Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 22, 1899, Image 5

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    U. S. Land Office ,
P. H , YOUNG , . . . - Iltwlvor
U. 8. Land Onico I
Hroken How , Neb. , Match IS , 18IW. f
A snfllclcnt content > ( lll ( vlt having been filed
n this oillcc January 3d , ibW. by Kleob ,
contestant , against 11. E. No , 3tl ( , in nil o by llort-
Ina Drown , 8opt. 1W , 18' , for s4 nwlf sec. 8 , tp
1H N. , U. ItV. * . , by ilcttlna llrnwn , cotitostcc , In
Which It la allCKeil that the said Hertlnn Drown
line wholly abandoned said trnct ( or mnro tlmn
six months last ( met , tins not resided on said
trnct or Improved and cultivated the same as 10-
quired by law. Said parties arc lisroby nollllcd
to appear , respond HIU ! offer cvldcnceon the Ulth
day of Jniii.1 , 1891) ) , at 10 o'clock a. in. , before thn
Iteclslcr nnd hecelver , at the United ylntes Lain !
Olllco at Drohtn Dow , Nebraska. The said ron
loitiwt In a proper allldavlt. filed Mnrcb 11 , 1H'.K ) ,
imvlng net forth lucts which show that utter due
diligence personal sorvi < of thin notice rnnnot
b innili' . it In hereby ordered nnd directed that
snch notice bo Kiwi by duo mid | irrpcr publica
tion. The Ciixtur Couiily Kepnbllcnn Is
natmt ne tlio paper In which this notice shall bo
9 Land OMco at Hrokcn How , Nub , I
June ID , IfW. f
Notice Is hereby given that tnu following nam
ed settler hnn Hied tintlri1 of her . .intention 1o
mnko tlnal proof In support of her claim , nnd that
snld proof will be nmde hefore Ki'Kla'i'r and Ho-
cclvcr , nt llroken Dow , Neb , on July 27thIM''t ' ,
viz :
Jennie E. Tuultur ,
of Anselmo Nobr for the II K. No. fifiT , s'S
so J < > St'C0. . iiu'i no'i. See , 7 , nwM mv'i , BOC. 8.
T. L'ON.,1123 W.
She minus the following wltncssis to pr > ivo
her continuous rosldenco upon and cultivation of
bald Iniut , vim James S. Mcdlnn , ( Jeorge
Williams of Anpeimo , { tcbraska , Itnsh Miner , of
Dunning Nebraska , Tliomns 1'lnlen , of Ilrokcn
Duw , Nebraska.
JAMKS WlHTEllKAl ) , Kcglstor.
U. S. Land OfPco , North 1'l.i'to. Nob. , )
Juno 17,18U9. f
Notleo la hereby glvou that
'Jiuiict- * K.IIIK
has filed notice of Intention to make finnl proof
bcfoio County Judge at hit ) otllco In
Ilrokcn Duw , Neb , on Krld'iy , the 28th day of
July , 1800 , on timber culture application No
13375 , for the w 4 netf oVi nwM ot section > o. 33
in Township No 10 range No 21 He names as
witnesses : John Willis , Ohurles Chupln , Jnmes
Swopo , Charles Chapel , all of Drolicii Dow ,
Nob. Jna-JCt QEO K. PltENOH. Uegistor
I/and Olllco at llroken Dow , Neb. , I
June Sift , law 1
Notice Is hereby given that
CurneiltiH J. Itiiimey ,
of Cleveland , Ohio has tiled notice of hi8
Intention to nmUu final proof before tlio
Keit'stor ' and Keeclver , rtthulr ollko In Itiokcn
Dow , Nibraskn , on Thursdn ) , the 2"lb Uny of
July , IMi'.l , on timber culture application No.
131W , for tinBO'I now , " 054 sail , > "i kof ,
of Biction No IIn Umnnhlp No L'O , N , lunce No.
L't : W , tesllmoi y of claimant to bo taken before
clerk of the District court , at I'lcvcUnd , OI.Io.
