Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 29, 1899, Image 5

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    U. S. Land Office ,
* - , JAMKS WHITKnKAl ) ,
v. - K. H. YOUNG , - - Koeofvor
Land Olllco nt Kronen How , Noli , I
Juno 1' ' , ISW I
Notion IP liiTcliy glvi-n Hint , the following IIBIM-
oil fnttliT linn flli'il notice of her'Intention to
miiko final proof In mipport of IHT cliilm , ntiil Hint
rnlil proof will l > u mail" before lUylt-U'r ami Ho-
cnlVor , nt llrokcu Itow , Nol ) , on .Inly S7tlilHU9 ,
viz :
Jennie I ? . Tucltcr ,
of Annelmo Nolir. for Hie II. II No. FIT. ? , * M
to if , Sec. 0. tu'V iieM , SiTi 7 , nwy nwUi * oc. 8.
T. LHIN. , llSI\V. !
.Slitnnnu'H tlio following wltnrHKCK In prove
her contlntioiiK rcsldonco upon ntul cultivation of
said Intul , iz : James S. McGinn , ( luorgo
William * , of Ansc'.mo , "ehrar-ka. Itiuli Miner , of
Duimlni ; Neurnikn , Thotnuo Kinlcn , of llroken
How , Nebraska.
JAMKS WIITKIlKAlHrgl'ttcr.j |
U. S. Lamt Oltico , North 1'laito. Nub. , I
Juno IT , IMi'J I
Notice IN hereby Klven llmt
Jii m f > I. K.IIIK
lia flleil nollcu of Intention to innkn Mnnl pron/
before County Judge nt bin oillco In
Hroken Hun , Mob , on Krldny , tbo AStb day of
Jnlv , I8W , nn timber culture application No
ij.'l : 5 , for tin1 w'i iio ! { c'i n\VM ot ruction o 113
in Township No 10 riniRii NoI lie names UK
Swopo , Charles Glmpt-l , nil of Itrokrii | | Ow ,
Nob. JniMBt QUO E KltKNCH.
I. nml Olllco at Hrnken How , Neb. , (
June aid , IMiy |
Notice IK licrchy filvcn tlmt
CorneiliiH J. itiitmi-y ,
of Cleveland , Ohio linn Illcil notice of liU
Intention to maku II mil proof beforu tlio
Itt-KlctPr ntul Hccelvcr , t their olllcn In llrokon
How , Nebraska. on Thursday , the ilTlh ( lay of
July , 1MW , on timber cnlluro iippllcntlon No.
ISlfi- , for the toh m.'U , nu ! se)4 ) , P'I soVi
of melton No1,111 townphlp No ' , ' 0 , N , rangn No.
13 ! W , testimony of cliilment to be taken before
clerk of thu lltrlct court , at Cleveland , Ohio.
lie iiami'f HH : Wllletd. Kanney , of
AiiNclmo , Nebtni > ku ; John J. Mnmlevllli ) of
Dunning , Notirarku ; Albert Wlllctt of Merna ,
Nebraska ; John 11. Mnsoott , of Mlllinni ,
j iiL-J-Ot JAMKa W HITK1 JKA 1) . Itcglstcr.
Land Ulttcu at North rfatlu , Neb. , i
June Mil , IhU'J. f
Notice IH hereby given that the following nam
ed HI ttler has tlleil niillco of 111 * Intention to
iiiuKolliml nroof In support of his claim , anil
that said proof will ho muilu before thu County
Judge , Ciintcr county , Neb. , at llroken How , Neb ,
jn July tilgi , 1WJ , vu :
ClinrlcH C. Cluipul ,
11. E. No. 17.'M , for the n J s\v , wW nwH , ot
tiucilon , township 10 N. , U. UlV. .
