Tlie State Sunday School Convention , The State Sunday School conven tion hold at Jlohlrego last week , is chimed to have boon the largest attended and the most successful over held in the slato. There were four hundred delegates present rep resenting cloven diffuront denom ination. There wore a number of the prominent workers of the dif ferent denominations pronont , but a largo-majority of the delegates wore lay members , 'I ho HOHHIOII opened Tuoaday night with the opera house and thegallory filled to IIH utmost capacity. The hall was most elaborately oratoly decorated for the oouaHion. The entertainment commit ! 10 , Moflsors. Clay , Bush and W. F. Ed wards , the latter formerly o' this city , had so perfectly done their work that every delegate was promptly provided onlorlninrnent on his or her arrival. Wo can only speak personally for Broken Bow delegates , but wo know that they \ wore most elegantly ontortaincd. / $ Yo scribe and Mrs. A. wore the guests of Mrs , Delia High Itood a former Broken Bow lady and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pittaway were kindly cared for by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Edwards , while J. M. Caress staid with Mr. A. B. Hathaway. The citizens of Holdrogo nil seemed interested - torostod in their guests and no pains or exponwo wore spared in their appreciation and to make every one feel at homo. There were 450 delegates in attendance repre senting forty-one counties and twenty-two denominations , Kearney county sending forty-livedolcgatoe , the largest representation of any county except Phelps which had iifty-nine. When it came to denom inational representation the Methodists odists load oil with eighty-two , the Congregationalists had lilty-thrco , the Presbyterians had thirty- uino , the United Presbyterians had twonty-iivetho Baptists had twenty four , and tha other denominations ranged from two to twenty oaoh. The address of welcome in behalf of the city was given by E. D. Ifiiisol , while Itov. E L. Kiplni or gave the welcoming addrcHH in behalf of thu churches and Sunday schools. The addresses were worthy oi the occasion. Dr. G. W. Abbot of Hastings respondedto these addresses - os in a witty manner. Ho was also down on the program for the open ing address.- The speaker touched upon the key note of Sunday school workjthe importance of work with children , starting out to answer the question , "What value did Christ put upon children ? " a < d ho answered - od it by showing how at all times Christ blessed the children when brought to him and how His stor- nobt condemnation was upon those who Bought to drive them away. After the devotional oxeicisos Wednesday morning. President Wallace gave his annual address , eulogizing the WOTK done by the Sunday school. JJo congratulated the association on the work done along various linus and urged still greater activity. Field Secretary Pollock then gave his report of the work during the past yoar. Hindered for a couple of months by sickness and by other i difficulties , ho had devoted most of his time to the South Platte country i where ho had visited thirty-seven counties , traveled 7,000 miles , held many county conventions and had done much office work and corres pondence. Ho emphasized the need of an assistant iu the North Platte country. His statistical report showed 2,515 schools in the state with 170,088 scholars in them ; 207 of these schools had teachers' moot. i i inps with 1,078 U'aohors in them ; \ \ -125 schools had home departments and 2,720 were enrolled therein ; 149 oonvontioiiH had boon hold during the year ; 2,23(1 ( of the scholars had joined the church. Some of the difficulties of the work and their ro. modlos were presented by J. 11. Miller of Lincoln , W. E. Niohol of Mindeu. The formi-r from the city standpoint , and tl.o latter as seen in the country district. Both fields have their peculiar difficulties which require patience and tact to moot. At the af toruoon session Rev. E. A. JLlussol spoke ou "Sunday Sohool Inslitutcs , " Rov. RusBcll who rep. resents the Baptist denomination has boon aotivo the past year in this work in behalf of his churchand told of the value of this work in iicreas ing the effectiveness of Sunday schools. During the past year 480,000 children from'tho Sunday school joined the church. How neooBsary that Sunday Bohool teachers bo thoughly trained. 