Ho names as witnesses : WillttO Hanrey , of
Anselino , Nebraska. John < ) . Mandcvlllo of
Dunning , Nobraeka ; Albert \Vlllett of Mernu ,
Nebraska , John II. Llnscott , of Milburn ,
Jn2'-Ct JAMBS W111TUHKAD , Holster.
Land Ofllce at North 1'latto , Neb. , I
JunuUlli , l 99. I
Notice is hereby given that tlie following mim
ed miller has II KM I notice ot hlx Intention to
mane llnal proof In support of his clulm , and
that hald proof 111 be nuulo before tliu County
Judge , dieter county , Neb.nt llroken Dow.Neb ,
' 'Ifll ISU'J vU
jn July , , :
CimrluH C. Clinpel ,
II. U. No. 177IH , for the n'/i swU. vvU nwMi ol
ucctlon VI ) , tciunfhlp 10 N. , U. 21V. .
lie nimec the following witnessed tn prove his
continuous reMdenco upon and cultivation of ,
* ald land , viz : Jolin U Palmer , Uoslve Dolln ,
lllllcry Kobineon iiud JuuicsSwopc.allof Broken
Dow , Nebr.
] nnl.ri-i > t GKO. B. PHENCII , KegUtcr ,
l.aiul unico at North 1'liitlo , Nob. , I
JuucO , IH99. |
Notice l hereby given that tlio followlnK-unra-
cil Bettlcr lias llled notice of her Intention to make
tinal proof In cupiiort of her claim , nnd that ball
proot will be niado before Comity Judge , ut llro
ken Dow Neb. , on July lilet , Iti'M , viz :
Haralt Anu Cliopc-1 ,
II. B. No. 17357 , for the \vi ! sej , of too ii.i. nnd
wV4 neW , of BCC. M , township 115 , N. , range 81 , W
bbo names the follow ing witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land , viz : John Bqulrci- , George Water-
Charles Willis nnil Chnrlex Chapel , all of Ilrokcn
Dow , Ncbr. OKO. B. KHBNC1I , Iteglaier
junlrit (
Land Office lit llroken How , Neb. , I
Juno IJ , 18W. (
Notice Is hereby given that ttio following-nam
ed stiller has llled notice of Ms Intention to
make final proof in support of ids claim , nnd
that said proof will be nindo before Register and
Itcceiver , at Hroken How , Neb. , on July "Oth
1890 , viz :
JCIIS 31. ClirlHtCIIHCll ,
of Horwyn , Nebraska , for the II. E.No. 23J nw K
sec. U3 T. 17 N. R ID W.
Ho names tbo following witnesses to prove
bia continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land , vis. ; i'elor It. Peterson , Jamert M.
1'irnlc , of lleruyn , Nebraska ; Itasmiia Ander
son , nnd John JoluiM > nor llroken How Nebraska.
Land OIUco at Ilrokcn How , > eb. , I
May Hist , IB'J'J. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-mini-
od settler has lliod notice of his Intention to make
Una ) proof in Mipport of his claim , and that said
ptootwlll bo made before KcKlstoroud Hi culver ,
at Broken How , Neb. , on July 8th. ISO'J ' , vl/ :
Hpciicer J. I.uui > ,
of Mllburn. Neb. , for II. K. N'o. 100 , iiwU , 'C.
14 , T. aiN , It. SI W. Iloimnics the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence ilpoi.
nnd cultivation of , Mild land , \lf. : Aetna 1'ettls.
Ucoruo Dubr > , Jolt Loui ) and Kobcrt I'nrlcill !
of Mllburn , Nebr.
1 Land Office nt Droken Dow , > ieb. , (
May 3il , 18l I
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
. , named cottier has tiled notice of her Intention to
. " , / maku llmvl proof in support ot her clulmAnd that
* , - -x , paid proof will be made before Hoglster and Ho-
- - cclvcr.nt Itrokcu Dow , Nob. , o i July bill , lbW ! ,
vl/ :
Jennie 1C. ClirlBiimti ,
X of llroken How , Neb. , for tlio lid No. 300 , seM
swH KWM ueH ntt no 4 HCC , 0. tp 18 N. , It. SO \ \ .