Uo nimee tbo following wltuvepcx tn prove bis
contlnuouc resilience upon and culllratlou of ,
aid laud , viz : Jotm B 1'almer , HoHlve Uolln ,
II tilery KobhiBon and Jauieu S\M > peall of Hrokun
llnw , Nubr.
junKijlt _ OI3O. K. KltENOII , KpBl ti-r. _
l.amt onice at North 1'lHtte. N b. , I
JnneU , ISiU'J. f
Notice la hereby K'TUII ' that followlnx-naui- -
'd eettler lias tiled notice of her Intention to make
Until procif In support of her claim , nml that nvlil
proot will be mailo licfore County JmlKC , nt llro
ken How Neb. , on July L'lnt , Itj'.V , viz :
Harali Ann Cliupel ,
U.K. No. I73.-.7 , for thu \ \ ' / ue'i , of too St. nml
Wit Ile , of ceo. M , towiiHblp Id , N. , range 21 , W
Mio nuiuca the follou Ing wltuufsett to | .rove her
continuous resilience upon anil eiiitlvntlon of ,
said land. vl/ : John KqulrCf , George Water.- ,
Uliarli'B WllllH ami Chnrluti ( 'Impel , nil of llroken
How , Nebr. OKU. U. t'KKNUII , UegUler.
hand Ulllce at llrokun How , Neb. , I
, June III , 18CHI. f
Notice IK hereby given that tbe followlug-nam-
eil Pettier has tiled notice of Intention to
in ake final proof In HUpport of Ids clulin , and
thnt Mild pi oof uill lie made before Itegluter and
Iteccher. itt Itroken How , Neb. , on July -Otli
1MIB. rlz ;
.IUIIH an. _ iiriniiiir < uii ,
of Itcrwyn , Nclir.'iskH , for the II. K No , SW
fee. ' ) T. 17 N. K 19 W.
lie namen th following w Uneven to prorn
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of
HHlil land , vl1'etor ; It. 1'etereen , Janieh M.
1'lrule , of Uerwyn , Nebraska ; KHHIIIIIS Ander-
ion , anil John Johnson , of Itroken Llow Nebraxka.
_ JA.MKS WlllTltUKAO. Kegli'ter
Laud Omco ntHroucn llowol ) . , I
May 31st , 1890. f
V Notice Is beruby given that the foliowlng-nam
vd aettler haHtllod notice of Ills intention tn make
UnBl proof In bujipnrt of hiH claim , and that aald
pt oof will bo made before Ku lKlor mid Receiver ,
at Broken How , Neb. , on July Sth. ISO'.I , vU :
Hpencer j. I.eep ,
of Mtlbnni , Neb. , for II. K. No. IGl ) , nw4 , cec.
14 , T. LI ) N. , It. L'lV. . HonnniCB the followliiB
wltneaecH to prove Ilia continuous rccldoncr upoi ,
and cultivation of , said laud , viz : Aetna 1'ettK
Uoorge Dubry , Jott Lecp ami llobort Kurley , all
of Mlibtirn , Nebr.
Land Olllco at Hroken How , Neti. , (
Sluy 3d , lt > 9 f
Notice la hereby given tlmt the following-
named pettier line tiled notice of her Intention to
maku tltial proof In support of bur ehlm.iuid tlmt
ealil proof will bo made heforu ItegUter nml Ifo-
celver , at Hrokeu How , Neli.,0h July Sth , 1S1H ) ,
TU :
K. Clirlsuiaii ,
UL IllUb ll 1 > UV , i tUU , | lUT tllU ill ! k u. .PirUf cv +
BWU Wl4 Hl-'l ' UH IIU'4 I CC , 1) ) , tp 18 N. , It. 0 W
She nouies tlio following wltuci-tiOB t < i provo uor
rontluuuiiB rcelduuctupoii , ami cultivation of
xald land vlUharlos : s , 'looley , l'rci i < iniiii .1
Hlcliardson. Alfred SUiKgett , Miircita A. Ulirls
man , nil of Broken How , Ncti.
JAMES WHiTKIlKAl ) . Itiiglritcr.
In thu illnitlct court of Ouster comity , Ncur.
