Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 22, 1899, Image 3

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    The Interesting fact IB revealed that
our paiior money doesn't serve in the
Philippines. It is "demonetized"
there , not by business conditions , but
by the native ants , that eat it up.
Against such opposition the effort
which has boon made to introduce our
currency In the way of paying the sol
diers must perforce bo abandoned.
Nothing but gold and silver coin cnu
bo sent there.
Mm. WlnRlow'ft Hoothlnu Syrup.
For children teething , lofteni the Riimiredueei lir
Bammatlon , alltyi paincure * wind colic. 25o a Ixjttla
Torn carpets are always ready to
trip the light fantastic toe.
lror Uasy Ironing
nse " Faultless Htnrch. " No sticking , blls-
torlug or breaking. It Itxvros a beautiful
finish nnd docs not injure the most delicate
fabrics. All grocers soil it , lOa n pnckngo.
No man who has never been tempted
is sure of his honesty.
Are Ton Citing Allen's Foot-Enser
It is the only euro for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to bo shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen 8. Olmated , LeUoy , N. Y.
The soap of the queen's household
costs nearly 500 a year.
General Manager Underwood of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has is
sued an order that holders of trip
passes , desiring to stop off at any sta
tion , -will bo allowed to do so. Con
ductors will note on the back of passes
the name of the station in Ink or ln-
dellblo pencil , and this endorsement
will be honored for passage by con
ductors of succeeding trains.
Bad luck causes a man to take i
mental inventory of his friends.
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pale
cheeks won't do it.
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint
ments may be deep , but
they cannot make you look
One thing does it and
never fails. A-
It is impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of nge. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also ; stops it from falling
out ; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases/
The Beat Advloo frao <
I ( you do not obuin all the tmne-
fits you orpectwl from the nse of
the vigor , wrlto the doctor about It.
Probably there la some difficulty
with your uoneral system whlcn
may bo aattly removxa. Aclaron ,
UK. J. O. AYKH , Lowell , MUS ,
"Nothing but wheat ; what you might
call a sea of wheat. " Is what was said
by a lecturer speaking of western Can
ada. For particulars as to routes , rail
way fares , etc. , apply to Superintendent
of Immigration , Department Interior , Ot
tawa , Canada , or to W. V. Bennett , 801
New York Life Bulldlner. Omahu. Neb.
Whisker ® Dyed
A Natural Black by
Buckingham's ' Dye.
Price SO cents of nil druggists or
It. I' . Hall & Co. , Nashua , N. U.
Get Your Pension
Wrlto CAPT. O'PARRELL , Pension Agent ,
1423 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C.
SiuuiUli nnil Civil Wnrs SoT
PENSIONS fliers , Sailors ; , WUlows.Chlldren ,
B Futlicri nnd Mothers. No fee unless success
ful. K. II , CKLSTOX CO. , Allororji , WMhlDfton , D. C.
E .fl
n * ic tins cUltna , ut ty since.
r T \trfT 'nJtli nr"TTT rl pP r i n fe
rtt luKta WHtnt ALL ttbt fAlLa. . ,
El Dost Uongh Syrnn. Viutw Good. UM
Bl Inttmo. Bom br droralrts.
Or , The Adventures of i
An Eton Boy. . .
CHAPTER XXX. ( Continued. )
Whoever among us had done this
was guilty of wanton malice and trea
son to the rest of his friends for
friends wo hoped wo wcro , as well as
brothers in misfortune.
Wo also examined the mutilated
bread bag. In the side thereof was a
olean slash a foot in length , made by
some sharp instrument , and by this
aperture the biscuits bad been ab
stracted by some one who had Inserted
his hands through the fragile wall of
our hut , which , as I have stated , was
composed only of turf and branches.
The theft had been committed In
the night , but by whom ?
