Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 13, 1899, Image 1

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    State Hlat Librarian Socloly
No One Can'Afford
Tlint AlwnjH tuitiH t
( Ml nniitus lite
| M r IHcj clc run { ' ' ?
anil tlu > K" " * ! Illoclu
run tXiMt. " Flircc In
One" IIIIH no equal ( or
ItlcyeleH. ( JitttH , i ii < t
' ' ' > I > ewrlttrs.
Bicycles ,
Sundries ami EDWIN F.MYERS ,
I'm i
C. \ \ . HEAL. A. I' . 'WITH.
Ecal & Smith ,
1'rompt attcntiiiii ctvcn to ( olIcrtlniiR nnil ri'iil
eslulc. Ulllco orcr Klri < t N'ntlomil Hunk.
HriiUon How , - - - Nt'brankn.
T. W. Bass ,
All W ( > ik lirst class. Kooms on 'J < 1
floor , north west corner KoaMy
block , Broken Bow , Nobr.
Cluis.W.HakesTM. D.
Successor to Dr. M. C. Blystone.
Office over Chrystol Drupe Store. Calls prompt
ly answered Tram oilier , day or night.
"i MiifliiisT"
. 11. B.
Physician ami - Surgeon ,
Sargont , Ncbr.
4 '
jjp ; ifi 8-9 TtHilty hlock. Hrokcii Uow , Noli
Dr. Chas. L. Mullius ,
3d stairway from woht endin Ilcalty
block ; rrsidoooo , north side.
Whose Head
i1 Yours ? If so , what
is the cause ? Does a little
worry or overwork bring tha <
light , sore , uneasy , aching
sensation at the base ol ( he
brain , just back of the oar ?
Have j on ever thought it might
bo duo to your eyes ? Could 1
convince you by roliovintj H
with glasses ? ThiH is one of
the uovohoadaohoH"so common
with those having pronounot d
refractive errors Proper glas < os
will correct the deleft. ' 1 ho
o.iuno removed , the offeotB dis-
appoar. A E. ANDERSON ,
Urmlimto of Clnrngo Opthnlinlr C'olli'go.
x xifsK-i:5 : : : : : : : : xKK
t Fanners , ask my competitors if they can carry $1,000.00 i i
l ' 'P
* '
i of Insurance against Fire , Lig'b tiling- , Tornadoes , Cyclonc-s If
, I
fl and Wind Storms for cig'ht years for $15. That's Avhat 1 can $
do , and 111 a company that lias over $27,000,000 of insurance $
in force in this state. E. C. HOUSE. N
m rm
Harry Day & s
In order to reduce the Salisbury * stock of
Goods we recently purchased so as to en
able us to consolidate our two stores as soon
as possible , we will for the
continue to give our customers bettor prices
than they can secure at wholesale. Wo
bought these goods in a lump , and at figures
below eastern prices , hence we have no
competitors in prices or quality of goods in
Broken Bow. If you want real bargains in
Dry Goods , Boots , Shoes , Clothing ,
Call and see u , $ at
in the Realty Block.
Lvoca.l Mention.
Job printing at this ollioo.
Buy queens ware at Poalc & John's.
Cannon Cjty coal at Diorks
Lumber Oo.
,1. K. Hryson of Upton wan ti
friendly caller Siturday.
Uo to Foster iVt Smith's for your
Hummer coal.
John Cosnor of Morna 'IB report
ed dangerously Hick.
First , class bntlor and fresh fiuit
at Pcalo & John's.
The county board oonvoncd in
regular so sion Tuesday.
Call on O. P. Porloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Log Vaooino.
Warren Lang , of the West table ,
wa : i city visitor Saturday.
II 1J. Uiatt , of Gales , was a c'ily
VIRHOI the'lirat of Uio wook.
Curtain polon , now and nobby ,
go at Sou. A.W. DUAKK.
If you want to try a oiiaiulcss
wheel , ISd win M vent can rout you
N. . ) . Oltun , of Uound valley ,
was among the city visitors Satui-
( Am SAMC Pony , oart and l-ar-
u 2'j at.
Edwin Myers has now high pradt
wbeolH , botii Indies' and gontH1 , to
Tim populiHt County convention
will bn hi'ld in this oily next Mon
See Will L Kulo , nl foster &
Smith's yard , and have him give
i-stimatoB on your hillri.
S. C. Wiildronof Grant township ,
was at the central uommitlce meet
ing Saturday.
Mrs. Dye und daughter , of Mum-
liolt , are visiting in the city with
Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Iladden.