Jolm JniucM , I'lalntlff. 1
T , I
Jolin F.FlehSiiiir. Ou.liiu KlcBBiicr.Hcrt C. lintl-
iier null .Mrs. Hurt C llurtnur , Ills wife , lirst
imiuu iinkiiouii , Dofeiidiuits. j
To John P. Klcscnur , OCHlno Flcnpr , llnrt C
llutlncr nnd MtH. HcrtC. Itullner , hl wife , lira
name unknown , non-ruhlucnt ilcfi'iiU nt8t 10
ami oucli of you will take notice thnt on tnu 18t
day of April , lb9U , pluliulll tiled u iivtltlon In thu
ilibtrlct conrt of Custer couiity , Nchrackn , agnlimt
you and each of jou , tinotpJ"C , and prayer of
which utu Ui forecloHw n wrtaln mortgnqo exe
cuted by the ik-rciulaiits John V Flcssnor ana
( Icslno Klpssiicr , to tlio Kcnrmha MortRBgo A :
Trust Co , , nnd duly Bold mid nash-iiud to HIIH
plalutltl , upon the following def urll > il pri'inlscs ,
Tlz : Tlic southeast quarter of flci tiou 14. In
Umnphlp 111 north. rauK ' - " ett SUth P. M ,
which raid mortgage WHS given t m-curo the
payment of a certain prdiilssory note , dated on
-t. tha itlth diiy of Marcu , lW3.for the sum of j : Xl.m.
- . Uiijotlier with Interest coupons thereto attached ,
and due and payable In lire yen f era date
thereof. That there IB now duo upon cald note ,
aud inortifaiii1 the emu of JUrO.b : . ' , iiuil iiiteru-t
then on nt III JUT cent from April 1st , IHftl. Anil
plaintiff ntayti tlmt said premUea may bo decreed
to tie sold , to satisfy the amount due thrroon
You and each of you nro notltlid to answer nald
lietltion on or before thu 17th day of July , liill'J.
hated thin fith day of June , ItiW.
JOHN JAMliS , I'lttlntlff
Jn8Jii,1M"-U ! Hy llolconil ) llrofl. , Aitorimyy ,
In the matter of the estate of J. L a. Knight
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance ot in
order of the Honorable 11 M. Sullivan. Judge
of the District Court of CuctorConntv , Nebraska ,
madoon thef-'nd.tday of Juno IS'.i'J ' , for the sale
ot ll.u real estate hereinafter described , there
will be bold t tnu can front door of the court
house , In thu city of HroLen How , Custer county.
. 'ebraskn , on Saturday the Siml day of July Ib99
at 2 o'clock p. m. at public veudue to the highest
bidder for cafch , the following deecrlbul real
estate tow It : ThonwVi of the nwU and the swM
of the nw > 4 and the n'/i of the sw'4 nntl the n't '
of tliuni'i ! and thu e i of the 1104 of Sec. a ,
townalilp Id , range IT , in Cutter county , Ne
l > raka. . Said tain will remain open one hoar.
Dated Iho - . nd , day of June imtt.
AdmlnlstratrlK of the estate of J. I. . H. Knight.
Notice U liereby given thtt by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage , tlutftl JIarcn Dili , lh9S , and duly
filed In the . .Mice of the County IJIrrU of t'lmler
county , Nebrauka , onfaid Ath ilay of iliircli , Ih'J
xi.dexecuted by J. M. Aril 11 tinWardtr Itilsli
nell & ( llcai-ner Company , u corpor.itlon duly
Uicorpurated under the lawn of tlui Htato o
Illinois , toecuro the payment of a piomUvor )
liiitu of JM.35 , da-ed Beplumber 29th. 18UU , and
dne October lit , Ib'J7. and extended to tieutuniber
Ut , Ib'JS , on hiild 6th il y of .March , 189S , and up.
on which there la now uuo the SUN , of ?