Was the thief one of ourselves ? Tnc
eyes of each seemed to ask the hate
ful question of the others , and to repel
their Inquiring glances ; but soon after
three of our missing biscuits were
discovered by Tom Lambourno , lying
a few yards apart among the long
grass as if the abstractor had dropped
them during a hasty flight toward the
' Mountain.
woods or the Devil's
"In addition to ourselves there Is
some ono else on this Island , " exclaimed
"and this accounts
ed Hlslop , emphatically ;
counts for the loss of the studding-sail
boom ; nnd without delay , this some
one else must be discovered. "
Wo dreaded lest savages might bo
concealed in some of the caverns or
woods , and that they might come upon
us in the night and slay all , or that
they might make off with or destroy
the long boat , our most valuable pos
It was at once resolved that ono of
our number ( to bo regularly relieved )
should remain in it day and night ,
armed with the hatchet , our only
weapon , and that ho should bo well
flogged If ho slept or neglected the
double duty of watching the hut and
boat , which wore close by each other.
The Mystery Increases.
An immediate search was resolved
upon. Lots were cast for the one who
was to remain behind to guard our
property and the duty fell upon mo.
Armed with the boat stretchers , or
with clubs which they had carefully
selected and cut from the trees , His-
lop departed with all my companions ;
and after proceeding over the grassy
plain , they soon disappeared In the
woods that covered all the lower slope
of the great mountain.
I cannot describe the sensations of
loneliness that came over mo on Had
ing myself for the first time single ,
alone , and left entirely to my own
reflections and resources.
The carpenter's hatchet was my on
ly weapon ; and armed with it I sat
on a grassy slope midway between the
hut and sea gazing anxiously inland ,
listening for any passing sound ; but
all remained still , save the chafing of
the waves on one hand , and the loud
buzz of tropical insect life in the thick
ets or among the long grass on the
What , I asked myself , if savages
were actually lurking in the woods ,
and , on seeing that all my companions
were gone , they should conic tumultuously -
ously down upon the hut and boat ?
1 woukf at cnce become their victim.
Or what would be my fate If my
friends fell into an ambush , or per
ished in detail ?
Could any human beings be lurking
in the two adjacent isles ? was my next
We had never seen anything alive
on them not even wild goats or boars ,
and if there were other inhabitants ,
the steepness of the rocks , which rose
sheer from the water , and the fury
of the surf that rolled between , for
bade any attempt to cross.
So in such painful surmises , and In
keen watching , I passed the most of
the day alone.
In the afternoon , ono by one , all my
shipmates returned to our little head
quarters on the shore , weary and
Jaded torn by briers and brambles In
the thickets and all had the same
tale to tell. They had seen and heard
of nothing save wild boars , wild goats
and sea birds.
Hlslop now directed that ono of our
number should guard the hut by night ,
and a second the boat , with orders to
hall each other in this fashion :
"Boat , ahoy ! "
"Hut , ahoy ! "
This was to Insure a watchful look
out ; but with all these precautions ,
wise and necessary though they wore ,
our feeling of security , and oven of
reliance on each other , was gone for
the time.
As these occurrences excited the Im
agination of our companions , some of
those who watched the hut and boat
by night asserted that when all our
party , save themselves , were safely
lodged and asleep , something like the
figure of a very tall man had appeared
for an Instant on the bluffs that over
hung the sea , between thorn and the
But of this mysterious personage , if
such existed anywhere , except in the
overstrained imagination of n lonely
midnight watcher , wo could discover
no trace during the day.
One night , when Francis Probart
nnd Ned Carlton were on watch , a
sound like the distant report of a pistol
was heard by them , and at the same
Instant both paw a flock of petrels
and storm finches rise up in the moonlight -
light from the face of the blurt , where
they revolved above the breakers , HUe
n swarm of knats In a sunbeam.
So if Ned and the carpenter were
mistaken In the sound , the birds wore
also roused and alarmed.
Mark Hislop ridiculed their story .but
he was considerably bewildered , and
so were we all when two days after
ward a seaman named Hugh Chute ,
when rambling In the woods , found
ono of our goats , which wo know by
the fragment of rope still tied round
its neck , lying dead , with a bullet in its
He brought It to the hut , where the
wound was cut open and the bullet
extracted. It was small , and had evi
dently been fired from a pistol ; this
event caused the most exciting specu
lations , amid which the carcass was
hastily burled , as none of us would cat
of it.