'Ihis was the object of the instuto Rov. J. D. Stewart of Aurora conducted a conference on normal work in which a number of workers took part. E. B. Stophoimon , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , told in an interesting mannorof the inter-national Sunday school convention of Atlanta and of the flovonty-fifth anniversary meeting at Philadelphia , of the American Sunday doliool Union. A letter from F. F. Knickerbock er , a former Sunday school worker in the state and om of the inccr- porators of the association , who in now louatod at Wing ll.ti , Chiin , wns read , Many of the dologatoM were personally acquainted with ( he writer und the letter was listened toned to with much interest. At the evening session the opera IIOUHO was not largo enough to hold the crowd , and an overflow mooting was hold at thu Baptist church where addresses were made by Field Secretary Pollock , Ruv , Messrs. Slowart and RIIHHO ! . The services at the opera house were opened with a ohorim of 115 children , who had boon carefully irainod for the occasion l > y .1. D. Ifarrison. The topio of the evening mooting was "Tho organized dunday School Movement.1 The organization re ft rrcd to was the undenominational organization of which the atato association was a part. Its value was not forth by a well written paper by Hon. J.R.Thomp- son , of Grand Island , and lead by Ilia reporter as Air. Thompson was not able to bo present. Its methods were set forth by E. B. Stophenuon , of Cedar Rapido , Iowa , which were to give information of Sunday school workers , tolling of the woik in in- slulo and convention linen , und to gather the children ard people into the organized Sunday schools , Dr. llaydon , of Kearney , spoke of the support of the organization showing the need of convention work , to bring people into touch with the best Sunday school workers. In iquity workers were organized as uovor before , and it was necessary to moot this with organized right' eousnoBS. The important work of the teachers was Hot forth and the no'cossity of having plenty of money to carry on work , An appeal was made for money for the state work. Pledges of different counties amounted to abo'U $750 , and cash and individual pledges amounted to about # 75 more , The hour waB getting late , and so many of the delegates loft that the completion of this work was loft till next day. W. A. Heimborgcr made his re port as treasurer showing the re o up'.s for the year wore $801 and with 'ho balance loft ever from last year brought the total up to $810 35 and the disburf omonts $750.04 , balance on hand of $02.21 , but four warrants were outstanding aggregat ing about $72. Mr. Hoimbcrgor hi liis remarks paid a high tribute to the people of Holarogo for the way in which they had entertained the convention. For fourteen consecu tive years he had attended the stale convention and this year the ar rangements surpassed all others. THUUSUAV. After a quiet half hour spout in devotional exorcises Dr. llaydon , of Koirnoygavo : an interesting address on "The Bible Its Illustrations. " He was followed by Rov. VanDyke Wight , of Hastings , whoso topic was ' The Inspiration of the Bible. " It was important that wo bo convinced that it is God's word. The unity of the bible is the strength and all the parts make up this unity and when any one tries to take away a part they weaken the whole. A primary conference was con ducted by Mrs. M. T. Dwjcr of Albion , which was most interesting and could not help from being help ful to the teachers iu primary work She used the sand table and she gave an illustrative lesson with it on the birth of Christ. In the afternoon there was a homo department conference conducted by MrH. C. L. Jones of Hasting * . In response to a question it was 'ound that 14 present had been or wore engaged iu the work. The object of this department . reach people who