Harry Diy & Co. hive consolidated
their fitori'K by rnoxing both into the
SailHbury building , in the Realty
Elgin Heal wont to Omaha HUH
morning whcro ho will moot hip
brother John , of Missouri at the
FOR SAM ; Two houses ; one two
blocks cael of f-quaro , and ono went
of Glubo hotel. Ifi-.iquiro at Bangs'
I. A. Hciicaii haw quiic a severe
hand from the explosion of a giant
fire orrukor , while ho had hold of it
on July 4th
C. L Gutlorpon and C. II. IIol-
returned Saturday
from a two weeks trip to tin1 lilaok
llilln. They report having enjoyed
a pleasant outing.
The oily authorities have pur
chased John Henry's street sprinkler
and have had it repaired and put in
first class order for use. '
Jas. C. Oaborno , who haw recently
returned fiom Iowa , has located
permanently in the city. Ilo is
prepared to do all kinds of carpenter
work in class order.
Dr. llea , who has visited Broken
How once a month ( his year as a
specialist , as tioll as many
ether IOWPH , has had his certificate
revoked by the stale board.
J.V. . Mor > by who has been with
Iho railn ad ooiihtruotion outfit on
the brai oh from Alliance , has re
turned home and 1-xpecls to start
a restaurant soon at Sargent
All members of the T. H. II. are
requested to bo in attendance at ih
next regular mooting , Tuesday ,
July 18th.
JKSSU It. TicAtiAtUHCN , Chief.
The additional train service which
the H. and M. authorities have
decided upon giving Broken Bow ,
will bo groitly app.-cciated by the
patrons of the road at this place.
Farms for sale anil lands for rent
Now IH thotimo to j ot a farm cheap ,
as the cheap fannii arc all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G Breni/er.
Foil HAM : 531 head ol yearling
steers. Will sell on six monllih timu
to good jnrlios ; wo will also loan
money to parties on cattle. Inquire
of J. U. Blair & Co. , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. Office fourth door north
of tin ) Burlington Hotel , tf
Thorn will bo preaching in the
Baptist church Sunday , July 10th.
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. B. Y , P. U.
mooting at 7 p. m. , led by Anna
Mogan. A special ohuroh meeting
Saturday , at 8 p. m. All mcmliorri
arc invited.
Court adjourned Tuesday night. (
Now York full orenm cheese at
Poalo & John's.
The Oregon regiment arrived at Francisco yesterday.
The rain yesterday fell to the
depth of 1.70 inches.
J. .1. Stanford , of Merna , was a
frien lly caller Monday.
There are now 80 toaohorH unroll
ed in the Summer school.
Kd Walton ia building a photo
graph gullery on Fifth avenue.
Try our Diainand Bulk oofl'ee
J .F. Bryapncentral oqmmillooman
o | Loup , was a aity visitor Satur-
( 'J. S. Ivirkpatrick , of Lincoln , was
in the oily the first of the week
attending court.
Attorney iMooro , of Kearney , was
in the city n'veral days this \voek
attending court.
IT. W. niu ! W. A. Gcorgo of
Georgetown svi ro among the city
visitor > Saturday.
_ , Foett i & Smith' * is the place to pur
chase your material for your porch ,
or repairs on. jour IIOUHO.
Foil HUNT Si von room house ,
barn , and five acres of ground
WII.I.IH CAD\V iti.i. .
S. S. Stewart , of WesterviHe , was
a friendly caller liist Friday , lie
reports some damage from hail in
hiti viuinity.
FOR A thourough bred
Jersey bull recorded and all right.
Jn 'JO 2t. JAMISH Boons.
Ben. Kollonbargor had a good
supply of ice cream at the old sot-
tier's picnic , yesterday for himself
and friends.
CATTI.K Fen SAI.K : At all times
on mv ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow. .Iic-wc GANDY.
A Moore hac sold his law oflioe
to Boale & Smith and \ \ o under
stand liu cxjiootN soon to move to
Kan1-an City.
City and farm property insured
against lite , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KlMllICKI.lNO.
Prof Aiiam on has received , his
Doles for the Callaway telephone
line aii'l commenced hauling them
out the first of the week.
D.M.Savillo of WesterviHe , D.C.
Conkle , of Weissort , Major Ellison ,
of Ansley wore among the friendly
callers at this office Saturday.
Bed room suits lower than over ;
fine couches ; to appreciate quality
and price come and HCU them.
A.W. IJllAltK.
Jas. C. Osborno , contractor and
builder. All work first olasn ; for
particulars , call on or address him at
Broken Bow.
