Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 27, 1899, Image 1

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It requires a special ce
ment to successfully plug a
single tube tire. I have it.
Price 10 cents.
For Sale By
opposite Banners I3nnh.
Telephone . 41.
J3icycles ;
Sundries and
r Uf > - Repairing.
C. w. HEAL. A. P. SMITU ,
Seal & Smith ,
1'rompt attention L'hon to collections nnd real
cstiito. OMIco orcr Klrpt National li'ink.
Broken How , . . . Nclirnokn.
Checkered Front
II. IX. CI.INGMAK , JT.ip'r.
Putrotinj-e ( elicited Good nccommodatlons
fair treatment and lensonnbio lutes.
Chas. W. HakesM. D.
Successor to Dr. M. C. Blyntone.
Office over Chrystal Drue Store. Calls prompt
ly answered from ollice , day or niglit.
E. B. Mullins ,
Physician and - Surgeon ,
Sargent , Nobr.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from wont ondin Realty
block ; residence , north side.
The peculiar adjustment of the ocnlnr
must lee may bo eliowu by holding this
ntcturu directly in front of the o es , at n
distance of nbout fourtcon laclio * . and
driiliK slowly toward the face. Thcvo
dcllinto yet strong imipclen will hold th
eyes to n focus until you reach the limit
of their power , wlii-n the eyea aurtdunly
crofe and thu Imllcnoa Into the boy's open
moutli. Nearly ml uyu trouble is brought
about by PARSING tlio place of safetyby
I'UBiiiNO without good eyes or ( .nod
ulntsis. 1 can supply the latter You
can have the former. . I
Grndtiutoof Cliicngo Optlir.lmlc
Farmers , ask my competitors if they can carry $1,000.00
of Insurance against Fire , Lightning- , Tornadoes , Cyclones | |
and Wind Storms for eight years for $15. That's what I can
do , and in a company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance
in force in this state. E. C. HOUSE.
| 50flioo in First Nalioual Bank building , 1st floor. I
fejs& & : sg& 3 ' &
Lumber Piles !
Aren't they nice and high ?
Wo'vo GOT 'EM too , and thn quality is 0. K.
Wo are adding to our already lanjo stock as FINE
"TE oU. O. lEPJLo. ©
As can be bought in the market. Just received two
oars of
Northern Pine Finish !
OUT is the best.
Call on our Manager , Will L. Rule , and you will |
find him a GOOD RULE to deal with. Remember E
the uhco , if
Poster & Smith Lumber Co.
Telephone No. 79.
ijasasi dsssp isssssas i5i5Esa5S53ii asssasssssHS ssasasa5ssa5asasH
jJ JJJftlmiftf I lit nntt'trnttnt jt1 if |
full line of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , elo. Stores on
both North and South Sides , Broken Bow , Neb.
Local Mention.
Job printing at ibis oilioe.
Buy quociiswaro at Pcalo & John's.
I'uro eider vinegar at J. 0.
Cannon City coal t Diorks
Luuib.or Co.
Tea loaf brand of teas at J. C.
Go to Foster & Smith's for your
summer ooal.
v First olags butter and fresh fitiit
at Pealo & John'fl.
11. L. York , of West Union , wan
a pleasant oallor Monday.
Wm. Brooding , of Somorford ,
was a friendly oallor Friday.
Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaooino.
Joe Holoomb reports n good rain
in his vicinity Sunday morning.
Curtain poles , now and nobby ,
go at 25o. A.W. DnAicic.
Edward Olson , of Hound Valley ,
made this otlieo a business call Fri-
Misses Clay and Pinkley , of Ans
loy , came up Sunday to attend the
Chas. Hammond of east CiiHter
was a welcome oallor at this oilico
H. M.J3rownoll has bought a
residence property near the waters
works plant.
'Soo.WillL. Rule , at Foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
estimates on your bills.
For Sale-Thirty yards of rag car
pet. For particulars inquire of the
Lad'cs Baptist Aid Socioty.
Wo want your grocery orders ,
and wo will treat you right.
W. D. Hall , of Sargont , was ever
Monday with his daughter Mabol
who will attend the Teachers Insti
Jas. C. Osboruo , contractor and
builder. All work first class ; for
particulars , call on or address him at
Broken Bow.
FOR SAI.K Two houses ; ono two
blocks east of square , and one west
of Glebe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
L. W. Amsborry , son of ye scribe
who is located at Ansley in the
imploy of the B. & M. R. R. spent
Sunday in the city.