Default Imvh't' ' beuit made in thu payment of ran
sum nml no null or procivdlng at law havlui
been Instituted la reco\er eaiil sum or any pirt :
thereof , therefore. I "HI "lull the properly tie
cnbfd In uul mortgage , towlt :
Onu sorrel mare , ten yi'ars old , weight U
ponudu , named " < iuocn. " One Cmuuploi
mowar. At pisbllc aiietluii In front of the * ar
mcrH Hank of Ouster county , llroken How
Custer rnunty , Nebraska , on the 15th day o
July , IbiU ) , t two o'clooK p in , 10 the highi'H
bidder for cui-li to ratUfysalu nolle. ! ami mort
ge Dattd ihU ' "Jud diy of June , 1BW
[ Dr. Clws. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from went Realty
\ block ; residence , north sido.
- Notary Public , -
anil Jnntlco of the 1'cnco. Special intention clr-
ii to rolloctloim. DvpoMtlouH taken , pension
voucher * nwitly excrntcd , nml nil klml of liwol
i | KT § \ rltton. Olllco weft side square , llrokoti
low , Nob.
11. B. Mullins ,
Physician - and - Surgeon ,
Sargent , Nolir.
\TrollNltY8 & COUNSKUiOHS AT liA
tu < in * H-0 ItoHltv Itlnrk. Hrokrn How , Ni-li
Chas.W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Successor to Ur.'M. C. Ulyvtone.
OHice over Chryslal UriiR Store. i'iiH prompt
ly answered Irom oltice , ( lay r n { lit.
Slice Shop.
Itepalrlni ; | romptly nml neatly ilonn on Bhort
rder. J'rlcon rcili oii ble. Second dour south
of the poHtoillce.
Doctor Penningrton ,
Miimbcr N.A.K.8. Kx-Ai 8Utiint Surgeon St. Joe
ml U. I. II. U ; also K. .t O. It. . l.atu Rrait-
nte of the UnlTorslty of I'tinnxylvanlii. OHIcfl
lireu doors couth of ltd McComiit * ilniK
All culls Illlud , day or
Thos. A. Turn bull ,
Faithful work done , priees reason
able and all wont uaranteod.
Hrokeu How , - Nebraska.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Uow , Nob.
Olllco over Kyoreon's grocery. Kesly
denco Mtli house we tof Haptipt church.
School and Church
For School Furniture , School Supplies
or Ctiuteli Furniture , I offer the neat
terms tlio market affords.
Broken Uow. Neb.
T. W. Bass ,
All work first clans. Rooms on 2d
lloor , northwest corner Kealty
block , Biokon Bow , Nebr.
" "
I have a largo lint of farms foi
sale in all parts of the county. Low
prices and easy term * of payment.
Write for prices.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
I'lans and Spoclflcatlonc on nhort notice. Ma-
nrlal furnleliud and bulldliiKs coinplotcil cliuiwi ( )
han any mini In thu state. Satisfaction guarnn-
i > cd IIH to plans and ppccIUcatlonn
nnd estimates on short no
tice. Hrnkon How , Neb.
. .
* V * * % * % V rt/V % rf rfS * > FV'wvs' * " 'VVV *
Rag Carpet
Sold ohpap , In any length piece * desired. Car
pet \ve.vlng i-ollclted. 1'rlces n-asoii'iblc.
Airs. Louise Raymond ,
West of Uowen'B Store.
Fruit and
Ornamental Trees.
Geneva Nursery ,
John MuCutulipon , A , 'ent.
Mnkolioth fall and uprlnt ! delivery. This latin
tin- leading nursery in the state , and their stock
i * all ll'st class. Of Iho humlru'lH we ha\o Hold
to In thi county the pnft four years , w - dcclro t < >
rufer you li n few whom we lmv furi lulled
Mock , Tlz : JBH WldUheail , John Henry , l wj.
W Dewey , II U. Honorami JIHIKO II. M. Hal-
livuii John McCutclieon.
City Feed Mill ,
E. I'1. ' McCuJBK , 1'rop.
Uye Flour and Graham , ground on
stone burr. All kinds of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to suit
customer. Atfont for oondenHcd
Cibus Stock Food.
C. P. lUissell & Co. ,
Jlcal Ctalulc Jlcalcca.
II.ivo rnnoboa and Iniulri for Rnlo in
( Junior nnd ntljoining uoiuiticH ,
AlHO randies anil lands for
.rent term of years.