She names thu iollowlng wltnebscs to provo her
continuous rtsldeiice upon , Mid cultivation of ,
eaid land vl/ : Charles & . 'looley , Preeennui J.
lUchnrdsou Alfred SloBgett. Marcus A. Chris-
man , nil of Droken How , Neb
U. S. Land OlUce , llroken How , Neb , I
May 12th , 18U9. (
Notice In hereby give i that LKWKS n. MEAD ,
ot Oiislow , In , IIUH llled notice of Inluntlou to
nuke final proof before Resistor and Ueceivcr , at
tin Ir oillcc In Ilioken How , Neb . on the 2-Jd day
of June , IbUU , on timber culture application No
7WI , foi the now " H of section No 7 , In township -
ship No. 18 N. , rungo No 18V. . Testimony of
clainmnt will bo taken before the Clerk of the
Dlhtrlct Court of Jones county , IOWH Ho
namoa as wltnes-es : Amos N , Wcstbrook ,
Frank Knight , John Knight , Johu Wlticmyer ,
all of Somerfonl , Neb.
In the dls rlct court of Cueter coiimy , Nobr.
f John Janice , I'liilntltl
4Jolin K.l''lei.sncr , ( ietlnc FIcsBner.Dert C. Dull-
ner and Mrs. llorl t1 Dullnor , bin wife , lirst
name unknown , Defendant * .
To John V. Hletf ncr , UeMno I'lesiiicr , Hurt
DulInernndMrs , HcrtC. Duirner , hl wife , llrst
name unknown , uon-iCfldent defendants : lou
and each of you will take notice tbut on ttiu 1811
day of April , IMI'J , plalntlll tiled a petition In the
dlt-trlct louri of C'ustor county , Nehrarka , agalns
yotiandench of Jon. the oliJ'C1 and jirnyer o
which me to fared ibu it certain mortgai ? " e.\o
cutvd by the dufciidantx , John I KlcsHi.ur am
( leslne 1'leseuer , to tbo Nunnit > Ka Mortgage
i. Trust Co , , und duly Bold and assigned to Ihlu
< f/8t / ' plaintlll , upon the following deecrlbc'd preuilsus
7 . , viz : Tl.o southeast quarter of soctlon 14 , lu
V. ' ( T township 10 north , range Si west fcUth f. M
" which cald mortgage was given to Bucnro the
' ' 5 ' payment ot a certain prrmUnory note , dated 01
, HIM iOth day of .March , IKU.for ihc diim of JJiK ) uo
, * * , , toguthur coupon * thereto attaehed
< t "j . und duo and payable In live years from date
* - thereof. That tuero ls now due upon cald note
and morti.'uiii the turn ot $3rut > J , and Intcrer
thereon at 1U pur cent truiu April Ut , I8'A . Am
plaintiff ntiiyo that said premise * nmy lie decreot
to be sold , to nailery the amount due thereon
You and each of you are uotltli d to auau or said
petition on or buforo the 17Ji day of July , loin )
bated this 6lh d y of June , ltf.0. "
JOHN JAMIvS , ridliillff
' JaUjiCJ-17-lt Uy lloluomb llru . , Atioruuyi ) ,
.Richardson's Livery
nt the old slnnd. between the Hurling-
ton nnd Glebe Hotels. Telephone cnn-
'neetlon. | Hemlquartora of CMInwny
etriRO line , Kates ronsonable.
1 T. W. Bass ,
Ml work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Biokon Bow , Nebr.
Moved !
on cor. south of I * . O. ,
Vatolimaker rind Jeweler , formerly
orth niilo.
Dr. Ghas. L. Mullins ,
d Htairway from weal ondin lt ' ; l y
block ; rcHidunuo , north Hide.
11. B. Mullins ,
'liysician - and - Surgeon ,
Sargent , Nobr.