Mark Riohtmycr , of Ansley , was
in the city Monday , having brought
his daughters Nellie and Dollio up
to attend the toachor's institute.
This office atkn owlcdges a
friendly call from T. J. Arthur
Friday. Mr. Arthur is a member
ot the county board trom Woscott.
J. W. Craig , of Wcstorvillo ,
made this oilico a friendly visit Fri
day. It was his first visit to
Broken Bow , during his residence
of three years in the oouny.
Mrs. H. Walton left Tuesday of
last week on a visit to Deadwood
b. D. where she has a daughter and
three grand daughter * . She expects
to be gone three or four weeks.
Farms for sale and lands for rent
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms arc all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
Diah Woodruff , of Georgetown ,
kindly remembered this oilico Sat
urday. Ho reports crops looking
well in his vicinity. Ho thinks the
wheat will make 18 bushels to the
Foil SAI.K 534 head of yearling
steers. Will sell on six months time
to good parties ; wo will also loan
money to parties on cattle. Inquire
ol J. U. Blair & Co. , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. Office lourth door north
of the Burlington Hotel , tf
Charley Martin has bought out
his partnor's II. II. Squires , interest
in the implement trade and will now
run the business alone. Mr. Squires
wo understand will stock up his
farm , two miles northeast of town
to which ho will give his attention.
John Mooney is homo from
Alliance on thirty days leave of
absence. Lie has a position there
with the B. & M. railroad in the
machine shops. He reports that
John Maulick is getting along moo-
ly as brakscman on the pasnongor.
Dr. Goo , Sutherland president of
the Grand Island college will speak
next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
in the Baptist church on "educa
tional matters" Teachers and
others interested in educational
work are invited. Special music
I will bo provided.
Grain harvest has commenced
Chase and Sanborn ot ffeos at J. C.
Bow en's.
S. II , Rood , of Merna , was a city
visrtor yesterday.
New York full cream choose at
Poalo A John's.
A. Winchester , of Merna , was a
city visitor yesterday ,
Everybody should give thanks
for the tiuo rain last night.
Wo buy produce and uhiokons.
Jas. Lindloy , of AiiHolmo , was
among our friendly callers Friday
Try our Diamand Bulk ooffeo
F. W. Iloldon , of Mornn , made
this oilico a welcome call Monday.
J. J. Stanford , of Merna , was n
friendly visitor at this ollioo Tues
The precipitation of rain last
night in this vicinity was 3 73
Sunday school convention will be
hold Saturday night and Sunday
afternoon and night.
Fosti'i it Smith * i is the place to pur
chase your material for your porch ,
or repairs on your houso.
Miss Myrtle Pierce , of Lodi , who
is attending the institute made this
oflioo a welcome call Tuesday.
O. W , Barnard , of Callaway , was
n city visitor Friday. The KKPUII-
LIOAN acknowledges a friendly call.
CATTUS Foil SALK : At all times
on mv ranch six miles Hottthwout of
Broken Bow. Jn sic GANDY.
City and larm property insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KIMUKKMNO.
Roy Barnard , the genial editor
of the Callaway Courier was a
friendly caller at this otlieo Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Coon , of Manly ,
Nebraska are in the city visiting
with their , daughter Mrs. C. L.
Phis ofliou acknowledges a friendly
call from Mr.Nixon of Grant town
ship , who is attending the toachor's
Elihu Root a prominent lawyer
of New York has been appointed by
the president , as secretary of war ,
to succeed General Alger , resigned.
Wanted , a girl to do general
house work. Good wages to the
right person.
Dr. J. H. Graham sold his resi
dence to John J.Johnsontho black
smith. The Doctor sold the Lilly
proporlv , which ho recently traded
for , to P.M. , Towsoly , city marihal.
With the B. & M. railroad divis
ion located at Broken Bow and
machine shops which will follow , it
will make this city ono of the best
in central Nebraska in a few years.
N.Gloim and J.E.Myers have com
pleted arrangements to build a two
story frame building 44 by 50 foot ,
on the lots west of Largory's bil
liard hall , \V. F. Hopkins hat ) the
A man by the name of Buroh , of
North Pintle was in the city yester
day looking for a team that was
stolen from his place July 7th ,
The laat clue ho had of thorn was at
Before having any hail insurance
written on your crops sco W. D.
[ ilackwell the agent of the old
and reliable 'St Paul Fire and
Marino insurance Co. and got his
rates and teiras.
