond door south of the pOBtofiico , J. M. HISKHSHON. City Peed Mill , E. B. McCnuBB , Prop. Rye Flour nnd Graham , groand on fltono burr. All kinds of grinding done for toll or exchange , to suit customer- Agent for condensed Cibiis Stock Food. DR. B. fl. McOROSSON , J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public , - and Justice of thu 1'caco. Special nttcntlon glr- cu to collections. Impositions takun , pension vouchers neatly executed , and nil klnda of lo nl papers written. Ofllce weft shin square , llrokon Uow , Neb. KiiroUu Harness Oil is the host preaui'vntlvo of now loullier nnd Ilio bust renovator nl old leather. U oils , boftons , black- CUB anil protccU ) . Use Eureka Harness Oil on your host Imrnena , your old har ness , and your carrlaROtop , nnd they will not only look Utter but uiar lonser. Bold everywbrre In cnns ull slzei from half pints to tUe nallont ) . Uade 117 bTiNUillU OIL ( O. CopvnicHTs .1. . Anyone ondliiK nskrt > nnd di rlnti anlcklr iiacurtiiin our opinion ( rco n InvanUon \ probiibly ruti'iitntih1 < "I II tlonsstrlctlrcontUlbiitlal. 1'i.nflh'Hikoii I lit I * sent free , OMrat npcncy for si ( tmnn I'ntents tiiken thrnuuhMunu t < < H > eeM notiet , wlihout tbiirio. tit tlm Scientific Ahandaoinuly Illiirlintpil wr" 1 I u CUJatlon of any Hiiiinlitl" JIHI' ' ml 'I m i year : four months M. eolj byull IIORK , Urauch uillco. < Z V rlt.VuiIilii. . -.I , t > v. ityno. Jamra llrennen IK sick ; no hopes of a upooJj recovery. There Wds a email prairie flro yesterday two miles north of Willis' . Any that have a weakness * for young stubble duck , bad belt er look n llttln out , Kirk patrlok has an cyn on such. J. P. llofulljr and Ed Uu k propose to oommonco threshing today , Kd. has bought A now thresher toroplaretho ono that was. buruod latt fall. H. Q. Uonnel bonght a load of corn at Kgypt ( Callawny ) yesterday Corn nnd pastures much Improved since the recent rains Small grain about all cut. Arrangements * ro in akin 15 for an Ice cream supper nt Custcr school house on Wodnoiday night , August 10th ; proceeds to bo applied to the purchase of an organ for the Sunday school. Ton eta a nip , all Invited : coino and bring your licit girl. I1. S. Ilipvejtist learned that J. 1' Ucadly's \\heat nrorugcd H bushels per ncrn The KovV. . .H. Gostloy.of Stock- brldgo , Gn. , whllo nttotuling to Ills piistornl ilutlcB nt Kllunwood , that etnto wris attnukotl by oholora morbun. He eitye : Hy chnneo I hupponotl to ot hold of n bottle of ChamberlainB Colio , Cholera nntl diarrliooa Remedy , nntl I tliinn it was tlio means of saving my llfo. It rollovocl mo at onco. " Kor ( or sale by all Druggists. ExpusltiuuSpocinlH. A Silk Loom in full operation , showing the growth ol many col ored ihroadn into pattortm of beauty. An loo-making machine in oper ation The bed in which Prosidoul Lincoln died. The famous Libby Prison exhib its. its.Tho The table nt whiuh Qouoral Grant and Lee arranged the uurrondcr. Helios from the Mexican War. A Filipino Village. U.iotuH Plants 15 foot high. The dive by a lady from a height of 00 feet into a lake of wator. Hagenbaukti trained wild ani mals. The Venetian MiiHiual Carnival on the Lagoon Hawaiian SingorH An immense camp of Wildest Indnins from all partH of America. Captured cannon from Porto Ilioo , Cubu and the Philippines. The Best Remedy lor Flu * Mr. John Miitlmiu , u well known etocU tloalnr of 1'iilaakl , Ky , , sayB ! After suffering for over a week with flux , nnd my physician Imvlng failed to relieve me , I was advised to try Cnambcrlrina Colic , Cholera