Wanted , a girl to do general
liouso work. Good wages to the
ri ht person.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting teeth is absolutely pain
less. No sore mouth , as in the use
of other local aiuuHtholios. a2fi
The looturo of ttev. Ferguson
which was sot for tomorrow evening -
ing , under the auspices of the Ladies
Library association has been post
poned one week and will occur on
Friday evening the 21st inst.
S. D. Parkinson who IIVOH a few
miles north cast of this city allow
ed us a ball of metal about the si/.i
of a lion's rgg , that ho picked up ii
his field. It is nearly round am
nearly as heavy as load. It is pro
bably a metootic formation.
Judge Sullivan convened at
equity term of court in this city
Monday. A divorce ease botwooi
Brown and Brown , of Longwood
took up a lurgo part of the day
'oth wanted a divorce. The womai
secured the divorce.
Mandolins , throe only left ; m
room for them ; they go at one
fourth price. Paste ! and oil pic
tures go for IOSH thai/ cost of frame
Iron beds $1.50 to $7r > . I buy al
kinds of goodc , and advance mono ;
on any article of value.
Arthur Sutherland , son of President
sidont Sutherland of Grand Ihliun
college was in ill" city the lalte
part of last week looking after hi
chances for assistant principal o
our schools , in ' .ho piano of Mmf
Abbott , resigned. Air. Sutherland
was quite highly roeoinnifindod by
Hitch pontons as Gov Abbott and
I Dr. Jorduii of Grand" Island.
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum ,
Alum b.\kin" powders arc tlic greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the res nl day.
BOV 1. ( lAHINO rowDtH CO. , HtW YOIIH.
Joo.llolcomb watt in the'city to
day treating his friends to the
oigarn. As a hey arrived at his
homo the firM of the week , it is not
necessary to cay ho was happy.
Mny the boy grow to ho as good a
man nv his father , and vole the
republican locket is our wish.
The lightning seemed to bo un
usually hard on horsea Monday
of liiat week. During thestorm.J. 0.
Taylor had two killed , Dave Gard-
doner , near Wcsterville , had ono
killed , and there were fivu killed
in 11. B. Kelloys pastur about
eight mik'H south east ol hero.
Mrs. M. A. Proper and son ac
companied by father Proper left
Wednesday morning for their for
mer homo at Bonopart Iowa , Mr.
M. A. Proper will accompany them
as far as Omaha. From there ho
will go to South Dokota whom ho
will resumed convasHing for a book
Kay Armour , son of Judge Ar-
nour loft Monday on a visit to
Jhorry county with the family of
lis Unolo , C. Varnoy. Kay has
lover fully recovered from the
effects of his longfioigo of pneumo-
tia last spring and it IH hoped a few
weeks out on the ranch will enable
o logiii'n his former strength.
Miss Blanche Dye , who was out
vith Mrs. Iladden and other ludy
fiends , hunting berries in the can
'onti Houth of town , yesterday , was
brown from her horse and quite
overely 1) ) TI. One or more ribs
wore broken. The whole party was
out in that heavy rain , and all were
horonghly soaked.
Col. E. P. S.ivage , ol Sargont ,
was a friendly caller Monday , lie
eports that the small grain crop
ms greatly improved the past week
n the northeast part of the county ,
ind that a good half crop will be
larvostod. lie informs us that the
grade is completed to Sargont and
.hat laying of track will commence
Wo noticed a number of the oiti-
/.OIIH of Broken Bow and vicinity
at the old settlor's picnic , at Aiifiol-
no yestcrdaj. Among those we
saw wore C.M and Mm. Jofl'onls , Cy ,
\lrs.J.G. \ and Libbio Breni/.or , Mrs.
UII. and Pearl Jewell , Rov.J.W
Mogan. Mrs M E.LewisMr.and Mrs
J.D. Keam , Mr.and Mrs.G. R.ttiiK-
somDr. and Mrs.Clinton Day , Mrs.
D.iM.Amsborry and G. W. Wilde.
Dr. Ponninglon has his now oflice
completed and moved into it last
Saturday. It is located on the
north of McComan druir store. Ho
has one of the finest offices in the
city. The Dr. has only been a resident -
sident of the city about a yenr but
already'ho has quite a lucrative
piaclice and has established quite
an extensive and favorable acquaint
The school board of school
district No 13. known as the Ox
ford district , was in town Tues
day , Completing a deal with the
Dierks Lrmbor Co. , for material
to rebuild llioir school liouso ,
which was blown down bj the oy-
olono over a year ago. They
say the carpenters are all HO busy
that they hnve not succeeded in om-
ployjng ono yol. They expect
to have the house enclosed before
harvest begins.