LOST A black and tan female
dog , six years old last Friday wnek.
Information leading to the recovery
of the dog will b.i liberally reward
ed. T. W. Edwards.
Broken Bow Nob.
Julius Ottun , of Round Valley ,
is building a frame buiHing on his
place , which ho will use for a store
room and post ollice. Ho has re
cently been appointed post master
at Round Valley vice , S. Lee re
H. W. Alberts , of Woifisort , was
a welcome caller one day last week ,
Ho reports the orops doing nicoly.
Ho says ( hero will be fully a half
crop of small grain in the vicinity
and that oorn was never better at
this season of the year.
The 15th session of the West
Nebraska Annual Conference of
the M. E , church wijl bo hold in
Broken Bow September 13th-18tliJ
Bishop Warren Aill pioside , It is
expected that more than Uvo hun
dred preachers and delegates will bo
in attendance during the entire ses
Bakiog Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum taking : powders arc ( lie greatest
mcnacers to health of the present day.
POVAI MKINO rowota co. , ntw voni.
.loliu Coiiloy Named ,
At tlio populist supervisors con-
volition in ( liHtriot No. 4 lust Fn-
day John Conloy of Wood River
was nominated for fliiporviHor to
succeed S. Nolh wlioHo liiao expires
Jaiiiui.y let 1000.
u. 11 onuitoii.
Sunday Huliool at 10 A. M. and
prcnuhiug at 11 A. M. Tlioro will
bo no evening services. Rov. Mrs.
Hull will conduct a camp mooting
at Miller Nub. Aug. 3 to M. A
number of Broken Bow people are
talking of attending. A good linio
! H expected.
J. T. Orr , son of 0. T. Orr of
Montana is in tlio oily visiting with
IUH father and sisters , Ho wan a
member of Grigsby's Hough Rulers
that wont from Montana. Ho was
for Hovcral weeks in the hospital
and ia just now on his way back to
Montana from tlio east where ho
haH boon stopping Hovoral montliH to
Notice to tiic Public.
Notice ! H hereby given to all own.
OIH of dogs in the city of Broken
Bow that on Friday , August 4th ,
I will prouood to kill all dogs in tlio
limits of the corporation on which
the tax hat ) not boon paid to the
P. M. TOWHI.KY , MarHlml.
At the mooting of company M
reception oommittoo Tuesday night ,
it was deoidud to try to hold the re
ception and reunion about the 25 of
August. Tlio following oomniittoos
were iippoinioii : Finance , . ) as.Stook-
hoin , Harry Day , Q , W. Apple. On
speakers , Judge Reese and Judge
Sullivan. On tents , Judge Armour
and Judge Bonjntniu.
Geo. Harris , of Ansloy , was qtulo
seriously hurc Monday morning by
his team running awuy with him ,
ho had started out to his work when
his loam took fright and throw him
oil the wagon. The waaon , which
was loaded , ran ever him , breaking
both logs , crushing the bones. Ho
in the father of Airs. Tom Wright ,
editor of tlio Chronicle.
W.D. Grant of the hostpital corps
at Manila arrived homo Tuenday
afternoon. He left Manila the IB of
Juno , and arrived at San Franeiseo
July 2Uh. There were 130 come
ever on the Indiana , but only eleven
members of the First Nebraska on
board. Mr. Grant says that Dr. VV.
E. Talbat was the only member , of
( Jo. M , When ho loft , that talked
of remaining.
The Summer School which ban
been in session hero for the past
six weeks closed last week. Those
in attoudanoo speak very highly of
their instructors Profs. Hawthorne
and Lewis. Prof. Hawthorne , ow
ing to poor health has resigned his
position as one the instructors for
the Teachers Institute that convened
Monday. Profs. J. G. VV. Lewis
and Herbert Sutton have boon im-
ployod in his stead. Supt. Tooloy
is to bo complimented on his selec
Dr. Graham has disposed of his
city property and expects in the
near future to looato in the oast.
Ho has not yet fully dooicod wheth
er ho will locate in Ohio or Tonnes-
see. The Doctor and his oHtimablo
family have a largo circle of inti
mate friends in Broken Bow and
vicinity who regret very much to
see them leave. The host wishes of
the Hiii'iTiiMOAN will go with thorn.
The Dootor'H failing health has
induced him to try a change of cli-
Mandolins , three only left ; no
room for them ; they go at one-
fourth prioo. Pastel and oil pic
tures go for less than cost of frame.