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Successor to Ur. M. C. Ulystone.
omce over Chrystal Drug Store. Calls prompt
ly answered from ollicc , day
Thos. A. Turnbull ,
[ faithful work done , prices reason
able and all woric guaranteed ,
broken Bow , Nebraska-
Shoe Shop.
; | romptly nnil neatly done on short
order. I'rlccs reasonable. Sucmiil door south
of the l > oet otlicc.
E. B' . McCLURK , Prop.
Rye Flour and Graham , ground ; on
stone burr. All kinds of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to suit
customer. Agent for condensed
Cibus Stock Food.
I have a largo list of farms for
sale in all parts of the county. Low
prices and easy term * of payment.
Write for prices.
Doctor Pennington ,
Member N.A.Il.S. Ex-Assistant Surgeon St. Jon
and G. I. It. U ; also K. & O. It. It. Liito urad-
imto of the University of Pennsylvania , onice
three doors sonth of Kd McComas drug storo.
All calls niled , day or - ' '
School and Chiirch ,
For School Furniture , School .Supplies
or Ciiiuoli Furniture , ] offer the best
erins the mnrkut nffimls.
Broken How , Nub.
All Kinds of work In our line done
jromptly and In llret-olass ordur. Ked
3h.ip on the corner , woet of the hose
Olvo us H tr'ml.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
Plftiis nnd SpnclflciUlons on short notice No
tarial fnrnliihcd and ImlldltiKB coiiii > 1oti l
thini nny man In tin ) stale. 8ntlsfitrtlon
tcod aa to plans nnd t > | icclIcnlious. (
ia and ealliiintca on short no
tlce. lirokon How , Neb.
Hag Carpet
Sold chntip , In any Icnglli pieces dcelrnil. Car
put wcdvlnt ; polldtud. 1'rlcua ruaitoii Me ,
Mrs. Louise Raymond.
Weft of Ilouun'a SUire.
Clinton Day ,
Urokun Uow , Neb.
Pftlco over Uyeraou'a K ooery. Kesly
UuucuUtu house woatof Uaptiat oliurch.
Itoi in * 8-0 Itonlty block , llrokon Vow , Noti.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
and Justice of the IVaoo. Hpcolal nttentlon clv-
cn to collections. Depositions trtken , puinloii
vouchers neatly executed , and nil kinds of lounl
nnper * written. Olllce vrcft Bldo 9inkro , llrokon
Uow , Nob.
Nob.Fruit and
Ornamental Trees.
Geneva Nursery ,
John McOutuliPon ,
MnVobolli fall nnd spring delivery. Tills Is
the leading nurfcry In the Btatc , nnd their slock
l > all lltet CKBI ! > . Of the Imndri'dn we haul cold
to In till * county tlio pud four ye ire , w > dni-lro to
refer sou to u few whom wi > limn fiimli'heil
stock , vix : Jim. Whltehoad , John Henry. < * ' < >
\V Dewey , II (1. Honor * ami Judge II. M. bin-
John McCutcheon.
C. P. Jussoll&Co. { ,
Beat CfiJlulc Jlcalccs.
lave ranckoi and lands for sale in
CiiHtor and adjoining countii'B.
ranohoH and lauds for
rent term of years.
Dealer in Chattels and Auctioneer.
Btokmi Bow , Nob.
By order of the board of directors
and Htockholdora of the Broken
Bow Building it Loan Association ,
I will sell at public auction , at tlio
front door of llolcomb Bros , ofliop ,
on Bhturdav , June 24th , 181)9 ) , ut 2
o'clock p. in. all of the properties ,
credits , rent accounts , delinquent
dues and interest , mortgages and
securities of every nature and dis
oription belonging to and duo to
said association. Propertias con
sist of :
Lots fi and 0 , in block 1'J , in J.
P. Gandy'8 addition.
Lot' 1 and 2 in block 3 , A. W
Gaudy's addition Southeast quarter
of block 1 , in Jewell's addition.
