Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 10, 1899, Image 1

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    BUI iii.t
C. \ \ IlKAI. I'
. . . . A. . IITII.
Beal & Smith ,
Prompt alU'iilinn Kltfln to inlltrtloim nnil rent
estate , nillru nrrr KlrM Nnlimml Html , .
llrnl.i'ii How , . . . Nibrii > kn.
Checkered Front
IS. II. CI.INRniAM , I roi > 'r.
1'iitroiiRKn milliltul ( Inrul nctomnindiulons ,
( air treatment ami rcaionnh'u rules
, M. D.
Successor to Dr. M. C. Dlystonc
, _ . Office over Chryslal Drug Store. Calls prompt
Cjp ly answered from ofhce , day or night.
R. B. Mullins ,
Physician ami - Surgeon ,
Sargont , Nebr.
Dr. Clias. L. Mullins ,
i If
I I 2d stairway from wrot end , in Realty
block ; residence , north suits.
1 * . T. Dariium said : "Tho Amailc n
people llko to l i humbugged " Wo chcmUl
tllclike to believe In the truth of this as-
ptrtlou. Yet th people iiliuoft proyo Its
truth In tlulr treatment of traveling tptc-
Ucle peddlers. Thu rural districts es
pecially are filled with those so-callfi !
' Doctors , " "Oculists" and Optician * , "
who make a good living by Imposing on
the credulity of humanity. Thiso iiunuki
lire nli glib talkers , nnd can convince nn > I
one \\lio will gl o car , that thii llntciu'r IB
on the verio of blindness 1 bavo people
vlelt mo almost weekly , who have paid $ -1
I to $10 , nnil often more , for glasses any 3
located dealer could ItiruUh for 60 cts to $1
Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic Collcjro.
! X& : XfeB83iM
Farmers , ask my competitors if they can carry $1,000.00
of Insurance against Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Cyclones
and Wind Storms for eight years for $15. That's what I can
do , and in a company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance
in force in this state. E. C. HOUSE-
lice in First National Sink building , tut lloor.
teXOOCOi ! :
. ' . . f"r
W. H. PENN & CO. , Prop's.
W. H. Penn , the genial matriger of Vorhois , Miller & Go's ,
ntoro , of this city , for several yoirn past , has resigned his po
sition , and will engage in biiflinohS for himself , ho has just
returned from the east , where he purchased a oomp'ete ' stock of
Dents' ' Furnishing goods ,
Trunks , Valises , Etc ,
Those goods he bought direct from the factories , and wiM
bo able to sell them as cheap as any liou-o in tbo county. The
advantage they have over their competitors in that their stock is
all new , and that tboy have no shelf worn or second handntocn. .
This new linn will bo located in the Realty block , next
door east of Snyder Bros. ' , and will bn open for business
19th ' 99.
Saturday , Aug. , .
Mr. Penn extends an invitation to all his old patrons , as
well as to all now ones , who will do well to call aud see thorn ,
and look over their stock and prices.
Broken Bow , Neb.
linn n full line ot
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilut Articles , otc , Store on
corner of Fifth aveaiio and Mam street , Broken How , Neb.
, / " "
Local Mention.
Job printing at thin olliuo.
Buy qitonniwaraat Peale & John'H.
Pure oiilcr vinegar at J. C.
Cannon City ooal nt Diorks
Lumber Co.
Ton loaf bra nil of tons nt J. C.
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer oonl.
First class buttur and fresh finit
at Poalo & John's.
Call on O , P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaooino.
Kingling Bros' , mammoth show
is booked tor Broken Bow Sept. llth
A il. Copsoy , and D. M. Savillo ,
of Wcsterville , were a oity visitors
John Mooney , of Alliance , who is
nt homo visiting his parents is quite
sick with typhoid fcvor.
For fresh and oured moats of ill
kinds oall at'Peter Simonson's first
door south the post olllco.
Mrs. 6. Li. Russom wont to Mo-
Cook Wednesday of last week to
attend the funeral of a sistor.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag oar-
pet. For particulars inquire of the
Ladies Baptist Aid Society.
Mrs. L. G. Kimborling is visiting
in the vicinity of Mason City this
week with relatives and friends.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
and wo will treat you right.
Some good rebuilt threshing ma-
ihmes for sale at reasonable prices.
Jail on G. VV. WII.DK.