Dealer in Uhaltuls and Auctioneer.
Broken Uow , Nob.
All Kinds of work In our llr.o done
promptly and In llrBt-olnss onlor. Hcd
Shop on the corner , wcet of tlin lioso
lintipo. Glvo iifl n ( rlnl.
Richardson's Livery
AND Fuiti ) STAUI.K.
nt tlio old stand , betwewi tlio
ton mill Olobo llou-ls. Ttlt ) jihon con-
in'Otlon. Hontlqimrtora of Cnlliiwny
Btngo lino. Sinitltt n"d douhlo
Kutea ronsonublo.
13U01CKN HOW , NlfiB.
Lincoln. Denver ,
Omnlm , Helena ,
Chicago. Untie ,
HI. , Ioi < eph , 1'ortlaml , *
KIIIIHAH City , ' Knit Lake Oily
Hf Louis , mid all Han Krnucluro
points eflKtmiU south. anil nil points we t
No.-I'.1. Local express dally , Lincoln , OmaliK ,
mid all points east OjL'O u.ui.
No. 111. Through freight eaut tally..6:3 : ! ) a. in.
No. 48. Local Freight east nrr. dally lU.IXi p.m.
Uopartsat 1.05pm.
Kxcept Sunday.
No. II. Local express dally , Helena , llutto
I'ortlaud.all point * wet Ul7p. : m
No.4ri. . " " weft " Hi'fiS n. m
No. ) " . " " " " -"In I' , "i
Deptirti at S.4.rni , in
Kxccpt Hiiudny.
Sleoplni ; , dining nml reclinlnR chair carH ( soatB
free ) on through tralnn. Tlekes sold and bag
gage checked to any point In tlu United titiites
and Canada.
No. 48 has merclmnillHO earn Tuesdays , Tliurs-
dnyn nml Satunlayi * .
No. 4S ulll carry pamionnorH for Ancelmo , 11 nl
< ey , Seneca , Whitman iind Alliance.
No. 40 ulll carry pan-orKITH for llavenim
Uranil 1 eland , Seward and Lincoln
information , ninpH , time liihlea nml ticket
call on or write to 11. L. Onngby , BKent , or J
KrancH , O. 1' . A. , Onmliu. Nobrauka.
11. L. OnMDur. Ai'fiit.
LVntrnl Xcbrnhkii Siinuiicr School , .lime
12th to July 2lh1 , l.SU. ! )
INSTKlurrollS :
11. H. HAWTIK.UNK , Merna.
J. (1. W. LKWIH , Ilrokcn How.
ma Amoberry. Ma Apple.
) ella ChiWHOn. .Maud OeeliiH.
\niia Dooley. Minnie Oriehel.
imlly ( I'SchwInd , Xcda'Jrant. '
, . J. Lewis. HcatrlceO'Hrien.
arah Ouene. Claude Pickelt.
CthelVrlsht. . Halllo Chrli-mun.
tella Kodge. Cai < nloVelllver. .
Ela ; liuetcrholtz.
Grace Llndley.
iltirtlo Allen. Maud HOSB.
) ay Taylor. Oscar ( loar.
I'ommu ,
olla Wooil. Molllu HrombaiiRh.
ilnrloTliobteceii. Ollvu Kluinp.
: lurd Kauffimiu.
Nellie Cllne.
tlary Hollnnilaworth , Annlo NlRholag.
Margery Tucker.
Maple Axh KOKA llazen.
Vt'tftu Ha/en. I ! V Strong.
Magglo Conley.
Jarrle Thurman ,
I.I I. I.I AM.
Jessie Harwood Kdnu
Jlaraoung. .
V. P. I-'rye. ( loo. Uordon.
( . ' . M Layman. Lena Wood.
Mary Whittle. Alary \ViUsli.
I' C Strong.
Harvey Owen. Ulynes Oweu.
Lily Narragon , ( llorielta Samson.
W. K Dlckman.
Minnie Oarroll ,
1'loy LiTerinore. Krvln 1'ollH ,
Iim S'lniHon.