130X1-14A feet in N E quarter N
32-17- known th
qmrtor , - - , as
ILtymond property.
Ijot (1 ( , in block 7 , original town.
Lot a , in block 14 , J. P. Gaudy'
All of block 10 , in east Brokei
120x150 feet in N E quarter , 32-17
-20 , known as tbo Dodd property.
12li xll4 loot in N W quarter lot 4
V. Roynor's addition to Brokei
Ueoroo of 54.'l,00 , rendered fHl
day of March , 1890 secured by
mortgage on lots 0 and 4 , block 22 ,
J. P. Gandy'a addition to Broken
Bow , Nobr.
Decree of $22 1,30 , rendered 8tl
day of March , 1B99 secured ty
mortgage on west half east half
block 11 , Pleasant View addition t (
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Decree for $4 18.07 , rendered 22
th day of January , 1802 , secured by
mortgage on lots 1 and 2 , in block
18 , original town of Broken Bow ,
Decree for 8124.80 , rendered 24'
th day January , 1893 , secured by
mortgage on lots 3 , 4 and fl , in Sec ,
31 , Tp. 20 , Rg. 20 , Ulster county ,
Notes and accounts are against
various parties formerly stockhold
ers und tenants of said association.
Terms of sale , all note accountable *
croes and credits oiiHli in hand on
lay ot sale. All real estate one
lalf purehar.9 price cash in hand ,
caedit of four months will bo given
on other half.
Lincoln. Denver ,
OrouliB , llvlenn ,
UliUngo , Hlltte ,
St. JoHCph , Portland ,
Kniisns City , S ll I.nko City
Kt' l nilH , mid all Snn FrnncUco
points cant and Hoiith. and nil polntti wuvt
> A8T.
"ttci. 41. Ijocalosproi-B dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
and all points cunt flSO : a.m.
No. 40 Through frcluht east ! ully..b'j'J : a. m.
No. 48. Uical froiyht east nrr. dally l'J.K ( ) p.m
Dopartsat 1.01 p in.
Kxcept Sunday.
No. II. Local express dally , llelnna , llutto
Portland , nil points west ll:17p. : m
No. IS. " " west " ! 0'6Hu. m
No. 47. " " " " S-.ld p.m
i at 2.1&P , m
KicejH Hunday ,
, illnlni ? anil reelInlns chair cnrn ( seats
true ) on llirougli trains , Tlcki-s Bold and liag-
gi e clieckcd to any point In tin United btntts
anu Canada ,
No. 48 has niurchandlso earn Tuesdays , Tlitm-
diiys nnd Saturdays.
No. 4& ulll carry passoncurs for Ansuliiio , Hal
icy. Seneca , Whitman mid Alliance.
No. 40 Mill carry pas.oi gurn for HavounB
Grand Itland , hewa'd ami Lincoln.
luformatlon , inup i tlmu Uililee and ticket
call on or write to 11. L. Orinsliy , agent , or J
Fraucli , O. 1' . A. , Oinulw , Nebraska.
II. L. Oiixnur ,
If Mrs. Stahnor , ot Iljno , will uco the follow-
IIIR , Klio will , I think , bo prcntlv bcnenird by It.
Tate cqrml part * of hon oil , million , intlow.
and balram of fir , simmer In an rnrthon vcnrcl ,
upplv * often M dcflrod ,
Clmrllo Lnrnc , onr cnlrrprlsliiB hnchrlor , U
potting wlre.fonco nround hl < farm.
There was n rocUula llttlo party Riven nt Mr.
Kennedy's Inet Saturday c\culni ; . a FnrprUo on
MI Katlo. It was highly enjoyed by the o
Chlldrrn'R Uny MAS ob < crvcd nt Qlb on's school
onroJuno llth.
Onr search for Mark Glcaion wivs unsnceossful
, IK the opinion of onn > , that lie tms bonrdcd n
invtnB ( fright train anil ROIIO oat. A * ho was
nco n brnkctnnn , ho could caclly riitch n train In
ml \ \ uy
Iloticrt Olh'on hntt horn suaro sfnl In rllrliii ? n
avorlto marc boloiiKliiK to his sOin John. She
nt her \fg \ broken In Tcburary , mul now i > hu can
iilk on It.