John Maulick Jr. , who ruturnod
rom AHianoo last Wednesday siuk ,
s dangerously ill with typhoid
Foil SAI.K Two houses ; one two
blocks east of square , and ouo west
of Globe botol. Enquire at Bangs'
J. A. Harris and wife loft the
tirst of the week on a week's absence.
They will visit Pikes PeakColorado ,
while gouo.
I. A. Renoau is building another
addition to his already spacious re
sidence , lie will soon have his lots
all covered.
Jaw. C. Osborne , contractor and
builder. All work first olasn ; for
particulars , call on or address him at
Broken Bow.
Mr . J. W. Salisbury who has
been visiting in the east for several
weeks returned home the latlur part
of last wook.
J. K. Teagarden is improving
iis residence property by the addi
tion of bath rooms , two bed rooms ,
two porches etc.
John Tiornoy who was aooidently
shot about three weeks ago is abl i
to bo around. Ho still carries the
ballot in his body.
Work was commenced Monday
morning on the Gloim & Myers
two story building just east of
llolcombs' law oflioe.
Leslie MoWilliams who has boon
at Edgemont working with the B.
& M. bridge gang has rcsignod. Ho
came homo Tuesday morning.
Rev. llornaday and wife , Mrs. L ,
E. Kirkpatrick and Miss Grace
Douglas wont to Lincoln last week
to attend an Epworlh League meet
MidH Jessie Brown , stepsister of
J. M. Klmberling is visiting in the
oity , having arrived Wednesday
night of last week from Grinnoll
In eider to give the RKPUIIUOAN
force an opportunity to attend the
Sunday school picnic at Ravenna
Thursday wo issue the paper a day
ahead ot time ,
Prof. Adamson completed cloven
miles of the telephone system be
tween here and Callaway last week.
He hopec to complete the entire
distance this wook.
W. S. Flick of Co. M. has an in-
tcrohting loiter in this issue telling
of the sights and customs of the
Japineso as seen by thelstNubraska
regiment on their way homo from
Walt George and wife II. W.
George and Joe Pigman and wife
of Georgetown attended the ball
game between Kearney and Simmer
teams , Wednesdav of last week at
Kearney , The score stood 8 to 5 in
favor of Kearney.
Chase and Sunborn orffooa at J , C.
Ho wen's.
Now York full cream ohocso at
I'oalo & John's.
Wo buy produce and chtokens.
Fen SAI.K Pony , cart and har
Try our Diamnnd Bulk ooffoo
See Will L. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
FosterA Smith'j is the plaoo to pur *
chase your material for your porch ,
or r'pairs on your houso.
City and lann property insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KlMlIKHUNG.
Judge Kinkaid and John Skirving
of O'Neill were among the number
in attendance at the meeting of the
republican congressional committee
at Kearney last Wednesday evening.
Before having any hail insurance
written on your crops HOO W. D.
Blaokwoll the agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marino insurance Co. and got his
rates and tcims.
M. Sargont , of Iowa , is visiting
in the county with relatives at Ans-
loy and former neighbors Ft Arnold.
Mr. Sargent left hero in 1804 and
located in northeastern Iowa where
ho is now running a dairy farm.
Dr. W. E. Talbot who remained
on duty in Manila while his regiment
oanio , writes his family that ho only
expects to remain a month longer ,
while the chairman of the board
of health is absent on duty at llilo.
Track laying on the Arcadia brancli
of road to Sargont , it is loportod
has oommoucad but is progressing
slowly for lack of hands. The lack
of hands was no drawback iu the
days when democracy was At the
'Mrs. H. Walton who has boon
visiting iu Dead wood S. D for the
past three weeks returned homo
this morning. While she had a
pleasant visit , eho was glad to
got homo wliora she can enjoy the
pure Nebraska atmosphere.
J. W. Libordo , of Georgetown ,
was a friendly caller Monday. He
reports that fields of corn in his vi
cinity are being damaged by a small
bug working inth" stalk just below
the tassel , but with that exception
the prospeots for corn are very flat
Perry Kirkpatriok , of Sioux
county , made this oflire a friendly
oall Tuesday in company with his
brother Dr. G. W. Kirkpatiok , of
West Table. Mr. Kirkpatrick reports
weather dry and disatisfaotion
among the stockmen with the now
brand law.
The REPUHUPAN acknowledges
the receipt of a complimentary
ticket to the Harvest Festival and
race meetings at Loup City August
23 and 24th. Racing will bo the
mam feature of the occasion. Purses
aggregating $500 , will bo awarded
in cash premiums.