nnd dlarrohoa Remedy nod have tno pleasure of stating tbat the hnlf rf one bottle cured mo. For sale by nil Druggists. Notice to Hunters. Parties are hereby notified not to hunt on my farm , or pasture grounds , under penalty of the law. FRANK U ICISUNUKDKU. About one month ngo my child which is fifteen months old , had an attack of [ llarrhoua accompanied by vomiting. [ ga-'O it eucti remedies as aru usually given in auoli cases , hut as nothing ; iWJ relief , we sent for a physloun nnd it was under his care lor about ten Jaya and was having about twoncy-livo operations every twelyo hours , nnd wo were convinced that unless it soon ob tained relief it would not'live. Chatn- borlrlaln's Colic , Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was recommended , andJI jocidcd to try it. I soon noticed n ohango for the bettor ; by Its continued use a complete euro wag brought nbotit and It Is now perfectly healthy. CL. . Boggs , Stumptowu , Gilmor CoV. . Va. For sale by all Druffgiflts. [ Burlington TIME TABLE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Chicago , Unite , HI , Joseph , Portland , Kaunas City , Halt Lake City HI- Louis , and all Sun Francisco points castaud south. and all points west TUAIN8 LKAVK AS FOLLOWS- KA8T. No. 42. Local oxprliBB dally , Lincoln , Omaha , Mini nil ftolnU oust . . . . O'iiO a.m . No. 41 , Ix > cnl passenger , departs . II : iS n. m. No. 40. Through frolxht oust lally. . 5:31) : ) a. m. No. 48. U > cal freight east arr. dally 1'J.Oo p.m Departs nt . 1.05 p.m. Except Sunday. WKST. No. 41. Local express dally , Helena , Hutto i'ortland. nil points west . lOsMp. m No. 13 , Local pafsenger.urrlvea at..4f > 5 p. m. No. 4ft. " " west " ID'&H a. m No. 47. " " " " li'lBp. tn Departn at . U.45 p , m Kxccpt Hunday , Sleeping , dining and reclining chair CUM ( seats free ) on through trains. Ticked sold and big- gage chocked to any point in tin United ritates aim Canada , No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Thnrs- iiyH and Saturdays. 'o.15 will carry passengers for Ansulmo , Hal lev , Seneca , Whitman und Alliance. No. 40 will carry pussorgers for Havonns Orund Island , Seward und Lincoln. Information , maps , llnio tables and ticket call on or write to U. L. Ormsby , agent , or J Krancls , G. I' . A. , Omiihu , Nobruska. U. L Oiiusur. Auent Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Geneva Nursery , John MeCiitohooii , Agent. Make both fall nnd spring delivery. This Is till * leading nursery in the. Hlato , and tholr stock u ull Orst class. Of tbo hundroln wo hare sold to In this county the p * t four years , wu derlru to refer you to a few whom wu have fun lulled htock , rlz : JUH. Whltuhcad , John Henry. Ciro. W. Uewuy , H. O. ItoKcraand Juuge H. M. Bui- livuu. livuu.John McCutcheon. I Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have FOUnd It- Whore ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam. moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you over heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- mg posted on what was being offered for salo. They don't say anything about Torbnokor and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. ' ristmas committees are invited to call and got my prices. .jmembor the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Dank. W. S. SWAN , Proprietor. O o I make the correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. F W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. O ' . nI > ! ? AIt.1'ro'ltlonV | ' 'I'100' ' " . Neb , II. Q. KOOItRS , Ouhtor , Ilroken Dow. O. 1' . 