Mlfs Sadlo Klllott haacomn homo from Anfiry
n account of tlio sickness of her mother and
l ter.
L K , Olbfon went to llroknit How ImtCi'k
Mr. fltorKo Cherry Is ilrnuluK lumber \\Mi the
iitentlon of bulldliiKa fraiuu IIOIKC in the nonr
A rurprfco pntty and n 'inlet ilnnco wai t njoyod
iy the ) oung pvoplo , lit Mr. AugiiMl Dtlrnhd'p
rlilny. May " ( Hh. Mr. and Mrs. O.-lrnml nro
onrldered tlio beft ruiind < laures In this soctlon ,
teroforo they DIM envied by thunuiiK folkn.
Wo Mould warn Mien K. K. 1) ) . to look out for
10 wire Mrctcher.
lllK ruin TncMlny nliht. ; W. W. Siry | Kot
au ht In It.
Kay Hpry Is worl.liiB for Mr. M.Vlllard. .
Wo Imtoplenty ol blarkvmlths now ; eonio have
.ools , mid no shop , otlu-rs have shop , nnd no
The old rod school house , known ua the
Jirlsmnn scliool housu In fast going back to Its
native level , nnd the dUtrlct Is going to bnlld it
ramo vcbool housotoUki ! lt place. The old
011 buildings w 111 noon bo n thing of the past the
ulnH ul primitive pioneer enterprise , nor should
o dcspl i them , IIM the dny ot small thliiKs , for
istoiii pluck nrd onturprlflo , aided bj iho nods
if tbo viilleys ami wlllouc of tlio ri\er , nnd
iHilin from tlie blulTit , innblod thu ( iloneorH to
build homos , that never could havobion nccoin-
Hahed , hud It not boon for these simple roKollrres
f llio tvcKtern wild Tliolr old song snys :
"Though the cods ot tbo valley cover Ui4.
No tents need bo shed ;
1 hough w o sleep beneath wlllou B ,
You ncidntit think \\v are dead ,
As I paokoil by iho Win. ( llbson farm Hundiiy ,
noticed quite u croud gathered thuro. The
Yoiihiin family from Lowel , wore there vlsltlnit i
IHO Thos. llrooks nnd Mmllyi Itobort Cilbson
and Anton Flood ,
Henry I.clgnn made n lling trip to the How
nsi Thursday. We are looking for the cigars
Wo heard a line Hermon from Itcv. J. It. Wood
at the second Kudell llnpllst church last Sunday
If llnrley Johnson makes n trip to the How
eoon , that means inoro elgnri for us boys. lfOIt HA 1,1 ! ; .
I will sell , between now and .July
1st , 1899 , at my place on the South
Loup , one mile oust of Georgetown ,
(5p ( 1 ead of good native cattle , con-
histing of 20 cows , with ealf by side ,
iiO two-yi'ixr-oldHjHluors und heifurh ;
20 yonrlingH , a fiv milch cows , and
one line rolled Angus hull.
Georgetown , Nobr.
Farm for Sale.
Four and half miles south-west of
Berwii of 100 acres , 75 acres in
cultivation , 0 acres of live limber ,
sod hoiiHo , shingle roof , well , wind
null and sod stable. For particulars
write or see moat Broken Bow for
the next 30 days. J. L. GIUMICH.
Getting tlioro eoata very llttln one
faro plus $2 00 ( nr the round trip every
dny trom Juno 25 to July 11. Tluketa
good to return until October Ulat. Sue
nearest Burlington ngeut nnd got partic
ulars , jn22 2t
VV. II. PreOmoro is resident agent
for the Farmers Mutual Hail In
surance Association , af Fairlield.
Neb. ; also agent for hog cholera
insurance. Insurance at actual
cost. Office at Uyerson's store.
Koiile-Clieap Tickets < > De
troit , Mich.