through various reasons could not attend the regular school. For this work a God-like person who is persistent and judi cious nhould bo chosen At 2 o'clock the children had their meeting. Between 2 and 8 o'clock the children gathered at one of the churches and mnroheu in a body to the opera house where they wore addressed by Rov. Grossman , of Crete , Mrs. Howett and Pre sident G. C. Wallace. The child- n's chorus under Mr. Harrison again sang some of their beautiful songs after which a flash light picture was taken of thtm by Photographer Carlson. Prof. Gillispio , who for twenty years was at the head of the deaf and dumb asylum at Omaha , gave in the sign language several of the familiar sacred songs. For the evening mooting at the opera house extra scats were placed in the houbo and on the stage and tickets wore issued , thus insuring all who attended comfortable seats. It is estimated that 1,000 people wore Boated in the opera house Thuosday evening. After the chorus had rendered several songs the normal recogni tion services were conducted by Prof. W. R. Jackflon , of Lincoln , A class of sixteen graduated , who had completed the required work the past ye r , Only tivo of tfm r- f members wore prononl , Before the diplnmaf were iirPHonlcd , Prof , .lac'-.snn mad" a talk cmphnsizmu tin- importation of normal work and urging workers to tukeiip thu study the corning year , An overflow meeting wan held at the M. E. church , and addresses were made by W. fl , Kimberly and Mrs. C. L. Jones. The ovnning sonsion closed with a most eloqi on' , and scholarly ad dress by Chancellor Gco Ifi. Mc Lean of the State University , aftur which the band gavn an upon air concert in the court house squnro , Following is the result of the election of officers for the ensuing year : Goo G. Wallace , Omaha , pre sident ; Prof. W. R. Jao ! < non , Lin coln , vice-president and superintend , ent of Normal work ; Mrs. C. L Joncsof Hastingsvice-president and superintendout of homo dopantnont ; Mrs. M. T. Dwyer , Albion , vice- president and superintendent pri mary department ; E J. Wightman , York , recording soorotary : W. A. Heimborgor , Grand Island , treas urer D. M. Amsborry was elected member of the executive committee - too from the 10th district. Forty-ono of the countioH of the state were represented at the convention. Nearly every denomi nation was represented , and the report of the enrolling committee showed that there wore twenty-two difleront denominations repre sented. llrokon liow Hey * Promoted. This morning reports say that W. H. Osborne , has been promoted to first lieutenant of Co. L , and that W. S. Flick has boon promoted to second lieutenant , of Co. M. The RicrunuoAN uxtonds oongratula- lions to the boys and their friends. The W. C. T. U. Convention. The lath district of the W. C. T. TJ. hold a convention in the Baptist church of Broken Bow June 14 and 15th. Owing to recent rains , the attendance was not as largo as was oxpooted. A good program waB carried out. Some good recita tions were given ; also songs by the Loyal Legion. Two able addresaes were made , one by Mrs. Goff , pres ident of the Union , the other by Mrs. Upton , of Lincoln , Nebraska. The pastors of thu churches , Baptist , M. E. , Presbyterian and U. B. , assisted in the opening oxtToisos of each session , which gave inspiration to the meetings. Also Dr. J. J. Pickott gave u good talk. In the election of officers , Miss Stephens , of Liluhticld , Nebraska , was chosen to Hiicoeed Mrs. Goff , who has served the 18th district for the past five years as president. This gives Mrs. Guff a much needed and well earned rest. It is hoped that the wisdom of the convention will bo justified in this choice. Thursday evening the mayor and council of the oity were present. The mayor gave an address , which waB very practical , and much appreciated. The moral elomunt of the city fool that no mistake was made in Mayor Royso , and all feel ho can bo de pended upon to suppress any evil that menaces the public [ ood. At the elope , the convention waa fav ored by Home choice mueic consist ing of a solo by Clyde Carlos and a