At the mooting of Company M
reception committee last night , the
following committees wore ap
pointed : Committee on program ,
Jan. Stookham , Judge Armour ,
Judge Benjamin , Mesdames Kerr
and Richardson. Committee on
badges , II. B Drake , Harry Day ,
E. R. Purcetl and Mrs Richardson.
The committee adjourned to meet
Saturday night.
We offer 10 or 11 room 2 story
house , celler , cibtcrn , largo plat
of ground , good barn , all for
$1000.00 fair terms or good discount
for all and half cash. It is kno n
as the Li-ming property in north
west part of town. I also have the
Meseraull house east of Realty block
on Broadway for sale. Property
and rents will bo higher in 2 months
from now. A good many people
are coming to town and houses are
about all occupied now.
The promotion in Co. M. seems
from recent reports to have beoi
changed from Adj. Gen. Barry's re
port given to the piess some six
weeks ago. It was then stated tha
W. II. Osborne was promoted to
first lieutenant of Co. L. and that
W. S. Flick to second lieutenanto
Co. M. The report now placed W
H. Osborno first lioutenrMit of Co
M , and Horace Kennedy second
lieutenant of Co. M. This would
indicate that the promotions were
made iu the order of rank in the
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum bafdnp powders arc the greatest
mcrucers to health of the present day.
Wo are informed that A. Z. Porrin
and Jas. Haggorty former residents
of Castor county , who have boon
in Illinois for several years expect
to move back soou to Sargont. As
Mr. Porrin has ordered his paper
changed to Sargont wo infer that
by the time this paper reaches
Sargont ho will bo there , The
Rui > um.iOAN extends a welcome to
both Mr. Poiriti and llaggorly and
their families.
Mrs. A. A. Bimihott , of Grand
River Iowa , who has boon here visit
ing her son A.B. Comstook of Wool
Union who was so seriously hurt
by being struck with a hummer in
the head loft for homo last Friday
morning. She is the
of J. E. Board who was formerly a
resident of this county , near Mason
City. She says Jaboz is now preaol -
ing and has charge of three
ohurohos in Dooatur county Iowa.
One of the bravo boys of the First
s C. E. Gaudy , bugler for company
M. For some reason the papers
lave published his name as "Sandy"
and "dandy , " and his mother , who
s justly proud of her bravo Holdior
joy , writes to know if the pap'crs
won't bo so kind as to oorroct the
mistake and give the young here
the name that belongs to him. Sure
thing ; and they'll give him three
cheers and a tiger when ho comes
irmo , Journal.
At the residence of the brides
> arouts Mr. and Mrs. Wells of
Ansolmo Nobr. , Win. F. Gurroll and
ilia E. Wells were joined together
in the holy bond of matrimony
August Uth 1800. They loft on the
the morning train Aug. 7th for
Grand Island Nobr. From there
they will go to GlonvillNcbr. where
they expect to make their future
ionic. Mr. Garroll will leach the
school at Glonvillo. They were
joth small when they came to this
county and have grown up to rnrtn-
and woman hood and are highly
respected by all who know them.
They will bo greatly missed. May
the brightest ( lowers strew their
path way through life.
Died From Snake Kite.
Monday morning while Mrs.
Rrdding and her four year oid boy
were out in the wheat field , iho boy
was bitten on the foot by a largo
rattle sinko. The little suffer was
brought to thu city for medical
treatment. Dr. Ponniuglon was
given the cane and the boy was
ukcn to R Koyerson'n where he
could have the constant care of the
physcian. The foot and
limb were badly swolen and the
skin had turned purple when they
reached tli6 city. The child died
at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
The remand were laid to
rat this afternoon in the
Sunny Doll cemetery. The funeral
sermon was proachud by Rev. J.
W. Megan.
Iu Mcinorlaiii.