Hurtha ltHiiniiij jnlc ! franklin.
Oscar Hergor. May Sleuart.
l.cona Harris.
Mamie Cooui'y.
HOIISO Cor Salo.
Tlio J. S. Kitkpatnuk propurty , three
from pnhliu eiinnruulao n oud
! ( or etilu. KiKHilru of
Gutting there coats v 'ry llttle--one
faro plus § 2 00 for the round trip every
day Irom .June 25 to July 11. Tickets
good lo r n turn until October 31st. See
nuari'Bl Burlington a ont and Kdt pnrttu-
ulira. jn22 2t
Bad . '
ni.'uingoinent koopn moru
pooplu in poor uiruumbtanucH than
any other one OIIIIHO. 'J\ > bo HMU-
ituHHfiil ( mo must look ahead and
plan ahead HO that when a favor
able opportunity prutumtH itsult hu
is ready to take advantage of it.
A little fort-thought will alno nave
mtiuh oxpoiiHo and valuable time' '
A prudent and careful man will
keep A bottle of Chamberlain'riColio ,
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house. The shiftluHH follow will wait
un'il noeeHHity compolri it and then
ruin his buHt horse going for a
dootor and hari K big doctor bill to
pay , boHidos ; one payH out 25 centH ,
the other ! H out a hundred dollarn
and then wonders why his neighbor
is getting richer while ho it ) getting
poorer. For sale by all druggists ,
Lower iiccr Crecu.
Jnm > ICtli , I8W.
Wo wcro Tlflled last nlrlil liy iiill | n Monnv
wind nnd n Kooil rain , TM ii'nkc ? the fourth n < > 'l
rain In the Inrt two \vei-kr. The wheat nec-nm to
lie rnintuliiK out n ( Treat il nl lint thu oat ? worn
ton li.idly hiirnt to bo rnlecmcil. Corn la look-
Intf fine.
The wind ln t nlRht blew down n windmill ami
n rorncrlb for W. A. ( leorije.
There will t < o Sund.iv ichool at the Ito fl vchool
honoo every Sutidivy nt 10:30 : A. M. ererybody In
Intltcil to oomi' , Mr. J. M , Carem of Uroktn Bow
CAtuo ilouu ami helped toorpiulro It.
Mr. and Sir . IA.
* A. Hrtt * are the proud i"i-
rentu of another Kltl.
Mlm MiiHIu Suoncon clojc-l n Mirccfldfill term
of frliool at Hound Hill hint Krlihr
Dr. llaniiAof An li < jr , while on bin wiiy to the
Loop to nee n pntlent ( 'otcnn-lit ( In ( he itorm nnil
had lo nlny over illicit with lluno llrown.
MNs ltes lo Mnllalli'll
of Kcnrno ) lnnpendlnK H
\\vok ullli Miss . \ldile ( It'or o nt Meadow View
, Mtf. I'ljjm.Mi who hn I'Ccn nffllcU'd with nero
* ere Imiid for the | ni t three wiokn l rocoTorluu ; .
Kftln , Italn and i < tlll It riUiiH. Hund.iy PTCtilng
prtclpltatlon l-l-S Inches ! It rained Moudsj evenIng -
Ing alco
I nin rorry to report that mull rtn I * Injured
from iinkuimii cauroH , as I' . I * claimed It wan
hurt before the hot wind ot the ISIh.
( j , W. lleiulloy hn iiought the .IniiicK A. Denton -
ton cliiini , tbree intlui north of Ityno A W.
Horn ban bought the Arthur Arnold rlnlm 'I mllcx
northeast of Ityno. Mrc. IMIth M McOnll ntul .1.
II , have bought aqunrlcr section niljnlnlnj ;
Dean on thoHoiilh , from Mr. Soybnlt. They will
divide It , Dcnn taking the went Hfl nnd Mrs. MR-
Call thoonctN ) .
llert Knorr I' reported nut of dant'or , lr' )
Inivo failed to extract the hall.
Ocotito had ti terrlhlo r.ilu on Sunday evening.