quartet by Messrs. Ryerson , Carlos and Norman Reynolds. Ilyuo. Mr. William Cloak | IM arrived from Indiana ; hayc not loaruod the comllllou of tils lioaltli. MIBH Ilnttlo Itecveu now rltles u wheel to and from her saliool ; whether It line got over IU backing proncualtloi I UIIYO not luarneil , Wo were f nrorcil with a heary rain on Monday nljjht , prccliitatliiK one Inch , putting the grotum In line condition for crou Krowtu und It In cloudy and milling rMn this \V dnusilny morning. Many are cuUlTiUlntr corn the fecoml time , llyn turning whlto and Mill bo rlpo early Iu July. Wheat wag ( orao Injured by Sunday a heat , but la nil right since Monday night's ram , Nothing the mattorJiiBt now , " Ilort Knurr got an old anil supposed worthless revolver and ln dud It for oour und carried It In his pants picket for forornl duys. On Momltiy It lot KO for u butter hold. Iti'tnilt , Bert baa a bad womul In hlii thigh and the Dr. U probing for tbo ball. Arnold. The Arnold mill dam has gone out again. John Finch I building un addition to hi a liouec Mies Izora Said , of Mo rna , epont a part of lai wtolc with frleiula hero , A llnlttblnK roat of paint greatly Improves the appearance of tbo hotel. I'ost Maater tleacli has received two new softies from Undo Sum , uud they are Tory uont. Mini Lotha Hhroder has KQUO to Ulunvlllo , where f ho will ppunit several vrecka at the lioueo of hvruuolo , The M , K. eocloty gave an Ice cream social on Friday ovunlru , which was itoll attended and Bucovailnl effort. An Ice cream social will bo glvon next Bntur day aft rnoou iu the IlolTnmn building , by tbo Itoyul . Julghbora. Itov. Hornuday , nt Uronon How , will Jellve thu oration hoio on the -1th and out people en depend on something good The Kpworth League s m < ln ns dnloptoa to th convention at Anoley , Mr. and Mrn. I rank rtt'ed ham and Mrs. T. Uaxeon , A gentleman well up In confldtmco gamoa , am * pretended Hgout of a Lincoln Insurance com pany , flipped a hotel bill ut the hotel We it .Hun day. day.Her. . J. 1. Coircll and wife , H Allen an wlfo , and a number of others wore In attomUno upon the Children's Day exorcises at Lone Tree latt Sabbath , The llaptlrt yonng peoples union indulged I an Icecream social Saturday , afternoon and OTOI Ing , Kxcollout munlc , a good time find a purse o t'f resulted The society will LOW pure ban tome new aud pretty badgoa. A Brand rally and roll call will bo held by th Arnold llapttsl olmrch on next Tuesday evening and on Wrdnenday , fornoon , afternoon and even Ing. Itvv. F. M. Williams of Lincoln will b present to make the opening address , HOT. J. W Megun nt liroken How , and nt'.veri from abroad are on the program. I'Iculc dV"n r on Wedues day In the grovo. All ar corlaUlr.lnvUed to a Uud tu ie iuc tluif Juno T * ° d Win. U. II. ( HIUItOH. { .The church is under repairs und there will be no service on Sun dny. Pastor Bell will attend the U. PC U. convention next week at Hastings June 27-2'J. The children's day service is put off until 1st Sunday in July M. K. cnuitcit. Children's Day services next Sun-lay at Sunny Dell 2:30 : p. m. Preaching1 in the morning' as usual. A new organ has been placed in the new church , and vill be on trial for the first time icxt Sunday. Notice Cltl/oiiH' Meeting. Having received communication H rom parlies having in charge the irr.ingcmonls for a prononud grand celebration at Omaha , for the boys of the First Nebraska Volunteer nfantry , upon their return from the which the entire state B asked to participate. A mooting of the relatives ol Co.Bl and oiti/.on < of Hrokon How and Custor county s hereby called at the court house Monday evening , Juno 20th , 1899tit 8 o'clock , to discuss the proposition ind take such action as may bo de cided upon. It is proposed to send special trains to the Pacific coast o bring back the rogimcutand that each member bo furnished with a landsomo gold medal , as an expres sion of the admiration and esteem of their follow citizens. H. M. SULLIVAN. E. ROYHU. Prof. Sofield's wonderful success since his arrival in Broken How has net with the approval and admi ration of his many friendsas