Wo , the members of the Merna
Baptist church , dratt these resolu <
tions in memoriam , on the death of
our brother , John F. Conner , and
respectfully submit the following :
Wherein , It ban pleased the snpromu ruler uf
all things to lake from our inluiU our beloved
I'rothei , John V Connor , removed him fiom thu
Held of Uli labors In wlilcli hu uaruntly worked to
advuuco the lutoreiti of bU follow men , anil the
upbulhlliiK < > f Uod'a kingdom , ami
Whereas , In bli Ion , tills churclt recugulzoa
that a valued member baa boon taken away , the
state hn > toil a worthy citizen , and bli family a
true ami IOTOI ! nuiband aud parent ; therefore
Itecolveil , That while wo bow In humble auli
mUflon to tbo will of our hravonly Kather , we
none the lom mourn the IOHH of our bulovtxl
brother , and bo It further
Itesuhul , That this church extern ! Its heartfelt
sympathy to hit family Iu their atUIUlon ; itud ho It
Henolred , That a copy of thcto resolution of
condolence bo luicrlbeil ou the church bonk , and
a copy bo given to th family , alto a copy tent to
Ibe CUHTKB COUNTY lUi'UBUtux tor publication.
1 Miu. O U. SMITU , Church Olerk.
The alarm of fire Monday even ,
ing called the hose company and the
hook and ladder boys out in hot
haste to the residence of Dee Pat-
tnrnnn , A little girl thrno or four
a/H old had applied a match to a
pile of shavings in the coal shed
adjoining the houso. By prompt
work of the tire companies , the flru
was subdued before the house wns
destroyed. Only the aiunmor
utoheii , the weather boarding
on the north side of the building ,
and part of the roof were burned.
Had the lire companies boon ton
minutes later , the building , which
was as dry as kindling , would have
> een gone Fet Innately the water
works company had on a strong
force of steam , and the water from
.ho hose oamu out with the velocity
of a cannon ball. The damagu to
the furniture by Iho water was
quite considerable. The house belongs -
longs to G. W. Apple. It will
probably require $100 to repair the
damage. No insurance.
The Sunday schools of Broken
Bow and vicinity have made ar
rangements to unite iu a day of
outing together at Ravona today.
Thursday. Arrangements were
made with the B. & M. R. R. to
charter six coaches aud have a
special train to run to Ravona and
back the same day. The citizens
of Ravoua proffered to put the large
grove just south of the town on the
mouth ot the Beaver in good shape
and arrange every convenience
necessary to make our visit oojoj-
ablo. The schools of Ravana and
the cornet band will bo the recep
tion committee and escort the
schools of Broken Bow to the
grounds. Tables for the dinner ,
stage for the exorcises and rope
swings will bo erected for us. Bnso
ball aud croquet grounds will bo
prepared so those who enjoy the *
Hport will have an opportunity. The
oxpouse of the train is $200 , and in
order to provide the meant * to
liquidate the expenses round trip
tickets are sold the adults for one
dollar. All children enrolled in any
of the Sunday schools are turnished
free transportation by applying to
the suporintondants of their respec
tive schools. A grand time is
Sunrise salute , 104 guns.
0 to 8 Putting up tl igs and dooo-
ratiouH , in charge of committee.
8 to 0 Serenade of city by bands.
0 to 10 Assembly and forming of
procession , under direction of
grand marshal.
1st Company M , together with all
soldiers of Spanish-American war.
3d All old soldiers and members
of the G. A. R. , and all members
of W. R. C.
3d City and county officers.
1 tli All Sunday schoolHeach school
to bo in uhargo of superintendent ,
fith All civic societies.
Olh All people to fill in line as
they conic in delectations orothor.
11 to 12 Reception at Headquar
ters , interspersed with miisio and
address of welcome by Mayer
Koycofollowed by nhorfc speeches.
12 to 12:30 : Presentation of medals
12:30 : to 2 Dinner , to bo provided
by committee for Company M , all
soldiers of Spanish war , all old
soldiers , and mombeis of the G.
A R and W. R. C , all others to
furnish basket dinner.
2 p. m. Assemble at Pavillion ,
with music by bands. Chotus.
Short addresses , under direction
of committee ,
fi to 0 Sports , under direction of
(1 ( to 8 Supp .r , to be provided the
same as dinner.
0 Fireworks.
Concluded with grand ball at the
opeia houso.
Notice to Members oflJ H. Lodge 101 ,
A. 0. U. W.
There bo'iig no assessment "this
months , relief call will ho paid out
of general fund.
FKKI ) RINNK , Financier.
Foil SAI.M 534 head ot yearling
steers. Will sell on MIX months time
to good parties ; we will also loan
money to parties on cattle. Inquire
ot J. R. Blair & Co. , Broken How ,
Nebraska. Oflico fourth door north
of the Burlington Hotel , tf
CATTLK Foil SAUS : At all tunes
on mv ranch six miles southwest of
Brokou Bow. JKHHB GANDY ,