NO 1 , RAGLE WHEELS SHOW THEIR St'EKl ) AT THE COSTER COUNTY PAIR , BY Six Firsts , Five Seconds and Three Thirds , out of a total of Seven Races. FOR SAI.K BY Bicycles Sundries , and Edwin P. Myers , Repairing- . Opposite Partners Bank. 7if . : IV.fc IPainte I I JIK 9 1 1 M * . \ ! t.J t.Ji J. G. EAEBEELE.I im * Farmers , ask my compelitors if they can carry $1,000.00 K of Insurance against Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Cyclones | and Wind Storms for eight years for $15. That's what I can j | do , and in a company thai has over $27,000,000 of insurance | in force in Ihis slale. E. C. HOUSE. ' & & & s r- ' - Harry Day & Cos In order to reduce the Salisbury stock of Goods we recently purchased so as to en able us to consolidate our two stores as soon as possible , we will for the NEXT SIXTY DAYS continue to give our customers better prices J than they can secure at wholesale. We bought these goods in a lump , and at figures below eastern prices , hence we have no competitors in prices or quality of goods in Broken Bow. If you want real bargains in Dry Goods , Boots , Shoes , Clothing , Call and see us at SALISBURY'S OLD STAND , in the Realty Block. HARRY DAY & CO. Local ! Mentioia. Job printing at this ofh'oe. Cannon Oity coal at Diorks Lumber Co. I. A. Coleman of Monui was a oity visitor Monday. Dr. MoArthur , of Woslorvillo , was a friendly caller Monday. Curtain poloe , now and nobby , go at 25o. A.W. DKAICK. FOR SAIK Pony , cart and har ness. TAYLOR FUOK. 0 22 3t. Perry and Claro-ico Melcalf , of \Valworlh , mule this ollioo a social call Monday. A h'no rain visited tins locality Monday night. It waa greatly appreciated. John Tyson , weal ot iho oity , is building a story and a half frame hoiiso on his farm. Chas. S. Osborne was ever from Sargont Sunday , llo reports the prospects for his business good. City and farm properly insured against tire , lightning and torna does. J. M. KIMUUKMNG. FOR SAUK Two houses ; one two blocks east of square , and one west of Glebe hotel. Enquire at Bangs' studio. R. M. Dixou , a former resident of Callaway , who has boon south for several years , has returned to Ouster county satisfied to stay. Do nol neglect to consult Dr. Seymour at the Grand Central Ilotol July 5th. if you are having auy trouble with your oyos. The following towns in iho county have announced their intention to celobraio Iho 4th of July , Callaway , AnsleyMason City and West Union. Bed room suits lower than pver ; line couches ; to appreciate quality and price couio and see them. A.W. DRAKK The Children's Day exorcises al Iho Uaplisl church Sunday night were highly appreciated by Iho large audience that assembled lo wilnoss them. Dr. Soytnour brings the most complete line of scientific instru ments for the eye over brought to this oUy. At the Grand Central Ilotol July 5th. Sunday was a soorohor. The thormonotor registered 100 in the shade at 2 o'clock in iho afternoon and aslato as 0 o'clock still register ed 100 in the shade. The RBPUHMCAN is under obliga tions to E.W.UoedjOf Iloldrogofor copies of iho Citizen and Process , containing the report of the State Sunday School convonlion. A hail storm visitoJ the vicinity of Miller in Buffalo county Irst week badly damaging the crops. There wera 1000 window lighls broken in the town of Miller. Farms for sale and lands for rent Now ia the time to got a farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all going and prices are commencing to advance rapidly. J.G.Brenizor. Judge Sullivan convened an equity term of court in this city Monday. A number of canes were disposed of , that could bo tried without a jury. The session will close today. Dr. W. I. Seymour of Omaha will bo in Broken Bo/ for one day July 5th and will be pleased lo moot all those who desire lo con- t-ult him about their eyes. At iho Grand Central Hotel. The Sargenl Era slalos that W. II. Kussell of this oity was ihcro lasi week having billsstruck , adver tising himself a. < a magnetic Healer Wo understand that Mr KiiHcell was a f Indent under Prof. Solield of Ihis oily. W. E. Swongol and Roy I'arker , of Milburn , were social callers Mon