a pub- io benefactor. The Prof.has doci. led to locate permanently in Bro ken Bow , knowing it to boa beau tiful little oityBurroundod and Hitp- > ortod by a nice and productive country. The Professor has com puted arrangements to open an In. tituto hero in IJrokonBow , for the ducation of all who may want to earn the art of Magnetic Healing nd will alao treat all manner of isonseH without , cither raediuiuo or urgery. Some of the best road and eminent physoians known to the tatoof Nebraska will bo interested n and connected withithis Institute n which every citizen in Custor onnty should feel themselves intor- stedif they care for the future wellfaio of all mankind , tf Central Nebraska Summer School , Juno 12th to July 21st , 185)0. INBTllUUTOHS : U , U. IliWTUOUNK , Morna. J. G. W. LEWIS , Krokeu Dow. KNHOLLMKNT. B110KEN 110 W. iina Amsberry. Mao Apple. ) lla ClaWBOn. Maud bedim. AnnaDooley. Mlnnlo Griohol. Lmlly U'SchwInd , Zoda nrant. , . J. Lewis. llcatrlco O'llrluu. nrah Owens. Claude Plcltett. Klhul Wright. AM8LET. ilia HustorhoUz. ANUKLMO , rare Ltndloy. AltNOLD. itertlo Allan , Maud Hois. OAI.LAWAT. ) ay Taylor , Oscar Goar. CLIFF. larloTboblcten. Ollvu Klump. COZAD , Clam Kauttman. EDDKI.L. lary Uollandsworth , Annlo Nicholas. KDOTYILLl. largi-ry Tuckor. GATES , label ABU. lloaa Hazon. Vesta Hnxcu. QKEICN. lagglo C'onley. LODI. Carrie Thurman. LILLIAN. Josato Uarwood Edna Hates. MEUNA. V. 1 . Frye. Goo. Gnrildii. C' . M. Layman. Lena Wood. Mary Whittle. Mar } WaliU OCOXTO. Inrvey Owcu. Ulyisoa Owen. -lly Murragou. Qlorlotta Samaon. W. K. Dlckman. IIYNO. illnnle Oarroll , ? loy Llvermore. 1'ottt ) , TUIUMIMI ina S'liiifou. TUFPOUD. llerthn Ilauning. Kranklln. \VK8TEUVII.I.K. Jncar llergor , May Stewart , Ueonu Harris. WKBT UNION. Minnie Coouey. LOMAX , Clara \oung. COBUIIU , Zolla Wood. llollle llrombaugh. FOR SALE CHEAP ? Through the efforts of D. W. Thompson , O. H. Conrad , S. M. Derris , J. N. Poalc , Snyder Bros. Mrs. 1'redmoro and Mr Wallace many valuable and useful articles have boon reciovod as donations on the now M. K. church. They may ho bought at very reasonable prices by seeing Itov. Hornadrty or W. B Kastham : One new Plane hinder which for oawh can bo boug'it cheaper that any other hinder in the county. Ono Buckeye binder ( has bcoi UhCll ) Two fine building lots. One good horse. Some parlorjlamps at Suydor Bro's. and Peal & John's stores , latent stylo. Ono Quadruple uilver tea set. One clock aud out glass dish. Ono double set of work harnoBB , Don't give you so much WIND , but here are a few FACTS. They poll BETTER GOODS at LOWEH P1UCES than you can get elsewhere. They Guarantee Everything as Represented , jilt Edge Shoe Blacking 20c lAi Muslin 3o IJoston Shoo Blacking 20o The Best Htot-k of Embroidoyr and Laces at prices away BELOW ALL COMPETITION ; 2o to 30o per yard. Handled Tea ( > ups and Saucers , per sot .JOo Dinner Plates , per set 35o Pie Plates , per set 30c llawhido Buggy Whips ' 15o Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoos , 75o to $2.25 Wo have just received the Lirgest and Finest Stock of Plaids , Stripes , and all colors , in all Silk Ribbon in the city , at a price lower than can bo bought elsewhere. Ladies' all Silk Mitts. . . .15o to 5fio Men's SummcrUndorwoar Suit..50o Letter Files 25o Note Paper 30 sheets for f > c linvelopos r 0 for 5o Tablets , all kinds , lo , 3c , 4c , 5o , lOo Uoals All Load Pencils , each. . . . Ic Saber's Bank Pencils , each 5o Men's Unlined Work Glovoe , 20o to OOo A nice lot of Fancy Lamps , 85o to fcl.70 Overal Is , heavy 49c A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Shirts , Mo to ! )8o Puff Bosom Shirts 50o Mirrors 15c to 45o Lamps , complete 20o , 25c , 35o All Copper Tea Kettles 70a All Copper , Nickel Plated Tea Kettles 89o Granite Coffee Pots 25o to 4Ho Tin Cups 3 for 5o I3est 0 cord Spool Cottonjer doxir)0 : [ JeBt Table Oil Cloth , per yd . . .lie Ladies' Shirtwaists.,30c to 40o Roys' Summer Suits. . . . OOo to 80c Sun Bonnets 22o Men's Shoes 08c to $2.00 Childion's Shoos 18o to * 1.CO Men's and Boy's Ifats , in all styk'H , at prices lower than ever. Men's Suites , at $ 'J 85 and up Calico , per yard 3o to Go 7 inch llubbor Combs , 5o ; 0 for 25o Ladies' ( -iiuza Vests 5o to 22o lluntor Flour Sifter lOo Engraved Watn Glasses per sot , 20o Heavy Black Sateen UnderskirtsOOo Fancy Stand Covers 15o Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves 47o Ladies' Cotton Gauntlet Gloves , 20o Knives and Forks , per sot 34o Straw Hats Co to 25o A fine line of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords aud Toe Slippers , at Rock Bottom prices. Muslin , per yard 2 o Table Linen , per yard. . .20o to 80o Celluloid Collars 4o Linen Collars 8c Ladies' Hose , per pair 5c Hook ford Socks , per pair 5c Cjffoo Mills I5c Wash Boards 15c to 23o Glass Wash Boards 38o Bridle Bits 5o to I7o Ilamo Staples , per pair 5o Tug Clips , per pair 5o Wush Boilers 7'2c and up Pocket Knives , all kinds , at 25 per cent lower than clspwhoro. TABLETS ! TABLETS ! Wn can save you 50 per cent on tablets. Tailor Made Suits , the besi in tiie Oity , If you do not call and roe the Goods at UIP RACKET STORE before buying , you will miss Home GREAT BARGAINS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS , For the of the patrons of the store of J. N. Poalo , I have taken in a partner , and the stock wi'l ' bo up to its old time standing , and everything in the line of will always bo found iu stock , the freshest and the best. Wo make a specialty of Fresft Fruit , Wo are also anxious to reduce our stock of Quefnswi re , and anyone wishing to purchano anything in this line , will find it to their interest to cill on ut > , for pri.-cs will bo made to suit the customer. Remember wo keep up the order business. Give us a call. Yours for business , PEALE & JOHNS. To the farmers of CuBtor county : If you want honest Hail Insurance at honest prices insure iu the United Mutual Hail Insurance Co. ol Lincoln Nebraska. Prior lliohling president , S. II , Burnhan treasurer , E. C. HOUBH. Custor County Annual Blcyclo Moot Tbo GtistPr County Uicyolo Associa tion mot oi : the 17th tnat-iinrt the first on the program wns u half milo open. 1. Edwin Myers. ' . ! . Frank Ilublee. 3.WaltOsKOOil. . ONE MILK 11ANWOA1' . 1. Olaronco Towsloy. 2. Frank Uuhloo. 3 , Ilorbort Myors. 4. Virgil Philippe , ONK MILK OlUN. 1. Frank Rubloo. 2. KJvvin Myors > . 3. Andrew Ijoo. 4. Wait OsKood. 1IOVS KAOE. 1. Ilurbort Myers. 2. Andrew Ijda. 3. Wnhl I'hlllpps. QUAKTF.ll MILE Ol'EN. 1. Edwin F. Myors. U Frank Uublee. 3. VlrRll Pbilijips. , 4. Herbert Mjora. PKUSUIT ItACE O.NK MILi : HUN FOK TfjlK. 1. Uublee and Myrs Tim251. . 2. Joyner and Ilolrumb " . ' { 4. 3. Urnico niul M > era " 3-9. ONH I-OUIITJI MILK I1ANIIOAI > . 1. Kdwin Mvers 2. Clarence Towgt | > y. 3. Frank Kublee. 4 Vlrjjlll'iiillppa. 5. Eil Whlto. The trnuk wiia In fjooil condition and the tlmo 1:20 for the half mile open wna within one second of the best over made on the track. ISOTICI5. Notice Is heroliy given that by virtue of n chat. tel inortKago , dutul Mtircu Dili , IbOS , und ilnlr Hied in the .mice of the County Clerk of Ciuter county , Nebraska , on raid Mb day of March , 18M KLd executed by J . M . A h 1 1 thu Warder Hush- ' nell & Glrasuor Uomnany , n corporation duly Incorporated under the laws of the utato of Illinois , toocnrc the payment of a promissory note of J , ' 1.35 , da ed Boptombor 20th , 18ya , anil duo October 1st , 1SU7 , aud extended to September 1stm , on nfith \ \ day of March , 1893 , and up. on uhlch there Is now due the sit u of fJH 55 Dcfnult having been made In the payment of f aid sum and no cult or proceedings at Inw havlnc been Inetltutcd U recover ulil sum or any jmrf thereof , therefore , 1 ulll sell the property d - B'iribc'd Iu stild mortgage , towlt : One sorrel mare , ton yenrs nlil , welcht l ° 0o lionndi named " . " , "Ciueeu. Ono Cimmnlon mo iT. At public auction In front of the Far mer * liank of Ouster county , IlroUcu How Ouster county , Nebraska , on the 15th day of Jp'X. ' 18 ' 9. at two o'clock p. m. > o the holiest bidder for cash to atl fy ald notice and mort gage. UaUd I hla Wuil tUy of Juno , 1B1A . TUB WAIIUKK UUSIINELL i ; OLI IINIIH Co. IJy MOKQAN & MilLuMAN ITd ATTYS