HrldgOK on the drawf below and above tlicKUtlou
are gone. The train was met with u.'U'on * mid
mall and exprei ngooili < for western points dU-
patched. * > Iteports say a hull clcrni comiueuced nt
Sunnier dectroylng ( he cropn continuing to
Kuinieyorerturnlnc light bulldlni ; nnd brenklngH
a large amount of KlafH. A ctnlilo near Oconlo
was swept away anil teu lnr 8 drowned. It
HHld that all tlio UN OII bridges on Wood river
from Oconti' down are gone.
Mln Hattlo Heevus will cloi > o a three months
ter.n of fdiool nt N'o 1 II on Thursday.
Iteiiben Heoveri of Aftoii Iowa IH booked to
arrlveth latter port of this week to vIMt nmoiiK
relative ) ) In C'ustcr.
Spring Crvek waa on a hoo'n lanl evening. The
mall earrlar Inform * mo It reached Ills middle
u lien he flood In the cart. Ho lost hit * dinner
pall nnd JiiHt unveil the pouch by holding It up
\\hlle the liorne safely swam acrong.
Willie Corrcll , ami family of Amlierft were
visiting With Albert Larnu luHtSumlay.
C'harlle Chrlelinun nml wife of llrokon How an )
rlHitlng with Willii' Johneon thlH week.
The joiing peopleV meelliiK at the necnnd
ICudell church wa * led by Marvon Holdson Innt
Sunday night. Wo meet every Sunday evening.
Mlsn ( lertlo CiiHelton was the Kuunt of MlsH
Katie Kennedy lant Sunday.
The young man who Keen to church to tare
leaven out of the pong bookH nnd roll In wiidHund
throw them acn < i < the room hud better Htay tit
Itouiii , nnr one who wlaheH to he respected niunt
respect others.
MHH | Katie Kennedy closed n micrimfull term
of Bcliool at the ( lllHDn Kcliool IIOIIHO Krlday. Slui
celubruted the last day with a picnic on the ban KB
of thu South Loup ; iiilte | u ninnbJr wore present
undreporta good time nnd pleiity toont.
llarlle JohiiHon hud .tho niluHluip to gut thu
circiilallou of the blood otopod In bin hand.
Homo of thuglrlHln this part of thooountry
think It U leap year for thuy Imio commenced
neking the boyi ) to take them homo.
Will Spry mailed n trip to Klk Creek every
Sunday now ; look out Will for Sump' * linn H dog.
Chlldren'H Day , at ( lilwons Hchool-lioiiHO , on
June llth waa n uccei < Thu children acquitted
theni'cl\eu ro nlly , iind gracefully In Hinging ,
and gpotiklng ; the bonce was crowded but we
found plenty of litnmlliiK room outside ; why not
build larger ei'hool hnuneH ? Wo like tn PMO chil
dren enjoy themiielvea , for if In the life of mull
kind there IB ever. HIlRH Without Alloy,1' Ills in
childhood.Vhun childhood end- , and the care ,
of life weigh IIH down , then life lit not worth thu
L. K. Olh'-on , whllo returning from one of hU
iiulghborH during n thunder Miowor , a fewnlghU
ago , hud ncloKU call ; thu lightning HtruckHocloxu
behind him and his pony , that he win dunned
and didn't Kct over the elf > uU of U all next dn ) .
Wu have had pome line raliiH In this vicinity
and wheat IH looking nplendld , hut the hot wlndx
on Sunday 18th Innt. was hard on client nudoatn.
The hot winds wern from the Houthwcnt , and
wore terrible , as hot winds gcneially are.
A Krcnt many people , went to the South Lotip
to llml n cool plnco , nnd tilko a xwim. When wu
went homi ) In thu cool of the evening , wo felt
pretty clciui , but left fi dirty river behind ux. One
man had a run-n-way but no ilnmaue wn * done.
W. H. Spry \Mille riding along the river road thu
other night , came In colislon with u biirb-wlro-
feni'o ; It was tlurl : and the pony wan on a lively
trot. Will wild Hurprlxcd to llnd IdniBclf and pony
piled up on thu other slda , the pony tore the hldu
oil i f itH knuo , and Will limped a lltt lu.