What or who could this person be ?
were the prevailing questions ; and
what was his reason for concealing
himself from us , In the thick woods of
the island ?
In the thorough exploration of the
atter , caused by these episodes , our
people fortunately discovered a flno
grove of banana trees , and returned
aden with their yellow and luscious
At the same time Tattooed Tom
'ound ' some letters "In a foreign lingo , "
is he said , cut on the face of a steep
rock , overhanging the river , which
brmed the cascade at the beach. To
.his rock lie conducted Hlslop and me
ho next day , nnd after tearing aside
omo masses of creepers and scraping
off a rich coating of moss , wo found '
Jils old legend on the smoothed face ot
he basalt :
'El Noble Caballero , D. Alphonso do
Albuquerque ;
A. D. 150G.
Rvgven a Dlos per ol. "
"Tho year of the discovery of the Is-
and ! " said Hlslop.
"Have other eyes over seen this In
scription since ? " added I.
"It is very doubtful. This Alphonso
also discovered the Albuquerque Kays ,
as lie named the three islets which Ho
off the Mosquito shore in the Carib
bean soa. "
Hislop copied the Inscription in to
his notebook , and Just as wo turned to
leave the spot a large stone , about
sixty pounds In weight , came crashing
down the cliff , hurled , apparently , from
its summit , and , if so , by no inexpert
hand , for it struck the rock of the
legend within a foot of where Hlslop
stood , and was shivered into a hun
dred pieces , covering him over with
Had It struck him Instead , ho had
been slain and mangled on the spot.
Had a fragment broken any of his
limbs , in how miserable a plight would
lie have been on that desolate lalarid ,
without proper shelter or surgical aid ?
Looking up to the summit of the
cliff , which was about a hundred and
fitly toct in height , I perceived among
the dense fringe of wild gourds.shrubs ,
leaves and plantain trees , then waving
in the wind , something like a human
face , that , after peering over at us , was
suddenly withdrawn.
"That stone was never dislodged ,
either by goats or by accident , " said
Hlslop ; "there Is not a vestige of clay
upon the fragments besides , all the
face of the cliff Is smooth and solid
rock ! "
"And it is the only place wo did not
overhaul yesterday , Master Hlslop , "
said Tom Lambournc.
"Then there must bo the thief of
our biscuits of our goats "
"Of our F.tun'sail boom and my old
guernsey. Lot us have all hands
turned up for a hunt again , " exclaimed
1 now mentioned what I had seen.
"A man ! do you think it was a
man's head ? "
"I can not bo certain , Hlslop , " said
I ; "It seemed a face of some kind , and
a very hairj one , too. "
"It might be an old pumpkin , " sug
gested Tom , in his matter-of-fact way.
"Or a goat at all events , it could
not have been a baboon ! " said I.
"No , no ; there Is no such animal
hereabouts , Master Rodney , " replied
"Man or monkey , goat or devil , we'll
overhaul the place this very after
noon , " exclaimed Hislop , with Increas
ing energy , and anger ; "but first we
shall return with all expedition to the
Tlit Mystery Solved.
All day the air had been unusually
sultry and breathlessly hot , even for
the tropics at that Reason ; but when
the sun sank westward , when the air
became cooler , and the shadows of the
island , with its wooded bluff and tow
ering blue mountain , across the slope
of which the light gossamer clouds
lay floating , half-way up , wore thrown
far eastward over that lonely sea
which no keel seemed ever to furrow ,
we prepared for a further exploration ,
or , as Hugh Chute Bald , "to overhaul
that ere cliff from truck to keelson. "
Chute and Carlson were dispatched
to Its base by ( ho way of the rlvor
bank , nnd to whcio the cascade pour
ed over the rocks , waking the solemn
echoes of the otherwise silent ravlno.