day. Mr Swinge ! was in tin- oil ) making proof on his timber claim Ho says Children's Day oxoroinos were held Sunday by their Sunday School in the grove. A largo crowd wis in attendance. Mandolins , ihroo only left ; no room for them ; they go at one fourlh price. Pantol and oil pic tures go for less than cost of frame Iron beds * 1.50 to $75. I buy all kinds of goodc , and advance money on auy article of value. A.W. DKAICK. Rov. D. D. PropCr , of Dos Moines arrived in Iho oily lasl nighl , on a vigil will ) his father and bro ther. He is a missionary for Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , and Colorado. Ho will preach in the Baptist ohuroh tonight. Ho is an able epeakor , and all who can should hear him. T. 1C. VanAntworp of Lodi was a city visitor Monday. ritfc. Ilaokburgli of An solmo wan n friendly caller Saturday. G. W.M. Bodoll of Stop Table , was a friendly called Tuesday. J. S. Francis , of Morna , made this olliico a social call Monday. A good buggy for sale ohoapl Inquire at Presbyterian parsonage. Found A pair of glasses. Call prove proper t } ' and pay for this tiotice. Isaac Doardoof of Mason City was looking after business in the city Monday. 11. B. Kelly , of Borwyn , was among the welcome callers at this oflioo yesterday. Tlios. D. Gill , of Genet , kindly romiMuborod this oflioo yesterday while in the oity. Chas.Klumpof Cliff , called Mon day and ordered his paper changed to Klump post otlico. CATTI.K FOR SALIC : At nil limes on mv ranch six miles southwosl of Broken Bow Jesse Gaudy. The U. S. land oflioo was moved lasl week lo its new location on the second floor of iho post oflioo build ing.Dr. Dr. Ponnington is building an oftieo on the vacant lol between Ryoreon's grocery sloro and Mo- Comas * south side drug Mloro. Mrs. Chas. Osborno accompanied her husband to Sargont the first of lhi week they expect to move as noon as they can got a IIOUHO. Wanted , a girl to do general house work. Good wages to the right person. tf MRH. JAMKS Licmvum. Dr. Graham's now method of oxtracling leoth is absolutely pain less. No sere mouth , as in Iho 'use of other local amustholics. a2fi E. J. Pillaway is building quite an < jxtonsivo addition to his dwell ing house , whioh greatly improves its appearance. W. A. Thompson is doing the work. , 'W. M. Vannioc , just , west ol Ihe city a ooufile of miles , has a new frame house about completed and ready for occupancy. It is 20 by 28 feet , with five looms. The county board , whioh convened as a board of equalization Tuesday of last week , is still in session. Siii'jo Monday , Iho regular work of Iho board haa bcon the program. K)0 acres only 4 miles from Broken Bow worth $1200.00 will be sold for $800.00 cash if taken by Saturday , June 24th. Wiijjs CADWKU , . Before having any hail insurance written on your crops see W. D. Blackwoll the agent of the old and reliable St Paul Fire and Marino insurance Co. and got his rates and tot ins. Dr. R. B. Mullins and wife of Sargont came over Saturday and re mained over Sunday visiting with relatives. Wo are pleased to learn that the doctor in building up a fine praotioe in his now homo. But ono of the whiskey oases has yet boon disposed of. The Wesl Union druggists plead guilty and wore fined 100 by Judge Armour , Tuesday of lasl week. The olhor capes will be Iried in district court. Prof. John N. Caress has boon clouted principal of the Davenport schools. As Iho wages are fifleen dollars morn a month than they pay al Sumner , ho w ill lender his re signalion at the latter place. I ! acceptedho will take the Davenport school. Through the kindness of W. E Swpiig.O , of Milburn , we arc in lh ri'coipl of the Milburn EntcrpriHC , f small four page paper , edited an < " published by his cloven year oh daughter. The paper has starlet on its third year. It in quite wol gotten up for one HO young. The school board } ji-ld a meeting on Saturday evening to elcc teachers in the grammar and inter mediate rooms to fill the vacancie occasioned by the resignation o Mr. Hopkins and Miss Maulicl whioh resulted in the choice o M'Srt Ethel Rigi > lo for the gramma and Misp Olara Powell for the in- lermedialo. Callaway Courinr. . Mr , and Mrs. O. II. Movis "lof Tuesdav of last week for their now homo in MinnoNota , Their stor here was loft in ohargc of P. II Monk , who has boon in Mr. Mevis employ for several years. Mr Mnnk is one of Broknn Bow's most highly respected citizens , a good saleman , and a most genial man with whom to do business. Call and eee htm. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alum twlttng powders arc ( lie greatest mcnaccrs to Health of the present day. S. P. Great look charge of the' Glebe llolol Monday , Air. Groal reconlly purchased the hotel and barn of Messrs. Smith , bill ho had to wait until Mr. Wright's lease expired before ho could got pos session. The Rici'UiiuoAN extends a welcome to Mr. Great and his estimable family. The first number of the Sargont Loader reached us last week. It is a five coltim quarto and oviry page teems with ability and skill. U is a oredil lo both its publisher and the community. The people of Sargont should be proud ot it and should show their appreciation of the paper by giving it their hearty support. A complaint file i against Dr. MoArthui , by attorney ICirkpatnck , containing twenty-live charges of illicit t-alo of whiskey , brought the Doctor before Judge Armor Friday. Ho waived oxamin.uion , and was bound ever lo appear before Iho dislriul court. In Iho cane against Dr. Wayniok , of Sargent , Tuesday of last week , the defendant waived xamination , and gave bond for his ippoaranoo in the district court. S. D. Butcher , of Iho Middle Loup , who was in Iho city Monday in- orms us that ho expects to start on ha road soon with his art gallery 0 take views and piclures of farm IOIIHOH , with a view of completing ho work necoHsary to got out his llusirated history of Ouster county , lo has a large number of nogaliv < s akt'ii ol r.ip.'hoH , and farm houses , 1 number i I year ? ag > and biograph- cat skololirH of many of Ihe curly lelllorH which ho will use in his his- ory. ory.Mrs. Mrs. J. S. Hadden relumed lasl Phuraday night from Humboll , rvhoro she v as called by Ihe serious llnofs of her cousin , Miss Eclilh ) yo. Miss Dye < lied before she reached there. The deceased spoil I several monlhs hero lasl season visiting with Mm. Hadden , and du.-- ng the time in ado Ihe acquaintance : > f many of Broken How UIUXUDH , who regret lo learn of her death. The RKI-UUMOAN extends Hiuccre sympathy to Mr. and Mrs , Haddon n their bereavomenl. The annual roll call of Ihe Bap tist church will bo hold Salurdaj and Sunday An inloresling pro gram has been arranged. Several able speakers from abroad aio ox- pooled to bo present. The IJ. Y. P. U. mooting Sunday afternoon , will bo addressed by Rev. Kolsom , of Hastings , lie is an able apeakor. The members of the oilier young people's HooictieM of Ihe cily are especially invited lo utteml. Sup per will boHiTV'd Saturday evening , in the I. O. O. F. building , at o'clock. A. F. anil A. M iHlallalion The following1 officers elect of Emmet Crawford lodge A. P & A. M. were- installed last Saturday night vix. J. R. Dean , master , A. R. llumplirey , senior warden , M. K. Ilag'odorn , junoir warden , II. Lomax secretary , L. II. Jewell , treasurer , C. CJ. , senior deacon , S. K. Ilaines , junoir deacon , 13. F. McClure , tyler. Kov. .1. W. Moguii SurprlM'tl. Itov.j.W.Megan pastor of Ihe Baptist church was given a sur prise last night by his members and friendsit being1 his birthday They took with them enough groceries to last the family sever al weeksbesides a purse of mon ey The prcsenlalion speech was made by Willis Cadwcll to which the pastor replied expressing his thanks. The exercises were * con cluded with prayer , by Rev. llo"r- naday. They took with them a supply of and cake , with which the crowd was treal- ed. A good lime was enjoyed. .Married. IIUTTON-MmmKUIi-At Ilio lUptldt * O. 