F. E. Tuylor has recently com
pleted his building in connection
with his gallery. Aside from the
rooms used in tne gallery , he has a
fine suite of rooms , consisting of a
finely finished music room , parlor ,
kilchen , bed and bath rooms , the
inside being finished in hard wood ,
lie has also enlarged and rearranged
his yallorv , so that ho now has ono
of the most convenient yalloriofl in
central Nobrask \ . The carpenter
' work way douu by J. b , ILiddeu.
AH n result of the arrest of the
several parties who were charged
with celling intoxicants illegally , the
county is live hundred dollars ahead
in cash. All arrested except Dr.
McArthur plead guilty , and they
were find ono hundred dollars each
and coHtH by Judge Sullivan. The
judge inntoad of ordering the goods
destroyed ordered them returned to
the wholesale bonnes from which
they were ordered and sold , the
druggint to receive the revenue de
rived therefrom.
0. W. Beal and A P. Smith have
formed a law partnership and will
engage in the practice of law in
this city. They have bought the
law books , sale and desks of A.
Mooro. Tim now firm are graduates
of the law dopurtmont of the Stnto
nnivojsity , both having graduated
last spring. Mr. Smith WIIH for
merly of'AiiHolmo and made teach
ing his biminosH. Both members of
the firm ate well qualified for the
new businobH in which they have
engaged and the RurunuoAN be
speaks for them a libouil share of
the public patronage.
A farewell reception waH given to
Prof , and Mrs. J. N. CaroHa at the
benne ol Kev. J. W. Megan last
Monday night Ity the Buptist Sun
day school and Ihe B. Y. P. U. The
attendance was quite largo , und a
very pleasant time was enjoyed by
old and young. Refreshments
were served , consisting of-lbtnonado
and cake. Both the Sunday school
and B. Y. P. U. presented him with
book of pee m s as a memonlo of
the high osloem in which he was
held. In response to the prosonta-
I lion he thanked the donors for
their manifest appreciation and for
the kindness shown bun during his
stay in the uiy. Prof. Oaross has
moved his household goods to
Simmer , where ho has accepted the
position 'M principal of the Siimner
schools for the ensuing year. Ho
will visit with friends at Gandy ,
North Platte and Overtoil before ho
finally takes up his residence at
Stunner , Tin ; ual wisli6S of many
friends in BrokoirBow"go with him
and his estimable wife to their now
field of labor.
Mloheal Dud ) Killed at Morna.
Lust Friday morning about 3
o'clock Michoal Dudy was fatally
injured while atU > mnting to board
paHsongcr train No. 41 , after it had
started out of Merna. The man
claimed to have been on his way to
Alliance whore ho had a job pro
mised him of driving a team on
'he new grade that is being con-
Htructod for the branch line now
building. The man had gone from
this city on the passenger without i
ticket and as ho had no ' money to
pay bin faro the conductor compelled
him to got oil the train at Merna.
Dudy ofl'cred his watch for his
fare to Alliance , but the conductor
could not accept it. Ilo claims to
have a brother and siRter near
Lincoln , Nebraska , but refused to
have thorn notified slating Ihoy did
not know him. He was sixty years
old. Ho only lived about two
hours after he was hurt.
Coroner Brown hold aa inquest
Saturday morning by inpannlling a
jury consisting of K K. D in-jan ,
Milt Severs , Walter White , J. N.
Brandenburg , Joe Sutler and Mr.
Foster. The verdict of the jury
was that the deceased mot his death
from injuries received from attempt
ing to board the train after it was
in motion. The conductor stated
that Dudy wan a pleasant appearing
man and owing to bin ng ho was
more leneient with him than ho
otherwise would have been. Ho
was sixty years old.
Sutiinlii )
A oit'/.ons mooting will bo hold at
the court house Salurd-iy night to
orgmi/o for the roc.'plion of Co. M.
Everybody in invited.
Hoforo having any hail insurance
written on jour crops nee W. D.
Bl.iokwoll the a oiit of the old
ami reliable St Paul Fire and
Marine insurance Co. and got his
rates and toi ms.
NOT ! Oil.
To ( ho member * of the Broken
Bow Ledge No. IS , Sons and
Daughters of protection : Assess.
merit No. I , and the third quarters
dues , are now din and must bo
paid on or before July 28th. This
IH the only notice. Lodt > o meet
ins first and third Friday nights
in each month.
U. D. PIOIUUT , Seo'y.