Tholr Instructions wore to station
themselves near the rocks which bore
the Spanish legend to keep a sharp
lookout on the face of the cliff and all
the way up to the grove of banana
trees that grew on Its summit ,
Billy the cabin boy was left In charge
of the hut and boat , whllo Hlslop ,
with the rest of us advanced toward
the cliff , up the sloping bank of which
Its only accessible point wo pro
ceeded to climb.
It was , or Is ( twelve months can
make no change ) a hundred and fifty
feet j In height , as I have stated , ris
ing sharply up from the side of the
great | mountain , and Is covered by a
Jungle j of wild shrubs that must ha'vo
been growing there since the days of
the del u go
The creepers with gummy branches ,
the sharp serrated grass , the yellow
gourd vines , the wild tendrils and
plants of which wo know nolthor the
names nor the nature , wore there In
terwoven as closely as a herring not ,
to the depth of seven or eight foot
from their roots.
Amid this Jungle the hum of the
myriads of great Insects which wo
roused nnd dislodged was deafening ;
while the black clouds of gad-flies and
cockroaches were very bewildering ,
and , to say the least , annoying.
We floundered and fell as wo waded
through this sea of leaves and verd
ure ; but rose nnd scrambled on again ,
pausing over and anon , breathless and
exhausted , to sit and fan ourselves , or
to aid in pulling each other out of this
Jungly network , for It resembled that
which sprang by magic spoil around
the palace of the sleeping beauty In
tha old fairy tale to bafllo all intrud
ers for a hundred years.
Hlslop , who had not yet recovered
his strength , was among the first to
give In , and declare , when half way up ,
that "ho could climb no further ! "
Two or thrro took advantage of this
admission to remain with him for a
tlmo ; but I , refreshed by a rlpo ba
nana which hud fallen from the trees
at the top , and which I found Just
at hand , pushed on , and being lighter
than any of my companions , got ahead
of them all.
After half an hour's severe toll , dur
ing 1 which my hands and knees wcro
lacerated 1 nnd torn by sharp blades of
gigantic grass , and by the gummy
creepers to which one's very flesh ad
hered at times , I reached at last the
banana trees , the foliage of which
waved like a gigantic plume on the
summit of this isolated rock.
The banana rises with a stem which
Is about six or scvon inches in diam
eter at the root , and from thence
tapers upward to the height of eighteen
or twenty foot , to where the loaves
spring like a bright green tuft , broad ,
wavy , feathery , and drooping , as those
of the palm do.
I uttered a shout an "lo pooanl"
to my companions , announcing that I
had gained the summit before them ,
and armed with my only weapon , the
teak-wood spear , pushed my way for
ward between the smooth stems of the
bananas , till I reached the abrupt
brow of the cliff , from the verge of
which I saw , far down below , the
bright blue stream that rose on the
slopes of the great mountain , running
through the heart of the Isle nnd glit
tering In the setting sun among groves
nnd ravines , to where it poured In
foam upon the white sandy beach , and
mingled with the mighty Southern sea.
I saw also the figures of Chute and
Carlton , as they stood near the rock
which bore the Inscription , but they
could neither distinguish mo nor hear
my shout , which gave fresh ardor to
those whom I had left half-way down ,
and who now resumed their ascent.
( To bo continued. )
That of the Cnmhcrlitiul Now on the
IV. II , Alncy.
If the port anchor of the American
ship W. II. Macy , now lying at Grcon
street wharf , could talk it might un
fold some wonderful yarns. The big
but ungraceful mud hook swinging
over the ship's bow was once suspend
ed through the hawse plpo of the Unit
ed States frigate Cumberland. When
it was made nobody now seems to
know , but It is more than likely that
It began its career of usefulness with
the launching of the Cumberland. It
was on the Cumberland in 1801 when
the war broke out nnd probably when
the frigate disappeared under the wat
ers of Hampton Roads. Between that
day nnd the time that the Macy was
launched , which occurred about fifteen
> ears ago , the history of the Cumber
land's anchor IP unknown. "Old Cum
berland , " as the sailors call the big
anchor , weighs about five tons , which
is nearly twice as much as the average
anchor used by sailing craft. The
stock is sixteen feet long and of solid
oak , which Is as sound today as when it
rested on the deck of the Cumberland.