'Vi01.1. Slln'lft , , } ; * \ < J ! ' n , Juno 18th , Mr. II. oMiriikou Ilim. to Ml Murlo O. ' KmOMun IoWlUov ! - JW. . Moi-an ho groom IH iho skilled lonsorial artist in Claude Wahl's b.uborshop , During hid nhort residonoo here , ho has in ml u miiuy friundd. The bride is a stranger in this vicinity , but has Iho appearance of a lady of culture ami rulinomunt. The RKPUULIOAN extends to them oongratulalionu. IHi-il. KKtiliKU-XVoiliioiKlity , Juno Nlli , IKW , HOT. J. - . , - . J. Kuclor , ( it Uraiiil Ulniul , ut iliupny. rffl John Johnson Koolor was born in PalttUown , Montgomery county , Pa. , iMay 27 , 1817. ' 1 hero ho re mained at home until ho was 21 years of ago , when he wont to Winona , Minn. It was there in the ' autumn of the same year al Iho ago of 'Jl , that ho was converted to the chrisliati religion. On the first Sunday of January , 18UO , ho was baplised into the fellowship of the First Baptist ohuroh by Rov. G. VV. Slouo , who was then pastor. 11 o WUH immediately led into the mis sion work of the church ; feeling a great desire to devote all his time to leading sou's to Christ , he was recommended by the church as a student lorlhu university. Ho then wont to Shortloll college ; at Upper Alton , Illinois , while there ho did mission nork in connection with his studios. In 1H77 ho was ordained - dainod to the minislry of the gosuel al Ml. Sterling 111. His next mo'vo was to got a tlieologioal training for \ Ins chosen work. In 1877 ho en tered iho Morgan Park Seminary , where ho graduated with Iho class of 1880. The same year ho aouopted a call lo Ihe paslorato of 'ho Baptist $ 'I ohuroh of Central City with which ! ? ohuroh ho spent five years in con- " * \ sooratod and fruitful service , no ' ] ! ' Castor having accomplished more f A for the church than was accomplished - ) \ ed by him. On Oolobor 20lh,1880 , ? tf lie was appointed to the responsible | S position of General missionary for . % , , the Baptist state convention , which position ho ably tilled until October - 91 , 181M wlion ho resigned because of failing In a I Ih Since 180-1 ho hay servoJ Puublo and Durango , Colorado , bpl the alutudo being too # ' great for him , he was compelled to | , i relinquish his work as pastor. Ho ' returned to Nebr.iaka and took the * work of financial becrotary of Iho J Grand Island col It-go , in whioh ho Horvud a year. Since lhai lime ho has not had a regular pasloralc for nny ' , greal period , but huii rendered vain- \ able service in Mipplying churches hero his services were needed. Uo ' > preached 2,7-10 sermons in 28 years. f On the 1 Ith day of November 1805 , ' he was married , in Broken Bow lo MIHS Dora Kisor , daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Goo. Kisor. From this union were born unto thorn two f" children , William and jEdgar , who d with his wife survive him. For 1 tlo pasl year Mr. and Mrs. Kisor , \ al his request have been making -v Ihoir homo with his family , year. Ho leaves his wife and child- . ? roil well provided for , financially. jj The funeral services wore hold in 2. Iho Baptist church al Grand Island H last Friday , Juno Kith , Dr. Jordan ' * preaohing the sorinon from Phil. 1- 2J ! The Rici'unucAy joins wilh the many friends of the bereaved family in extending sympathy. Teachers Instilulo. The Cttster county teachers institute will begin July 24 and continue two weeks. At the close of the institute : i convention \ of j 1 members of school board , and pa trons will be held to discuss mat ters pertaining to the best inter est of our schools. Instructors of the institute will be Profs. B. B. Hawthorne , of Merna ; C. K. At kinson of lidgar , and Miss C. M. ' Uurgert of Nebraska City. McMaliini McMuhon agtiinHt whom a com plaint of ham only wus raado by Anna HalHioad , of MaHoti oily , on tin ) 3rd of last March , \vag brought to the city Monday , ami confined in jail. At the lime the complaint wan filed , the defendant escaped to Box Hutto county. At that time ho Htioceedod in making the Hliorid bi'lievo ho wnH not thn man wanted. A reward of $25 00 for his capture reHiiltcd in the Hhonff ol Box Hutto turning him ever to the authoritioH of thin county Monday , lie had bin proliminar ) trial Tut-Mlay bd'oro Judge Armour , and wan bound over to the dintrict court in the Hum of $750 , whioh ho fnrnitihod. It is ulaimod that ho haH about 1,000 iioroH of land in Box Butte county , and 000 Load of oattloi