1'ICRUSY , V-l'rc * . , llrokon How. J. M , KIMIIKRI.INU , Asu't CMntcr , First National Bank , OF BROKEN BOW. General Banking BiiHinoBR Tranim'atod. DIUKOTOIIB : S. II. Durnlmm ' J M. Klniborllus. U. C. Talbot. o. 1' . i'erloy. n. Q. Itogeri. Unllpil States Nixtlontl Hank , Omaha. Chaio National Hanlt , Nnw York. American Kzolianmi llank , Lincoln. Bint National llank. Uraiid lalaud , Flrat National Hank , North I'latto , Neb. Has No Equal. The inuuufucturora Imvo m the past winter greatly unproved their former machine , and it IB now without an equal in Nebraska. It in anew now machine , now patents , and as an introduoiioV Ouater county farmeiH for the Reason of 1800 , the inauufaoturorH will make it an object for thoflo who want to purchase a machine to BOO their agent before buy ing. For particulars BOO or write WILLIAM Broken Bow , Nebraska. it unit u t I We carry : ( lock of go Tallied at ji.r > uoooo ou We own and occupy the tnllrst mrrcantlle building in the world. We have over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly encaged fillinc out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL , CATALOGUE la the book of the people It quotes Wholesale Prlcco to Everybody , has over 1,000 paces , 16,000 Illustrations , and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mall each copy. We want you to have one. SEND IMFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith , and we'll send you a copy FREE , with all chargea prepaid. MONTGOMERY WARD & COMlch""nA SENDeuUhliadout Uili HiNUOUN If eipt.il 0. O. U , eub- l.ct la ( lamination , SOcfs. kiamln * It at your . ripreia olBc and It found eiactly aa rep. menttd and thi moil wonderful Larcaln you ete r iaw or heard of pay tha eipieii aint Our bclal Offer PrlM . 5 lift tht Well or 13 19 and eiprwi charin. i Thl > U a rtul r It CO | tuuln > DIXIE SOUU WiUl'T IHMJOLI1 , a aa tn rib mandolin of unuiualqualltir , Hi. rlba Ulni ot walnut and rock map ! * altarnatlnr , ttautlful crania colored lop , iMld walnut fintfrrboard , accurately fretted with raited freti UUil ityla pat head , nickel tall piece , celluloid guard plat , Inlaid iioaltlon dota. ifancy Inl.ylng around aouud hol . I'owerful and iwett tuned , eitra let ot fenulnt Uayonni f trlnn , celluloid pick and Mliiere Hook t r ttra.lloa , Hklih Teatbea i joae How U flay , _ Writ * for VIIRK rnutlcal lnilrum.nl and piano and organ catalog. We ielIYIotlt.il,75 an.l up Uultara i. i up , Uanjoall.il up. Orn l .00 up. 11.004 tr.i9.UO up , everythlncatloweiiKholeialtprlctaandalliubjict Uielimina tion before buying. Addreia , " llUiUA.-III.IHIIUOt.llIMlitaHU , I > uluqueIft. ( IUrt rUUa > * mkaT i " Send'usZScts. uid cut out IhU > 1 tniliw * will irnd you .Ihl.New Ainerlcun I.OO Wntoh 'by < i | > re > i O o II .tubject totiuulnillon you cut txaojliit U ti exprtii crQce and If > ou Unit IteiftcUy irptv iU4 and the motl \voii < ltrful tArialo youcvervaw tir IituU < .piy th eipms | < if * l.pO Icaa the Well , tenl I - Thli watch U euld under an absolute guarantee ( oroneear , Hal hnUrn | litloni , American lever , I'll. le * > rticapeineiitiO btete to the nilnuu , poliihed iprlnc encaaed In turtf , welchl compete three ouncee , quick train , ehoit wind and loot run. rum 36 houra with one winding llaa hour , minute and aecond handi , nickel ci , keyleaa wind and let. We Include Fr * of charge a neat illk braided chain with bar. iwlvel and allde whia the full amount II Ou aecompanlea the order. Addreu , JIAltdK.lt A I1I.1HII , UU4.U 10 Main Bt , Uubuque , ! * , iljr rtlUkle-KUUr. )