The ring , through which the cable
passes , is large enough toi admit the
passage of the body of a full-grown
man , nnd the flukes are Just three and
a half feet wide. The only signs of the
anchor's past now visible Is the name
U. S. S. Cumberland stamped Into the
iron. Some of the Jotters arc almost
obliterated , but there Is enough left
to Identify the anchor.
Well Alone In Your * .
"Isn't Hello's husband old enough to
bo her father ? " "Her father ! Why ,
my dear , he's old enough to bo a cap
tain In the United States navy ! " Phil ,
adclphla North American.
Mme. Melba , when a girl in Austra
lia , learned to be a good horsewoman ,
an acquirement which she has religi
ously kept up over since.
"r.ottlnir Down tlio Vrlcrn. "
In Omnha they can't say those words
rltliout adding "at Ilnydcn Bros. "
1'hls big store has niiulo that motto
household word there , and their frto
atalogues have carried it to nearly
very state in the union. Every freight
rain out of Omaha carries big ship-
nents from them to hundreds of ens-
.omors. They sell in any quantity ,
great or small. Tholr customers get
ho benefit of largest spot cash buying
uul greatest assortments , liaydcn
Bros , are feeling elated over this noa-
on's mall order business and are look-
ng forward to visits from thousands
of their customers during the Greater
America Exposition.
Captain Frederick Wntklns is still
on the wrecked steamship Paris ,
which ho commanded and refuses to
eave the vessel. Ho is stricken with
grlof at the disaster , and among his
friends there is an evident fear that
the mental strain has proved too much
for him.
"A ( U-nnlnu l.nil < r. "
A leader is put forward to attract
one's attention ; it is not to make
money with , except indirectly , as it
may bring those who otherwise would
not come. Wo have bought a very
largo order of flno navy blue serge
that wo guarantee to bo strictly fast
color. We have nmdo it up Into enough
suits to supply our fourteen retail
stores , a regular f2 or $16 suit , and
wo have decided to put this splendid
value bcforo the public for ? 8 u suit ,
any size.BROWNING
Omaha , Nob.
Ex-Speaker Reed writes homo that
ho Is enjoying his European tour as
lie never enjoyed a vacation since hln
school tlnyti.
Invention * .
All inventors having Inventions for
aalo should write to Sues & Co. , Pat
ent Lawyers , Bee Building , Omaha ,
Nob. , for their free pamphlet on Pat
ent Property , which sots forth the best
methods of selling patents.
Stupid persona are seldom dissatis
fied wth themselves.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 150. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health"
Insist that jour srrocer Hires you OR AIN-O.
Accept uo Imitation.
JFrom Sttntar
to TTfrs.
[ LKTTER TO tins. HNKHAII NO. 76,114 ]
"Ono year ago last Juno three doe-
tors gnvo mo tip to tllo , and as I had at
different times used your Vegctablo
Compound with peed results , I had too
much faith in it to dlo until I had tried
it again. I was apparently an invalid ,
wa.s confined to my bed for ton \vcelts.
( I bullava my trouble was ulccrutioti of
womb ) . )
"After talcing four bottles of the
Compound and utdng' some of the Liv r
Pills and Sanative Wash , at the end of
two months I had greatly improved
and Weighed 155 pounds , when 1 never
bcforo weighed over 138. Lydla E.
PinUham'H Vegetable Compound is the
best medicine I over used , and I recom
mend it to all my friends. " Mns. ANNA
EVA , HioaiNsvii-LK , Mo.
Mrs. Itnrnlmrt Eiijoji Lfo | Oiico More * ,
" DKAH Mns. PINKIIAM I had been
Blolt over filnco my marriage , seven
years ago ; have given birth to four
children , nnd had two miscarriages. I
had falling of womb , Iciicorrluun , painn
In back nnd logs ; dyspepsia and a
nervous trembling of the stomach.