Tiiko ailvfttitago of the low rato- one
tare pltiB $ 2 for the round trip to Detroit
which the Burlington liouto line mrulo
for the ' 09 moetlni ; of the ChrlHtmn
Eiuloavoiors MiU go east at nhout nail
usual coat. July it , 1 nnil 5 , are the
dates of Bale. jJerthu , tickets nnd In
formation about return limits , Pido trips
trom Detroit , etc. , cnn bo had at nny
liurhngton liouto tluknt olllue. J.
Francis , General Puesenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Spend the Summer in California.
The cost of getting there need
not stand in your way. Lain in
Juno and early in July , the Burling
ton Houto will soil round-trip
tickets to Los Angeles at jufit about
half the usual rato. Liberal return
limits and stop-over privileges.
For a hundred dollars you can
not only go to Los Angles and back ,
but you can , in addition , see pretty
nearly all of southern California
that is worth seeing.
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis , General -
oral 1'aeseriger . \jiont , Omnha
The time to go to California.
Is in summer. This mumnor-lato :
in Juno or early in July-then sea
and sky and vine-clad nlopo are iaU
their best when the rate is littl
more than half as much as usual.
If you take the Burlington Houto
you will have cooler \voather and
finer scenery then via any other line
to California.
Information and California liter
ature on rcquotit. J. Francis , Pans-
eager Agent , Omaha , Nub.
HW | a
Imo of
ios , QDINsire , Mme , Brr
Boots and Shoes , Wngons , Buqgios ,
And A complete
line of
Come and see mo , and 1 promioo you good goods nnd
prices ns low us the lowest.
llns n full Hnr ot
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also n Kini ) Ijinu of Hookn , Stationery , Toilet Arltulon , otc. Stores on
both North and South Sidt'H , Hrokon Bow , Nub.
V. . 0. . WOltNAI.I. , rroiMent. , . . . J. A. ItVUUIS . , Cimliliir.
A. J. ItOIIICKTSON Ylra-1'ton. W. 1) ) llltAdKWICI.Ij , Afls't CftKhlur.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
TraiiHautH a General Bunking BiiHinuss. County CliiiniH and
WarrantH Bought.
I Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have
Pound it. I' '
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock of Groceries ; and at the lowest prices you over
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing posted on what was being ottered for sale. They don't
say anything about Torbackor and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
' ristmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
jjnembor the place , on the big corner , just east of First I't
National JJank.
W. S. Proprietor ,
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty. I'I
Jeweler and Optician. t
Look Out. Look Out.
Before you buy'see II. B. Carter's fine line of Household Goods.
Everything RnePoiisSiedFioieiiesJSyiles , from a tin cup to ,
At prices never before quoted in Broken Bow.
Suites * 12.00 to § 25.00
Book Cases * 0 00 to fcSJO.OO
Side Boards $11.00 to $25 00
Iron Beds S3.CO to * lf > .00
Springs ; * 1.00 to $ U 00
Mattresses , Tablofl , Sofas , Chairs , Hookers , Window Shades ,
I'ioluro Frames and Pictures.
Do not forgot to see mo at my now location , wont side square.
Yours for business , I
. . . , . . . . .
8. . II. . IIIIItNIIAM. President Lincoln , Neb II. O. HOUI'.KS. Oashlor , Ilrokcn How.
, .
0. I1. I'KKLUY , V'-rros , lirukun How J. SI K1M1IIJULINU , An't Canhlcr.
First National Bank ,
Gunoral Banking Business Transacted ,
. . . . . . . . , . . .
. .
S. II. Ilurnliam. L. U.Jtnvetl. It. C. Tullxit. < > I1. I'orloy. II. 0. Uogors.
United States Xatlontl Hank , Oinabu. COItllKiTONIIENTS Cluisu Nutloiml : Hank. Now York. American
KxcliaiiKo Hunk , Lincoln , first Nutlonu lUuk. Urand Ulaud , Firat Mutloual liank ,
NortU Pltttto , Ntb