Iron beds * 1.50 to 75. I buy all
kinds of goods , and advance money
on any article of value.
A.VV. Diuieit.
I'nisv Wcilneiitay mamlng , July SOth , 1800 , nt
3C : * > o'clocK , Uco , W. Froy. of heart ( allure ,
Kcil US yp ri > , H months and 8 da ; * ,
The deooased was an ox-union
aoldior , having served in the war of
the rebellion four yoare , in the 03d
Illinois Infantry , IIo oamo to Bro
ken Bow soon ftftor the advent of
the nil road in 1880 , and in part *
niTship with VVm , Shotip , of Grand
Island , erected the largo llouring
nulls now owned by S. J.Louorgan.
For a number of years ho has boon
justice of the poacoand police judge
of the city , and was polioo judge nt *
the time of bio death. IIo wan ono
of the oitio's most highly respected
citizens and enjoyed the high esteem
of all who know him. IIo was a
member of the Episcopal church ,
having boon confirmed ainco ho lo
cated in the city.
HIM wife died Juno 4th , 1802.
Since which lime he has kept
liouso with his children , his daught
er Miss Myrtle , and George and
Herbert being with him most of
the time. His health had usualy
boon good , for a man of hifl ago ox-
cc < pt occasionally heart trouble.
Last Tuesday while on the South
Loup fishing he had a spell with
liis heart but had apparently recov
ered , It was about 8 o'clock Tues
day night while at his sou's Will
Frey that ho was taken sick. His
daughter who was at the hospital
was sent for , but she was unable to
give relief. Dr. Talbot was culled
i short time before his death but bo
was unable to save him and at 3:50 :
a. m. ho passed away.
Ho loaves six children to mourn
iis sad domiho : Namely : llarryVVill
MyrtluRobortGoorgo and Herbert.
All are here oxoopt Robortwho as
a member of Co , M is on his way
home from Manila. The funeral
will bo hold tomorrow at 10 o'clock ,
in the Episcopal churchllev.Ghas.
Forguraon oflioiating. The G.A H.
post.of which ho was a member will
Lake charge of the remains and bury
them with military honors.
t'uiiuilu W. L' . Talbot Will Remain In
From Germain Towlo of Thurslon
Riftii'S , a discharged aoldior , who
reached San Franstco Friday ia
authority for the statement that Dr.
VV. E. Talbot is ono of the thirty-
three men of the First Nebraska
regiment that asked to remain in
Manila , In spunking of those re
maining Towle says : "Thirty-throo
of the boys asked for their dis
charges at Manila , Captain Talbot
to retain his position as acting pre
sident of the board of health in the
absence of Major Bourne. Jacob
Lang was offered a position as
teacher in the city schools. Others
had various reasons for remaining.
One was offered a civilian position
in the commissary and another a job
in the customs IIOUBO. Ono mm is
coming homo via Europe and the
" aris exposition , while several
others have some little private en
terprises in view by which to turn
their fortunes. Eight will remain
from company I , while company D.
leaves not a man. Ono of these
has expressed his determination to
re-enlist and is looked upon as n
madman. "
The Ladies' Library association
gave a literary entertainment last
Friday night at the opera house.
The attendance oamo far short of
being what it should have boon ,
yet the entertainment was first
class. The program oosistod in an
instrumental duct by Misses. Lib-
hie Broniuor and Mabel Willing ;
solo by Mrs. Maude Hubbard , and
iddressoH by A. R. Humphory and
Rov. Chas. Ferguson. Another
entertainment will bo pivon tomor
row night by the association in the The principal features
of it will bo a lootuio by Senator
F. M. Ourrio. The admission will
bo 1C cents.
Improved Railroad Service.
The local pansang r train which
has boon run between Grand Island .
and Lincoln is now extended to
Broken Bow. No. 43 arrives here at
4:55 : p. in. and No. 44 departs H.25 ; ( ;
a. in. and arrives .it Lincoln 5.ti.p ; ; } , . . ,
in. No. 43 loaves Lincoln at 10:40 : a. .
m. This train will probably bo
extended to Alliance as soon as the
branch road to Bruh ooni-
pleted as thin will be the main lirio , '
to Denver it being a shorter route"
than the southern lino.
Nfils Luo.propriotor of the Grand
Central food and livery barn com-
enoed laying the foundation Tues
day morning for a now barn , just
east of the old ono on the oornor of
the block It will bo 50x78 foot
and will bo finished up in modern
' ' '