We are norry to learn of the dtaitNtroUH hall
btorm at Miller recently , butuH many were In-
uilrod ue hope thi-lr lom will not be great. Now IH
the time for the hall Inntiranco companyH to prove
their fair dealing to the doubtful farmciH that
nro afraid to Insure for ( ear of aoino financial
trap being net to cntch them.
Mr. Jones of Sumnur , tmr grocrry man had his
grocery wagon llpeet two weekH ago , leif M do/.ci
eKK und MOIIIU broken jam.
Ilbtruy Notice.
Taken up at my plauo of residence ,
i two year old bay marc , weight
.tliiint limn ( ] < ( l iiiinrulK. Ninn
anil half miloH north and wont of
Wi'Bt trnion. I OUIH HKAOKK.
0 15 5t.
Mr. JIvotoham 1'ike City Ual. ,
Hayh ; "During my brotlier'H Into
HioknohH from Hcialiu rheuinatiHin ,
Cliumberlain'ri Pain Halm waH the
only remedy that gave him any re
lief. " Many others have testified
to the prompt relief from pain
which thiri liniarnont affords , For
Hale by all drtigg'iHtH.
on the low ratcH via the Iurlinitoii ! ;
Houte uvury day from Juno 25 tn
July 11 Denver , Colorado Springs , 1'u
oblo , Olonwood , halt Laku City and
OgUen one far pine $2.00 for the round
trip. See nearest Builinqton aj'ont .
jn2J : 2t
- , Dry
Boots nnd Shoos , Wagons , Buggies ,
An , , eo , , ,
Conic nnd see me , and 1 promise you good goods nnd
prices ns low ns the lowest.
O. JP.
lli\H n full line of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also n Kuui Line of Hookn , Stnlionory , Toilet ArtioloH , etc. StoroR on
both North anil South Sidim , Broken Ho\v , Nob.
K. I ) . WOltNAt. . , ' .
! .
I'niHldcnt. . , .
A. J. , . A. Ciifhler.
Vlco-l'rua. W. D. HI.ACK\VKtiL , ABS'I Unnhlor.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
TranHntslH a General Hanking HiiHinoHH. County Claims and
WarrantH Honght.
I Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have
Pound It.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you over
loard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Torbnekor and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
" ristmns committees are invited to call and got my prices.
.j/nombor the place , on the big corner , just east of First
National Hank.
, - - Proprietor.
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
n Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.
Look Out. Look Out.
Hi'foro you buy'HCO II. H. Cartor'H line line of lIoiiKohold Qooda.
Everything , from a tin uup to
FJnePolislieslFinioiietiSiiilos ,
Side Boards and Book Cases ,
At pnooH never before quolofi in Hrokow How.
HuitOH * 12.00 to25.00
Hook CriHoH * 0 00 to $20.00
Side Hoards * M.OO to * 2f 00
lion licdH $3.50 to * lf .00
Springs fcl.OO to $000
MattroHseH , Tables , Sofas , Chairs , Rookers , Window Shades ,
Pieturo Frames and Pioturos.
Do not forgot to see mo at my new location , west side square.
YOUTH for business ,
S. II. HUKNHAM , I'rci-ldeiit , I.lncoln , Nrb it. O. IIOOKKH. ( JaNhlar , llroken How.
O. 1' . l'Kltl iv '
< , V-l'rcu , HroKon How. J. M KIMIIKUUNU , As4't Canhler ,
First National Bank
Gqneral Hanking Business Transacted.
S , II. IluriiliHmj U II. Jewell. K. C. Talbot. o , 1 * . 1'erloy. II. 0. Uogors.
UnltrJ titaU'H Nation 1 Hank , Oui'ilm. Chiuo Natluuat Hank. Now York. American
KxuhanuM Uunk , Lincoln. First National Hank , OntnJ Itlaod , First
Matlotml Hank ,
North Hattc , N h. '