Now 1 have none of tlieso troubles and
can enjoy my life. Your medicine haa
worked wonders for mo. " Mm 8 ,
Nuw CASTI.I : , PA.
It nlio euros luiythltw In tlio niUuro of
wounds , eruption vHsehii WIN , or Inllnm-
million of llio skin orimu-oiH membrane.
Not soup or ointment lint u soothing ,
lictilliiK liitlon , 1'lvlnt ? Immuillnto relief
from llchlutj or burning , tiiul Insuring a
rapid cure.
Bltos of inoiqultoos nnd other Iniocti ,
poison-Ivy , tlrod , awollon , nnd Inllnmad
loot , ohnflnui nnd other sltln disorders
peculiar to the summer season , Instnntly
rollovt'd by Uaimozouc. diva Clenno.
zone ton dnys1 Irlnl. If not found en-
tlrcly Hnllsfiictory , return the UIIUHOI )
portion to UK nnd wo will promptly refund
fund your money.
Trial slzo.lOoj lurgo size , Wo postpaid.
Goo. H. Lee 0'iemooal Co. ,
Omnha , Nob. , or 00 Murroy St. , Now York , j
$4 SHOES for
A Vulr.
Now Styles , Ont nnd Finish ,
Write or mil for imrtlouUri ,
KI1H ChlriiK" SI. , Oiimllli.
W lifiYP Imitator * , tun no Coiniottton. |
Hoiul to tiny for our Immlwmioly u
IWIlt mmltDifury woik on pHtt'itlx. V ItKll *
I'utont l.invyorH. WitHhlitKtnn , 11. O.
I'm ' Illtf H fur iiiiiuitural
illnrhiiriicn , Inlliuiniiiillniu ,
Irritation * ur iiluTullnni
uf in u c o u H inenilirKiM't.
'niiilcKB , nnil nut intrlu *
k'dit or poUuiiDtirt ,
Nolil IIT l > rneirliit ,
or unit in plain wrapper ,
liy cxpri'iin , | in-mlil | , for
II do , i > r,11'Oltlcn , | 2.7i.
C'lrculitr gent on r < | UOBt.
\ VANTr.ICn o of Imflnonmi Unit IM-P-A-N-B
Will not lirnufU. Bom ! A ri'litii to Itlpnni * Cliemloul
Co.Now Yorkfor 1U nami'lcn ' aud l.UUO testimonial ) .
"JSUtT..rilSf ' Thompson's Eye Water.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 25-lb09
At Wholesale Prices ?
You soy , "Yos , I do. " Then send for Free Catuloguo nnd Terms.
To this Store to itinko It your .stopping point your Htnrt-
i U point your tttcctluu point your trailing point have your
nmil como iti our euro chuck your pnrccls horu tmiKc your homo here
while nt the HxpoHltloii. Our object la to make It mi object to you to
visit us. We want your friendaliip-iiwl your trmlo moat of you trade
with M.H now and > vo wntit the rest or you to trade here. We believe wo
can jjet It If you will come and look at our stock our establishment our
way of doing business.
. . . Why Not Send for Our Catalogue . . .
ia Bicfoi@s ] for
Ladles' Columbia Bevel-Gear Chalnless , LADIES' COLUMBIA CHAIN ,
MODEL 51. MODEL 46 ,
IO08 Prloo $125. Rotlucocl to 1898 Prlco S7Q. Reduced to
S60.GO- $42.50.
These machines nroColumlilnsof the hlphost yrmle throughout ami bear
thn Columbia tfuurunU'p. They are not bliop-worn wheels eitrrii'd over from
Iftht year , but artof IHd'j ' manufacture. Compare them imrt for part with
other liicycloB and you will find good reasons for the tulmitted superiority
of Columbia quality. The Htoek of these models ih limited.
If tliero In no agent In your locality , write to us direct.
POPE SV5FG. CO. , Hartford , Conn.